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The Lead with Jake Tapper

President Trump's Inaugural Parade. Aired 4:30-5p ET

Aired January 20, 2017 - 16:30   ET


[16:30:00] KATE BENNETT, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: And he'll go to the stands they've been building in front of the White House and Lafayette Park for about eight weeks, just getting ready for his arrival.

DAVID GREGORY, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Baron has found his groove. He's got his inaugural groove right now. He's got a wave working. He feels comfortable, so much poise from this young guy.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: You know what's so funny is Chris, David, both you and I have a 10-year-old. We know what it's like to have -- I have a 10-year-old boy who often looks like the expression Baron is wearing right now. And, you know, this is just -- it's hard to imagine what is going through Baron's mind and how he's trying to process what is happening to his family today.

GREGORY: It's a lot, too, because depending on how -- what decisions they make as a family, he's probably going to come down to school here. There are private schools where most of his families send their kids that are particularly accustomed to accommodating the children of presidents or congressmen and women and senators. So, they're used to that from a security point of view. But it's still a huge adjustment and he's going to have to make the adjustment.

Chris, what you were saying I think is so important. Institutions in our country that are in disrepute, that are under fire, including the media, including the presidency, including the establishment of Washington, this ceremony is, in part, to remind people that those institutions matter because they're part of our continuity as a people and as a country. David Axelrod, our colleague has talked about the importance of those institutions. It's part of what is about.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: This group, a lot is security, a lot isn't. It's their sons and wives and kids. I mean, this is a really -- Kate, have we had another family -- I'm thinking maybe the Kennedy.

BENNETT: I was going to say.

CUOMO: They weren't as populous back then as they are today. In recent history this is the biggest clan we've had get in.

BENNETT: Exactly, and little children.

Yes, grandchildren. It's nice to see that. Of course, Ivanka and her whiteout fit stands out boldly. She has three kids, a five-year-old, a three-year-old and a baby. I mean, there's the little baby there being held by Jared Kushner we can see.

There is a new energy. Ivanka obviously and her family have moved to Washington, so they'll be here more. You know, there's some excitement when you see some families at the White House.

GREGORY: And think of these kid are going to be able to visit grandpa and grandma and have a movie theater in the house.


GREGORY: They can bowl and holiday parties, it's going to be a big time.

CAMEROTA: I don't know if Melania goes by grandma.

GREGORY: OK, well, fair enough.

CAMEROTA: I'm not sure she likes being called grandma.

BENNETT: They stayed at Blair House last night, the Trump family. So, they're already getting a taste of the pomp and circumstance, their new roles sort of started last night.

CUOMO: So, the president got out once the last time, they're not at the White House yet. They're going to take this final stretch up to the White House and, again, President Grant, general obviously, liked to review the troops, made that part of the parade. They will celebrate that today on the first and second families.

GREGORY: It's worth remembering, too, Andrew Jackson, that was such a power of the people. It was so rowdy, he had to sneak out of the White House because the party goers trashed the place and he had to crawl out one of the windows to go to a nearby boarding house. That's how out of control the party was. You know how the Jacksons roll. It's crazy.


CAMEROTA: Kate, back to what it will be like for Americans to watch this family grow up in and around the White House, and, you know, Michelle Obama, obviously well known for her fashion style.


CAMEROTA: People really enjoyed watching the dresses that she would choose for special events. She became a fashion icon. I think it's safe to say that Melania and Ivanka will do the same.

BENNETT: Exactly. Now, will they be as strategic? Michelle Obama's goal was to wear every American designer and shine a light on up and comers.

Right away, we've seen Oscar de la Renta and Ralph Lauren, two iconic fashion designers. Michelle Obama was unique. She wore Tom Brown for the last inauguration. J. Crew belt that sold out like that. And her first inauguration, Michelle wore bright yellow, that set the

tone the way Melania is wearing light blue. So, they'll be some echoes and everyone is keeping an eye on -- we have a double dose of glamour, I think, certainly.

CUOMO: Yes, they store up on the positive energy to deal with the negative energy. There is dissent as David said, we're not immune. There are people, not Trump supporters, not happy with the media. There are people here not happy with the new president. He's going to have to deal with that and it's a different job for him now.

He can't -- well, I shouldn't say can't. He probably shouldn't if he wants to advance his agenda.

[16:35:01] He probably shouldn't stop at every situation that happens that's negative. We'll have to wait and see.

Now, at Lafayette Park which is a huge part of this tradition, we're going to have Wolf Blitzer is there.

Wolf, are you there now? They just announced overhead the president's on his way. Start looking.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: All right, the presidential limousine is approaching the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, right behind us right now.


BLITZER: We are seeing the president-elect -- president of the United States. We see him right now. There he is inside the limo, walking, surrounded by Secret Service officers, Secret Service agents. They are pulling in front of the reviewing stand right in front of the north lawn of the White House. The president and the first lady, they are literally right in front of us right now as we're looking down on Pennsylvania Avenue as the president in his motorcade is right there.

Dana Bash, you're on the street, you're right in front of the president as well. I don't know if Dana can hear me.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: I can hear you now, would have. I couldn't hear you before.

BLITZER: You see the president's limo has just stopped. Now it's moving again. Right in front of the reviewing stand, people are standing as the president -- let's see if he gets out and walks the rest of the way or if they continue to move.

Let's see. It looks like they have stopped and it looks like they're going to get out right in front of us. We're looking down, and we're seeing the presidential limo. They're going to open the door and the president is going to walk out of this limo. They call it "The Beast."

It's an armored vehicle. Here he is.


CUOMO: So, Wolf, you're down there at Lafayette Park. You've covered many inaugurations. What's it like to see Donald Trump as president of the United States?

BLITZER: He's walking.

CUOMO: Wolf, can you hear us?

BLITZER: Very, very excited to see the president and first lady, their son Baron walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the reviewing stand, moving towards the entrance. They'll be making a left turn into the north lawn of the White House, going past the -- where the TV cameras are normally going toward the west wing. He'll be going to the reviewing stand I'm sure to watch what is going on.

This is a moment a lot of presidents have thoroughly enjoyed the history of these presidential parades as they wind up this first day as president of the United States. When I saw the president walk out of that limo, he had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the crowd. The crowd was very excited to see him and the first lady as well.

You see all the members of the family walking behind them right now. Let's see if they continue to make a left turn into the north lawn of the White House or they continue past the old Eisenhower Executive Office building next door to the White House. They're moving along and clearly they're very happy, Naftali. Tim Naftali, presidential historian, is with us as well.

This is history, Tim, unfolding.

TIM NAFTALI, CNN PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: Yes, he's on his way to his new home with the first lady. And everything is new for him.

He has been commander-in-chief just for a few hours. The military bands are out celebrating that fact. They are parading in front of us. And now he is about to go home with the help of many people here wishing him well.

BLITZER: You know, it's interesting. Last night he stayed right near where we are right now, across the street from the White House in Blair House. That's where the new first family stayed.

But now, he's going to be staying at the White House tonight, the first night in the White House.

NAFTALI: It's all about geography, Wolf. Blair House is where foreign heads of state stay. There were guests of the U.S. government stay, and now, he's crossing the street to the White House where the president lives.

BLITZER: Yes, you can see that he's waving there. Obviously, a very happy moment for the new president of the United States and the new first lady of the United States.

Chris and Alisyn, back to you.

CUOMO: All right, Wolf, big moment for you as well. We know you've covered many inaugurations, but we've never seen one like this before. Our new 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, 48th vice- president of the United States, Mike Pence.

And, boy, we've been through it all today, Alisyn, starting this early with a harsh introduction to the new security measures and what a day has followed from then.

[16:40:06] CAMEROTA: It has been an incredible day. It's been incredible to -- you know, our jobs, our front row seats on history. Often never more so than today.

We just watched the 45th president of the United States drive by us. We heard the crowd erupt. We watched everyone wave and how excited they are still here. People were clapping, taking pictures, and it was just an awesome experience. And awesome day to watch the peaceful transfer of power as Donald Trump walks into his new home, the White House.

We're going to wrap it up for mine and your coverage, Chris. We thank everyone for joining us.

CUOMO: David and Kate, appreciate it.

CAMEROTA: Thank you very much.

CUOMO: And to think, this is just the beginning, the first day of the Trump presidency begins.

Jake Tapper, we turn the coverage over to you. We are looking for omens of how the world will meet this news of the inauguration. The market closed up 95 points. I'm sure the president will tell the nation about that.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: I'm sure he will, Chris. Thanks so much. Great job out there.

And we're just watching as President Trump just got back into the car known as "The Beast." The Secret Service around him, he is right in front of the White House and I'm sitting here with my panel and we're taking this all in. The majesty of the event, this uniquely American ceremony every four years, celebrating the transfer of power or the continuation of power if a president has been reelected -- a tradition, the presidential inaugural, dating back to 1789, to George Washington, one that has been going on every four years, during times of war, during times of peace.

David Chalian, CNN political director, when you watch this, what comes to mind? You and I have been through a few inaugurations together.

DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: We have, Jake. And you just said back to 1789. It is uniquely American. And I know that we live in very partisan times, very divided times. I understand how bitter the election was. But it's impossible, I think, even if this is not a president you

supported, to watch these pictures of the family arriving at the White House for the first time and it's the house that they will all sleep in tonight, what that does to them. These pictures of this new tableau of American leadership, of this first family, we're going to learn how they sort of wear this presidency on them day in and day out. And these first initial images, it's hard not to get goose bumps.

TAPPER: And, Jamie Gangel, President Trump obviously very well known by the American people for decades. Not as well known, members of his family, many of whom who have stayed behind the scenes. Melania Trump was not a hugely -- she didn't campaign a tremendous amount. She tended to her son Baron who we saw there, very handsome, very tall 10- year-old.

The American people are going to get to know these individuals, the first family.

JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: Right, little by little. The first thing they're going to get to know is today Donald Trump has two Twitter accounts and he's using both of them.


GANGEL: He is still using at real Donald Trump, and he is now POTUS.

Look, Melania Trump had a tough coming out because of that first speech at the Republican convention. I don't -- I think we all know that this was not something she was particularly comfortable with, and she's going to be living in New York so Baron can finish the school year.

But look at her, she's absolutely elegant. Jake, you asked if that looked like Jackie Kennedy. That looks like Jackie Kennedy.

TAPPER: While everybody was watching at home, I was demonstrating my cluelessness about women's fashion. I knew it looked like Jackie Kennedy. The question was, was it an homage, a purposeful homage.

GANGEL: I think it definitely was. Everything from the bouffant hair style to the soft pastel dress with the boleroon top and the gloves. Everything emoted Camelot, that whole era of the Kennedy presidency. I think she looked amazing.

TAPPER: Emily Jane Fox from "Vanity Fair", your thoughts?

EMILY JANE FOX, VANITY FAIR: Well, I think if you look at the family in total, especially what Ivanka has been posting, the images are very Camelot-esque. They are very highly stylized.

Ivanka is a master brander. That's why we knew her before all of this. You know, of course, with her father, but she built an incredible brand around just Ivanka Trump. So, I think you're starting to see how they're going to build a brand as a first family. It is a strong American, very Camelot-esque brand. TAPPER: There is Vice President and Second Lady Pence family with

their daughters. They also have a son in the Marines. So, that is why I believe he's not here today because of that requirement that he be in the Marines. David Gergen, you've been through a number of inaugurals, and obviously, there is so much tradition that is part of this, but this is a very untraditional presence.

DAVID GERGEN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST AND FORMER PRESIDENT ADVISER TO NIXON, FORD, REAGAN AND CLINTON: Say that again. But I do think, Jake, and from -- hearing from people around the country today, so many -- so many divisions still remain, but unanimous acclaim for Melania Trump. I mean, she handled herself in a way, she dressed in a way, very stylish, and I think -- and people are just sort of stunned, and I think that she and Barron coming on stage really gave a lift to this after what was a fiery speech, and I think it set off some alarm bells, has energized a lot of his supporters, but also has left a lot of people pretty angry and stressed.

TAPPER: Salena Zito, you've been following and covering Trump's supporters for the last year and a half, and you were telling me that some of them are just moved to tears. This to -- this to some of them is the best day of their lives.

SALENA ZITO, CNN CONTRIBUTOR AND NEW YORK POST COLUMNIST AND WASHINGTON EXAMINER REPORTER: Yes. As they, you know, a lot of people -- their reaction to the speech that it was dark, it was too populist. But for them, it gave them everything that they were looking for. He brought to the -- to the (INAUDIBLE) the speech that had spoke to them through the entire campaign. He said he was there for them. He said he was there for everybody, and he -- and he talked about the things that were left behind.

TAPPER: All right. We're going to take a very quick break. When we come back, more of the inaugural parade. Stay with us.


[16:50:00] TAPPER: Welcome back to CNN's coverage of the presidential inaugural of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. We are being told that Donald Trump is going to go into the White House. And there -- now, that right there, you're looking at right now, that is the reviewing stand, and President Trump and his family will be going out there to watch the parade from inside the comfort of the reviewing stand, but he's in the White House.

Right now, our conversation continues. And Bakari, you have said that this is Donald Trump's day. It is a difficult day for democrats such as yourself to watch, but you saw during that congressional lunch, Donald Trump singling out President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and thanking them and everyone applauded for them. I thought that was a very nice moment.

BAKARI SELLERS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR AND FORMER UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE OF SOUTH CAROLINA: I think there's 65 million people that today feel some sort of angst that Hillary Clinton represents. I thought she was very strong and very graceful. I actually think that Donald Trump actually did a --did a good deed by not necessarily mentioning her during the speech because there would have been chants of lock her up and chants of boos or different things that I thought would have been disrespectful for the moment.

But yes, I think the democrats today and many people around the country who may be depressed or angry or fearful, are looking at this and celebrating an American tradition, the peaceful transfer of power, giving Donald Trump his due for being the victor in this race, and we can have a question about all of those other things at a later date, but tomorrow, you know, the resistance begins. People will begin to raise their voices in protest and many times in unison. People of good will are coming together. But today, I think that, you know, his family, him, Vice President Pence and his family, people are actually watching this in awe because win or lose -- and sometimes this is even difficult for me to say -- but win or lose, this is what our country is about. It is about the fact that around the world people cannot do this, people cannot celebrate these moments in certain parts -- we can. In democracy, it's not always beautiful, and you don't always win, but this is what our country is built upon.

TAPPER: And let me correct myself from earlier. I was talking about Vice President Pence's son. I believe his name is Rick, he's a marine. He is here, that's him on the right, waving to the crowd. So, he was not in the shot earlier, but there he is celebrating with his father and his mother.

SELLERS: If I can, just one more thing. One of the things that everyone around this table had said, it was bragged about Donald Trump's family and from the beginning of the campaign, I think that myself and many others always said that although we didn't give Donald Trump a lot of credit for policy, although we didn't give Donald Trump a lot of credit for anything, he was a good father. And you could tell that in Eric, you could tell that in Donald, you could tell that in Barron, you could tell that in Tiffany, and so he deserves credit for that. Mike Pence, you know, a beautiful family. And these two families deserve that respect in this moment to wave to the crowd, wave to their supporters because they're going to be pressed. They're going to be pressed by at least 65 million, if not more, beginning very, very soon.

TAPPER: People talking about how the first lady or the second lady didn't ask for -- the last people that didn't ask for any of this is the -- are the children of the President and the Vice President. Congressman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, you were telling me something earlier about the good seats you had to the inaugural. I kind of assumed ignorantly that, you know, whoever is the party that won, all the republicans in this case get good seats, and maybe the democrats less, so you said, "No, that's not how you're seated."

REP. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN), TRUMP TRANSITION TEAM VICE CHAIR: No, not at all. We convene on the house floor and we're gavelled to order. And then we moved to grouping by our class that we came in with, whether it's the 105th or 106th or 107th. I led our class from the 108th now, and we all signed the placard that says 108th congress, and we were standing there. I sat next to Madeleine Bordallo who is a democrat and has become a good friend through the years. We have yet travelled together, supported our troops together, and we just had a delightful time. And I will say this, since we talked fashion, she's the one that was wearing Nancy Reagan red.

[16:55:03] TAPPER: Is that right? That's a lot -- what are -- what are you wearing? Whatever (INAUDIBLE). That's a lovely story. More of that, please, as a voter.

Chief Ramsey, you were the chief of police here in Washington, D.C. during the Bush inaugural and others, but that was a contentious election, especially after the fact, you know, considering it didn't end for 32 days. The challenges for a police chief, or the U.S. Secret Service are considerable. It looks so smooth and effortless, but it takes probably literally years of planning for something like this.

CHARLES RAMSEY, FORMER PHILADELPHIA POLICE COMMISSIONER AND FORMER WASHINGTON D.C. POLICE CHIEF: Well, the planning actually starts about 18 months out, when you first start having discussions around the inauguration. It doesn't matter who becomes president. You don't worry about that until later on, but you know you're going to have the event. So, all the parties come together and begin the planning. Now, we do it every four years, so there's not a lot of difference, but the process does start fairly early. But, you know, security not only along the parade route -- when I had it, i wasn't as concerned about this part of it, although it was a concern. I was more concerned about things that happened outside of the hard perimeter if you were going to have protests. That's where you were going to probably have the biggest challenge.

TAPPER: We're going to take a very quick break. When we come back, the parade and the president will be in the reviewing stand. Stay with us.