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Gay Couples Tie the Knot in New York City; Norwegian Islander Brought Terrified Youth to Safety; Amy Winehouse Found Dead; Norwegians in Mourning; Norwegians in Mourning; Debt Ceiling Talks

Aired July 24, 2011 - 17:00   ET


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Let's go down the street now, Pennsylvania Avenue, to the White House where we find our Jill Doherty.

Jill, the president will be meeting with Reid and Pelosi there at the White House. Any response thus far from this -- I guess this news of this Reid potential plan?

JILL COHERTY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No. Not at this point. In fact, it really is moving very fast. So one hour from now we expect Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to be over here talking with the president. That would appear to be a proposal that might not sit well with some Democrats. And obviously that's something they'd want to discuss with the president. But no reaction so far, specifically to what Reid has come up with.

WHITFIELD: All right. We will find out.

And plus, we have not learned any more details about what that conference call was all about with John Boehner. Any reaction from the White House or even the president that now two days after John Boehner would walk out of the meeting with the president that he would lead calls two days in a row to try to come up with some other plan and their deadline would be by 8:00 this evening?

DOUGHERTY: Well, not specifically. You know, that's kind of -- it feels like past history at this point. Whether what they're trying to do is come up with something that could -- come up with a plan by tomorrow, which is Monday, that would give them time to post some type of plan, get a vote on it, and hit that deadline of August 2nd. And then also, you know, you do have some flurry here because of the markets in Asia trying to at least get an idea that things are moving. And it appears all of the sudden after an entire day of kind of waiting and watching that something might be afoot.

WHITFIELD: All right. Jill Dougherty at the White House, thanks so much. I appreciate that.

All right. The king and queen of Norway now were seen openly weeping leading their nation in mourning the 93 people killed in Friday's bomb and shooting terror attacks. Most of the victims were teenagers attending a summer camp. Police say, the man they have in custody has confessed and says, he acted alone with no accomplice. Investigators are also combing a long manifesto purportedly written by the man to try to determine his motivations.

And autopsy for Amy Winehouse is set to begin tomorrow in London. The 27-year-old singer whose top ten hit "Rehab" won her notoriety was found dead yesterday in her London apartment.

And while same-sex marriage is now legal in New York, it's by no means totally accepted amongst everyone there. And the law narrowly passed the state Senate last month. And earlier in the NEWSROOM, we heard from both sides of the debate. State Senator Jim Alesi voted for the marriage equality act last month. And Jason McGuire, executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom opposes same-sex marriage.


JIM ALESI (R), NEW YORK STATE SENATE: As Governor Cuomo has said, the law is the law. And I stress the point that I'm a lawmaker and I am not a reverend. I am not a person of the cloth. So, I look at my job and my responsibilities within the confines of a state senator. And because the bill was brought to the floor for a vote, I had the opportunity to advocate for that beforehand, and during the vote to cast my vote.


ALESI: Just a very open and shut case as far as I'm concerned.

WHITFIELD: All right. Well, let me get Mr. McGuire in. Last word on that, Mr. McGuire?

JASON MCGUIRE, NEW YORKERS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOM: Well, you know, I didn't bring up a religious argument to simply -- children deserve their mom and dad. They do appreciate Senator Alesi's acknowledgment that 2009 was political engineering. I can tell that in 2012 -- will be looking for a senator with principles rather than looking for a political engineer position.

WHITFIELD: All right. Would you like comment on that?

ALESI: You can look no further. You've got one right here. Absolutely, sure, I am a principled person. And because I explained the politics of that vote on being honest and forthright about it, and Jason understands that. He's been trolling the halls of Albany for many years. He understands politics. He understands the mechanics of politics. And he understands the reason we voted the way we did.


WHITFIELD: Our Susan Candiotti is in New York City where hundreds of same-sex couples are getting married today. We'll hear from her a little bit later on this hour.

And a gunman dressed as a policeman began shooting at a summer camp. One man sprang into action and started saving lives. We're live from Norway with his remarkable story. And then, famine again grips the horn of Africa. Food aid is waiting at the borders, but something is keeping it from reaching the starving and the dying.


WHITFIELD: To Norway now. Today, we learned that the lone suspect in that horrible bombing and shooting attack that killed 93 people has confessed to both. He is expected to make his first court appearance in Oslo tomorrow. CNN's Michael Holmes will be there when he does. Michael, today you met a Norwegian man who has an unforgettable story about what happened on Friday.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Kaspar Ilgaud is his name. He was one of several good Samaritans who when the shooting erupted over on this island, they heard about it, they got on their boats, they went to the island and did remarkable things. Getting dozens of those kids of the island as the shooting continued. I want you to listen to part of a conversation I had with him earlier today.


KASPER ILGAUD, RESCUED MANY SHOOTING VICTIMS: I asked the strongest guard to go off to the water and hold the boat. Open that -- and took one at a time. Asking them next to name themselves.

HOLMES: Right.

ILGAUD: You thought there was a kind of...

HOLMES: Rapport.

ILGAUD: Yes. Have a kind of connection. Because they're actually devastated. They were in shock.

HOLMES: What were they saying? What were they telling you at that time?

ILGAUD: Well, they were very, very frightened. And they gathered around here. And I tried to make an agreement for them. I said the objective of this shuttle over to the mainland is to transport everybody safe and there you will meet people, rescue people, medical care you can speak to. And I think we kept that promise for a long time. But on the last, the girl starts crying and asked, are you police? I said, no, I'm just a local resident. And she got a little relief by that. She looked at me and said, you know, it was a policeman with a uniform with a bald head who start shooting us.

HOLMES: What did the other kids tell you about what had happened on the island?

ILGAUD: Different references. Not so much, actually, in the boat. But they told that they had been laying there between one and two hours. And many of them was just wearing underwear.

HOLMES: Because they'd gotten in the water.

ILGAUD: Yes. Probably they took off the clothes to try to swim. Maybe the water was too cold or whatever. Maybe they were having a siesta. I don't know. What I know is many of them were just underwear and t-shirts. Some didn't even have that. And we passed a group of three people who were looking like they took a kind of shelter behind a stone on the shore there. I tried to address them on the first and second way in and out. And I thought that in my naivety they were just in shock. And then I realized that they actually were maybe deceased. And after a while I tried to contact them on the third lap but there were no reaction to that. And then I addressed the police corps and then went on shore. And it was quite a touching story. Because I mean, I realized that three of the young people laying there kind of together behind the stone, they actually got shot in the woods. And they have transported themselves down to that place and gathered together, and I believe they died there, three young people holding around each other.


HOLMES: It's just chilling stuff, isn't it, Fred? It really is. You know, he was one of several people as I said who went down there and got dozens of kids of there. His first trip, he took 14 off in that little boat, which is remarkable. You mentioned that Anders Behring Breivik is going to be in court tomorrow. He is. We're told he's going to plead not guilty even though police say he's fully confessed to the crimes. He described them his lawyer says, as horrible but necessary. And people believe that that is because he wants to go to trial so he can tell his story of hatred -- Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: And so, how typically would that court appearance unfold there?

HOLMES: You know, well, it's pretty much like in the states you'd call an arraignment. It's his first court appearance. It's where the charges are fully read and presented to him. And he then gets an opportunity to plead. He also under Norwegian law gets an opportunity to speak. And that's what everyone's going to be interested in hearing. Now, we know that this is the guy that put out that manifesto of hatred against Muslims in Europe, saying that Muslims were basically changing the face of culture in Europe and that the governments who allowed them in were responsible and that they should be at war against them. I mean, real rambling, ranting, hatred filed diatribe. We're probably going to hear a bit of that tomorrow when he gets a chance to speak. How much the judge will let him say, we won't know until tomorrow. But, yes, first the court appearance of what one assumes will be many. And this guy seems determined to go to trial so he gets as many opportunities as possible to speak this hatred.

WHITFIELD: Michael Holmes, thanks so much, near Oslo.

All right. Now to the horn of Africa where aid agencies simply cannot get food, clean water and medicine to the millions of people suffering through drought and famine in Somalia. Part of the problem is an old one. Money. Here's CNN's John Vause.


JOHN VAUSE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With the horn of Africa suffering through its worst drought in 60 years, tens of thousands of desperate people continue to flee Somalia. Seeking shelter, food and aid across the border in Kenya and Ethiopia. But police workers say they're struggling to keep up with this growing crisis.

ANNA RIDOUT, OXFAM: We're seeing terrible conditions. People arriving every day, thousands of people walking for more than 30 days to get here and arriving with very little.

VAUSE: Aid workers say, they're not just overwhelmed, but underfunded. The U.N. is now urging countries to come up with $1.6 billion in aid.

BAN KI-MOON, U.N. SECRETARY GENERAL: If funding is not made available for humanitarian interventions now, the famine is likely to continue and spread.

VAUSE: And making this crisis worse, the area's hardest hit by famine are under the control of Al-Shabaab, an Islamic militant group with ties to Al Qaeda.

VALERIE AMOS, U.N. UNDERSECRETARY GENERAL FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF: What has been stopping us and our partners from operating in the south and the center have been the insecurity and the restrictions imposed by Al Shabaab.

VAUSE: Al-Shabaab says, it will now allow outside aid groups into southern Somalia. Air lifts for the emergency supplies are already under way, but many aid workers are still at risk. John Vause, reporting.


WHITFIELD: An inspiration to us all. An Ohio boy faced with a huge challenge, but it doesn't stop him. We'll show you his extraordinary talent next in the Chat Room.


WHITFIELD: All right. We're going to get back to the NEWSROOM in a moment. But right now it's time for the Chat Room. This is kind of the weird stuff that's not on radar and we think it should be. Jacqui Jeras and I. At least worst talking about, how's that? Let's begin with something that's already become rather controversial before it's ever really come to the U.S. shores. We're talking about a baby doll which is a big hit in Europe. And this baby doll is rather unique.

JACQUI JERAS, CNN WEATHER ANCHOR: It is. You can breast-feed this baby doll. It comes with a halter that you attach, you know, to your front side. And you can then bring the baby up to it. And it makes sucking sounds.

WHITFIELD: Yes. And there are a lot of folks who are not too happy about this. Particularly in the state. Even though it sells for $89 in Europe, it's a big hit. But the big question is, should you really be trying to encourage, you know, your child at such an early age to know what it is to breast-feed a baby?

JERAS: Well, I mean, if you have younger siblings, you know, some children have seen this happen. And I've seen kids mimic it, you know, with their baby dolls that they have. I think in the U.S. we're a little sensitive about some of these things. But a doll? I don't know.

WHITFIELD: We'll see what happens.

JERAS: We'll see what happens.


Yes, I've been listening to the sentiments about it.

WHITFIELD: And some folks are pretty fired up about it. Some folks say, all right. Think natural. All right. Interesting.

All right. Let's talk about a little dog now. Because that one always gets people.

JERAS: I love this one.

WHITFIELD: Well, this one is really fun. This is a heroic little Chihuahua. So these guys allegedly are robbing this convenience store. And, you know, they're breaking bad there. They've got their weapons. Oh, but no. Chihuahua breaks loose.

JERAS: Look at the dog!

WHITFIELD: And the Chihuahua starts biting. And these, you know, rough and tumble dudes say, I'm out.

JERAS: Yes. They got a little bit of cash. Apparently they could have gotten more because I think the dog scare them off.

WHITFIELD: Fido did his, right?

JERAS: It's Paco.


JERAS: Yes, the dog's name is Paco. And the owner says, he's going to get a cape for his hero dog.

WHITFIELD: I love it. And that little dog is probably like three pounds or so, right? Four pounds.

JERAS: May, if that, right?

WHITFIELD: Oh my gosh. That's incredible. OK. And this is a story of inspiration, this little boy. JERAS: This is a great one too, yes. Thirteen-year-old double amputee. He might be missing his feet, but that is not holding this kid back whatsoever.

WHITFIELD: Oh, my goodness. He is playing all kinds of sports. And he's got these amazing prosthetics right here. And you can see right there, he is sprinting. Right there on the track. He is amazing.

JERAS: Yes. He's A.J. Digby. That's his name. He's hoping he's going to make to the national junior disability championship. He plays football. He plays baseball. And he swims for his middle school. Toledo, Ohio.

WHITFIELD: Yes. That's what I was going to say. He's from Toledo there. So, get used to seeing him and get used to his name. Because something tells me we're all going to see even more remarkable things from him.

JERAS: Yes. He looks awesome.

WHITFIELD: All right, Jacqui. We're going to see you again. We're going to talk a lot of heat.

JERAS: Yes. People still trying to combat that heat.

WHITFIELD: Yes. So hard to stay cool.

JERAS: Yes. A few places are trying to cool off a little bit naturally. Other people are fighting over air conditioners. So, the story, line about some guys at a state fair, they had put their hands on top of an air conditioner. The last one left standing actually won it. He won it for his mother. Actually, two days.

WHITFIELD: Oh my goodness. We'll get more details on the heat from you, Jacqui, coming up. All right. That's going to do it for the Chat Room. Now back to the NEWSROOM.

An Arizona woman is known to thousands of Indonesians as Mother Robin. You're going to meet her, next.


WHITFIELD: Living through tragedy to make other lives better. That's what our CNN hero of the week is doing. Meet Robin Lim.


ROBIN LIM, COMMUNITY CRUSADER: The moment that a woman falls pregnant in Indonesia, she is 300 times more likely to die in the next 12 months than if she was not pregnant. If you have money, you can get excellent medical services, but the poorest people don't always get the services they need.

In the hospital here, you cannot take your baby home until you paid your bill. Sometimes the mothers wait outside the hospital all day, waiting to get in to feed their baby and to change their baby's diaper.

My name is Robin Lim. I'm a midwife. Most people call me Ebu Robin, because "ebu" means mother.

I've learned about the dangers of motherhood when my own sister, she died as a complication of her third pregnancy. I was just really crushed. I came to Bali to reinvent my life.

Hi, baby. Hi.

We started a clinic run by Indonesian midwives. We offered prenatal care, birth services. No matter how poor they are, no matter their race or religion, we teach new graduating classes of midwives how do to a more natural, gentle birth. The women can stay as long as they want.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Robin helps poor people. She cares about me very much, like my own mother. I'm extremely grateful.

LIM: Each baby, each adult deserves a clean, healthy, loving environment. Those are human rights.


WHITFIELD: And remember, all of this year's CNN heroes were chosen from you, the people in your neighborhood who you want to recognize. If you want to nominate your hero, just go to

Well, the ban on gays in the military is ending. The policy has already cut short a lot of promising careers. Mike Almy was a major in the Air Force. He served 13 years. And he says he was forced out of the military after someone got access to his private e-mails and revealed that he is gay. I talked with him Friday and asked him if he would re-enlist now that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is being repealed. Here's his response.


MIKE ALMY, FORMER AIR FORCE MAJOR: I really hope to. As you said earlier, I did 13 years. My father retired as an officer from the Air Force as well. I grew up in the military. This is my calling. This is what I was born to do. And I really can't wait to get back in and finish my career as an officer and a leader in the Air Force. What we need right now in the military is role models, officers and leaders alike, gay and lesbians, who can serve right alongside their straight counterparts equally and openly with zero detriment to the mission.


WHITFIELD: And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is set to take part in a historic day for same-sex couples in his state. We'll tell you what the mayor will be doing, next.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) WHITFIELD: In about half an hour, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will meet with President Obama at the White House over the debt impasse. A Senate democratic aide says, Reid is coming up with his own plan after House Speaker John Boehner refused to consider any plan that President Obama would sign. The Reid plan would reportedly call for $2.5 trillion in debt reduction.

The king and queen of Norway openly weeping led their nation in mourning the 93 people killed in Friday's bomb and shooting terrorist attacks. Most of the victims were teenagers attending a summer camp. Police say, the man they have in custody has confessed.


SVEINUNG SPONHEIM, ACTING OSLO CHIEF OF POLICE (through a translator): It's no progress on the question of what's the motive was for the bombing stations and the shootings. He has not met to what's in place and has not made any changes to what he initially said. He insists that he was alone, but the police are still looking to -- to verify what he has said.


WHITFIELD: Investigators are also combing a long manifesto purportedly written by the suspect to try to determine his motivations.

In London today, still no official word on how singer Amy Winehouse died. An autopsy is set to begin tomorrow. The 27-year-old singer whose top ten hit "Rehab" won her notoriety was found dead yesterday in her London apartment.

And back in the U.S., a history making day for same-sex couples in New York. Hundreds are getting married legally today. New York passed the marriage equality act last month. The state set up a lottery to handle a crush of requests for marriages today. And one of the lucky couples will tie the knot at the mayor's mansion. Susan Candiotti is just outside Gracie Mansion. So how are the preparations? What's going on?

SUSAN CANDIOTTI, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, they're expecting about 120 guests at the special celebration. As we know, Gracie mansion is the home to New York City's mayor and in this case, a rare event tonight for Mayor Michael Bloomberg. That is because he will be officiating at the marriage of two of his staffers. His chief policy adviser and the head of consumer affairs. It's a rare event because the mayor has only officiated twice before. Once for his daughter, Emma, and once for former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. And he decided to do it tonight, he says, to show his support not only for his friends, but for same-sex marriage. Of course, he's been an advocate of this for years. And so, they are expecting to set up a tent on the lawn. It's ready to go. And in fact, they're going to be featuring foods from across New York State. And this will be overlooking the East River.

So it's sure to be a great site for everyone who's attending there. But, of course, this isn't going over well with everyone. There was a protest today at a park several blocks away. This was staged by a group calling itself, the National Organization for Marriage. And their main problem with same-sex marriage is that they dispute the fact that New York State, the legislature here, passed the bill without any input, as they put it, from voters in the state. Without putting this up for a vote for the entire population. But it would appear at this stage that that ship has sailed. And tonight supporters say it is a day for celebration, an historic day for same- sex marriage in New York State. New York becoming the sixth state in addition to the District of Columbia that now has legalized same-sex marriage -- Fred.

WHITFIELD: So, Susan, the only people who were protesting or at least demonstrators who are expressing their opposition to this earlier in the day at a different location, are you seeing any signs of that there?

CANDIOTTI: No, not outside Gracie Mansion. In fact, we've only seen some supporters, but they're being kept several blocks away.

At this stage, this will be a small affair that's being held inside the mansion. I would say small because it's only 120 guests and the ceremony will be brief. About 20 minutes in length. And there will be a camera inside, so we will get to see it as it happens in about an hour from now.

WHITFIELD: All right. Susan Candiotti, thanks so much, in Manhattan.

All right. So, now back to Amy Winehouse's death. An autopsy is expected to begin tomorrow. CNN's Nina Dos Santos tells us what's going on today outside the singer's London home.


NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Here outside Amy Winehouse's north London townhouse the police are standing guard as her death remains unexplained.

We've also got hundreds of fans of all age groups who've been converging upon this site throughout the course of the last 24 hours, to lay floral tributes and also cards saying, "Rest in peace, Amy." A number of cards also carrying those ever so poignant lyrics that made her so famous and talks of rehab.

Drugs and alcohol addiction have formed as much part of Amy Winehouse's persona as, indeed, as her music. Although even though she died at such a young age at only 27 years old, she accomplished what many other British artists have never done, winning five Grammy Awards in just one night with her album "Back to Black."

Many music industry insiders say that now, even though she's dead, her music will live on.

Nina Dos Santos, CNN, London.

(END VIDEOTAPE) WHITFIELD: And we've been following celebrity reaction to Winehouse's death. Here are a few more comments posted on Twitter. Lady Gaga tweets, "Amy changed pop music forever. I remember knowing there was hope and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz. She lived the blues."

Pop star Rihanna tweets, "Dear God, have mercy, I am sick about this right now."

And this from Kelly Osbourne: "I can't even breathe right now. I'm crying so hard, I just lost one of my best friends. I love you forever, Amy, and will never forget the real you."

Back to Norway. Tomorrow, the legal process begins for the one man accused of a bombing and shooting attack that left 93 people dead in Norway. But today, the people of that shocked nation led by their king and queen simply shed tears.

CNN's Diana Magnay reports.


DIANA MAGNAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Grieving Norwegians, led by their ashened face king and queen, remember their dead in a service in Oslo. The prime minister told mourners the past two days had felt like an eternity.

JENS STOLTENBERG, NORWEGIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Hours, days, nights filled with shock, grief, fury and tears. Today is a time for grief. Today will allow us to stop up and pause for a bit. In memory of the dead, grieve over those who are not alive anymore.

MAGNAY: In the small parish of Roycen (ph) near Utoya, families who'd lost loved ones on the island, wracked with an inconsolable grief.

A smaller service, here the crown prince and princess and the foreign minister pay their respects.

JONAS GAHR STORE, NORWEGIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: I think we all have to come down from our official positions, if we are ministers or anyone else, and be human beings. We have to hug, we have to listen, and we have to cry with those who have suffered.

MAGNAY: A congregation in trauma bussed here from the hotel at Sundvollen, which has acted as a crisis center since Friday's attacks. Some of them still waiting to hear the fate of the few still listed as missing, though as the hours and the days pass, hopes fade.

JAN PETER BERENTSEN, HEAD OF RED CROSS OPERATIONS: They have a thousand questions, I should know. And, of course, it's important that we find everybody, so the family can start the grief process.

MAGNAY: A day to comfort, to share in one another's pain.

(on camera): As the police and the press slowly begin to piece together the motive, the picture emerges of a man driven by a hatred of multiculturalism and the open tolerance of Norwegian society. But this day of mourning is uniting a people to a compassion, determined not to be divided by hate.

Diana Magnay, CNN, Roycen (ph), Norway.


WHITFIELD: And what are your options if having a boss younger than you is a problem? Some answers after the break.


WHITFIELD: In today's "Reclaim Your Career," we're talking about generational conflicts, when baby boomers, generation X, millennials and generation Z all come together in the workplace.

Early I talked to life coach Valorie Burton, and she said to focus on the position, not the age.


VALORIE BURTON, LIFE COACH: So, you really need to make sure you do what you can do. So, there are times when there's ageism. And if that's the case, you want to take the right precautions, go to the right people. But other times, it's about your own attitude. So, I think it's really, really important for people, number one, to be sure that they are not focused on what the other person is doing, not focused on the age, but instead focused on the position.

And I think even if we look at our culture, a lot of times, we tear down our leader. So just focus on the position, not the age. Make sure you're respecting that position.

WHITFIELD: So, somehow, you need to find some real common ground.


WHITFIELD: You all are in it, you know, together.

BURTON: That's right.

WHITFIELD: You're hopefully moving towards the same goal. Maybe of that -- you know, that business.

BURTON: Yes. I think it's easy to just focus on age. You're more than a number. So, it's really important to say, you know what? What are the strengths here? What are some likes, some dislikes, some things that we can kind of come together around, we're working on a project together, and focus on those more than you're focusing on the fact that the person is younger than you are.

WHITFIELD: See the position, not the age, you know, and kind of learn from the past. Don't get stuck in that. What do you mean by all that? BURTON: Don't get stuck in it. OK. So, if you've been in the job for a pretty long time, there are things that you've seen. Perhaps there are changes that have been made. Oh, 10 years ago, we did this -- 20 years ago, we did that.

Make sure you don't get stuck in the past. Learn from it. You've got a lot of wisdom to share, but be willing to change. And for a lot of older workers, they're afraid that maybe they're not going to learn the new technology. Well, take that extra step to learn what you need to learn to change with the times.

WHITFIELD: Interesting. And you say, you know, don't look to your job for appreciation. What do you mean? Meaning some folks are looking for that instant gratification by the work that they do?

BURTON: Yes. The viewers that talked about this frustration with the generations, someone being younger, a lot of times were talking about not feeling appreciated. It's smart for a boss to appreciate your people. You get a lot more productivity.

WHITFIELD: Constantly say you're doing a great job, that kind of stuff, encouragement?

BURTON: Yes. To be encouraging. However, you cannot expect that at work. You know, expect the job. Expect to have a decent income. Expect to be treated with respect and whatever benefits you were promised.

WHITFIELD: Don't look for a pat on the back, the constant, you're doing a great job, we thank you. No, forget it.

BURTON: Do your volunteer work, but don't look for the appreciation at work.

WHITFIELD: OK. And refuse to judge. Meaning refusing to judge, you know, the boss that's younger than you, trying to compare the whole life experience, how is it you can be my boss and, you know, I could change your diapers back in the day, that kind of thing?

BURTON: You don't want to be judged for being older. Don't judge the other person for being younger. Don't assume that they can't do the job. So, you want to make sure you're not judging other people. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

WHITFIELD: And be friendly. Kill them with kindness.

BURTON: That is so simple. But, you know, smile at people. Say hello. Be helpful.

I mean, those things break down and transcend age. And it's really important that you just do the simple things. A smile can go a long way.


WHITFIELD: All right. Valorie Burton with some career advice. Presidential candidates are flocking to one key state this week. We'll tell you where it is and why it's so popular.

And Drew Peterson versus Rob Lowe? Lowe set to play the accused wife killer in an upcoming movie. Peterson does not want this movie made. The legal guys weigh in on that.


WHITFIELD: Republican presidential candidates are zeroing in on one Midwestern state this week.

CNN's deputy political director Paul Steinhauser has details on this political look ahead.



Iowa is in the spotlight this week. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is there tomorrow. But wait a minute, before you start thinking he's changed his mind and decided to run for the White House, hold off a second. He's there to speak on an education summit.

Well, plenty of people actually running for the Republican presidential nomination will be in the state that votes first in the caucuses and primaries. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Congressman Ron Paul, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania -- they all campaign in Iowa this week.

And you know what? That makes sense as we're just over three weeks away from a crucial straw poll in the state.

At the end of the week, Texas Governor Rick Perry who seems to be moving closer to jumping into the presidential race, he speaks at a conservative conference in Colorado -- Fred.


WHITFIELD: All right. Thanks so much, Paul. And for the latest political news, you know exactly where to go --

All right. A controversy over Rob Lowe's next movie. He is set to play accused wife killer Scott Peterson. And here is Lowe explaining that role.


ROBE LOWE, ACTOR: This is for the part that I'm playing now where I'm playing Drew Peterson.

Drew is the cop from Chicago. And the first wife was found dead in the try bathtub. Second wife disappeared. Still don't know where she is. He's currently awaiting trial for the murder of the first wife.

(END VIDEO CLIP) WHITFIELD: So, Drew Peterson is trying to stop production of this movie. And this weekend, I talked about this with our legal guys and asked if Peterson's lawsuit has a chance.


AVERY FRIEDMAN, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: And the truth is that the book was written. It was called "Untouchable." It's about Drew Peterson. And wouldn't you imagine that his legal counsel would have written to the publishers trying to cease -- have them cease and desist?

Well, unfortunately, nobody apparently on the legal team reads. But they do watch television. So, they're now trying to convince Lifetime to stop the production.

Well, there's no more legal chance or constitutional chance in the world of that happening. Drew Peterson is concerned that he might appear in not a particularly good light.

Look, he intentionally does not look good. And so, bottom line, the case is absolutely, Fredricka, going nowhere.

WHITFIELD: So, Richard, because there was a work -- I mean, exactly what Avery said, because there's already a book and because this cease and desist letter, you know, it may -- it may not stand a really good chance of stopping this production, in your view?

RICHARD HERMAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, because of the book. And also because they took direct transcripts from hearings and proceedings in court and relied on those.


HERMAN: But the real problem, Fred, is that he was upset that -- that the actor who was portraying him is not the one he wanted. Avery was busy. He was unable to perform for this movie role.

FRIEDMAN: No, they were looking for you! I thought they were looking for you, Richard, not me.

WHITFIELD: I'm glad they didn't cast either of you, frankly. Then you'd be unavailable for us.

HERMAN: He's afraid of tainting the jury pool, Fred. He's afraid of tainting the jury poll. This is a guy who was dating, going on radio shows, getting dates and carrying on like a lunatic. That jury pool is tainted. He's got to have a problem.


HERMAN: The evidence is not that strong, Fred. The evidence is not very strong in that case.


WHITFIELD: Oh, I love those legal guys, Richard and Avery, every weekend. You can catch them every Saturday and then, you know, you may see them again on Sunday, too.

Don Lemon here now, you can see him, too, in 12 minutes from now.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: I'm going to be talking about --

WHITFIELD: Well, you see him now. But, again, in 12 minutes.

LEMON: I'm going to tell you why I have this. But I was looking for that song, I couldn't, Dixie Cups, "going to the chapel" --


LEMON: Because, because we're -- I should be saying we're going to the mansion. We're going to the mansion and we're going to get married. Yes, Gracie Mansion -- because Mayor Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg and two handsome grooms -- I'm wondering, what do you say, you say bride and broom? Beautiful bride and handsome groom? So, they're going to make history right here on CNN.

Mayor Bloomberg is going to be officiating. Two of his top aides, John and Michael, are going to get married -- John and Jonathan, I should say. And they're going to get married at Gracie Mansion. That's going to be history. We're going to carry it live for you on CNN.

WHITFIELD: Just moments away.

LEMON: Conservative mayor, once presidential contender -- who would have ever thought that you'd see something like that?

And the reason I have this helmet is we went down to get one from one of the stores downstairs. This is a college football helmet. But it's pretty similar to the ones that are used in the NFL, right?


LEMON: Seventy-five players filed a lawsuit saying that the NFL knew about head injuries years ago, maybe as far back as 1920s, and didn't say anything. So, they filed a lawsuit.

Now, with this new agreement that they're coming up with now with the lockout and all that, they're hoping -- it's going to add hundreds of millions of dollars. Will that make this lawsuit go away because they're going to give it to the old-timers and retired folks? We don't know.

We're going to ask a hall of famer, Fran Tarkenton, about this, the new safety features put in the helmet. He's going to bring his old one to show what his helmet was like. And then he's going to tell us about the new agreement and this lawsuit as well. So there you go.

WHITFIELD: All right. We're looking forward to all that.

LEMON: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: Top of the NEWSROOM. Just do what? LEMON: You want to wear it?

WHITFIELD: No. That is too small.


WHITFIELD: Yes, that was very tiny, but impressive. I'm looking forward to the discussion.

LEMON: Thanks, Fred.

WHITFIELD: Thanks, Don. Appreciate that.

And, of course, we'll be right back with much more breaking news, especially from Capitol Hill, right after this.


WHITFIELD: All right. As promised, breaking news now in the debt ceiling negotiations on Capitol Hill.

Congressional correspondent Kate Bolduan is with us now.

Kate, what do you have?


Some interesting developments to tell our viewers about this afternoon. We're getting a readout of the conference call that John Boehner held with his members -- and really what I think the big headline here is there is not a deal at this hour between congressional leaders who have been said to have been working towards some type of agreement.

Now, Speaker Boehner on this call, according to a source familiar, really seemed to have some tough talks for his members, saying that they need to stick together and to stick to their principles.

At the same time, we have on the other side of the Capitol, the Senate majority leader, the Democrat over there, Senator Harry Reid. He's now pushing his own proposal. So, differing paths, if you will, at the moment.

Speaker Boehner on this call while saying they need to stick to their principles, he also seems to be laying the groundwork, Fredricka, on this call with members, that they're going to need to compromise, really saying that they're going to have to find something that they can agree to that they can also pass, both the House and the Senate, and honestly be agreed to by the president.

A couple of quotes that I received from a source familiar to the call, Boehner told members, quote, "It's going to require some of you to make some sacrifices." He also said, you all know the right thing isn't always the easiest thing to do."

And as I just mentioned, at the very same time, Senate Majority Harry Reid, he's now pushing his own proposal really because he doesn't think that things have -- there's been any significant progress. And this proposal that he's now proposing would race the debt ceiling through 2013, until 2013. It would raise -- it would also include at least $2.5 trillion in deficit reduction. And according to a Senate Democratic aide, it would include - satisfy the Republican requirements that there'd be an equal amount of spending cuts to the amount the debt ceiling is raised and not any new revenue.

So, what this is already reflecting, we should tell our viewers, is that we've been hearing throughout the day, is that there does not seem to be any significant progress late this afternoon towards a bipartisan agreement, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right. Kate Bolduan, thanks so much. We'll see you again at the top of the hour with much more of the NEWSROOM.

Meantime, let's check in with our Jacqui Jeras because heat is still a major factor as people head into a new workweek.

JACQUI JERAS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Yes, certainly want to take that into account as you make your plans because temperatures are going to be up there tomorrow, once again. Still warm across the nation's midsection in particular, as well as into the east -- a little bit better for you in New York City as well as in to the Boston area. But overall, be prepared for that hot stuff.

Our other big weather story is that our weather pattern is kind of changing a little bit in terms of getting more showers and thunderstorms. A lot of activity today across the midsection and all over the place across the Southeast. And as we look at tomorrow's map, you can see there is a lot of blue on our map.

So these pop-up thunderstorms, there haven't been a lot in the way of organized severe weather, isolated storms have become severe but we've seen a lot of heavy of downpours and that's caused some flash flooding. You saw video earlier from the Chicagoland area where we had all kinds of problems. And this is most definitely going to be affecting your travel weather overall as well.

Let me pull up this next map and show you where we're expecting to see travel delays for tomorrow. If you're going to the airports, maybe going out of town on business, or trying to get one last vacation in before school starts -- yes, school, right around the corner, believe it or not -- major delays expected in Atlanta because of showers and thunderstorms. We're talking a good 80 percent chance that we're going to see some heavy downpours here tomorrow.

Washington, D.C. expecting to see that heavy rain as the cold front tries to drop on through and bring you some heat relief. You're going to exchange that for some showers and thunderstorms.

Tomorrow, New Orleans is looking for showers and thunderstorms. Delays shouldn't be too bad. Well under an hour, maybe 15 to 30 minutes or so.

And then Philadelphia, we're expecting to see some thunderstorms, too. One last thing I want to note is that it's hurricane season. We don't want to forget about this. We've got one little area here in the Caribbean that we're watching. There's a very small chance that it's going to develop into anything. But this time of year when we see tropical development, it usually happens pretty close to the coast.

So, just be on high alert in the upcoming days and weeks ahead that these things can pop up relatively quickly. So, things are kind of on the quiet side right now, but that's going to change as we turn the calendar over towards the month of August -- Fredricka.

All right. Thanks so much, Jacqui. Appreciate that. And we'll be checking in with you throughout the evening in THE NEWSROOM.


WHITFIELD: All right. I'm Fredricka Whitfield. I'll see you again next Saturday, beginning noon Eastern Time. Right now, time for Don Lemon -- that is -- in about two minutes away. Sorry, Don.