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Violence in Syria; Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed; Romney Wins New Hampshire; Republican Candidates Campaign In South Carolina

Aired January 11, 2012 - 15:00   ET


BROOKE BALDWIN: All right, here we go. Top of the hour, I'm Brooke Baldwin, CNN on the streets of Syria here as new attacks are breaking out. Also we're watching the story out of Iran. A nuclear scientist has been killed. And reports of a mass suicide threat at a plant in China.

Time to play "Reporter Roulette."

Nic Robertson, our senior international correspondent, one of few journalists inside of Syria.

You were up close to the violence today. What can you tell us? What did you see?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We were with the journalists who were covering a rally, a pro-government rally in the city of Homs in the north of Syria earlier today. We decided not to cover the rally, left.

Within a couple of minutes mortar round landed in the area. European journalists rushed to film what was happening and another mortar round crashed in. A French correspondent from the French national station Channel 2 was killed. His wife was nearby on the scene. She was absolutely distraught, in a terrible, terrible shape as her husband was being loaded into a taxi and being rushed to a hospital.

A Dutch journalist was also injured, other journalists picking up injuries, and civilians as well in the crowd also injured and another person killed. This happened in the city of Homs at a pro-government rally. The journalists there during their best to explain to the world what is happening, and this is what happened to them.

BALDWIN: That is absolutely horrific. We have video of that blast that claimed the life of that French journalist. Some of these pictures are graphic. But take a look.

Nic Robertson, how is the government of Syria responding to this?

ROBERTSON: Well, the government minders who were with us, who were escorting us on our trip to Homs and to spend the day with us as we have been to various different locations in the city told us that they believe that because we were going to go, the group of foreign journalists that they were escorting, about a dozen or so of us, these other journalists, they say they believe that because we, the international media, were going to cover this pro-government rally, they say that's why they believe the opposition forces targeted it.

We have no way of knowing if that is true. There are certainly things about this incident that remain very strange and odd. It was government minders in the city that told us about the rally. It was a small rally. It appeared to happen fairly late in the day. It was fairly close to the front lines.

The attack was a military style attack. That's the way these weapons are used, three or four rounds fired in quick succession with a forward plotter directing them in. So there are significant questions and we may never know who is actually responsible for the attack, but the government clearly blaming the opposition here.

BALDWIN: Nic Robertson, you always find yourself in some of the most dangerous places in the world. Please you and your crew stay safe.

Next here on "Reporter Roulette," I want to talk about this bombing attack that left a nuclear scientist dead in Tehran.

Ivan Watson covering the story for us out of Istanbul, Turkey.

Ivan, when you hear the details of the bomb, the motorcycle and the passing-by car, it sounds like a spy thriller.

IVAN WATSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No doubt about it, Brooke. Very audacious and appears to be a very professional assassination job.

According to the Iranian media, this man, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who was a deputy director of commercial affairs at Iran's Natanz nuclear facility, what happened, he was driving in Tehran's very congested traffic in broad daylight, and Iranian state media says somebody rode up in a motorcycle, slapped a magnetic bomb on the side of the car, which then went off and killed him and later wounded and later killed his driver.

What is very strange about this is he is at least the third official working in Iran's nuclear program to have been killed within the last two years, Brooke. If we look back, we have other incidents in November of 2010. Majid Shahriari, a nuclear physicist, killed in a very similar style with one of these so-called sticky bombs placed by somebody on a motorbike on his car, again in broad daylight.

And also in January of 2010, almost exactly two years ago from today's assassination, another nuclear physicist killed in Tehran. The Iranian authorities have been very quick to accuse both the CIA and Israel's Mossad of carrying out this attack.

BALDWIN: And State Department Secretary Hillary Clinton is responding to that. Let's listen to that.


HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I want to categorically deny any United States involvement in any kind of act of violence inside Iran. (END VIDEO CLIP)

BALDWIN: Ivan, just quickly, you mentioned a string of attacks, similar attacks on these different nuclear scientists. Why? Why are they being killed? Why would someone want to kill them?

WATSON: Well, the crux of the debate is over Iran's nuclear program, which the U.S. consistently accuses Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies that, saying, no, it's trying to develop nuclear technology for peaceful civilian means.

The U.S. has been ramping up economic sanctions against Iran, trying to get it to stop developing. Just this week, Iran said it was going to start developing low enriched uranium at a second nuclear facility.

On Tuesday Hillary Clinton, she said that's one step closer -- she claims it's one step closer towards developing nuclear weapons in Iran -- Brooke.

BALDWIN: Ivan Watson in Istanbul, Ivan, thanks.

Next on "Reporter Roulette," hundreds of workers reportedly threatening to kill themselves at this factory that makes Xboxes.

Dan Simon is at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

And, Dan, what are you hearing about this?

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Brooke, we're in front of the Microsoft booth here at CES. The Xbox and all of its apps and accessories are a big part of the display here and a big part of the company's success.

Now there are reports that the company firm Foxconn that manufactures the Xbox had a number of employees, reportedly more than 300, who planned a mass suicide after being denied a pay raise. We reached out to the company. They did not respond to our request for comment.

Microsoft did put out a statement saying that it is investigating the and matter and it takes working considers very seriously. This is not the first time that Foxconn has come under scrutiny. In 2010, a number of employees did take their own lives.

We should add that Foxconn makes devices not only for Microsoft, but for Apple and Sony. It did put in some worker assistance programs back in 2010. Basically that's all we know at this point, Brooke, but obviously it could have been a major tragedy there in China -- back to you.

BALDWIN: Dan Simon for us at CES, Dan, thank you.

And that is your "Reporter Roulette" for this Wednesday.

Next, Joran van der Sloot, once the prime suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, making a huge admission during his murder trial. Jane Velez-Mitchell, she will join me live on this one.

Plus, Mitt Romney rolling, Newt Gingrich going for his make-or- break moment.

Also, convicted killers are walking free after Mississippi's governor pardons nearly 200 inmates. One victim's family, they're worried that someone will finish what he started.

And this: fireworks in court involving the case of two parents who never took their young son to the doctor's as he was dying of cancer. Now, as they prepare to learn their punishment, it is sparking a huge discussion. We have got it for you. Stay right here.




BALDWIN: Still ahead what now for Jon Huntsman? He put all of his eggs in the New Hampshire basket, but, in South Carolina, a comedian is polling higher than the former Utah governor and ambassador to China. We're going to tell you who that is. Any guesses?

Plus, the fight for Christian votes in South Carolina. Mitt Romney did surprisingly well with that group last night in New Hampshire, but the South it's a different story. Who has the edge there? We're live next.


BALDWIN: Absolutely no time to rest after New Hampshire. The Republican presidential hopefuls already pushing on to the next battleground, that being South Carolina.

Rick Santorum didn't do so well last night in New Hampshire, finished fifth, but his hopes were really actually never that high there. It's the South Carolina primary that could make or break his campaign, count them, 10 days, 10 days, from today.

Jim Acosta already down in South Carolina in Columbia.

We know Santorum, Jim, obviously very much so counting on that evangelical vote to help him bring it home two Saturdays from now. You were just at one of his events. Tell me about the crowd.

JIM ACOSTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. You know, he had a pretty big crowd. We were just in Ridgeway, South Carolina, about an hour ago and then we raced over here to talk to you, Brooke, and he was talking about his faith and family values sort of approach to campaigning down here in South Carolina.

It's what he's been talking about throughout this campaign, but it was an added emphasis, you could say that, inside this restaurant where he was talking to a couple hundred voters just about an hour ago.

And, Brooke, we asked him about this conventional wisdom that seems to be out there this morning after Mitt Romney's big win up in New Hampshire, the fact that the Romney campaign has e-mailed out the fact that they have raised $24 million in the fourth quarter, that they are on a roll right now.

I asked Rick Santorum, what about all that? Has Mitt Romney wrapped up this nomination? And here's what he had to say.


ACOSTA: Hey, Senator, the conventional wisdom today is that Mitt Romney has all but wrapped up the Republican nomination. How do you stop him?

RICK SANTORUM (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You know what, this is a long process. Half the people who voted yesterday weren't even Republicans. So the idea that he's wrapped up the Republican nomination because he won by eight votes in Iowa and he won his home state is just silly.

ACOSTA: Are you going to challenge his record down here?

SANTORUM: We're going to challenge everything. It's not just going to be here. It's Florida and beyond.


ACOSTA: So there you hear Rick Santorum there talking about the way he feels about it is that he's going to be going after Mitt Romney's record here in South Carolina, Florida and beyond. He's not paying any attention to any of this conventional wisdom that you heard a lot this morning, that Mitt Romney may be unstoppable at this point.

And, Brooke, he has to get through South Carolina. This is going to be tough for him, because back in 2008, you know, he came in fourth place in this state behind John McCain and Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson. Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee sort of split that evangelical Christian vote. And that is a crucial voting bloc down here. It's going to be a big test for Mitt Romney.

BALDWIN: But Santorum seemed pretty confident, saying it will be Florida and beyond for him.

ACOSTA: That's right.

BALDWIN: Someone else, though, who would like to blunt Romney's successes is Newt Gingrich. He, too, is putting a lot of hope on South Carolina.

Let me play something he said at an event this morning in Rock Hill.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) NEWT GINGRICH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: What have we come to when a country that is founded on a belief that we are endowed by our creator turns around and has judges who say if you even use the word benediction, I will put you in jail?

If I am your president, if you will help me win this election, we will not tolerate a speech dictatorship in this country.



BALDWIN: So Gingrich as well hoping for just a slice, probably like a chunk of that evangelical vote. Can he win them over, Jim Acosta?

ACOSTA: Right.

That is going to be a big question for Newt Gingrich. That was part of his problem out in Iowa, is that evangelical voters were not sold on Newt Gingrich in part because of his troubled private life and his past, that he's been married three times.

And so that is going to be one of the challenges for Newt Gingrich here in this state. And all of this, Brooke, I have to say, plays into Mitt Romney's hands. If Rick Santorum is down here fighting for the evangelical vote, if Newt Gingrich is doing that as well, if you have all these other candidates basically going after Christian conservatives, that sort of spreads the field and opens things up for Mitt Romney to do what he did in Iowa and in New Hampshire.

We could see the same thing happening all over again here in South Carolina. Romney could eke one out mainly because that voting bloc is going to be split among several different candidates, Brooke.

BALDWIN: Jim Acosta, thank you.

South Carolina, it's going to be an exciting one, that's for sure. Thank you.

Still ahead here: If a woman decides to get an abortion, one state requiring doctors to do one thing beforehand, and now there is a huge court ruling that could have national implications. Don't miss that.

Plus, on the first day of his murder trial, yes, that was a yawn, Joran van der Sloot yawning, fidgeting. He just kind of looks bored, doesn't he? But today an entirely different story. He stood up, made a big admission. JVM, Jane Velez-Mitchell, she is all over this one. She is joining me next.


BALDWIN: For everyone who thought Joran van der Sloot got away with murder in 2005, it's not going to happen this time. The Dutch national pleaded guilty to killing a 21-year-old woman in Peru in 2010. Prosecutors say Joran van der Sloot left a casino with Stephany Flores, then beat and strangled her in his hotel room, stole her money and then fled to Chile.

Here is his admission in court today.


JORAN VAN DER SLOOT, DEFENDANT (through translator): I want to give a sincere confession. I am truly regretful for what I have done. I feel very bad.


BALDWIN: Van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of this young woman, Natalee Holloway, in Aruba. He was arrested twice, never charged in the case. Flores was exactly killed five years ago to the day after Holloway disappeared.

And I want to bring in someone who I have a feeling is pretty fired up over this one and has been following this case very closely, Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of HLN's "ISSUES WITH JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL."

Finally, Jane, finally, we see this guy on the spot and he's admitting he's a killer. Satisfying.

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST, "ISSUES": We can say he is a convicted murder. I mean, this guy is a murder. We know that now.

And he is going to be sentenced on Friday the 13th, which, given the fact that he is a gambler, is not such a good turn of events for him, because he probably attaches a lot of significance to random numbers.

But here's what's outrageous about what happened today. First of all, I think it was a bit of a charade. I think there was some behind-the-scenes dealing going on. His attorney...

BALDWIN: What do you mean?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Sources close to the defense said -- well, sources close to the defense said, before the hearing even started, we expect a reduction in the sentence in return for this confession.

So, essentially, they must have had some indication of what kind of reduction. We don't know, it's a big question mark as to what kind of reduction he's going to get, but the general consensus is, in return for uttering those few words, where he seemed to be trying to suppress a smile in the process, that he is going to get some significant leniency.

The term that's been bandied about is a 10-year reduction of the maximum, off 30 years. It could even be more. So it's a question mark as to what he will actually get on Friday, but it could be a lot less than the maximum 30 years.

BALDWIN: It's interesting. You mentioned he appeared to be suppressing a smile.

I want to play this -- also this clip where his court demeanor -- you saw the yawn, kind of slouching? Heaven forbid anyone is in this position, but you don't do that in court. It seems like he's not taking this very seriously, does he?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, he's what I would call a malignant narcissist. It's all about him.

He's also undoubtedly a gambling addict. And this is all very addict behavior: I'm special. The rules don't apply to him.

But I thought what was most outrageous about today's hearing is that his attorney actually tried to blame the Natalee Holloway case on what happened to Stephany Flores, saying, oh, he was under tremendous psychological and emotional trauma because he was persecuted for five years and hammered about the location of Natalee Holloway, which he doesn't really know.

Nonsense. Those who have studied the case believe he knows exactly where Natalee Holloway is, and in fact allegedly extorted her mother, Beth, to the tune of $25,000 in the hopes of a getting quarter of a million dollars to get reveal the location of the remains.

So, that is absolutely nonsense right there. But then just the nerve of saying, "Oh, well, it was this other case where a girl disappeared on my watch that forced my hand and forced me to explode and kill this woman," that's pretty outrageous.

BALDWIN: You bring up the Natalee Holloway case. And so we have learned she could be officially declared dead at a hearing tomorrow in Birmingham, Alabama. This is an issue, Jane, that sort of has her parents divided, does it not?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think that her father, Dave Holloway, has pretty much acknowledged that and come to terms with the fact that he is never going to get the complete story. So dads are perhaps sometimes a little less emotional than mothers who -- Beth Holloway has made this a lifelong quest.

She has devoted her life to getting the truth about this. And she has devoted her life also to preventing any other young woman from suffering a fate similar to what her daughter suffered.

So Beth Holloway is my hero for how she's conducted herself and how she's never, ever settled in her quest to find the truth about what happened to her daughter. But it's up to parents to decide how they want to handle this, and I respect both reactions.

BALDWIN: Absolutely. "ISSUES WITH JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL" on HLN, Jane, thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thank you, Brooke.

BALDWIN: While the Republican presidential race is certainly dominating headlines, you may have missed this. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, he's in China. He's stepping up the pressure when it comes to Iran and when it comes to oil. This impacts every one of us. Rick Newman is going to explain why and how, next.


BALDWIN: I'm about to talk here for a moment about the United States and China. They're the world's number two in the economy, the U.S. is number one. Now these two countries disagree on a whole range of issues, but China is not going away and neither are we.

So let's talk, shall we? Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, he's been shaking hands in China over the past couple days. He's there, he's talking to Chinese leaders, including the guy on the right here. His name is Xi Jinping. He will probably be China's next numero uno.

Rick Newman, he is chief business correspondent for U.S. News & World Report. And, Rick, let's first talk China and Iran. China buys about one-third of Iran's oil exports, so it's a tough sell for Geithner, is it not, to get China here, to get China on board with U.S. sanctions aimed at Iran's oil industry?

RICK NEWMAN, CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: Yes, I think that's right. So Washington is now pursuing a pretty aggressive strategy of basically boycotting Iranian oil. A lot of European countries are saying they're doing the same thing, which leaves Asia out of the equation, basically.

So China is obviously a big economy, Japan, too, and also India. This is all about Iran, so there's no doubt that one of the things they're talking about over there is not necessarily, will China go along with this boycott? Because they're not going to line up behind the United States just because Tim Geithner asked them to.

But I think they're probably trying to figure out let's do some contingency planning here, let's say Iran follows through on some of the threats they've been making, such as disrupting the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf, that would hurt China directly.

And China is thinking about that. There's no doubt about it. Some other things could happen. The nuclear program in Iran is very worrisome to the West. And it does seem like it's going to come to a head, one way or another.

So one can imagine that they're talking about different scenarios down the road and how both countries react if those things happen.

BALDWIN: OK. So they won't necessarily get on board just because Tim Geithner asked them to. But so it's contingency plan time in China.

I want to talk about trade, because China is the world's biggest market, and we, of course, would love to see them sell more of our own stuff, our products. What products, Rick, in particular are we hoping to sell in China? NEWMAN: China already does buy a fair amount of products from the United States. I mean, mostly we hear about all the cheap stuff they sell to us that shows up in Walmart. But we sell them a lot of food products, corn, wheat, things like that. Machinery that they need for their construction industry, I mean, construction is booming over there.

We sell them energy products, energy infrastructure products, things like that. We have got a lot of American companies that are over there actually making products in China, which allows them to earn some money over there, just in a little different way.

And we want more of that to continue. Of course, in Washington there are some members of Congress who also think that China is devaluing its currency unfairly, most economists agree that is probably true, which makes their products cheaper here.

But China has been gradually letting its currency appreciate, about 4 percent per year, and there is every reason to think that will continue.

BALDWIN: Well, what is the deal, though, with the whole, you know, Chinese currency issue? Because it sounds kind of like we're talking past each other on that one. Do you see Geithner making any progress on that particular issue?

NEWMAN: No. I think he goes over there and makes his obligatory complaint to the Chinese knowing that they're just -- the Chinese are going to do what they feel like doing. Now it is in their interest to, in some measure, appease their biggest customer, which the United States is.

But, you know, China has its own domestic priorities just as we have domestic priorities. And that's what comes first. And by the way, a lot of Americans, yes, a lot of American jobs have gone to China. But we benefit from all that cheap stuff that comes over here.

I mean, that actually lowers the cost of living for Americans. So it's not as simple as to simply say China is wrecking the U.S. economy by selling all this cheap stuff. That's not the case. It's a complicated story. And I think Tim Geithner will do just enough over there to probably appease some of China's toughest critics on Capitol Hill.

BALDWIN: Rick Newman, thank you.

NEWMAN: Thanks.

BALDWIN: Now this.


Two parents took their dog to the vet, but they didn't take their young son to the doctor as he was dying of cancer. You're going to hear their excuse as to why and then why their case could set a precedent. Sunny Hostin, she is all over this one, "On the Case," next.


BALDWIN: A mother and father in Ohio plead guilty in their son's cancer death. Sunny Hostin "On the Case." And so let me set this up. So it was William Robinson, Jr. He was 8 years of age when he died of Hodgkin's lymphoma, it's a very treatable form of cancer. His parents this week pleaded guilty in his death. But they say they saw this lump on his neck, they say they thought it was just swollen glands.

So what do they do? What do they not do? Take this child to the doctor. What happened? Is this neglect? Is this they lacked money? What's the story?

SUNNY HOSTIN, LEGAL CONTRIBUTOR, "IN SESSION," TRUTV: Well, that's the million dollar question, right? If you believe prosecutors, prosecutors are saying this is about medical neglect. They're saying that this little boy, this 8-year-old boy, Brooke, begged his parents to take him to the hospital, and they refused to do so.

Yet they took their pit bull to the vet at a cost of $87 to then to get treated for fleas. However, the defendants are saying this is not a question of medical neglect, this is about poverty, this is about the lack of access to health care.

They're saying that they wanted to take him to the hospital, yet they couldn't afford the $180 it costs them to take him to the free clinic in their county. And so they moved, apparently, to Cleveland, Ohio, to try to get hope for the little boy, yet he died within two weeks.

So that really is the story here. It's sort of a tale of two stories, what really happened that led to the death of this little precious 8-year-old boy?

BALDWIN: You mentioned the lack of money that -- at least, that's what the parents are saying. Let's listen to the attorney.


JOHN LUSKIN, MOTHER'S ATTORNEY: Unfortunately, these people did not have that ability to get the proper health care. And I think the entire system, both in Warren and Trumbull County, and Cuyahoga County, there was just a little bit of the -- the ball was dropped.


BALDWIN: So if the ball was dropped, to use his phrase, could that translate into a lighter sentence for the parents here?

HOSTIN: Well, it certainly is possible. Prosecutors are talking about their recommendation. These parents are looking, Brooke, at two to eight years in prison. However, if it wasn't just the parents' fault, if, indeed, the counties dropped the ball, if they tried to seek medical help and were denied, certainly that's something that's going to be part of this equation when the judge sentences him.

But we all know here in the United States that oftentimes hospitals and doctors see children, especially without any health insurance. So there are a lot of questions surrounding the parents' behavior in this case. But two to eight years is what they're looking at because they did plead guilty to attempted involuntary manslaughter.

BALDWIN: OK. Second case, it has been just about a year now since Texas lawmakers passed this bill requiring doctors to show sonograms to any woman who wants an abortion.

Since then the law has been tied up in all kinds of legal challenges, but now the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth District has given the go-ahead for this to be enforced.

The question is, does this mean, Sunny Hostin, that Texas now can start enforcing the sonogram law, or is there more legal wrangling ahead here?

HOSTIN: Well, I think a little bit of both. There is no question that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has sort of cleared the way for the enforcement of this law in Texas to begin.

But opponents of this law said that they're looking at all available means that they have to try to do something about this lawsuit, to try to block the enforcement. We know that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has bounced it back to the lower court judged it initially, placed an injunction, which means a sort of stop action order in this case, and so we don't know.

What I can tell you is, certainly, the legal wranglings will continue. People are talking about the Supreme Court, possibly, looking at this. That's a long ways away. That's too premature. But no question about it, it is possible that this law could begin to be enforced in Texas.

BALDWIN: Let me play this, this is from one of the Texas lawmakers, this is Sid Miller.


SID MILLER (R), TEXAS STATE HOUSE: I think it is the morally right thing to do. I think we have a moral obligation to provide all the information necessary or available to that patient.


BALDWIN: Moral right. I mean, you mentioned, yes, there is going to be more legal wrangling. So will this moral obligation, will that stand these new legal challenges that certainly will pop up?

HOSTIN: You know, I'm not sure, but I really think that it's important for our viewers to know what this law is requiring the doctors to do. The law is requiring that the doctors not only show the sonogram, but also -- in a manner understandable to a woman, hey have to provide this sort of verbal explanation of the results of the sonogram, including a medical description of the dimensions of the fetus, the presence of cardiac activity, and the presence of external members and internal organs.

And so certainly before anyone takes on any kind of medical procedure, they want to have -- they want to make an informed consent, right, they want know everything there is. But opponents of this law are saying that these just scare tactics that are being used by legislatures to try to prevent women from seeking their constitutional right to abortion.

So really a hotbed issue in Texas. It's something that opponents and proponents of abortion are certainly following. But, again, really fascinating that the legislature is forcing a doctor to explain to a woman the dimensions of a fetus prior to allowing her to have an abortion.

BALDWIN: Yes, this is one of those, whatever side of this you fall on, people, they're fired up. Sunny Hostin, thank you so much.

HOSTIN: That's right. Thanks.

BALDWIN: Coming up next, Katy Perry's dad under fire for comments he made about a religious group. He is now responding to that backlash.

Plus, see who has just popped on his microphone, adjusted the old tie, hi, Wolf. Very nice, very nice, very nice.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST, CNN'S THE SITUATION ROOM: Is it straight? Is it straight?

BALDWIN: Yes, it's straight.


BALDWIN: We'll be back with a preview of "THE SITUATION ROOM" with the man, Wolf Blitzer, next.


BALDWIN: Katy Perry is a celebrity, but the singer's dad is the one trending today. He's apologizing for one of his sermons. His name is Keith Hudson. He is a preacher, insists he is not an antisemite. But critics say it sure didn't sound like it last week when he spoke at this church, it's Church on the Rise in Ohio.

And I'm going to read for you, and this is his quote of what he allegedly told the congregation: "You know how to make the Jew jealous? Have some money, honey. You go to L.A., they all own all the Rolex and diamond places. Walk down a part of L.A. where we live, and it is so rich it smells. You ever smell rich? They are all Jews, hallelujah."

A couple days later, Hudson reportedly said he was joking and that he has said things like that before. But last night Katy Perry's father expressed deep regrets, released this apology.

"I am not going to offer any excuse or tell you not to think what I did wasn't so terrible. I do insist that I am not an antisemite. I used images about Jews rooted in the worst antisemitism in the past, images that at times let to the persecution and murder of Jews. I probably would have used them for the rest of my life had people not pointed out to me their origin and evil purpose. I understand the power of words and the need for all of us to think twice before using words that can hurt or harm others. I apologize for the hurt that I caused my Jewish friends. With the help of God, it will not happen again."

Katy Perry's father there.

Now we are a couple minutes away from the one and only Wolf Blitzer and "THE SITUATION ROOM." And coming up, what, Rick Santorum on the show.

BLITZER: Rick Santorum. I wonder if he's going to be wearing the sweater vest.

BALDWIN: Sweater vest.

BLITZER: Do you think he'll show up in the sweater vest, a tie, a jacket?

BALDWIN: I think it's a little balmy in South Carolina. So I'm thinking no.

BLITZER: I'm thinking the sweater vest, the button-down shirt, the whole...

BALDWIN: You're going to call it now?

BLITZER: Yes. I'm making that prediction. But you know...

BALDWIN: Making that projection.

BLITZER: ... we're going to wait until our 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour. He's joining me live from South Carolina. Ten days.

BALDWIN: Hoping for that evangelical vote in South Carolina.

BLITZER: My blog post today: "It's not over yet." That's what I say, you know. They're ready to coronate Mitt Romney -- not necessarily, not so fast, we have got South Carolina, we've got Florida, we've got a lot of stuff going on. We're going to watch it all closely. You're going to watch it, too.

BALDWIN: Of course I will. And in terms of South Carolina, we touched on this before, but it gets very, very ugly, dirty, dirty politics in South Carolina.

BLITZER: The ads are going to be tough. It's going to be tough all around. BALDWIN: But there are social issues, and that sort of can be rife for dirty politics. Really the issue in South Carolina now, they're talking economy. Do you think it won't get quite as dirty?

BLITZER: Well, I mean, do you see this new Newt Gingrich ad really blasting Mitt Romney, that he supports abortion, I mean, that's a very, very tough ad that is playing right now in South Carolina. And this is only just beginning.

It's one thing for the actual commercials on television. Those will be tough but relatively tame compared to the stuff that is going to go in the underground, if you will, the fliers sent out raising suspicions, those robophone calls.

It's tough business, a dirty politics. And I expect in the next 10 days a lot of people in South Carolina will be disgusted with some of these accusations. We're going to watch it. We have a team of CNN experts on the ground. We're going to bring it to our viewers. If we catch wind of some of these robocalls or some of these really ugly fliers that are being sent, scurrilous rumors and all this kind of trash, you know...

BALDWIN: Expose it.

BLITZER: South Carolina, as you know, has a history of using this kind of stuff. So we will watch it closely.

BALDWIN: His blog,

BLITZER:, "SITUATION ROOM" all one word.

BALDWIN: Thank you. Thank you, Wolf. We'll see you in a couple of minutes.

BLITZER: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Mitt Romney says he spent primary day at the movies with his family. And so we did a little digging and learned which movies are the candidates' favorites. So which one -- this about this, which one loves "Casablanca"?

Plus Washington may be divided, but one senator has an idea to bring politicians together for one night. That's next.


BALDWIN: "Political Pop," we are taking you to the movies today. One GOP candidate was feeling so confident before yesterday's primary, he caught a flick with the family. Can you guess who? Yes, you can. He was Mitt Romney, feeling very confident yesterday.

His son Tagg tweeted out a picture of the family, Mitt Romney went to go see "Mission Impossible" while taking -- well, the kids apparently had a lighter fare. They went to go see "The Muppets."

And it just kind of got us thinking, that tweet, about a couple of the other candidates and their favorite movies. So we have a list. This list put together thanks to The Washington Times.

First off, Rick Perry a fan of "Immortal Beloved," a movie about Beethoven, starring Gary Oldman. Next, Newt Gingrich, he is the one who loves "Casablanca." And finally Rick Santorum, his favorite movie, "Field of Dreams." "If they build it, they will come."

Partisanship might be back in Washington, at least before the State of the Union Address. Remember last year when the Republicans and Democrats actually sat side by side, at least most of them did for that speech. And it was a show of unity in the aftermath of the whole -- the shooting in Tucson last January, a shooting involving Gabrielle Giffords. So talk of having the so-called "prom dates," remember that? "Prom dates" for this year's State of the Union, that has started up again.

Senator Mark Udall from Colorado is once again leading the way. We'll have to wait and see if that happens during the president's State of the Union, that is January 24th.

And with New Hampshire now in the rear view, the remaining GOP candidates looking ahead to South Carolina, and there is some new polling out there that might make Jon Huntsman a wee bit nervous. I want to bring in Joe Johns. He has been all over the campaign trail for us.

And, Joe, you're in Columbia, South Carolina, a big grin on your face, because this is just kind of fun. Who's this comedian? Who is this comedian who is ahead of Jon Huntsman in one of these polls?

JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's unbelievable. Right, I laughed out loud when I saw it. It's Stephen Colbert. Now how could he end up 1 point ahead of Jon Huntsman? Answer, he's actually from South Carolina, so it's not that big of a surprise.

But still, Colbert the comedian is ahead of Jon Huntsman in the polls, it's just sort of one sign of the kind of uphill battle Jon Huntsman is facing here in South Carolina -- Brooke.

BALDWIN: I guess that's a screen grab. Stephen Colbert can just remember and can live forever in infamy. How has he been received there in South Carolina, his first real appearance?

JOHNS: Well...

BALDWIN: Santorum, I should -- or excuse me, Huntsman.

JOHNS: Yes, actually, Huntsman, right. He's in this building right now that I'm standing under, eight floors up, talking to a standing room only crowd of college students on the campus of the University of South Carolina.

A lot of people came out to greet him. Pretty energized crowd, so it looks good for him in that way. I mean, people know his name, but there's really an uphill battle for Jon Huntsman here in the state of South Carolina. He comes out of New Hampshire, as you said, in third place. A pretty good showing there, but he sort of put all his eggs in one basket in New Hampshire. And now people here, their tastes run to more conservative politicians, evangelicals. He's really neither of those.

And the question is just, what is his path to the nomination, if there is one, Brooke? We hope to see him in a little while and talk to him personally after he gets through addressing the students upstairs. But it will be an interesting time for Jon Huntsman here in South Carolina.

BALDWIN: We will look for that to pop up with Wolf Blitzer. You and Wolf Blitzer can chat about that one, Joe Johns. Thank you.

Speaking of, your "SITUATION ROOM" starts now.