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CNN Newsroom

Hamas Supporters Celebrate in Streets; U.S., Egypt Help Broker Ceasefire; Hours Away From Black Friday Frenzy; New York Celebrates Thanksgiving; Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns; Fitch Cuts Sony, Panasonic Debt To "Junk"; Turning Eyes to Oscars; More Turkey Cooking Tips From Butterball; Interview with NASCAR's "Bad Brad" Keselowski

Aired November 22, 2012 - 10:00   ET


CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Stories we're watching now in the NEWSROOM, celebrations in Gaza as a ceasefire appears to be holding and Hamas is claiming victory over Israel.

On the defense, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan responding to her harshest critics following those talking points about Benghazi.

And if you just won NASCAR's championship, how would you celebrate? Well, if you're bad Brad Keselowski and your sponsor is Miller Lite then a gigantic glass of beer is quite appropriate. I will talk to the Sprint Cup champ.

Plus this -- black Friday chaos. Remember the pushing and the shoving and the stampedes from last year? Well, look all the bigger deals and longer shopping hours this year, will we see a repeat? NEWSROOM starts now.

Good morning to you. Happy, Happy, Thanksgiving. I'm Carol Costello. Thanks for spending part of your holiday with us. I sure appreciate it.

For the first time in more than a week, it's been a relatively quiet day across Israel and Gaza. The cease-fire for now is holding. At the border Israeli troops are packing up after spending one final night there.

The Israeli Defense Forces saying, since the ceasefire began three rockets were fired into Israel, two hit open areas and a third was intercepted by Israel's iron dome missile defense system.

The Israeli Defense Forces says one soldier died after being wounded in one of those rocket attacks. You know, in that area of the world though that's considered relatively calm sadly.

If everything remains this way until 2:00 Eastern, Gaza border crossings will open. Today, rallies popped up in the streets as Hamas supporters celebrate what they are calling a victory over Israel.

And this morning, Hamas' prime minister says, he is dedicating the victory to Ahmad Al Jabari. He was the head of Hamas' military wing killed in this Israeli air strike eight days ago as you know that attack ignited the fighting.

The United States and Egypt, of course, helped brokered the ceasefire. Nobody surprised by the U.S.' role but Egypt's role surprised many because Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsy, hails from the Muslim Brotherhood, a political cousin to Hamas.

Reza Sayah joins us now from Cairo. How are Egyptians feeling about this ceasefire this morning?

REZA SAYAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, if you're the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo you're patting yourself on the back today because they really came out looking very favorably in the international community throughout this process.

Remember, this is a big test for Egypt's government led now by the Muslim Brotherhood, a figure Mohamed Morsy. When this government took over, there was a lot of concern. Even alarm in western capitals, in Washington, politicians both Democrat, Republican, and right wing radio talk show host had a lot of concern.

Would this be a movement that would take up arms against Israel? Would this be a movement that would give material support for Hamas? Some even thought this was a movement that had ambitions of a worldwide Islamic canopy.

It turns out that those fears, the way things stand right now turned out to be groundless. It looks like this is a government that's approached this very even handedly in an effort to keep their peace treaty with Israel.

And keep their economic and political alliances with Washington and western capitals. In the end, Carol, it doesn't look like this is a government that wanted to be seen as radical in the international community and that's why they are getting a lot of praises today.

COSTELLO: Reza Sayah reporting live from Cairo, Egypt this morning. Back at home, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice is finally speaking out about those talking points that she delivered on the attacks in Benghazi.

Ambassador Rice came under fire from Republicans for her comments. She said it appeared that the uprising in Benghazi sprang up spontaneously because of that anti-Islam video. She also said the facts weren't in and the investigation was ongoing.

But Rice was slammed for those comments, but information released this week revealed she was speaking from talking points given to her by the director of national intelligence.


SUSAN RICE, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO U.N.: I relied solely and squarely on the information provided to me by the intelligence community. I made clear that the information was preliminary and that our investigations would give us the definitive answers. Everyone particularly the intelligence community has worked in good faith to provide the best assessment based on the information available.


COSTELLO: Republicans have accused Rice and the White House of a cover up in the weeks before the election. CNN's foreign affairs correspondent, Jill Dougherty joins me now from the White House. So, Jill, this is the first time we're hearing from Ambassador Rice about this.

JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: It is. You know, it was very carefully scripted as you can imagine, there's still basically three investigations ongoing, Carol.

There's the FBI investigation. There's the State Department investigation and then Congress also has been looking into it. Those investigations aren't over yet, but she wanted to put her record straight.

And essentially what Senator McCain and other Republicans are accusing her of is lying. They are saying that she gave information that was incorrect and that she should do a public mea culpa.

In other words, admit that she did that. And as we were just hearing, she is saying she was told what to say. She was reading the points made by intelligence. When it came to Senator McCain she was quite diplomatic. Let's listen to what she says.


RICE: I have great respect for Senator McCain and his service to our country. I always have and I always will. I do think that some of the statements he made about me have been unfounded, but I look forward to having the opportunity at the appropriate time to discuss all of this with him.


DOUGHERTY: And just one reminder of kind of state of play on this investigation and information. We now understand that the CIA drafted those talking points. The DNI, Director of National Intelligence removed the word al Qaeda.

They said there were three reasons for doing that. One, it came from classified information that they didn't want to reveal. Number two, the link to al Qaeda they say was tenuous. In other words it's wasn't very tightly, let's say established. And then three, it might influence those investigations -- Carol.

COSTELLO: But it's not over yet, Jill, right, because Republicans probably will not be satisfied by Rice's explanations.

DOUGHERTY: Well, I would think not at this point because I don't think she really moves the ball from what we understood and that is what the administration has been saying.

She was given this information by the intelligence community and that she repeated it and that there was no intention to mislead. It hasn't been accepted by the Republicans yet and we'll just have to see where they go.

I think obviously what's going to happen is the investigations will come out and one of the most interesting ones I think will be that State Department investigation. That is supposed to come out perhaps in December and will really wrap things up. So we'll probably have to wait until then.

COSTELLO: All right, Jill Dougherty reporting live from the White House.

After stuffing yourself with turkey today maybe you'll work it off by getting caught up in the Black Friday shopping frenzy, which will get underway even earlier this year. And of course that stirred up a lot of controversy.

Employees at stores like Target and Wal-Mart say they want their holiday. More than one person has wondered why anyone would want to leave their family for a red tag sale.

Some people have been camping out in front of stores all week to be first in line. Experts say about 147 million people will shop this weekend. That's actually down from last year's 220 million.

But even with fewer shoppers, experts predict more than $21 billion in sales. That's up by almost $2 billion from last year. But the most astonishing part of Black Friday is, of course, the chaos.

Here's CNN's Kyung Lah with some of the most shocking shopping moments.


KYUNG LAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The stampedes, the gate crashing, the pushing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do not push me! It's a TV, for God's sakes!

LAH: Even tasing. Shoppers consumed with the deal turning on one another. At this Wal-Mart last year --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My eyes are burning!

LAH: -- one used pepper spray to fight suffocation in the crowd. This is Black Friday in America. And Connecticut shopper, John Daggett --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been standing in line for 36 hours.

LAH: -- loves it. This father of an 18-month old has been camping out for years. One year, he snapped photos as this crowd fought over $5 headphones.

JOHN DAGGETT, BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPER: The shoppers just went berserk. I've never seen anything like it. People start lunging and grabbing and you see the arms all just go at once forward, like a team of superhero.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is relatively new is shoppers turning on other shoppers.

LAH: Aimee Drolet is a consumer psychologist. She says competitive shopping has gotten worse, so accepted on Black Friday that it's here to stay.

AIMEE DROLET, CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGIST, UCLA: This piling on, stores being desperate for consumers to come and shop, so they're going to be offering a lot of deals and making the promotional environment something that predisposes people to not behave.

LAH: Bad behavior has led to serious injuries, even death, from crushed workers and shoppers to shootings at stores. That's why Best Buy has been running drills this year on crowd control. They're so serious at this store check out the plan on the Black Friday war board.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We prep a lot for this. We make sure the line is being monitored, let in little groups at a time, that way our employees aren't getting overwhelmed and neither are the customers.

LAH (on camera): The tents, the lines, the mayhem. Some shoppers say the only way they can handle Black Friday is by declaring a shopping blackout.

JENNIFER BAGHDADLIAN, BOYCOTTS BLACK FRIDAY: People go crazy for a good deal, but it's not worth it to me. It's not worth it to my family.

LAH (voice-over): The crowds are just part of obtaining rare Black Friday deals says Daggett.

DAGGETT: I love it when they try to swing at you or anything. It's funny to me. Everybody always gets mad when you're the one with the items they want.

LAH: Consumers driven by competition no matter the cost. Kyung Lah, CNN, Los Angeles.


COSTELLO: OK, let's talk about a happier Thanksgiving Day tradition, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In the middle of the action, Jason Carol.

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Carol, speaking of which we have the parade coming right by us. Kareem Abdul Jabar is on the float right up here and also Sonic, the Hedgehog is on deck. Much more to come right after this.


COSTELLO: Doesn't that look fantastic. This is, of course, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Jason Carroll is somewhere in the middle of all that fun. I so envy you, Jason Carroll.

CARROLL: Well, right now, we've got the marching band coming by from Wyoming. They're from all over the state, the best that Wyoming has to offer and they're here in New York for a glorious day, Carol. The weather is perfection. No wind. No rain. Just lots of sun.

When is the last time you'll be able to say that New York. And of course, millions of people will come out for the parade. Three and a half million in fact from all over, we have Georgia.

I made a promise to talk about Georgia. My new best friend here, this is her birthday. She's actually just turned 22. Your first time at the parade, what do you think?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's been great. We had to get here early, but it was definitely worth it. The atmosphere is great.

CARROLL: Definitely a good point to get here early because a lot of folks showed up here from instate as well. Syracuse, what's been the best part of the parade?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I liked Charlie Brown when they have the football.

CARROLL: Charlie Brown and the football. I'm hoping Charlie Brown gets to kick that darn football sometime. Also joining us, Boston, Massachusetts. Tell me about what you've seen so far that's been your favorite?

UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: The marching band, the Charlie Brown and the Spider Man.

CARROLL: You what, Carol, I'm so glad to see that old school Charlie Brown is beating all the SpongeBob. It's been a great parade so far. It's still happening, Ronald McDonald about to make his way down here. It's been a great time to be out in New York. A lot of people in New York have a lot to be thankful for.

COSTELLO: I just can't believe how warm it is. People aren't wearing coats or some of them aren't wearing coats, usually it's freezing.

CARROLL: I don't even need this coat, but I think it looks better with the turtle neck so I'm going to keep the coat on, Carol, but --

COSTELLO: You are such a metrosexual. Jason Carroll, thank you. We'll get back to you. We'll be right back.


COSTELLO: Illinois will have to hold a special election following Jesse Jackson Jr.'s resignation from Congress. Jackson says he needs time to spend, quote, "restoring my health." Jackson mysteriously disappeared from Capitol Hill last May.

His office later revealed he was dealing with depression and had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Health concerns aren't the only thing Jackson is facing though.

CNN's Ted Rowlands is in Chicago this morning. He's also accused of possible ethics violations.

TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, and he's the subject of federal investigation into the possibility of misusing campaign funds, Carol. So there's a lot going on in the congressman's life.

It was really no surprise for folks here in Chicago that he did tender his resignation. In the letter to John Boehner, he talked about his health issues, talked about his service.

And he also for the first time admitted that he spoke publicly about this ongoing investigation saying that I'm doing my best to address the situation responsibly, cooperate with the investigators and accept responsibility for my mistakes for they are my mistakes and mine alone.

And that's significant, Carol, because his wife, Sandy Jackson, who is (inaudible) person here in Chicago is possibly under the same investigation. That's what the "Wall Street Journal" is reporting.

She's also been floated as a possible replacement for her husband in the House seat that is now vacant. We have not talked to Jesse Jackson Jr. He has not had any public appearances. We talked to a family member who said that he was going to hold a press conference.

But he was fearful that he wouldn't be able to, quote, "make it through it." Jesse Jackson Sr. has been mum on this as well. The only person who really has been out there is Bobby Rush who is the representative in the first district and a long time friend of the Jacksons. Here is a little bit about what he said yesterday at a news conference.


REP. BOBBY RUSH (D), ILLINOIS: I just find it's so painful at this point for me not only to know that he wouldn't be in the Congress, but to know that he's still struggling with a serious, very serious mental health issue.


ROWLANDS: Folks in Illinois here, his district really loves him. In fact, he didn't campaign at all. Everybody knew he was sick and under investigation. He won re-election two weeks ago by an overwhelming margin.

There are people in the state of Illinois that is upset because it's going to cost taxpayers millions of dollars to put up these two special elections. People are thinking why didn't you quit a little earlier. It could have saved us some money.

COSTELLO: Ted Rowlands reporting live for us from Chicago. Thanksgiving will not be the same for many along the east coast. Superstorm Sandy destroyed people's homes, turned their lives upside down, but today, a large group of volunteers with big hearts are turning out to lend a helping hand.


SGT. 1ST CLASS JOALEEN TAYLOR, U.S. ARMY: I'm Sergeant Joaleen Taylor here in Afghanistan. I'd like to say Happy Thanksgiving to my family.



COSTELLO: It's 25 minutes past the hour. Time to check our top stories. Hamas supporters celebrated in the streets of Gaza as the Israeli army packed up and left the border. So far the ceasefire has held.

This morning, Hamas called the moment a victory and said Israel was, quote, "foolish to assassinate the leader of Hamas' military wing." Israel also claimed victory because Hamas has now stopped firing rockets into Israel.

Some bad news for two former tech giants, the ratings agency, Fitch, is downgrading Sony and Panasonic to junk status. Fitch says the two former tech jewels are facing weak consumer demand and strong competition from the likes of Apple and Samsung.

Right now, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is marching through the streets of New York. It's a Thanksgiving tradition as you know with an estimated three million people attending the parade, 50 million more watching it on television. This year, Mayor Michael Bloomberg reserved 5,000 seats for families affected by Superstorm Sandy.

Some people are giving up their traditional holiday plans to help others in New York and New Jersey, places hit hard by Superstorm Sandy last month. So many homes destroyed including on Staten Island.

Deb Feyerick joins us now from New York. Deb, this warms my heart actually.

DEBORAH FEYERICK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it really does, Carol. A lot of people, several hundred volunteer volunteers and not just here on Staten Island who really all over, a number of church and synagogues reaching out to people today in order to make this Thanksgiving a little better and a little brighter.

Specifically because when you're trying to piece together your life, Thanksgiving is not the first thing on your mind. But we want to show you, this is the liquid church here. They say that because they want to turn compassion into action.

What they're doing right now is they are setting up these tables in order to prepare a movable Thanksgiving feast. They have turkey burgers. They have cookies. They have pies, balloons just to make things a little more festive.

Jackie Milsome is one of the volunteers who is going to fill us in on all the things that are going on right here. What is the goal? What do you hope to reach in this community?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want to give them a little hope back and let them know we're here to support them in any way and raise spirits in any way and let them know we love them.

We're going to have some crafts here for kids. We're going to serve burgers and fries. We have pies. We have all different stuff and just to be that little glimmer of hope in a tough time.

FEYERICK: When the church came together and said what can we do and this is what you came up with and you have 20 of these movable feasts, did everybody say this is a great idea?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Amazingly enough we had like two weeks in preparation and we've had over a thousand volunteers coming. The people wanted to come here. They want to love on people. We have a spirit to give back. It's been quite amazing to get this all done if two weeks.

FEYERICK: Thank you so much. You can see some of the work being done. This is part of what they're doing, Carol. They got here a little earlier. You can see some of the garbage is bagged up.

Just raking yard and getting debris out. This part looks clean and bright and shiny, but there debris, this fine sand that is over everything. People are still out in force. These folks here are just sending the message they are behind the people of Staten Island -- Carol.

COSTELLO: They're not only making turkey burgers and pies, although I'm sure those things are much appreciated. They are also giving other things as well that people really need.

FEYERICK: They are. What's amazing is first they're going to bring a grill here. After they make this feast, they're going to leave the grill. That's going to be the block grill so people can come out.

This whole area, most of the homes here still don't have electricity. This home on the corner here where you see these two volunteers coming in someone from FEMA is assessing this house for the damage.

What they're also doing is gutting a number of the homes too. This car, that car hasn't moved since the flood. They're really trying to, but gutting people's homes that still need it.

They're trying to send the message that they are here to rebuild and they are here. They've got the backs of the people who live here -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Awesome, Deborah Feyerick reporting live from Staten Island, New York thanks so much.

It's the most successful opening ever for a James Bond film. Now "Skyfall" could make even more history at the Oscars.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SPEC. JACOBY BAILEY, U.S. ARMY: This is Specialist Jacoby Bailey from (inaudible) Hawaii in 225 BSD. I would just like to say happy Thanksgiving to my mom and my brothers and sisters back home in Freeport, Louisiana. Happy Thanksgiving and I love you all.



COSTELLO: Happy Thanksgiving we couldn't resist taking you one more time from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. As you can see -- the marching band from Texas is going down the street there. Three million people are lining the parade while watching this -- oh there's Mickey Mouse, you know Jason Carroll was interviewing kids along the route and interesting enough most of them their favorite float was Charlie Brown not Hello Kitty, not some of the newer super heroes flying by so I kind of like that. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Ok let's talk a little showbiz. The race for the White House is over. But the campaign to get that coveted Oscar statue that is just beginning. Entertainment correspondent Nischelle Turner spoke with movie critics about their early favorite to take home an academy award.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like our chances now.

NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The election isn't until February but Lincoln's candidacy is already getting lots of support in the race for best picture.

PETE HAMMOND, MOVIE CRITIC, DEADLINE.COM: "Lincoln" is sensational. And Steven Spielberg's best in many, many years and it looks like that's going be a major contender.

TURNER: Movie critic Pete Hammond of is tracking all the early Oscar favorite.

HAMMOND: We're starting to look at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pecking orders already.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got Revolutionary Guards going door to door.

HAMMOND: "Argo" I think is -- is really from the academy voters I've talked to love that movie.

TURNER: Also on Hammond's short list.

HAMMOND: "Life of Pi" Ang Lee's movie which is extraordinary. "Silver Linings Play Book" is just a wonderful comedy, drama, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro, all of them will be nominated. Some of them could win.

TURNER: Critic Ben Lyons thinks Oscar voters may double down on 007. BEN LYONS, MOVIE CRITIC: Now with the "Skyfall" people are talking about James Bond being in the best picture race which I think there's a good possibility of happening.

TURNER: If "Skyfall" gets a best picture nod it would be a first for a Bond movie. But the recognition may not (inaudible) Lyons says.

LYONS: Javier Bardem he's absolutely incredible in "Skyfall".

JAVIER BARDEM, ACTOR: Mommy was very bad.

JUDI DENCH, ACTRESS: Where the hell have you been?

LYONS: Also Judi Dench in "Skyfall" was an academy favorite and might get supporting actress nomination for her turn of events.

TURNER: But the Oscar race is far from set. Some possible contenders haven't even opened yet.

HAMMOND: "Les Miserable" from Universal is coming up. It's a Christmas Day.

TURNER: That's Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway.

HAMMOND: And Russell Crowe and the big musical of the season.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had a dream my life would be --

HAMMOND: Everybody is looking at that one, you know, I mean, the other rivals are looking at like I hope it's not good. I hope it's not good.

TURNER: Are there any individual performances that really jump out as you write about now?

HAMMOND: It's one of the tightest best actor races I've seen in years.

TURNER: Really.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Having you in the shower.

HAMMOND: There's Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, in "Hitchcock" nails -- nails "Hitchcock". You've got Daniel Day Lewis as "Abraham Lincoln".

TURNER: Day Lewis could face competition from another ex-President, Bill Murray as FDR in "Hyde Park on Hudson".

HAMMOND: Bill Murray is terrific and really nails this portrayal of Roosevelt. And so we've got the battle of the presidents all of a sudden.

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, ACTRESS: I love him. I am his mistress.

TURNER: The best actress picture is still kind of murky. But it could feature Keira Knightley in the legendary role of "Anna Karenina".

HELEN MIRREN, ACTRESS: You'll kill her after 30 minutes.

TURNER: And there's Helen Mirren as Alfred Hitchcock's wife Alma in "Hitchcock". Add it all up and what have you got? A really competitive award season.

And isn't that why we love this time of year?

HAMMOND: We love it. We just wish it was a little shorter.



TURNER: Nischelle Turner, CNN, Hollywood.


COSTELLO: For more than 30 years they've been talking -- talking -- they've been talking to you, saving you from that Thanksgiving Day disaster. The Butterball Turkey Lady, coming up.


CAPT. KAREN ROTKIS, U.S. ARMY: Hi my name is Captain Rotkis. And I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to my husband Fred in beautiful Ohio and also to my parents Charlie and Judy Rotkis. Happy Thanksgiving.



COSTELLO: Thirty-nine minutes past the hour. Checking our "Top Stories" now.

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas appears to be holding near the Gaza border Israeli soldiers are packing and heading home. In Gaza the leader of Hamas is calling the ceasefire with Israel a victory.

Former French President Sarkozy is under investigation in a probe involving illegal campaign donations. Questions center around whether a wealthy L'Oreal cosmetic heiress and her staff illegally helped Sarkozy during his 2007 presidential bid.

The Power Ball Jackpot is north of $325 million no ticket (inaudible) of last night's winning numbers $325 million would buy a whole lot of turkey. The next Power Ball drawing is Saturday night.

For every Thanksgiving there's someone who still has a frozen solid turkey on Thanksgiving morning and doesn't know how to thaw it to cook it in time for dinner. Good thing there's help available. They can always call the 1-800-Butterball Hot line.

Turkey Talk Line supervisor Carol Miller is in New York. Welcome. Thank you so much for being with us on this Thanksgiving morning.

CAROL MILLER, SUPERVISOR FOR 1-800-BUTTERBALL: Well thank you. And we've been doing this for 32 years. And we've collected all these golden tips to share with people. So if you've got a problem today you can call us, you can log onto You know there's videos on and those pictures can really get you out of a jam.

COSTELLO: Ok we want to start with something fun, though because we always hear these horrible bizarre stories. Like we heard one about a man who wanted to thaw his turkey so he put it in his bathtub with his children to thaw it. Have you heard that?

MILLER: You know, yes we have. You know there were turkeys and bubbles and very cold toddlers. It is important to keep the turkey cold when you thaw; it you put it in the fridge or in your sink with cold water. Do not recommend getting toddlers involved.

COSTELLO: No that would be kind of disgusting actually.

Another question I have, a lot of people watch football of course on Thanksgiving Day. And they want their turkey to be done at halftime, any advice?

MILLER: You know what, I did get that personal question myself. A guy lost a bet. And he had to cook turkey for all his friends and that was the main issue. We do get that call, when, you know how long will it take to cook my turkey, 10 pound to 18 pound turkey they're going to be about three to three and a half hours. Not as long as most people think that it's going to take.

COSTELLO: I mean what -- I mean what question do people ask you the most on Thanksgiving? Because I don't want to miss an important question for the folks at home.

MILLER: Well you know we get a lot of people that are concerned about that treasure bag that's inside the burden they don't discover it until they are -- are slicing up the turkey. It's the giblet bag. It is ok if they cook through their process. It does not hurt the turkey. It just embarrasses the cook. Carve, serve and enjoy.

COSTELLO: So it doesn't poison your turkey.

MILLER: No, not at all, not all.

COSTELLO: The other question we have is let's say you know it's after dinner the turkey is on the table. You want your guest to continue to enjoy eating the turkey. How long should you keep it on the table?

MILLER: You know we've got the two hour rule. After it comes out of the oven and not just the turkey all the side dishes and everything. It's good to get it back into the refrigerator in about two hours. You want those leftovers to be good for your family and if you've made too many -- too much turkey which I don't really think there's ever too much turkey but store it up in the freezer. It's great for when things get cuckoo early in December you can pull out that package of turkey. Put it in your soup and you're ready to go.

COSTELLO: And a last question for you. Being the Butterball Turkey lady, I'm sure you cook your own bird. Is there incredible pressure on you to have the most perfect turkey in the world?

MILLER: You know it's not a problem because I do make the best turkey. It's a real challenge when I'm invited out for Thanksgiving a lot of pressure on wherever I'm going and getting their turkey perfect.

COSTELLO: I know, I would be afraid to invite you over because I would think you would be sitting there being critical of my bird.

MILLER: I'm just so happy that someone else cooked all the turkey and the side dishes. You know the 50 people that man the Butterball Turkey Talk Line we're all here today. We are all talking turkey. We're doing live chats, everything to get turkey on the table for America. So our families are roasting the turkeys.

COSTELLO: Oh lucky you. Thank you Carol Miller.

MILLER: I know.

COSTELLO: I know, I've got to go home and cook myself. Carol Miller, thank you so much for joining us this Thanksgiving we appreciate it.

MILLER: Happy Thanksgiving.

COSTELLO: You too.

They are not glued to their smart phones yet but baby boomers are becoming more socially media savvy. I'll show you in our series "Age against the Machines."


Sgt. John Howe, U.S. Army: This is Sergeant John Howe with the 316 Sustainment Command at beautiful Camp Aref John (ph), Kuwait. I'd like to say hello to my wife and family in Carnegie, Pennsylvania. Hi Paula, I love you. I miss you. I can't wait to see you. And Happy Thanksgiving.



COSTELLO: They make up the largest part of the U.S. population and it turns out baby boomers are becoming increasingly more tech savvy.

In today's "Age against the Machine" Dan Simon tells us why smart phones and social media aren't just for kids anymore.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Like a lot of people Barbara Mark is constantly using her phone.

BARBARA MARK: I wouldn't say that my iPhone is velcroed to my hip but pretty much. I keep it at my bedside.

SIMON: She represents a growing segment of smart phone adapters -- baby boomers; but not explosive growth as you see with younger users. Today fewer than four in ten boomers have a smart phone. That's only expected to inch up in the next few years.

Similarly when it comes to social networks, Silicon Valley may need a different marketing strategy to better appeal to this aging demographic. You see while Barbara logs onto Facebook and Twitter, she does not post photos or reveal much information about herself.

MARK: I don't share a ton of stuff about my personal life because it doesn't occur to me to do that.

SIMON: It's not that boomers are shunning social networks, it's just they have yet to fully embrace it as they did with PCs, e-mail and online shopping.

Say experts like Ezra Palmer of e-Marketer.

EZRA PALMER, E-MARKETER: Sharing photos in public or checking at restaurants or doing other kinds of typically mobile and social behaviors, they're simply not going to be that excited about doing that.

SIMON (on camera): e-Marketer, a leading authority on our digital habits recently did a study on boomers. It found that 57 percent of them had viewed social networks. Not bad. But those that do are unlikely to use regularly.

(voice-over): Also privacy is a much bigger concern for boomers than for younger people.

(on camera): So at this point they're just kind of dipping their toes in the water?

PALMER: I think that's right. I think that, you know, sometimes I think of it as comparing it to rock and roll where the baby boom generation embraced rock and roll. They were aware of and listened occasionally to hip hop but they just didn't embrace it.

SIMON: At 61 Barbara is still putting in a full week in her San Francisco office. She's an executive coach for women helping them achieve goals in the workplace. She says sometimes her older clients feel overwhelmed with the new technology.

MARK: There are people who were not adept at it, who were not interested in it, who feel really intimidated by people running around with 75 apps on their phone that they say make their life worth living and someone my age is like I think you're crazy.

SIMON: Barbara is not one of them. She understands the appeal and loves her devices but admits that convincing some of her peers maybe a harder sell.

Dan Simon, CNN, San Francisco.

(END VIDEOTAPE) COSTELLO: When an athlete wins a title they celebrate some with champagne but NASCAR's new champ parties with a big old glass of beer. Don't miss my conversation with Bad Brad.


COSTELLO: After your Thanksgiving meal a quick work out could be just what you need to burn off all those extra calories. Sure. In today's daily dose, Chris Powell from TV's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss edition. He shows us how a simple warm up could give your next exercise plan a boost.


CHRIS POWELL, EXTREME MAKEOVER: WEIGHT LOSS EDITION: It's so important to warm up before you exercise simply for injury prevention alone. Our bodies -- you know, before we move it to higher intensity and exercise, they tend to be somewhat cold and so we need to increase blood flow to the muscles and to the joints and to the ligaments. And so once we're there, now we can actually begin to explore full range of motion and begin to explore higher intensity on the muscles.

But one of the best places to actually start the warm up is just by simple light movement that's moving some of the bigger muscles in the body. That's why I love to jog in place because now, it's utilizing the lower body muscles, the glutes, (inaudible) and caps. Those are big muscles in the body that require a lot of blood flow.

Once my body is all warmed up after a minute or two, now I can move into some light joint mobility, simply moving my body back and forth. Exploring my full range emotion, swinging my arms and my shoulders; perhaps rolling the hips. And Once I'm Now, I'm ready to move.



COSTELLO: NASCAR's newest champ is a beer-drinking no nonsense, throwback driver known simply as "Bad Brad". Brad Keselowski won the title Sunday. I had the chance to talk with him about family, Thanksgiving and his special way of celebrating.

I love your nickname "Bad Brad". Do you deserve it?

BRAD KESELOWSKI, NASCAR CHAMPION: Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't.

COSTELLO: I think most times you do actually.

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Really. Most times, no. Ok. We'll go with that. Girls like a bad boy so why not.

COSTELLO: You got that right. That's very true. After you won your big race you were drinking that humongous glass of beer. You don't often see that when people are being interviewed.

BRAD KESELOWSKI: No, you don't. That's why you should see it. It's a first time for everything. It's my first NASCAR championship. And I wanted to enjoy the moment.

COSTELLO: Were you really half lit?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Maybe 25 percent.

COSTELLO: Was it more of a tribute to your sponsor or was it just in the spirit of having fun?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Both. It was the spirit of having fun and a tribute to all those that make it possible.

COSTELLO: You seem to like embrace your "Bad Brad" status and reject it in a way? Is that fair?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Yes. It's very fair. I'm going both sides. I can so that's one way to do.

COSTELLO: So why is it important to play both sides?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: I mean everybody likes a bad boy up to a point and then they want to stop. You have to know your limitations.

COSTELLO: A lot of people say you're kind of a throwback to like the old traditional guys of racing or a big macho guy that likes to have fun and get in a bit of trouble.

BRAD KESELOWSKI: That's been known to happen a few times. But you know what I like to do, Carol, I like to honor the sport I'm in. I want to play it and I want to be part of it with a level of passion that really exceeds everyone else. Sometimes that gets me into trouble but also when you win and when you're successful you can turn that passion into enjoying the moment. And I think that's what defines me.

COSTELLO: Some people say that your sport is now filled with these pretty boys and you're sort of pushing them out and that's a good thing. That will draw more fans to the sport.

BRAD KESELOWSKI: I wouldn't say it's full of pretty boys but there's a few of them in there for sure. And at the end of the day the sport has to be true to itself. And true to its fanbase. If that makes people happy I'm glad to be part of it.

COSTELLO: Only one other driver, that would be Jess Gordon (ph) in the history of NASCAR won a championship in fewer races than you. What's your secret?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: My secret is not me. It's my team. It's being a team player. I'm surrounded by great people and so I've had a role in being around them and making them who they are. And they've had a role in shaping me and making me who I am. And together I feel like we can accomplish anything.

COSTELLO: You're a team player. Family means a lot to you. Thanksgiving is almost upon us. So tell us the importance of family and you know being a member of a team. BRAD KESELOWSKI: Well, specifically for Thanksgiving I've lost a lot of weight this year. I need to put some back on. That's the importance of Thanksgiving for me. Family and friends are what make it possible.

You know, I said after the race in Homestead this week, that life is a team sport. What that means is it's very simple. We're a product here today of those that we surround ourselves by and our family and friends are part of our team.

And obviously our co-workers are as well as signified by -- you know, raising my hat. I think it's important to realize that any success you have in life is attributed to those you surround yourself by. And I feel I've got the best team around.

COSTELLO: Bad Brad, thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it.

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Thank you, thanks very much Carol.

COSTELLO: He's just so charming. I'm Carol Costello, thank you so much for joining us today and happy Thanksgiving.

CNN NEWSROOM continues right now with Fredricka Whitfield.