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Child Held Hostage in Alabama; Alex Rodriguez Accused of Doping; Dan Marino Admits to Extra-Marital Affair and Child; 49ers Player Makes Controversial Remarks about Homosexuals; Trial of Woman for Murder in Arizona Continues; Hillary Clinton Resigns as Secretary of State; Former Football Player Discusses Brain Injuries Incurred from Playing; Movie Critic Reviews Football Films

Aired February 02, 2013 - 14:00   ET


MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN ANCHOR: It's 2:00 p.m. on the East Coast, 11:00 a.m. out West. Thanks for joining us. I'm Miguel Marquez in for Fredricka Whitfield.

We're learning new information about a horrifying hostage situation in Alabama now in its fifth day. Police are in constant communication with a man who is holding a five-year-old in an underground bunker. This is all happening in Midland City, Alabama, the southeastern corner of the state. CNN's George Howell is there. George, police came out today with new details what items the suspect Jimmy Lee Dykes is giving the child. What are they?

GEORGE HOWELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We just heard from the sheriff here, Wally Olson. He said a few interesting things. We learned first of all that Mr. Dykes has electric heater and blankets. Certainly it's cold in the bunker, about a constant 50 degrees in that bunker underground in that bunker. They're still able to get the young boy medications he needs. He suffers from Asperger's syndrome and ADHD. Also able to get him the crayons and coloring book, but also toys, Miguel. We learned that today.

And there was another interesting thing that I noticed in this particular press conference when the sheriff said that he wanted to thank Mr. Dykes. Listen to this.


SHERIFF WALLY OLSON, DALE COUNTY, ALABAMA: He's told us that he has electric heaters and blankets inside that he's taking care of him. He's also allowed us to provide coloring books, medication, toys. And I want to thank him for taking care of our child. That's very important.


HOWELL: Again, he wanted to thank him for taking care of their boy. You can tell this is a very personal. It's something that they're paying very close attention to, everything they're able to glean from communications with Mr. Dykes.

Miguel, remember, this all started back on Tuesday when investigators say that Mr. Dykes boarded a school bus and allegedly shot and killed the bus driver, then abducted this five-year-old boy taking him back to this property here where he has an underground bunker, and now, Miguel, in day five of the standoff.

MARQUEZ: Interesting that they thanked him. It clearly indicates they're trying to communicate with him in every way possible. What do we know about Mr. Dykes? Are police revealing anything about a possible motive here?

HOWELL: Not at this point. They are very tight-lipped about any communications they're getting from Jim Dykes except to tell us that the negotiations are still ongoing. Again, remember, they say that the young boy is physically unharmed. That's all we've got to go with at this point, Miguel.

MARQUEZ: We hope this works out for everyone in the most positive way. Thank you very much for keeping tabs on it.

HOWELL: New details today in the case of a lead prosecutor in Texas who was gunned down in broad daylight Thursday morning. A friend of prosecutor Mark Haas tells CNN he feared for his life and carried a gun with him to work days before he was ambushed and shot multiple times walking from his car. Haas was killed in an employee parking lot a block from the cough man county courthouse. Witnesses say one or two gunmen wearing masks and black clothing jumped in a getaway car. Authorities still have no leads.

California's parole board is recommending freedom for one of Charles Manson's convicted followers as 70-year-old Bruce Davis was sentenced to life in prison in 1972 for the murders of two men. He was not involved in the more infamous murder of actress Sharon Tate. California Governor Jerry Brown now has 30 days to decide whether to release David. If freed, he would be the first convicted Manson family member to leave prison.

A massive manhunt for a convicted murderer mistakenly released from prison -- it's over. Illinois police captured Stephen Robbins last night about 60 miles outside of Chicago three days after he went on the lam. Robbins is serving time for a murder 11 years ago in Indianapolis. It's still unclear how he went free Tuesday following a court hearing.

Now to some new allegations of doping against New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez. A-Rod is being accused of taking performance enhancing drugs from a Florida clinic, but this is not the first time. The 37-year-old has admitted in the past to doping but says he's been clean since 2003. National correspondent Susan Candiotti is live for us in New York. Susan?

SUSAN CANDIOTTI, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Miguel. A-Rod is again trying to distance himself from this week's controversy involving PEDs and a Miami clinic. Now there's another report alleging Alex Rodriguez got home visits to his waterfront mansion from main who ran that clinic. ESPN quoting unidentified sources says that is man, Anthony Bosh, injected A-Rod with performance enhancing drugs. Once Bosh was reportedly kicked out after Bosh allegedly had trouble with finding a vein. Similar drug claims were leveled earlier this week in the "Miami New Times" newspaper which says it has a diary containing notes from bosh detailing drugs including human growth hormone given to several athletes. CNN has been unable to independently see the documents in question. We did go to the clinic days ago, but it's been shut down.

Bosh denies all allegations. Through a spokesman he tells CNN he did not treat nor is he associated with players, including A-Rod. In an earlier statement to CNN A-Rod also says none of this is true and through his lawyers calls the documents about him, quote, "illegitimate." His lawyers add this, "In regards to the new allegations made in ESPN's outside the line story, we can say they are not true. Alex is working diligently on his rehabilitation and is looking forward to getting back on the field as soon as possible." Remember, A-Rod has repeatedly said he stopped taking performance enhancing drugs back in 2003. Miguel?

MARQUEZ: Susan, if Major League Baseball's investigation into this clinic goes anywhere, what impact might it have on A-Rod's contract with the Yankees?

CANDIOTTI: That's the big question, is this going to go anywhere. Think about this. Under a collective bargaining agreement, teams cannot discipline players for this kind of thing. Our CNN legal analyst Paul Callan tells us his main worry would be a suspension possibly from the baseball commissioner and that could affect his contract with the Yankees.


PAUL CALLAN, CNN LEGAL CONTRIBUTOR: Obviously, if he's not showing up to play baseball because of a suspension, they would have certain rights under the contract then to pay him nothing or considerably less money but it gets complicated because of the multiple agreements in question.


CANDIOTTI: We're a long way off from that. No idea, of course, where Major League Baseball's investigation is heading at this point. Back to you, Miguel.

MARQUEZ: Susan Candiotti, thank you very much.

It's Groundhog Day, the day where we find out if we'll ever, ever have an early string or six more weeks of miserable winter. Who better to predict that than the legendary prognosticator Punxsutawney Phil?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you faithful, there is no shadow to see, an early spring for you and me.


MARQUEZ: I don't know if I buy it. You heard what he had to say though. But what about Chuck the groundhog? He's the furry prognosticator at the Staten Island zoo. He also predicted an early spring.

The Super Bowl isn't just about touch downs and penalty flags. There's controversy surrounding the big game. Find out what deer antlers, doping, and Ray Lewis have in common.


MARQUEZ: Well, in case you didn't know it, we're counting down to the Super Bowl. And there are so many stories to talk about. Besides two head coach brothers facing off for the first time in Super Bowl history, we've got a legendary player retiring, anti-gay comments being made by another player, and the controversy surrounding deer antler spray. You heard that right. Joining me is ESPN's senior writer L.Z. Granderson. L.Z., lets' start with the 49ers Chris Culliver made some anti-gay statements recently. Let's listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What about gay guys? Have any have any of them approached you?

CHRIS CULLIVER, NFL PLAYER, 49ERS: No, I don't the gay guys, I don't do that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are there any on the 49ers.

CULLIVER: No, they don't got no gay people on the team. They got to get up out of here if they do. Can't be with that sweet stuff


CULLIVER: Yes, that's true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They might be able to play well.

CULLIVER: No. No, you can't be in the locker room, no.


MARQUEZ: Now the 49ers issued a statement saying the team stands by the LGBT community and Culliver apologized for the remarks. But you're not buying it. Why is that?


L.Z. GRANDERSON, ESPN SENIOR WRITER: Well, I mean you can hear his vernacular in the interview. When you read the statement released by the 49ers he sounds like Winston Churchill. It seems as if he had a lot of coaching in order to do that apology. In my opinion, when you're being coached by other people to apologize, it's not coming from the heart.

I'm really happy to hear he's doing sensitivity training and going to volunteer with the Trevor Project which is an organization I appreciate it because it works with suicidal teenagers who have been bullied or kicked out of their homes for being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. We'll see if he really is sincere with his apology. But again, just in the statement alone, I'm not really buying it.

MARQUEZ: Let's talk about Ray Lewis. He says he will retire at the end of this season. Do you believe it? If the ravens don't win the Super Bowl, will he still retire?

GRANDERSON: It's hard to tell, right? Is he Brett Favre? Is he going to come back? I don't know. One thing I will say is that his storyline has been fantastic. When you think about the last time he was in the Super Bowl and all the different disappointments the team has had, fantastic historical defenses but just totally anemic offenses unable to get enough points to get to the playoffs.

Here at the beginning of the season, it looked like they had a really strong chance. Again the offense falls to pieces. They have to replace the offensive coordinator. All the things this team has been through has been fantastic over the course of the season, and to see Ray end on top, I think a lot of people would be happy to see it. If he doesn't get there, I think he still goes. He's the last person from the '96 draft. His body hurts.

MARQUEZ: That's a good point. He's also been in hot water accusing of using deer antler spray to recover from an injury. It contains a form of growth hormone. Let's listen to his response.


RAY LEWIS, NFL PLAYER: Because I'm here to win the Super Bowl, not to entertain somebody that doesn't affect that one way or another. This really shows you how people really plan things and try to attack people from the outside. It's just foolish.


MARQUEZ: So two things real quick. Is this a common performance enhancing drug, and do you believe the denial?

GRANDERSON: Is it common? I can tell you that I've spoken to a number of colleagues and you know, a month ago, we had no idea what this deer antler spray was. No, I don't think it's common. And you know, do we believe his denials? Unfortunately we're now living in the age in which an athlete is guilty until proven innocent. After the baseball scandal for the '90s, after Lance Armstrong, you know, it's really difficult to believe an athlete no matter how popular he or she may be whether he they tell you they did not engage in performance-enhancing drugs. And when you've got deer antler spray that nobody's heard of, you become more skeptical.

MARQUEZ: I'm getting on the deer antler spray as we speak. Thank you very much. Have a great time down in New Orleans.


GRANDERSON: Thanks. I'll talk to you later. MARQUEZ: See you.

Do you want to know how to eat healthy at the Super Bowl or at the Super Bowl Party? Do you need a preview of some of the best commercials this year? If so, has it covered for you. Senior producer Jarrett Bellini explains.

JARRETT BELLINI, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: Thanks Miguel. I know there's nothing more exciting than a guy sitting at his desk pointing at things on a monitor but bear with me and I'm going to show you great content we have at

First of all, a great story about healthy foods you can eat at a Super Bowl party which mind you, is a terrible idea because the Super Bowl is all about calories, about chicken wings and pizza and other horrible things you can put in your body. But if you want to go healthy, we've got a great article about that.

Of course, for some of you, the game doesn't matter. You really don't care. But there is the halftime show, and that sort of matters. Beyonce will be performing this year. And we also have a gallery of the best and worst halftime performances.

And of course, the other big non-football thing that everybody loves is the commercials, and at we have some of those to preview. You can check them out before they go on TV on Sunday. So we've covered commercials, the halftime show, we've covered food. There's one other thing that most people will probably watch, too. It's the puppy bowl. So we've got a little thing on here where you can preview the puppies that will be competing this year. You don't miss that because it's puppies. It's puppies.

And you know what in if you're not into that and not into all the other aspects of the game but still being dragged out to this party, we also have an article that will tell you how not to be a jerk at somebody's house. Just because you don't like things that are fun doesn't mean you have to ruin everybody else's fun. All of that can be found at Bowl. We'll have in-game analysis from our friends at Bleacher Report. Check it out. Enjoy the game. Back to you, Miguel.

MARQUEZ: Thank you, Jarrett Bellini. I hope his mother doesn't let him sit like that at home. CNN is live in New Orleans with our take on the Super Bowl. We welcome Rachel Nichols to kick off in New Orleans a CNN bleacher special in afternoon, 4:00 p.m. eastern.

Hillary Clinton has said her good-byes as secretary of state. But now the speculation really starts about her next move. What polls are showing about support for a White House run.


MARQUEZ: Joe Biden says the U.S. is willing to hold direct talks with Iran.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JOE BIDEN, (D) U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: We would be prepared to meet bilaterally with the Iranian leadership. We would not make it a secret that we are doing that. We would let our partners know if that occasion presented itself. That offer stands, but it must be real and tangible. And there has to be an agenda that they're prepared to speak to.


MARQUEZ: The vice president was speaking at a security conference in Munich. Meanwhile the Iranian foreign minister said he hopes the new secretary of state John Kerry will work toward softening Washington's policies toward Iran.

Hillary Clinton has said good-byes to colleagues at the State Department.


HILLARY CLINTON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I am so grateful that we've had a chance to contribute in each of our ways to making our country and our world stronger, safer, fairer, and better.


MARQUEZ: John Kerry was sworn in yesterday and brings in the doughnuts for his new job Monday morning. Good move. But as CNN political editor Paul Steinhauser explains the hot topic is what could happen in four years.



It's the biggest question in presidential politics -- Will she run? The she, of course, is now former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. When asked in a global town hall a few days ago if she was thinking of making another bid for the White House, this was her answer.

CLINTON: I am not thinking about anything like that right now.

STEINHAUSER: Here's what she said the same day in an interview with CNN.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you decided that you absolutely will not run?

CLINTON: Well, I have absolutely no plans to run.

STEINHAUSER: No plans, but she isn't closing the door.

Clinton's returning to private life with poll numbers any politician would love. Nearly seven in ten in a recent NBC-"Wall Street Journal" poll said they approved of the job she was doing as America's top diplomat. And two-thirds in a recent ABC-"Washington Post" survey said they had a favorable impression of her. But two things. There was a partisan divide in both polls with only a minority of Republicans giving her a thumbs up. If she becomes a politician again, we could see those numbers come down a bit. Clinton shouldn't be in a rush to make it up her mind says Democratic strategist and CNN contributor Paul Begala who was a top political advisor to President Bill Clinton.

PAUL BEGALA, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: She's not going to commit to running, but I think in her heart she has not decided to. She's got the time and she's got the support. There's no need to rush into 2016.

STEINHAUSER: If she does run, our own CNN/ORC poll indicates she would be the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's let Clinton enjoy some down time, at least for a month or two. Miguel?


MARQUEZ: At least a month or two. By the way, John Kerry told the "Boston Globe" he was offered the job a full week before Susan Rice withdrew her name from consideration.

He's one of the biggest NFL stars of all time, but it's a scandal that has people talking about Dan Marino, even as he prepares to work the Super Bowl for CBS.

But first, we all know we're going to watch the Super Bowl for the big plays and big hits, but those hits can have a lifelong impact on players after they walk off the field. In today's "Human Factor," chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta introduces us to former Detroit Lion Lamar Campbell. He talks about the invisible wounds of football and what he's doing now to help make the sport safer.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Lamar Campbell has achieved what many young men only dream of. After four years starting for the University of Wisconsin, he made it to the pros. Injuries ended his NFL career, but Campbell successfully found a new life after the game as a real estate broker.

LAMAR CAMPBELL, FORMER NFL PLAYER: Welcome back to "Life after the Game."

GUPTA: And radio talk show host on the America Sports Network, a platform he uses to educate other players about transitioning to life after football as well as addressing injuries he can't really see -- repeated hits to the head.

CAMPBELL: I don't think we called it a concussion until you were knocked out on the field.

GUPTA: As a player, he didn't know that concussions can cause serious injury to the brain. No Campbell says playing football takes years off a player's loss. He's also suffered memory loss. CAMPBELL: There are situation when I don't remember certain series. I would be out there and not realize what was going on.

GUPTA: While he was never diagnosed, looking back, Campbell believes he's had over 10 concussions in his football career and believes players today need to recognize the symptoms and be willing to let their brains heal. A year ago, Campbell considered donating his brain for research in chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE.

CAMPBELL: I wrapped my brain around it for a long time. I think my decision was made. It was just the timing of when to tell my family.

GUPTA: Just a few months ago, he sent the paper back to Boston University. For him it's all about giving back to the game, making it safer for future generations, including his son should he follow in his father's footsteps.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN reporting.



MARQUEZ: Welcome back to the CNN Newsroom. I'm Miguel Marquez in for Fredricka Whitfield. Here are the top stories we're following.

A man who led thousands of American Catholics has been sidelined by the archbishop in Los Angeles over his mishandling of the sex abuse allegations against priests there. In a move activists say is unprecedented retired cardinal Roger Mahoney has been relieved of all his public administrative duties. The current archbishop disciplined Mahoney after a judge forced the church to release thousands of documents revealing how the archdioceses handled allegations of priest sexual abuse.

If you have a Twitter account, the social media site has been hacked and about 250,000 accounts are compromised. The company says it discovered the breach earlier in the week.

With all the talk about the Super Bowl, another veteran of the big game Dan Marino has become the talk of the town in the city where he once ruled. But it's not for any of his football feats.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was shocked to read about Dan Marino. He was the most respected sports hero.

MARQUEZ: Shock over news that the beloved hall of fame football idol feathered a child out of wedlock.

DAVE HYDE, COLUMNIST, "SUN-SEMINAL": For 17 years, he was the signature player of the Dolphins, an iconic athletic figure.

MARQUEZ: An icon who, according to the "New York Post," had an affair in 2004, a child born in 2005 and millions paid to keep it all quiet. In a statement Marino said "This is a personal and private matter. I take full responsibility both personally and financially for my actions now as I did then. We mutually agreed to keep our arrangement private to protect all parties involved," a private affair that people here seem willing to overlook.

RICK SHAW, QUARTERDECK RESTAURANT PATRON: He has done incredible things for this community with his foundation, his charitable work, the stuff that he did for the Miami Dolphins, the only NFL team he ever played for, by the way. He's legendary. His records are still out there waiting to be broken. Hey, we all stumble along the way.

MARQUEZ: Marino and his wife Claire married since 1985 have six children. His reputation and work as an all-around good guy has afforded him lots of forgiveness.

JASON HORTON, QUARTERDECK RESTAURANT MANAGER: The last time he was in here, he signed 700 footballs to donate to charity, which raised a ton of money.

MARQUEZ: Last week in the stadium, he knows inside and out, it was the Dan Marino Foundation Walking on Autism in the spotlight.

DAN MARINO, FORMER DOLPHINS QUARTERBACK: Raising $1.4 million in three years is just, it's amazing to me. It's mind bogging. It's not only awareness for autism and for kids with developmental disabilities, but we're affecting their lives in programs and different communities here in south Florida and just -- I'm very proud to be part of it.

MARQUEZ: Marino's son Michael, diagnosed with autism 22 years ago, prompted him to establish the foundation. They've raised money for a medical center that treats children with special needs, and in 2014 the Dan Marino College for young adults with disabilities is scheduled to open.

Marino is also known for his support of the Make-a-Wish Foundation during his football career, one of their most sought after professional athletes. He's granted about 40 wishes to kids with life-threatening medical conditions.

Dan Marino isn't the first sports star to admit to an extramarital affair, but he may win the award for fastest and fullest forgiveness.


MARQUEZ: Dan Marino will be working the Super Bowl tomorrow, broadcasting for CBS.

Here's what's trending around the web. The White House is releasing a photo of the president skeet shooting at Camp David. The president said last week that it's one of his hobbies, but critics question his statements, saying they hadn't seen any proof.

And Burger King admits some of its patties in England and Ireland were tainted with horse meat. The fast food chain says those patties came from its supplier Silver Crest Foods and were never sold in restaurants. But the admission has prompted a twitter campaign and threats of a Burger King boycott.

And in Russia, the government is trying to get people in the mood with this.




MARQUEZ: I don't know. That's Boyz to Men. "The Moscow Times" reports the Russian president Vladimir Putin has hired the R&B group to perform in Russia as part of a fertility campaign. Nice. The campaign hopes to give Russian men inspiration before Valentine's Day. Right.

An Arizona woman is on trial for brutal murder of her ex-boyfriend, and if she's convicted she faces the death penalty. We'll take you behind prison walls to show you what her life will be like on death row.


MARQUEZ: Police in Alabama say they're in constant communication with a man who is holding a five-year-old boy hostage in an underground bunker. The standoff is now in its fifth day. Negotiators are talking with 65-year-old Jimmy Lee Dykes through a ventilation pipe. Police say the boy has an electric blanket and Dykes allowed officials to send down medication and toys. Dykes allegedly abducted the boy off his bus after killing the driver. Police aren't speculating on the motive.

And now to a murder trial that really has people talking. The victim, Travis Alexander, was found shot, stabbed 27 times, and his throat was slit from ear to ear. Prosecutors say it was the work of a jealous lover, Jodi Arias, but Arias says it was self-defense in that Alexander was a sex maniac who threatened her with bodily harm. Our sister network's HLN's Alexis Weed takes a look at what will happen if she's convicted of murder and gets the death penalty.


ALEXIS WEED, HLN CORRESPONDENT: Jodi Arias could join three other women currently sitting on Arizona's death row if a jury finds her guilty as charged. A first-degree murder conviction could land Arias in line for what's recently become one of the nation's busiest death chambers. The state carries out all post 1992 convictions by lethal injection and now permits witnesses to watch prisoners put to death.

Its courts recently gave the green light for witnesses to observe the entire execution process, including insertion of the lethal IV. Arizona courts further Okayed a one-drug dose of pentobarbital as the method for death, but the state is said to have only another supply of the drug to carry out one more execution before it's forced to find an alternative. Convicted rapist and double murderer Ddale Stokely was put to death last month by prison officials who delivered his lethal injection by cutting into his groin area, this in efforts to find an artery suitable for delivering the drug. The femoral catheter procedure is standard alternative when officials run into trouble with inserting IV lines into a prison's arm. Arizona has carried out 34 executions since readopting capital punishment in 1992, yet none of those were carried out against a woman. The only woman to be executed in the state's history, Eva Duggan, was put to death by hanging more than 80 years ago. A death sentence would mean Arias would spend the rest of her days in a maximum custody 12 be seven foot cell.


MARQUEZ: Next week Arias trial will enter its sixth week.

Is someone lying to you? In a minute, we'll meet someone who will teach you the three things you need to know if someone isn't being honest, and he'll help us figure out who is telling the truth in the Manti Te'o hoax.


MARQUEZ: As lies go, this one was a whopper. You've heard is the story by now, Notre Dame football player Manti Te'o was duped by another man pretending to be a woman. They had an online relationship that ended when a fictional girlfriend named Lennay died and the story became a media sensation. This week the man who perpetrated the hoax spoke with Dr. Phil and he says he did it because he was in love with Te'o. Is he telling the whole truth?

I want to bring in Steve Van Aperen, known as the human lie detector. He is an expert in interviewing and detecting deception, trained by the FBI. He's worked with cops around the world, training them in lie detection and human behavior. Steve, I know you have seen the interview, but I want to let folks take a look at the interview first.


RONAIAH TUIASOSOPO, MAN BEHIND MANTI TE'O HOAX: For me, I was hurting. I was like whoa, like, you know, I've given so much into this, and I realized right then in that moment that I poured so much into Lennay that I myself wasn't getting nothing. And look what I was left with. I was crying. I was hurt emotionally. Just all kinds of things just took over. And so right then and there, I made the decision, I can't do this Lennay thing anymore.


MARQUEZ: Looking at this interview, is this someone generally telling the truth or not and how can you tell?

STEVE VAN APEREN, FORMER POLICEMAN, HUMAN BEHAVIOR ANALYST: Firstly I look at how people take ownership or possession of the story, and I also look for the emotions being in the correct places and also how people answer questions. I believe he is telling the truth in fact in relation to these issues, because the emotions are in the right place. I might be able to think of a lie, but can I communicate it with believability, and that's what lies have to consider when they're telling a story. In this case, the emotions were in the right place.

MARQUEZ: So the bigger the lie gets, does it get harder or easier to lie and does the lie get harder to for someone to detect?

VAN APEREN: We're not very good at spotting a lie research shows when faces with a lie. But bear in mind, for every one lie a person tells, they have to invent two or three to protect themselves from the first one. And secondly have to have a great memory. They don't want to contradict what they've previously said. And that becomes a problem, because Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinski, he got deeper and deeper until there was no escape exit. They do get more difficult and we're not very good at picking lies.

MARQUEZ: Interesting. If you had to give me three things for those of us who aren't trained that we should look for if someone is lying in an important conversation, what would they be?

VAN APEREN: Well, firstly, is the person answering the question or are they being evasive, dismissive, or do they deflect or answer the question with another question? That's a dead giveaway. Number two, is does their body language reflect what they're saying? Is there conflict between what they're saying, what their body language is in fact expressing? Their body language is often more overt.

And thirdly, are they taking ownership? Usually you'll find in homicide cases I've worked on, truthful people take ownership and possession. Not only will they tell you if they're relaying a truthful story what occurred, but how they felt, whereas deceptive people don't do that. They'll create distance, disassociation, and separation. So they're very robotic because they don't want to trip themselves up.

MARQUEZ: Mr. Van Alpern, thank you very much for joining us.

VAN APEREN: My pleasure, thank you.

MARQUEZ: It's Super Bowl weekend and we're thinking about our favorite football movies. Our critic will tell us which ones rank highest on her list.

Six people sharing one mission, to get in shape and take part of the Malibu triathlon in September. Dr. Sanjay Gupta joined members of fit challenge team for their first workout in Atlanta. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nice and easy, nice and easy. Last time around. We're going inside.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How's it going?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As soon as you said those words to me that you're on the team, I thought oh, my, I'm doing a triathlon.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My goal for today is not to kill you. Pedal up. I think we're ready to get started now. I want 30 push-ups. You got three more of those in you. As triathletes you can never over-slim. Go ahead and hop in. Good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to congratulate you all for number one making the decision to get fit.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get to the ground.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is kind of a full circle moment for me. I mean, walking into Philips arena, I'm about to cry. That's no joke.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Move those feet. Get a burn. Butt down. Work, work, this work gets hard. Rebound, rebound. Just keep bounding. Too small.

Get it. Get up. Get a lit little shoulder burn. Same drill above your head. How about this workout?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think I started off a little too fast.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got one-zip right now, two-zip. One, two, three.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You got this. You're the man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Chest pass. Nice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It only gets easier.


MARQUEZ: Love that graphic. Let's see if you recognize these memorable quotes. "Show me the money." Or what about, "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy." What they have in common, of course, they are both from two iconic football films. In the spirit of Super Bowl weekend, we're talking about our favorite football movies of all time. Senior editor of Grae Drake with new hair color I think is here to give us her list. Grae, what's on your list of best football movies?

GRAE DRAKE, SENIOR EDITOR, ROTTENTOMATOES.COM: I am sitting here with my bowl of chips and salsa getting ready for the game tomorrow. Yes, and my first great football movie, a lot of people argue with me isn't a football movie at all. Those people are wrong. "Jerry Maguire" is actually a fantastic football movie. Tom Cruise is the main character and he's a heartless, horrible sports agent. And this movie won an Academy Award, Cuba Gooding Junior, best supporting actor because as the football player, I mean he was amazing. "Show me the money" is in the consciousness for a reason. We all want money and people to show it to us. And Cameron Crowe is responsible for this film and made it truly memorable and deserving of an Oscar.

MARQUEZ: Show me the money. We do love that film.

DRAKE: That's right. Miguel, show it to me.

MARQUEZ: I'll be out in L.A. soon. So I will show you some money then. What about some of the older films? What about, what was the old Burt Reynolds film, "The Longest Yard."?

DRAKE: Yes. This movie is fantastic because Burt Reynolds is in jail. So he is in a football game which is prisoners versus the guards, which is a fantastic setup right there. This movie is funny and Burt Reynolds is obviously a complete master at both acting and as it turns out, he made me believe he was a football player. So this one is great. It's a super, super funny one. And when he tells the warden to shove this in his trophy case, I was like yes, I will do that exact thing. I wish I had a trophy and a trophy case.

MARQUEZ: I loved that movie. The one that always makes me cry no matter how many times I say it won't is "Brian's Song."

DRAKE: "Brian's Song," get out your Kleenex seen saying those two words makes most people weep, the story of Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers and their friendship together. This was just a made for TV movie actually, but it lives on in everybody's consciousness because it's so strong and really human elements like friendship and building a team together. And when Brian comes down with cancer, it's just so crushing. It's devastating. And the end of this movie is -- there will be not a dry eye in the house.

MARQUEZ: Yes, brutal. All right, now everybody's favorite. It's almost cheese-ball anymore, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.

DRAKE: I love Sean Astin and I love "Rudy," because who hasn't worked really, really hard for something and just wanted the fruits of their labors to be an entire football stadium yelling your name when you finally get to take the field, when you're finally a player at the college that you wanted to go to? This movie is spectacular and is a lesson for anybody who thinks that maybe working hard is for suckers. I say it isn't. I say be like Sean Astin and get thousands of people chanting your name and celebrating you. This is one of my fantasies. I guess I'm revealing too much.

MARQUEZ: We always like you because you reveal too much. What exactly is your hair color this week? Wasn't it pink last week?

DRAKE: It is pink. You know, it's still the exact same as it was. I've styled it differently. I'm a woman of mystery in celebration of the Super Bowl, I'm thinking about hair.

MARQUEZ: Grae Drake, woman of mystery, Thank you very much.

DRAKE: Bye, Miguel.

MARQUEZ: CNN will be live in New Orleans with our take on the Super Bowl. We welcome Rachel Nichols as she hosts "Kickoff in New Orleans," a CNN Bleacher Report special this afternoon, 4:00 p.m. eastern.

Netflix wants to change the way you watch TV. Next hour, we'll show you how a new series could push television into a new direction.