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Curfew Still In Effect In Ferguson; Federal Medical Examiner Will Conduct A Second Autopsy on Michael Brown; U.S. Warplanes, Drones Attacked 14 ISIS Targets Near Mosul Today; Group of Women In Korea Hope Pope Francis Will Speak On Their Behalf

Aired August 17, 2014 - 15:00   ET


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: All right. Hello again, everyone. I'm Fredricka Whitfield.

These stories are topping our news this hour. The U.S. justice department takes action in the Michael Brown shooting investigation by ordering a federal autopsy on the slain teen. The reason behind the decision and the high profile pathologist who is conducting an independent review at the family's request.

Plus, police in Ferguson, Missouri, are imposing a curfew for a second straight night after a weekend of unrest.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the police department. You must disperse immediately. You are violating the city imposed curfew.


WHITFIELD: Teargas and smoke filled the streets. We'll tell you what happened after that.

And a stepped up offensive in Iraq. U.S. air strikes hit ISIS militants hard as a battle to control a strategic dam intensifies.

We start in Ferguson, Missouri, where a rally for Michael Brown is expected to start just one hour from now. That's after another night of protests this time with bloodshed. Police say a protester was shot early this morning and is now in critical condition. Investigators say they don't know who shot him but say there was a person in the street with a handgun.

Protesters stayed out early this morning during the newly imposed curfew from midnight to 5:00 a.m. Police used smoke bombs and then teargas to try to break up the crowds. Seven people were arrested. Police say the curfew will be in place again tonight. All of this as people have many questions about the shooting death of Michael Brown. People are leaving candles and flowers at the very spot where he was killed last week.

One autopsy has already been performed on Michael Brown and now in a major announcement today from the department of justice, a federal medical examiner will conduct a second autopsy. CNN's Alexandria Field and Rene Marsh are covering this story.

Let's go first to Rene at the White House. So Rene, the family asked for another autopsy to be conducted but explain now why the federal authorities are getting involved in this manner?

RENE MARSH, CNN AVIATION AND GOVERNMENT REGULATION CORRESPONDENT: Well, Fred, we can tell you the word from the department of justice, they are citing extraordinary circumstances in this particular case. And so because of those circumstances, they have agreed to oversee the second autopsy.

Again, as you mentioned, the federal medical examiner will do this autopsy or conduct it as soon as possible. We're seven days in and we still do not know how many times Michael Brown was shot and the attorneys for Michael Brown's family believes that this second autopsy will help them to verify how many gunshot wounds in Michael Brown's body and the trajectories.

We also want to put this all in context. This is an extremely rare move for the department of justice. But they wanted to make it very clear here. Because they are making this move, they are not in any way, they say, expressing a lack of confidence in the state investigation because of course the state already conducted their own autopsy. They say that they will still be relying on that first autopsy. But again because of the request of this family, they are stepping in to conduct the second one -- Fred.

WHITFIELD: Rene Marsh at the White House. Thanks so much.

Let's go now to Alexandra Field. So Alexandra, in addition to this federal autopsy, Brown's family also brought in Michael Baden, a very high profile pathologist, why?

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, given the facts that we know about this case, there is certainly reason where you can see where people would be concerned about the state's investigation of this case. That's where Michael Baden comes in. The family wants to be represented, one has someone that they trust. They want to have someone to do an independent investigation or an investigation for them and they believe that Michael Baden is someone who can do that credibly.


FIELD (voice-over): Seeking justice for their son, Michael Brown's family adds a high profile expert to their team., forensic pathology Michael Baden.

DARYL PARKS, BROWN'S FAMILY ATTORNEY: We think we got one of the best in the world that you could have.

FIELD: Baden has brought his expertise to the stand in a number of high-profile cases. He famously testified in O.J. Simpson's murder trial. He was chairman of the committee of the pathologist that investigated the assassinations of president John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now, they will investigate the police shooting of an unarmed teen.

JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Why? Because it ensures trust. Trust is a very important thing. The family wants to know what happened and why should they just rely upon what the authorities tell them.

FIELD: Earlier this week the St. Louis county medical examiner's office released partial findings of Brown's autopsy determining that the cause of death was gunshot wounds, but adding quote "we're not specifying how many gunshot wounds at this point. The investigation into his death is ongoing and the full autopsy is not likely to be released for many weeks because multiple law enforcement agencies are now involved in the investigation."

Mistrust between authorities and locals has exploded to the surface in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown's death sparked a week of protests, looting, a shooting and sometimes violent responses from police.

In their search for answers, the Brown family has insisted on an autopsy from a federal medical examiner and the Browns will now rely on a separate investigation conducted by their own expert.

What else will Michael Baden be looking at in this case?

LAWRENCE KOBILINSKY, FORENSIC SCIENTIST, JOHN JAY COLLEGE: Well, Michael Baden is going to be asking a lot of questions not just about the autopsy but about the gun. Is there only police DNA on that gun or if here was in fact a struggle? Is Michael Brown's DNA on that gun as well? That would certainly say a lot about whether a struggle for the gun took place.


FIELD: Baden could look at a number of different factors concerning this case. The family here, the Brown family is, of course, hoping that he'll provide them with some of the information that they've really been looking for -- Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right. Alexandra Field, thank you so much.

All right, Back in Ferguson, Missouri, a rally for Michael Brown is expected to start just an hour or so from now. Jason Carroll is live inside the church where the rally will be held. Jason, what's expected?

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, here at the greater Grace church, a number of people have already started to file in here filling up all of the seats. It is going to be an overflow crowd. A number of people want to come out and be together as a community and demonstrate and voice their feelings in a peaceful way.

And I want to bring in right now Jolina Drake. She is one of those people who came out with her daughter. You came out with your daughter. I know a lot of people here with families. I see a lot of children out here as well. There's been a week of unrest in Ferguson and someone told me I'm

tired. I'm weary. And I'm wondering, you as a Ferguson resident, what are your thoughts on this Sunday?

JOLINA DRAKE, FERGUSON RESIDENT: I think that coming out today with the family, it will be, you know more peaceful today. Maybe it will set a tone if this continues for the rest of the week.

CARROLL: We were talking earlier about the curfew and your thoughts about that. Is that something that you agree with? Not agree with?

DRAKE: I think so now with school starting that this should be a curfew right now. But it's an iffy situation.

CARROLL: Very much so. I know also you had some very strong thoughts about the police response earlier versus what we have seen just throughout the weekend.

DRAKE: Right. I think it was really excessive. I think it set a tone for the unrest, you know, how they came out. I think that set a tone, you know. A lot of people weren't agreeing with how they came out, you know, with their military armor and everything. I think that that caused some of the, you know, looting and all that other kind of stuff.

CARROLL: We'll have to see if there's a change in tactic.

Jolina, I want to thank you very much. But I want to bring in Diana Clark. She's been out here as well, Fredricka.

You came out with your entire family. You brought in your daughter, grandchildren as well. Share with us if you will some of your thoughts a week later and after a week of unrest in Ferguson?

DIANA CLARK, UNIVERSITY CITY RESIDENT: Well, I think it's both a tragedy and a disgrace. A tragedy for the family that has to grieve over the death of their son and how their son died. And also a disgrace to our community because, you know, we deserve so much better. We worked so hard.

Me living as a resident in a surrounding community of university city, we try to embrace diversity and it is something that, you know, we try to encourage in our children and in ourselves. And as a retired educator, I would like for students to go forward and to learn from this and to strive for justice.

WHITFIELD: Diana, as you know, the Brown family will be here in just a few moments. They have repeatedly called for peace and for calm in the community. And yet their words don't seem to be being heard by some people who are out there. Why do you think that is?

CLARK: Well, it's possibly and I can only just take a stab at it, is that. you know, that there is still a level of unrest. There's a level of unrest with our young African-American males who for so many years have gone unheard. So, it's a time of healing and not just for the family, but for all students and teachers as well to help our kids to try to get over this. So it is very difficult. It's not an easy task.

CARROLL: All right. Diane Clark, I want to thank you for coming out and sharing your thoughts with us as well.

Again, Fredricka, things are expected to get under way very shortly. Expected to be here, the Brown family, their attorney Benjamin Crump expected to speak as well. Again, everyone coming together and wanting to share their peaceful thoughts during a peaceful demonstration. They're hoping for once that will carry through into the night -- Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right. Jason Carroll, thank you so much. We will check back with you about 50 minutes or so from now when it begins there.

All right. So a curfew seemed to inflame some protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Up next, I will talk to the head of the national organization of black law enforcement executives. His advice to the Ferguson police chief.


WHITFIELD: Live pictures right now in Ferguson, Missouri. People are gathering at a church there to be part of a rally for justice for Michael Brown. It begins in about 45 minutes. We understand Michael Brown's family will be there, his parents will be there, along with the family attorney. Of course, we are going to continue to watch it and take you there live as it happens.

Meantime, last night despite a new curfew, police used smoke bombs and then tear gas to try to break up crowds of protesters. Seven people were arrested. I want to bring in Cedric Alexander. He is the president of the national organization of black law enforcement executives. He is also the director of public safety in DeKalb County, Georgia.

Good to see you. You are there in Ferguson at the request of the Ferguson police chief. Before we get to the meetings that you had, I want to ask you first about this curfew now imposed for a second night. Does it help keep the peace or does it aggravate it?

CEDRIC ALEXANDER, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES: Well, you know, it's going to be a very difficult question to answer right now, Fredricka. I think the decision that they chose to make, they made that decision properly based on information and intelligence that they may have had. So I certainly don't want to comment on what the reason for that decision. But I think that will be determined here very shortly over time in regards to what really needs to be done. So I think we'll wait and see.

WHITFIELD: OK. Your conversation with the Ferguson police chief. He requested that you come to Ferguson. What was your dialogue with Thomas Jackson like?

ALEXANDER: Well, I had great dialogue with him. We've had a number of very serious conversations in regards to some of the issues that have taken place, even he has had some concern about it and said some other decisions could have been made but he's been open.

WHITFIELD: Like what?

ALEXANDER: He has been open. He's been receptive. Well, part of this, in the beginning of this he wish he had disclosed more information more quickly and that certainly has been a great concern of a lot of people in this community.

But one thing I shared with him going forward is that it becomes very important that they share information with this community so it does not appear to be the secrecy. And people are just asking for information to be shared with him.

But I tell you, he's been very amenable. I had an opportunity to talk with him and talk with a number of the clergy and other leadership in this community as well too. And one thing they all have agreed to is the fact that they have to open up a line of communication. They're going to have to start doing some work together and we, at NOBLE, are going to do what we can to assist them in bringing in resources to help this community to do something clearly they had not been doing in the past.

WHITFIELD: So that was your advice to the police chief. Are you able to share with us what the police chief's point of view is on this and if agreement of sharing more information how immediately might that happen to help satisfy people who are frustrated there in Ferguson or whether this is something that he's proposing to do the next time there's a crisis?

ALEXANDER: Well, we at NOBLE, one thing we are going to be doing, we are going to continue to monitor what happened here with the police department and with the community. Now, he's assured me that he's going to be more transparent whenever those opportunities occur. So I think we're going to see together whether that's going to come to fruition.

But we will see because we're watching just as closely as other people in this community as well too because we certainly have a lot of concern with some of the things that have taken place and -- but the conversation with him has been straightforward, very rich. And we are going to see what is going to come out of it going forward.

WHITFIELD: And is it true part of that conversation was about trying to develop a relationship with the community? That there isn't any community policing that Ferguson police haven't been exercising and it doesn't help they don't have diversity on the police force with something like 55 officers, and only three of whom are black. And so, there isn't a feeling of people feeling, you know, a relationship. The community feeling a relationship with the police. So how did you advise this police chief to go about diversifying the police force if that's even a possibility?

ALEXANDER: Well, it's going to have to become a reality. And one of the conversations I had with chief Jackson is the fact that considering the numbers that you just articulated, he knows that he has going to have to move in a direction with support of the community in terms of trying to develop a strategic plan, one that he can begin to exercise here pretty soon in their hiring practices so they can find people of color to come in and be part of this police department, to be part of this community, and I think that's what people in the community are suggesting and they certainly want.

And when you have a community that's 70 percent African-American and they are represented clearly in vary no numbers in the police department, that becomes a main concern. And that, as you well know, is clearly obvious to everyone that's watching this community right now.

WHITFIELD: All right, Cedric Alexander. Thank you so much for your time. Appreciate it.

ALEXANDER: Thank you for having me, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: And right now overseas, the battle is raging for Iraq's largest dam. We will go live to the region and find out why the destruction of this dam would be so catastrophic for the country and the war against ISIS.


WHITFIELD: In Iraq, U.S. warplanes and drones attacked 14 ISIS targets near Mosul today. This followed nine air strikes by the U.S. yesterday. Right now Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are battling ISIS on the ground. And Kurdish government official say they are now very close to controlling the entire dam once again.

CNN's Anna Coren is in Dohuk, Iraq, just north of Mosul. So Anna, you just came back from being embedded with Kurdish forces. Did you see any evidence they are indeed about to retake that dam?

ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Certainly, they were making huge advances across the day throughout the day, I should say, really bombarding the enemy line with artillery mortars and (INAUDIBLE) rockets. We saw a lot of smoke on the horizon from targets that they were hitting. There was incoming but it really dropped off as those Peshmerga forces made gains.

You mentioned U.S. air strikes. They have been essential to this campaign. Obviously, nine yesterday. We heard the jets to try to drones above of skies patrolling the skies. And today, adding real reassurance, giving those soldiers the confidence they need to take this fight to ISIS.

But as those militants were retreating they were leaving IEDs land mines in the roads in the fields in houses and this obviously created great problems for Peshmerga forces. Unfortunately, one of the trucks on the large convoy got hit by an IED. Many were injured and one man died. But we do understand they advanced past that line we were at late this afternoon and they are extremely close to taking the whole of the dam, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right. Anna Coren, thank you so much. Be safe. Appreciate it.

All right, back now to ongoing protests that have taken place in Ferguson, Missouri. The unrest and anger is affecting the entire St. Louis area in fact. We're talking to a mayor of a town just two miles away from Ferguson and how it's impacting her city next.


WHITFIELD: A rally is expected to start at a church in Ferguson, Missouri, in just about 30 minutes from now in memory of Michael Brown. It comes after a night of tense protests that ended with police firing off smoke bombs and teargas. Investigators say a protester was shot but not by police. Things got tense after midnight as police tried to enforce the midnight to 5:00 a.m. curfew. That curfew will be in effect again tonight.

We are also learning the U.S. justice department approved a second autopsy on Michael Brown. It will be conducted by a federal medical examiner. Brown was shot to death last weekend by a police officer.

The anger over Brown's death has rippled through the St. Louis community to towns beyond Ferguson. I'm joined now by Viola Murphy, the mayor of Cool Valley, which is just about two miles away from Ferguson.

Mayor Murphy, good to see you.


WHITFIELD: So how has your city been affected by what's happening in nearby Ferguson?

MURPHY: Well, economic downtime. Right now, we really haven't had a lot of things going on in the city of Cool Valley because most of the demonstration is going on on the other side of the city.

WHITFIELD: So do people in cool valley feel like this has hit so close to home for them as well as though, something like this has happened to their community?

MURPHY: Sure. You know, Cool Valley is just right down the street from Ferguson and we're headed into economic development of our city. As a matter of fact, next month we break ground on some things that have been in place. So everything that's going on at this point is affecting all of the cities that are around where we are having our protests.

WHITFIELD: So I understand that Ferguson police used to patrol your city of Cool Valley at some point. And how long ago was that, a, and at the time, did it seem like a good relationship?

MURPHY: They never patrolled our city, but they dispatched for our city. And they had a working relationship with the police department, the Cool Valley police department. But Ferguson never did patrol our city. But if our officers needed assistance, they would be there to assist them on whatever took place. WHITFIELD: And it always seemed to be a relationship that was

cooperative? That worked? Were there ever any complaints?

MURPHY: Any department has complaints so I'm not going to say there weren't any complaints over the years. But what Cool Valley has done, I can only speak about Cool Valley. Cool Valley knew that it needed to make some changes and that's what we did. We looked at the economics of it to have a police officer in Cool Valley was over 60 percent of our budget. My board and myself and for the citizens that we served, we began to take a look of what could be better for our city economically because we are trying to move forward with economic development.

Cool Valley has been in two studies with Ferguson and we're about to begin our economic development as I stated next month. So some of the studies that we've been in, we're implementing those suggestions of what to do and how to work together on this corridor.

WHITFIELD: All right. Mayor Viola Murphy of Cool Valley just about two miles away from Ferguson, Missouri, thanks so much.

MURPHY: Thank you so much.

WHITFIELD: All right. Coming up, we'll continue our coverage of the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, including what the governor told us today about why he ordered this curfew.


WHITFIELD: The curfew for Ferguson, Missouri, will be in place again tonight from midnight to 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. It's meant to quell unrest since last weekend's police killing of Michael Brown.

On "STATE OF THE UNION," Governor Jay Nixon explained why he ordered a curfew and his hopes for peace in the St. Louis suburb.


CANDY CROWLEY, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Did you have any concern when you considered the curfew? Do you have any concern now that it could be counterproductive?

GOV. JAY NIXON (D), MISSOURI: First of all, it's been quite a week. The shooting of Michael Brown, young 18 year old in his own hometown shot down in the street, brought emotions out very raw and appropriate.

And as we move through the week when we saw the militarization of police response, I thought the best thing to do was to bring the highway patrol in late in the week and bring in Captain Johnson and get involved with less hard look. That went well until the second night and then we had some agitation.

Last night's curfew I think everybody worked well. We're always disappointed when things aren't perfect. But thousands of people spoke last night. Thousands of people marched and not a single gunshot fired by a member of law enforcement last night and members of the community tremendously helpful last night to get through what could have been a very difficult night.

CROWLEY: How long do you intend to enforce the curfew? What's the benchmark for lifting it?

NIXON: Well, first of all, we wanted to make sure when we saw that second night late, you know, the clear actions of a few to loot, we knew we had to keep people's property safety and peace in order to get justice here. We can't be distracted by the longer picture and longer is to make sure that dual investigations, the justice department and local prosecutor get to justice. That they are thorough and done. And I thought this distraction and that folks not feeling safe in their own homes while protecting the rights of people to protest was important. But we're hoping -- we'll meet later this morning with the team last night and see how things from their perspective. But we are trying to use the least amount of force to provide people to the ability to speak while also protecting the property of the people of Ferguson.

CROWLEY: So do you see the curfew staying in place for the next several days? Is that what you're saying?

NIXON: I mean, it could be. We would like to see it ratchet down. What we like to see -- that will be judged by the community. And like I say, I was heartened last night but the thousands of people there and as curfew approached, it was local folks helping us.

Earlier in the evening, Colonel Replogle and Captain Johnson marched with folks and listened and talked to them personally last night. And local officials called on me to call a curfew and local officials and citizens there last night were the greatest help. And I think that's going to be part of the healing process. But let's not kid ourselves. This was a horrific shooting. We're not to justice yet. And there will be some moments of energy and angst over the coming days and weeks.


WHITFIELD: And there are growing calls across the nation to demilitarize local police departments. Our Brian Todd has more on the controversy.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Men in Kevlar vests and helmets, camouflages, carrying automatic rifles, moving in tactical armored vehicles. These aren't American troops on the battlefield, but police in Ferguson. One observer says he thought he saw police in MRAP.

KARA DANSKY, ACLU: An MRAP is a mind resistant ambush protected vehicle. It is build withstand armor piercing bomb. This is not something that we need in American communities.

TODD: But KARA Dansky of the ACLU says more than 500 MRAPs have made their way from Afghanistan and Iraq to local police forces in America just over the past couple of years. It's part of what the ACLU in a recent report called the excessive militarization of American policing.

Indications of that are everywhere in Ferguson. Police in these towns are getting combat equipment free of charge from the Pentagon. The defense department says just in 2013, nearly $450 million worth of military equipment was given to law enforcement. A defense official says Ferguson police only got a couple humvees and a trailer. But police departments throughout Missouri, which are assisting in Ferguson, got 20 MRAPs and hundreds of M-16 rifles in recent years. Critics say often when they get these weapons, policemen's attitudes change.

DANSKY: Increasingly the police are trained to view the people in the communities that they're supposed to be protecting and serving as enemies.

TODD: It's not just their possession of this equipment that's an issue. Watchdog groups say many of these police departments lack the training and how to use these weapons responsibly and that often escalates the dangers.

Dangers like police overreacting when conducting minor operations like serving search warrants.

DANSKY: They will drive out in an armored personnel carrier, raid a person's home, holding assault rifle, holding people at gunpoint, yelling at everyone to get on the floor. This is an extremely traumatic experience. And we've seen over and over again, situations like this where people are traumatized and sometimes people are injured and killed.

TODD: But current and former police say criminals have increasingly more firepower and law enforcement can't afford to be outgunned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If people are shooting at the police and committing violent acts, the police need to protect themselves.

TODD: The defense department supports this trend overall. Why don't we take you or me four to six weeks and unending hassle in documentation to secure a passport as reported by the "Washington Post," your local police force need only fill out a one-page form for an armored personnel carrier.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


WHITFIELD: Coming up, how do parents explain to their children what happened in Ferguson, Missouri?


WHITFIELD: The fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri is, bringing to light a sad reality for many African-American parents. How do you explain what happened and what is the conversation going to be like?

Stephanie Elam talked to families about how they deal with these situations.

As a parent you have to worry about everything that happens when your parents step outside.


LASHION SPICER, MOTHER: As a parent, you have to worry about everything that happens once your kids step outside.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Regardless of wealth, education, or shade of Brown, parents of black children across this country are worried.

BRENT PAYSINGER, FATHER: It makes me think about one of my own.

ELAM: Trayvon Martin, now Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, another unarmed black teen dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here we go again.

ELAM: How to keep black boys safe. I spoke with several parents, all of whom say there are unwritten rules for raising black boys. Make sure they understand they may be judged for color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Appearance is big.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You show me your friends, and I'll show you your future.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pull the pants up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do not have more than three males -- you know, friends in your car.

ELAM: Brent and Andrea Paysinger are constantly talking to their sons about staying safe. Isaiah is 15-years-old. Sometimes staying safe means knowing how to act around the police, a conflicting notion for Isaiah.

ISAIAH PAYSINGER, 15-YEARS-OLD: They are supposed to be the people that protect us and keep us safe. But these actions and all these gestures that they do is making a horror for us like who do we ties to if the one who is protecting us are hurting us, where do we turn to?

CHRISHAWN SPICER, 15-YEARS-OLD: Why should I be afraid to walk down the street and get discriminated because of the color I am or the way I'm dressed or the way I looked.

ELAM: It's a lesson that can rob them of their childhood innocence. Lashion and Robert Spicer also talk with their 15-year-old son Chrishawn about racial profiling.

ROBERT SPICER, FATHER: We worry all the time. It is going to happen more and more often as he goes on in life no matter what he does.

ELAM: Steve Perry is founder of Capital Preparatory Magnet School.

STEVE PERRY, PRINCIPAL, CAPITAL PREPARATORY MAGNET SCHOOL: If you have a black son and you are not taking the time to explain to him what he needs to do when he is out in the street, how he needs to dress and how he needs to act and explain to him that he actually does have a target on his back, then you are not doing your job as a parent.

ELAM: Kelli Knox's son is 26, and she still reminds him of her rules for survival.

KELLI KNOX, MOTHER: I've had these conversations with my son since middle school on how to behave, when the police come, this is what you do, this is how, you know, speak to them. Do not be in a power struggle. It is just not worth it.

JOSEPH KNOX, 26-YEARS-OLD: I think she has a right to worry. She is a little bit too worry but I mean, I don't blame her.

ELAM: Kelli's son Joseph was at first reluctant to speak with me. What made you change your mind?

J. KNOX: Well, I figured I would like to give a perspective of a kid who you know, I don't look like trouble, I don't dress like it. I went to college and graduated. And I still have problems like the next kid. I've gotten harassed by cops. I've gotten a gun pulled on me. I've been told to crib walk and I never gang baited them in my life.

PERRY: Black males are criminalized from the time we enter into the quote/unquote "system." And I'm talking about school. For the time children in to the system, African-American males are the most suspended, most punished of any group, period.

ELAM: As for the teens, Robert tells his son to keep pursuing his education.

R. SPICER: Once you to get out there to the real world, it gets harder and harder every day. And the challenge is they don't stop. So for right now, you will be 15, let me be the dad. I will take care of it.

ELAM: A hope that their sons can just be boys for a little longer.

Stephanie Elam, CNN, Los Angeles.


WHITFIELD: And as tension mounts in Ferguson, Missouri, and parents are trying to have discussions with their kids, I spoke with three people who are familiar with the scenario of being black and having an encounter with people.

Glenda Hatchett, a former juvenile court judge, Reverend Wilbur Purvis, an Atlanta minister who mentors young people and Henry Kelly, leader of the youth mentoring group, the 100 black men of Atlanta.


GLENDA HATCHETT, FORMER JUVENILE COURT JUDGE: I was very quick to say practical things, don't reach for the glove compartment when you are stopped. I mean, they are very practical things. Keep your hands where they can see them, you know. Get out of the car if you're asked to get out of the car. And I know that my sons are held to a different standard. That is my reality. That is their reality.

And Fredricka wishing it so is not going to make it better. I have to make sure that as a parent that I do what I can to protect my children not just my children, but all of our children.

WHITFIELD: And most families who have a black son in the picture know about this conversation.


WHITFIELD: But there are some families who perhaps are unaware or don't feel like the conversation needs to be have. But now you're talking about a young man, Michael Brown, who was not in the car, so all those things you talked about, now they're walking on the street. Now, what's the conversation with our young men today, especially given thinks the springboard of a new conversation on Michael Brown's case.

HENRY KELLY, CHAIRMAN, THE 100 BLACK MEN OF ATLANTA: Well, it's interesting that you ask that question that way. Because I have a 17- year-old son. His name is Philip. And three weeks ago, he was driving nigh vehicle, which happens to be a nice sports car. And he was pulled over. And in a neighborhood that he was actually near his school. And it was fortunate nothing occurred. It was during the daytime, but the officer said, we just want to let you know you have a light out in the back of your vehicle. And so that was a good situation.

But two years ago, he was stopped while walking with two other friends that were African-American males near his school by an officer saying, you know, are you guys supposed to be in this area? And it was like, yes, you don't belong here. And fortunately, the security for the school stopped by, and was able to acknowledge these were students of that school.

So we continue to drill to have you have to understand, unfortunately, and this was a conversation I had my parents had with me and unfortunately, with my dad. So this is three generations where the same conversation is happening, and it's 2014. And so it's unfortunate. But you must tell young men, especially African-American men, that they are looked at differently, regardless of that I socioeconomic status because they are just you -- when they are on the street as a black male, that's potentially up to no good.


WHITFIELD: All right, blunt conversations. Meantime, overseas, the Pope is winding down his trip to South Korea.

Coming up, finding out the woman he personally invited to mass and why she needs his help.


WHITFIELD: Pope Francis only has one day left on his five-day trip to South Korea. And he is receiving overwhelming response from people by the thousands. But a group of women say while he is in Asia, he needs to take a stand on supporting Asian women, who say their dignity and bodies were stolen years ago, and no one seems to care.

Here's CNN's Erin McLaughlin.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Each week this 88- year-old (INAUDIBLE) protests outside Japan's embassy in Seoul, hoping the Japanese government will at long last apologize for sins of World War II.


MCLAUGHLIN: She says she's honored that Pope Francis invited her to meet him for the last mass of his trip to South Korea, but it's not enough. She wants Francis to speak out for Korea's comfort women.

We've been trying very hard to get some answers from the Japanese government, she says, but they are not responding. If the Pope says something, it would be much more effective than all our efforts.

Kim (ph) tells me she was forced into sexual slavery when just 14- year-old, one of the tens of thousands of so-called comfort women of World War II. It's not possible for me to describe in words how painful it is, she says. If at all possible, I don't want to think of the past.

After decades of protests and international outrage, the Japanese government is no closer to an apology. In fact, one government-funded study concluded it was not possible to determine if the women were forcefully recruited. Some conservative groups are adamant that the women were wartime prostitutes, not sex slaves.

Individual Japanese prime ministers have personally expressed regret over the years, but the U.N. human rights commissioner says more is need. She writes -- it paints me to see they courageous women who have been fighting for their rights are passing away one by one without their rights restored and without receiving the reparation to which they are entitled.

Do you think that you will see this issue reconcile in your lifetime?

MCLAUGHLIN (on camera): Do you think that you will see this issue reconciled in your lifetime?

(Voice-over): "I hope to get an apology before I die," Kim tell me. It would be a great solace for me and I would be extremely grateful if the Pope speaks out about the comfort women issue."

Pope Francis has said peace is not simply the absence of war, but the work of justice. It's been 69 years since the end of World War II, Kim can only hope Francis helps her find the peace she so desperately needs.

Erin McLaughlin, CNN, Seoul, South Korea.