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One Canada Shooter Is Dead, One Soldier Killed; Sergeant-At- Arms A Hero After Shooting Gunman

Aired October 22, 2014 - 15:30   ET


MATTHEW MILLER, PALIAMENTARY BUREAU CHIEF, "VANCOUVER OBSERVER": As I said, by my account, there were almost three dozen handgun shots fired from security personnel and those continued for several minutes. We were very concerned. We didn't know if at the time that the shooter was addressed. We were still hearing gun shots while we were barricaded in our office and certainly had concerns for our safety.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN ANCHOR: Incredible, so many people saying that they owe their lives to Kevin Vickers today.

UNIDENTIFIED CALLER: Kevin is definitely a hero.

BALDWIN: Yes, Matthew Miller, thank you so much, the parliamentary bureau chief of the "Vancouver Observer." Appreciate it very much, sir. Stay safe to you.

We have to take a quick break. When we come back, how what's happening in Ottawa is affecting the United States and specifically Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknowns there. House security is being increased for sure. Stay with me.


BALDWIN: Welcome back, breaking news here on CNN. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. I'm Brooke Baldwin. In case you are just now joining us. Let me bring you up to speed as far as what has been happening for multiple hours here in Ottawa, the capital of Canada.

According to a news conference just a little a while ago from World Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa Police, the 911 calls, the emergency calls started coming in right around 9:52 a.m. local time that there had been a Canadian Armed Forces member, this soldier who had been guarding this war memorial there right near Parliament Hill had been shot.

He has ultimately died. We also know that a gunman has also been shot and killed. That happening at Parliament Hill inside this main building and keep in mind this is a huge, huge busy day for these MPs, members of parliament senators, this was caucus day.

So this is the kind of day when just about all if not all of the MPs and the senators were meeting this morning when these shootings took place. There is a man who is now being held a hero. He is the top cop if you will here at parliament in Ottawa. His name is Kevin Vickers. He is a sergeant at arms. He's in charge of security and according to multiple reports, he is the man who chased down and shot one of these gunmen.

I say one of because it's not yet clear if there was more than one. A lot of holes still in this story, a lot of gaps still missing. You know, investigators, Canada actually has the name of this one particular gunman. They have shared it with U.S. federal officials to try to figure out who he is.

Is this a lone wolf situation? Is this part of a greater plan? Might this person have terrorist intentions? We don't know all of that yet, a lot of questions here.

But what is happening today in Ottawa is most definitely affecting the United States. For that, let's go to the Pentagon to our correspondent, Barbara Starr, who has some information with regard to Arlington National Cemetery and security there. Barbara, what do you know?

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Brooke, some of the most hallowed ground in the United States, Arlington National Cemetery here in Washington on the banks of the Potomac River because there's so much uncertainty about what has happened in Ottawa and who is behind it.

U.S. military authorities now are racing and putting into place additional security measures at Arlington specifically in one location at the cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknowns. This is America's war memorial to the unknown to have fallen on battlefields over the years.

Four hundred thousand visitors are at Arlington every year. Soldiers that guard the Tomb of the Unknowns march there around the clock every day. Because it is a war memorial, because there are military personnel there around the clock at all times.

And because of what happened in Ottawa, they decided to put some additional security in place just to make sure everyone is safe. They are not saying what those security measures are.

I can tell you the way it works for the U.S. military individual commanders, base commanders across the country have complete authority to install extra security measures when they believe it's necessary. That's what's happened here -- Brooke.

BALDWIN: Barbara Starr, thank you so much, at the Pentagon.

Just quickly since we're talking about security in the United States, Pamela Brown, our justice correspondent also reporting that the FBI is requesting all field offices raise the alert posture just given recent chatter, ISIS chatter, calling on attacks against military and law enforcement, American law enforcement.

So they are keeping their eyes and their ears wide open obviously in the wake of what has happened in Ottawa. As far as Ottawa is concerned, it was two specific shooting incidents, two locations, war memorial and also Parliament Hill, that central building.

Two people according to a hospital are in stable condition at this hour. We are also getting some new images, new pictures coming in from one of those shooting scenes from that war memorial where that soldier was shot and has ultimately died.

So when we come back, we will share those with you getting new information here, the situation fluid and active situation. People still on Parliament Hill being told to stay put. We'll be right back.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I heard a bunch of pops. I thought it was just firecrackers going off. I looked across the street. There was a man with a rival shooting at a bunch of people. So we yelled get down. Get down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Second shot. I realized what was going on and took cover.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were working on the statue. I heard a bunch of pops. I thought it was just firecrackers going off. I looked across the street. There was a man with a rifle shooting at a bunch of people. I yelled at my guys. Get down. Get down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I heard the first shot. Took over and second shot and realized what was going on and so I took --


BALDWIN: You can hear just scary moments this morning in Ottawa, Canada, here along Parliament Hill and the nearby war memorial as we know at least one gunman. I stress at least because people in Parliament Hill area still stuck in their offices and in corridors and hallways.

Because police still aren't sure if there is at least another gunman out on the loose taking all necessary precautions understandably here in the wake of what has happened this morning. A soldier has died and a gunman has been shot and killed.

I say that in a passive voice as a person who did it is now a hero. He is Kevin Vickers. He is the top cop there on Parliament Hill. He is a sergeant at arms.

Rosa Flores has been looking into this man who sounds like according to a lot of tweets and a lot of MPs and Hill staff saved a lot of lives potentially.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, Brooke. Now this is where split second decisions really count. Split second decisions save lives and that's what we're hearing about this man, Sergeant At Arms Kevin Vickers. Twitter lighting up with a lot of tweets just saying thanks and also giving him credit. I'm going to start off with a tweet from Peter McKay. He's Canada's minister of justice, attorney general of Canada, and a Member of Parliament.

And he says, "To all in Ottawa stay safe and strong. Thank God for Sergeant At Arms Kevin Vickers and our Canadian Security Forces, true heroes."

Here's another one. This one is from Canada's minister of Veteran Affairs and a proud Member of the Parliament. He says his description and he wrote, "I am safe and profoundly grateful to Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers and our security forces for selfless act of keeping us safe."

And then here's one more from Craig Scott, also a Member of Parliament. He says, "MPs and Hill staff owe their safety even lives to Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers, who shot attacker just outside the MPs caucus rooms."

Now let me repeat that, who shot attacker just outside the MP's caucus rooms. Now it is no mistake that this man has the training to act in a situation like this. Not only has he been sergeant at arms for the past eight years, but before that spent 29 years with Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Now here's some of the things he had done while with the RMCP. He had taken care of major VIPs including the royal family. He had that several high profile investigations including homicide, national criminal investigations and he also had been awarded several awards including the Queen's Jubilee Medal.

So there is no doubt that this man had the training and in those split second decisions when split seconds really count, this man acted and he definitely saved lives -- Brooke.

BALDWIN: So close to that caucus meeting room. Rosa Flores, I'm so glad you pointed that out. Just to remind everyone this was caucus day on Parliament Hill. This is the day when you have almost all if not all members of the House of Commons and the senators meeting in this one area.

And so to know that this happened and to know that thank goodness because of Kevin Vickers the potential deaths stopped. Rosa Flores, thank you so much.

As we're trying to get a little bit more information on Kevin Vickers, Andree Lau joins me now. Andree, you go a number of years back with Mr. Vickers. Tell me how you know him?

ANDREE LAU, KNOWS SERGEANT AT ARMS KEVIN VICKERS (via telephone): I was a reporter in Eastern Canada when Vickers was the inspector in that district. He would have been in charge of major issues that developed in the region and so as a reporter, I worked closely with him for several years starting in about 2000 in that area.

BALDWIN: So to hear the news that he sprung into action and did what he did, doesn't come as a surprise to you, I imagine?

LAU: It's not surprising at all because Inspector Vickers at that time, he is a professional. He was a standup guy. He sort of is an ideal candidate for what you think of when you think of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. That's Canada's national police force.

He's well trained. He's completely professional. He always stayed calm under all kinds of pressure. In New Brunswick in 2000, there was a big crisis at the time between first Nations Fishermen at the time and it became tense and there were quite a few confrontations and blockades.

And Vickers was the commanding officer at the time and during all of this, he was always cool under pressure. He is always respectful and accommodating throughout that whole crisis.

BALDWIN: Obviously you have a professional relationship that dates back many years. I'm curious as we all learn more about Kevin Vickers. Is he a father? Does he have family, anymore about him?

LAU: I can't tell you much about his personal life. He does have a brother here in Victoria, who has been receiving calls from all over the world in light of this news of his big brother's heroic actions. He did say that his brother did call and say he was fine and the family is extremely proud of him.

BALDWIN: Andree Lau, thank you so much for sharing just a little bit more and sharing more light on this man, who took down this gunman just this morning. Andree, thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate it.

When we come back, we are continuing to get more information and talking to eyewitnesses who saw and heard the gun shots and now getting new images from the scene in which one of -- could there be more gunman -- we don't know, but one of the gunmen shot a soldier guarding this National War Monument right near Parliament Hill.

We'll get those images including the CPR, people rushing in to try to save the soldier. Stay with me.


BALDWIN: Moments before shots rang out at this war memorial near Canada's parliament this morning, people nearby were getting their morning coffee. They were just heading into work and journalist, Peter Henderson was locking up his bike when he heard four gunshots.

A soldier guarding the memorial crumpled to the ground. So let me share this photography with you. This is a photo of Henderson took of people trying to help this fallen soldier, rushing to his side. We have learned and confirmed that this soldier has since died and Henderson talked to CNN about what he saw just a short time ago.


PETER HENDERSON, JOURNALIST (via telephone): And I was right at the -- at the scene of one of the shootings this morning. I was locking my bike up right beside the war memorial when I heard four shots. We have a ceremonial honor guard of Canadian forces, troops who stand guard at the war memorial, and I was locking my bike up and I heard four shots.

From that direction and I turned around and ran, and I saw one of those soldiers laying on the ground. It's, you know, a pretty high- traffic area, but it was about 5 to 10:00 in the morning so most people were inside their offices and as soon as the shots rang out, a lot of people ducked for cover.

One thing that I notices, as I ran up to the scene, I saw several members of the Canadian Forces running to the fallen soldier, as well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This fallen soldier, was he one of the people that was standing guard or doing drills nearby?

HENDERSON: He was one of the people who was standing guard. I believe it's the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that we have there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, so if there were two soldiers standing guard, what happened to the second person?

HENDERSON: I believe he ran. Our soldiers -- to the best of my knowledge, they do not -- they hold guns, but their guns are unloaded. I believe it's meant to be symbolic at the war memorial, and he ran for cover after the shots, which I heard and sounded like they came from a very high-powered rifle.


BALDWIN: That was the voice of Peter Henderson, a journalist in Ottawa, as far as what he had seen. I can also tell you that "Canada Star" newspaper reports police received a call about shots being fired starting at around 9:52 this morning.

Just a short time later a photographer captured this chilling image. Take a look at this with me here, from just across the street from the parliament building. This is the valiant effort to try to save the life of that soldier who was shot beneath of something called of all places, the Peace Tower.

The unidentified soldier later was pronounced dead. We are also getting some more information as far as what we know about these two shooting locations and at least this one gunman.

Paula Newton, let me bring you in. You know Ottawa incredibly well. As we are reporting on these two separate shooting locations, what more are we learning about the number of gunmen? Is it multiple or is it just one?

PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, in speaking to officials on the ground earlier, they said we are cautious. We don't know how many gunmen and that's why they're going door to door, office to office in those parliament buildings to make sure that another gunman is not there. At the same time, we are getting more eyewitness accounts just like the one that we heard that the gunman was at that war memorial and went running up to the parliament buildings. If you're taking a good pace it would take you about 5 minutes to run to the entrance of Parliament Hill.

The other thing is, Brooke, there is a wide-open space. There wouldn't have been tons of people around and it would have looked very peculiar to see this person running and we have construction workers coming out and saying, I think what I saw was someone running towards the parliament buildings.

And I'm telling you the eyewitness accounts are chilling. That soldier there at our war memorial, at the cenotaph was hit at point- blank range and the witnesses saw that gunman go to Parliament Hill.

BALDWIN: Incredibly, incredibly tragic at the Peace Tower. Paula Newton, thank you so much for that.

As we're hearing the possibility now, perhaps, perhaps this was one shooter. Paul Cruickshank, our terrorism analyst, let me just bring you in because this has sort of gone from thinking, OK, multiple shooters, sophisticated Mumbai-like.

Now we're scaling back to saying if this were one gunman this then would look much more like potentially a lone wolf.

PAUL CRUICKSHANK, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: It would look much more like a lone wolf attack. We don't yet know the motivation behind this attack. We don't know whether it was linked to Islamic extremism or some other ideology or some other motivation.

But we do know that ISIS has called for terrorist attacks in Canada and called for supporters in Canada to launch terrorist attacks and we do know that just this week a Canadian soldier was killed in a terrorist attack by a lone wolf who was consuming ISIS propaganda online.

So obviously investigators will be looking very, very closely at the possibility that this is another ISIS-inspired terrorist attack.

BALDWIN: Remind us why it is so crucial for ISIS to recruit or inspire westerners be it Canadians, Americans. Why is that so key for them?

CRUICKSHANK: Well, ISIS wants to launch attacks in the west. It also wants to encourage westerners to launch attacks because it wants to retaliate for these U.S. airstrikes, western airstrikes in Syria and Iraq and just yesterday the six Canadian fighter jets that are going to be deployed in Iraq, they actually left an air base in Alberta on their way to the Middle East to join that coalition.

ISIS has said we want to target, we want people in the west to target Canada because they're part of this coalition. The spokesman of ISIS said that very clearly about a month ago. He issued a fatwa where he called on supporters not only to launch shooting attacks, but also hit and run car attacks exactly like what we saw earlier this week.

BALDWIN: The fact that this was caucus day. So many of these MPs and House of Commons and senators, this was the day, and this was the morning when they come together to meet. We don't know motivation, but suggests definitely planned.

CRUICKSHANK: It would appear to have been a planned -- they knew that there would be soldiers guarding the memorial and that they knew there would be vulnerabilities and a possibility of getting into the parliament building. And obviously, the gunman was able to get into the parliamentary building and it seems that a hero was able to stop a potential massacre inside the Canadian parliament.

BALDWIN: Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers and I'm sure we'll learn much more about him, and has been a member of the World Canadian Mounted Police for nearly three decades. Paul Cruickshank, thank you so much.

I'm Brooke Baldwin. Thank you so much for being with me. We go to Washington. "THE LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts now.