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Five Nationals Facing Terrorism Charges in Belgium; U.S. Senator Criticizes U.S. Use of Drones; Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde Teen Pair Arrested; Shots Fired Near Vice President Biden's Home; Belgian Soldiers Protecting Jewish Sites Embassies; Europe on Edge Over Terror Threats; Bill Cosby: The Show Must Go On

Aired January 18, 2015 - 14:00   ET


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Happening right now in the NEWSROOM, hundreds of civilians held captive by ISIS militants in Iraq for more than six months are now free. Hear how they were freed.

And shots fired near vice president Biden's Delaware home. The hunt is on for the car that fled the scene as investigators searched Biden's house to see if any rounds hit it.

Plus --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know the job's done wrong, but you need to step up and, you know, take the consequences of what you've done and come home.


WHITFIELD: Captured after two weeks on the run. The so-called Bonnie and Clyde teens wanted for a multistate crime spree are arrested. The NEWSROOM starts right now.

Hello, everyone. Thanks so much for joining me. I'm Fredricka Whitfield.

First up, Europe on edge as new details emerged on terror probes across the continent. Let's start in Belgium where five nationals are now facing terrorism charges. All of the suspects have been accused of participating in a terrorist organization. Two have been released under quote "strict conditions." The rest remain in custody. Police remain on high alert across Europe. Troops patrolled the streets of major Belgian cities.

And in Brussels, they are still standing guard outside embassies and the country's national Jewish museum which was attacked last year. There are fears that as many as 20 so-called sleeper cells may be activated to carry out terror plots. We're also learning that French authorities have released three women who were detained. Nine other people remain in custody.

Will the anti-terror investigation continue to widen? Let's bring in Nic Robertson in Paris and Nick Paton Walsh who is following developments in Sana'a, Yemen.

So first to you, Nic. How wide is the net being cast for possible terror cells?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's being cast across northern Europe and southern Europe, as well. This is a concern for intelligence agencies all over Europe at the moment.

What the French are telling us is that the three people that they've released are women. That the nine people that remain in detention here are, in fact, can be held for another two days and may be held for even longer on the suspicion of the terrorism act. So at least two days before any of the others might be considered for release. And the concern is here that there could be other cells inside France. That is why France is on such a high alert with so many security forces deployed to thwart any possible further attack, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: And then, Nick Paton Walsh, if you can join us, from Sana'a, Yemen, you have new information on two French nationals that were arrested there?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. We reported last night, Yemeni officials saying two French men arrested in the past few months. They tried to leave the country. We now know from one security official here that actually those arrests occurred back in May of last year. And these two, 32-year-old men, have been in the eastern part of the country for possibly as long as ten years.

Now they were studying, it seems, at one institute in that part of the country. It is known for some of its links to Al-Qaeda at times. But at the same time, too, these men have not specifically been charged with something, although they are said by this security official to in fact have been accused of fighting for Al-Qaeda on the front lines.

So a mixed picture here. And certainly I think some assessing this case in Yemen are wondering quite what they have against these two French men to hold them for this period of time in terms of evidence. But then also asking why does this news emerge again? It was out in May before. Why does it emerge again now potentially as that Yemen trying to look like it's pretty hot on the trail of westerners leaving here, particularly French, to go back for the west.

I should point out at least to the two 32-year-old men were, in fact, bound for a short trip to Tunisia rather than leaving here altogether.

WHITFIELD: And then quickly, Nick, what about the status of the chief of staff who was taken hostage yesterday?

WALSH: Still held, unclear where at this point. As you said, he was taken from his car in the very city (INAUDIBLE). I can hear small arms fire in the city now as night has fallen. But increasing tension over that abduction. One oil-rich province in Yemen where he comes from, where the chief of staff comes from and said they're cutting off oil until he's released from the mainframe infrastructure here.

So a real escalation in this part sectarian/part tribal/part frenzy government versus other groups' war that's been gripping the nation for quite some time now, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: And then Nic in Paris, what is it about Belgium requesting the extradition of a suspect who is in Greece?

ROBERTSON: These are details that were we're just beginning to learn about. The details still require more digging and more corroboration. But the indications are, and we've heard from Belgian officials, that they've been working in close cooperation with the Greek police. We've heard from Greek officials today saying that earlier in the day that so far of all the suspects that they had in their custody, that seem to be brought into their custody as a result of the requests from the Belgians for help, that all the people so far earlier in the day, they had not yet had a match between any of those people and any suspects in Belgium.

However, the information emerging now in the last few minutes perhaps indicates that the Greeks have now found somebody. That the Belgians believe they're connected or is connected to the arrests and the shoot-out in Belgium at the moment. And the first indications we're getting is that this is a French national, that the Belgian authorities are requesting that Greeks extradite back. Again, these are early details, and we're still checking through them, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right, Nick Robertson and Nick Paton Walsh. Thanks to both of you. Appreciate it.

So as threats and fears grow across Belgium and much of Europe for that matter, the strength of Al-Qaeda is growing in the Arabian Peninsula, especially Yemen. Terrorists in the region claimed credit for the deadly attack on "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris.

Joining me right now is CNN intelligence and security analyst and former CIA operative Bob Baer.

So Bob, it was just four months ago that the president cited Yemen as a type of success story. He didn't necessarily say mission accomplished, you know. It is the model of success, but it was one that was showing some progress. So was that a poor choice of words, or is it that it's -- that success has been calculated in other ways?

ROBERT BAER, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST: Well, Fredricka, I think it's a poor choice of words. Yemen, no one's ever done anything about that ever. The Saudis would, for instance, love to get in there and clean things up. But even they can't do it.

The drone attacks clearly have disrupted networks, slowed them down, blunted their attacks on the west in the United States. They were completely justified when you consider the airplane bomber. It was attack launched out of Yemen. But at the end of the day, we are dealing with an abstract idea which is jihad. And as long as this idea of violent jihad continues to course through Islam, drones and airstrikes just aren't going to stop it. The question is whether these drones and airstrikes worsen the situation or better it. I just don't have an answer for that.

WHITFIELD: And there are variation of assessments of the ongoing global fight against terror. Listen to former CIA director Leon Panetta speaking to Fareed Zakaria earlier and primarily about the terrorist attack.


LEON PANETTA, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: There's no question that I think the failure to be able to have prevented the attack that took place in Paris was an intelligence failure. And I know they had these individuals on watch lists. I know that in some ways they were tracking them. But because of priorities or because of resources, obviously they were not aware that these attacks were going to be conducted.


WHITFIELD: So Bob, is he right? Was it an intelligence failure? These suspects were watched, but because there was no activity, perhaps the guard was let down a bit and then these suspects struck.

BAER: Well, Fredricka, the problem is that they were leading two lives apparently. They -- it looks like they were talking on their wives' cell phones which weren't being monitored. In France, you do need a warrant to listen to a phone. You look at the Coulibaly, went to Spain and he went Brussels. Were they crossing borders to actually make meetings?

France has got a real problem. The number is usually put at 5,000 suspected, you know, could be terrorists. You can't watch all five with complete coverage. These guys were very clever. Once they were recruited, they knew how to beat the system. It's just as --

WHITFIELD: And it was a matter of years because -- it was a matter of year, two to three years, you know, since their travels to Yemen and other places, Malaysia among them. And if they blended in with society and neighbors thought that they were just, you know, ordinary people and people commented that, you know, the couple just seemed to be very nice and kind and seemed to do things for neighbors.

To what extent, how long is the Intel community supposed to watch someone, especially when there are that many numbers that you talk about, up to 5,000 possibly?

BAER: Yes. You can't do that for three years. These guys cut off their beards. They stopped going to the mosque. They stopped dealing with jihadi clerics. Even their families weren't aware of what they were planning.

But this is normal. In their mind once they've turned on a switch to commit violence, they also turn on another switch to stay off the police's radar. And in an open society, there's not a lot you can do about it.

Now Egypt, for instance, doesn't care whether, you know, they throw you in jail, and that's where you stay forever. But that happens in totalitarian regimes which, of course, France isn't. WHITFIELD: So now, what is the reassessment now that they're the

latest example of how you blend into, you know, a community, you go unsuspected, and then you carry out a plan that may have been years in the making? How does the Intel community get ahead and proactively try to stop the next, you know, set of people who may be carrying out very similar type of planning and attacks?

BAER: I think we're seeing it in Europe. It's disruptive raid. Anybody that's under suspicion --

WHITFIELD: Like Belgium --

BAER: You kick down the door. You take a look at the physical evidence in their house, the forensics, you know, whether they've got bomb-making equipment, addresses that wouldn't show up in data analytics. You know, lockers and the rest of it. It's just -- I hate the word, but it's proactive. You knock down doors until you -- until you get to the bottom of it. And it's not something --

WHITFIELD: But then timing is everything, too, right? Timing is everything too, because you can be too early, and then you don't have the cache of weapons that you described or can come too late, and the -- the plan is already being carried out maybe by someone else.

BAER: That's exactly it. Intelligence agencies and the FBI and all police would like to sit on these things and police up the entire network. So a disruptive operation, you may miss somebody, other cells. And this is what's got the Europeans worried. They pulled the trigger on these guys, and now they want to find out who they missed. And that may be very difficult.

WHITFIELD: All right. Stick around. We'll talk some more. I'd love to get your insight on Boko Haram and if you feel like enough is being done. Enough resources are being paid to that terror group and what they're able to carry out in Nigeria.

Thank you very much, Bob.

And we'll also hear why one democratic senator believes the U.S. policy may be helping groups like ISIS to find new recruits.

Plus, two teens allegedly on a multistate crime spree now behind bars. I'm talking to their hometown sheriff about what's next for this couple dubbed the next -- they were dubbed the next Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde no more.


WHITFIELD: A U.S. senator is criticizing the United States' use of drones saying they make it easier for terrorists to recruit. The latest reported strike came Thursday in northwest Pakistan. (INAUDIBLE) intelligence officials are saying at least five suspected militants were killed. It was the second drone hit in that area since the beginning of the year. Democratic senator Chris Murphy said on CNN's "STATE OF THE UNION" the today, drone strikes and the Iraq war are creating a bulletin board for terror group recruitment. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

SEN. CHRIS MURPHY (R), CONNECTICUT: At the war in Iraq which became a recruiting tool for Islamic extremes all around the world made this country less safe not more safe. I would argue that the way in which we have conducted drone strikes in some parts of the world have become bulletin board recruiting material for many terrorist organizations. That doesn't create a rationale, a justification for anything that has happen. But it just -- I think should create a conversation here in the United States about being careful about conducting a foreign policy in a way that ends up creating more of the very kind of people and organizations that we're trying to fight.


WHITFIELD: Representative Chris Murphy not the only one. Back yesterday, we had on Fawaz Gerges of the London School of economics whose point of view was U.S. military intervention in places like Iraq and even Libya also may have stirred the pot and helped in the recruitment efforts of terrorist groups.

So I want to bring back former CIA operative and analyst Bob Baer to discuss.

So Bob, what's your reaction to both Senator Murphy's assessment and even at that of Fawaz Gerges who said when the U.S. intervenes militarily, it does inspire a lot of people of the extremist point of view to want to be involved in terror activity, to essentially respond or react to the U.S.?

BAER: Well, senator Murphy is -- I agree with him. You look at the Kouachi brothers, what recruited them and those are the pictures from Abu Ghraib (ph) and that was these graphic scenes of hanging people from walls in the prison run by the American military.

You also had the fact that drones are an area weapon. I mean, you know, the best intelligence, you're still going kill innocent civilians. And what we see -- what we don't see as Americans are the pictures of civilians. You know, the children dying in these drone raids.

Yes, we have disrupted Al-Qaeda and the tribal areas of Pakistan. Yes, we did get to bin Laden. But at the end of the day, as we were just talking about, this is an abstract idea of violent jihad which is fueled by the death of Muslims.

And additionally, you have all this -- the civil wars going on in Iraq and Syria and Mali and Boko Haram. And we wrongly are associated with a lot of the murder. We have nothing do with it. But in these very -- what should I say? I'm not ignorant, but the sites that go on, they simplify the world, reduce it to the west against Islam and that fuels it.

So we are partially responsible for the blow-back coming out of the Middle East, but we haven't done a good job this trying to tamp down these conflicts. And as I've said over and over again, we simply do not have the military nor the will to impose colonial borders in the Middle East. I really do believe that Syria and Iraq are gone as countries and they are never coming back. I could be wrong, but -- go ahead.

WHITFIELD: You mentioned images of Abu Ghraib, for example. Apparently one of the Kouachi brothers was inspired reportedly was inspired by that and that is why he ended up joining the terrorist group. So you know, Senator Murphy made another statement. I want you to hear it and see what your response is.


MURPHY: We shouldn't be full of such hubris in the United States that we don't have a conversation about the fact that there are things that we do. There are actions that's we take, that can create more terrorist, create more threats to the United States. And there are things that we can do, actions that we can take that will create less terrorists across the world.


WHITFIELD: Your response?

BAER: Well, you know, I don't think -- look, I think the problems in the Middle East at their root are demographic. You know, you look at Syria, water shortages. People being driven in from the country into the cities, a corrupt regime. There's a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia and the rest of it. But we haven't done enough to disassociate ourselves from these regimes.

You know, when the Saudis are flogging a blogger, we don't say anything. Even go -- the original problems in the Middle East started with Algeria. They have democratic elections and they were overturn by the military and we stood with the military.

You know, it is when you are engage in this part of the world as we are, inevitably get blamed for the problems was beyond our culpability.

WHITFIELD: Well, you know, you mentioned Boko Haram. That, too, is, you know, a very significant terror threat particularly right now pinpointing Nigeria. But is there a feeling that the U.S. or European allies need to be doing more to intervene, to assist the Nigerian government, to stamp out, to somehow respond in a very strong manner to Boko Haram as it continues to torch villages, kidnap young girls and children and kill their parents?

BAER: We clearly have an interest in supporting the government (INAUDIBLE). You know, it's a democratically elected government. It's -- but the problem is in Africa it's both tribal. It's terrorism. It's colonial borders. And frankly, Fredricka, we just don't have the forces to be the policemen of the world. We don't have the money or the forces, nor the will. You know, we can play along and support the U.N. But by ourselves, the United States cannot solve these problems.

WHITFIELD: Bob Baer, all right, thanks so much. Good to see you.

All right, first, there were breaches at the White House. Now someone has fired shots near the vice president's Delaware home.

ERIN MCPIKE, CNN GENERAL ASSIGNMENT CORRESPONDENT: I'm inside the White House, both the president and the vice president have been briefed on the gunshots. More after the break.


WHITFIELD: All right, checking our top stories, icy roads in the northeast have caused more than 320 accidents today, some of them deadly. Police say two people have died in accidents related to black ice in the Philadelphia area. One of the victims was killed getting out of his car after he crashed into a large pileup on interstate 76.

And in Maryland, police say at least one person has died on icy roads there.

And overnight, police in Florida captured two Kentucky teens who some were calling the modern day Bonnie and Clyde. 18-year-old Dalton Hayes and his 13-year-old girlfriend, Cheyenne Phillips are accused of going on a multistate crime spree. Police searched for the couple as they made their way through southern states until they were finally arrested.

Here's CNN's Victor Blackwell.


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Overnight, the teenage couple from Kentucky on the run for 14 days was taken into police custody in Panama City Beach, Florida. The arrests follow a series of car and gun thefts across several states and pleas from the teens' parent to come home.

TAMMY MARTIN, DALTON HAYES' MOTHER: We know that you have done wrong. But you need to step up, take the consequences of what you've done and come home.

BLACKWELL: Tammy Martin pleaded with her son, 18-year-old Dalton Hayes, and his 13-year-old girlfriend, Cheyenne Phillips.

MARTIN: He has never went this long without contacting me. It's really very stressful. I'm worried they're not safe anymore.

BLACKWELL: Officials say the two have been on a multistate crime spree stretching from Kentucky to Florida.

SHERIFF NORMAN CHAFFINS, GRAYSON COUNTY: We just want them to come in and talk with us. And we can manage it from there. But the longer they stay away, the worse it gets.

BLACKWELL: Police say it started in Clarkson, Kentucky, when Cheyenne Phillips' father reported her missing. Then the teenagers allegedly burglarized a home, stole a truck, and crashed it into a fence. Later the police say the couple stole another truck which had a firearm inside.

They drove to South Carolina and were spotted on security camera video at a Walmart.

Then the pair traveled to Georgia where they are accused of stealing a silver 2001 Toyota tundra similar to this one. Authorities say the truck had two handguns inside.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, the citizen that owns the vehicle does have registered bombs that he kept in the vehicle and they were stolen, as well.

BLACKWELL: Authorities worried the pair could become more brazen and desperate as the situation dragged on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Long with they are gone, the worse of situation can become.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please come home. We can work through whatever it is.


WHITFIELD: The mother of the 13-year-old, Cheyenne Phillips, spoke to CNN's "New Day" this morning, just hours after the teens were arrested. Shery Peters talked about her daughter's relationship with the 18-year-old, Dalton Hayes.


SHERY PETERS, CHEYENNE PHILLIPS'S MOTHER: I don't approve of it. And like I said, I just reunited with my daughter after ten years. And we started talking before Christmas. So I really didn't know much about the relationship. It's just a bunch of lies -- she was fascinated over him and just in love. This is not -- it's not something I will think she would to.


WHITFIELD: All right, joining me now, Grayson County, Kentucky, Sheriff Norman Chaffins.

You're familiar with the 18-year-old, Dalton Hayes, saying, "I know Dalton, and he has a history of making bad, bad decisions. I was the school resource officer before I was elected sheriff. Dalton is known to have disciplinary and defiance issues at the high school with authority."

So, it sounds like he, you know, had a pretty troubled past there. But is this something you would have anticipated he was capable of allegedly going state to state, stealing things like cars?

CHAFFINS (via phone): It didn't surprise us that he would do something like that. But this is the best possible outcome that we could have. And I will say that if it weren't for the U.S. marshals, the bay county sheriff's office, panama city beach police and Panama police, we would not have had this outcome. It was the ideal place. Great location to take them into custody. And they left them no choice but to give up.

WHITFIELD: And in your view, what was so remarkable about this case? There are car rings all across the country and people going state to state allegedly stealing cars. What is it about this situation, these teenagers, and people call them the Bonnie and Clyde, but as far as we know, they didn't kill anyone. But what is it that made this case particularly compelling in your view?

CHAFFINS: You'd have to ask the media on that one. We sent out news releases. So these are teenagers in our hometown. And we just wanted them located. And being a former public attorney's office for the Kentucky state police, I had some contacts that I reached out to. And t just got legs and kept running. And we got the picture out there, and the media got hold of it.

I think it was a lot to do with her being 13 and him being 18. And going across state lines and committing multiple crimes. I think just -- they were not Bonnie and Clyde. They were two teenagers making stupid choices and committing crimes. But they did not kill anyone. They did not harm anyone. And it came to a successful outcome.

WHITFIELD: So again, Dalton is 18. Cheyenne, 13. We heard the mother in the piece say that she did not approve of this relationship, her 13-year-old daughter with an 18-year-old boy. But what are the charges that they will be facing, and is she going to be treated differently because she's 13?

CHAFFINS: Yes. She will be treated somewhat different just because she is a juvenile. She will have to start off and (INAUDIBLE) in our court and then make decisions based on what happened as to what to do with her next. This I see burglary charges, criminal mischief charges, custodial interference charges, as well as the theft of the vehicles over $10,000. He's also got other charges pending in different counties. And the charges that they have as a result of them fleeing from Kentucky, she will be charged with fleeing and custodial interference.

WHITFIELD: And so the sheriff, they're in transit now from Florida back to Kentucky?

CHAFFINS: No, they are still in Florida. They will await a court date probably Tuesday or Wednesday, and then we'll start extradition process from that point on.

WHITFIELD: Got it. All right, thanks so much for your time, Sheriff Norman Chaffins. And we'll be right back in a moment.


WHITFIELD: All right, hello again, everyone. Thanks so much for joining me. I'm Fredricka Whitfield.

Secret Service agents are investigating a shooting near Vice President Joe Biden's home in Delaware. It happened last night and a suspect is still at large. This incident comes after the Secret Service has already been under scrutiny after a man scaled the White House fence and entered the mansion.

CNN's Erin McPike is at the White House for us now. So what is the Secret Service saying about this alleged incident in Delaware?

ERIN MCPIKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Fred, as you can imagine, they're taking it very seriously. We got a lot of information from the Secret Service about this to the extent that they know what happened last night.

I want to read part of a statement that we got from Secret Service Spokesman Robert Hoback. He says while the vice president and Dr. Biden were out for the evening, a vehicle drove by the vice president's residence at a high rate of speed and fired multiple gunshots.

This occurred on a public road outside the established security perimeter. The shots were heard by Secret Service personnel posted at the residence, and a vehicle was observed by an agent leaving at a high rate of speed.

We also know that someone who was in the area about a half-hour after that has been questioned but released. They're still interviewing a number of subjects in the area. They have checked all the residences. They haven't found any damage to any of the residents nearby.

Neither of the vice presidents there in Wilmington or any of the neighboring residences, but as you said at the top there, they still don't have a suspect in custody. They're still continuing to investigate this. Obviously they're taking it seriously.

But we do know from the New Castle County Police that there were shots fired nearby at the hoops reservoir a short time after that. So maybe those gunshots are related. They don't know obviously if this has anything to do with the vice president. But they have to take this seriously.

WHITFIELD: And you did say Secret Service were posted at the residence. Where were the vice president and his wife?

MCPIKE: Well, the vice president and his wife were in Wilmington for the weekend, but they were out. They were not home when these gunshots happened. The Secret Service is making that clear. The vice president was briefed with Dr. Biden, and President Obama was briefed on this as well today.

WHITFIELD: All right, Erin McPike at the White House. Thanks so much.

Up next, police on high alert in Belgium. Our Phil Black will have a look at what specific places there are being guarded next.


WHITFIELD: All right, Europe is still on high alert. Police fear as many as 20 so-called sleeper cells may be waiting to area out terror attacks. Police have made more than a dozen arrests primarily in France and Belgium. Five Belgian nationals are now facing charges. All five accused of participating in a terrorist organization.

CNN's Phil Black is in Brussels. So Phil, officials are taking steps to protect a prominent Jewish museum there, which was the target of an attack last year. Some embassies, in fact, in Jewish neighborhoods are also seeing heightened security. Is this sitting well with Belgians?

PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it is, Fredricka. Life pretty much is normal here in the capital of Brussels apart from those some 300 soldiers, paratroopers that have been mobilized and deployed to key sites.

Both here in the city and in the city of Antwerp where there is a sizable Jewish population community there, key Jewish sites, government sites, institutions relating to the European Union. These are locations that the authorities fear could still face some sort of terror threat.

And that's really what's going on here. They still believe there's a threat. The investigation is still ongoing and just a short time ago, a key development in that investigation following up on the raids that took place across this country on Thursday night.

Belgian authorities have announced they are seeking the extradition of a man, a Belgian national from the Greece. We know that over the last 24 hours or so, Belgian authorities and Greek police have been cooperating.

The Belgian prosecutor, federal prosecutor, has told us that yesterday Greek authorities arrested two men over possible links to the terror plot they have uncovered here. They know believe that one of these men could have been involved.

They are seeking his extradition back here to Belgium. That is on top of two men being extradited from France in connection with this plot. And the five people who have been charged here in Belgium itself.

WHITFIELD: All right. Phil Black, thank you so much from Brussels.

So heightened security measures across Europe, let's continue that discussion now. Joining me is Simone Rodan Benzaquen, director of the American Jewish Committee Office in France and lieutenant General Michael Moeller, former deputy chief of staff for the U.S. Air Force Strategic Plans and Programs.

So Simone, let me go to you first. You know, what's the reaction of military patrols and beefed up security say, around the Jewish museum in Brussels and a more heightened presence even in some Parisian locations?

SIMONE RODAN-BENZAQUEN, DIRECTOR, AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE: Well, first of all, thank you very much for having me on, Fredricka. The Jewish community to some extent is reassured by this. It's something the Jewish community has already requested for a while. There has been heightened security over the past years, but to have it now more so gives us a sense of security.

It is important especially in front of schools, especially in front of synagogues. We have now army personnel in front of most Jewish sites. So this is important. On the other hand, we ask ourselves obviously how long can this be going. We can't live in a sort of prison forever.

WHITFIELD: So General Moeller, let me bring you into this. How long should something like this go on? You want to send a message to those potential terrorists or those who are up to no good. At the same time, you want people to feel comfortable and not imprisoned by fear.

LT. GENERAL MICHAEL R. MOELLER, U.S. AIR FORCE (RETIRED): A great point, Fredricka. One of the things that I was very interested in is the fact that the military forces have deployed in a traditional military mission. That was protecting installations and high visibility target areas, and special areas of interest.

They're well trained. They're well equipped. They're comfortable with that mission, and it frees up the police forces to do their traditional law enforcement as well as counterterrorism response. So that static defensive mission conducted by the military enables the police force to continue with more offensive-type operations.

How long can they do this? It can go on very a very long time because the numbers are relatively small. As long the French and Belgian government can prioritize based on the threat assessment where the threats are going to come from or where they're going to attack next.

WHITFIELD: When you say long time, are you talking in the form of days or weeks or months?

MOELLER: I think I think certainly for a period of some months. After that, you'll have to assess whether it's actually still accomplishing the objective of ensuring that these high-priority target areas are in fact still on the target list for terrorists or are there other security measures that you can put in place to replace the military forces or, in fact, remove them completely.

WHITFIELD: So Simone, you know, with so many visual reminders of beefed up security, whether it be around synagogues, you know, or museums, any place like that, is there a feeling within the French Jewish community there that people are changing their ways, changing the locations in which they go as long as there is this heightened security?

BENZAQUEN: First of all, the realities that the Jewish communities faced physical threats for a very long time. So it's not fundamentally changing anything other than now we have army on site. It is basically reconfirming a strong worry that we've had for a very long time.

We are not changing thing so much, at least not in the central part of Paris or Leon or Marseilles. Probably people change their -- their state of mind. Basically asking themselves the question of where -- whether it's reasonable to go to synagogue.

Whether it's reasonable to wear yarmulke on the street, whether it's reasonable to have your kids go to Jewish school, it's basically everything single day, the tiny little decisions you take. Basically you have to question yourself whether it's a reasonable thing to do.

WHITFIELD: And then, General, this doesn't appear to be a singular religious war. But many states feel like they are being targeted by the acts of these few. So you know, what kind of assurances should every important -- whether it is religious symbol or any place that sends the message of safety should instead be guarded by police?

MOELLER: Fredricka, well, most importantly and they are basing their -- basing their response on the threat assessment. And as the threat changes and as terrorists assess whether or not they're going attack different targets, again, they'll have, French and Belgian forces have to move capabilities, their personnel to different areas.

And it's -- it's despite the fact, not based on religious preference. Not based on whether it's important for the infrastructure of the nation. It is what is the priority -- what is the threat assessment saying about the priority of the targets.

WHITFIELD: All right, General Michael Moeller, Simone Rodan- Benzaquen, thank you so much to both of you. Appreciate it.

Still to come, rarely a month since the Obama administration opened ties with Cuba, and already a high-profile governor is heading to the island to do business. Karl Penhaul is in Havana.

KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There was a time when Cuba was seen as the red threat at the gateway of the United States. A time when relations were so bad they threatened to push the entire world to the brink of nuclear war. This week, things are going to get dramatically better after half a century of cold war. I'll tell you more after the break.


WHITFIELD: Cuba is back on U.S. radar and in a big way in the next week ahead. Right now, a congressional delegation is in Cuba, a U.S. congressional delegation. It is the first such visit since President Obama announced Washington would start normalizing ties with the communist country.

Let's bring in CNN's Karl Penhaul joining us from Havana. Even Andrew Cuomo announced that he is planning a trade mission. All of this as the assistant secretary of state, Roberta Jacobson is set to arrive in Cuba later in the week.

She is the highest ranking American official to visit the country in decades. Let's bring in CNN's Karl Penhaul joining us from Havana. So Karl, what's your understanding as to what Jacobson will see or do while in Cuba?

PENHAUL: Well, she is certainly the headline act in all of this. She is President Obama's envoy to try and get things back on track with Cuba. Remember diplomatic relations were broken off by Dwight Eisenhower back in 1961, and then a series of calamities.

We had the -- 1961, and then a series of calamities, the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, to name a few. It's a big task she's facing. There's going to have to be baby steps going. On she's going to meet her opposite numbers in the Cuban government.

They're going to sit down and say how can we move forward and open up embassy, get the diplomatic side of things working? After that, let's talk about trade, cultural ties, and also the U.S. wants the opportunity to voice concerns on human rights and the political situation in Cuba. Jacobson's visit really is just the first step in what promises to be a long road -- Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: Interesting. So she would be meeting with a Cuban contemporary. Would she go as far as meeting with Raul Castro?

PENHAUL: There's nothing of that sort on the cards. That in diplomatic terms would be hurrying thing along way too much at this stage. Baby steps, there are much more simple things to talk about first. Can they turn the U.S. intersection here in Havana into a full-blown embassy?

Can they have more staff to able to run the operations here that they want to do. Because of this cold war that's gone on between the countries, U.S. diplomats can't go any further than 25 miles from the intersection, so they'll want -- intersection, so they'll want changes to. that's it. I mean, it's been one amazing year for me.

I was ready to play at the top 20 for five years, top ten one year, now top five one year. But to be in the top four, if you look now, especially the three first guys, they've been winning every single tournament, every grand slam, every masters, for ten years more or less. It's a different level.


WHITFIELD: Roughly two dozen sexual assault allegations are not enough to make Bill Cosby stop touring. The legendary comic is performing back-to-back shows in Denver last night while fans greeted Crosby with cheers inside the theater, demonstrators outside chanted anti-Cosby slogans.

CNN's Ana Cabrera reports.


ANA CABRERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Protesters greeting the ticket holders outside the Bill Cosby performances in Denver this weekend. You can see them holding signs that say "Colorado believes the women," "shame on you." at times, chanting thing like, "Turn Back, Cosby" and "rape is no joke."

Obviously referencing the accusations facing the 77-year-old comedian, allegations of drugging, and sexual misconduct, in some cases that go back decades.

At times, we've seen about 5o protesters out here including this woman named Vicky. Vicky, thanks for spending a minute to talk with us. What brought you here? Why was it important for you to come and protest?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, growing up in the '70s, I idolized Bill Cosby. I just can't stand -- the more and more women that come out and the more and more information that gets out, he settled out of court with three women. I believe the women. There's too many.

CABRERA: What's the message you want to send?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We should not support a rapist.

CABRERA: Vicky, thanks for talking with us. It's important to note that Bill Cosby has not been charged with any crime. He and his lawyers continue to deny all these allegations. We've also been talking to fans and supporters of Bill Cosby who believe he's innocent.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nobody has proof that he did anything, and if these women were really concerned about it, they should have come forth years and years ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't believe any of this that's going on. It's really heartbreaking.

CABRERA: Among the demonstrators who have been out in Denver, famed Attorney Gloria Allred who is representing now eight Cosby accusers, including a woman named Beth Farrier from Denver. Again, Cosby and his lawyers denying the allegation.

Now, it's important to note there have been about two dozen women who have spoken out, alleging they are victims of Bill Cosby, the latest in fact coming just this past week. And despite all that, despite these protests, Bill Cosby's camp says the show must go on and he plans to continue with this scheduled performances.

Ana Cabrera, CNN, Denver.


WHITFIELD: And we've got much more straight ahead in the NEWSROOM and it all starts right now.