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Nepal Earthwuak Death Toll Surpasses 2500; 34 Arrests In Baltimore After Some In Protest Crowd Get Violent; Freddie Gray's Final Autopsy Report Might Take 45 Days; CNN Crew Arrives In Nepal; More Than 2,500 Killed Across Quake Zone; Freddie Gray Death Investigation Heats Up. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired April 26, 2015 - 14:00   ET



[14:00:17] FREDERICKA WHITFIELD, CNN HOST (voice-over): Happening now in the NEWSROOM, aftershocks rocking Nepal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): There has been no electricity for more than 24 hours now.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): American climbers on Mt. Everest among those dead or missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): There are hundreds of people still on the mountain.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Base camp obliterated.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): We started running, (INAUDIBLE) unbelievably.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Desperate rescues now under way. Plus -

UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTERS: We're going to fight for Freddie Gray!

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Protests in Baltimore explode into violence. Stores vandalized.

FREDERICKA GRAY, FREDDIE GRAY'S SISTER: Please, please stop the violence. Freddie Gray would not want this.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Camden Yards on lockdown, fans unable to leave.

ANTHONY BATTS, BALTIMORE POLICE COMMISSIONER: I am to a degree disappointed. Just a small number of people that felt that they had to turn this into an ugly event.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): NEWSROOM starts now.


WHITFIELD (on camera): Hello again, everyone. Thanks for joining me. I'm Fredericka Whitfield.

We begin with the latest from a ravished Nepal. The death toll from the earthquake has now passed 2,500. That number is expected to rise as rescue and recovery efforts continue through the night. Basic supplies such as food, water, tents, blankets and medicines are being delivered to Nepal from the U.S., India and China. Hospitals are overflowing. And an untold number of people are missing.

Yesterday's 7.8 earthquake hit near the capital Kathmandu and this morning a 6.7 aftershock was centered closer to Mt. Everest. Climbers there say the aftershock set off fresh avalanches. The number of the dead on the mountain has risen to at least 17, including three Americans, one of whom is a Google executive.

CNN correspondent Mallika Kapur is in India for us not far from the border of Nepal.

Mallika, there was this big aftershock. Did that create an even greater concern there?

MALLIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. The aftershock today, 6.7 on the Richter scale the known aftershock, but that in itself qualifies as a pretty large earthquake. That did cause a lot of fear in Nepal again and a lot of destruction that certainly slowed down relief efforts tremendously.

Just to give you a sense of just how much that impact was, I'm in Calcutta which is 900 kilometers away from Nepal. To put that in context again, if I took a flight from here to Kathmandu, it's more than an hour's flying time. So it's quite far away. But even here in Calcutta, we felt that aftershock this afternoon. People came running out of their buildings and out into the open, fearing what would happen. It's definitely slowed down, rescue and relief efforts in Nepal. The runway was shut for a few hours this afternoon, which meant that several aircraft-carrying relief supplies and emergency personnel were not able to land. It also created a lot of panic again amongst the people in Nepal. A lot of people have been camping outdoors. They spent last night outside either in tents pitched in a football field or just by the roads outside. They are too afraid to go back indoors. Sometimes some of them don't have a choice if their homes have been flattened. Many people tonight are going to spend the night outside again because they are simply too afraid to go in fearing more aftershocks.

As you mentioned, Fredericka, basic supplies are running very thin indeed. They are running out of food. They do not have running water. Medical supplies are running very low. Hospitals are overflowing. Doctors have to treat some people outside. They really do need a lot of emergency supplies. The problem is getting it into Nepal. Of course, the forecast the next 24 hours isn't good. The weather department is forecasting rain and thunder showers, which could slow down relief efforts even further at a time when every minute and every hour is counting.

Fredericka? WHITFIELD: So Mallika, what are going to be the alternatives to get some of that relief aid in since you mentioned, helicopters can't land, even though the airport in Calcutta opened earlier this morning, still difficult for this relief apparatus to get in? What are the options? How will they try to get supplies in like water?

KAPUR: They are really trying to seize any window of opportunity. The runway has been open and then shut again and open and shut again. So it's not that aircraft aren't going in, but India, for example, which has really been proactive with the rescue effort was hoping to send in 13 aircraft today. So far we know that five have been able to land. In fact, I just got off the phone with the spokeswoman from the Indian Air Force and she said that rescue operations are still active, they're underway and it's now 11:30 at night. They are trying to grab every opportunity they can to get relief supplies in. They are also considering land routes. That is dangerous, of course, because of these tremors. There are landslides and roads are blocked. It's very hard to get in through land routes but that is an option, as well.

[14:05:33] WHITFIELD: What kind of assistance, as far as you know, is being brought in from India to what degree are we talking, not just supplies, but also some expertise? Maybe even large land-moving equipment?

KAPUR: Not land-moving equipment, but in terms of expertise, yes. India has sent in engineers today. They've sent in a large team of doctors. That's been a big contribution by India. India has -- this has become a real priority for India to help its neighbor. It's launched what it calls operation Maitri and Maitri is Hindi for friendship. So Prime Minister Modi made it a real priority to help a neighbor and to help a friend. They've sent in, as I mentioned, several aircraft carrying food, blankets, medicine, basic supplies but also a team of engineers and also a team of doctors because they really do need any medical attention and any medical help they can get.

WHITFIELD: Mallika Kapur, thank you so much. Keep us posted. Appreciate that.

So as I mentioned, the aftershock that jolted Nepal hours ago also caused more avalanches on Mt. Everest. Rescue and aid crews have been delayed, as you heard Mallika say, trying to reach to those on the mountain.

This morning, CNN's Christi Paul spoke with one of the few people at base camp.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are being positive, you know. And other people are helicoptered out (ph). (INAUDIBLE) They are focusing on the people still stuck on the mountain. Then we have the aftershock and a lot of people are now afraid that even being in base camp is a risk. People are leaving base camp.

(END VIDEO CLIP) WHITFIELD: Conditions may be the worst in the capital of Kathmandu where aid is needed the most.

I want to bring in now Sanjay Karki, he is the country director at Mercy Corps for Nepal. He is on the phone with us from Kathmandu. Explain to us now, 24 hours after the fact, what are conditions like?

SANJAY KARKI, COUNTRY DIRECTOR FOR NEPAL, MERCY CORPS (via telephone): Situations have not really improved since yesterday because we are getting aftershocks, one after the other. There is still panic among people, still a lot unaccounted for. The sense of fear has grown deeper among people with this uncertainty. The weather is not favorable at all. We've had heavy downpours for the last three hours. So the situation has not really improved in Nepal that much.

WHITFIELD: Sanjaym we are looking at some pictures of the early stages of that make-shift camp and now it's become a city within a city with so many people living in the camp overnight. Water clearly is a big need, especially with the prospects of cholera spreading. What are the greatest needs, say in for instance, that make-shift camp area where people bedded down last night and again are tonight?

KARKI: Well, I had an opportunity to go around 16 evacuation camps that Nepal has set up. There are a growing number of people coming in and out in those camps even like temporarily. It's like more than 20,000 people around this in Kathmandu Valley alone. There is a greater need. We were in a meeting convened by the Ministry of Home Affairs and there's a lot of need for shelters. (INAUDIBLE) Home appliances like utensils, blankets, water, medicines, so these needs are going to grow by the hour. These are the priorities moving forward from now on.

WHITFIELD: How personally worried are you about the needs and with rain on the way, more rain on the way, and with the continued experiences of these aftershocks?

[14:10:05] KARKI: Sorry, can you repeat that?

WHITFIELD: How worried are you personally with more rain on the ray, with the continued need and with these aftershocks that continue?

KARKI: It's going to be difficult because you don't have you have one highway coming into Kathmandu, east west highway connected to the India airport, is on and off, you know, the runway are closed so the relief items coming in might be a problem reaching in those camps on a timely manner. So it's going to be intensified.

There has been water shortages in Kathmandu and the residences and around those camps so that's going to be a problem. Blood donation drives are ongoing. There is some shortage with blood in hospitals. Hospital spaces are getting crowded. All this is going to be pretty worrying, and the people are terrified so that's not going to help.

WHITFIELD: Alright. Sanjay Karki, thank you so much and all the best. The hope is great that more assistance will make its way in.

Of course, you can help the victims of the Nepal earthquake. Log on to for more information.


[14:15:28] WHITFIELD: Some store owners in Baltimore are cleaning up broken windows and looted buildings today.

Violence erupted during yesterday's mostly peaceful protests over the death of Freddie Gray in police custody. At one point, fans watching a Baltimore Orioles game at Camden Yards were asked to remain in the stadium for a time as police dealt with protesters outside. Police say in all, 34 people were arrested.

CNN's Polo Sandoval has more.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The streets of Baltimore, Maryland, didn't stay quiet Saturday.


A day of peaceful demonstrations erupted in violence. Angry agitators destroyed several police cars, smashing in windows, slashing tires and making off with some of the contents. Merchandise is scattered on the floor of this 7-Eleven, all evidence of looting. Shards of shattered glass are all that remain of other downtown store fronts. Despite all the violence, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts praised the residents of Baltimore in a late night press conference.

BATTS: I'm very proud of the residents of Baltimore taking pride in our city and making sure our city is safe, putting themselves between agitating individuals that were causing harm here. That was our residents, that's our city.

UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTERS: We're going to fight for Freddie Gray!

SANDOVAL (voice-over): At least a dozen protesters were pulled from the crowd and taken away. Commissioner Batts says the violence was caused by a small group of agitators.

BATTS: I am to a degree disappointed. We work very hard to allow people to do the protest. The vast majority of residents out here today did a good job. It's just a small number of people that felt that they had to turn this into an ugly event, an ugly day. For the most part, people did what they were supposed to do.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): The skirmishes followed the largest demonstrations since the death of Freddie Gray one week ago. The 25- year-old suffered a fatal spine injury while in the custody of Baltimore PD. Gray's death is triggering a slew of questions and outrage but his family continues asking for peace.

GRAY: My family want to say, can ya'll please, please stop the violence? Freddie Gray would not want this. Freddie's father and mother does not want no violence. Violence does not get justice. Thank you. SANDOVAL (voice-over): Polo Sandoval, CNN, Baltimore, Maryland.


WHITFIELD: The family of Freddie Gray is hosting a wake this afternoon as they prepare for his funeral tomorrow.

CNN's Athena Jones is in Baltimore and joining us now with more on this. Do we know anymore about whether protesters plan other demonstrations?

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Fred. That's right, the wake is taking place right now, it began about an hour ago and will continue for the next several hours in the west Baltimore neighborhood of Freddie Gray.

While there isn't, I guess, an official hiatus on protesters, there seems to be an unofficial hiatus. No organized protests that we know of today. The next big event that we know of is going to this coming Wednesday at Town Hall to talk about the state of play here.

You heard from Freddie Gray's sister calling on demonstrators not to be violent, to remain peaceful. She is echoing calls by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and other officials, including some leaders of these protests. Of course, things did get out of hand yesterday after a largely peaceful day ended in those skirmishes, that vandalism. The latest we have from the Baltimore Police Department is that 34 people were arrested overnight. Six police officers suffered minor injuries, in addition to store fronts that were vandalized. The Baltimore PD also tweeted a little while ago that extra police officers will be deployed downtown and across Baltimore to ensure everyone's safety during the rest of the weekend and into next week. As of right now, no organized protests planned for today. Of course, we'll be watching to see what happens.

WHITFIELD: There are several investigations. There is the Baltimore investigation, Justice Department and there might be some other independent ones. What is the status?

JONES: As you mentioned, there's not only the local investigation by the police here into what happened inside of that van. We know that this coming Friday, May 1st, is when the police department here is going to hand over their records and what they found in the state's attorney, the Maryland state's attorney, who will then decide how to proceed, whether to file charges.

But going on at the same time now is a federal civil rights investigation into whether Freddie Gray's civil rights were violated. You have these tandem investigations going on that are very, very important. A Maryland congressman, Elijah Cummings, was here yesterday during all of those protests and he spoke today about this issue and the importance of getting to the bottom of what happened on "Face The Nation." Let's play what he had to say.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) [14:20:09] REP. ELIJAH CUMMINGS (D), MARYLAND: This whole police community relations situation, Bob, is these civil rights cause for this generation. No doubt about it. Just saying here the cell phone with the camera, this has caused a whole new situation where a lot of the police interaction with citizens is being recorded. That used to not be the case when you and I were coming up.


JONES: The civil rights cause of this generation, of course, this is all coming to light. More of this is coming to light as he mentioned because it's been caught on video camera on these cell phone cameras, which have really raised awareness about this sort of thing. An awareness a lot of people in the black community were well aware of the tensions between the black community and police in some cities. Now it's being sort of brought to light on a larger scale.

I should mention that five of the six police officers involved in the Gray incident have answered questions by investigators. The sixth officer is exercising his right not to answer questions. Still a lot of questions about what went on. We hope to find out more as the next few days progress.


WHITFIELD: Athena Jones, thanks so much. Keep us posted there from Baltimore.

Meantime, Freddie Gray will be buried long before the medical examiner issues the findings of the exact cause of death. Family members say they have learned that the initial autopsy has showed a spinal injury, but the medical examiner is waiting on toxicology results. The full report may take 30 to 45 days.

Joining me right now from Los Angeles is Dr. Judy Melinek, a board certified forensic pathologist who practices forensic medicine in San Francisco, she's also the author of the book "Working Stiff."

Alright, good to see you. We also heard that the family members wanted to have their own independent autopsy. While we are awaiting a read or results from that, as we talk about the initial autopsy that has occurred, why would it take 30 to 60 days to deliver a report?

DR. JUDY MELINEK, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: The amount of time it takes for an autopsy report to be released depends on many different factors, the first of which is the complexity of the case and what the original pathologist who did the autopsy found or didn't find at that autopsy. Also there will be ancillary testing such as microscopy or toxicology.

Most importantly, in any homicide investigation, the autopsy report is evidence. It's going to be restricted just to the investigating agency, which is the homicide division, so that it doesn't, by its release, alter people's perceptions, recollections or in somehow compromise the investigation. WHITFIELD: The family didn't receive the body of Freddie Gray until

many days after his death. If another autopsy is conducted or if it were conducted, does that time frame matter? How critical is it that an autopsy that follows an original autopsy occur? Can there be a week or ten days that pass without compromising the integrity of the body?

MELINEK: The most important thing, I want to correct the misconception, is this idea that somehow the medical examiner's autopsy, the first autopsy, is not independent. The state medical examiner's office in Baltimore is run by doctors, not by police officers. It's an independent agency. That first autopsy is the first most important opportunity for collecting and documenting the evidence. That's the job of the medical examiner.

Also important, that medical examiner is charged with eventually releasing that. So any original autopsy information is available for public record, eventually once the investigation is completed. So any subsequent autopsy, a second or third autopsy is looking at a body that's already been altered. The spinal cord has already been removed, the evidence has been altered by the performance of the first autopsy and any subsequent pathologist would need to review the findings from the first autopsy. Those photographs, those slides, any tissue that was taken.

WHITFIELD: Given that interview, is it beneficial to have a second autopsy?

MELINEK: I find second autopsies are occasionally useful if the first autopsy wasn't done properly. It also sometimes picks up additional findings that the first pathologist may have missed if they didn't do a complete investigation. At the very least, that second or third pathologist needs to review the original findings or else they are not going to be able to interpret it properly.

WHITFIELD: Dr. Judy Melinek, thank you so much, from Los Angeles. Appreciate it.

[14:25:00] MELINEK: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: Still ahead, cities across the U.S. on alert as the FBI investigates a possible ISIS-inspired terror threat. Why are officials being so tight-lipped about details? That's next.


WHITFIELD: Let's get the latest now on the unfolding disaster in Nepal. The death toll from the earthquake has now passed 2,500. Foreign countries including the U.S. are trying to deliver aid but aftershocks have kept the Kathmandu Airport closed for the most part. It has since reopened this morning.

Hospitals, meantime, are overflowing and an untold number of people are missing. Yesterday's 7.8 earthquake hit near the capital of Kathmandu. A 6.7 aftershock hit the morning and was centered closer to Mt. Everest. Climbers there say the aftershock set off fresh avalanches. The number of dead on the mountain has now risen to at least 17, including at least three Americans.

The FBI is investigating a possible ISIS-inspired terror threat on U.S. soil. The TSA is putting local law enforcement on alert and cities across the nation are increasing security as a precaution.

CNN's Sunlen Serfaty joins me with more on this.

Now Sunlen, why are officials offering a little bit of detail, but not a lot?

SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Fred, it's not clear right now whether this is a real threat or if it's aspirational. Law enforcement sources tell CNN that the investigation started after the FBI intercepted some chatter and picked up other intel that indicated there could be a possible plot in the works.

The Department of Homeland Security would not address the specifics of this potential threat, but told CNN in a statement, "The Department of Homeland Security in consultation with the FBI and our intelligence partners will adjust security measures as necessary to protect the American people."

[14:30:00] Over the last few months we made a number of security adjustments, many of those security enhancements remain in place today. This is, of course, part of what law enforcement in general does. Collect information. Tell cities to be on the lookout, have their eyes open -- Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right, Sunlen Serfaty, thank you so much, in Washington.

All right, more now on that 7.8 earthquake in Nepal and now more than 2,500 people's lives have been claimed. CNN international, Sumnima Udas just landed in Kathmandu, Nepal, after the airport opening up earlier today.

She is joining us now on the phone. So Sumnima, what are some of the first images that you saw once you landed, once you got into the airport, and now that you're getting out and about?

SUMNIMA UDAS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): We are still in the airplane right now. There are three other planes ahead of us. We are actually waiting for a parking spot. We've been sitting here for about 20 minutes now. Complete darkness. It was surreal landing here.

You know, power cuts are very, very normal in Kathmandu. I travel here all the time. I'm from here so I know this, but this is the darkest I've ever seen Kathmandu, quite (inaudible), I mean, some of the homes had a few lights, most likely some (inaudible) people have in their homes because power cuts is very normal.

Landing here, we hovered around the Kathmandu valley for more than an hour waiting for our plane to land, waiting for our turn to land. We could see at least three other airplanes trying to land, as well, doing the same thing, circling the Kathmandu Valley. We could see five to six planes on line on the tarmac waiting to depart. This airport is stretched even on a good day. This is something I'm sure officials here never had to deal with.

It looked like military planes were unloading some kind of equipment, some kind of aid material. I can't see that anymore because it is completely dark. I can see it has been raining quite a bit. Right now, it stopped raining, as well -- Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: So Sumnima, you are from the area. What about your family members? Have you been able to contact anyone?

UDAS: Yes. It took me a while to get through to them because obviously the cell phone lines are quite patchy. My family was spread out. Ultimately, everyone is fine. They all have different experiences. I have some family members that broke their leg.

The people are dealing with this in their own way. Our producer still hasn't been able to get in touch with his family. They live further away than Kathmandu village here. We are still trying to get in touch with our family members.

Friends are trying to send in their information. Electricity is so scarce right now. People haven't been able to charge their cell phones. They haven't been able to watch TV. Not many people even know what's going on. They are not receiving the kind of crucial information.

I spoke to my father a while back and he said the only information he is getting is from a radio. People have been calling in from villages to these radio stations saying they need help. There have been landslides there. They don't know what to do. They need water and food. That's all they're hearing.

WHITFIELD: And so Sumnima, here you are a working reporter, about to report on a disaster in an area where your family is. Give me an idea what you are equipped to do. How did you pack? What supplies might have you brought in, if not just for the sustenance of you and your crew, but also to assist why you are family if you happen to see them?

SUMNIMA: We left in such a hurry that we didn't have time to pack all the supplies we now realize we need ultimately. None of the commercial planes were allowed to come into Nepal. We were initially planning on taking a relief plane or chartered plane. At that time it was limited how many kilos we could carry.

We left a lot of things behind, but in the meantime, we were able to contact people here, some friends who put sleeping bags together and tents. Hopefully, we'll have some initial service supplies once we get out of this plane.

[14:35:05] But everyone, family members, everyone is camped out outside. Most people don't have tents. It's cold. It's been raining. They've been too scared to go back home. There are very few open spaces in Kathmandu. It's a very dense city, very congested city. Unless you have a big home with a garden, people are out in the streets trying to find any sort of open space -- Fredericka.

WHITFIELD: And then what kind of arrangements or what do you anticipate in your journey on the ground once you all deplane, since we know many of the roads are impassable. It is very difficult to traverse. What are your plans?

UDAS: We are still figuring that out. Once we get out of the plane, we'll be meeting our colleagues here who have camped out outside a hotel is what I understand. We'll be meeting them and we'll see what happens from there.

In Kathmandu Valley itself, movement is not possible. There are a lot of huge cracks in the road. People are just trying to tend to their own families, trying to get food and water.

I know some friends have been trying to help with rescue operations there, but the majority of people are completely shell shocked and trying to help their own families.

WHITFIELD: Sumnima, be safe. All the best, of course, we'll be checking in with you. Of course, we are hoping the best for your family, too. Thank you so much in Kathmandu on the plane right now and they will soon be deplaning.

But as you heard Sumnima describe there it was very dark. This is home for her, but this time coming as a working reporter to cover this disaster, but also giving us a window of the challenges of providing aid to the many people there, the survivors of this earthquake, as well as the challenges of getting information out. Thanks so much, Sumnima. We'll check back with you.

We'll have much more from Nepal in a moment.



WHITFIELD: In Nepal, people are desperately searching for loved ones after getting slammed by a major earthquake and several aftershocks in the last 48 hours. Saturday's massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed at least 2,500 people, including people in nearby Tibet and India and at least three Americans.

This morning, a 6.7 aftershock caused new panic. Many parts of Kathmandu are leveled. Businesses, homes and even sacred temples are nothing but rubble now.

Officials are begging for international aid as temperatures are expected to drop overnight and many don't have electricity or running freshwater.

We know at least three Americans were among the 17 killed in the avalanche on Mt. Everest. One Canadian woman, Vanessa Aube, was just found. Our Nick Valencia joins us now with much more on this.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We'll start with a little bit of good news here, so many people still missing and unaccounted for. Up until about an hour ago, Vanessa Aube was one of those people. But we just received word from her mother, who reached out to CNN with the very exciting news.

I'll read part of that statement that her mother sent to us. Saying, "Vanessa has been found. The small village she is staying in was affected very slightly and she was still not able to contact us until this evening."

Vanessa had been in town there in that small village -- you're looking at a photo of her -- for about the last month. She hadn't really been in contact with them. That wasn't anything rare, but they thought after that earthquake yesterday that she would have called them, but there was difficulty getting out, getting in contact with them.

Other people, though, Fred, were not as fortunate. Dan Fredinburg, he was an executive at Google was one of those 17 people that died on the mountain when an avalanche triggered by the earthquake encapsulated him and the group that he was touring with.

Yesterday his sister took to Instagram to deliver the sad news to their friends and family saying, "This is Dan's little sister Meghan. I regret to inform all of you who loved him, during the avalanche on Everest early this morning, our Dan suffered from a major head injury and didn't make it.

We appreciate all of the love that has been sent our way thus far and know his soul and spirit will live on in so many of us." Eve Girawong was also on that tour in Mt. Everest. She was a base camp doctor, passion for medicine.

She had actually been in the process of getting her second masters for mountain medicine. Her employer delivering the grave news on Facebook yesterday, saying, "Our hearts are broken. Eve perished in the aftermath of the avalanche that struck the base camp area following the devastating Nepal earthquake earlier today."

You know, some of you who are at home watching this broadcast or listening may also have loved ones and family members that you may not have gotten in contact with. So we are encouraging you to go to a Google page.

Google People Finder had set up something on their web site, where you can go with information if you have it about people trying to get in contact with their loved ones in Nepal, perhaps in other countries or if you, yourself, are looking for somebody you have not been able to get in contact with.

We also have, you can go there if you're interested in helping.

WHITFIELD: Yes, sad reminders of the global appeal to that region. This is high peak tourist season. People come from all over the world and tragically would coincide with one of the worst earthquakes to hit that area in more than 80 years now.

VALENCIA: You know, just a little while ago, I spoke to a survivor and asked her if she had ever been through an earthquake before. She said yes, we have earthquakes here, but nothing like this. We'll talk to her in the 3:00 hour.

But she mentioned, Fred, that, you know, the ground is still swaying there, heavy aftershocks. She could hear the trembles coming that they are so loud that people are screaming still. They need food, water, supplies and everything.

WHITFIELD: Right. All right, Nick Valencia, thanks so much. We'll see you again. Appreciate it. All right, so what can we expect moving forward in the case of Freddie Gray and Baltimore police? Last night, some protests erupted in violence. We'll get some context next.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): With the clay court season under way, Spanish superstar, Rafael Nadal, is focused on the tournament he's won nine times.

RAFAEL NADAL, 9-TIME FRENCH OPEN CHAMPION: Always leaves me with positive feeling, positive memories. We'll see.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Roger Federer is the only other active player who has won the French Open crown.

ROGER FEDERER, 2009 FRENCH OPEN CHAMPION: I'm very motivated. I should play a little more clay this year than previous years. There is probably higher focus on the clay courts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: World number one, Novak Djokovic, has never won the French Open, but still confident playing on the clay court.

NOVAK DJOKOVIC, WORLD NUMBER ONE PLAYER: Over 90 percent of the courts we have in Serbia where I grew up and spend most of my childhood days are on the clay court. So I do like that surface even though statistically I have better results on the hard courts. I still enjoy playing on clay.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will Roger or Novak be able to slip and slide their way to the title or will the king of clay prevail?


WHITFIELD: Baltimore police are continuing to deploy extra officers throughout the city following violent protests last night over the death of Freddie Gray. Gray died last week after suffering a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. The demonstration started peacefully yesterday, but then a handful clashed with police throwing rocks, vandalizing squad cars and looting businesses. The furor even prompted city officials to ask baseball fans at Camden Yards Stadium to remain inside until tensions quieted.

In the end, there were 34 arrests and six officers suffering minor injuries. With the city mostly quiet today, focus turns back to the complicated investigation into exactly how Freddie Gray died.

[14:50:08] Joining me now are Judge Glenda Hatchett and criminal defense attorney, Joey Jackson. Good to see both of you.

I think this is the first time we had the two of you together. You all go way back. You get to be colleagues and cohorts even opponents, too, on the air.

All right, so Joey, how do you see this week unfolding? Just this morning, Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings said the investigation, whether it be on the city level or maybe even on the federal level needs to be swift, needs to move fast and be thorough. Can you have both?

JOEY JACKSON, HLN LEGAL ANALYST: It really does, Fredricka, and the reason why is that we have to unpack this in many ways. The first of which is, of course, is that community. That community is up in arms as they should be.

There are questions that need to be answered. Until they are answered, I think there will be a little unrest, a little uneasiness. There's also the need to ensure any investigation could be trusted and respected.

We know there are multiple investigations going on at this point. The mayor, to be fair, as well as chief, are trying to give that information out to the public, but the issue is how long does it take to find out exactly what happened here?

Just to be clear, there are a couple of things the investigation obviously needs to focus on. They are with these different investigations. The first, of course, is the state investigation.

Yes, they'll rely upon information provided by the police, but I would caution against that being the tell-all and know-all. Often times when police give information, they'll give information as they see it. However, there are multiple pieces.

Like an autopsy report to say how the spine actually got into the condition it's in. Like the spinal experts that will examine that spine and determine what their scientific explanation is for that. Like other outside witnesses who can add to the investigation.

Finally, we have to understand the state piece of the investigation is to see whether there can be criminal charges on the state level. The federal government, however, with regard to civil rights will analyze it to see if there is anything purposeful or intentional that occurred. WHITFIELD: I wonder if the police commissioner opened the door into the direction of the investigation. When the police commissioner said there were a couple of things that they are willing to say were done poorly. He should have been buckled in and begin medical attention when he asked for it.

The police commissioner, Judge, went as far as saying, I don't want to reveal any more information because I don't want to jeopardize any potential prosecution.

JUDGE GLENDA HATCHETT, HOST, "THE JUDGE HATCHETT SHOW": This is very interesting because I was a little surprised he went as far as he went, but I applaud him for doing that.

WHITFIELD: It almost says there is some real assurance or confidence in the fact something seriously went wrong under the watch and care of police.

HATCHETT: I think it's more important for the commissioner to have said he wasn't buckled in than for an investigative reporter to find out later and report that. I think it was very smart strategy given the tension in Baltimore, that he came out and said this was an error.

We made this error, 42 plus minutes went by before he got the medical attention from the time he entered the van until the time medical attention was provided for him. So I think they have to say that out front rather than to have CNN say it.

I think that was an important strategic move. I also appreciate the fact that he can't say a whole lot more if, in fact, there is going to be a prosecution they don't want to jeopardize that.

WHITFIELD: OK, all right, Joey Jackson, Judge Glenda Hatchett, we'll talk about it more. I wish we had more time. All right, thanks so much to both of you. Appreciate it and we'll have much more right after this.



WHITFIELD: All right, checking our top stories, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over same-sex marriage on Tuesday. Lines have formed outside the court as people want to witness the historic case. Justices are expected to use this case to decide once and for all whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

The sentencing phase of Boston bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's trial resumes tomorrow. Right now, Tsarnaev's family is under guard at a Massachusetts motel as they wait to help the defense convince jurors that Tsarnaev should be spared the death penalty. Defense attorneys hope to show his older brother, Tamerlan, was the master mind and he was a younger, troubled young man influenced by his big brother.

James Holmes is expected to stand trial tomorrow in his role for the 2012 Colorado theater shooting massacre that left 12 dead and 70 injured. The 27-year-old pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to the 100 plus charges he faces for the bloody rampage. The prosecution wants the state's highest punishment for Holmes, the death penalty. And we'll have much more right after this.