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Donald Trump Support Surges; Clinton E-Mail Server Being Turned over to Justice Department; China Central Bank Announced Second Devaluation in 2 Days; U.S. Plans, Limitations in ISIS Fight; How People in Damascus Cope after 4-Year of Syrian Civil War; EPA Accidently Contaminates River; Cubans Hope Bay of Pigs Site Will Be Place for Visitors; Migrants End Up in Jungle in Calais; Rani Hong Fights Modern-Day Slavery; Bollywood Film May Help Deaf Mute Woman Find Family. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired August 11, 2015 - 02:00   ET




[02:00:29] DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & CEO, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: You are going to love President Trump.


ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump undeterred and unapologetic, and the polls show it's working.

ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR: Plus, the second big drop for China's currency. How this affect your money and ash around the world.



TRUMP: I think we're going to do very well with the Hispanic vote. We're going to do great with the women vote. If you look at in Nevada they did the poll and I'm leading in the Hispanic vote. I create jobs and I will be creating tremendous numbers of jobs.

And then the women's health issues, I'm for that. I watched Jeb Bush give the worst answer the other day. I think that's going to be his 47 percent. Romney possibly lost the election for a lot of reasons but one of the big reasons was his 47 percent. That was a disaster.

I think that Jeb's answer on women's health issues is a disaster for him. Now, he then went and he said he misspoke. How do you misspeak about that? I will be great on women's health issues. I cherish women. And I will be great on women's health issues. Believe me.


BARNETT: Meantime, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is proposing his plan to fight ISIS and Islamic extremism. He talked to supporters in California late on Tuesday. CHURCH: Bush says he would impose a no-fly zone over Syria and embed troops with Iraqi forces. He also took aim at President Obama and Hillary Clinton for pulling troops out of Iraq too quickly. Take a listen.


JEB BUSH, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER FLORIDA GOVERNOR: That was the fatal error creating the void that ISIS moved in to fill and that Iran has exploited to the full as well. ISIS grew while the United States disengaged from the Middle East and ignored the threat. Where was the secretary of state? Where was Secretary of State Clinton in all of this? Like the president himself, she had opposed the surge, then joined in claiming credit for its success, then stood by as the hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away. In all of her record-setting travels, she stopped by Iraq exactly once.


CHURCH: Jeb Bush there.

Two new polls show Donald Trump still leading the field of Republican presidential candidates.

BARNETT: But there are some changes in the middle of the pack.

Dana Bash has details.


DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the first contest state of Iowa, Donald Trump is leading for the first time according to a new Suffolk University poll, edging out Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who spent months treading lightly around Trump and is now taking the gloves off.

SCOTT WALKER, (R), WISCONSIN GOVERNOR & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Donald Trump is using the tired talking points of the Democrats and they didn't work in the past and they won't work in Iowa.

BASH: Donald Trump's rise in Iowa comes as he told CNN's Chris Cuomo he won't rule out running as an Independent.

TRUMP (voice-over): I have to keep that door open. If I'm not treated fairly I may very well use that door.

BASH: And the bombastic billionaire is defying convention once again, admitting to and owning being a whiner.

TRUMP: And I'm a whiner and I'm a whine and I keep whining and whining until I win.

BASH: Trump is trying to redeem himself female voters after a public feud with FOX News' Megyn Kelly.

TRUMP: I cherish women. I will be so good to women. I will work hard to protect women.

[02:05:00] BASH: The new Iowa poll shows that despite controversial remarks about women, Trump is winning with female voters in the first caucus state.

This GOP opponent isn't buying it.

SEN. RAND PAUL, (R), KENTUCKY & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Vulgarity does not equate insight. Just because someone can stand up and say you're stupid and you're ugly does equate with a vision for the country.

BASH: Trump's lead has narrowed in New Hampshire. On the upswing, two breakout stars from last week's debate.

JOHN KASICH, (R), OHIO GOVERNOR & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We just keep plugging. We're like the Little Engine that can.

BASH: Ohio Governor John Kasich catapulted from barely registering to third place. Conservative voters in the "live free or die" state not turned off about comments about same-sex marriage.

KASICH: I went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay.

BASH: And Carly Fiorina couldn't even get on the main debate stage last week, moving up in Iowa and New Hampshire.


CHURCH: CNN political commentator, Tara Setmayer, who has worked on GOP campaigns, joins me to talk more about Donald Trump and his surge in support with voters.

Thanks so much for talking with us.

Donald Trump was in Michigan Tuesday night holding his first press conference and campaign event since the GOP debate and he is winning more support than his rivals despite the extraordinary things he has been saying and doing. How do you explain that?

TARA SETMAYER, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Listen, Donald Trump has tapped into a nerve in the American electorate of people who are fed up. They are fed up with business as usual, fed up with Washington politicians. They are fed up with business as usual. And Donald Trump is the opposite of all those things. I think it's interesting. To me, he's running the campaign like a reality show, the same way he was running "The Apprentice," treating this the same way. This is all about the Trump brand, all about his personality, and he's capitalizing on the emotions that people feel when they see someone that says it like it is. It's like the tabloid aspect of American politics that draws people to that kind of mudslinging, and I don't think it's -- I don't think that Donald Trump is going to make it through the primary season and get nominated. This act can only go so far. When people have to pull the lever and vote for someone, I don't know that Donald Trump is going to make it -- is going to be that person. I think they like it now because it is entertaining.

CHURCH: What happens if he doesn't win the nomination and decides to run as an Independent? What is the likely impact going to be on the Republican party and of course those presidential candidates who haven't had much of a the say and on Hillary Clinton's future?

SETMAYER: It would be a disaster for the Republican Party. This happened in '92 when Ross Perot siphoned off enough of the vote to allow Bill Clinton to win. And that was because Ross Perot took double digits away from George H.W. Bush. If Donald Trump decides to run as an Independent, hand the presidency to the Democrats, whoever that may be.

CHURCH: You mentioned Hillary Clinton. I want to talk about her and her e-mails, that, of course, the issue that has dogged her campaign and continues to do so. Her private e-mail server is being turned over to the Justice Department. How likely will that put to rest the trust issues she has with voters?

SETMAYER: I think this is going to get worse. We are hearing more stories and more reports coming out. Two inspector generals who have investigated this and found classified e-mails in one of the batches they reviewed more closely after she said she never sent any classified material. It just came out today or maybe yesterday, I guess it was, that her server, that the inspector general found that there were two top secret e-mails that were out of the four they examined more closely, which can be very problematic for her. What she says in public and what she says to a judge are two very different things and a different set of standards. This is going to be a drip, drip, drip, drip, every couple of weeks. We have more e-mails coming out and the Justice Department, two inspectors general investigating this more closely. This is not good for Hillary Clinton in any way, shape, or form and not going to alleviate her trust issues with the American people. This is a pattern of behavior with her. This has gone back for 25, 30 years between her and her husband.

[02:10:51] CHURCH: We will be talking about Hillary Clinton's problems with e-mails and Donald Trump, of course.

Tara Setmayer, thank you for joining us, CNN political commentator.

SETMAYER: Thank you.

CHURCH: Pleasure to speak to you.

BARNETT: Another story we are following, China's central bank has announced its second currency devaluation in as many days. This is a move that Donald Trump criticized on Tuesday in his speech in Michigan.


TRUMP: I think you have to do something to rein in China. They devalued their currency today. They are making it absolutely impossible for the United States to compete. And nobody does anything. (END VIDEO CLIP)

CHURCH: The people's bank of China said its reference rate 1.6 percent lower today following Tuesday's cut of 1.9 percent. The devaluation puts the Chinese currency at 6.33 Yuan to the U.S. dollar.

BARNETT: And we have seen in the financial markets, the devaluation of the Yuan can have a far-reaching impact all over the globe.

CNN's Richard Quest explains why it matters.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN HOST, QUEST MEANS BUSINESS: When you look at how the Yuan moved you see all these effects whether it's going up or down. In this case, obviously it's falling. Immediately we see the dollar getting stronger. And that means more exports from the United States. They become more expensive. A clear negative. And Chinese goods, they, of course, become cheaper which means a more competitive battle. In its short and easy terms, devaluing the Yuan is bad for U.S. exporters and brilliant for Chinese exporters but it's there's more than that. You have to look at other currencies closely tied to the Yuan that are losing value. The Australian and New Zealand dollars and Brazil's real were up down because commodity prices also, they are priced in dollars. And those countries are big commodity exporters, oils, minings, metals, they are all losing ground. At its most simplistic, you can see the Yuan's move in Chinese exports versus U.S. exports and the rest of the world. In the wider picture, over the longer term, you are left with the conclusion there is a much bigger political play underway.

Richard Quest, CNN, New York.


BARNETT: And let's go ahead and show you the current markets in the Asia-Pacific region and it's all in the red. The Shanghai Composite down flat. The Hang Seng down more than 2 percent. The S&P ASX down more than 1.5 percent right now.

CHURCH: We'll keep close eye on the numbers.

Moving on with the news, a young U.S. couple is accused of planning to join ISIS. They were arrested at a Mississippi airport over the weekend after allegedly spending the past several months trying to communicate with ISIS.

BARNETT: A judge ordered them held without bail on Tuesday after they attempted to travel to Syria. Both, former students of Mississippi State University.

Meantime, inside Syria and Iraq, ISIS is fighting to expand its territory and fighting to expand.

CHURCH: At the same time, the U.S. is looking for ways to stop the militants without committing troops on the ground. Barbara Starr has more on the American plans and their limitations.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): American F- 16s at any time could begin striking from their air base here in Turkey. Some strikes may be aimed at the Turkish-Syrian border where ISIS forces just moved in after al Qaeda left. Strikes will try to pave the way for putting U.S.-trained moderate rebels back into Syria after their unit was decimated in an attack.

MARK TONER, DEPUTY U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: This has been a difficult process to vet these people, to train them, to get them back into what is a very fluid, dynamic situation.

[02:15:08] STARR: The Pentagon trying to figure out how to salvage the training effort. 70 additional rebels may finish their training in the next few weeks.

LT. COL. RICK FRANCONA, CNN MILITARY ANALYST: We have to find a group to be the boots on the ground. The ones we have chosen right now aren't it.

STARR: Defense Secretary Ash Carter moving beyond just working with the rebels.

ASHTON CARTER, DEFENSE SECRETARY: There are other capable ground forces fight the regime and ISIL. I gave the example of the Syrian Kurds, but we'd like to see more.

STARR: The initial strikes could be aimed at targets in Iraq. ISIS is on a rampage in Mosul where up to 300 civil servants may have been killed in recent days.


STARR: The U.S. had evidence that a mass killing was being planned but no way to stop it, a U.S. official tells CNN. ISIS also still imagining forces around the Baji Oil Refinery.

But the U.S. taking extra steps to keep air force pilots safe. When bombing runs are made, the U.S. wants to send up standby rescue helicopters at this second base in case a pilot goes down. Right now, they would have to come from further away in Erbil in Iraq.

(on camera): And, of course, the reason all of this is so important, ISIS is still bringing new fighters into Syria and Iraq as fast as the coalition can kill them. That is the latest U.S. intelligence estimate.

Barbara Starr, CNN, the Pentagon.


CHURCH: And this just in from South Korea. Police tell CNN an 80- year-old man set himself on fire during a protest outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul. Bystanders rushed to help put the fire out.

BARNETT: You see the picture from the incident. The man was taken to a local hospital where he is being treated for non-critical burns. The protest was calling for Japan to apologize for forcing Korean women to work as comfort women during World War II. We'll keep you posted on what happens.

Now, four years into a brutal civil war, life for average Syrians is bleak. Coming up next, we'll look at how people in Damascus cope with fighting and the lack of basic needs.

Stay with us on CNN NEWSROOM.


[02:21:30] CHURCH: CNN has been getting a rare look at what daily life is like inside Syria, a country that has been ravaged by civil war for the past four years.

BARNETT: Even in the capital city, tasks that should be simple like getting fuel for your vehicle is a challenge.

Our Fred Pleitgen is there.



FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Driving in Damascus had become difficult since the onset of the civil war. There's a lot of traffic obviously because of many check points in the city. But one thing that's become hard is actually getting fuel. There are certain days where there won't be any fuel at all, where the stations are closed. But very often in the summer people have to wait very long. Some tell us they wait hours in lines trying to get gasoline. That's what we are going to try to do right now.

"The fuel prices have really increased. It makes life very difficult. You can sometimes pay as much as a fifth of your salary just for gasoline."

"It is tough because it's not just fuel that's gotten more expensive but pretty much all other goods, as well."

It really is difficult to move your way forward in these gas lines. I'm not very good at it. Trying to force your way in to these little spaces. And what happens is people get angry. There's a lot of honking going on and sometimes fights break out here.

So what's happened is the Syrians have deployed military personnel or security personnel to these gas stations to make sure that people don't break out in to fist fights.

The way these gas stations work is you have one or two lines for regular people, and then you will have a line for the military, which obviously means they get fuel quicker. And then you have a line for government workers. So there is a hierarchy here, as well.

The other big problem that people deal with is aside from the fact that it takes very long to get fuel, it's become more expensive. People that we have been speaking to here at the gas station say the fuel prices have increased four fold. So it is four times as expensive today as it was a year ago. Of course, the prices keep rising as the crisis keeps going on.

It has some dips, as well. There are times when the government can get more fuel and the prices will decrease for a while but, by and large, they keep going up. So, getting fuel is something that is really important to people here and certainly something that isn't easy.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Damascus.


BARNETT: There are new fears over the water supply in three U.S. states after a toxic waste spill that resulted in what you see behind us. It turned a river in Colorado this mustard color.

[02:24:26] CHURCH: The Animus River is starting to look clear again in parts but residents are starting to worry about the long-term health effects. Now officials are trying to ease those concerns.

Dan Simon has the latest.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The governor of Colorado touring the aftermath of the three million gallons of contaminated water that spilled in to the Animas River and neighboring states. It turned the typically clear water in to ominous mustard color. But there are positive signs the toxins may not pose the dangers some feared. Wildlife officials placed fish in the water to see how they would fair with the contamination. Only one died, and they don't know if it is related to the water.

DR. LARRY WOLK, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT: At this point, we don't feel there is any potential risk for human health but based on the preliminary results the levels of the metals appear to have returned to pre-incident levels.

SIMON: It sent arsenic levels to 26 times higher than normal and a lead levels 12,000 times higher than those set by the EPA, leading toxicologist to call this shocking, fearing that health effects could be seen for years to come. The EPA is warning residents not to drink the water.

There are also concerns about crop irrigation as many local farmers rely on the river.

[01:45:13] JOHN HICKENLOOPER, (D), COLORADO GOVERNOR: To have one of your major rivers yellow orange with all of that oxidized iron and sync in the water that is the worst thing you can imagine. SIMON: The spill occurred when an EPA team was sent to clean an

abandoned gold mine that had been spewing contaminated water. The good intention backfired. The team caused it to flow into the river. The EPA is under intense criticism for not issuing a public alert until a day later.

HICKENLOOPER: We're ticked off. We're furious. We are past that. Now what do we do?

SIMON: Communities up and down the river depend on it for water, recreation and fishing and farming.

TOM BARTLES, RANCHER: This is a main artery of the region and it goes for the same, everybody lives and uses this river.

SIMON: David Muller owns a river rafting company. His business shut down with no one allowed on the water.

DAVID MULLER, RIVER RAFTING COMPANY OWNER. This is our lifeline. We're a rafting business that's been established for over 32 years. This will negatively impact our bottom line.

SIMON: The water color has returned to normal and Colorado officials say the water chemistry levels are where they should be, but residents see remnants of the toxic sludge in the water and are nervous about this, and feel the EPA still has a lot of explaining to do.

Dan Simon, CNN, Durango, Colorado.


CHURCH: That nervousness is totally understandable, isn't it?

BARNETT: Absolutely.

CHURCH: Having to deal with that.

We're going to take a short break. But coming up, a tranquil beach in Cuba was once the scene of an ill-fated invasion. But some Cubans are hoping restored relations with the U.S. will bring an invasion of American tourists. Back in a moment for that.


[02:30:53] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: A warm welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and, of course, all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church.

ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Errol Barnett. Your last half hour of the day with the both of us. Let's update our top stories.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is handing over her private e-mail server to the Justice Department. She faced criticism for not using a secure server while she was secretary of state.

And Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, keeps rising in popularity. Two new polls show him leading in Iowa and New Hampshire.

CHURCH: Investigators say debris recovered near the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 may be part of a Russian-made missile. But it's too early to say for certain. Pro Russian rebels and Ukrainian forces blame one another for downing the plane last year over eastern Ukraine.

BARNETT: Police in Missouri released this surveillance video that they say 18-year-old Tyrone Harris waving a gun during protests in Ferguson. He is accused of firing at officers and was critically injured when they fired back. A St. Louis television station says Harris posted pictures of himself online holding guns. Police believe this is one of those images.

CHURCH: Preparations are underway at the U.S. embassy in Cuba for a flag-raising ceremony on Friday. It's the first time the Stars and Stripes will fly over the building in 54 years.

BARNETT: Secretary of State John Kerry will be on hand for the moment.

As Patrick Oppmann reports, now that ties are being restored, Cubans are hoping that the site of the Bay of Pigs Invasion will be a place for visitors.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This small town on Cuba's southern coast has it all. What the area doesn't have, at least not yet, is many American visitors.

Luis Garcia rents out four bedrooms in his house to tourists. He is starting his own business thanks to a greater acceptance of private commerce by the communist government. He is building a second hotel around the corner to accommodate in what he feels will be a surge of Americans visiting his town now that the United States has eased restrictions on travel to Cuba.

"Many people are getting their homes ready," he says. "The future looks promising for relations between the two countries become agreeable again. We will have a lot of tourism."

For more than 50 years, relations between the United States and Cuba were anything but agreeable, something that residents of this area know all too well.

1961, a brigade of 1300 CIA-trained Cuba exiles landed here to overthrow Fidel Castro. In the U.S., it's known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

(on camera): This sign is where the Cuban government soldiers halted the advance of the invading forces, the so-called mercenaries. It's as close as the United States came to toppling Fidel Castro. To this day, the area is considered the hallowed ground of the Cuba Revolution.

(voice-over): Roadside monuments mark where Cuban soldiers died in the fighting. Tanks greet visitors to the town's museum.

The wall in front of Elliot Lopez's home is riddled with bullet holes from the invasion.

"Around midnight, we heard a lot of noise and everyone was crying like I was because we thought the world was ending."

But with Castro's victory over the United States, the Cuban leader consolidated power.

Hotel owner, Luis, says he supports the Cuban government but wants his town to become known as a place that welcomes Americans.

"I've waited a long time for this," he says. "Hopefully everything that has been promised and that we hope for will happen. We Cubans, just like the Americans, feel like this is the best solution."

Hope for the future of U.S.-Cuban relations in a place with a painful past.

Patrick Oppmann, CNN, Cuba.


[02:35:30] CHURCH: Some migrants desperate to reach Europe are ending up in the so-called Jungle of Calais, France. It used to be a rubbish dump.

BARNETT: More migrants are calling it home as those hoping to reach England find themselves blocked by increased security there at the Euro Tunnel.

Our Kellie Morgan walks us through the camp.



KELLIE MORGAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We're at the main entry of what you'd call the Jungle. It's the main entrance because it's the closest to that road there, which is the road that leads to the port. As you can see here, there have been some toilets put in. You are getting basic sanitation. There are lights that have been put in recently. You can see there is a water pump where people are getting water and having a bit of a wash.

We've come more into the center of the Jungle now. This here is a mosque. And this area here is known as the Afghanistan section, and so you've got all along here rows of shops, apparently 10 or 12 restaurants. It's becoming a very permanent settlement.

This was originally a rubbish dump. You can see there is rubbish everywhere. A lot of it was here before. But since the migrants arrived, it's grown as well. So sewage, no rubbish collection, pretty squalid conditions to be living in. This facility has sprung up in the last five weeks. It's a medical

facility. Two doctors and three nurses on duty every day and they see around 60 people. The main conditions they are seeing are injuries as a result of trying to make the crossing, things like broken legs, scratches and cuts on hands from the razor wire. But they are increasingly seeing diseases like scabies, eye infections and chest infections as a result of the rather nasty living conditions here.

This is the Christian church. Most of the materials have been donated by local volunteers, particularly the Christian community. Around 100 people come through here each day to pray.

This little building is becoming increasingly popular. It's a school that's been set up. What's largely being taught are French lessons. What's happening is that migrants are increasingly realizing that it's difficult to get across to England because of the increased security. So what they're deciding to do is seek asylum in France. In order to do that, they need to learn French.

So this area here is full of housing for Sudanese people.

There are so many homes tightly tucked in here. Really very permanent. The people here don't know how long they're going to be here.



BARNETT: Some insightful reporting from Kellie Morgan in Calais, France.



RANI HONG, FOUNDER, TRONIE FOUNDATION & FREEDOM SEAL CREATOR: I was transported into another state where I did not know the language. I was disoriented and afraid and alone.


CHURCH: Hear how this little girl went from being a child slave to running her own organization fighting against human trafficking. We're back with that.


[02:42:23] BARNETT: CNN's Freedom Project is committed to raising awareness about human trafficking. This week we're focusing on what the business world is doing to fight the multi- billion dollar enterprise. Rani Hong was told into slavery when she was 7 years old. Today, though, she is the CEO of an organization which helps companies that are fighting forced labor.

Maggie Lake brings us her story. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

MAGGIE LAKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's called the Freedom Seal, and earning it is a badge of honor for companies fighting to end human slavery.

HONG: My name is Rani Hong. I'm from a small village in India.

LAKE: The Freedom Seal is the brain child of Rani Hong, the founder of the nonprofit, Tronie Foundation.

HONG: I stay silent, I'm letting the traffickers win.

LAKE: Rani is a victim herself of child trafficking. She has devoted her life to eliminating the practice once and for all.

HONG: We created the seal to be a visual mark of saying freedom from slavery. The Freedom Seal was created to show consumers can tell which companies are actively trying to prevent forced labor in their supply chains.

LAKE (on camera): When you talk to companies, what is your pitch to them? What do you say to them?

HONG: I tell them, you know, there is an economic reason you want to get the Freedom Seal. The Freedom Seal, when we did research again we knew was an economic benefit to the companies, consumers are going to demand that their products are not tainted by forced labor and supply chains.

LAKE (voice-over): Rani's story began when she was 7. She was taken from her family and sold into slavery in southern India. She stopped eating and became so sick that she almost died.

HONG: I was transported to another state where I did not know the language. I was disoriented, afraid and alone, crying for my mom to come and get me, and she didn't come. My captors used intimidation and force to control me. They put me as destitute and dying.

LAKE: Eventually, Rani became little use for her captors who then sold her for prostitution.

(on camera): You have the personal story. Do you think there are stories out there that we don't even know? How deep do you think this problem is?

HONG: We know it's a $150 billion industry. According to international labor organization, there are 21 million slaves today in the world. 19 million are trafficked by individuals and enterprises, which is private companies. That is why I'm bringing the Freedom Seal to the world because now we have a tool that we can use to communicate. We, as a society, are ready for transparency.


[02:45:15] BARNETT: Amazing work Rani is doing there. If you want to learn more about the Freedom Project go to our website, And you can find out how other businesses are fighting against modern-day slavery.

CHURCH: City officials in Los Angeles are getting creative in an effort conserve water in a reservoir.

Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri joins us now to explain what that means.

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, AMS METEOROLOGIST: It's a fascinating story and a big talker for a lot of people as well. What the city officials have done is they have taken 100 million plastic balls that are filled partially with water and putting them over four reservoirs in an effort to keep the sun from reaching the reservoir and evaporating the water. The video --

BARNETT: I don't know about that. Is that safe?

JAVAHERI: Yeah. That's what a lot of people are saying. They say it's BPA free and each cost 36 cents to produce and will save 300 million gallons of water per year from evaporating out of the reservoir.

Take a look at the maps for you. This is what it looks like as they deploy the spheres. They bunch up together and it disables the sun reaching the surface of the water and reduces algae growth. Animals drinking out of the reservoirs. All of it in an effort to preserve what water they do have in that region.

In Europe, we have incredible temperatures in Warsaw, well above average for 15 days. Berlin, 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Hottest temperature all time. 5 degrees Celsius above average in recent days. And water levels in the rivers and hydroelectric power plants impacted by this. The drought in place exceptional in Germany and Poland and Austria. And look at the footage showing you the reduced water levels. A couple years ago, water was at its highest levels in 100 years and now we're seeing this scenario when it comes to the droughts that are in place over much of Europe.

So we have people in California trying to preserve the little water they have. And in Europe, the water starting to deplete from the extreme heat.

BARNETT: Underscoring how important it is to have enough fresh water for all of us.

JAVAHERI: Yes, sir.

BARNETT: But having not too much of it in some of these places as well.


BARNETT: All right, Pedram, thanks a lot.

A young, deaf, mute Indian woman living in Pakistan hopes to find the family she lost years ago, and the hope she needs may come from a Bollywood film. Details on that, after this.


[02:52:04] Welcome back, everyone. Well, there's new hope that the family of a lost girl in Pakistan will soon be found. Gita, who is both deaf and mute, entered the country with no identity papers years ago.

BARNETT: Now as a young adult, Gila has gained attention after the release of a fictional Bollywood film.

Michael Holmes has more.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: She was just a child when she accidentally crossed the border from India into Pakistan. Now years later, the girl in her early 20s remains lost and searching for her family. The problem, she is deaf and mute and can only communicate with sign language.

The girl, who has only vague memories of her past, was alone and had no identification when she crossed one of the world's most militarized borders. Pakistani soldiers bought her to a home for lost children in Lahore.

She was given a Muslim name, Fatimah, until it was realized she was Hindu by the way she was praying. She was then moved to Karachi and had been cared for by the Edhi Foundation, one of Pakistan's largest charities. They gave her the name Gita.

For years, the foundation has been pleading with the Indian government to locate Gita's parents. Now, in a strange coincidence, a new film starring Bollywood actor, Salman Kahn, centers around a Pakistani girl lost in India.


HOLMES: Kahn's character finds the girl and tries to reunite her with her family. The film has given Gita's case new attention.

India's high commissioner to Pakistan recently visited Gita and vowed to help her find her family, saying in spite of differences, the two countries can work together.

TCA REGHAVAN, INDIAN HIGH COMMISSIONER TO PAKISTAN (through translation): Pakistan and India are neighboring countries. Pakistan and India have always extended cooperation in humanitarian matters.

HOLMES: Gita lives in a home provided by the foundation where she helps care for other children. Four families have come forward claiming that Gita is their daughter, but none have been confirmed.

Through sign language, Gita expressed her wish to go home.

GITA (through translation): India is very nice. I am not happy here. That is my homeland.

HOLMES: Michael Holmes, CNN.


BARNETT: The best of luck to her.

CHURCH: Let's hope it has a happy ending.

BARNETT: Kim Kardashian is facing a new backlash from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA issued a warning letter to the maker of the drug Diclegis (ph) following this post.

[02:55:04] CHURCH: In it, Kardashian, a paid spokeswoman, praised the drug's ability to treat her morning sickness, but she failed to mention the possible side effects, which is against the FDA's rules.

Of course, it is hard to avoid news about the Kardashians no matter how hard you try.

BARNETT: For one local news anchor, all this attention has gotten to be just a bit too much. Take a look.


JOHN BROWN, NEWS ANCHOR: I'm having a good Friday so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians today. You are own your own.


BROWN: I can't do it. I've had enough Kardashians. I can't take anymore stories on this show.


UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Let me ask you this, John.

Oh, he left.

How would you like it if your daughter named her pet John? That's what Kylie Jenner did. She got a gray beautiful fluffy rabbit and named it Bruce.

BROWN: I don't care. The family, I'm sick of this family.


BROWN: I can't take it any more. It's not interesting. It's a non- story. It's a non-story. We're talking about a family every freaking day on this show.



BARNETT: Sounds a bit like our NEWSROOM. CHURCH: I know exactly how we feel.

BARNETT: John Brown did apologize for storming off the set last week.

CHURCH: But he also admitted it did make him feel better in the end.

BARNETT: I feel your pain, John. I feel your pain.

CHURCH: Absolutely.

You have been watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Rosemary Church.

BARNETT: I'm Errol Barnett. I'm off. Rosie is back next hour.

CHURCH: Lucky you.

BARNETT: Stay with CNN.