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Bangkok Police Seek Help From Public To Finding Bombing Suspect; Trump's Popularity Holds Strong In Polls; FDA Signs Off On "Female Viagra". Aired 3-4a ET

Aired August 19, 2015 - 03:00   ET


[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Police need help finding this man who may be responsible for deadly bombing in central Bangkok.

ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR: Plus a new CNN poll suggest that despite all the controversies, Donald Trump's popularity shows no sign of slowing down.

CHURCH: And regulators in U.S. sign off on a new drug described as Viagra for women.

BARNETT: We'll all hear it at this hour. Hello and welcome to our viewers here in the U.S. and all around the world, I'm Errol Barnett.

CHURCH: And I'm Rosemary Church. This is "CNN Newsroom."

And we begin this hour in Bangkok where police are working to identify the prime suspect in Monday's bombing at a Hindu shrine. Authorities say surveillance video shows a man in a yellow T-shirt leave his backpack at that shrine. It exploded minutes later, killing 22 people and injuring more than 100.

BARNETT: Now that shrine is open to the public once again at this hour. You can see, the golden statue bears visible scars from Monday's bombing. Police and the prime minister say it was a deliberate attack meant to hurt Bangkok's tourism industry.

CHURCH: All right. We do want to go to live now to Bangkok where CNN is following developments. And we understand authorities held a news conference (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Announced a 1 million beat or $30,000 reward to anyone who leads them to that suspect. They are still working hard to track that man who led to the do the bombing or was involved with the bombing. But they believe this is a suspect connected to the bombing. Is he is a lone wolf? We don't know. Was he working with other people? We don't know that. But police are working hard to confirm that as far as the press conference is concerned.

They've also told us they are looking at the second bomb location as well, Rosemary, just the next morning, at a close to a bridge by the river. There are riverboats Rosemary that run up and down the river in Bangkok taking people, ferrying them around like taxis on the river. Now, people were waiting to board a boat when someone threw down a bomb. It bounced off the pierce and went thankfully into the water. There were no injuries.

Police divers are in the water there and have used sandbags, at least 3,000, I believe, something to that number, to block off an area to clear the water and go down and see if they can find more clues and evidence. What they have said initially, speaking to local Thai TV, the police spokesman had said he believes it is also a pipe bomb and used ball bearings which is what they believe was used at the shrine here across the road from me. They believe they have a lot of similarities and could be connected.


CHURCH: And significantly of course still no claim of responsibility here. And presumably the police have no doubt that this man that was caught on the surveillance camera is indeed the bomber, presumably they have done some assessment as to the epicenter of that explosion. Are they saying anything about that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, in terms of who is behind it and claims of responsibility as you rightly say there have been no claim of responsibility so far which is unusual if it was a major terrorist attack by a major organization. As we've seen in the past, organizations are very quick to claim responsibility. They want that glory. They want to claim it. They want the world to know and fear their organization and to announce their arrival in any place that they are attacking.

[03:05:00] That hasn't happened here. Of course, there has been discussion about the insurgency in the south Rosemary and that is largely always been contained in the south it's never really ventured out, certainly not this magnitude in the heart of Bangkok. So as to this person and this suspect, as you say, as they discussed the CCTV shows him going in wearing a backpack and leaving it there. So by a process of elimination they are saying that they believe this man is connected to this bombing. And, Rosemary, the place in which he leaves that rucksack, that black

backpack is where the bomb went off. It's where it was surrounded by people on both sides. You know, this really is right in the heart of the center of Bangkok and represents the heart of Bangkok in so many ways, Rosemary. It is a religious shrine. Yes it's dedicated to a Hindu God but is it a religious shrine that all religions venture too, the Buddhist community, Sikhs, Hindus and people go there to be at peace and admire it. It does not have any walls around it. That is symbolic as well, Rosemary. It's inviting and that is why there are so many people. It has a railing but you can see into it and there are people on both sides, flower sellers, store holders and people inside as well. And where the bomb was placed it was placed to cause maximum damage and death as we seen it, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Let's hope with the incentive of this $30,000 reward that someone can come forward of course having that surveillance camera footage is helpful. Once they can get closer, hopefully someone will recognize this suspect. That news conference ongoing and we'll get any new information that comes to hand.

BARNETT: Want to bring you developments into CNN from Indonesia. A government official says more than $470,000 was on the Trigana Air flight that crashed over the weekend. The crash was being - the cash was being brought by Indonesian post officers to distribute to poor families. Six bodies have arrived at a hospital in Papua province for identification. None of the 54 people on board survived. The plane's black boxes have been sent to Indonesia's transportation safety commission for analysis. The flight lost contact with local air traffic control on Sunday shortly before it was scheduled to land.

CHURCH: China says it is investigating the director of the country's safe agency following last week's deadly chemical explosion in Tianjin.

BARNETT: Authorities are working to cleanup the toxins left behind. Our Will Ripley reports on the many challenges (inaudible).

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He street from thousands of apartments where people are supposed to be moving in in less than two months. A state reporter who travelled to the center of the blast site which is heavily restricted. There is not any access to the general public but this reporter was embedded with the crews, as they got closer to the center of the blast site, the levels of sodium cyanide and neurotoxins exceed the measuring capacity of their testing meters.

That shows you just how heavily concentrated these chemicals are. And it's made worse on the ground here by the fact it has been raining today. So the rain, while it clears some of the pollution in the air it makes things more complicated on the ground because the water can interact with the chemicals that these folks here, the Hazmat workers here are working to detect. The cleanup effort continues and so does the process of identifying the bodies.

The death toll is holding steady and more and more families are getting confirmation that their loved ones were killed in this disaster a week ago. There are dozens missing a full week after the explosion and the ensuing disaster that this city and this country is still coming to terms with. Will Ripley, Tianjin, China.

[03:10:00] CHURCH: Greece has seen a 400 percent increase of the number of migrants arriving in the country year-on-year. That is according to a U.N. refugee spokesman.

BARNETT: Now, almost 21,000 migrants in Greece in 2015 is 160,000. The total number in 2014 was more than 43,000.

CHURCH: Thousands of desperate immigrants are hoping to find shelter on a cruise ship the Greek government has set aside to house migrants.

BARNETT: Media are not allowed on the ship. But we have exclusive footage.

ATIKA SHUBETT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is the Greek solution to the immigrant crisis on the Island of Kos, a cruise ship. The refugees can live aboard the ship while they are getting registered. That should only take a few days. Once they have their papers they can move off the Island and for many here that is the doorway to Europe. But will it work? Greek officials won't let media on board. But

these pictures taken from inside by one of the refugees shows good conditions and hot meals provided. Not without problems, though, backed up toilets and the boat is filling up fast. This man says he is happy to be on board, though.

FAWAZ FAOUR, SYRIAN REFUGEE: This is good solution. It's better to say to stay than on the street.

SHUBETT: But this man warns that the boat is getting crowded. Now it's getting full, he tells us and it's better to process our registration quickly. There will be too many people inside I told my neighbor this morning there must be 2,000 people just inside this cafeteria, he said.

The number camped out on the streets has diminished but this is only a partial solution. The boat is for refugees fleeing the war in Syria and Iraq only. For thousands of others from Pakistan to Nigeria, the wait is much more, weeks or longer. They crowd outside the police station to register in the baking sun, ramped in squalid conditions. The cruise ship is only scheduled to be here until the end of the month and with thousands arriving every day, Kos may find it needs more than a boat.

CHURCH: Right now, Germany is parliament is getting set to vote on a bailout package for Greece. These are pictures of the German finance minister there. The bailout package worth up to $95 billion would help Greece avoid an outright financial collapse.

BARNETT: Let's bring in Isa Suarez. Some have said there has been a rebellion ahead of the vote.

ISA SUAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning Errol, good morning Rosemary, it will pass, that is the expectation. But the bailout has been much contended in Germany where a lot of uproar was Germany has to pay up for a third bailout, really for Greece, something they wanted to avoid but what we're seeing now is a beginning of the vote. Where debating starts and you're looking at live pictures there from Berlin and that's the German finance minister.

We are expecting the vote to pass, but you know there, is some sort of dissent within the ranks. Initially we were hearing reports of up to 120 MPs who were really going to rebel against this vote. But yesterday there was a test vote. It doesn't mean anything, but just to see which way people would vote. It was about 60 dissenting voices. Worth noting this is a parliament of 631 seats. Merkel has around 317. And although there are some dissenting voices within the CDU, the center right party, many social democrats, the minority government and the green party say they will vote. What they worry about and this is the crux of it people saying they shouldn't be backing a third bailout for Greece.

[03:15:00] Germany is the one contributing the most to this bailout. Second, many are saying, look, we don't know exactly the terms in detail this bailout. A majority of MPs have been on holiday and called back for the second time now to vote on this and haven't had time to go through the 600 pages retailing this and many think there would be debt relief which they don't want to see because it simply means that a lot of their own Germans will have to pay up. And another big concern which is something that chancellor Merkel has well is this idea of the IMF. Is the IMF behind this deal and support it? Which is something they wanted.

BARNETT: Many of the issues being considered right now and we should consider at what political cost will all of this have on the leadership of Angela Merkel and Germany in general ahead of this important vote on this Greek bailout.

CHURCH: Britain's Sebastian Coe has been elected as the new president of the International Association of Athletics Federations. That is the world governing body for track and field events. He beat out a Ukrainian for the post. Coe is a four-time Olympic medalist and one of the greatest middle distance runners in history. The election was held three days before the 2015 world championships in Beijing and in the midst of a series of doping accusations against some of the athletes an alleged cover-up by the organization.

BARNETT: Still to come here on "CNN Newsroom," U.S. republicans are not laughing over a joke Hillary Clinton made about the e-mail scandal surrounding her campaign.

CHURCH: Plus, Donald Trump is soaring in the latest CNN poll. How is he winning so many hearts and minds? We want to find that out. That's coming up.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Donald Trump now stands as the clear front runner in the Republican race for U.S. president.

BARNETT: That's right, Athena Jones looks at a new CNN/ORC poll.

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Drawing crowds wherever he goes. Donald Trump is dominating the Republican field nationwide.

DONALD TRUMP, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm going to New Hampshire, going to Iowa, going to South Carolina, going to Tennessee.

JONES: And growing his lead. In the new CNN/ORC poll, the billionaire businessman earns the support of nearly a quarter of GOP voters up 6 points since July, nearly double the support of his nearest rival Jeb Bush and three times the support of Scott Walker, two governors who were close behind just a month ago. Favorability is also on the rise. 58 percent of republicans now have a favorable view of him even after controversial comments about Megyn Kelly.

TRUMP: You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.

JONES: And of John McCain.

TRUMP: He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured. JONES: He tops the field on every issue with Republicans trusting him

to deal with the economy, social issues, ISIS and illegal immigration. He is setting the agenda and driving the conversation on illegal immigration. He is calling for among other things, deporting all of the undocumented, an idea some of his opponents blasted as unworkable.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's not doable and I don't think it's right. I don't think it's humane.

JONES: But on the proposal to end birthright citizenship there seems to be at least some agreement.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't mind changing that law.

MARCO RUBIO, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm open to doing things that prevent people who deliberately come to the U.S. for the purpose of taking advantage of the 14th Amendment.

JONES: Agreement from some but not everyone.

JEB BUSH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: To suggest that people born in this country are not U.S. citizens and it's not in the constitution I reject out of hand.

JONES: Athena Jones, CNN, Washington.

BARNETT: In the meantime, Donald Trump appears to be contradicting his proposal. It would make it more difficult for foreigners to obtain green cards and student visas.

CHURCH: But on Tuesday, Trump tweeted, when foreigners attend our great colleges and want to stay in the U.S. they should not be thrown out of our country. I want talented people to come into this country to work hard and become citizens, Silicon Valley needs engineers, et cetera. CNN reached out to Trump's campaign to explain but they have not responded.

BARNETT: Hillary Clinton is yet again addressing the e-mail controversy that has been dogging her campaign and giving ammunition to her opponents.

CHURCH: A new video from a meeting Clinton had with the black lives matter group has surfaced revealing a tense exchange. Jeff Zeleny has more.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And I regret that this has become such a cause celebre. But that does not change the facts.


CLINTON: I know there's a certain level of, you know, sort of anxiety or interest in this. But the facts are the facts.

ZELENY: She is struggling to fend off a campaign controversy, fallout from her decision to use a private e-mail server as Secretary of State.

[03:25:00] CLINTON: You may have seen I recently launched a snapchat account. Those messages disappear all by themselves.

ZELENY: As republicans called her out for laughing, the Clinton campaign is reverting to a familiar play book, diminishing the issue as an old partisan fight.

CLINTON: It's not anything that people talk to me as I travel around the country. It is never raised in my town halls or meetings with people.

ZELENY: But in Nevada today a few voters waiting to see her said they wanted an explanation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's one of the reasons why I'm here. I would like the record to be set straight and I would like to know what she has to say about everything.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's sad that she is in this situation. She's such a woman with integrity.

ZELENY: All this as Hillary Clinton came face to face with protesters from the Black lives matter movement captured on camera in video released today.

CLINTON: Then I will talk only to White people about how to deal with the very real problem.

ZELENY: A passionate moment from a new movement confronting the candidates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You were saying that what we need to do...

CLINTON: I don't believe you change hearts. I believe you change laws and allocation of resources. You change the way systems operate.

ZELENY: Bernie Sanders surrendering the stage in Seattle. Martin O'Malley heckled in Phoenix.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All lives matter.

ZELENY: A movement drawing attention to African-Americans dying. Often at the hands of police and high incarceration rates. It's front and center in the presidential campaign.

CLINTON: That Black lives matter.

ZELENY: Running for president is all about navigating obstacles whether the Black lives matter activists or answering questions over the private e-mail server she decided to use as secretary of state. And Hillary Clinton was defiant Tuesday night in Nevada paying I know there was a certain level of anxiety or interest in this but the facts are the facts. Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Washington.

BARNETT: Surely everyone will be talking about that story, the first drug of its kind and it received U.S. approval but with serious warnings. Coming up, details on the little pink pill.

CHURCH: And the hackers of a cheaters website made good on their promise. The details, ahead.



CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. You are watching "CNN Newsroom." I'm Rosemary Church.

BARNETT: And I'm Errol Barnett. Thanks for staying with us. Here are top stories right now, the Hindu shrine targeted in Monday's bombing in Bangkok is open once again. The golden statue showing shrapnel damage. 20 people were killed in the blast, revising the number down from 22.

Surveillance video shows a man in a yellow t-shirt leaving his backpack at the shrine minutes before the blast. They are offering a $30,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.

CHURCH: An Indonesia government official says more than $470,000 was on the Trigana air flight that crashed over the weekend. The money was supposed to go to poor families. Meanwhile an official says six bodies have arrived at a local hospital in Papua province for identification. None of the 54 people on board survived.

BARNETT: Britain's Sebastian Coe has been elected the president of the world governing body for athletics. He beat out a Ukrainian for the position. He is a four-time Olympic medalist and one of the greatest middle distance runners in history.

CHURCH: A different story now. There is a pharmaceutical option for women now who have lost their sex drive. The U.S. food and drug administration has approved Adie.

BARNETT: Elizabeth Cohen has details on what's being called, the female Viagra.

ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We have heard the pitches and the questions. Men have had an answer in pills like Viagra for more than 15 years.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ask your doctor if Viagra is right for you.

COHEN: But now the Food and Drug Administration is finally answering a long lingering important question from women

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What the [bleep]? Are we really so far behind that we don't think women have the right to sexual desire?

COHEN: And now the FDA has approved a pill to address female libido for the first time in history.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is not one available medication from the market. COHEN: Spoof ads like there are part of a campaign sponsored in part

of sprout pharmaceuticals. Some experts say the problem is more psychological than physical for many women whose lack of libido is not due to disease or relationship problems.

According to a 2002 study, up to one-third of women experience hypoactive sexual desire disorder. The technical term for lack or absence of sexual desire or fantasy which cause this distress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am pleading for help for an option.

COHEN: FDA committee meetings have acted as a platform for women to address the agency about Libanserin most recently in June.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not just me it's the women looking for a solution.

COHEN: Many desperate for help.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to want my husband. Is it that simple.

COHEN: But the FDA previously rejected Libanserin twice. But for some women struggling with desire the hope for help is greater than the fear of side effects.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not an easy conversation to have with the man you love saying I love you and highly attracted to you but for some reason I just don't want to cozy up and have sex. I think women finally are on a level playing ground or heading in the right direction.

COHEN: Elizabeth Cohen, CNN reporting.

[03:35:00] BARNETT: If you are using the Internet to cheat on your spouse, shame on you but listen up. Tech hackers have now published stolen data. Ashley Madison is a website designed to help married people cheat.

CHURCH: When the hackers hit the site they warned the owner to shut it down or they would release user profiles and credit card numbers. A cyber security expert says the information is posted on the so- called dark web which can only be viewed with a special browser.

BARNETT: A high ranking democratic U.S. lawmaker has come out against the Iran nuclear deal. He believes that a better deal is possible.

CHURCH: President Obama has promised a veto if congress votes down the deal. Republicans in the house and senate would need a 2/3 majority to override it. So far president Obama has more supporters than opponents in his party but not enough to guarantee victory.

BARNETT: One of the issues that critics point to it does not nothing to free American prisoners in Iran.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He spent 391 days in Iran's most notorious prison, tried behind closed doors but a verdict could come this week. American Jason Rezaian appeared on CNN's "Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown. He has been charged with collaborating with a hostile government.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The only fair verdict is to acquit him.

SCIUTTO: Along with others, Rezaian is one of four Americans held or missing in Iran. President Obama has vowed to win their release.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We will not rest until we bring him home to his family.

SCIUTTO: But the president came under fire for not securing their freedom as part of a nuclear deal with Iran. Brisling when challenged by a reporter.

OBAMA: The notion that i am content as I celebrate with American citizens languishing in Iranian jails, major, that - that's nonsense.

SCIUTTO: His family feels That Jason has become a Political pawn in the Challenging U.S.-Iran relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is paying the price of the suspicion, the animosity and the paranoia between the two countries for more than 37 years.

SCIUTTO: Iran has a history of holding Americans on trumped up charges from journalists to the American hikers captured in Iran later releasing them before public trials and before serving out their sentences. In Washington there is concern over why Iran is detaining him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because he is a high-profile prisoner in Iran, that there is a chance that he is being asked as a political pawn and once the Iranian government has no further use for him he will be released.

SCIUTTO: Jim Sciutto, CNN, Washington.

CHURCH: Russian President Vladimir Putin is back to his old stunts on his latest trip.

BARNETT: He plunged 83 meters under water in a mini sub marine on Tuesday. He went to explore a shipwreck in the Black sea

CHURCH: The purpose of his trip was to promote tourism in the region. The Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko criticized Mr. Putin's visit and said Crimea's future is still with Ukraine.

Let's take a very short break here. But still to come, despite passing one of the U.S. Army's most challenging physical tests, two women can't apply to join an elite regiment.


BARNETT: The U.S. forest says for the first time it's devoting more than half of its budget to fighting fires across the country. The agency says it is spending $100 million a week on firefighting efforts. 100 wildfires have scorched more than 1 million acres or 445,000 hectares in ten western states.

CHURCH: Cooler weather is headed for the western U.S. but that doesn't necessarily mean improving fire conditions. Pedram Javaheri joins us now with the challenges ahead for firefighters.

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, METEOROLOGIST: Plenty of challenges, guys. The winds are the concern right now because they are going to pick up the next couple days. The temperatures drop 20-plus degrees. The humidities are low across the area. 20 to 30 percent areas in northern California, 15 percent and 95 large active fires in the northwestern corner of the U.S. roughly the size of Belgium or larger than the state of Massachusetts. So your temperatures go from nearly 90 to 75 in Seattle and 96, dropping to 77 by Friday. But as the front comes in the wind picks up and the firefighters will have to work more with the fires acting erratically.

I want to show you something out of Boise, Idaho, out of the soda fire, a massive firenado. When you look at this firenado the core of this is consistent with a large fire. Difficult to pick up. But want to show you what is happening as all of this occurs. Within a fire environment you have tremendous heat building across the bush areas and the brush land. All of this begins to rise. The column is the primary component. It is drawing in combustible gases that are coming in. This interacts with the winds that are going in every direction.

You take that and begin what resembles a dust devil more than a tornado in nature. You take that column of air that is rising and begin to see it rotate and temperatures within the core of this could be up to 2,000 degrees and you are lofting embers and debris farther downstream and creating additional fires that firefighters have to deal with. This is something we have seen in Australia in the past 10 or so years where a massive fire whirl developed and caused significant damage. This is how veer some severe some of the environments are becoming for firefighters.

[03:45:00] CHURCH: All right, thanks so much for that.

The U.S. navy says it will allow women into the ranks of its elite force, the seal teams. Its chief operations officer says anybody who can pass the demanding training requirements can become a seal.

BARNETT: This comes as two female soldiers who are about to graduate from the Army's rigorous ranger school on Friday. Barbara Starr has details.

BARBARA STARR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For military women, history is made. For the first time, two female soldiers have passed the grueling 62-day army ranger training program.

SSG CYNTHIA VELARDE, RANGER SCHOOL OBSERVER-ADVISOR: Secretly a sense of pride. We can't really cheer these females on. But it's definitely a humbling experience to sit back and get a chance to see these women come through. STARR: But even after all the hard training, the Pentagon still won't

let women actually join the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. That decision must be made by January. Army women say they want no special treatment. Amber Smith flew helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan.

AMBER SMITH, FORMER ARMY HELICOPHER PILOT: There has to be a mission standard, it needs to be straight across the board and be a physical and mental strength to accomplish the mission.

STARR: The 75th Ranger Regiment expertise, large scale entry into a combat zone under fire while executing surgical raids on targets to take out any threats. How hard is ranger school? 400 students started only 96 graduated. Of the 19 women who began, 16 dropped out, one is still working to get through the program. Little sleep and food is just the beginning. Soldiers must do 49 pushups, 59 sit ups, a 5-mile run in 40 minutes. A 12-mile foot march in three hours, parachute jumps, helicopter assaults and 27 days of mock combat patrols. The Army's top general has yet to make his recommendation about whether women will be allowed to serve as rangers and in other front-line combat units.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to take a look at all that and make sure that the standards are being met. There is no doubt in my mind that women can engage in ground combat with the enemies of our nation because they've done it.

STARR: Since 9/11 more than 150 military women have died more than one (inaudible).


CHURCH: Arena football doesn't get many headlines but one man in Phoenix, Arizona is out to change all that.

A choreographer for their dance team, the side winders.

BARNETT: Hernandez's moves are blowing up on social media. Careful. The 6'2", 280-pounder says it's all about the split.

CHURCH: I love it.


CHURCH: A game of catch with republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio didn't work out so well for a little boy in Iowa. Pretty dangerous.

BARNETT: Check this out. The Florida senator accidentally conked him on the head with that football during a campaign event on Monday. Slo-mo and whack. It was hard to tell if Rubio blew the pass or if the boy blew the catch.

CHURCH: I think it filled him with dread.

BARNETT: Let's blame the adult there. The child reportedly is OK.

CHURCH: You don't want to happen when you are a presidential hopeful.

BARNETT: Not at all.

CHURCH: Donald Trump is known for using Twitter to express his thoughts.

BARNETT: And now some of his words have been put to music. Here's Jeanne Moos.

JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: If Donald Trump's tweets are a window to his soul what could be more soulful than Josh Groban singing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The best tweets of Donald Trump.

MOOS: Prepare for deep thoughts and weighty words.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've never seen a thin person drinking diet coke.

MOOS: Trump uses Twitter to launch political attacks but he has dispense romantic advice. She cheated on him like a dog.

The Jimmy Kimmel show took at least tweet out of context. We need global warming. Donald tweeted it's freezing and snowing in New York we need global warming.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My I.Q. is one of the highest.

[03:55:00] MOOS: But you can't prove it by his tweets. To illustrate the point that the tweets are something like a 12-year-old might send GQ posted a quiz. It was a teen who tweeted lean dumber is still dummy trash and Donald tweeted word is spreading I got a tattoo, no way. As he tries to be a kinder, gentler Trump he slips up. He tweeted that Heidi Klum is sadly no longer a 10 which prompted her to release a video of a guy in a Trump mask demoting her. And a cartoonist depicted Trump rating Heidi in all of his bare bellied splendor. The last time that josh Groban sang tweets, they were from Kanye West. I love me.

Jeanne Moos, CNN. #makeamericagreatagain. New York.

BARNETT: That's pretty funny.

CHURCH: It's very good.

BARNETT: And I think Donald will continue to provide more material.

CHURCH: And everyone will love him more.

BARNETT: You have been watching "CNN Newsroom." I'm Errol Barnett.

CHURCH: And I'm Rosemary Church. "Early Start" is next in the United States.

BARNETT: And for the rest of you, another edition of "CNN Newsroom" begins after the break. Have a great day.