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CNN Newsroom

President Obama to Visit Roseburg, Oregon; GOP Scrambles After McCarthy Bombshell; 1 Dead, 3 Wounded After Campus Shooting; U.S. Set to Modify Syrian Rebel Program. Aired 9-9:30a ET

Aired October 09, 2015 - 09:00   ET


[09:00:00] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: All right. Now watch how you do this toss. It's so flawless.

Time for NEWSROOM with Ana Cabrera in for Carol Costello.

ANA CABRERA, CNN ANCHOR: And Friday is going to be a beautiful day, just because it's Friday, right?

CAMEROTA: So true, Ana. Have a great weekend.

CABRERA: You too. Thank you.

NEWSROOM starts now.

Good morning, I'm Ana Cabrera in for Carol Costello. Thank you so much for joining me.

Let's get right to some breaking news out of Arizona. Another deadly shooting on a college campus, this time in Flagstaff, Arizona. One person is dead. Three others wounded after an early morning shooting at Northern Arizona University.

Now we learned just moments ago that some members of the Delta Chi Fraternity were involved in the shooting but we do not know what roles they may have played. We are expecting a news conference at any moment.

Here's what we've learned so far. Police say they a got an call after 1:00 this morning. Shots fired in a parking lot near one of the campus dormitories. Again one person killed. The shooter now in police custody. Three others also shot and taken to the hospital. Young men from the Delta Chi Fraternity were involved but again exactly how is unclear so we'll continue to work to get information and we're standing by for that press conference any minute.

Earlier on CNN a student described what it was like waking up to news of that deadly shooting on campus. Take a listen.


MEGAN ARDAHL, STUDENT AT NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY: I actually received a text message at, like, 3:00 in the morning from the university. We have a group -- it's like a text message alert system. And it pretty much just stated there was a shooting. Has to be either the suspect in custody. But it was at 3:00 a.m. after the fact. So I woke up to texts from my family and my brother and the university all at the same time. So it was kind of chaotic. You don't expect that in Flagstaff. This is a pretty small town. It's pretty safe. Everyone knows each other. I never really thought it would really happen here.


CABRERA: Meantime news of this latest shooting comes as President Obama heads to Roseburg, Oregon, a community still grieving the deaths of nine people in a mass shooting at a community college there last week. The president will be departing from the White House in just a few moments and he's scheduled to meet with the families of the victims in the shooting at Umpqua Community College sometime this afternoon.

Not everyone wants him to come. At least two protests are planned by groups furious with the president's call for gun safety laws immediately after the tragedy.

Ryan Young is live in Roseburg following the story -- Ryan.

RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And Ana, you were here for a few days after the shooting and I can tell you being in this community for a few days you hear some voices both for and against the president's arrival. There are some people who are focused on the fact they believe the president's words just after the shooting is the reason why they're upset about him coming here because they don't want to politicize the tragedy that is here.

But there are other people in this community who are welcoming the president. But if you see here in the headlines, "Defend Roseburg" goes viral, that is exactly what people have been talking about because over 50,000 people have joined the Facebook page, 8,000 people say they're coming to town to protest the president visiting here. A lot of opinions about the president's visit.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think he should be here, to be honest with you. His announcement he made about gun control and the way that coming off the first thing he said, instead of saying, I'm sorry for the families, I think it was just wrong. And I think he needs to stay in Washington.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's coming into an area here where I would guess 99 percent of us are -- have guns and hunt. So it's -- he's coming into kind of a lion's den.


YOUNG: Now this is definitely a pro-hunting area. In fact some people describe this as the blue state with a red center and that the people here are definitely pro hunting.

Look, when you walk into shops here you see the hunting influence. So they don't have the same kind of issue with guns that have -- that people have around the country but the mayor here says the president is welcome -- Ana.

CABRERA: All right. Ryan Young, we'll see what happens. Thank you very much.

To Capitol Hill now, what a drama playing out. Republicans are scrambling after Kevin McCarthy's bombshell decision to drop out of the race for speaker of the House. Right now lawmakers are meeting behind closed doors there at the capitol searching for a strategy and someone to lead their party. McCarthy's news coming at a total surprise to his colleagues.