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CNN Newsroom

Germany, U.K., and the United States Step Up Their Efforts In The War Against ISIS; Pentagon Sending More Special Ops To Help Fight ISIS In Iraq; More Fallout In Chicago Over Police Dash Cam Video; Mayor Rahm Emanuel Forces Police Superintendent To Resign; Wall Street Journal Reports Yahoo's Board Will Meet To Consider Selling Core Internet Business. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired December 02, 2015 - 3:00   ET



[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN NEWSROOM SHOW HOST: Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. This is CNN Newsroom.

And we begin this hour with the war on ISIS as Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States are stepping up their efforts. The Pentagon says it's sending more Special Operations Forces to help fight ISIS in Iraq.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter says they will be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence and capture ISIS leaders.

Thousands of protesters in London are urging the British Parliament to vote against a proposal for U.K. air strikes on ISIS in Syria. Lawmakers will begin a marathon debate in just a few hours from now, with a vote later on Wednesday.


DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: It is part of a broader strategy. It's about the politics and the diplomacy and the humanitarian aid, all of which we need to bring to bear, to bring peace to Syria, but to make sure we protect our interests, our national interests of fighting against this appalling terrorist organization.


CHURCH: And in Berlin, lawmakers will start debate on a plan approved by the German Cabinet for expanded military assistance in the fight against ISIS. It includes reconnaissance jets, a naval frigate and up to 1200 troops.

Atika Schubert is following developments in Berlin, but we start with Max Foster live in London out the front of the House of Commons. So, Max, parliament is set to hold an all-day debate on whether to support air strikes in Syria, how likely is it that they will vote to expand air raids against ISIS in Syria. MAX FOSTER, CNN NEWSROOM SHOW CO-HOST: It's pretty likely. David

Cameron said he didn't -- he wouldn't bring this vote to parliament if he didn't feel confident that it would get through. So, they've been doing all the work behind the scenes and adding up the number of MPs that would support this Syria vote and he seems confident that he will have enough votes.

So, we do think it's going to go through, by how many? That's the question. There's a big debate on the opposition side about whether or not to support David Cameron. Just to explain, Jeremy Corbin is leader of the opposition labor party. He's firmly against the war, but he has allowed a free vote for his MPs.

Although his MPs are under a huge amount of pressure to go with him on the vote. But David Cameron feels confident he will get enough labor MPs to support him. Lots of questions about the war and concern about it.

And we understand that some MPs have been under the sort of pressure that you get on Twitter or on e-mail that they are supporting a war which will kill women and children, so they feel this pressure.

But they also feel that ISIS does needs to be confronted in some way, and David Cameron is giving that option. On his side as well, David Cameron's conservative MPs, (TECHNICAL PROBLEM) 70,000 or so, rebel fighters in Syria who are effectively a ground source.

But that raises all sorts of questions. Can they work together and can he unite them against ISIS. But actually they're fighting the Assad regime. They're not necessarily just fighting ISIS. So, whether or not any of that will work, and that's what the debate will be about here.

So, David Cameron still got some convincing to do. And you remember, Rosemary, after the Iraq war, Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister was under huge amounts of pressure. It was seemed to have messed that up in many ways because they didn't think about what will happen after the war.

So, he also was going to have to explain who is going to be in charge of Syria after this, what sort of support in Syria and the Syrian people are going to get after this. All the sorts of debate are happening in other countries as well about whether or not to get involved in this conflict.

But to David Cameron, he needs the support of parliament because he doesn't want to make the same sort of mistakes as Tony Blair. He want unilaterally ahead with the war in Iraq pretty much and is now seen as making a huge mistake. David Cameron wants to share the decision.

[03:05:00] CHURCH: All right. Many thanks to our Max Foster there who will be monitoring that debate from London. Let's go now to Atika Schubert, as we told you she is in Berlin. And, Atika, let's talk about what Germany is planning in this fight against ISIS.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the Cabinet has approved a one year mandate for up to maximum about 1200 German troops going in to help the fight against ISIS. But the key here is that none of these troops will be, excuse me, in a combat role.

This will be simply be really logistical support for those French flights, for example, striking ISIS now. So, what Germany is sending in is tornado jets for reconnaissance flights, mid-air refueling jets that will allow the French strikers to extend their range, for example.

There will also be a navy frigate that will be involved to help support, as well. So, this is something that has been proposed by the Cabinet. It's been approved. Now it needs to be debated in parliament at the Bundestag.

So, what they will be doing is having that debate in a few hours. That debate will then continue on Friday and that's when we are expecting to get a vote, Rosemary.

CHURCH: And while it's being debated, what about the public there in Germany? How do they feel about all of this?

SHUBERT: Well, I think the public is going to this with a bit of caution. But there doesn't seem to be much controversy about it as there is in the U.K. It's expected to pass pretty easily. There's not much debate, I mean, not much opposition to it in parliament, perhaps from the far left from the green party.

But Angela Merkel's grand coalition generally supports around this. In terms of the general public, there has been some talk and concern about whether or not being part of this coalition against ISIS could expose Germany to more terror threats, more on the possibility of terror attacks.

But, as we know, Germany is also, has also received its fair share of terror threats. We know, for example, a game in -- a football game in Hannover was canceled on concrete information of the possibility of an attack.

So, for many people here, they feel what we're already being threatened. This may be the best way to go forward possibly to prevent further terror threats.

CHURCH: All right. Many thanks to our Atika Schubert there live in Berlin as that debate goes forward in Germany on how to push for the fight against ISIS. I appreciate that.

Well, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi says there's no need for foreign troops on the ground and any military operation must be coordinated with his government. That comes after the U.S. announced plans to send additional Special Operations Forces to fight ISIS in Iraq.

Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports.

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Hundreds of U.S. Special Operations and support Forces heading to dangerous ground in Iraq and Syria.


ASH CARTER, U.S. SECRERARY OF DEFENSE: These special operators will, over time, be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture ISIL leaders. This force will also be in a position to conduct unilateral operations in Syria.


STARR: The announcement to send more forces coming after the attacks in Paris. The military will now do more risky missions, such as the Special Operations hostage rescue raid in October where Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler was killed in action.


CARTER: We're good at intelligence. We're good at mobility. We're good at surprise. We have the long reach that no one else has. And it puts everybody on notice in Syria that you don't know at night who is going to be coming in the window. And that's the sensation that we want all of ISIL's leadership and followers to have.


STARR: The new forceful number just dozens of commandos, but they will have significant backup. Helicopters to get to their targets. Rescue forces if they run into trouble. Potentially, some 200 troops in all, official say.

All of this as a separate group of 50 Special Operations Forces are to arrive at any time in Northern Syria to assist anti-ISIS forces there. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs underscoring the U.S. need better intelligence.


JOSEPH DUNFORD, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF CHAIRMAN: Our effectiveness is in, obviously, in expected linked to the quality of intelligence we have. And our assessment is that this force and the operations, this force will conduct, will provide us additional intelligence that will make our operations much more effective.


STARR: A raid in Syria that killed a top ISIS operative Abu Sayyaf in May, provided an initial trove of intelligence, leading to improved information about ISIS. Two operatives still in the U.S. crosshairs.

[03:10:00] ISIS' leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Abu Muhammad al- Adnani said to be involved in plotting future attacks in the West.

U.S. officials telling CNN, it still could be days or weeks before the U.S. Forces arrive.

Barbara Starr, CNN, the Pentagon. CHURCH: And we want to get more on this. I want to bring in CNN

military analyst, Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona. He joins us live from La Quinta in California.

So, Rick, U.S. Special Ops Forces will now be heading to Iraq and Syria to conduct raids, free hostages, gather Intel and capture ISIS leaders.

How significant is this shift in U.S. policy and what impact is it likely to have on the fight against ISIS going forward?

RICK FRANCONA, CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Well, I think it will have a good impact because, instead of being in a train assist advise role, these are actually combat forces going in to conduct direct operations. This is no longer are we going to put boots on the ground. We are putting boots on the ground.

And this is not going to be on a standoff role. These are going to be combat forces. So, I don't know how the U.S. administration is going to spin this. They are going to say they're not boots on the ground and on combat role. I don't see how they can do that.

So, this represents a real shift. I think it's an admission that what we're doing so far hasn't worked. And this is the next step. A lot of people are concerned that the next step, of course, is what we call mission creeps, we're getting more involved, what if this doesn't work, are we going to beef up the presence yet further? So, there's a lot of concern in the U.S. about this.

CHURCH: Yes. In a way, they can't win, can they? Because if they don't do this, then they're accused of not doing enough. And if they do, then it's mission creeps.

FRANCONA: Exactly.

CHURCH: So, how do you deal with that problem?

FRANCONA: Yes. And I think that the administration is going to have to come out and address just what their goal is here. I listened to the secretary and the chairman's testimony today, and, you know, they were quite -- they didn't want to really come out and say exactly how big of a step this is, but I think this is major.

And when the secretary said that they will also conduct unilateral missions into Syria, this is really a sea change from where we are today. I think it's a good step. You know, I've been arguing this for all along and I still think we ought to continue more of the Special Ops personnel in there conducting and controlling the air strikes.

So, what we're looking at I think is a real shift in the American attitude in just what it's going to take to defeat ISIS. Obviously, the Iraqis aren't getting it done. I don't think the Kurds have the combat power required to do it. So, it looks like we're going to try and do it ourselves.

CHURCH: I did want to ask you this. Former intelligence head retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn told CNN Tuesday, that the White House ignored reports warning of the rise of ISIS in 2011, 2012. Because it didn't fit their re-election narrative, his words. And he said Obama is in a circle was giving him incorrect advice. What's your reaction to his comments?

FRANCONA: Yes. I was -- I was a little surprised to hear that because, you know, General Flynn was part of that whole operation at the time. So, his advice, obviously, he feel was being ignored. But, you know, those of us on the outside, all of us retired, watching what was going on, it was pretty obvious to us that there was this power vacuum, especially in Syria being created by the lack of the West help to the Syrian rebels.

And Al Qaeda in Iraq sent people over there. They created what is now ISIS. And I thought it was pretty easy to see. I just don't think that the administration wanted to deal with it at the time.

CHURCH: All right. Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona joining us there from California. Many thanks to you.

Well, Pakistan has executed four Taliban militants tied to a deadly school attack in Peshawar. You may recall at least 145 people, mostly school children, were killed in the December 2014 massacre. Seven people were given a death sentence and another got life in prison from a Pakistani military cord back in August for their roles in the attack.

Donald Trump, the man who wants to be President of the United States has a message for his rivals. Bring it on. Hear why he thinks even the nice guy in the race will come at him swinging.

Plus, Chicago's Mayor forces the police superintendent to step down with the controversy growing over a deadly police shooting. That story, still to come. Stay with us.


RACHEL NICHOLS, CNN SPORTS HEADLINE REPORTER: I'm Rachel Nichols with your CNN World Sport headline.

Manchester City's parent company has made a big move toward a foothold in the most lucrative corner of the globe. On Tuesday, the City Football Group announced it sold a 13 percent stake of the company to a group of investors backed by the Chinese government.

The CFG group already has a growing empire that includes Manchester, the United States, Australia, and Japan. And now, a conduit to grow their business in one of the world's most booming markets.

And the citizens were in action on Tuesday in the capital one cup quarterfinal against Hull City. We thought going in this might be a mismatch, and sure enough, Kevin De Bruyne with two goals. The first, taking advantage of that defensive error by Hull. But he wasn't done.

His second was this beautifully crafted free kick. Look at this. The keeper, no shot. City wins it, 4 to 1. And that's nine goals and eight assists in 15 starts for De Bruyne.

The NBA has just named the Golden State Warriors Luke Walton its Western coach of the month. Walton, of course, is the coach who has led the team to a record 19 and 0 start. But the only quirk, Walton isn't the Warrior's official coach. He's the interim while head Coach Steve Kerr remains out after back surgery.

So, on the NBA's official record, it's Kerr who gets credit for all the team's wins, but Luke Walton who is enjoying it all, unofficially of course.

That's a look at your Sports Headlines. I'm Rachel Nichols.

CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. In Chicago, there's more fallout over a video that shows a white police officer shooting and killing an African-American teenager.

The mayor has forced the police superintendent to resign. And now the Illinois Attorney General is calling for a Federal investigation of the police department.

Ed Lavandera shows us what led up to this.

ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Six seconds, that was the time it took for Officer Jason Van Dyke to leave his vehicle and open fire on Laquan McDonald, killing him on the spot. It is these six seconds that have rocked the City of Chicago with protesters citing distrust and a lack of transparency within the Chicago Police Department.

The dash cam video released last week by order of a judge revealed some discrepancies regarding what happened the night McDonald was killed. Including the initial claim by police that the 17-year-old had lunged at officers.


PAT CAMDEN, CHICAGO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE SPOKESPERSON: Going at one of the officers, at that point the officer defends himself.


LAVANDERA: It's a claim the McDonald family attorney says the video does not support.


MICHAEL ROBBINS, LAQUAN MCDONALD FAMILY ATTORNEY: The video clearly shows Laquan walking away and he was not threatening anybody and he certainly didn't lunge at the police officer. This was originally presented as an act of self-defense.


LAVANDERA: The Chicago Police Department initially claimed that McDonald was shot in the chest. An autopsy later revealed he was shot a total of 16 times, nine of which were in the back. Another issue, there's an 86-minute gap in surveillance video from a

local Burger King. The police dash cam video shows McDonald running through the restaurant's parking lot. The Burger King manager allege that surveillance video was reviewed by police then they deleted it, erasing potentially pivotal evidence.

[03:20:09] The top prosecutor in Chicago says the video was not tampered with. But the manager says in part, "I was just trying to help the police with their investigation. I didn't know they were going to delete it."

Former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy quickly swatted down those allegations.


GARRY MCCARTHY, FORMER CHICAGO POLICE SUPERINTENDENT: Yes, it's absolutely not true. And I think the state's attorney addressed that today. There were apparently technical difficulties, but in no way, shape or form is there any evidence that anything was tampered with.


LAVANDERA: But perhaps the darkest cloud of controversy continues to be how the Chicago Police Department seemingly went to great lengths and costs to try to make sure the public would never see the video.

First, there was the $5 million settlement paid to the family. Critics say that was, in part, to keep the video from ever being released. Then the questions emerging about why the Chicago Police Department continued to employ Officer Van Dyke for a full year, before pressing charges.

Van Dyke had 20 complaints against him, 10 of them for use of force. The police only suspending him without pay the day before. A judge's deadline for the release of the dash cam video.


ANITA ALVAREZ, COOK COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY: I felt compelled, in the interest of public safety, to announce these state charges today.


LAVANDERA: For some in Chicago, that was too little, too late.

Ed Lavandera, CNN, Chicago.

CHURCH: Yahoo may be looking for a buyer. The Wall Street Journal reports that Yahoo's board will meet several times this week to consider selling its core internet business and maybe it's lucrative stake in Alibaba.

Yahoo's CEO has struggled for years to reverse the company's decline in sales. A spokesman for Yahoo has not responded yet to a request for comment. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are

celebrating the birth of their baby daughter, Max, by pledging to give away a fortune.

In a letter to their week-old daughter, the couple said they planned to donate 99 percent of their Facebook stock to charity during their lifetime. They say they want to leave the world a better place for their daughter and all children. Their shares are currently valued at $45 billion.

Republican U.S. presidential front-runner Donald Trump is telling his political rivals to hit him, but he warns, he hits back. Attacking his opponents has been a staple of Trump's presidential campaign.

And a senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny reports, he has some new targets.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Donald Trump is urging his rival to bring it on.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: So far, let's see, Christie hasn't hit me yet. He will. At some point, Rubio has got to hit me.


ZELENY: Bravado from the republican front-runner, exactly two months before from the Iowa Caucuses kick off the 2016 campaign.


TRUMP: Even I think Cruz is going to have to hit me because, you know, he's a nice guy.


ZELENY: After defending Trump for months, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is suddenly on the rise and may not be a nice guy in Trump's eyes much longer.


TRUMP: He's been so supportive, but at some point he's going to have to hit me, right? It's going to be a sad day. But we will hit back, I promise.


ZELENY: Hitting back has become a Trump trade mark. Few republicans have escaped his buzz saw. Cruz is running neck and neck with Trump in one Iowa poll and already making a bold prediction.


don't believe Donald Trump is going to be our nominee. I don't believe he's going to be our president.


ZELENY: Cruz appears to be taking a play from Trump's play book making attention grabbing comments of his own. Asked about birth control in Iowa, Cruz says he knows of no conservatives who flat out oppose contraception. He says he and his wife do not, sharing they were happy they had two girls, not 17.


CRUZ: Last I checked, we don't have a rubber shortage in America.


CRUZ: Look, when I was in college, we had a machine in the bathroom. You put 50 cents in and, viola.



ZELENY: But many religious organizations are opposed to birth control. He also told radio host Hugh Hewitt, democrats commit more violent crimes in America.


CRUZ: Here is the simple and undeniable fact, the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are democrats.


ZELENY: And he took the media to task by reporting the suspect in the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, reportedly said no more baby parts as he was arrested.


CRUZ: It's also reported that he was registered as an independent and a as a woman and as a transgender leftist activist.


ZELENY: Aid said, Cruz was trying to make a point against rushing to judgment, but sorting out fact from fiction has become a full time task in this presidential race.

[03:25:05] Trump is still standing by his assertion that he you saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11, even though no one has produced a video evidence to support that claim.

On CNN's New Day, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said small pockets of cheering took place in the city, but he accused Trump of exaggerating his claims.


RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: Let him deal with it. Let him show to many people. Let him show the evidence of it. If it shows up, it will corroborate him. If it doesn't show up, it's going to make him look really bad.


ZELENY: But so far, nothing Donald Trump has said has slowed his rise or diminished him in the eyes of his supporters. Now he's stepping up his campaigning. He's been in Georgia, New Hampshire, heading to Virginia, North Carolina, even Iowa this week.

A new aggressive phase as voters are only two months away from starting off this long 2016 presidential campaign.

Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire.

CHURCH: And this, some tough love advice for Donald Trump from the former Governor of Michigan. She says he could make America great again by dropping out of the race and you can find her column on Check it out.

An internationally renowned magazine has given an award to British singer and novelist Morrissey that he probably doesn't want. The Literary review presented Morrissey in absentia, it's bad sex in fiction award for his debut novel, "List of the Lust."

Yes, you heard it right. It is supposed to draw attention to poorly written sex scenes in what the magazine considers otherwise good books. The part reviewers had problems with says two characters, and I'm quoting here, "Rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation," end of quote.

And there is much more, but you'll have to read it yourself. I'm not going there.

We'll take a break here while the angry rhetoric escalates. The U.S. President urges Turkey and Russia to redirect their focus. The details, still to come.

Plus, rumors are swirling after the new mayor of Alaska's capital was found dead in his home. We will explain why the death is such a mystery.


CHURCH: And a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. This is CNN Newsroom. And I'm Rosemary Church.

I want to check the main headlines for you right now. The British parliament will start debate in just a few hours on whether to expand U.K. air strikes on ISIS into Syria. Prime Minister David Cameron supports the move. But thousands of

protesters marching outside parliament voice their opposition. A vote is expected Wednesday night.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi says there's no need for foreign troops in his country. And any military operation must be coordinated with his government. That comes after the U.S. announced plans to send more Special Operations Forces to fight ISIS in Iraq.

Myanmar's opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has met with the country's current president to discuss the transfer of power. This is the first time they have seen each other since her party overwhelmingly one last month selection, though she is the party leader, Myanmar's Constitution barred Suu Khi from being president.

Well, the Russian pilot who was killed when Turkey downed his jet is being buried in his hometown of Lipetsk. Oleg Peshkov was killed after Turkey shot down the war plane near the Syrian border.

Turkey insisted Russia was violating its air space. But Russia argued it stayed over Syria. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated with Russia imposing sanctions on Turkey in retaliation.

Now, before he left the climate change summit, U.S. President Obama urge both sides to reduce tensions and return the focus to battling ISIS. But they don't appear to be reaching any common ground at this point.

We are covering this from all angles with Ian Lee in Istanbul. But we want to begin with our Matthew Chance in Moscow. So, Matthew, President Putin wants an apology from Turkey, but that's apparently not forthcoming.

And now Mr. Putin says he has evidence that Turkey was protecting black market oil that it gets from ISIS. Where do things stand on this and what's the likely next move?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, yes. I mean, that's an allegation that's been received in a particularly sensitive way in Turkey. The idea that this Russian warplane was shot down, because the Turks were trying to protect the very lucrative illegal trade in oil from ISIS to profiteers inside Turkey.

Even members, the Russian say, of President Erdogan's own family are involved in that train -- trade. It's an allegation, of course, which President Erdogan has strenuously denied. He's even said that, you know, look, I mean, if there's any evidence of this, I will, you know, I will resign from my job.

But it's not something the Russians have backed down on. And it's just one of the allegations and one of the insults, really, that Moscow is hurling at Ankara in the aftermath of this -- of this shoot down, which the Russians are extremely angry about.

Remember, they lost two people, the pilot who is being buried today, as you mentioned in Lipetsk, and another Russian soldier on the ground, as well, he was involved in the rescue attempt. And so, it's something that's been a very painful episode in Syria and in relations between Turkey and Russia.

CHURCH: And talk to us about this evidence that Russia has apparently. Are we likely to see that in the days ahead?

CHANCE: I'm not sure whether we will. I mean, certainly, you know, the Russians say that they've received information in that regard, that this is all about the trade in oil between ISIS and Turkish business people.

And what they've been showing us over the past several weeks is Russian attempts to target ISIS oil facilities. It's no secret that ISIS makes a great deal of its money from the production of oil and the sale of oil. And we've seen lots of videos provided to us by the Russian Defense Ministry, of Russian war planes striking convoys of oil tankers, striking other oil installations, as well.

[03:34:59] In an attempt to degrade that oil infrastructure that ISIS controls inside Syria. There's also no secret that much of that oil passes through Turkey as part of an illegal smuggling trade.

It's just this issue of the leadership of Turkey being involved in it, which is controversial. And as far as that's concerned, we're not seeing any evidence so far, and nor do I believe we're likely to.

CHURCH: All right. Our Matthew Chance bringing us up-to-date on that situation, live from Moscow. So, let's get more now, more reaction from Turkey. And our Ian Lee is there in Istanbul. And these are extraordinary accusations. And then at metro bank you brought this to light more than 24 hours ago on CNN.

So, let's talk more about reaction because it is serious when you're talking about the Turkish leadership perhaps involved, because we haven't seen this evidence, these accusations coming from Russia. But what more is being said about this on the Turkish border?

IAN LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rosemary, this has angered the Turks greatly that they could be working with ISIS to smuggle oil outside of Syria. Turks have said that this is an excuse by the Russians to bomb areas where the Russians are saying this smuggling is taking place that Turks are saying in fact, it isn't happening there.

But the Russians are using that to bomb -- excuse me, to bomb Turkamen. A group of people that it's a very -- it's a very sensitive situation for the Turkish government. They view them as their kin. These are people that live around the same area where that plane was shot down.

And so, we heard from yesterday when Erdogan was speaking with President Obama saying that hundreds of civilians have been killed in these bombings, and that there is no evidence that their oil is moving through this area. And Erdogan has said that show me the proof. That's what they want.

They say if there is proof that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS, then that he will resign from the presidency. And still, yet, Russia hasn't been able to provide that proof and Russia has said that there is a long line of vehicles bringing -- or of oil terminal that is sending oil into Turkey.

And Turkey wants to see this proof, wants to know -- wants to see these allegations, the evidence for these allegations and so far, as we heard from Matthew, the Russians haven't been able to produce it.

CHURCH: Yes. That is certainly the case and we are seeing a rise in tensions. They are very far away between Turkey and Russia from any fence mending efforts, for sure. Ian Lee joining us there live from Istanbul in Turkey. Thanks to you.

Word just into CNN that NATO has formally invited Montenegro to join the alliance. NATO's Secretary General made the alliance Wednesday. Montenegro joined -- started on the path to join NATO in 2009. Russia, though, has objected to any NATO expansion.

Well, it's now day three of the COP21 climate change conference in Paris. Most of the heads of state have gone home. It's now up to thousands of representatives to hash out the details and hammer out a resolution. Before leaving, U.S. President Barack Obama said an agreement is important for the world environment and global security.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRESIDENT: If we let the world keep warming as fast as it is and sea levels rising as fast as they are, and weather patterns keep shifting in more unexpected ways, then before long, we are going to have to devote more and more and more of our economic and military resources not to growing opportunity for our people, but to adapting to the various consequences of a changing planet. This is an economic and security imperative that we have to tackle now.


CHURCH: And CNN's John Sutter is in Paris. He joins us now live. So, John, it is day three of the climate change summit. What is on the agenda and what is expected out of discussions today?

JOHN SUTTER, CNN DIGITAL COLUMNIST: So, as you mentioned, you know, world leaders, including Obama, have largely exited Paris and that sort of leaves the negotiators here to really get down to business. So, they will basically be working on a draft agreement that hopefully will be signed at the end of this two-week process.

They'll be going through a few major sticking points. It's some obvious stuff like money; some countries will have to fight about. The developing countries really want money to deal with the consequences of climate change. We heard President Obama listing some of those, rising sea levels, increased of drought, so these are things that are hitting developing countries very hard and these are countries that haven't caused the climate change that's happening.

And so, there's a question of financing on the table. There is also strangely the idea of when they're going to review this process. So, we haven't even, you know, finished an agreement here at COP21.

[03:40:02] But, you know, one of the major sticking points is, you know, how often these commitments from countries to reduce their pollution, how often that will be reviewed and how often they have to sort of rachet up their ambitions.

That is really important because sort of underlying this whole process is the idea of a 2-degree Celsius target for warming. If we cross that level, we're in danger or catastrophic territory potentially. And so, the talks here, I don't think anything is saying we'll fully get us to that goal of 2 degrees.

But some of that estimates I've seen are more like 2.7. But we're hoping that, you know, this process will set in motion, you know, a framework that could get the world to that goal over time.

CHURCH: All right, 9.40 in the morning there in Paris. John Sutter joining us there with that live report. We appreciate it. Many thanks.

Well, the COP21 conference has drawn its fair share of protestors. The French government cracked down on public demonstrations. But the anti- advertising campaign called "Brandilism" found a way around that.

I want you to take a look. They posted more than 600 fake ads all around Paris. The spokesman for that group says they are targeting corporate sponsors of the summit like Air France and Volkswagen which the group thinks are part the of the climate change problem. Some of the ads also feature heads of state.

Well, next here on CNN Newsroom, people in Alaska's capital react to the mysterious death of their newly elected mayor. But first, Wednesday is international day for the abolition of slavery.

For the past few weeks, CNN's Freedom project has been asking you to help fight modern day slavery by joining its Fly to Freedom campaign. Many of you have already made your pledges to fight slavery, and here are just a few of the pledges we've received.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm Joining CNN's campaign to end modern day slavery. Now, I pledge...



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I pledge to look for and follow leads about slavery in my stories.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I am happy to partner with CNN's Fly to Freedom campaign in an effort to adopt the freedom feel and to end forced labor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will ask my government representatives what are they doing to end slavery.

ANDERSON COOPER, AC360 SHOW HOST: Share your videos and photos using the hash tag flytofreedom and be part of ending modern day slavery. Let's show the world that it's time for slavery to stop.



CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, just weeks after taking office, the new Mayor of Juneau, Alaska, was found dead in his home. Police say Stephen Fisk was found with injuries and many people now wonder if he was assaulted.

CNN's Randi Kaye reports on the mysterious death.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: About 3.30 in the afternoon, the 911 call came in. Mayor Stephen "Greg" Fisk of Juneau, Alaska, was dead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At about 3.34, we've received a 911 call from a man and there was someone who appeared to be deceased inside. KTUU officers were on scene in about four minutes.

KAYE: Mysterious deaths like this one, let alone the mayor, rarely occur in this remote capital city of 32,000. A community tucked away on Alaska's Panhandle. Often reached by boat and seaplane. The strange circumstances have many in town speculating about what happened.

The detectives here are, for now, stumped. The mayor's son had gone to check on him Monday afternoon after getting word that others in town were having trouble reaching him. After he looked inside the home where his father lived alone, neighbors said the son could be heard shouting, that's when he called 911.

Officers rushed to the scene, but (AUDIO GAP) already dead. Right now, there (AUDIO GAP) than answers. Juneau police say they found no sign of forced entry and they've also concluded that Mayor Fisk did not commit suicide. So what happened?

Some are already suggesting that the mayor was assaulted. The police are playing that down, though the chief did tell the Juneau Empire newspaper that assault is one of the possibilities out there. But that it also could have been a fall or something else.

Meanwhile, Juneau's deputy mayor will take over his duties. She was a longtime friend of Greg Fisk, even taught his son when he was in the sixth grade.

MARY BECKER, JUNEAU DEPUTY MAYOR: My husband and I were devastated. He was a wonderful person and a friend and from the calls I've been receiving tonight, I'm not the only one who has felt that he was a wonderful person and a good friend to Juneau.

KAYE: A neighbor told us Fisk was active and in good shape. He hiked and swam often. She said he had a great smile and was a great guy. Greg Fisk was elected Mayor just about two months ago. He won with 66 percent of the vote over the incumbent mayor after running a very positive campaign.

He was looking forward to diversifying Juneau's economy and improving the housing market and fixing a tight budget. But all of that is on hold as mystery now hangs over this town.

BECKER: It's just so devastating to have this happen. It's basically unbelievable.

Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.

CHURCH: An iconic holiday television show draws rave reviews from a top republican. We will have the story after the short break.


PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: A couple days peeled back on your advent calendar. Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri here for weather watch, watching weather across the Americas.

If you take a look here on December 2nd, as the storm system that has really been a pesky one the last couple of days finally scoots out of here's crossing the Eastern seaboard. Some rainfall expected out of this and some residuals snow showers left in the forecast across parts of the well to the upper portion of the Midwest there.

But notice minimal snow relations over the next couple of days. The spotty regions get up towards Northern New England, higher elevations supports some of that to accumulate. But once the cold air departs, it does not look like it comes back at least what is considered to be cold for this time of year at all over the next couple of weeks.

The climate prediction center gives it a very high probability of a pretty active el Nino pattern, what you typically would expect with mild weather. The highest probability across the great lakes, of course relative to what is expected for this time of year.

While to the south, 50 percent probability, the warmth continues into this very, very historic year when it comes to warmth in general, globally speaking. But here is the perspective. Chicago, how about snow showers in the morning; it should make it up to three.

So, certainly nothing is taking around. Atlanta, some morning rain showers, temperatures shooting up to about 14 degrees for a high there. Guatemala City will keep it dry over this region. Managua also mostly sunny skies, temperatures should be into the upper 20s and about 30 degrees. Some isolated thunderstorms possible over this region, as well.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, this week marks the 50th anniversary of a Charlie Brown Christmas. The animated television special featuring the Peanuts Gang first aired in 1965.

And late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel marked the moment by counting the many, many times a certain presidential candidate used the "p" word. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

TRUMP: What are you talking about is a lot. But it's peanuts for me.

The cost of the war is peanuts. We're talking about peanuts. That's going to be peanuts.



That's peanuts. That's peanuts.

Peanuts. There's peanuts, peanuts. Peanuts. Peanuts. Peanuts. Glorified billion is peanuts. It's peanuts.


CHURCH: Does use it a lot, doesn't he? All right. I want to change gears now and go to the Southern Indian City of Chennai where over 300 millimeters of rain fell in less than 18 hours on Tuesday. The airport was closed for several hours because the runways were flooded.

So, let's go to our meteorologist Pedram Javaheri who joins us from the International Weather Center with more on this. And of course, Pedram, these are deadly floods and there is more of this to come.

JAVAHERI: More of it to come the last couple of days. Absolutely, Rosemary. You know, anywhere you slice it, if you look at the amount of rainfall that fell over this region on Tuesday alone really equate to what occurs in London in over six months' time. Now, if you go past for the last 40 or so days, over this region of Southern India, and I share with you some of the images as far as the airport. And we said the runways there literally taking on water.

This is a city with the metropolitan of almost 9 million people. So, we're talking about a population that would put it the third largest metropolitan city in the United States if this was in the U.S., the size of the City of Chicago. So, I tell you what a large metropolitan we're talking about when it comes to the flooding that took place over that region.

But the concern, of course, is the amount of rainfall that fell in this region in a short time period, in the past 40 days, it has rained 39 of those days. That amount of rainfall that we accumulate over this region would take Los Angeles the last five years to accumulate what these guys have seen in about four weeks times.

[03:55:00] So, here's what happened just on the first of December. Look at this, 350 millimeters or about a foot of rainfall doubling a month of December's average already on the first day of the month. So, in other way here, when it comes to where it has occurred because if we talk about India and of course, the dry season typically, that's the beginning portion of the year with the Indian dry season.

That begins the monsoon is still not in place yet. You bring in the October and November. Now you're talking about the monsoon season in full swing across this portion of India. About 350 millimeters of rainfall have come down in the month of November, usually the wettest month of the year.

Look what happened this past November, the rainfall amounts staggering shots through the roof here with almost 1200 millimeters, or four times of what is considered normal just from those several weeks of rainfall. That's what led to this 100-year flooding. A few areas of the some of the heaviest rainfall we've seen since really the early 1900's over this region.

Storm system still in place, the forecast continues to bring in rainfall the next couple of days. Then again, it is the monsoon season over this part of the world. But you typically do not see something as much as we've seen in recent days.

You notice the beginning of December the monsoon withdraws towards this region of India. And that is precisely what's happening right now over this region. But unfortunately, the forecast continues. So, it will bring down rainfall towards this region of Southern India.

CHURCH: All right. Pedram Javaheri, many thanks to you for bringing us up-to-date on the situation there in India.

And thank you for your company. I'm Rosemary Church. Early start is coming up for our viewers in the United States and for everyone else. Max Foster is up next with another edition of CNN Newsroom. You have a great day.