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Hillary Clinton Surrogates Campaigning in Swing States; Donald Trump Makes Comment on Hillary Clinton's Security Detail Disarming; Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's Economic Plans Examined; Police Officers and Civilians Shot in Philadelphia; Suspected Serial Killer Caught after Kidnapped Woman Calls 911; University of North Carolina Student Claims Authorities Did Not Help Her after She Reported Sexual Assault; Colin Kaepernick's Protest Sparks Controversy in His Hometown. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 17, 2016 - 10:00   ET




[10:00:33] DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think that her body guards should drop all weapons. Let's see what happens to her.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president.

TRUMP: Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's lied and he's divided this country enough.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That does not give anybody the right to violate me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nearly one in four female students will experience unwanted sexual contact.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When it comes to an athlete, people don't talk about it. I chose this school because I thought we were better than this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's the problem?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've been abducted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The woman on the phone keeps her voice quiet as her alleged captor sleeps next to her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is there any way you can get building?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not without waking him, and I'm scared.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Those are some of the stories we have for you this morning. I want to let you know that we're grateful for your company as always. I'm Christi Paul.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Victor Blackwell. This is CNN newsroom. Thanks for being with us.

PAUL: All right, we have a lot of political headlines to talk about this morning as well as three other big stories we're following.

RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'm Rachel Crane in Ashland, Ohio, where a harrowing 911 call led to the rescue of a kidnapped woman, the recovery of three bodies, an alleged serial killer in custody.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Thanks, Rachel. And I'm Nick Valencia here in Atlanta. We're following a developing story of what police say is an ambush on police officers in Philadelphia. We'll have that story on the CNN newsroom in just about 10 minutes.

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: While the protest is catching on in some high schools across the country, that is not what has happened at Colin Kaepernick's old high school.

BLACKWELL: And new this morning, Donald Trump trying to disarm one controversy, but perhaps giving critics ammo for a new controversy instead. At a rally in Florida, the Republican nominee said he's a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and falsely again claimed that Hillary Clinton wants to take guns away. And then Trump wondered aloud about Clinton's security detail.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think that her body guards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right?


TRUMP: I think they should disarm, immediately. What do you think? Yes?


TRUMP: Yes. Take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Let's see what happens to her.


BLACKWELL: This comes as Trump tries to pivot away from his birther claims. That was yesterday, now saying the actual words that President Obama was born in the U.S., but falsely blaming the birther movement on Hillary Clinton. Clinton's campaign is responding this morning with a web video out just a few moments ago. Watch part of it.


TRUMP: Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't still question he was born in the United States, do you?

TRUMP: I have no idea.


PAUL: Here's the thing, just over 50 days to go until election day, the polls are tightening, the candidates and their surrogates hitting the battle ground states today. And CNN's Chris Frates is kind of monitoring all of it. Chris, good morning to you.

CHRIS FRATES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Christi. You're exactly right, it's battleground Saturday out there on the campaign trail with candidates and all of their surrogates stumping in key swing states. So let's take a look at the map. Let's get a sense of where the politics are really popping today.

And in Ohio, they're going to see the most action with Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren stumping there for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, he's headed out west, he's going to Colorado. And Mike Pence, he's headed down to the sunshine state of Florida.

Hillary Clinton is not in a swing state today. She's doing a fundraiser and a dinner here in Washington, D.C. But her surrogates are out in force in Ohio. So let's start there. Warren and Sanders are going to be working hard to turn out two key groups that haven't been really big fans of Hillary Clinton. Those are young people and progressives. A recent CNN/ORC poll of likely voters in Ohio shows that Clinton has some work to do there. She's trailing Trump by five points, 41 percent to 46 percent.

[10:05:10] Now, on the Republican side, Mike Pence heads to a retirement community in the sunshine state to court older voters, of course, right, retirement community, sunshine state, Florida. And a CNN/ORC poll of likely voters there shows Trump and Clinton in a dead heat with Trump edging out Clinton 47 percent to 44 percent. But that's inside the margin of error. So razor thin there for Donald Trump.

Trump himself is headed out to conservative bastion of Colorado Springs tonight. He's trying to put Colorado back into the Republican column after President Obama turned it blue starting back in his first run against John McCain in 2008. All this campaigning comes as the polls have tightened this month in September. CNN's most recent poll of polls shows Clinton edging Trump nationally by just two points, 43 percent to 41 percent. So a lot to watch on the campaign trail.

PAUL: All right, hey, Chris Frates, thank you so much for breaking it down for us.

FRATES: You're welcome.

BLACKWELL: All right, so moments ago, the Department of Homeland Security released a statement of Donald Trump's comment to disarm Clinton's secret service detail, and here it is. "It's a long- standing policy both of the department and the U.S. Secret Service that we do not discuss the projective apparatus tactics, techniques, or procedures around any protectee."

Let's bring in Amy Kremer, co-chair of Women vote Trump and a Donald Trump supporter, and Tharon Johnson, a former south regional director for Obama in 2012 and a Hillary Clinton supporter. Good morning to both of you.



JOHNSON: Hey, Amy.

BLACKWELL: So, Amy, I want to start with you, this comment from Donald Trump where he says "let's see what happens to her." Before we get to gun policy, gun rights, and gun control, what does he mean by that phrase from your perspective? "Let's see what happens to her."

KREMER: Well, Victor, I think he was just talking conversational style to his supporters there. I don't think Donald Trump wants anything to happen to Hillary Clinton. It was a week ago when she got sick and she was off the campaign trail and he said at one of his events that he hoped that she got better and returned to the campaign trail because he liked the competition. So to think that he meant anything else, I think he was just trying to how the hypocrisy of one set of rules for her and another set of rules for just regular people.

BLACKWELL: Tharon, let me ask you, in your heart of hearts, I know that so close to an election campaigns go for any gaffe on any side they can get. But do you believe sincerely that Donald Trump was trying to send a signal for someone to act out violently against Hillary Clinton? Do you really believe that was what he was trying to say?

JOHNSON: I think Donald Trump is basically continuing everything that he's been doing this entire campaign. Victor, let's face it, since he's been running for office he's been inciting violence at his rallies, he's made these comments earlier on about Hillary Clinton saying to Second Amendment supporters that if she president, she's going to appoint justices that would take your guns away.

I think he made a big gaffe by going far beyond. If you look at that speech, Victor he went off script again. His campaign spent the last week and a half trying to make him more presidential, try to put him more of -- he did it. Do I think that he wants Hillary Clinton to be murdered or shot? No. But do I think he's using this as another dog whistle moment to his supporters? Absolutely.

BLACKWELL: All right, Tharon Johnson, Amy Kremer, we're going to continue this conversation on the other side of this commercial break. But stay with us because we've got a lot to talk about, including the scathing editorial from a former secretary of defense who served under both Bush and Obama. He's now blasting both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. We'll have a portion of that for you. He says one of them is beyond repair. How he's sizing up the next commander in chief potentially. That's coming up. PAUL: Also, two police officers, four others, shot in a rampage

overnight. Now we're learning the shooter left behind a note.


[10:12:18] BLACKWELL: It's 12 minutes after the hour. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has some sharp words for each of the presidential candidates. In a "Wall Street Journal" op-ed he's calling Donald Trump beyond repair. He also says Hillary Clinton needs to dress forthrightly her trustworthiness before the election.

Let's bring back Amy Kremer, Donald Trump supporter, and Tharon Johnson, Hillary Clinton supporter. And I want to start with you, Tharon, and read a portion of Secretary Gates' op-ed this morning. Let's put it up. And he says, "Mrs. Clinton has time before the election to address forthrightly her trustworthiness to reassure people about her judgment, to demonstrate her willingness to stake out one or more positions in national security at odds with her party's conventional wisdom, and to speak beyond generalities about how she would deal with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, the Middle East, and international trade. Whether and how she addresses these issues will I believe affect how many people vote, including me." Your response to that you're hearing from the former secretary?

JOHNSON: Listen, I think Secretary Gates is absolutely right. And Hillary Clinton is going to do just that. I mean, with 51 days left to go in the election, she's going to have the opportunity to particularly go to battleground states and really talk about her experience as being secretary of state.

Now, the untrustworthiness part, listen, she's been very transparent, more transparent on many more issues than Donald Trump. She's been very open. And I think that you're going to see a well-rested, a well-prepared, and more importantly, a qualified candidate in Hillary Clinton who is going to basically have a message that's going to resonate with American people.

BLACKWELL: But does there not have to be some change if she's going to change that trustworthy number is? It's two-thirds of people according to most polls who do not believe that she's trustworthy and honest.

JOHNSON: The first thing we've got to say, listen, Hillary Clinton is trustworthy. She basically has had a long, successful career in politics. President Obama said it best. This is a person who was the first lady for President Clinton and she knows the White House, she knows federal government better than anyone. I think this whole issue of trustworthiness is OK for the American people maybe to feel a certain way, but let's not indict her as being this person who has been full of scandals and full of lies that we know Donald Trump has.

BLACKWELL: Amy, let me read what former Secretary Gates said about Donald Trump. He writes this, "At least on national security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our government and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."

Before I get your response I want to read for you what Donald Trump tweeted out just a few minutes ago. "I never met former defense secretary Robert Gates. He knows nothing about me. But look at the results under his guidance, a total disaster." That from Donald Trump through Twitter. But what's your response to the critique from Secretary Gates?

KREMER: I think that the American people think that Washington is beyond repair and we need some real leadership there. Just look at what's gone on in the world and how the Middle East has turned into an inferno under Obama and Secretary Clinton. And people want change.

[10:15:13] And when you look at what happened yesterday when Donald Trump had admirals and generals and Medal of Honor recipients up there supporting him, I think that speaks volumes.

And I have to throw this in here, Victor, you know, as far as Secretary Clinton's trustworthiness, the polls show the American people don't trust her. And every time there's a document dump from WikiLeaks we learn more and more. And she just needs to come out and stand up and tell the truth. You would think after four days off the trail, I know she was sick and I'm glad she's better, but she would be rejuvenated, revived, and she'd come out and talk about new things, and she hasn't. She comes out, and it's the same old policies. And that's what we're probably going to continue to see.

BLACKWELL: Before you come back in Tharon, let me throw this to you, Amy. We've discussed the untrustworthy numbers as it relates to Hillary Clinton, but the unqualified numbers for Donald Trump are in the high 50s to the low 60s. So if there is a choice for the voters between unqualified and untrustworthy, do you think if this is their classification and their salvation here, they'll choose unqualified over untrustworthy?

KREMER: Well, this is the thing is Donald Trump is not a politician. He's never held elected office. He is a successful businessman. And it's all about the people he surrounds himself with. And you can't change that trustworthiness. She has a long period of time where people don't trust her. And a lot of it has just been recently. So I do think -- the polling shows the American people are with Donald Trump. He has the momentum. They want change. And they don't trust Hillary

BLACKWELL: Those numbers are certainly tightening. Let me give you 10 seconds, Tharon, and we've got to go.

JOHNSON: I think the bottom line is this. Listen, Donald Trump is going to try to lie his way to November. I mean, we just caught him lying on the birther issue. Amy, you know --

KREMER: He didn't.

JOHNSON: Yes, he did lie. But more importantly, he also is going to basically, you know, try to be this new and improved guy. He just can't. We're going to see the same old divisive Donald Trump in the next 51 days.

BLACKWELL: Tharon Johnson, Amy Kreme, we've got to wrap it there. I know you want to come back in on that birther issue, Amy, but we got to go.



BLACKWELL: All right, Christi?

PAUL: All right, getting word this morning that one person is dead and five others injured after an overnight shooting spree in Pennsylvania. Two of those people who are injured are police officers. Nick Valencia has been looking into this. What are your learning, Nick?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hey there, good morning, Christie. Another ambush on police officers in this country, this time, in Philadelphia. I'm Nick Valencia here in Atlanta. We'll give you the details about the shooting and what the note found on the gunman said. This is the CNN Newsroom.


[10:20:50] BLACKWELL: Two police officers are in the hospital, a suspect is dead after shooting in Pennsylvania.

PAUL: The Philadelphia police commissioner says a man walked up to an officer last night and shot her as she sat in her car. He ran off. Officers chased him for blocks as he shot five other people that he encountered along the way. CNN's Nick Valencia is following this. And now there was a note that was left behind by the suspect as well?

VALENCIA: That's right, it may indicate his motive in all of this. We haven't seen this note but according to a local affiliate it expressed displeasure with police officers, probation officers. We know very little about the suspect, but police are confident that this was an ambush in Philadelphia. We know at about 11:30 p.m. last night this suspect approached a police officer sitting in her car and opened fire, striking her twice, once in the arm, once in a protective vest. No words were exchanged. But I mention that police found that note. According to our local affiliate they are on the suspect who is now deceased. The police commissioner in Philadelphia addressed the shooting last night.


RICHARD ROSS, PHILADELPHIA POLICE COMMISSIONER: I don't know what his ideology is or thinking. I'm not even going there. But it's just a hatred of police officers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was no mention of religious --

ROSS: Nothing like that. We have no reason at this point to believe that it's related to any beliefs of a religious nature or anything like that, just his feelings about police departments and police officers in general and probation officers.


VALENCIA: We mentioned that the suspect is dead. Six people were shot all together, those two officers as well as four civilians. In addition to opening fire there on that police car, the gunman also indiscriminately opened fire on a bar. Two people are in critical condition. And we mentioned a civilian, just a short time ago we got confirmation, shot seven times. She's now deceased.

PAUL: Nick, we appreciate it so much. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: All right, let's take you now to Orlando. One person dead another six wounded after a shooting there. This happened in the middle of the street.

PAUL: It happened early this morning. In fact, someone started shooting as patrons were leaving a local pool hall. Officers are still trying to find a suspect. And they don't have a description to release just yet. But when they do we'll bring it to you.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump promising a huge overhaul of the economy, but how realistic is it? We weigh the pros and cons and how it stacks up against Hillary Clinton's plan. That's next.

PAUL: So if you're a business traveler heading to the windy city, there's an exciting way to take in Chicago's famous landmarks from the sky. It's something fun that you can do when you're off the clock.


TREVOR HEFFERNAN, CHICAGO HELICOPTER EXPERIENCE: Welcome to Chicago. This is the Chicago helicopter experience.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are climbing to 1,300 above sea level.

HEFFERNAN: You depart from our heliport which right downtown immediately taking in some breathtaking views and the whole city skyline. And throughout the tour you fly over all the landmarks. Our pilots narrate the tour. They tell you all about what you're seeing, the history of the city. You get to engage with them, talk to the pilot, ask questions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As we make our way out over the water, to the left is Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears.

HEFFERNAN: We have business travelers that have limited time, so it's a great way for them to take in the whole city when they have a tight schedule.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're coming up to Navy pier, that's Illinois's number one tourist attraction.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was my first time in a helicopter. It did get me a little nervous. But once you're up there it's so smooth, and the skyline looks completely defer from up there. It's a great way to learn a lot of history, and you have an adventure.



[10:28:22] PAUL: Heading towards the bottom of the hours here, and so grateful to see you. I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Good to be with you. It's all about the battlegrounds today in the race for the White House. In about 30 minutes Senator Bernie Sanders will be hitting the trail for Hillary Clinton in Ohio. Her poll numbers there in a bit of a slump, giving Democrats some heartburn in recent days.

PAUL: In the meantime Donald Trump's latest off-script comments have a lot of people talking. Here's what he told supporters yesterday in Florida.


TRUMP: I think that her body guards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right?


TRUMP: I think they should disarm immediately. What do you think? Yes?


TRUMP: Yes. Yes. Take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Let's see what happens to her.


BLACKWELL: And Donald Trump promising the most economic growth that the country has seen in decades. The Republican hopeful is vowing up to four percent, maybe more, he said, in economic growth. And that's a number we haven't seen since the 90s, the Clinton administration. He's promising to add 25 million jobs over the next decade and also says he can cut taxes by more than $4 trillion over that same period.

But how realistic is the plan, and how does it stack up against Hillary Clinton's plan? Let's bring in now Nela Richardson, chief economist for Redfin, a real estate company. She has been with Bloomberg in the past. Oxford Economics estimates that's Trump's proposal would cost the economy another $1 trillion.

Let's put up his economic plan and see how this potentially could work. He says he can increase GDP by 3.5 percent to four percent, add those 25 million jobs, you see the $4.4 trillion in tax cuts. How realistic is this, and, from your estimation, how much would it cost?

[10:30:12] NELA RICHARDSON, CHIEF ECONOMIST, REDFIN: It's about as realistic as fishing in an empty pond. There is very little here to hook on to. Now the 25 million jobs, let's start there because that's probably the

one that comes closer to reality. We're creating about 2.5 million jobs this year. And so might be sustainable for two years if the rest of the economic policy is right. But, you know, we've seen that Trump wants across the board tax cuts. These tax cuts help the wealthy more. And, you're right, the estimate is $4.4 trillion. Some researchers have said even $10 trillion in tax cuts.

The problem is that he leaves untouched the two-thirds of government spending that are set to balloon the next 10 years. You can't have it both ways. You can't cut taxes to the bone and yet pay for all of these entitlement programs and raise defense spending.

BLACKWELL: Yes, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, nothing dealing with the two-thirds and defense in there as well, which he hopes to invest in. Let's now look at Hillary Clinton's plan, which she focuses on the minimum wage, you see raising it to $12 federally, raising taxes on the top five percent of earners, and then $1.1 trillion additional revenue over the next 10 years. From your perspective, what do you see here?

RICHARDSON: At least we have a path to payment, right. So we know that there's going to be some tax increases. We know that it's going to fall predominately on those from the upper income bracket, $5 million or more. So there is some leverage there to pay off the increased spending.

But what's missing in Hillary's plan is pretty glaring, which is corporate tax reform. That's where we have some kind of consensus in Congress that we need to have tax reform. People disagree wildly about how to do so. And yet this is untouched in Hillary Clinton's plan. So I think that is a missed opportunity.

BLACKWELL: "The New York Times"/CBS poll as it relates to who voters trust on the economy and jobs, there's the trend that continues that Donald Trump has a sizable advantage there, eight percent in the latest poll. If, you know, the plans come down as you said, that his is not realistic but you see some realism in Hillary Clinton's plan, why do you think he continues to have this advantage?

RICHARDSON: I think the problem is articulating a vision of what a plan should do. We all know that we want economic growth. But in reality, what does that mean to the average person going to work every day trying to find child care and trying to buy a home. What we really should say is that we need to see wage growth, income growth in this country. We need to see productivity growth which is at decades- long lows. We need to figure out how to bring new technology and generate innovative solutions to long existing problems. Now, Hillary has many plans and many proposals, but it lacks a vision that speaks to what people are troubled about and concerned every single day.

BLACKWELL: All right, Nela Richardson, chief economist with Redfin, thanks so much for being with us and helping us understand these numbers.

RICHARDSON: Thank you. BLACKWELL: And be sure to get ready for the big event, the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face to face on stage. That's Monday, September 26th. Coverage is right here on CNN.

PAUL: A grisly discovery for authorities. They were able to rescue a woman from her suspected kidnapper, but in doing so they found the bodies of at least three other women at that scene. We're going to take you there. Stay close.


[10:37:26] PAUL: An Ohio man suspected of being a serial killer is caught after his captive was able to dial 911, get some help, and the thing is, she did this while the suspect was sleeping right next to her. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who abducted you?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where is he at now?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where is he sleeping at?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does he have a weapon?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has got a Taser.




BLACKWELL: This is the suspect. And after the arrest, police say they found bodies. Now the suspect is behind bars on a $1 million bail. As CNN's Rachel Crane is live Ashland, Ohio, where the investigation is underway. Rachel, authorities say there could be as many three people who were victims here, deceased victims?

RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's correct. Victor and Christi, authorities responded to this abandoned home and they found two bodies of people who have been identified as Elizabeth Griffith and Stacy Stanley. Shawn Grate, the suspect here, led authorities to a second location where a third body was found. Now that body has not been verified and Grate has not been charged in that case. Authorities say that that identification process could take over a month.

Now, Grate's arraignment is scheduled for Monday and his defense attorney tells us that he is expected to plead not guilty to the charges of kidnapping and two charges of murder. But these discoveries, they all happened because of this harrowing 911 call that happened here in this abandoned home. The surviving victim had been held for nearly three days in captivity before she was able to free herself and get a hold of her captor's cellphone and make that 911 call while he was sleeping. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is there way you can get out of the building?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know without waking him, and I'm scared.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is there bathroom in the house?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His bedroom is closed and he made it so it would make noise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So if you told him you had to go to the bathroom he would do something to you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, because he had me tied up.


CRANE: Now, outside of the home where these women's bodies were found, a makeshift memorial has been started, people leaving flowers, leaving candles, teddy bears. We just saw a woman who was a friend of Elizabeth's stop by, obviously, very, very distraught. The community trying to make sense of what happened. We also know that Stanley leaves behind two sons. They tell CNN that her funeral will be held today. Victor and Christi?

[10:40:13] BLACKWELL: Rachel Crane for us there in Ashland. Rachel, thank you.

PAUL: The University of North Carolina says it takes every sexual assault allegation seriously. There's a victim, an alleged victim who says the university failed her. Are colleges in the U.S. doing enough to protect students, to support alleged victims? We're going to have a discussion about that. Stay close.


PAUL: The University of North Carolina defending its policies this morning as it faces tough new criticism over how it handles sexual assault cases. The chancellor released a statement saying in part, quote, "We are committed to ensuring every step of our policy and procedures is correctly followed." The chancellor is responding of course to allegations from UNC sophomore Delaney Robinson. She says the university and the local police didn't thoroughly investigate when she reported her alleged rape back in February.

So we want to talk about this with Amy Ziering. She's a producer of a film called "The Hunting Ground" about sexual assault on college campuses. And Amy, thank you for being here. I know you've done extensive research on this. What is your reaction, first of all, to the fact that this alleged victim, Delaney, came forward, put her face out in front of cameras?

[10:45:08] AMY ZIERING, PRODUCER, "THE HUNTING GROUND": Oh, I'm extremely grateful to her. It's a very, very brave thing to do. From what we learned in researching this issue for the last four years is that for the most part when you come forward, you yourself are blamed and ostracized. And it's not an easy thing to do. So we owe her, you know, a debt of gratitude. He has a tremendous amount of courage.

PAUL: What does it say about the culture, about what's happening that she felt like this had to be done in order to progress her case?

ZIERING: It's sad that a victim has to go public in order to try and get a modicum of justice needed in their case. So that's sad we're at the state where we can't trust the institutions or the criminal justice system to do right by victims of a brutal assault. This is a felony. The part is sad. But the part that is hopeful is she came forward, she's being heard. Your station is covering this. That's kind of a radical new move in our culture. So that part is extremely positive.

PAUL: I know in "The Hunting Game," there were multiple women who say they were raped, and these are women specifically from UNC. Part of the chancellor's statement that addresses the changes that they had made in the last year, and since the film I want to read that to you. She says "The comprehensive changes we made in 2014 included more clearly defining consent, streamlining and better publicizing reporting options, adding confidential resources, changing the adjudication procedures, adding resources to provide compassionate care and accommodations for those who need support with their day-to- day logistics, academics, or work." Is that a starting point? Is that what's going to change the culture of this? Do all of these things together do enough?

ZIERING: You know, you read that kind of quickly and I don't have that in front of me. But yes, it certainly is a good starting point. You know, it's going to take time for these changes to really -- we're going to see the kind of positive results we want to see and the kind of reforms and changes.

But it really starts with a cultural transformation and a better understanding of this crime. It should first of all be thought of as a crime like any other. Take sex out of the equation. I think that really confuses people and makes it seem like it could have been consensual or there is something else going on. We really have to think of it as a brutal, brutal violent crime like any other and treat it as such. And if we did, then you'd see change. Then people wouldn't think, oh, maybe the story isn't exactly accurate, or, you know, I'm not really sure. It's just, you know, he said-she said. It's actually not.

PAUL: I was going to say, so what you're saying it's our mindset needs to change in order to affect this?

ZIERING: Yes. And 92 percent to 98 percent of the time when someone reports a rape they're telling the truth. That's statistically consistent with every other crime in our society. Yet we're not seeing people who have been robbed or beaten going on camera to say they weren't given justice, they were blamed, they were questioned. We're only seeing it with these crimes. So that has to change. There's no reason -- it's a statistically unlikely for someone to be making up this story as it is for any other crime in our culture. If you -- what you have to go through, you know, the rape kit, the reporting, it's brutal. I mean, you wouldn't do that lightly. And you wouldn't do that frivolously.

PAUL: In fact, she said the police failed her. Let's listen together here to what she told CNN about her interaction with officers when she went to report this.


DELANEY ROBINSON, ALLEGED SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM: I was treated like a suspect. I was asked, what were you wearing? what were you drinking? How much were you drinking? Do you often have one night stands? Did you even say no? How many men have you slept with? What's your sexual history? Questions along those lines.


PAUL: I see you shaking your head through the whole thing.

ROBINSON: It's perfectly outrageous. Imagine if your or I went and reported a robbery. Would anyone say to you what were you wearing when you say he took your television set? Are you sure you didn't mean to give him the television set. Were you both drinking? These questions are completely -- they have absolutely nothing to do with it. You know, women and men know when they are sexually assaulted. It's categorically different from a consensual experience. And I know that time and time and time again, it isn't gray. It isn't fuzzy. It isn't complicated. You have to be completely -- something really wrong with you to falsely report that crime.

PAUL: In your research, specifically at UNC for "The Hunting Ground," did you find that the people there were reporting similar questions being asked them if they had reported?

[10:50:04] ZIERING: Yes, we found that, unfortunately -- if you watch the film, you know, we have a really good montage of students from around the country, from all universities, from Ivy Leagues, from state schools, from sports schools, the same thing I'd hear over and over and over again. It was odd. It was extremely rare when I ever heard anyone say they reported and they were supported, believed, the proper actions were taken. More often than not, 99.9 percent of the schools across the country, these reports were met with skepticism. And, you know, they were re-victimized.

PAUL: Amy Ziering, we appreciate your perspective on this. Thank you for being here.

ZIERING: Thank you for covering this issue.

PAUL: Victor? BLACKWELL: Several high school football players are now emulating San

Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick. It may be hard for him to find fans in his hometown in California. Sara Sidner is there. Sara?

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You might call it the "Kaepernick effect." You're seeing this happen across the country with high school students taking a knee during the anthem. But we want to show you what happens in Colin Kaepernick's hometown. It really is a city divided. We'll have that coming up.


[10:55:08] BLACKWELL: We want you to meet another one of this year's CNN top 10 heroes, a woman helping to nourish cancer patients with nutritious goods that might otherwise be out of their reach. Watch.


CATHRYN COUCH, CNN HERO: When people become sick their life becomes complicated. Eating well tends to go to the bottom of the list, but it's critically important. What we do is not so much about chopping onions, but about making this difference in this family's life.


BLACKWELL: Watch the full story at

Several high school football players are now emulating San Francisco's 49er Colin Kaepernick and kneeling during the National Anthem. But in Kaepernick's hometown, he's not exactly viewed as a hero.

PAUL: CNN's Sara Sidner is in Turlock, California, that's where that NFL quarterback grew up. Sara, what are your hearing? What are they saying there?

SIDNER: Good morning, guys. You know, it really is a mixed bag here. And while he is their hometown guy and his jersey still exists in some places, some people are pretty upset about what Colin Kaepernick did and others are in full support of his protests.


SIDNER: Political football has a whole new meaning. What began in the NFL with 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is now showing up under the glare of Friday night lights. From the land of Lincoln across the country to the golden state where an entire high school football team protested racial injustice.

CHEKO WELLS, SF MISSION HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER: We do think about the consequences that can happen after the game. We get boos and negative energy and stuff like that. But it's like, it really don't matter. If it's right, then it's right.

SIDNER: While the protest is catching on in some high schools across the country, that is not what has happened at Colin Kaepernick's old high school. During his alma mater home game, the national anthem placed, hands were over hears, and every player stood stick straight. But their hometown football standout's protest has sparked controversy and conversation in Turlock, California.

JOSHUA SMITH, TURLOCK RESIDENT: I think it was really disrespectful. And I think he's an idiot.

SIDNER: At Mainstreet footers, the once popular Kaepernick dog has been stricken from the menu. Glen Newsum said it was a business decision most of his customers agreed with.

GLEN NEWSUM, MAINSTREET FOOTERS: One of the nice things about our country is you get to make choices. We didn't want it to become a political football, and we could see it was going to develop that way.

SIDNER: But down the street at the pizza parlor, Kaepernick's jersey is proudly displayed.

Your own brother was telling you, let's take it down. It's not good for business.

PAPIOLA AGHASSI, BUSINESS OWNER: We wanted to satisfy our customers.

SIDNER: You, yourself, took a stand. Why do that?

AGHASSI: Here within Turlock, loyalty is a lot. The community is very loyal. So we're going to stay loyal to, again, our hometown boy as his career continues.

SIDNER: Papiola Aghassi she is supporting their hometown guy, not the way he has decided to protest.

Have you had customers who have decided I can't be in here?


SIDNER: Is his protest creating friction in this town?

AGHASSI: Yes. Yes. There are locals that support him, and there are locals that don't support him.

SIDNER: Like Navy veteran Veronica Mora. She hasn't abandoned her pizza parlor, but she can't stomach Kaepernick's kind of protest.

What were your emotions the first time you saw it happen?

VERONICA MORA, NAVY VETERAN: I was very disgusted and disappointed. It hurt. It hurt. Like I said, I believe in the flag. I believe in the United States of America.

SIDNER: Ultimately, the hardworking, growing town of Turlock, California, is a microcosm of the rest of America, Kaepernick's protest making some uncomfortable, and others proud.

FRANKIE TOVAR, TURLOCK JOURNALIST: It's generated a discussion. And I think that's what he wanted. So, I mean, in that essence, I think he's got what he was going for. (END VIDEOTAPE)

SIDNER: So it certainly has created a discussion. What we found interesting here is that a lot of people -- we talked today quite a few people, didn't want to go on camera or go public with their opinion because some people feel like if they support Kaepernick, it looks like they're going against the troops or against police. And if they don't, it looks like they might be a racist. It's difficult talk here, but a lot of it. Guys?

PAUL: No doubt. Sara Sidner, thank you so much. Really interesting piece.

BLACKWELL: Thank you, Sara.

PAUL: And we want to thank you for spending some time with us this morning.

BLACKWELL: There's much more ahead in the next hour of CNN newsroom when we turn it over to Fredricka Whitfield. Hey, Fred.

[11:00:00] FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Good to see you. I'm in the nation's capital because this evening there will be a special opening of a Smithsonian event.