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U.S. Deportation Controversy; North Korea Confirms Latest Missile Test; U.N. Security Council To Meet Over North Korea Missile Test; N. Korean Missile Launch Violates U.N. Resolution; North Korea Calls Latest Missile Test A Success; Evacuations Ordered Below California Dam; Oroville Dam Spillway Damaged And Eroding; Hundreds Of Undocumented Immigrants Arrested In U.S.; Iranian Moderates Fear Trump's Stance On Nuclear Deal; Critics: Trump Taking Harder Line Than Obama's Policies; U.S. Officials: Criminals Targeted In Immigration Raids; Ferguson: There Has Been "Free Flow" Across Boarder; Owings: Undocumented Immigration Peaked In 2007. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired February 13, 2017 - 01:00   ET


[01:00:00] CYRIL VANIER, CNN NEWSROOM HOST: North Korea is declaring its weekend missile launch a success and the United Nation Security Council is planning an urgent meeting about it.

Plus, some undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are going into hiding after series of deportation raids.

And problems with a major dam meets an urgent call for thousands of people in Northern California to evacuate. Hi, everyone. Thank you very much for joining us. I'm Cyril Vanier live from Atlanta. And your CNN NEWSROOM starts right now.

North Korea claims that its latest ballistic missile test was a success. Official state media is saying the weapon can carry a nuclear warhead and avoid interception. Purportedly, it was North Korean Leader Kim Jong-U.N. himself who oversaw the test and gave the order to fire. Now, the launch violates U.N. resolutions, and Japan, the U.S., and South Korea have called for an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council.

Let me show you what we're talking about here when we're talking about North Korean missiles because the range of this missiles is what determines how much of a threat North Korea is and how much dangerous it actually poses to the region and to the international community. This about 500 kilometers from where that missile was launched in North Korea. It's believed that that missile yesterday on - had a 500-kilometer range. Let's look at what other types of missile are believed to be in the North Korean arsenal. You see North Korea? The red dot right there, and those concentric circles, one, two and three, that's what North Korea is believed to be able to do right now.

Bear in mind, there is some uncertainty even in among analyst over the exact nature of their military arsenal. This is what some major concern to the U.S. in particular, those lines four and five. Missiles believed to be currently in development intercontinental ballistic missiles that would be capable somewhere in the future, but they haven't been tested yet, reaching this right here. That's the western coast of the United Nations. Hence, the reason U.S. is taking this so seriously, stationing tens of thousands of troops in that region. Let's talk about that now with our reporters on ground. Matt Rivers in Beijing, Steven Jiang -- Matt Rivers and Seoul, I beg your pardon. Steven Jiang in Beijing.

Matt, the region - regional countries, be it Seoul, Japan, and the U.S., which plays a major role in this region are going to the U.N. to seek what they call punitive action. The thing is, the U.N. has already forbidden this missile test and they continue to happen. So what are their options here?

MATT RIVERS: CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, in terms of what the international community can do, they have several options and you just mention the first one. That would be going through the U.N. Security Council. That's something that they've done multiple times. In fact, it's something that they did two times back in 2016, two separate rounds of sanctions drafted by the U.N. Security Council, and each time officials from the - especially the countries on the Security Council with veto power, the five members of veto power say that these are the strongest ever sanctions on North Korea that will force them to begin to take a look at curtailing their nuclear weapons program.

But the fact is, that just hasn't worked and in fact, North Korea has ramped up its missile testing program in 2016. The next thing else we'll tell you (INAUDIBLE) maybe China even though it's on the Security Council could perhaps use more of its leverage against North Korea. That's something I'm sure Steven can talk about it. And finally, you could look at direct negotiations with Kim Jong-un and the regime in Pyongyang. It's something that's been tried before, those talks failed in the mid 2000 under the framework of the six party talks. Many - an increasing number of analyst that we speak to, say that, unless there are direct negotiations with the regime in Pyongyang, they have no real incentive to give up this nuclear weapons program, because it's their one real card to play on the international stage.

VANIER: All right. So let's go to the ration in Beijing. Steven, China is believed to be the only country left that has any kind of leverage left over North Korea. Yet, we haven't heard anything from Beijing on this?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Cyril, not yet but probably they're going to come very out soon. In just under an hour, the Chinese foreign minister will hold its said daily press briefing, and we're expecting to hear some sort official response. And it is very likely they're going to say what they usually say in this kind of situation, urging all relevant sides to refrain from taking unilateral actions that would escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula. Now, as some analyst say, the reason China has been silent so far is probably because they don't see this as a direct threat to itself or as a region as a whole. But rather, Chinese authorities may see this latest test as sort of a call for attention from the Trump administration or a warning shot to Japan whose Prime Minister is currently visiting in the U.S.

[01:04:58] But as you all mentioned, China is North Korea's only major ally on a global stage and does have some leverage and influence. But the two sides have not been seeing eye-to-eye on this issue for some time. One, a tell-tale sign of this string relationship is the Chinese President Xi Jinping, has not met with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un since he took over few years ago. On the other hand though, China does feel the need to have a security buffer between itself and South Korea which has a large U.S. military presence. And China also does not want to see a massive refuge crisis on its doorstep if the North Korean regime collapses all of a sudden.

And one factor that's been complicating this whole situation lately, of course, is the planned deployment of the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea by the U.S. China definitely does not want to see that happen. That's probably why even though officials have not come out to speak, official news -- state-run newspapers have been running editorial saying the latest missile test would only give the U.S. a further excuse to deploy the THAAD system harming China's strategic interests. Cyril.

VANIER: All right. Thank you very much. And the latest reporting on the ground from that region, Steven Jiang in Beijing; Matt Rivers in Seoul in South Korea. Thank you both.

Now, thousands of people living near the tallest dam in the United States have been ordered out of the area for their own safety. They're fleeing the area around Northern California's Oroville dam after a hole was found in a spillway. A devastating flood could be unleashed if that hole grows worst. Now, officials are currently working to plug the hole with - helicopters said to be involved at the moment. They say there's no danger that the dam itself will fail, because that's a separate structure but they do want the public to know, this is still a very risky situation.


JULIE SWIFT, EVACUEE: I got a text message and an alert and saying get out as fast as you can. There's fire trucks that are going up and down our street saying evacuate. So we packed up our dogs and lifted up our couches and just got ready because we live right downtown on Fifth and High.


VANIER: Joining me now on the phone is Oroville Mayor, California -- Oroville Mayor Linda Dahlmeier. Miss Dahlmeier, where do things stand right now as far as the risk to the dam?

LINDA DAHLMEIER, OROVILLE, CALIFORNIA MAYOR: Well, as you mentioned at the top of the story, it's not the dam itself that is at risk. It's the spillway. And it's secured -

VANIER: And what is the risk to that?

DAHLMEIER: Well, the - you have the spillway and then you have the auxiliary or emergency spillway. The original spillway ended up with a crack in it that created a huge gap that then the - we have a large storm and you know, mother nature is just unfortunately the perfect storm that it was warm and the lake filled up and the spillway couldn't be used at high capacity. So the emergency spillway had -- was the first time it had been used in 48 years. It is -

VANIER: I just want to - I just want to interrupt you for a second because we're looking at live pictures right now. And that major waterway that viewers are seeing, the one that we saw just seconds ago, that's the major spillway that the Mayor was talking about that was in use, that broke down a few weeks ago and an auxiliary spillway therefore had to be used and that's where the problem is.


VANIER: And what are the scenarios that you are looking at right now.

DAHLMEIER: Well, at - the latest update that we just got is they were backing - they were pushing more water, 100,000 cubic feet per second over the traditional spillway to try and reduce the level of the lake and reduce the flow going over the auxiliary spillway. At this time, they have accomplished that. A couple hours ago it was only 4 inches. It was up to 12 to 18 inches going over. It was down to 4 inches, now it's down to zero. The water has quit spilling over the auxiliary emergency spillway. Right now, they're actually working on it. If you can get pictures up there to see the crews working on it. At night, they're putting boulders into the area that has deteriorated and trucks trying to shore up that section.

VANIER: Now, the reason of course this is so dangerous potentially speaking is there could be massive amounts of water that would spread that region if they - I beg your pardon, if they flood out of the dam. How likely is that still to happen in your assessment right now?

[01:09:48] DAHLMEIER: Well, my assessment, I think, that I've been in constant contact with DWR. They do updates and new modelings every 30 minutes. They're holding another press conference here in the next 30 minutes. They'll be - they update me all through the night. I'll get another update at 2:00 in the morning. So at this moment in time, things look better. But there's still an evacuation order standing. The services downtown, all the people need to be out of the way just in case. There is a lot of water going over the spillway, the 100,000, I think it's up to 110. Because we do have a storm coming in on Thursday. And we hope that it is a cooler storm, so it's more snow and not rain. (INAUDIBLE)

VANIER: All right. Oroville Mayor Linda Dahlmeier, thank you very much for the update. We're looking at those pictures. We're going to go now to Meteorologist Pedram Javaheri, he joins me from the CNN Weather Center, and he could be able to show us the facts, the danger and potential danger and the maps. Pedram?

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Absolutely. You know, it's not something to be messed with here when you look at this Cyril. Because 160,000 people have already been evacuated downstream. Hundreds of thousands of people could be impacted by this. And you take a look at the lay of the land across this region. Because we know this dam in particular sits there at the highest dam - highest wall there in the United States for a dam, a 235 meters high, a good 12 meters greater than the Hoover Dam. But here's that main spillway, this particular one that sustained damage. Where its water level, they increased the water flow here up to 100,000 cubic feet a second, which is roughly the same amount of water level you'd see over the Niagara Falls in the peak tourist season that comes over the falls itself.

So that shows you the ferocity of the water coming down across this region. And then, here's that emergency spillway. And this dam was built back in 1968 and up until Saturday, it never had to be utilized across this region because of the excessive drought that has been in place in recent decades. But we know the tremendous amount of pressure right here near the head of the auxiliary spillway has caused where the damage is of course. And the concern is if it comes over this region, because of the nature of the land there being very hilly, a lot of trees, a lot of rocks. It is not going to be very controlled to release a high volume of water if they need to do so. So, if that's the case, that water continues flowing downstream, that puts a lot of people at risk.

And ironically enough, this particular region Lake Oroville in California, really the poster child of Drought in California. Because in 2011 it looks something like this across the lake. You see water levels as it relays the bridges across that crossover this lake. And then we fast forward to where it looked like just couple of years ago, where the water levels dropped to 33 percent of capacity. Mind you, just a few days ago, they went up to 101 percent of capacity which has led to the problems. But this is where they were a couple of years ago, at historical lows. Another perspective show you the foliage, show you the water levels and then fast forwarding just a couple years later, this is what it looks like.

So this really is an incredible turnaround for what has transpired in the past few weeks. Where we know over 200 percent of normal in the rainfall and snowfall department across parts of California. And that's where the flood washes remain in place across some of these communities. And the concern is, Cyril, that there is a storm system on the horizon. The drought for the most parts in this region has been erased. But the storm comes in on Thursday. It looks to me on the colder end. That could produce more snow and that's good news. Because that a late season melt as opposed to all being rain are causing an instance increase in the water levels.

VANIER: All right. Pedram Javaheri at the CNN's National Weather Center. Thank you for showing us what could happen and what we need to look out for in the coming hours. Thanks a lot.

JAVAHERI: Thank you.

VANIER: Now, you're watching CNN NEWSROOM, Donald Trump says he's locking up bad hombres but critic say he's terrorizing families who just want a better life. The new crack down on undocumented immigrants when we come back. Plus, we take you to a ski resort in Iran. Why moderates there say that they're worried about the new U.S. President.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [01:15:00] SNELL: Hi, I'm Patrick Snell with your CNN WORLD SPORT Headlines. You know, this time last year, all the talk was of Leicester City realizing their dream of a first ever top (INAUDIBLE) title. Fast forward a year, the unthinkable is now the very real and daunting threat of relegation after the defending Premier League champs crashed to a fifth straight defeat. Their opponents, Swansea, were also desperate for the points, but after this 2-0 win, the Swans are now up to 15th. Leicester remember into the last 16 of the Champions League, they're right in the thick of relegation battle, just a point above the drop zone. Meantime, Chelsea's tittle search continuing though Antonio Conte's Blues were denied the 12-point lead on top of Premier League. Thanks to Burnley's spirited resistance at Turf Moor on Sunday, holding Chelsea to the 1-1 draw. The host of (INAUDIBLE) six top (INAUDIBLE) games unbeaten at home for the first time since the mid-70s. Despite not winning though, the Blues is actually extend their lead atop the standings for 10 points.

Great weekend for Jordan Spieth. The 23-year-old American recording a ninth career win on Sunday at the AT&T Pro-Am event to the famed Pebble Beach Golf Club in California. Spieth had an open a lead of six shots and was in cruise control in the final round. That included two birdies setting full shot when you know, Tiger Woods, by the way, the only other golfer who had nine or more victories by the age of 23. Jordan Spieth up and running for the year.

That's a look at your WORLD SPORT headlines, I'm Patrick Snell.


VANIER: Welcome back everyone. Tensions between Iran and the U.S. could have negative consequences for conflicts in the Middle East and could also hurt Iran's economy. CNN senior international correspondent Fred Pleitgen joins us now from Tehran, Iran. Fred.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Cyril, that certainly is a big fear among many Iranians, especially more moderate ones who really are very enthusiastic about the nuclear agreement between the United States, Iran and of course other countries as well. Because what they want very quickly is sanctions relief, and they think that it will bring big economic benefits for themselves and for many other people in this country as well. But now, with the Trump administration in office with some of the conflicts that we've seen in the early days with the Trump administration. Many fear that the nuclear agreement could be in jeopardy. So we went into one of Iran's premier ski resorts yesterday and spoke to some very moderate folks there. Here's what they told us.


PLEITGEN: Internationally, not many people know that Iran has a wealth of ski areas. Looking at the crowd here, you could almost think you're in a European or American resort. Fewer religious conservatives, more moderates. And many of those moderates fear President Donald Trump's harsh stance on Iran could lead to renewed conflict. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Iranian people, you know, they showed a

relationship - good relationship to America but I don't think that Trump shows a good faith.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's against us.

PLEITGEN: "We're not happy with what Trump is saying about us," this man says, "but the Iranian people and the government will show the world that it's not true." After some easing of tensions during the Obama years, U.S.-Iranian relations have taken a nosedive since President Trump assumed office. The administration hitting Iran with sanctions after Tehran conducted a ballistic missile test in late January. Iran hitting back. Its President Hassan Rouhani calling Trump a political newcomer and emphasizing that Iran will not back down from its positions. Many Iranians now fearing escalating tensions could harm the nuclear agreement between Iran, the U.S. and several other nations that curb around nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief.

Especially moderate Iranians were very excited about the nuclear agreement thinking it will bring this country big economic benefits. Now many of them worried at Donald Trump's tough stance at Iran could destroy the deal.

[01:20:02] Tourism is one of the sectors Iranian's hope will blossom after decades of stagnation. And many here still hope souring U.S.- Iranian relations won't derail the fledgling upswing.

"We're happy when the relationship is going well," he says. "We need good relations, not conflicts." The new Trump administration has caused a feeling of uncertainty for many Iranians, concerned about the deteriorating ties between the two nations, hoping the downward trajectory doesn't become even steeper.


And Cyril, the Iranian government is clearly very well aware of the fact that times are very sensitive right now between the U.S. and themselves. And you can really feel how on the one hand, they're making clear they're not going to back down from any of their positions. They're also taking great care to not try and inflame the situation any further. Of course knowing very well that what's been achieved so far is very, very fragile. Cyril

VANIER: All right. Fred Pleitgen reporting live from Tehran in Iran. Thank you very much.

President Trump is proud to say that his administration has arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in the last week. He tweeted this, "The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise. Gang members, drug dealers and others are being removed." Critics accuse the Trump administration of spreading fear in immigrant communities. Immigration authorities say that they will release details and photos from the arrests on Monday.

We're joined by our conservative CNN Political Commentator, Ben Ferguson who's in Dallas, Texas. Thanks for being with us, Ben. And with me on set is Immigration Attorney Sarah Owings, Sara, thanks a lot. First question goes to you, what we're seeing now with the raid, even though ICE refuses that term, is it different - significantly different from what we saw under the Obama administration?

SARAH OWINGS, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: It is. The last stay of raids, I can really remember, would be January of 2016. At that point, women and children were being picked up under the President's priorities. However, other than that, generally things have been accorded deference to the set of priorities laid out in the Johnson Memo, which basically means that people who are considered to be terrorist, who are considered to be aggravated felons, people who are high priority, that's how the government wanted to use its resources, to make sure that those people were off the streets and that America was safe. However, with this new set of priorities where there basically just are no priorities. We're dealing with the situation where any soccer mom driving to pick up their kids, or person waiting at the bus stop for their children, is no different of a priority than someone who would have been a priority previously. So everyone is getting picked up.

VANIER: Let's listen to how the administration is talking about this, the Trump administration. And this is Stephen Miller, explaining what is going on now, one of the - Mr. Trump's top advisors.


STEPHEN MILLER, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR POLICY ADVISER: It is true that Operation Cross-Check is something that happens every year. But this year, we've taken new and greater steps to remove criminal aliens from our communities. I had a phone call yesterday with someone from DHS who talked about an immigration enforcement activity at 4:00 in the morning, where a gang member was removed, a wife beater, somebody who's a threat to public safety with a long arrest record. But because they didn't have the right kinds of convictions, they weren't considered a priority by the previous administration.


VANIER: Ben Ferguson, are you happy with what's going on in this country and what went on with these raids over the last week?

BEN FERGUSON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I am. And if you talk to people in law enforcement, I come from a family that is background of law enforcement. And if you talk to individuals that are actually out there doing these quote "raids", they say they're long overdue. I've talked to several different individuals that are actually been out there in the streets doing this work. And what they said to me was, very clearly, "We were told by the last administration and roadblocks were put up in front of us for us to be able to do our job and to enforce the laws of the land. All we're doing is enforcing the law of the land. But we are going after people specifically that have long rap sheets that maybe weren't deemed 'terrorists' under the priority list of this before."

I also had one DEA agent say to me, yesterday, when I talked to him about this, he said, "Look, there are many people that commit crimes in local communities that aren't crimes that we would considerate, I guess, at the federal level, high risk, AKA rape, child sex assault or high end drug dealing, but they are doing lots of crimes in local communities. That is our top priority. We know who some of these people are and now able to go after them."

VANIER: But Ben, wait, hold on. You're saying that roadblocks were being put in front of the immigration enforcement officials.


VANIER: But under the Obama administration, he had one of the highest rates of deportations of recent U.S. Presidents.

FERGUSON: You also though have awful lot of illegal immigrants here in this country that have come over, and you have a free flow of people going back and forth across the border, specifically into Mexico. And I also say, if you talk to these actual border patrol agents and local law enforcement, many times they were directed on the local level or at the national level, depending on who they were speaking to and who they were -- their authority was to purposely look the other way.

[01:25:09] VANIER: All right. Ben, let's bring in Sarah Owings on this and get the attorneys' point of view on this. Roadblocks, ICE wasn't able to do its job under the previous administration?

OWINGS: I really don't believe that to be true. I think the enforcement was smarter under the previous administration. Also, immigration specifically undocumented immigration peeked in 2007, and since that time, the numbers have declined. So to say that everything was really could be laid at the President's doorstep as far as in an increase in deportations and, you know, things like that happening now for President Trump, I don't believe that to be the case.

FERGUSON: When you have local law enforcement, I got to say this, they were specifically calling federal authorities and they were actually getting people that were saying, "Sorry, we cannot pick this individual up. They're not on our high threat list. This is not on our list of what we are dealing with." That is absolutely a roadblock in local communities.

If you actually go to the border, you actually - I live in Dallas where this scenario were a lot of raids have happened last week, they will tell you exactly what I just said, which they many times tried to get in touch with or did get in touch with ICE, and they were deliberately sent - they were told blatantly, "Sorry, we're not going to come and get this individual that you're saying is an illegal immigrant because they don't fit our standard of what we're coming to pick up," that is a roadblock.

VANIER: Sarah, we're running out of time, final words.

OWINGS: As far as who is getting picked up, I've heard reports this week that people with no criminal record other than being unlawfully in the United States are being picked up. FERGUSON: Which is being a criminal. Let's be clear. It is the law

of the land.

OWINGS: It's actually a civil violation. It's not considered a crime.

FERGUSON: It is - it is - it's still means that you are here illegally.

OWINGS: It's a civil violation. It's a civil violation, sir. It's not a crime.

FERGUSON: I will say this very clearly and I'm not -- I'm not bashful about this. If you are in this country illegally and you are picked up by a law enforcement officer, you should be deported from this country for breaking the laws of this country. I would not make excuses -

OWINGS: I would rather - I would rather if terrorist get picked up, then someone who's going to pick up their kids from school.

VANIER: All right. Ben, Sarah, that's going to have to be the final word. Unfortunately, we're running out of time. But I really appreciate both of you coming on and pitching into this conversation. Thanks a lot.


OWINGS: Thank you.

VANIER: Meanwhile, amid ongoing protests, President Trump considers the options on his controversial travel ban. Details when we come back.


[01:30:49] CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back, everyone. I'm Cyril Vanier from the CNN NEWSROOM. Let's look at the head lines. North Korea claims its latest missile can avoid interception and carry a nuclear warhead. State media confirmed that the test of a new medium to long range ballistic missile on Sunday. The U.S., Japan and South Korea condemned that launch and requested an urgent meeting with the U.N. Security Council.

Thousands of people living the tallest dam in the United States have been ordered out of the area for there own safety. Erosion has caused a hole in a spillway of Oroville dam in California. And a devastating flood could be unleashed if the hole grows worst. Officials are currently working to plug that hole. And they say there's no danger that the dam itself will break.

Thousands of protestors across Mexico sent a message to U.S. President Trump. They marched through the street to Mexico City wearing shirts that said, "No wall and no immigrant race." Most of the estimated 20,000 demonstrators focused on Mr. Trump. However some were also protesting against corruption in Mexico's government. President Trump, welcomes Canada's Prime Minister to the White House on Monday. Mr. Trump pushed to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. As well as his stalled travel ban are expected to be a major talking point.

CNN's Athena Jones, reports.

ATHENA JONES, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: After wrapping up a weekend of diplomacy here in South Florida with Japans' Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The president is kicking off another week of diplomacy starting today with a meeting and press conference with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Now, soon after the inauguration last month, the president has said that one of the top items on the agenda when he meets with the prime minister would be NAFTA.

Of course renegotiating NAFTA was one of Trump's central campaign promises. Of course doing so, will necessarily require the participation of Mexico. And it's not clear yet when the canceled meeting with Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto will be rescheduled. But certainly these two leaders could begin this process today.

It's worth noting that the prime minister has very different views on people fleeing danger and persecution than Trump does. He was one of the world leaders who tweeted late last month in response to the president's travel ban. Tweeted out that, refuges are welcome in Canada regardless of their religion.

And that travel ban was a big topic on the Sunday shows as the White House figures out its next moves in the wake of that ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It keeps a place a temporary hold on the ban. The President Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller said, that the White House is considering and pursuing all options including continuing to fight for the ban in court and issuing new executive actions. Here's more of what he had to say on "Fox News Sunday".


STEPHEN MILLER, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR: I want to say something very clearly. And this is going to be a very disappointing to the people protesting the president. And people in Congress, like Senator Schumer, who have attacked the president for his lawful unnecessary action. The president's powers here are beyond question.


JONES: So, Miller there was making the case the travel ban was entirely within the president statutory and constitutional powers. And that this matter is not reviewable. The president's actions on this are not reviewable because they deal with immigration and national security. That is an argument that did not persuade the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The bottom line here is that even though President Trump told reporters they could be issuing a brand new executive order as soon as Monday or Tuesday. It's not at all clear that the White House is prepared to do that. But of course this White House is full of surprises so anything could happen and we will be watching. Back to you.

VANIER: Athena Jones reporting there. And President Trump is expected to announce changes to his travel ban this week after it was suspended by the courts. The White House has said it will not immediately appeal the ruling which had an immediate impact on people traveling to the U.S. We know from the Department of Homeland Security that about 3,000 people from the countries listed in the ban have been allowed to enter between February 4th and February 6th.

Let's turn on our panel. We're joined by Jeffrey Lord, CNN Political Commentator contributing editor for "The American Spectator" and supporter of Donald Trump. Wajahat Ali is also with us "New York Times" contributor and Muslim American Playwright. I want to ask you both the same first question. And we'll start with Jeffrey on this one.

[01:35:05] Jeffrey, how do you assess Donald Trump's reaction to his executive order being struck down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? First it was, see you in court. That's what he tweeted. Now, its maybe were going to write a new order, maybe we tweet the old one, we're not sure yet.

JEFFREY LORD, CNN POLITICAL COMENTATOR: Right. I think the key here in understanding this, is understanding that Donald Trump as he said many times. And people would mock him for this wants to be aware. He will do what he has to do to win the day on whatever the challenges in front of him. So, whatever the first reaction here and I'm sure he was upset. I don't doubt that.

But he wants to carry the day here. So, doubtless, he's being presented with his staff and his new attorney general a range of options. And he's going to pick what he thinks is the best thing to carry the day from his view and make the American people safe. What he's not going to do is go down some sort of rabbit hole just for the heck of it.

VANIER: When you say that, do you feel there's any kind of improvisation on the part of Trump White House on this?

LORD: Oh, there could be, sure. There could be. I mean let's remember, in his campaign when, you know. When people are saying he can't win and they were laughing at him in all this. He went through two different campaign managers. You know, being at various points reaching a conclusion that they weren't effective for whatever reason. So, he just quickly made the change and moved on.

I mean that's the essence of I think Donald Trump when it comes to a lot of these things in his business career etceteras. So, I think you're going to see this in government. That whatever the challenges in front of him, if he feels he's somehow gotten down the wrong path he'll quickly go back and go down the right one --

VANIER: All right.

LORD: -- to carry the day.

VANIER: Wajahat, your view how Donald Trump reacted.

WAJAHAT ALI, CREATIVE DIRECTOR, AFFINIS LABS: Well, he said, I'll see you in court. And the Ninth Circuit did and totally beat him down and trumped him in a unanimous 3029 page ruling, which was humiliating for him as it should have been and for DOJ council. They had represented this Muslim ban, which is what it is a Muslim ban. And it was a very narrow focused ruling. It wasn't about the constitutionality. And if it was about the constitutionality, I'm very confident it would be ruled unconstitutional.

VANIER: Right. And it's important to remind our viewers. And thankfully you did. It's important to remind our viewers they actually haven't answered the question yet.

ALI: No.

VANIER: Of whether this was constitutional or not?

ALI: No. It's about the TRO. It was very specific. Donald Trump and his council had to prove. Irreparable damage would be cause. They couldn't do it. And what was very striking in very clear language, the Ninth Circuit Court essentially reminded Donald Trump repeatedly that there is something called the separation of powers in the United States.

And yes, the judicial branch does have power to oversee and do checks and balances. And the executive is not the emperor. And his response is typical Donald Trump, fickle, thin skinned, impulsive and childish. And why should we look at something else?

VENIER: Isn't he just looking at alternative to get this fix in the next couple of days? That's what he's been saying.

ALI: I mean I don't, honestly. I mean I hate giving an advice on what was, is a completely cruel ineffective conjugative Muslim ban.

LORD: You're hired.

ALI: But that would probably be the smartest decision. Start from scratch. Blow up this horribly written bill by Steve Bannon, who's acting like President Bannon and his act alike Stephen Miller. And do something which is narrowly focused. And what I would say as an American citizen is do a constitutional smart, effective, productive law which actually makes this country safer.

Doesn't go after seven Muslim majority countries where zero. Yes, zero for nationals from those countries have committed violent acts of terror on American soil. And zero refuges guys have committed violent acts of terror on American soil. And don't make take, you know, the religious minority exception for Christians in Syria which is what it is. So, yes, on its face, based on his a year and a half record of saying for a Muslim ban, this ban will fail repeatedly and it was a beautiful, beautiful stunning victory. I smiled ear to ear, so to the U.S. constitution for American laws and tradition. So, it was a good day.

VANIER: Jeffrey, you're smiling ear to ear?

LORD: I don't know where to begin with all of that.

VANIER: Ear to ears.

LORD: Presidents of the United States have any number of times rejected court findings. Andrew Jackson famously said to chief justice John Marshall. He's made his decision now, let him enforce it.

Abraham Lincoln deliberately, deliberately ignored a ruling from the Supreme Court and Chief Justice Roger Taney, when he abolished Habeas -- suspended Habeas corpus.

VARNIER: All right, but Jeffrey, what happens now?

LORD: Franklin Roosevelt, I mean you can go on here with this. So, in other words you can do this. Now, I don't think that's what he's going to do. Again, I think he wants to sort of win the day here. But this notion that this is a Muslim ban is ridiculous. This is like saying that in the 1960s when the justice department went after the Ku Klux Klan that it was really all about white males. Well, no. It was not about white males, it was about the Ku Klux Klan. This is about radical Islamic extremism. And the intelligence generally --

[01:40:00] VANIER: And Jeffrey you can't. And Jeffrey, don't deny the fact. And Jeffrey if you let -- just let me interrupt you for a second. You can't deny the fact that the courts are coming down on the wrong side of this executive order. In the sense that they're saying for the moment, this does not respect our due process. This is not how we do things legally.

LORD: Right. And I think they're wrong. I mean I think they are -- I mean when I listen to legal scholars a number of them. I think they're completely and totally wrong here. So, you know, you can play this out. But the main thing is, what if something happens?

VANIER: All right.

LORD: I mean the fact of the matter is we did have a Somali refuge who tried to attack at Ohio State just the other month. And so --

VANIER: All right, gentlemen --

ALI: Never forget the Bowling Green massacre, Jeffrey. Never forget the Bowling Green massacre.

LORD: Well, you know --

VANIER: Which -- let me cut in there. Which didn't happen just for our viewers to know that. Gentlemen, that's all the time we have for now. But I'm so thankful that you came on. Thank you very much. And I'd like to speak to both of you again. Wajahat Ali, Jeffrey Lord, thanks a lot.

ALI: Thank you.

LORD: Thanks, guys.

VANIER: Activists for women's rights in Russia are protesting a controversial new law on domestic abuse. Why they say that their fight to protect women is just beginning, when we come back.


VANIER: The Russian government has been accused of human rights violations against critics, the LGBT community, and now also against women. President Vladimir Putin signed a law that reduces punishment for some forms of domestic abuse. And our Clare Sebastian explains from Moscow, women's rights activists are fighting back.


CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Sometimes the home is the most dangerous place reads the sign. In a Moscow park, this small but determined group braving at time heavy snow and a heavy police presence to have their voices heard. Russia had just passed a law reducing punishment for the domestic battery, but clearly there, those who opposed that law, who are not giving up. In fact they say, actually help bring the issue of domestic violence into the spotlight.

[01:45:07] The person no hikers (ph) who backed the new law says, it's simply about minimizing government interference in family life. To anti-violence activist Alena Papova, the rally is a breakthrough in itself. When the law was debated in parliament, she was forced to protest alone outside. Permission to hold group rallies is repeatedly denied. Now that the law is being passed she says, this fight is just beginning.

ALENA POPOVA, ANTI-VIOLENCE ACTIVIST: I assume that because of that law, the crimes inside family would increase. And of course we need to start a new campaign for the law again to domestic violence of the stand-alone law.

SEBASTIAN: The stand-alone law currently a draft is designed to help prevent domestic violence through restraining orders and increased legal rights for victims. Popova has started an online petition in support of it which now has more than a quarter of a million signatures.

POPOVA: And here is the slogan, "Let's talk domestic violence".

SEBASTIAN: The key is building awareness says, Larisa Ponarina, deputy director of the Anna Center, a two decade old help line service for domestic violence victims in Russia.

LARISA PONARINA, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, ANNA CENTER: It says, she said that she would never hit you again. But he said the same thing last time as well. SEBASTIAN: The Anna Center was recently designated a foreign agent under a Russian Law regulating non-government organizations who receive fun funding abroad.

PONARINA: The fact we are funded by their international and foreign foundations. It's because we're not funded by the Russian authorities. Unfortunately, the issue is still not seen as a serious issue.

SEBASTIAN: At the Moscow rally we find Mari Davtyan one of the authors of the new legislation to help prevent academic violence.

MARI DAVTYAN, LAWYER: I'm sure that in future we will pass law.

SEBASTIAN: Why are you sure?

DAVTYAN: Because it is evolution. 143 countries passed this law. So, Russia today is not the same Russia that it was 10 years ago.

SEBASTIAN: In a country where it's estimated 12,000 women die a year from domestic violence. This small but growing opposition is just getting started.

Clare Sebastian CNN, Moscow.


VANIER: And it was a major night for entertainment. The 2017 BAFTA and Grammy Awards celebrated the biggest names in film and music. We'll, look at the ceremonies big winners when we come back.


[01:49:52] PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Weather Times, I'm meteorologist Pedram Javaheri. In a storm system that really crippled parts of the northeast Unite States in the past couple of days, brought in over 30 to 40 centimeters of snowfall across some of the major metropolitan cities. It is pushing in towards Nova Scotia. It is exiting the picture and as it does, leaves behind quite a mess across this region. Could still see some snow showers on Monday that will linger on into bringing in an additional 20 to 30 centimeters going to the eastern portion of Maine around Acadia National Park there could see even higher accumulations over the next several days.

But places like Denver, Colorado extreme heat was in place last week. It's cooled off out to around 10 degrees, Dallas seeing a cooling trend as well. In San Francisco remaining dry for now, temps Also cooling off just a little bit across that region. But notice this seesaw battle of winter and spring across parts of the U.S., Atlanta case in point, where it drops off once -- or once it warm up. In the Washington also much the same over the next couple of days. So you see these shots of very concentrated cold air that are slated to come in some times later into the week.

At around portions of the Central and South Central United States, some snow showers is possible around the Intermountain West with the next storm system beginning to more in towards the area. Well, in Mexico City some high clouds rolling by which should remain dry in 24. Belize City a few showers in the forecast for your Monday. And in Bagatelle, looking at some thunder storms, Brasilia coming in with some wet weather as well around 24 degrees.

VANIER: The 2017 Grammy Awards honored the best in music, Sunday in Los Angels. And Adele was the night's big winner. The pop singer swept the top Grammy Award's, winning song and record of the year for her hit tune "Hello" and Album of the Year for 25. But one of the most memorable moments was undoubtedly Adele's emotional tribute to George Michael, who passed away in December. Adele stopped in the middle of her performance saying, she had to get it right for the late pop star.


ADELE, AMERICAN POP START SINGER GAMMY AWARDS WINNER: I'm sorry for starting again. Can we please start it again? I'm sorry. I promise, I can't mess this up for him. I'm sorry.


VANIER: Well, she nailed it the second time around and the audience gave her a standing ovation for that.

From music to film now, entertainers from around the world gathered in London on Sunday for 70th Annual British Academy Film Awards, the BAFTAs. It wasn't just the movies that grabbed people's attention. CNN was on the red carpet. At least Isa Soares was. And things got political.


ISA SOARES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The fans were out in force and on a bitterly cold night in London, it was the stars that turned up the heat.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, under statement of the century.

NAOMIE HARRIS, ATRESS, "MOONLIGHT": I'm really excited. Especially to me I get to share it with my mom and my step dad and a best friend come with me as well.

SOARES: It was a night where Hollywood royalty met British royalty rubbing shoulders with the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William on the red carpet. The BAFTA is often seen as one of the most unpredictable award ceremonies. Tonight offered few surprises.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the BAFTA is awarded to La La Land.

SOARES: With La La Land taking five gongs including Best Director, Best Film and Best Actress for Emma Stone.

EMMA STONES, ACTRESS "LA LA LAND": Thank you so much. It's one of the greatest working experiences of my life. And it was such a joy.

SOARES: The other favorite "Manchester by the Sea" took home two awards.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And BAFTA goes to Kenneth Lonergan, "Manchester by the Sea"

SOARES: Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor for Casey Affleck.

CASEY AFFLECK, BEST ACTOR, "MANCHESTER BY THE SEA": So the reason I'm here right now tonight is because of Kenneth Lonergan and his sublime screen play that really signifies I think every day lives and their struggles and, you know, with great compassion.

SOARES: But before the event, there were concerns. There'll be more tension on the politics, that's the performance says.

It is one of the biggest nights in British Film Calendar. But expect politics to steal the live lights. This certainly was strong messages on the night.

KEN LOACH, DIRECTOR, "I, DANIEL BLAKE": The world in the dark and dangerous place. People that make films contribute to public discourse, you know, that people have things to say.

VIOLA DAVIS, ACTRESS "FENCES": All my message would be a message, just congruent with August Wilson's life legacy which is honoring that every man, honoring that janitor, that maid, that garbage collector, those people who are in the graves, who's lives never mattered, uplifting their lives.

VIGGO MORTENSEN, ACTOR "CAPTAIN FANTASTIC": More then ever now not just in United States but in Great Britain and the rest of Europe. I think people need to do a lot more listening than speaking and shouting. So --

SOARES: A called to action by some of the most talented people in the industry, proving that Hollywood and the BAFTA's are not just about glitz and glamour.

[01:55:01] Isa Soares, CNN, London.


VANIER: And now, to the Saturday night live performance that had everyone talking last week, actress Melissa McCarthy returned to the comedy show, this week end. Again, playing White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer or as she likes to call him "Spicy".


MELISSA MCCARTHY, AMERICAN ACTRESS AND COMEDIAN: Here's how it's going to go down. You've got your TSA agent right here, OK. And first you got Barbie coming in. Nice American girl back from a dream vacation. We know she's OK because she's blonde. So she gets in. Easy, we understand that, perfect. Now, who's up next? Uh-oh, it's Moana. Whoa, whoa, slow your roll, honey. And then, we're going to pat her down. And then, we're going read her e-mails, and if we don't like the answers, which we won't, boom, Guantanamo Bay.


VANIER: All right. And on the same show, actor Alec Baldwin has been impersonating Donald Trump. But it turns out he may be doing his job a little too well. A newspaper in the Dominican Republic ran this picture of Mr. Trump on Friday that illustrate a story about Israeli settlements. The captioned identified him as Donald Trump President of the United States. Except as you can see it wasn't. It was Alec Baldwin. The newspaper has since had to apologize.

Thank you very much for joining us. Rosary Church, George Howell have more, right after the break. You're in good hands.