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Tallest Dam Collapsed; North Korea Defies U.N. Sanctions; Trump Welcomes Canada's P.M.; Protests Against Trump; Big Night in Grammy's Aired 3-4a ET

Aired February 13, 2017 - 03:00   ET



[03:00:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is CNN breaking news.

ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to our viewers here in the United States, and of course, all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church.

GEORGE HOWELL, CNN HOST: And I'm George Howell. Following the breaking news this hour here on CNN.

From Northern California, the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people living near the tallest dam in the United States have been ordered to leave their homes for their own safety.

CHURCH: Yes. And they are leaving that area around the Oroville Dam after a hole was found in a spillway, a devastating flood could be unleashed if that hole gets worse. Officials say they are making progress as they work to reduce the danger and they say there is no risk that the dam itself will fail. But they want the public to know this is still a very risky situation.


KEVIN LAWSON, CAL FIRE INCIDENT COMMANDER: We had water coming over the top of the emergency spillway. I was beginning to erode the ground, right. And when you start to erode the ground and the dirt and everything else starts to roll up the hill, it starts to undermine itself.

When it's doing that it starts working its way towards the emergency spillway. That portion of it has nothing to do with the dam itself, that large portion. But if that is not addressed and we don't take care of that and mitigate it properly essentially what we're looking at is approximately a 30 foot wall of water that would be coming out of the lake. Not the lake draining but a 30 foot wall of water.


CHURCH: Yes. And I spoke early to Eric Kurhi, he is a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News newspaper and I asked him just how bad the situation is on the ground there and how bad it could get.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ERIC KURHI, SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS REPORTER: But the (Inaudible) water is there. You know, it was really scary around 4.30 to a lot of residents when they started getting this phone saying, you know this was an imminent thing. They thought it was going to happen in the next hour based on projections on how the hole is growing. Thankfully it didn't progress that fast.

And in the end the water stopped coming over the top of the dam. So, the last drops stretch come in and they had at least they weren't confident enough to let people to going back to their homes, but it certainly doesn't look as eminent as it did for a while there.

CHURCH: Yes. We were looking at those pictures there. I mean, it is an incredible size hole there. Talk to us about how that may have happened and also with all of the people that need to be evacuated from the region have done so.

KURHI: Yes. I mean, they set up evacuation centers for this and they're full already, all this hotels and motels in the near about -- nearby towns are full. Yes, the funny thing about thee hole, the pictures you're probably seeing, that's the hole in the main spillway, the one that's usually used. The one that's actually of concern right now is the dirty berm the emergency spillway.

Now that hole in the main one happened and that started coming out on Tuesday and as a result they stopped sending as much as water down that as they could just because they don't want to exacerbate that problem. So, the end result was the water start coming over the second near the spillway and that's what causes the real problems today.


HOWELL: All right. So officials are monitoring the situation. Many people right now are on the roads trying to get to safety.

Our meteorologist Pedram Javaheri is live in the International Weather Center with a look at the situation now and also a look at this particular lake. It's been dry before, pretty dry. And now it's a different story, Pedram.

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. It's been a historic low down to 33 percent of capacity, George, just a couple of years ago, up to 101 percent of capacity couple of days ago. I'll show you exactly where we're located across this region. Because of course, the Orville Dam itself the wall at 235 meters high or 770 feet high, it's a good 44 feet higher than the Hoover Dam.

That is what makes it the highest dam in the United States, the tallest one. And there is that main spillway. This is where the damage has been found and where the dropping, they are dropping rocks inside bags from helicopters to be able to fix the crevice release, cover the crevice there is damage.

Then of course, there is that emergency spillway and this dam was built back in 1968. That emergency spillway has never had to be used until Saturday. And I want to show you this. When you up for a close look across this

particular region just north of Sacramento. This is the area, again, that's the main spillway right here. This is the berm that has been jeopardized because of the tremendous amount of water that is flowing up and over it.

[03:04:55] And if you look at the landscape with the uncontrolled environment to this. Because if you have too much water coming all at once of course, you're not going to be able to direct exactly where that water flows.

So you get this if you come down stream into the river downstream there and that is going to be a major problem if too much water comes down at once.

And yes, and the perspective look as such and this really has been a symbol of drought for California. A couple of years ago we shared with you photos from this region. One from July of 2011 where it was a healthy level for the waters there. That summer August 2014, you see where the water levels were at 33 percent of capacity for that identical spot.

Again, back in 2011, you see the full edge, you see the water levels. And in 2014, this is where we are and now of course it's even beyond that initial image. So, we're spilling the waterways. But conditions have improved. They allowed about a 100,000 cubic feet per second of water coming down that main spillway.

And that's essentially the same amount of water crossing over the Niagara Falls in the peak of summers towards the season. So, that's a look of water being released to alleviate the concern. But you notice of course, we got here because of 200 percent of normal rainfall and also snowfall across the month of January.

Flood watches, flood warnings in place right now. Oroville is one of those areas where a flash flood warning remains in place. Meaning, the concern there is imminent or occurring and of course, there are storms on the horizon, one for later this week that will be a combination of rain and snow.

If this storm were concern with, guys, because this comes in on Friday, potentially into Saturday. It brings in mainly heavy rainfall. And that is concerning because when you get snow fall you're allowing that to melt gradually into the spring season. So the water levels gradually rise, but when you get heavy rainfall it all rises instantly. And that's what officials are trying to correct right now with the damages in place there.

HOWELL: Wow. Pedram, thank you.

CHURCH: Yes. Thanks so much.

Well, in other major news we're following. North Korea continues to defies U.N. resolutions over its missile program. The rouge state says this missile it launched Sunday can evade interception and carry a nuclear war head. State media says it's a new type of medium to long- range ballistic missile. But South Korea's military said earlier it was likely a modified Musudan.

HOWELL: Let's take a look here at this map. You can get a sense here the type of missile that has an intermediate range can reach line three hat you see on this map. Sources say Sunday's missile it only traveled a little more than 300 miles or 500 kilometers. But North Korea still calls it a success and in fact, they are trying to develop missiles to reach lines four and five on that map.

The United States, South Korea and Japan have called for an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council because of this launch.

CHURCH: CNN has live coverage with our reporters. And the latest from the region, CNN's Matt Rivers in live in Seoul, South Korea, and our Steven Jiang, is in Beijing.

Matt, I want to go to you first. So, how is the U.N. Security Council likely to respond to North Korea's latest missile test and what are options available to them given that sanction don't appear to have had the impact they were hoping.

MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: On the U.N. Security Council conceivably could issue new sanctions in response to what happened here on Sunday morning. But the odds are that I don't think you'll see that it's only because -- take a look at what happened i 2016. There were two different rounds of sanctions levied against North Korea in 2016 after two different nuclear tests.

These were not intermediate range missile tests that prompted those sanction. In fact, North Korea launched some two dozen different missile tests throughout the year in 2016. It was only after those nuclear tests, though, that those sanctions were invoked for the first round and then the second round of sanctions.

And so, I think for the U.N. Security Council given what they usually do, what North Korea does has to merit that kind of a response. So, in terms of what the U.N. Security Council would do sanctions I think appeared to be relatively unlikely.

But again, they certainly continue to have that option on the table here moving forward. In terms of one other issue there of course is China. You have to consider what China is willing to do. I'm sure Steven can talk to this.

But China obviously holds a lot of sway on the U.N. Security Council in terms how willing are they to move forward with any sanctions that would be adapted if they wanted to do so?

CHURCH: Yes. We'll take a look at that. Matt Rivers joining us there in Seoul in South Korea. Many thanks.

HOWELL: Now as Matt pointed out, China a very important factor when it comes to North Korea. We are live in Chine in Beijing with Steven Jiang. Thank you so much for being with us. Steven, first of all, have you heard anything new from Chinese officials regarding this missile test? STEVEN JIANG, CNN PRODUCER: Well, George, Chinese officials actually

just responded for the first time more than 24 hours after the actual launch to the news. And the forum is at the remarks by a foreign ministry's spokesman at the ministry's daily press briefing. Now he said China opposes any North Korean missile launch it's in violation of relevant U.N. Security Council resolution.

[03:09:59] He also urge all relevant sites to stop provoking each other or taking actions that would escalate tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

He also note that the urgent U.N. Security Council caught by the U.S. and its allies saying China will participate in relevant discussions with a responsible and constructive attitude. So here you have the first official response from China over the news of North Korea's latest missile launch.

But from what we have heard from some analyst the reason for China to maintain its quite for such a long time is probably China does not view the latest test as a direct threat to itself but rather it views this missile test as a call for tension from the new U.S. administration, as well as a warning shot to Japan whose prime minister is currently in the U.S.

Now, from the Chinese perspective, as you mentioned it's the only major ally North Korea has on the global stage and does wield influence and leverage over that regime, but by how much its debatable especially from Beijing's perspective the influence, the leverage have been exaggerated at overstated by western leaders and western media.

Mr. Trump himself was tweeted about China not doing enough to bring North Korea in. But from the Chinese perspective the ball is really in the U.S. court. Because the way they see it, the root cause to this North Korean nuclear missile issue is the conflict between the United States and North Korea. George?

HOWELL: Steven Jiang, live for us in Beijing this hour. Steven, thank you for the reporting.

CHURCH: And for more analysis on North Korea's missile test, I'm joined now from Seoul by John Delury. He is an associate professor at the Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies.

Thanks so much for being with us. We'll get to China's response in just a moment. But first, North Korea's state media claim this was a successful firing of a new type of medium to long range ballistic missile. But we understand it only reached 500 kilometers.

So, what do you make of claims that this missile can avoid interception and carry a nuclear warhead, and how far away do you believe North Korea is from successfully firing an intercontinental ballistic missile that could possibly reach the West Coast of the U.S.?

JOHN DELURY, YONSEI UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: Well, obviously we have to take North Korea's claims with a grain of salt. But the other thing to keep in mind is that even a failed test gives them valuable information about where they need to adjust and improve their program.

And from what we can tell so far from the analysis says I've looked at, the people I trust, you know, they are real missile experts, seem to have a fairly positive evaluation. You can go simply by how far the missile went because the North Korean seem to be playing with the trajectory to essentially shoot at higher and learn what they need to in order to improve their program.

So, it's still early and it takes a while to really assess what they've done. But this seems to be relatively speaking a successful test as they are, you know, on their march to a full panoply of delivery systems ways to -- ways to strike at enemies in the region and one day able to ultimately potentially even the U.S. mainland with missile equipped with a nuclear war head.

CHURCH: Right. So, what do you think the United Nations should do to try to stop North Korea from successfully firing an intercontinental ballistic missile given sanctions that have been applied so far don't really appear to have much of an impact.

DELURY: No. This is not about the United Nations. And the U.N. is not going to solve this. I mean, I think if we've learned one thing from the last roughly eight years in which there hasn't really been diplomacy sitting down, the heads of state sitting down with the North Koreans.

And we've tried to, you know, from the American perspective the Obama administration tried to run its offense either through Beijing or through the U.N. and the result is that we have a North Korean nuclear and missile program that just keeps ranking up its success year after year.

So, the U.N. is not the way to solve this problem. You know, if the U.S., South Korea and Japan want to go back to UNNC and get some kind of statement, resolution slap on the wrist they can. But I think they are fooling themselves to think that that's going to solve the problem.

CHURCH: What is the answer then?

DELURY: At this stage the key is for the Trump administration to pursue direct diplomacy with Pyongyang. And that's a bitter pill to swallow. But you know, if you look at the whole track record of what's worked and what hasn't with the North Koreans the best period that we have is a good chunk of the 1990s when the Clinton administration did just that. They got a lot of criticism for it.

[03:14:56] But under those years of a deal called the agreed framework, we at least more or less stopped North Korea's progress. They weren't building up that arsenal. They were hedging, they were cheating, so with the Americans and so with everyone. But we were in a much better than we are now.

And you know, there is an unusual opportunity because Donald Trump has an openness, he said he would meet with Kim Jong-un. He also does have a certain pragmatism toward the question and he's been very disciplined and retrained in what he said about North Korea.

Strain to them a little bit optimistic that there may be a diplomatic effort that can at least get a freeze on the program, get a return of inspectors so we know more about what the North Koreans are doing and essentially reset the relationships with North Korea so that we can change our whole strategy long-term on how to deal with them.

CHURCH: Well, we'll certainly watch to see if the Trump administration takes that up that option. But meantime, China is of course North Korea's only major ally. But that relationship has been strained lately, hasn't it? So, does China have any influence over North Korea, and if it doesn't, do you think then those direct negotiation through the Trump administration the only option here?

DELURY: Yes. Again, you know, this is one of the lessons learned. The United States tried for many years to get the Chinese to do the heavy lifting in North Korea. And if you talk to the Chinese and I go regularly to China and talk to Korea experts there and U.S. experts, you hear the same thing and they'll been telling it in official channels as well.

We don't have the leverage, we can't convince the North Koreans to do things. You, the Americans are the one who have the leverage. The North Koreans don't want to talk to us Chinese, they want to talk to you the Americans. So, you know, the irony here is that if that Trump administration work pursue direct diplomacy with Pyongyang I think you actually would find the Chinese feeling excluded and somewhat anxious about sort of getting what they prayed for.

But this notion that China can solve the problem is one of the canards that has really throttled to diplomatic progress with North Korea for many years.

CHURCH: All right. John Delury, we will certainly be watching very closely for the next step in this. I appreciate it.

HOWELL: And John really brings up a point, you know, what will the Trump administration do with this? I'm reminded of what Donald Trump said on the campaign trail where he said I would go there -- I wouldn't got there. I can tell you that if he came here I'd accept him here - speaking of Kim Jong-un.

CHURCH: That's not going to happen.

HOWELL: That was said on the campaign trail by the U.S. president.

Still ahead, when we with come back, it is a new week in Washington for President Trump. And first up, a one on one with the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. We'll look at what else is on the agenda, next.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, U.S. President Donald Trump will welcome Canada's Prime Minister to the White House on Monday. HOWELL: The president's push to renegotiate NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement and he stalled travel ban both expected to be major talking points among these leaders.

CNN's Athena Jones has this report.

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: After wrapping up a weekend of diplomacy here in South Florida with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the president is kicking off another week of diplomacy starting today with the meeting and press conference with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Now soon after the inauguration last month the president said that one of the top items on the agenda when he meets with the prime minister would be NAFTA. Of course, renegotiating NAFTA was one of Trump's central campaign promises. Of course, doing so will necessary require the participation of Mexico.

And it's not clear yet when that cancelled meeting with Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto will be rescheduled. But certainly these two leaders could begin this process today.

It's worth noting that the prime minister has very different views on people fleeing danger and persecution than Trump does. He was one of the world leaders who tweeted late last month in response to the president's travel ban, tweeted out that "Refugees are welcome in Canada regardless of their religion."

And that travel ban was a big topic on the Sunday shows as the White House figures out its next move in the wake of that ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. It keeps in place a temporary hold on the ban.

The president senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said that the White House is considering and pursuing all options including continuing to fight for the ban in court and issuing new executive actions. Here is more of what he had to say on Fox News Sunday.


STEPHEN MILLER, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF POLICY ADVISOR: I want to say something very clearly and this is going to be very disappointing to the people protesting the president and the people in Congress like Senator Schumer who have attacked the president for his lawful and necessary action. The president's power here are beyond question.


JONES: So, Miller there, he was making the case that the travel ban was entirely within the president's statutory and constitutional powers and that this matter is not reviewable. The president's actions on this matter are not reviewable because they deal with immigration and national security.

That is an argument that did not persuade the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The bottom line here is that even though President Trump told reporters they could be issuing a brand new executive order as soon as Monday or Tuesday, it's not at all clear that the White House is prepared to do that. But of course, tis White House is full of surprises so anything can happen and we will be watching. Back to you.

CHURCH: Joining me now to talk more about what's happening with the Trump administration is Greg Bluestein, political reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Always great to chat with you of course and there is always so much to talk about.


CHURCH: So let's start with a White House senior policy adviser, Stephen Miller coming out talking about the travel ban and the executive order and saying we're looking at all options. Now this despite President Trump saying they are going to rework it, they are going to get it in place really quickly. What is going on here, what are these other options he's talking about and how much power does Stephen Miller wield within the Trump administration?

BLUESTEIN: Well, yes, there's a lot of options on the table. He could rewrite the entire order and this time try to tailor it so it doesn't get into legal trouble. He would appeal to the full circuit court, it's called en banc and have the entire court listen to the -- listen to the case, or he could try to appeal right up to the U.S. Supreme Court which is still deadlocked without Gorsuch being approved yet.

[03:25:07] So, there is a lot of options. And Trump has sent mixed signals. A few days ago, he did signaled that he was going to rewrite the order. Now we are hearing that he could fight the battle in the courts now and you keep on seeing his tweets and his public responses to the court saying basically there is a war on the judiciary right now.

CHURCH: And what's interesting too, talking about wars, is looking at the various advices within the Trump administration. It's looking very much like Michael Flynn and Sean Spicer might be in trouble even perhaps Kellyanne Conway. What do you hearing about that, is there a possibility of an imminent shake up here?

BLUESTEIN: There is definitely shifting power centers all the time. We know Jared Kushner, his son-in-law has his own power circle. We know that Sean Spicer has been frustrating to Trump. There's been reports after the Saturday Night issues...


BLUESTEIN: ... that Trump was very embarrassed by all of that. And now we're hearing Michael Flynn. I mean, we saw the Trump administration one of Trump's top aides Stephen Miller repeatedly refuse to defend Michael Flynn when ask about Michael Flynn's apparent conversations with Russian authorities before Trump was sworn into office. So that is not a very good sign -- Michael Flynn looks like he is on the hot seat right now.

CHURCH: Wow. OK. We'll watch to see what happens there. And then President Trump tweeted on crowd size again, I just want to

quote this. He said, "Just leaving Florida, big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the roads that the fake news media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!" Exclamation mark. Why is he still apparently obsessing about crowd sizes when there are so many other things on his plate? He's got the travel ban he needs to find some way to get that accepted. And there is North Korea with the missile test.

BLUESTEIN: I think it's safe to say for Donald Trump the campaign has never ended. This is the same sort of rhetoric we saw for him that every campaign stuff along the way. He would point out to the news media you're not panning your cameras to the crowds and the size of the protest groups -- I'm sorry, the size of the supporters.

And you're only focusing on the protesters. Well, he is still doing this. He is still keeping this up. And every stop he makes, every time he goes out on the road where I think he feels the most comfortable by the way of his campaign rallies, He is pointing to the size of the crowds and he's again, claiming the media, which he is in a running war with, in his words, are diluting and not reporting what's happening.

CHURCH: All right. Greg Bluestein, always a pleasure. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

BLUESTEIN: Thanks for having me.

HOWELL: Still ahead here on Newsroom, thousands of people in Mexico their feelings known about the U.S. president's policies toward their country.

Ahead, the protest across that nation.

CHURCH: Plus, an emotional family reunion that almost didn't happen. A father finally arrives in the U.S. and meets his daughter for the first time. We're back in a moment with that.


CHURCH: A very warm welcome back to our viewers here in the United States, and of course all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church.

HOWELL: And I'm George Howell. With the headlines we're following for you this hour.

California's governor has issued an emergency order calling for his state operation center to operate at its highest level. That is as nearly 200,000 people living near the tallest dam in the United States they've been ordered out of that area for their own safety.

Erosion has caused a hole in the spillway at the Orville Dam in Northern California. A devastated flood could be unleashed if that hole grows worst. Official say they made progress in reducing the danger but no repairs have been made at this point.

CHURCH: North Korea claims its latest missile can avoid interception and carry a nuclear warhead. State media confirm the test of new medium to long-range ballistic missile on Sunday.

The U.S., Japan, and South Korea condemned the lunch and requested an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council.

HOWELL: The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is set to meet with the U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday. This called U.S. travel ban and trade are expected to be top of the agenda. The president says he wants to renegotiate the NAFTA deal Mexico and Canada. Keeping in mind 75 percent of Canada's exports go to the United States

CHURCH: The U.S. president's immigration policy and plans for a border wall are sparking huge protests in Mexico. Demonstrators jammed the streets in cities across the country Sunday. One of the largest protests was in Mexico City where an estimated 20,000 people marched.

HOWELL: Wow. Many people wore shirt saying "no wall, no immigrant raids, no aggression to Mexico."

CNN's Leyla Santiago has this report for us.

LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We saw people here from thousands of people here from all walks of life, all political parties, parents with their children, students, activist, political leaders, I mean, this was quite a wide ride range of people, of thousands of people who came out to protest President Trump.

We heard things like "Puera Trump," so that means "out Trump" "bridges, not walls." A variety of messages to send not necessarily directly to the U.S. and its people, but to the White House and its president.

I had a chance to speak to a Mexican senator who has been very vocal and has really kind of critical actually of the Mexican government and what it has done in this relationship with the United States. And I want you to hear what he had to say.


ARMANDO RIOS PITER, MEXICAN SENATOR: Well, it's an important call for unification of different ways of thinking how we much work against Donald Trump. And I think it's very good as a society from different kind of people, different ages. They are here in Reforma in the heart of Mexico, of the city of Mexico. Making this kind of call is...


SANTIAGO: And we also saw U.S. citizens out here protesting, marching along with Mexicans in unity to show support. We saw two women from Los Angeles who said they preferred to be on this side of the wall for tis protest and to really show support for the people of Mexico.

But something that organizers made very clear with that this was about President Trump not the people of the United States and they do want to in any way develop any anti-American sentiment. HOWELL: That was CNN's Leyla Santiago reporting there for us. I want

to tell you now about a story of a family of refugees finally reunited after a long hard fight to get through all of the legal red tape.

[03:35:06] CHURCH: After several years their reunion was about to happen until they hit one last obstacle - President Donald Trump's travel ban.

CNN's Kyung Lah report.

KYUNG LAH, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This walk is three years in the making. Taslim is about to meet his father for the very first time. Her mother finally reuniting after the 9th Circuit of Appeals again blocked the travel ban.

Refugees like Taslim's father are now landing in America. It's a reunion that almost didn't happen. Nimo Hashi learned his husband's refugee entry was cancelled. Trump's executive order slammed the door shut halting all refugee entries for 120 days. The last time Hashi saw her husband was in a refugee camp in Ethiopia. Both had fled the bloody war in Somalia.


You were pregnant at the time.


LAH: The U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program brought Hashi to Salt Lake City three years ago where she gave birth to Taslim. Just this year her husband was finally cleared.

ADEN BATAR, CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR: When the executive order came out all this cases were cancelled.

LAH: Aden Batar once a refugee himself is with Catholic Community Services resettling refugees. Sixty nine refugees from Ira, Afghanistan, an African nations had entries cancelled into Utah. But then a 180. Just days later a federal judge suspended the ban.

Written in erasable ink on this white board the name of Abdeslam Ahmed, that's Nimo Hashi's husband. Today, she has only a few more steps left, this family now complete. The two-year-old Taslim her father is a stranger. She will eventually learn her father has been living in an Ethiopian refugee camp for more than 20 years, his only known life as a refugee.

A three year separation from his family, awful. But this new dad says he will get to know the daughter he is holding for the first time.

"My daughter she can't even recognize. It's first time I'm seeing her. I want to send out a message to the American government and President Trump that, you know, he needs to look in a humanitarian way and also in lovely way because refugees don't fled their home country and they don't have anywhere to go back to."

LAH: Kyung Lah, CNN, Salt Lake City, Utah.

HOWELL: Kyung Lah, thank you so much. Tensions between Iran and the United States they are escalating.

Still ahead, we will take you to a ski resort in Iran. You'll hear why moderates there are worried about the new U.S. president.

CHURCH: Plus, some of the biggest stars in film walk the red carpet at the Bafta Awards, a look at the night's big winners. That's coming your way in just a moment.


HOWELL: Welcome back to CNN Newsroom. I'm George Howell.

Tensions are escalating between Iran and the United States. It could have negative consequences where conflicts across the Middle East and for Iran's economy.

Our senior international correspondent Fred Pleitgen is live in Iran this hour in Tehran, that nation's capital. Fred, so when it came to the Iran nuclear deal it took moderates in both nations, moderate leaders, the former U.S. President Barack Obama, leaders also in Iran to come together and make this deal happen. That has changed with the new U.S. president who is no moderate and makes that very clear.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, absolutely. It certainly has changed. Now, moderates here was so enthusiastic about that nuclear agreement thinking it would bring big economic benefits to Iran. And that's happened slower than most people would have hoped, but it is happening.

Again, many of them now fear with the Trump administration in office that those benefits could go away very quickly. We went to one of Iran's premier ski resorts and talk to some people here. Here's what they had to say.


PLEITGEN: Internationally, not many people know that Iran has a wealth of ski areas. Looking at the crowd here you could almost think you're in a European or American resort. Fewer religious conservatives and more moderates. And many of those moderates fears President Donald Trump's harsh stance on Iran could lead to renewed conflict.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Iranian people, you know, they showed a relation -- a good relationship to Americans but I don't think that Trump shows a good faith. Yes, he's against us.

"We're not happy with what Trump is saying us, this man says." But the Iranian people and the government will show the world that it's not true."


PLEITGEN: After some easing of tensions during the Obama years U.S./Iranian relations have taken nose dive since President Trump assumed office. The administration hitting Iran with sanctions after Tehran conducted a ballistic missile test in late January.

Iran hitting back. Its President Hassan Rouhani calling Trump a political new comer and emphasizing that Iran will not back down from its positions.

Many Iranians now fearing escalating tensions could harm the nuclear agreement between Iran, the U.S. and several other nations that curb Iran's nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief. Especially moderate Iranians were very excited about the nuclear agreement, thinking it would bring this country big economic benefits.

Now many of them worry that Donald Trump's tough stance on Iran could destroy the deal.

Tourism is one of the sectors Iranians hope will blossom after decades of stagnation, and many here still hope souring U.S./Iranian relations won't derail the fledging upswing.

"We're happy when the relationship is going well," he says. "We need good relations not conflict."

The new Trump administration has caused a feeling of uncertainty for many Iranians concerned about the deteriorating ties between the two nations hoping the down work trajectory doesn't become even steeper.

HOWELL: That's Fred Pleitgen reporting there for us. Fred, thank you so much.

CHURCH: Well, some of the biggest stars in film were honored at the Bafta Awards. Unlike other awards shows this year's things got a little political. You will hear what celebrities had to say on the red carpet.

HOWELL: Plus, the Grammy's celebrated their very best in music. We'll have the moments that everyone is talking about from Sunday night show. Stay with us.


PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT REPORTER: Hi, there. I'm Patrick Snell with your CNN World Sports headlines.

You know, this time last year all the talk was of Leicester City realizing their dream of a first ever top title. The past 40 year the unthinkable is now very real and daunting threat of relegation after the defending Premier League champ crashed to a fifth straight defeat.

Their opponent Swansea was also desperate for the points but after this 2-nil wins the Swans are now up to 15. Let's remember into the last 16 of their champions league they're right in the pick of relegation about just a point of the drop zone.

Meantime, Chelsea's title search continuing, though. Antonio Conte blues with the night a 12 point lead to top the Premier League. Thanks to Burnley's spirited resistance of turf more on Sunday holding Chelsea to the 1-all draw. The host have now gone six top flight games unbeaten to the home for the first time since the mid-70s.

Despite not winning though, the Blues actually extend their lead the toughest founding to 10 points.

Great weekend for Jordan Spieth the 23-year-old American recording a 9th Korea win on Sunday at the ATT Pro-Am event that the famed Pebble Beach Golf club in California. Spieth had an overnight lead of six shots and was in cruise control in the final round that included two birdies sealing a four shot when, you know, Tiger Woods by the way, the only other golfer who had 9 or more victories by the age of 23. Jordan Spieth up and running for the year.

That's a look at your World Sport headlines. I'm Patrick Snell.

HOWELL: Welcome back to CNN Newsroom. It is good to have you with us. Entertainers from around the world came together in London on Sunday for the 70th annual British Academy Film Awards, the Baftas.

CHURCH: But it wasn't just the movies that grab people's attention.

CNN's Isa Soares was on the red carpet where things got a little political.

ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The fans were out in force and on a bitterly cold night in London. It was the stars that turned up the heat.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Under statement of the century.

NAOMIE HARRIS, ACTRESS: I'm really excited. It was my mom and my step dad and my best friend come with me as well.

SOARES: It was a night where Hollywood royalty met British royalty rubbing with the duchess of Cambridge and Prince William on the red carpet. The Baftas often seen as one of the most unpredictable award ceremonies. Tonight offered few surprise.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the Bafta is award to "La La Land."

SOARES: With "La La Land" taking five gongs including best director, best film and best actress for Emma Stone.

EMMA STONE, ACTRESS: Thank you so much. This is one of the greatest working experiences of my life. It was such joy.

SOARES: The other favorite "Manchester by the Sea" took home two awards.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the Bafta Kenneth Lonergan "Manchester by the Sea."

SOARES: Best original screenplay and best actor for Casey Affleck. CASEY AFFLECK, ACTOR: But the reason I'm here right now tonight is because of Kenneth Lonergan and his sublime screenplay that really signifies, I think, the everyday lives and their struggles with great compassion.

[03:50:09] SOARES: But before the event there were concerns. There will be more tensions on the politics that the performances. It is one of the biggest nights in the British film calendar but expect politics to steal the limelight.

There is certainly were strong messages on the night.

KEN LOACH, DIRECTOR: The world is in a dark and dangerous place, being able to make films contribute to the public discourse that people have things to say.

VIOLA DAVIS, ACTRESS: My message would just be a message just congruent with August Wilson's life legacy which is honoring that every man, honoring that janitor, that maid, that garbage collector, those people who were in the grave whose lives never mattered, uplifting their lives.

VIGGO MONTERSEN, ACTOR: More than ever now not just in the United States but in Great Britain and the rest of the Europe. I think people need to do a lot more listening than speaking and shouting.

SOARES: A called to action by some of the most talented people in the industry proving that Hollywood and the Baftas's are not just about glitz and glamour.

Isa Soares, CNN, London.

HOWELL: Congratulations to all the winners, but you've got to give it to Isa Soares there.

CHURCH: She looked fantastic. She looked like one of the actresses there.

HOWELL: She is, indeed.

CHURCH: Some light talk.

HOWELL: All right. Also to talk about a special night in music. The 2017 Grammy Awards held Sunday in Los Angeles.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the Grammy goes to "Hello".

HOWELL: Wave for us.


HOWELL: Adele was the night's big winner, the pop singer swept the top Grammy Awards winning song and record of the year for her hit "Hello," and the album of the year for 25.

CHURCH: Chance the Rapper won best new artist and made history as the first musician with a streaming only album to win a Grammy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And winner is "Blackstar" David Bowie.


CHURCH: David Bowie's 25th and final album "Blackstar" picked up five Grammy Awards including best rock song and rock performance. The music legend died in January of last year.

Joining me now to talk more about the big moments at the 59th Annual a Grammy Awards is entertainment journalist Holland Reid. Great to have you in the studio.


CHURCH: And I mean, there was so many great moments.

REID: Yes.

CHURCH: But it was the night went to Adele. I mean, she won all three of the main categories including album of the year.

REID: Yes.

CHURCH: And so, let's just look, though, because earlier she of course opened with the performance and she -- there was a tribute to George Michael. Let's just listen because she had little bit of a flab at the start and then...


REID: A little bit.

CHURCH: Let's see how she went.

ADELE, SINGER: I'm sorry. Then we please start it again? I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

CHURCH: But what a voice. I mean, really. But were you surprised she took all three categories?