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Kidnapped Teen Found Alive Three Months After Parents Killed; Trump Is Not Declaring A National Emergency Right Now; "American Style" Premieres Sunday at 9 PM; Governor of Florida To Suspend Broward County Sheriff. Aired 3:30-4p ET

Aired January 11, 2019 - 15:30   ET


[15:30:00] BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN HOST: Incredible turn in the case of Jayme Closs. A 13-year-old girl missing for months. She has been found alive. A suspect is now under arrest. Next, we'll speak live with a woman who survived her own kidnapping ordeal about what this young woman could be going through.



[15:35:00] DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The message is I appreciate their service to the country. They are incredible people. The federal employees that we are talking about. But many of them agree with what I am saying and what the people in this room who are experts are saying. They don't want to see people killed because we can't do a simple border structure.

I appreciate their support. We have yesterday it was I was watching this morning and reading this morning that so many people are saying the President is doing what's right and even though it's affecting us short-term and temporarily, the bill. Was just passed, which I will sign in congress. Making sure everybody is going to be paid when this is over. But I just really appreciate the fact that they have handled it so incredibly well. Many of them agree with what we are doing. We have no choice. Steve, go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 24 hours ago, you were saying you probably were going to declare a national emergency.

TRUMP: No, I said I could do it, but it's the easy way out. But Congress should do this. This is too simple. It's too basic. Congress should do this. If they can't do it, if at some point they just can't do it, this is a 15-minute meeting. If they can't do it, I will declare a national emergency. I have the absolute right to do it. It says as clear as you can.

Now what will happen? I will be sued, it will be brought to the Ninth Circuit and maybe even though the wording is unambiguous like with the travel ban it will be appealed and we'll probably lose there too and hopefully will win in the Supreme Court. But that's what happens. You can take the most perfectly worded document as we have in this case and always bring it to the Ninth Circuit. And then you never know what's going to come out of the ninth circuit. You never know what's going to come out on appeal. But fortunately, we have the Supreme Court that's treated us fairly. So, this is something that Congress should easily do. This is something that the Democrats should do. And I don't want to give an easy way out of something as simple as this. Not only simple, it's easy and it's going to -- we have a country that's under siege. A lot of people don't like invasion. We have a count o try that's being invaded by criminals and by drugs and we're going to stop it. So, I want the Democrats to come back to Washington and vote. Thank you very much. Thank you.


BALDWIN: So, Trump there on how it would not be prudent to declare this national emergency. He explained a couple reasons why, which is news worthy. Jennifer Rodgers is with me, former federal prosecutor. He brought up the Ninth Circuit, which he's familiar with because of the travel ban get. Ing hung up. So, what did you make, first, of his message?

JENNIFER RODGERS, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: I think the message is the right one which is don't declare a national emergency when it's not a national emergency. That's a bad precedent to set. He's suggesting that were he to do this in this way, he would get hung up in the courts. People would sue. You would end up in the Ninth Circuit. He's going to lose. He goes up to the Supreme Court. So, the way to do it the right way is through Congress with appropriations. That way when it can be challenged in the right way through regular process and that's the right way to go. About it. I think he's getting to the right result even if his reasoning is not correct.

BALDWIN: Working out with Congress is working out really well right now. I kid. We talked also a lot about how if he were to declare a national emergency how that would set a dangerous precedent for this President or future Presidents.

RODGERS: I think that's right. I mean, the point is you can't make an emergency when it's not an emergency. Otherwise you could take anything you wanted to do, declare it a national emergency, issue an executive order and by his reasoning low and behold it's done. That's not the way that these things are supposed to be done. So, I think he's right and the question is do you do it now and perhaps lay the groundwork for the next Democratic President doing the same thing on issues going forward.

BALDWIN: Jennifer Rodgers, thank you.

Coming up next, this amazing story of escape and survival out of Wisconsin. A teen has been missing for three months after her parents were murdered.

[15:40:00] She has just been found alive and a suspect has been arrested. Find out how all of this came to an end.


BALDWIN: Just a remarkable escape. The 13-year-old Wisconsin girl who vanished the night her parents were murdered is alive and safe after throw months of being held captive. Jayme Closs' parents were found shot and killed in their small-town Wisconsin home back in October. Thousands of people helped in a search for Jamie Closs with no luck until now. A woman happened to be out walking her dog when she immediately recognized Jayme.


JEANNE NUTTER; FOUND A MISSING TEEN WHILE WALKING HER DOG: I knew she wasn't dressed for the weather so I figured when I first saw her, did she run away or somebody dump her off here because she didn't have a coat or gloves. When she told me who she was, I figured she must have left in a hurry. She said I'm lost and I don't know where I am. I need help. She was scared. But then when she -- I stayed calm so she stayed calm. I didn't grab her and run off through the woods which would have been maybe an instinct, but I just held on to her and said we're going to find somebody who is home and call the police. You're going to be OK. You're going to be safe. Everything is going to be fine. You're going to be fine. I just kept saying that.


BALDWIN: And then minutes later police arrested this 21-year-old man. He's now charged with kidnapping Jamie and murdering her parents. Joining me now another brave kidnapping survivor. She's Katie Beers, who was taken captive when she was 9 years of age and locked in an underground bunker for 17 days. She wrote the "New York Times" best seller "Buried Memories" about her story of survival. A pleasure to have you on. And my goodness, of all the people who could relate to Jayme, it's you. What must she be feeling right now?

KATIE BEERS, KIDNAP SURVIVOR AND AUTHOR: Relief, still scared, happy, I'm sure it's a flood of emotions that she's experiencing right now. But mostly I'm sure it's probably relief.

BALDWIN: The neighbor who helped rescue her described her as quiet and said her emotions were pretty flat. What does that tell you?

BEERS: She in some way had to develop a relationship with her captor. And it might have been part of her willingness to stay alive is just to shut off all emotion. I mean, she could have been in a surreal experience. She's been captive for three months and now she's finally free. I'm sure it was like a dream for her.

BALDWIN: After your kidnapping you were raised by a foster family. Here Jayme is, I'm sure, yes, relieved she's OK and safe and alive. But her parents have been murdered. What must that trauma feel like?

BEERS: I absolutely cannot speak to that subject. However, it sounds like she does have a very supportive family. Aunts, uncles, possibly grandparents. It sounds like she's going to be wrapped in love. It's going to be awhile for her to be able to talk about everything because not only is she getting over the trauma of being abducted and now escaping, she probably has not dealt with the fact that her parents were shot and killed. Now she's going to have to deal with recovering and processing both of these huge life events.

BALDWIN: She will need to be wrapped in love. I love how you said that for quite a while. Katie Beers, thank you very much.

BEERS: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Coming up next, the new governor of Florida is taking action to suspend the sheriff that responded to the shooting in Parkland, Florida. Details on what's behind that move, next.


BALDWIN: From World War 2 to the woman's movement, "Rebel Without A Cause," to the rise of MTV. Political, social and economic changes have had an impact on the way we dress. Now the new CNN original series "AMERICAN STYLE" looks at how the past 100 years have defined this country is unique style and identity.


KIMBERLY TRUHLER, FILM AND FASHION HISTORIAN: The 40s and 50s were definitely America finding itself.

TIM GUNN, FASHION HISTORIAN AND AUTHOR: Americans felt very second race when comparing ourselves to Europe.

VANESSA FRIEDMAN: Sportswear became the defining style of the United States.

GUNN: The bikini was the biggest thing since the atom bomb.

DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, AUTHOR AND PROFESSOR OF HISTORY, RICE UNIVERSITY: Through the 60s and 70s our style and fashion represents freedom.

DR; TODD BOYD, PROFESSOR, STUDY OF RACE IN POPULAR CULTURE: When you look at hippie culture it is really oppositional to the Vietnam war.

CHRISTOPHER REID, ACTOR COMEDIAN AND RAPPER: disco is very important in terms of people being free to express themselves.

CHRISTIE BRINKLEY: In the 80s it was a lot of excess in every way.

GUNN: We have our Calvin Kleins, and Ralph Laurens and our Donna Karans

DOUGLAS BRINKLEY: Calvin Klein's advertising was rather scandalous.

TRUHLER: The underwear ads stopped traffic in Time Square.

BOYD: By the 90s and 2000s things had become less formal.

CHRISTIE BRINKLEY: Super models really brought fashion into every household.

TRUHLER: Style gives you a voice. It is freedom.


[15:55:00] BALDWIN: Joining me now is the legendary stylist, Patricia Field, who designed costumes for "Sex and the City", "Ugly Betty" and got an Oscar nomination for her work on "The Devil Wears Prada."

Patricia Field, it is a pleasure.

PATRICIA FIELD, LEGENDARY STYLIST: The pleasure is all mine.

BALDWIN: She gave way the glasses she is wearing now. Actually, the "Ugly Betty" glasses that you let America Wear. OK. Can I geek out for a second? I and I'm sure so many people watching huge "Sex and The City" fan for years and years. That show since its debut has been 20 plus years. If you flip that show on today those clothes those girls were in would be relevant today. How did you pull that off?

FIELD: Well, it wasn't anything that I strike that strategized. Darren Star was really cool and giving me what how he perceived these four girls. It helped me a lot from the beginning then there were of course other things. Sarah Jessica Parker is like a natural, she is such a fashion savvy, graceful and put together. She was a joy to work with because she got it and we really collaborated a lot. I knew for example that Sarah Jessica Parker was ballet trained. You can see her gracefulness. When I came across that tutu, I was like I think she is going to like this. And she did.


FIELD: And she did because it was a little off the wall for somebody not in styling. But anyway, she fought for it and we got it.

BALDWIN: It is so much more than what you're wearing. It is about telling a story and as we watch this entire series, "AMERICAN STYLE," is there one series of Americana fashion that you just love?

FIELD: I have to say that one of my favorite times was the '60s.


FIELD: Because it was modern. It was positive. It was optimistic. People were into the space age and you had designers like Courreges, Cardin, Rudi Gernreich who were doing that -- expressing that feeling.

BALDWIN: Thank you. Tune into the all new CNN original series "American Style" premiers this Sunday night at 9:00 eastern.

Just in, Florida's new governor, Ron Desantis forced to make an there is the landing today as he was on his way to make a major move involving the sheriff involved in the Parklands shooting. Stand by for that.


BALDWIN: Just in, Florida's new governor, Ron Desantis is expected to suspend embattled Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. He came under heavy criticism for how we handle the parkland shooting. Sheriff Israel has vowed to fight any effort to strip him of his office. I'm Brooke Baldwin, thank you so much, for being with me today.

Let's go to Washington.