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24 Arrested in Fourth Night of Protests after Police Killing; U.S. Expected to Sanction Russia, Expel Russian Officials; Iran Raising Enrichment to 60 Percent After Natanz Attack; Women Reveal Details of Parties Gaetz Allegedly Attended; Haiti's Government Resigns After Months of Political Turmoil; Kerry in China for Climate Talks. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired April 15, 2021 - 04:30   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: And welcome back to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada and around the world, I'm Kim Brunhuber and you're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

About 24 protesters have been arrested in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, after demonstrations continued for a fourth night. They are demanding justice following the fatal police shooting of 20-year-old Daunte Wright. Demonstrators threw fireworks at police while police used flashbangs and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. Law enforcement officials say tensions have been lower since ex-officer Kim Potter was arrested and charged with second degree manslaughter. She makes her first court appearance later today.

Now even with charges being brought against the officer in this case many of the protesters say the system is failing black Americans. We asked Cornel West, a professor of public philosophy at Harvard University, what needs to be done.


CORNEL WELL, PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC PHILOSOPHY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY: The question becomes, how do we work on the inside of a system, because the system is a failure. We know that. All investigations and so forth, they can spend months and months on that. It is failing black people. So the question becomes what is the response? Do we come up with our own forms of protecting each other? Do we generate mechanisms of accountability for police and others who are killing black people? We cannot just have conversations over and over again about this must stop, this must stop. No. We need more than that.


BRUNHUBER: Sources say the U.S. is expected to announce sanctions targeting Russian individuals and entities as early as today in response to the SolarWinds cyber hack and U.S. election interference. Up to a dozen Russian diplomats are set to be expelled as well. Now this comes just days after President Biden proposed a summit with Vladimir Putin during a phone call with his Russian counterpart. The Kremlin said it would study the proposal but said it was too early to talk about specifics.

CNN's Nic Robertson joins us now with more. Nic, tell us what's been the response so far from Russia. I mean, this doesn't seem like the best enticement for a summit.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: I think, yes, you could read it diplomatically not an enticement for a summit, but it's possible to read this as, you know, President Biden made this phone call knowing that these sanctions were coming and, therefore, hoping to have, you know, direct future conversations with President Putin.


In effect saying I'm going to sanction you for these actions. What we heard from the White House was very straightforward, that the two countries need to be candid and honest with each other where they have differences and work together where they can. So in some ways you can see this as President Biden trying to create a way that the two countries can manage this dispute.

Biden this come into office promising to get tough on Russia and its hacks and human rights abuses specifically Alexey Navalny the opposition politician. These issues were front and center for President Biden. But the sanctions are clearly going to raise the diplomatic temperature between the two countries. And a face-to-face summit afterwards is a potential way to get on top of the outfall of these actions.

And there will be outfall and the Russians have made that clear. We've heard from one of their senior officials tweeting -- one of their senior officials at the U.N. tweeting. Saying that this may be the last opportunity to avoid as he calls it a great powers confrontation from these baseless accusations that he says the United States is making against Russia. It's significant that at the end of his tweet he says, "not our choice."

The message from President Biden, of course, is that Russia's own actions whether it's cyber espionage or the U.S. intelligence assessment that Russia is paying militants in Afghanistan to kill U.S. troops, that it is actually Russia's choice, and the United States is responding. But it seems very clear from what this diplomate is saying that there will be an adequate response. So Russia's early response on this is likely to expect tit for tat, whether they escalate beyond the dozen or so the U.S. will expel, not clear yet.

BRUNHUBER: Great to get your analysis as always. Nic Robertson, thanks so much for joining us.

Indirect talks on salvaging the Iran nuclear agreement are set to resume in a few hours. The meetings came against the backdrop of Tehran preparing to boost uranium enrichment to 60 percent, which is far out of compliance with the deal. Iran says it's doing it as a response to the attack on its nuclear facility in Natanz. But that move is raising alarms with the U.S. and Europe. And Saudi Arabia is calling on Iran to deescalate saying 60 percent enrichment can't be for peaceful purposes.

For more on this let's turn to Fred Pleitgen in Berlin. Fred, Iran very defiant. What effect could this have on the nuclear agreement?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think you're absolutely right, Kim, defines was the word that I was going to open up this live report with. You're absolutely right, I think that the Iranians are showing that they can do this enrichment up to 60 percent. In fact, the International Atomic Energy Agency told us, told CNN yesterday that they have been at the Natanz nuclear site. They had a visit there yesterday and that the preparations to enrich up to 60 percent are almost complete on the Iranian side.

What the Iranians are saying, look, you had this incident that happens at the Natanz nuclear facility, but that facility is still very much operational. In fact, the Iranians are saying that some of those old centrifuges that were apparently damaged in that incident that those will be replace by newer centrifuges. And of course, those newer centrifuges also instrumental in going up to that enrichment of 60 percent. So that certainly seems to be well under way.

And you're absolutely right that does raise a lot of alarm bells in the U.S. We've heard from the White House saying that they are not sure whether Iran is sincere anymore about these negotiations that are going on in Vienna. We've heard from the European countries also calling on Iran not to do this as well. But the Iranians very much defiant and the Iranians are saying that, yes, they want the nuclear agreement to survive but they also say they want sanctions relief as fast as possible.

I think one of the really important things that happened over the past 24 hours is that Iran's supreme leader has weighed in on all of this. He is the top authority, of course, in Iran, he would have to sign off on anything that happens regarding the nuclear agreement, anything those Iranian negotiators do, or anything that's decided upon. And he has said he does not want protracted negotiations. And he also once again has said that Iran wants sanctions relief before it comes back into compliance.

So certainly it's going to be very, very difficult negotiations. And of course we've been talking about this in the past, Kim, and the way that the negotiators there in Vienna are trying to do this is they're trying to compartmentalize the negotiations. They're talking to the U.S. about sanctions relief. They're talking to the Iranians about what they're willing to do to come back into compliance, doing those talks separately and then sort of trying to marry those positions together to then try and have everything happen simultaneously. It is very difficult. It is very complicated.


However, even after the incident that took place this past week, the Iranians and the U.S. are saying they still have committed to try to salvage the nuclear agreement, bring the U.S. back to the agreement and bring Iran back into full compliance. The Iranians are saying even with that 60 percent enrichment that is still possible fairly quickly -- Kim.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, so complex and fraught here. Thanks for your analysis there, Fred Pleitgen in Berlin.

All right, ahead on CNN NEWSROOM, new details on the flurry of allegations of drug use and sex trafficking against U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz. Stay with us.


BRUNHUBER: Sex, drugs and digital payments, those are some of the things that allegedly went on at late night parties, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz attended allegedly. Again, sources tell CNN federal investigators are examining whether Gaetz had sex with an underaged girl and violated federal sex trafficking laws. Gaetz has denied the allegations. CNN's Paula Reid has more.


PAULA REID, CNN SENIOR LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Congressman Matt Gaetz avoided questions from reporters as he was spotted back on the Hill for the first time since news of a federal investigation first broke. CNN is learning more about drug use, sex and payments to women involved in late night parties with Gaetz. CNN spoke directly with two women who attended these parties with the lawmaker and others.

The women told CNN these parties were held at a house in a gated community in suburban Orlando. The first thing some women were asked to do was put away their cell phones as the high profile men in attendance, often including Congressman Gaetz and other state Republicans did not want the night documented.

CNN has learned that people mingled and shared drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy. One of the women said she saw Congressman Gaetz take a pill she believed was a recreational drug and that he behaved like a frat type of party boy. Some of the people at these parties also had sex.


The Justice Department is investigating whether Congressman Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking and prostitution laws as part of the probe.

CNN has learned money was exchanged after some of these parties. This comes as a source familiar with the matter tell CNN that Gaetz's his friend Joel Greenberg has been providing law enforcement with information about the congressman's activities since last year.

Greenberg is seeking a plea deal. The former Seminole County, Florida tax collector faces 33 federal charges. His lawyer Fritz Scheller offered a signal last week his client may be sharing information about the congressman. FRITZ SCHELLER, JOEL GREENBERG'S ATTORNEY: I'm sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.

REID (voice-over): A source familiar with the case confirms Greenberg told investigators details about he and Gaetz would pay women for sex with cash and gifts, in possible violation of prostitution and sex trafficking laws.

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): I'm built for the battle and I'm not going anywhere.

REID (voice-over): Gates is trying to deflect and has previously denied the allegations.

GAETZ: They aren't really coming for me. They are coming for you. I am just in the way.

REID (voice-over): According to receipts reviewed by CNN, Gaetz and Greenberg use digital payment apps, including Venmo, to send hundreds of dollars to at least one woman who attended these parties. The receipts reviewed by CNN report payments that took place between 2018 and 2019, and include at least one indicated in its label, that it was to compensate for travel.

Another woman said she received money from Greenberg, after some of the parties. But she never received a payment directly from Gaetz. Both women we spoke with say they never saw anyone at the parties who appeared to be underage.


BRUNHUBER: That was CNN's Paula Reid reporting.

The man who admitted to running the world's largest financial fraud in history has died in prison. Bernie Madoff was serving a 150-year sentence for masterminding a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme that ruined thousands of lives. He was arrested in 2008 after investors demanded he redeem $7 billion that he didn't have. A judge denied Madoff's request last year for an early release due to a terminal illness. He called Madoff's fraud one of the most egregious financial crimes of our time. Bernie Madoff was 82.

All right, coming up, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry is in Shanghai hoping to convince China to partner with the U.S. to combat climate change, but he has got his work cut out for him. I will have the latest from Beijing live next. Stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: Cuba is set to enter a post-Castro era this week for the first time in well over half a century. Raul Castro plans to step down as head of the country's Communist Party. The transition of power from the so-called historic generation will happen at the party congress scheduled to begin Friday. It will be the first time since the 1959 revolution led by Fidel Castro and his brother that a Castro won't be in charge.

Haiti's government has stepped down, a new prime minister is in place. The resignation comes after months of violence and political turmoil. CNN's Patrick Oppmann has the latest on a nation deeply divided.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Haiti's president says he has accepted the resignation of his government and appointed a new prime minister. The move comes as Haiti deals with increasing political violence and uncertainty. Haitians say worsening economic situation and blatant official corruption has led to widespread corruption.

President Jovenel Moise says the changing government is meant to address the killings and kidnappings that have plagued the country that sparked public outrage. Moise's critics and the opposition say that he is the problem, and the Haitian president shouldn't even be in office.

According to the opposition Moise's five-year presidential term already ended, and he was supposed to have left power this year. Moise claims that since a (INAUDIBLE) taking office, his term is still not finished.

So far the U.S. has not called for Moise to step down. Instead has urges the Haitian President and opposition to work together. Moise has vowed to reform the constitution and hold elections but the opposition says they no longer believe the Haitian president and that he is the one who needs to go.

Patrick Oppmann, CNN, Havana.


BRUNHUBER: The director of the FBI says the bureau has more than 2,000 investigations linked to the Chinese government and is opening a new one every ten hours. In testimony to Senate Intelligence Committee, Christopher Reyes says Beijing's ability to influence American institutions is, quote, deep and wide and persistent.


CHRISTOPHER WRAY, FBI DIRECTOR: I don't think there is any country that presents a more severe threat to our innovation, our economic security and our democratic ideas.


BRUNHUBER: But despite those threats U.S. climate envoy John Kerry is hoping the two nations can find common ground over an escalating global crisis, climate change. Kerry arrived in Shanghai late Wednesday for his talks with his Chinese counterpart. China is the world's number one greenhouse gas emitter and experts say the only way to tackle this environmental catastrophe is with Beijing on board.

Kerry's visit to China comes amid heightened diplomatic tensions on other issues between the two nations. CNN's Steven Jiang joins us now from Beijing. So as I just said, with the atmosphere between the two countries' frosty to say the least, can any progress on this vital issue really be made here?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: Well, Kim, it's going to be a very tall order for Kerry and the fact he's not even here in Beijing, the seat of this very centralized government, tells you that sensitive and delicate nature of this visit. The Chinese probably want to put him in a more political mutual setting and not having to worry about if Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has been trying to present himself as a global leader on this issue, will have to meet Kerry and answer the question of whether or not he will attend President Biden's virtual climate summit next week.


So as you mentioned, these climate talks are taking place at a time when the political climate between the two governments cannot get any worse on a whole range of issues. So both sides are already trying to really manage expectations. China state media has been saying that these talks have to be conducted based on both parties being equals not on U.S. terms. And the Chinese, according to them, are not going to make unilateral concessions to help advance the Biden administration's agenda restoring America's global leadership on this issue.

But from Washington's perspective, though, as Kerry himself has said repeatedly in the past few days, this crisis cannot be resolved without China being at a table. That's why he's in Shanghai meeting and talking with his counterpart, Xie Zhenhua, about cooperation. But also reminding the Chinese of the gap between their leader's very ambitious pledges including going carbon neutral by 2060. And the reality on the ground which is they have been expanding the use of coal in the past few years despite this being one of the biggest contributors to their greenhouse gas emissions. And Kim, as you know, and this trend appears to continue despite all the talk about green post COVID-19 economic recovery -- Kim.

BRUNHUBER: All right, Steven Jiang in Beijing, appreciate it.

The royal family is back at work after the death of Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth held her first in-person royal engagement since the loss of her husband, a ceremony for the outgoing Lord Chamberlain. Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared family photos on social media remembering Prince Philip as a father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Family members are in a two-week mourning period. Preparations are under way for the funeral Saturday at Windsor Castle.

That's it for us here. I'm Kim Brunhuber, thanks for joining us here in the CNN NEWSROOM. "EARLY START" is next.