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President Biden Takes on Russia; Europe Has Grim COVID Record; Brazil is Facing Unimaginable Loss of Lives; Inside a Brutal Crackdown in Myanmar; Japan PM Will be the First Foreign Leader to Visit Biden White House; Japan PM To Meet With Biden At White House Friday; Chauvin Invokes 5th Amendment Right, Chooses Not To Testify; Talks In Congress Legislation About Police Reform Gain Urgency Amid Fatal Police Shooting of Daunte Wright; Daunte Wright's Deadly Shooting By Police Stoking Anger Amid Chauvin's Murder Trial In Death of George Floyd; As Governor, Kasich Helped Launch Ohio Task Force on Community- police Relations. Aired 2-2:45a ET

Aired April 16, 2021 - 02:00   ET




JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We can't allow foreign powers to interfere in our democratic process with impunity.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Taking on Russia, the U.S. president announces new sanctions while saying at the same time now is the time to deescalate.

The numbers keep growing in Europe, passing one million COVID deaths.

Plus, new claims on a massacre in Myanmar. We will explain the startling allegations.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to "CNN Newsroom." I'm Michael Holmes.

It is not exactly a return to the Cold War, but U.S. President Joe Biden is sending a chilly message to Russia, unveiling sweeping new sanctions in retaliation for Moscow's meddling in the 2020 election and the SolarWinds cyberattack, too, that was discovered last year.

CNN's Alex Marquardt with that report.


ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Biden administration rolled out what the president calls measured and proportionate punishment against Russia for, among other things, Russia's attempts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and the historic hack against the U.S. government.

(APPLAUSE) MARQUARDT (voice-over): The massive Russian influence campaign in the 2020 election led to 32 people and entities being sanctioned, including for the use of disinformation websites like these, spreading lies, directed by Russia's main intelligence agency. Russian efforts and operations were global, a network in Africa and companies in Pakistan.


MARQUARDT (voice-over): There was a new time (ph) revealed between the Trump campaign in 2016 and Russia. The U.S. Treasury Department is targeting Russian Konstantin Kilimnik for giving Russian intelligence both polling data and campaign strategy in that race. It was given to him by 2016 Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, a longtime associate of Kilimnik.

Manafort pushed his own conspiracy theories, promoting the idea that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election, an unfounded idea picked him up President Trump.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: How come the FBI never got the server from the DNC? The server, they say, is held by a company whose primary ownership individual is from Ukraine.

MARQUARDT (voice-over): For the first time, the U.S. also named the Russian intelligence agency behind the unprecedented cyberattack, known as the SolarWinds hack, uncovered late last year, a sophisticated campaign into at least nine U.S. federal agencies and around 100 companies.

Cracking down on Russian intelligence, the Biden administration sanctioned six technology companies connected to them and announced it would kick out 10 Russian diplomats from the embassy in Washington, including known spies.

One issue where Russia was not punished is for the reported bounties that Russia put on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan, reports that Biden used during the campaign to blast Trump.

BIDEN: As president, I will never, never, never stand silently in the face of an intelligence reports that the Kremlin has put bounties on the heads of U.S. troops serving in Afghanistan.

MARQUARDT (voice-over): The intelligence on that, Biden officials now say, isn't strong enough to demand action now. Instead, they will respond through diplomats and the military.

(On camera): Biden says he had a phone call this week with President Putin that he called candid and respectful. Biden is clearly trying to carefully walk a line here, both punishing Russia for many of the things that they've done while also hoping that things don't escalate between the two countries.

The phrase that we heard from Biden, that we are hearing a lot from this White House, for the relationship with Russia, is stable and predictable.

Alex Marquardt, CNN, Washington.


HOLMES (on camera): For some reaction to the sanctions, let's head to London and CNN's international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson. Good to see you, Nic. Yeah, fairly tough line by President Biden on Russia. What do you make of these moves in a strategic sense? And since you are there in the U.K., he is concerned shared where you are in Europe more broadly?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Absolutely. I mean, just as this was all being announced yesterday, the British foreign office was calling in the Russian ambassador here for a discussion about -- just about the sanctions being placed. Britain is concerned. We look at the language used by the foreign secretary here. It really echoed what we were hearing from the United States.


ROBERTSON: And so clearly in lockstep, European Union very much in the same position. You know, Biden created the narrative here while he was on the campaign trail that he was going to punish Russia, hold Russia to account. He has done that. But at the same time, he is also keeping that narrative going that, you know, you need to work with countries, you need to be open and honest about differences, but work with them going forward.

So, this appears to be carefully calibrated steps because we had that phone call that Biden had with Putin a couple days before the sanctions. And in that, part of the message was that we are not looking to escalate in tit-for-tat, round after round of sanctions, and calling on Putin not to further escalate because United States could escalate, too.

He said that it is important for both of them to have this face-to- face communication to further the relationship and sort of achieve both countries' interests here where those interests align.

You know, Biden really, as you say, is playing tough on one hand but trying to keep the diplomatic track open on the other side, and also the warning he gave President Putin about build up of troops around Ukraine. The United States supports Ukraine's territorial integrity. That is a very clear message as well.

That is, you know, Biden trying to reset in a way the relationship with Russia but is coming to office resetting it, addressing the imbalance of Russia, thinking or acting with apparent impunity.

But we know from the Kremlin that they will respond. They have indicated essentially to expect countersanctions, countermeasures, perhaps diplomatic expulsion of some sort. But it is not clear yet exactly on those steps. That is why we can judge whether Biden's messages really landed or not. HOLMES: You mentioned Ukraine there. Ukraine's leader, Zelensky, is going to be meeting with Emmanuel Macron in France. He is sort of courting E.U. support as those Russian troops, as you say, circle this country, including occupied Crimea. What sort of support does he want and how likely is he to get it?

ROBERTSON: He is going to want as much military support as he can get. He is also obviously going to want that sort of international -- that diplomatic and political support in the international stage, which he has. That is very clear. It has come from Biden.

Macron said as well that France supports Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. Macron has said, looking at the Russian troop buildup at the moment on the borders of Ukraine, we could be facing a scenario that we saw in 2014, where Russia decides to annex some of Ukraine -- Crimea in 2014.

So, there is certainly a lot of verbal support. Macron, of course, part of the Normandy four that is, in essence, sort of the international diplomatic effort to move the minsk agreement, along which has stalled Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, sort of key countries that essentially was supposed to sort of oversee an agreement to deescalate the military conflict and return some sort of normality in Ukraine. That hasn't happened.

Zelensky will get support for that. That is clear. What Europe is going to -- will not do in the form of NATO is invite Ukraine to become a member of NATO. There will be plenty of NATO support in one way or another, but not a path to membership because Russia has clearly -- has indicated that is a red line. And I think what we see from the Europeans is, they recognize that is a red line for Russia. They are not going to cross it. But there is plenty of other support that can be given.

HOLMES: All right. Great analysis. Thanks, Nic. Nic Robertson in London there for us.

Now, the World Health Organization says that Europe has now surpassed one million COVID deaths. Officials say the situation remains serious there despite progress on the vaccine front.

Let's have a look at how things are across the continent. You can see the map there. Death is spiking in a lot of countries, including Ireland, France, Poland, Norway as well. France has now exceeded 100,000 COVID fatalities on its own.

Paris correspondent Melissa Bell is joining us with what is going on there, one million COVID-related deaths in Europe. The WHO is also talking of -- quote -- "intensive care capacity having been exceeded in all parts of the region." How dire is the situation?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Pretty bad. If you take the example of France, for instance, Michael, where it is now more than 5,900 people with COVID-19 in ICUs, that is very high. We haven't had that in about a year.


BELL: The peak, the largest we ever saw, the amount of people, the number of people in ICU was just over 7,000 at the very peak of the first wave when the county first locked down back in March of last year.

But clearly, extremely worrying figures, once again a health system under strain and what the government says is that that peak of the third wave has yet to be reached. So we saw those restrictions coming in for much of the country in mid-March, then we saw the entire country going to this partial lockdown. That, of course, takes a while to translate in terms of the number of new cases not leading to too many people entering ICU.

We are still seeing pretty large daily rises in the number of new cases between 30,000 and 40,000 on average. Again, that is historically very high. So the peak is still ahead of us.

The good news, of course, and I think this is what is going to make all the difference, are the vaccination programs in European countries. They have been slow but they are making progress. We've seen a pick up in the pace in countries like France and Germany with differences in new record reached in Germany with more than 700,000 injections given in a single day. Here in France, they're averaging about 400,000 every day.

Now, you've reached a point where here in France, for instance, 16 percent of the population, 16.7 has now had one vaccine. What authorities hope is that if you can imagine that that will continue, that the pace will continue to pick up over the coming weeks, then there will be some semblance of a return to normality.

So what Emmanuel Macron did yesterday, tweeting about the sad milestone of 100,000 deaths, saying that the country would remember every face, Michael, and every name, is looking at how the country is progressively going to open.

So a meeting was held at the palace last night. The idea is that very progressively from the 15th of May, there will be some beginning of a reopening, beginning with things like terraces and museums. Of course, ere in France, they have now been closed for many months. That will of course is a huge relief to an economy that has been battered by not one but two, but three waves. Of course, the partial lockdown at the government had been so desperate to avoid. Michael?

HOLMES (on camera): Yeah, absolutely. Melissa Bell there in Paris, thank you so much.

Now, the situation is really concerning in Brazil. We cover that a lot here on the program. It just cannot get its outbreak under control. COVID-19 cases heading in the wrong direction again and more and more lives are being lost. CNN's Shasta Darlington reports.


SHASTA DARLINGTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): For the six straight months in Rio de Janeiro, more people are dying than are being born as hospitals burst at the seams. In at least 10 other Brazilian cities, the trend is the same as the crisis plays out across the nation.

A surge in coronavirus seems to be spiralling out of control, killing three people each minute in a record-high last week. Overwhelmed cemeteries and resorting to late-night burials just to keep up with demand. Still, experts warn the pandemic may only get worse.

A COVID P1 variant, first discovered in Brazil, may be dangerously mutating, scientists say, becoming more resistant to vaccines as it spreads unchecked across the country. If Brazil doesn't contain the variant, it could lead to an unimaginable loss of lives, writes a team of experts in a report published Wednesday in the Journal Science.

The federal response has been a dangerous combination of inaction and wrongdoing, they add, pointing to the government of President Jair Bolsonaro for its handling of the pandemic as criticism mounts worldwide.

CHRISTOS CHRISTOU, INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT, DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS: I have to be clear in this. The Brazilian authority's negligence is costing lives.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): Members of the medial NGO, Medicins Sans Frontieres, say Brazil's COVID-19 response has plunged the country into a humanitarian crisis that they warn is only likely to intensify. But Brazil's far-right leader is bristling at international alarm as he doubles down on opposing lockdown measures.

JAIR BOLSONARO, PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL (through translator): I think I am the only world leader taking all this criticism. It would be easier to just follow the masses. That way, people don't accuse you of genocide, just because I think differently.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): Bolsonaro has also lambasted a probe by the country's senate into his handling of COVID-19, and continues deflecting criticism for sputtering vaccine rollout. So far, only about three percent of the population is fully vaccinated, after political infighting and repeated delays. Meanwhile, medical systems across the country begin to collapse as worrying trends emerge.

JEAN GORINCHTEYN, SAO PAULO HEALTH SECRETARY (through translator): In the first wave, we saw mainly older people. But this is not what we are seeing now. It is a disease that has shown itself to be more aggressive, particularly in young people.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): A recent report out of Brazil says most ICU patients are 40 years old and younger for the first time since the country's outbreak began. No one is safe, it seems, from the grip of a deadly pandemic as Brazil's gruelling battle with coronavirus rages on.


DARLINGTON (voice-over): Shasta Darlington, CNN, Sao Paulo. (END VIDEO TAPE)

HOLMES (voice-over): Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is with me now from Sao Paulo in Brazil. He's a professor of neurobiology at Duke University. Doctor, good to see you again.

Let's start with this. Initially, it was believed babies and young children weren't severely impacted by COVID. But official numbers in Brazil say that between February of 2020 and March of 2021, COVID killed at least 850 of Brazil's children up to the age of nine and 500 babies. There have been other researches that say it could be twice that. What do these numbers suggest to you?

MIGUEL NICOLELIS, NEUROBIOLOGY PROFESSOR, DUKE UNIVERSITY: Well, this has been reported down here in Brazil. It is very scary to see the numbers because these are, you know, 10 times more than the United States and about 20 times more than the U.K.

We are seeing, since the beginning of the year, that the neonatal ICUs are getting crowded in several parts of Brazil. So, this corresponds to the reality of what is going on down here where you see more pregnant women being infected and more babies being born already infected by the coronavirus.

HOLMES: Worrying numbers. I mean, also, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the majority of COVID patients in ICUs across Brazil are younger than 40 years old. That is according to a new report by the Brazilian Association of Intensive Medicine. And also, the mortality rate among patients, aged 18 to 45, has soared. What does that tell you?

NICOLELIS: Well, things are getting worse for sure, and we have some studies here suggesting that even in Sao Paulo, where you get the best possible health care in Brazil, seven out of 10 patients that get intubated at the ICU will die. This is 70 percent mortality rate for patients who get intubated, which, you know, I never heard in my entire career.

In other parts of Brazil, in the northeast, some states in the north, in the Amazon region, that number is nine out of 10, which is, you know, you don't even know how to understand that.

HOLMES: That -- that is incredible. I mean, for months in Brazil, deaths sat at around a thousand a day, and then literally in a matter of weeks, it was 2,000, then 3,000. Now, it is more than 4,000. Is this a warning for the world?

NICOLELIS: Oh, absolutely. Things are getting out of control. I actually believe, last week, we had at least one day in which Brazil reached 5,000 deaths because one of the major states in Brazil did not report fully the data they got. They reported less than a fifth of the real data. So, since they got the other day, the day after 500 deaths in their state, we probably crossed close to 4,900 deaths in Brazil at that point.

So, that shows you how fast things are getting out of control down here and that shows that the pandemic in Brazil is probably generating a lot of mutations and variants that could spread out of the country.

HOLMES: Yeah, what happens in one country can impact the rest of the world. I wanted to read a couple of things from -- there was a team from the Harvard Chan School of Public Health and experts at the University of Sao Paulo and elsewhere, there was a study or a report in the Journal Science.

I will just quote a little bit from it. It said, "In Brazil, the federal response has been a dangerous combination of inaction and wrongdoing. In Rio de Janeiro, political chaos compromised a prompt and effective response."

It also says, "The COVID response in Brazil was not prompt nor equitable. It still isn't. Brazil is currently facing the worst moment of the pandemic."

What does all of that say about the COVID response in Brazil, where you are, the leadership?

NICOLELIS: Well, basically, the Brazilian leadership, I mean, the federal government never took this seriously since the beginning. They found all sorts of excuses not to act properly.

When we had this warning in January, saying that Brazil would get into the worst part of the pandemic in two or three months, all of the epidemiologist and the scientific community in Brazil started recommending a national lockdowns to prevent what is happening right now. The federal government didn't listen to any of us.

So it is pretty clear that they never acted up to the task that they had in front of them to prevent this tragedy that is happening in Brazil. It is unfolding at levels that we never imagine could be possible down here.

HOLMES: It is incredible. It just gets worse and worse every time I speak with you. Dr. Miguel Nicolelis in Sao Paulo, I really appreciate your time and your work.


NICOLELIS: Thank you. Thank you very much.

HOLMES: Now, the CEO of Pfizer says people are likely to need a vaccine booster dose six to 12 months after their first round. There could be an annual re-vaccination. The drug maker started testing boosters at the end of February to see how well a third dose works against new variants. The CEO says he thinks the third dose could induce up to 20 times the antibody response of the first two shots.

We are going to take a quick break here on the program. When we come back, Myanmar's military using weapons of war against civilians trying to (INAUDIBLE). We are hearing from survivor of a particularly brutal raid.

Also, the defense rests (ph) without hearing from ex-police Officer Derek Chauvin, coming up. We will have the latest from the courtroom. We will be right back.


HOLMES: Welcome back. Reuters is reporting that protesters in Myanmar are calling for a silent strike today. They are asking people do stay home or wear black in public to honor the civilians killed by security forces since the coup.

Demonstrators determined to stay peaceful, even as they are targeted by a ruthless military machine. We saw proof of that in last week's deadly crackdown in Bago.

Paula Hancocks joins me now from neighboring Thailand. Some horrifying eyewitness accounts are emerging from Bago. What have you found?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Michael, we heard from the advocacy group that they think at least 82 people were killed a week ago today in the city of Bago. But they can say that the actual number is likely far higher. Those that we have spoken to on the ground agree and say the death toll was far higher. They say that during this bloody crackdown within that city, that the military seemed far more intense on killing than arresting.



HANCOCKS: Dawn in the city of Bago, April 9th. The shooting is said to have started at 5 a.m. One NGO described what happened that day as a killing field.

Protesters tell us they have six bunkers throughout the city to try and keep the military at bay. Road blocks made of sandbags to stop the bullets from getting through. One member of the so-called defense team, tasked with protecting the neighborhood from the military, says they were up against far more than just bullets.

An 18-year-old, who says he should be starting studies in IT now, he spoke to us over the phone on condition of anonymity. He has fled the city and is in hiding.

UNKNOWN, PRO-DEMOCRACY PROTESTER (voice-over): We heard 32 members were killed at bunker number one as we were running away. We couldn't make contact with them. As we ran the military shot at us from a monastery they were stationed at.


UNKNOWN (voice-over): As they were shooting continuously, I think at least 40 of us were killed at that time.

HANCOCKS: What do you have to defend yourself? What sort of weapons or shields do you have?

UNKNOWN (voice-over): We have gas masks, helmets, air guns. That's all we have. HANCOCKS: He says survivors believed 97 people were killed that day. The military says it was the protesters who attacked, not them, and claimed they had handmade guns, shields and grenades, and they say only one person died.

Multiple sources, including advocacy group AAPP, says the military was using assault rifles, grenades and heavy weaponry like RPGs, weapons you use on a battlefield. These photos taken of the aftermath in Bago would seem to support this.


HANCOCKS: This audio, recorded by one protester, shows the intensity of the military onslaught, an onslaught that has been widely condemned.

RAVINA SHAMDASANI, OHCHR SPOKESPERSON: The military seems intent on intensifying it pitiless policy of violence against the people of Myanmar, using military grade and indiscriminate weaponry.

HANCOCKS: An accusation rejected by the military junta.

BRIGADIER ZAW MIN TUN, MILITARY JUNTA SPOKESMAN (through translator): If we really shot at protesters using automatic rifles, the 500 you referred to could be killed within hours.


HANCOCKS: This is not the first time the military has been shooting at protesters in Bago, but everyone we spoke to said this was different.

One doctor, who wanted to hide his identity for safety, says he tried to treat the wounded that day, but was blocked by the military. He said at least one of his colleagues was arrested.

UNKNOWN, DOCTOR (through translator): We could see the wounded, we could see people fall to the ground, but we couldn't get to them. We saw a bystander killed by a gunshot to the head. He was only 18 or 19.

HANCOCKS: The military went house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood. Activists and doctors tell us many were arrested from inside their homes. Their families received the calls the next day to come and pick up their body for a price, a charge of around $85 in order to be allowed to give a loved one a funeral. One activist tells us that price has now gone up to $110.

The military has said nothing. Horrifying stories slowly emerging from just one city on just day in Myanmar.


HANCOCKS (on camera): One factor that could explain the high death toll, according to a few protesters that we spoke to, they believe that there was a military informant that infiltrated their ranks. They say to us this particular individual had a father in the military. He had given the names, the photos, and the weapons that they had to the military as well, which is why, they believe, they suffered such high casualties.

CNN cannot independently confirm that claim. But the very fact that they believe this to be true has led to lack of trust within this group. They are all scattered now around the city of Bago and the neighboring villages. They were in hiding. They are not answering their phones to any numbers they don't recognize. They are very concerned about their own safety. Michael?

HOLMES: Absolutely incredible. Paula, thank you. Paula Hancocks there in Bangkok.

Now, U.S. President Joe Biden will welcome his first foreign leader to the White House on Friday.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga arrived in Washington a few hours ago. He is scheduled to meet with President Biden in the afternoon on Friday. The topics of discussion, well, they are expected to center around the two countries' opposition to China's recent aggressions against Taiwan. The two leaders will also hold a joint news conference.

Let's bring in CNN's Blake Essig, who joins me now from Tokyo. First, world leader to visit the Biden White House, I mean, what do we read into that? What message is going to be sent back to China on Taiwan?

BLAKE ESSIG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Michael, you know, it really speaks to the importance of the Japan-U.S. alliance. It's a relationship here in Japan that has been called the cornerstone of diplomacy and security. This is the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders and President Biden's first visit from a foreign leader since taking office in January.

Summit between President Biden and Prime Minister Suga on Friday is expected to cover a wide range of topics, including COVID-19, the climate crisis, the Olympics, North Korea, and perhaps the biggest focus, China.

Now, President Biden plans to use the summit to send a clear message to China regarding its recent aggression in the eastern south China seas, in particular, towards Taiwan. Now, just earlier this, China sent 25 warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone.

From Japan's perspective, a senior government official told me that Japan has three main objectives for the summit.


First to figure out how we can support President Biden's approach towards multilateralism, second to enhance the U.S./Japan alliance in a free and open Indo Pacific defined by rule of law and third, to establish a personal relationship between Biden and Suga.

Now, just before leaving Japan last night, the Prime Minister said he would like to build a relationship with President Biden and further strengthen the Japan/U.S. alliance linked by freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

In addition to meeting with President Biden tomorrow afternoon, Suga will also meet with Vice President Harris in the morning because of COVID-19 a fraction of the normal delegation accompanied Prime Minister Suga to Washington for the summit. All of them have been vaccinated, Michael.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN HOST: One of the things was the Japanese relationship with South Korea, which is sort of deteriorated in recent years and then all three countries in the U.S. vitally interested in North Korea.

ESSIG: You know, regarding South Korea and Japan, bad blood has existed for centuries, most recently, that includes the issue of wartime labor and comfort women, though Japan feels that both of those issues have been resolved through agreements in 1965 and 2015. While the two countries have many issues to settle, the denuclearization of North Korea is one that they both agree on, Michael.

HOLMES: All right, Blake. Thanks, Blake Essig there in Tokyo for us. Quick break, when we come back, Prince Phillip will be laid to rest this weekend, what we can expect from that service and who will be allowed to attend? We'll have some details for you when we come back.


HOLMES: Hundreds of protesters took to the streets outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department in Minnesota on Thursday for a fifth straight night. They want justice for Daunte Wright. The 20-year-old killed by police during a traffic stop on Sunday. Many demonstrators stayed out well past the curfew.

The former officer charged in Wright's death is now out on bail and made a brief court appearance on Thursday. Meanwhile, in nearby Minneapolis, the murder trial of Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin is heading into closing arguments and law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are preparing for a verdict CNN's Sara Sidner with the latest from the courtroom.


SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): For the first time since the start of the trial. Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin spoke in court.

JUDGE PETER CAHILL, HENNEPIN COUNTY DISTTRICT COURT: Do you feel that your decision not to testify is a voluntary one on your behalf?


SIDNER (voice over): He chose not to take the stand as a witness in his own defense, leading the defense to rest its case.

ERIC NELSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Your Honor, at this time the defense rests.


SIDNER (voice over): The prosecution then brought back its star medical witness to refute the idea brought up by yesterday's defense expert.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is an extremely toxic gas.

SIDNER (voice over): That exhaust from the squad cars' tailpipe possibly lead to carbon monoxide poisoning of George Floyd.

JERRY BLACKWELL, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: Do you agree with that proposition that's highlighted there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I do not. It's simply wrong.

SIDNER (voice over): The prosecution also attempted to introduce new lab results evidence about carbon monoxide poisoning.

BLACKWELL: It was discovered yesterday by Dr. Baker, it would return a value for the carbon monoxide content and that will show whether or not that result is in the normal range or not.

SIDNER (voice over): The defense argued such a late evidence entry by the prosecution should lead to a mistrial.

NELSON: It's our position that these new test results should not go in front of the jury first and foremost. And second, if they were I would be moving for a mistrial.

SIDNER (voice over): The judge agreed.

CAHILL: The late disclosure has prejudiced the defense; it's not going to be allowed.

SIDNER (voice over): A short time later, all witness testimony came to an end.

BLACKWELL: The State of Minnesota rest.

SIDNER (voice over): Now after the prosecution called 38 witnesses to make their case that Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck when he was handcuffed in a prone position caused his death and was an unjustified use of force.

DR. LINDSEY THOMAS, PROSECUTION WITNESS, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: There's no evidence to suggest he would have died that night, except for the interactions with law enforcement.

SIDNER (voice over): And after the defense argued the use of force was by the book with their expert witness testifying, that the cause of death was inconclusive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would fall back to undetermined.

(END VIDEO CLIP) SIDNER: The judge expects closing arguments to begin on Monday and the jury could have the case the same day and begin deliberating. We're standing outside of another Memorial, the Memorial of Daunte Wright because one of Floyd's brothers Terrence Floyd, he's been watching the trial all along, and he said he felt he had to come out to this memorial to pay his respects. Sara Sidner CNN, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

HOLMES: Now graphic body camera footage has been released from yet another fatal police shooting. This one was in Chicago, where a 13- year-old Adam Toledo was shot by police last month a warning the video is disturbing.

The officer can be heard shouting for the boy to stop and show his hands now according to police, less than one second passed from when Toledo is seen holding a handgun and when an officer fires a single shot that hits him in the chest.

Investigators say a gun was recovered from the scene. The lawyer for Toledo's family disputes that and says he wasn't holding a gun. We got to concern about that story now, Britain's Royal Family preparing to say goodbye to Prince Philip. Coming up we'll go live to Windsor for details on the ceremony and who is expected to attend? We'll be right back.



HOLMES: Now we are following some breaking news out of Indianapolis in Indiana where police say multiple people have been shot at a FedEx facility. A spokesman says the gunman apparently took his own life there is no active threat to the community.

The police shut down an interstate 70 near the facility. The highway has since been reopened. Now FedEx says it is aware of the situation. It is cooperating with investigators. People have been advised to go to a Holiday Inn nearby for more information, families and so on again, multiple people shot at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. We'll bring you more information as it comes to hand.

Now we have new video from inside the Chapel where Prince Philip's funeral will be held on Saturday. We're talking about St. George's Chapel in Windsor. You see it there. Buckingham Palace has also released the guest list for the funeral. It is limited to 30 people because of COVID restrictions.

Joining me now from Windsor is CNN's Anna Stewart. Good morning to you Anna, I wonder what we can expect to see on Saturday.

ANNA STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Morning, Michael. Yes, we've had lots more detail actually from the palace regarding tomorrow. And I think if anything reflects just how evolved Prince Philip was planning his own funeral?

The military will very much be front and center. There'll be a big procession of the coffin through the grounds of Windsor Castle to the doors of St. George's Chapel; it will include 700 personnel from all the branches of the armed forces.

And the coffin Michael will be placed on a Land Rover and we now have pictures that we can show you all of that. This is a Land Rover that was designed by the Duke himself. As you can see, it's been painted in army green to reflect his relationship with the armed forces.

And following that will be the royal family some of the members of the royal family on foot so Prince Charles and his other children, also grandchildren, including Prince William and Prince Harry, now they will be walking together but in between them will be their cousin, Peter Phillips.

Now this is getting a lot of attention today in the British press lots of speculation, of course regarding the rift that was made so public by that recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, also getting a lot of attention. What will the Royal Family are wearing? Will they be wearing military uniform?

No, the decision is not now this is thought to avoid some sensitivities Michael regarding the father Prince Andrew wants to wear the uniform of an admiral according to some reports, but of course a step back from royal duties recently, due to ties with Jeffrey Epstein.

And Prince Harry recently stripped of his honorary military titles, so it's going to be just normal suits for them all. Just 30 people in that Chapel close family members, also some German relatives, descendants of Prince Phillip sisters who of course couldn't attend his wedding due to sensitivities post Second World War.

It's going to be a really interesting day, a very beautiful ceremony intimate just 30 people, Michael.

HOLMES: All right. Thanks, Anna. Good to see you there in Windsor. We'll be checking in with you as the day goes on. I'm Michael Holmes. Thanks for spending part of your day with me. I'll be back with you in about 20 minutes or so for more CNN Newsroom. Meanwhile, "World Sport" up next.

