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Little Improvement In U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll; Michigan's Third Wave Overwhelming Hospitals; Europe Aims To Speed Up Vaccinations; India Reports 200,000-Plus Cases Fourth Day In A Row; Indianapolis Shooting; U.S. Gun Violence Epidemic; Alexei Navalny Dying In Prison; Czech Republic Expelling Russian Embassy Employees; Closing Arguments Monday In Floyd Murder Trial; Duke Of Edinburgh Laid To Rest At Windsor Castle; Woman Gets Pregnant While Already Pregnant. Aired 5-6a ET

Aired April 18, 2021 - 05:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Coronavirus cases are on the rise in some states despite a major vaccination push. We'll take a closer look at why places like Michigan are sounding the alarm.

Plus, gathering to remember. What we're learning about the victims of the mass shooting at an Indianapolis FedEx facility.

And a city on edge as protests over Daunte Wright's death continues and Minneapolis prepares for closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin trial.

To all of you watching here in the United States, Canada and around the world. This is CNN NEWSROOM.


BRUNHUBER: Three million and counting, just one day after the world passed a sad and staggering milestone the number of global deaths from COVID is still climbing. Since then, another 11,000 people have died from the virus.

In the U.S. the death toll is the worst in the world with over 556,000 killed by the coronavirus. A model often used projects nearly 620,000 deaths by August 1st. One thing that could bring the number of cases down.

The U.S. has vaccinated almost a quarter of the population. Michigan's third COVID wave is so severe that hospitals are running out of space. Nearly 10,000 new cases were reported on Saturday alone. Polo Sandoval has more.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Several health care facilities here in the state of Michigan reports that their hospitalization numbers continue to climb, not only reach the levels we saw during the most recent surge, during fall and winter, but exceeding those numbers.

That is the case right now at Beaumont Health, one of the more recognized and largest health care systems, here in the Detroit area. Officials tell me, they continue to see hospitalizations there climb.

Dr. Joel Fishbain with that hospital system telling me that he is specifically continuing to notice those patients are getting younger. Many of those, admitted to him they attended large gatherings, which go against those recommendations in place, not just in Michigan but across the country.

But Dr. Fishbain also saying, about half of the patients he is seeing right now are affected with that highly contagious B.1.1.7 variant, first discovered in the U.K. earlier this year.

DR. JOEL FISHBAIN, BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, GROSSE POINT: We are seeing many more people sick and families and exposures.

And the problem and concern that I have, is until everyone is vaccinated, could there be other variants that now escape the immune system?

SANDOVAL: Recently Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer expanded the current mask requirements to children as young as 2 but there continues to be this growing call by many here in Michigan that some of the other recommendations in place, including a recommendation to avoid indoor dining, should instead be a requirement at least for now as the state of Michigan tries to drop some of these numbers.

Michigan's health authority calling the situation dire -- Polo Sandoval, CNN, Detroit.



BRUNHUBER: We are joined now by Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, an epidemiologist and a former health director.

Thanks so much for joining us.

Why Michigan and why now?

DR. ABDUL EL-SAYED, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: We're seeing a set of dynamics that hit Michigan hard first. The U.K. variant, B.1.1.7, has been in the state for awhile. And we know it spreads faster than garden variety coronavirus. That's part of it.

The other part has been policy, aggressive reopening on the part of public officials. We have dine in eating at 50 percent. We have active indoor sports. We have more gym and casino reopenings.

[05:05:00] EL-SAYED: And we have optimism that has eclipsed the number of vaccines. We have about 25 percent fully vaccinated and we need to get to 75 percent for herd immunity. So between reopening, between the optimism about where we are with vaccinations and B.1.1.7, we have a perfect storm.

BRUNHUBER: We have seen other states with that transmissible U.K. variant. So you were talking about the vaccines there. The governor was pleading for more vaccines.

Is that the answer?

The largest increases have been in the younger age groups that are the last to get the vaccine.

Is there no correlation there?

EL-SAYED: First, it is great news that the vaccines are working. They are protective and that is great news on that front. Imagine how much worse it could be.

But we have to understand the dynamics of these vaccinations. We know it takes about 10 days between when someone is vaccinated and when their body produces the antibodies that protect them and render that immunity.

We also know it is three to five days between when someone is exposed and when someone is infectious. We know, even if we were to vaccinate everyone now, it would take three weeks.

We need to reduce the spread of this virus among folks and do what needs to be done here as we wait for more vaccinations. In the end, vaccinations will be the key. But they're not that great at responding to viruses.

And the governor has taken some steps to mitigate this, through the shutdowns that were so unpopular and that led to the now infamous storming of the Capitol.

Do you think that political crisis there has discouraged a stronger response and lead to the COVID crisis that we're seeing now?

EL-SAYED: There is no doubt that there is a clear link between politics and public health. And it really accounts for the fact that COVID-19 took 560,000 lives overall. What made the governor a national hero in the spring and in the fall is how quick she was to lock down even in the face of that political pressure.

We have hospitalizations at a peak and we need that same heroism now.

BRUNHUBER: Thank you, I appreciate your time.

EL-SAYED: Thank you for having me.


BRUNHUBER: At least a third of the 3 million worldwide deaths are from Europe. Let's bring in Melissa Bell from Paris.

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right, a variant driven wave here in Europe has been particularly difficult for authorities to identify. Now in partial lockdown, France is beginning to see the fruits of the restrictions placed in 16 regions of France, strict restrictions that are seeing finally a fall in the number of COVID-19 patients in French ICUs. That is the good news.

The bad news is it took some extremely strict measures there. Now the vaccines appear to be making progress. Now about 400,000 people being vaccinated every day here in France. They saw a record this week, 700,000 in a single day. So the vaccination campaign that had faltered seem to finally be picking up pace.


BELL: But it will take a greater pace to get to where Europe needs to be. As a reminder, the variants continue to cause questions and concerns here in Europe. France announced that it was pausing flights from Brazil to France and is putting in a strict quarantine procedure.

A reminder those variants are great concern here in France and they fear that they could once again prove to be a game-changer as they did just before the third wave came.

BRUNHUBER: Absolutely and the race to get control of this for their own health but also those countries desperate to revive their tourism that was basically wiped out last year.

BELL: Yes, it's been since the first wave so many countries that are heavily dependent on hundreds of billions of dollars of industry, they're not able to be involved at all. They have been at the forefront for a push to introduce vaccine passports. They will allow Europeans to cross borders more freely.

Until that herd immunity has been reached, the commission vowed there would be two doses available for 70 percent of Europe. And the rest is up to the member states. Until that happens, it will be about restrictions to prevent new variants overwhelming ICUs.

And in the meantime, Europeans really want to use vaccine passports so that small proportion that has been vaccinated can once again go and enjoy the busy summer season.

Greece is saying they will allow people to come in if they can prove their vaccinated status or their negative status and Greece wants to have people come through without quarantines. So trying to get some semblance back, something of a semblance of normality, that the economy can once again start, as Europe continues to grapple with these numbers and fairly disappointing vaccination figures.

BRUNHUBER: CNN Melissa Bell in Paris for us. Thank you so much.

India is fighting a devastating spike in COVID cases. They are reporting more than 260,000 cases in the last 24 hours. They say the city of Delhi is facing a huge shortage of hospital beds. Vedika Sud is in New Delhi. The surprise to me was how relatively well

India seemed to do in the first wave but the second wave much worse and now more worries about if there will be enough vaccines.

VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Since you put that first question to me, the reason we're seeing more numbers in the second group, if you remember there were lockdowns that were implemented across India because there was a control on the numbers.

This time the economy is open, there have been no restrictions really from October to February of this year and the guidelines that are implemented by the government. This is a staggering number. And the problem is that we're concern it will peak in the coming days.

Narendra Modi has asked for a supply of remdesivir and oxygen to be ramped up. Also appealing to the devotees that are currently attending one of the biggest religious festivals in the world.

Two top seers have agreed to this but that doesn't mean that the festival will end anytime soon. Over 5,500 people came and have been infected in the city itself.


SUD: Imagine what this could turn into if some guidelines were not put in place. This is the highest number that the capital of the country has seen. There are very simple guidelines in place here, with weekend curfews and even the state chief minister came out to say, yes, there is a shortage of oxygen supply.

If you just look at election rallies taking place there are campaigns. Unfortunately, politicians that should be in the forefront are going ahead to flout social guidelines. They are flouting what is happening and they are staying that way in the country.

BRUNHUBER: All right, Vedika Sud, thanks so much. Appreciate it. Indianapolis mourning the eight lives lost Thursday in a vigil filled with tears and prayers. We'll have the latest on how the community is coping and they are demanding police accountability. Stay with us.





BRUNHUBER: Indianapolis is in mourning and people came together to remember the eight lives lost. The victims included two teenagers just out of high school, a retired engineer looking forward to his 50th wedding anniversary and immigrants seeking the American dream. The police chief spoke of the resilience of Indianapolis.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I do want to thank the community. I received messages and I'm not the victim, right?

I'm not a family of the victim. But so many people have contacted me and said their prayers are with us, for law enforcement and other groups all over the United States. Indianapolis is strong. We are a great community and we take care of our own and that's what we will continue to do.


BRUNHUBER: Here are the names of the victims. Amarjeet Kaur Johal, Karli Smith, Matthew Alexander, Samaria Blackwell, Jaswinder Kaur, Jaswinder Singh, Amarjit Sekhon and John Weisert. Our Jason Carroll was there at the vigil and filed this report.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The city held a candlelight vigil for the victims of the FedEx shooting, some of those coming out wearing orange T-shirts, FedEx T-shirts. And there were members of the Sikh community.

Four of the eight victims were from the Sikh community and, in fact, two of the victims, their family members, of Jaswinder Kaur and Amarjit Sekhon, they found the courage to speak to us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was a very, very hardworking woman. She devoted her life to her children, to her family. She was a family oriented woman. She had no issues with anyone. She was the nicest person ever.

This is something that never should have happened to her or to my other aunt, Jaswinder. We are deeply saddened by this. Jaswinder, Auntie, she was an amazing person, she always had a smile on her face. The only reason why she joined working was because she was just bored at home. She just needed something to do.

CARROLL: There were eight victims; two of the victims, just 19 years old. The oldest victim, 74-year-old John Weisert. He was about to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary -- Jason Carroll, CNN, Indianapolis, Indiana.


BRUNHUBER: Jason just mentioned that half of the victims were members of the Sikh community. The advocacy group The Sikh Coalition says they were deliberately targeted by the suspect. They asked the Biden administration to acknowledge what this was. The director talked about feelings in the community right now.


SATJEET KAUR, THE SIKH COALITION: These individuals were the backbones of their families and I want to underscore, honestly, they were America's backbone. They were working families.

So as I hear them cry and hold back tears, I just also want to share that this is a feeling that I personally have felt and many others in the community felt after Oak Creek. It is exactly what we feel every time as a Sikh has been viciously attacked as we continue to fight for our existence and wondering if any place is safe. It's real trauma.


BRUNHUBER: Authorities say they don't yet have a motive but they are learning more. Brandon Hole legally purchased the rifles he used in the attack. His family released this statement.

"We are devastated at the loss of life, caused as a result of Brandon's actions. Through the love of his family, we tried to get him the help he needed. Our sincerest and most heartfelt apologies go out to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

"We are so sorry for the pain and hurt being felt by their families and the entire Indianapolis community."


BRUNHUBER: Brooklyn Center is under curfew right now following the police shooting of Daunte Wright. Josh Campbell reports.


JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: The Minneapolis area continuing to deal with the aftermath of two controversies involving police use of force. Obviously the death of George Floyd and the ongoing trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who is charged with his murder, as well as the death of 20-year-old Daunte Wright, just 10 miles from where we are standing, up in Brooklyn Center.

I want to share what the city is doing at this point to all of its police precincts. They've erected this fencing as well as razor wire. Obviously we've seen clashes at demonstrations outside some police buildings. That is obviously an issue. Authorities also leaving nothing to chance ahead of the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin.

Setting up these security parameters you can see. There are also members of the National Guard as well as obviously the police department here.

I want to show you not just what the government is doing but also local businesses. You can see plywood that has been set up here. We can see this in and around town. Again, the community is certainly on edge.

And as far as what we're expecting on Monday, we will hear closing arguments in the trial of former officer Derek Chauvin. And then we expect the jury will go into deliberation. We don't know how long it will take. The judge in this case telling them to pack a suitcase. In his words, "plan for long and hope for short."

We will be waiting for those developments as the city watches and waits for what will transpire as it's been watched around the world -- Josh Campbell, CNN, Minneapolis. (END VIDEOTAPE)

BRUNHUBER: Still ahead, we'll look back at some of the most gripping testimony in the past few weeks.

Plus, Alexei Navalny's aides are calling for a huge rally in Russia. They say his life is on the line. Stay with us.





BRUNHUBER: Welcome back to those watching here in the United States and around the world. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

The press secretary for Alexei Navalny says his health is so bad he is now dying. U.S. President Joe Biden says what is happening to him is unfair and inappropriate. Despite the physical danger, he is sticking with it and one of his colleagues tell us why.


VLADIMIR ASHURKOV, RUSSIAN DISSIDENT: The hunger strike is the last measure that an inmate can apply in this circumstances. It's not something that people do lightly and put their life in danger. All that he requests is that he is given proper medical care with a doctor of his choice.

Especially it is important since his recovery after his poisoning with Novichok nerve agents where recovery is not really complete.


BRUNHUBER: And now Sam Kiley joins us from Moscow.

The Navalny spokesperson putting out some dire warnings.

What can you tell us?

SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Without an independent medical assessment, we can't say with authority but, according to sources within his movement, a group of doctors have seen the result of some blood tests that indicate that he is in imminent danger of kidney collapse or a potentially fatal heart condition.

We cannot get any kind of a response out of the Russian authorities nor has there been any independent medical treatment. He is still in recovery from an attack blamed on the Russians. They have denied responsibility for that attack.

But it is coming at a time when his movement is potentially being banned as a extremist organization as a result of prosecutors here in Moscow. And they have been hitting back with an attempt to get 500,000 signatures to an online petition. They're hoping to put together what they call the biggest protest against the Putin regime ever seen in Russia.

BRUNHUBER: We have seen a flurry of expulsions. We have seen another one just now, the Czech Republic expelling 18 Russian diplomats.

What's this?

KILEY: It has been an extraordinary few days. In the last 24 hours, no less than 18 Russians, all identified as being with one of two Russian intelligence organizations. They have certainly been accused in the past of operating overseas.

And 18 people, allegedly agents, being expelled, it is a very interesting statistic. They have acknowledged it is more than double the numbers of U.S. diplomats and triple the numbers of Chinese diplomats. That is perhaps an indication of what they see as a longstanding bridgehead, if you like, for Russian intelligence. In Poland a few days ago, three diplomats were expelled.


KILEY: And then you see the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats because of interference in the 2020 elections. All this not only in cyber but actually also on the sea and on land, where we've seen a buildup of Russian troops on the same or similar level as when Russian troops moved into Ukraine and Crimea.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, so many threads to follow. Sam Kiley, we appreciate it.

U.S. President Joe Biden is increasing the country's refugee cap after he previously said he wouldn't on Friday. He said he would keep it at its historically low level. Arlette Saenz has more from the White House.


ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Biden acknowledged Saturday he would increase the number of refugees allowed into the United States after some back and forth on that number on Friday.

But the White House said Friday that the president would keep a current cap on refugees, which is at 15,000, a record low number set during the Trump administration. This was -- ran counter to what President Biden promised in the campaign and earlier when he said he would be lifting that number to over 62,000.

And this announcement from the White House faced fierce and swift backlash. Within a matter of hours, the White House reversed course and announced that the president would be announcing a new figure for refugees allowed into the U.S. by May 15th.

They told refugee advocacy groups that number could come much sooner. But the White House said they don't believe they will reach that 62,500 number that the president had originally proposed.

It highlights some of the problems that the administration has been having with immigration, dealing with the refugee system and unaccompanied minors and the migrants coming to the southern border.

These are two separate systems. But the president suggested they were interconnected, saying people working on refugee resettlement here were also focusing on those migrants at the southern border -- Arlette Saenz, CNN, the White House.


BRUNHUBER: Police across the U.S. are preparing for possible protests once a verdict is handed down in the Derek Chauvin trial. Closing arguments are set for Monday. CNN's Omar Jimenez looks back at what has been an emotional few weeks of testimony.


OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): From the beginning --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you need a minute?


JIMENEZ (voice-over): Emotions and expertise.

MARTIN TOBIN, PULMONOLOGIST: All of my research is related basically to breathing.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): Have defined the trial for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin after a week's long jury selection process, the beginning of witness testimony took jurors and the country back to May 25th, 2020.

Some witnesses who were steps away from what happened say they still feel the weight of the decisions they made that day, all these months later.

DARNELIA FRAZIER, WITNESS: It's been nights, I stayed up apologizing and apologizing to George Floyd for not doing more and not physically interacting.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): The defense for Chauvin has been hoping to paint jurors a picture of an officer distracted by the perceived threat of a crowd, but doing exactly what he was trained to do.

DEREK CHAUVIN, FORMER MINNEAPOLIS POLICE OFFICER: Had to hold the guy down and he was -- he was -- he was going crazy -- I'm not -- wouldn't go in the back of the --

JIMENEZ (voice-over): As testimony shifted from what happened to the use of force involved when it did.

STEVE SCHLEICHER, PROSECUTOR: Is this a trained Minneapolis Police Department defensive tactics technique? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is not.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): A witness later called by the defense disagreed and felt it was the right thing to do.

BARRY BRODD, DEFENSE USE OF FORCE EXPERT: I felt that Derek Chauvin was justified, was acting with objective reasonableness.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): But maybe the most crucial set of testimony came from medical experts on George Floyd's cause of death.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): including from a chief medical examiner for Hennepin County.

ERIC NELSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Have you certified deaths as an overdose where the level of fentanyl was similar to the level of fentanyl in Mr. Floyd?


JIMENEZ (voice-over): The defense claims drug use and George Floyd's medical history are what killed him. Prosecutors argue it was because of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds.

LINDSEY THOMAS, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: There's no evidence to suggest he would have died that night except for the interactions with law enforcement.

TOBIN: A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died as a result of what he was subjected to.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): But there was one witness jurors never heard from.

CHAUVIN: I will invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege today.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): Which means closing arguments for each side are left to tie together the emotions and expertise of the trial for the instinct and interpretation of the jury.

JUDGE PETER CAHILL, HENNEPIN COUNTY DISTRICT: If I were you, I would plan for long and hope for short.

JIMENEZ (voice-over): Omar Jimenez, CNN, Minneapolis.


BRUNHUBER: Coming up, Britain's royal family bidding farewell to their patriarch. We'll look back at the funeral for Prince Philip and a moment of unity that the duke would be proud to see. That's next.



BRUNHUBER: It was a somber day in the U.K. as Prince Philip was laid to rest. Queen Elizabeth and the royal family said their goodbyes in a scaled down funeral.


BRUNHUBER: CNN's Anna Stewart has a look at the service honoring the man who served his queen and country for 73 years.


ANNA STEWART, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): An old-school prince going out in his own style.


STEWART (voice-over): The duke of Edinburgh was heavily involved in the planning of his funeral, which began with a short procession from Windsor Castle to St. George's Chapel.


STEWART (voice-over): It was steeped in military tradition. His sword and naval cap laid on top of his casket, which was carried by a modified Land Rover he helped design.

A decorated veteran of World War II, more than 700 military personnel took part in the ceremony.

The duke's much-loved carriage and pony stood by. His cap and gloves left poignantly on the seat.


STEWART (voice-over): The prince was a family man. His children, grandchildren and members of his personal staff walked behind dressed in mourning suits instead of military uniforms.


STEWART (voice-over): Brothers Prince Harry and Prince William walked with their cousin, Peter Phillips, between them.


STEWART (voice-over): The lines of mourners and military guards a somber contrast to the queen's arrival, stepping out alone and taking a seat by herself in the chapel --


STEWART (voice-over): -- waiting for the partner who stood by her for more than seven decades. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are here today in St. George's Chapel to commit

into the hands of God the soul of his servant, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

STEWART (voice-over): The ceremony was pared down to just 30 people due to coronavirus restrictions. It included members of the royal family and the duke's German relatives.


STEWART (voice-over): The choir sang a selection of music, hand-picked by Prince Philip.


STEWART (voice-over): His casket was then lowered into the royal vault where it will stay until Her Majesty dies, when they'll be reunited.


STEWART (voice-over): A bugle sounded the last post and then a naval battle cry --


STEWART (voice-over): -- action stations.


STEWART (voice-over): This was the funeral Prince Philip wanted.

Although, one part he didn't orchestrate was perhaps one of the most moving, Prince William and Prince Harry, walking together and chatting after the service, a sign of unity that would have made their grandfather proud.


BRUNHUBER: Anna Stewart joins us now live.

So I want to look forward now.

What next?

How will the death impact the future of the royal family?

STEWART: Constitutionally, of course, nothing will really change. The queen pledged she would serve for her whole lifetime. But I think we all recognize this is the end of a major chapter of the queen's life. This was her husband and partner in work as well. She once described him as her strength and stay.

And I think she will lean a lot on members of the royal family. Also we have to recognize the queen's age, she is turning 95 years old on Wednesday. She is utterly extraordinary for her age but, as a result, I think we'll see what has already really started in recent years, which is other members of the royal family picking up some of the work, for instance with overseas trips.

Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, other members taking up some of the work. So I think we will see a steady transition. I think the queen will possibly spend more time here in Windsor as well. But there is no retirement for a queen or king.

And I think that is why there is so much love and respect for the queen and clearly for Prince Philip as well, the sense that they dedicated their whole lives to service and duty.

BRUNHUBER: Anna Stewart, thank you for all of the great reporting.

You're watching CNN NEWSROOM, we'll be right back.





BRUNHUBER: So a British woman gave birth to twins. The twins were conceived three weeks apart. I hear you asking, how is that possible? CNN's Elizabeth Cohen has the full story on this medical miracle.


ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SR. MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Baby Noah spent his earliest weeks all alone.

REBECCA ROBERTS, MOTHER OF TWINS: I had an early scan at 7 weeks and another at 10 weeks. Both times they saw a tiny little baby in there and it was only ever one baby.

COHEN (voice-over): Until one day, a little sister joined him in the womb.

ROBERTS: One, two, three, whee.

COHEN (voice-over): Baby Rosalee popping up at week 12. Mom, Rebecca, and dad, Reese, taken totally by surprise.

ROBERTS: What happened I got pregnant while I was already pregnant, which was absolutely crazy. That's not supposed to happen.

COHEN: When you heard that you must have been shocked.

ROBERTS: I could not believe it happened to me. But it did. And it's lovely.

COHEN (voice-over): Rosalee was conceived about three weeks after Noah.

[05:55:00] COHEN (voice-over): With fraternal twins, usually two eggs are released at the same time, fertilized at the same time. In Rebecca's case, two eggs were released three weeks apart, each one implanted separately.

DR. LILLIAN SCHAPIRO, GYNECOLOGIST: What is unusual is the woman appears to have ovulated once for the larger baby and then later for the smaller baby.

COHEN: It's called superfetation. A 2008 study found fewer than 10 recorded cases in the world. For Rebecca, it was possibly helped that she was taking fertility drugs. The twins were born about six weeks early, Noah at 4.10, Rosalee, 2.7.

Rebecca's Instagram documenting their development. After stays in the neonatal intensive care unit, both are in good health.

Rosalee, a fan of mobiles and Mickey Mouse, Noah, maybe not so much today, they're certainly fans of each other.

ROBERTS: Definitely they reach out to each other a lot.

COHEN: Do you think of Noah and Rosalee as twins?

ROBERTS: I definitely think of them as twins. They were born at the same time, they may not have been conceived at the same time but I carried them and they were born at the same time, so, yes, they're twins.

Elizabeth Cohen, CNN, reporting.


BRUNHUBER: Double congratulations to them.

That wraps this hour of CNN NEWSROOM. For international viewers, "TOMORROW TRANSFORMED" is up next. For those in the U.S. and in Canada, "NEW DAY" is just ahead.