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CNN Newsroom

New Police Video Shows Shootout Between Deputies and 2 Children; Chauvin's Attorney: My Client is the Product of a "Broken System"; Trump's Blog Goes Bust; Ahead of Biden Meeting with Queen, "The Guardian" Reports Buckingham Palace Banned Immigrants of Color, Foreigners from Holding Office Positions in 1960s; Rivals Strike Deal to Oust Israel P.M. Netanyahu from Power. Aired 1:30-2p ET

Aired June 03, 2021 - 13:30   ET




ANA CABRERA, CNN HOST: New body cam footage shows the moments when two children opened fire on deputies in Florida on Tuesday.

And we have to warn you, this video is tough to watch.


UNIDENTIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Shooting out the rear window toward my direction, stand by.


UNIDENTIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Don't make me do this. Don't do this.


CABRERA: A deputy says, "Don't make me do this," because that's a 12- year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl shooting at them.

This morning, CNN spoke with Volusia County sheriff, Mike Chitwood, by phone. Here's what he said about those kids, how they barricaded themselves in the house.


MIKE CHITWOOD, SHERIFF, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FL, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT (voice-over): We got alerted to a young juvenile male, young juvenile female just smashed glass and entered into a residence.

And when they ransacked the residence, they recovered the firearms the homeowner had locked away inside his home. The A.K.-47 was disassembled. So we really want to know how they learned to assemble.


CABRERA: CNN's Leyla Santiago is right where this happened.

Leyla, there are so many questions about this shocking gunfight. What more are you learning from the body cam footage?

LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That body cam footage, Ana, gives us a good yours truly of what it was like for deputies when this took place.

But as I stand here, now that the sun has come up and we're getting a better glimpse as to what the damage was that was left behind, I can tell you the homeowner is inside the home, surveying, and we're getting a glance as to some of the evidence left behind.

Take a look at this car. I mean, you've got -- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 -- at least ten bullet holes, just in this one door. And on the inside you can see that there's shattered glass.

I want to show you the destruction that left behind. The homeowner kind of saying that, just like this glass shattered, that's kind of how they feel about their lives right now, given that they are trying to find a sense of safety and security here.

Now, I showed you one door. I showed you the glass inside. But if we walk around I'll tell you, I counted more than 35 bullet holes.

And, again, this is just the car. The homeowner says inside it looks like everything was just shot up.

His question, he wants to know why. He wants to know why this happened.

So, you know, we have been able to see from the body cam footage the deputy's perspective, a deputy hiding behind a tree with his gun drawn, as you mentioned, Ana, saying please don't make me do this.

There was -- after they were fired upon, the 12-year-old in this case surrendered, the 14-year-old was shot, taken in for medical care. We understand she is stable at this point.

They're facing several charges, including attempted murder on a law enforcement officer.

So, you know, we're getting a better idea as to the damage that was left behind, the lives that were impacted.


And a sheriff who is saying, listen, we practice a lot of restraint in this phone call. But he's criticizing the Department of Juvenile Justice, saying we need to take a better look here because the system has failed these children.

That is they were under the care of a home, an emergency shelter home that, by the way, says they're putting their program on pause until they can figure out how to safely provide that care again.

And they, too, admit they are overwhelmed and that the system is failing children -- Ana?

CABRERA: It is such a sad situation. And it is, you know, just so lucky nobody lost their lives in this situation.

Leyla Santiago, thank you for your reporting.

Minnesota state prosecutors say former officer, Derek Chauvin, deserves to spend decades behind bars for murdering George Floyd. They're now requesting a sentence of 30 years when a judge makes a decision later this month.

The defense, however, is pushing for probation and a new trial. Chauvin's attorney even arguing he is the product of a broken system.

CNN's Adrienne Broaddus is following this for us.

Adrienne, what more are you learning from these new court filings?

ADRIENNE BROADDUS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know what, Ana, the attorney representing Derek Chauvin says his attorney (sic) did not get a fair trial.

We saw a prelude of this about two weeks after the trial ended. In those new court filings, Eric Nelson is saying Chauvin should instead receive probation and time served, or a sentence that is less than what the law guides.

In addition to saying his client, the former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, is a product of a broken system, he's outlining a number of alleged allegations.

He talks about what happened before the potential jurors were even selected. For example, he says potential jurors in the Twin Cities had daily reminders of what happened to George Floyd, and he called those reminders one-sided.

He also said the settlement, the Floyd family received of $27 million during jury selection was also what he calls misconduct.

And he talked about what happened in the public sphere. For example, he said the proceedings were mocked on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" during the trial.

He also talks about Chauvin's age.

By contrast, the state is asking for Judge Cahill to sentence Derek Chauvin to 30 years. Part of the state's argument is that that sentence would be in line with other cases that had aggravating factors present.

Meanwhile, getting back to eric they will son, he also talks about Derek Chauvin's age.

Keep in mind, the sentencing for the former Minneapolis police officer happens later this month -- Ana?

CABRERA: Adrienne Broaddus, there in Chicago for us reporting, thank you.

It was billed as a solution to former President Trump's social media ban, but now it's gone for good. And as CNN's Chris Cillizza puts it, "It only lasted three Scaramuccis." We'll explain, next.



CABRERA: No Twitter, no Facebook, no Instagram, no Snapchat, no YouTube, now no blog. That's right. After just 29 days, former President Trump is calling out quits on his personal scratch pad "From the Desk of Donald J. Trump." But why?

Let's turn to CNN politics reporter and editor-at-large, Chris Cillizza.

Chris, I had a laugh when you wrote Trump's blog lasted just three Scaramuccis. What happened.


Let's get right to it. What a run this was. This segment will be roughly as long as Donald Trump's blog lasted.

Just kidding, Producers.

Trump's blog, 29 days. This is for people unfamiliar. Anthony Scaramucci -- I'm just relentlessly using the ability to draw on this now. Anthony Scaramucci was the communications director at the White House for 10 -- count them -- 10 days.

If you go one, two, that's three Scaramuccis, that's 30 days, 30 days, greater than the 29 days that this blog lasted. So a very short period of time.

Now you mentioned, you may be familiar with all of these, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, snapchat, right?

Donald Trump's build this communications portal - DJT -- that it would fit kind of in that mold, that it would be revolutionary.

That's the "X" through it. It doesn't exist anymore.

Now you say, wow, Chris, you're being mean unnecessarily.

OK, the blog, according to "The Washington Post," not just the blog, this is his whole site. He launched an entire site. The blog was a piece of it.

The entire site for the week of May 18th got four million views. You say four million is not bad. Compared to the far-right Web sites that really don't get a lot of traffic candidly, it's far less than that.


And remember, this is a man who had 70 million-plus Twitter followers, Ana.


CILLIZZA: And he just wasn't getting anything close to that sort of engagement.

CABRERA: How interesting.

So wait a minute, wasn't he supposed to start some new social media platform, he was teasing it for months? What's going on with that?

CILLIZZA: Yes. Again, this is classic Trumpism, right, like, oh, no, this is all part of the plan. See, we knew that this thing wasn't going to last because, drum roll, please, I forgot to put that in the elements.

This is Jason Miller, who is still with Donald Trump. Here's his quote yesterday about this. "It was just an auxiliary to the broader efforts we have when we were working on it."

In other words, I didn't do it. Stay tuned. That's the Donald Trump motto. Stay tuned. Because all he wants you to do is keep looking, keep watching.

But the truth is, Ana, this is a failure. I know, like I said, I'm gratuitously using my ability to draw on this. But this is a failure.

Donald Trump wanted this to succeed. He viewed this and his team viewed this as a way to get back in the mix. Not on Twitter, not on Facebook, not on Instagram.

This was his venue. And it didn't even make it three whole Scaramuccis. RIP.


Chris Cillizza, thank you, sir.

CILLIZZA: Thanks, Ana.

CABRERA: Buckingham Palace is in damage control again after a newspaper digs up new evidence of systemic racism. That's next.



CABRERA: Today, CNN has learned President Biden and the first lady will meet with Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle. This is after the G- 7 summit later this month. But the meeting with her majesty the queen comes amid a damning new report today from "The Guardian," which has uncovered documents revealing how Buckingham Palace allegedly banned colored immigrants or foreigners from holding positions at the palace at least in the late '60s.

CNN's Anna Stewart is following this for us -- Anna?

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Ana, this report is really disturbing not least as it comes just weeks after the royal family had to deny that they're racist.

We reached out to Buckingham Palace for a response. They don't deny the account given in the 1960s but they have said this:

"Claims based on a secondhand account of conversations from over 50 years ago should not be used to draw or infer conclusions about modern day events or operations. The principles of crown application and crown consent are long established and widely known."

Quite aside from the historical context here and the fact that there appears to have been systemic racism within the institution of the royal family, at least in the 1960s, is the fact that they're still, today, exempt from such equality legislation.

That is what is meant by crown application and crown consent.

The palace say that they do comply with equality lies in spirit and in practice. If complaints are made, though, they are essentially dealt with in-house.

And following the revelations by Prince Harry and Meghan in that interview with Oprah Winfrey, people question whether that process is good enough.

The royal family have denied they're racist. But are they doing enough to protect and promote diversity within the royal household -- Ana?

CABRERA: Thank you so much, Anna Stewart.

Now to a historic move in Israel that's set to impact U.S.-Mideast relations.

Overnight, a coalition of rival political parties, who usually don't agree on much, unified around the same goal, oust Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, a position he's held for 12 years.

So this is now another step closer to really happening.

Just to put this into more context, "The New York Times" used this analogy. This is like Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and Senate leaders, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell, all joining forces.

CNN's Hadas Gold is live in Jerusalem.

Help us understand, Hadas, how these rivals all put aside differences to do this.

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Ana, four elections, two years of political dysfunction, and the feeling amongst these political party leaders that without removing Netanyahu, that they couldn't really move forward to bring this political dysfunction, this tailspin, to an end.

Keep in mind that over the past years, there hasn't been able to be a state budget because there hasn't been really a functioning government.

And you're right that this is a very broad and interesting coalition. They're calling it a unity government because it is really a wide swath of political parties, from the far left through the center to the right-wing party.

And in a historic move for the first time in Israeli history, an Arab- Israeli party, the united Arab List, has signed on to this coalition.

Think about this. We have a right-wing party led by Naftali Bennett, who is likely to become the next prime minister, who has some positions, especially when it comes to Palestinians to the West Bank, sitting alongside an Arab-Israeli party and a far-left party, all united in wanting to see the end of Netanyahu's term as prime minister.

But that might be where they end, where they can see eye to eye. And it will be very interesting to see what sort of policies they can promote if and when they do come into government.

And that is also a big obstacle because they are not yet in government, even though they have managed to form this coalition.

What happens next? They have to pass a vote of confidence in the Israeli parliament. And that will happen on or before June 14th.

That gives Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu time, him and his allies time to convince members of coalition to drop out. They only need a handful of votes for it to crumble.


And he's already trying to do that. He's been tweeting all day at these members, trying to convince them that they need to remember their past statements.

He's been warning that this is going to be a left-wing government, saying it will be a threat to Israeli security.

There's the sense that this government may be sworn in, in the next few days.

But when it comes to Benjamin Netanyahu, the ultimate survivor of Israeli politics, you can never say never.

And many people here are holding their breath until those votes are counted and a new government and a new prime minister is sworn in -- Ana?

CABRERA: Hadas Gold, in Jerusalem, thank you.

And thanks to all of you for joining me. I'll see you back here tomorrow, same time, same place, 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

NEWSROOM continues next with Alisyn and Victor.