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CNN Newsroom

President Biden Have a Lot in His Table for the G7 Summit; Moscow Court Closed Organization Link to Alexei Navalny; Aung San Suu Kyi Facing Corruption and Bribery Charges; Beijing Not Pleased with Biden's New Executive Order; Cyber Experts Warn of More Cyberattacks; U.S. President Biden On World Stage; President Biden And President Vladimir Putin To Hold Summit; Sudden Collapse Of A Building In South Korea; Vice President Kamala Harris Faces Criticism At Home On Migration Issues; Migrants Flee Gangs, Poverty, Natural Disaster; Royal Baby Name Drama; CNN Speaks To Britain's Prince Edward About Family Rift. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired June 10, 2021 - 03:00   ET




BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): You're watching a special edition of CNN Newsroom. I'm Bianca Nobilo in Cornwall, England.

Ahead of the G7, a busy agenda for world leaders.

KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Kim Brunhuber at CNN headquarters in Atlanta.

Ahead this hour we're live in Moscow where a court ruling has forced the shutdown of two organizations linked to Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

Plus, criminals behind the recent cyberattacks demand ransoms in cryptocurrency thinking they're untraceable. Experts show us how to follow the money.

NOBILO: It's now just after eight o'clock in the morning here in Cornwall, England, where in just a few hours U.S. President Joe Biden will sit down with British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, one day ahead of the G7 summit. This will be their first in-person meeting.

They plan to unveil a new Atlantic charter dealing with issues from security to climate change, and both are already laying out their goals, leading up to the weekend's highly anticipated summit.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: At every point along the way, we're going to make it clear that the United States is back and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and the issues that matter most to our future. That we are committed to leading with strength, defending our values and delivering for our people.

BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Here at the G7, what we're -- what we're looking at is making sure that we have a new treaty on pandemics, working to that, building back greener, building back better, which is what we're looking at what's going on here in Cornwall with all the green technology. But also talking about the values that we have in common, everything we want to do together. It is a huge agenda.


NOBILO (on camera): CNN's Nic Robertson is covering all the developments from Carbis Bay, England. Nic, great to talk to you. I'm curious to know your thoughts on the personal chemistry between these two leaders and what that is likely to be like. And then on top of that, what they're both trying to get out of this, because from my understanding and from talking to you, the objectives are slightly different.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes. And Biden has been critical in the past of Boris Johnson, essentially calling him a smaller clone of Donald Trump. That is hardly a sort of a solid footing to get the relationship off the ground with. But of course, in advance of this bilateral a lot of ground work has been done. There are things of mutual interest.

One of the most important things to President Biden is joint security with allies, projecting that image of powerful alliance to Russia, to China. So that's important. And there is a strong element of that that already exist between the two countries.

And so I think that, you know, whatever difficulties there are on a personal level and perceptions of each other, those strong ties there -- there are ties within this new Atlantic charter, or the redrawing of the Atlantic charter that was first signed between Prime Minister Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 to improve travel between the two countries during the coronavirus pandemic, that is important for Boris Johnson.

But there is, I think, you know, will be a certain level of difficulty because there are some fundamental differences. You know, President Biden views what Boris Johnson has been doing in this post-Brexit wrangling with the European Union over Ireland and the Northern Irish protocols to be potentially destructive and damaging for the Good Friday peace agreement in Northern Ireland, which of course the United States played an important role in.

So that's going to be a difficult topic for the pair. But I think, you know, there is a lot of symbolism here in this Atlantic charter, and I think that will certainly allow the pair of them to bridge over any personal differences and perhaps hidden animosities that exists over the way they view each other.

NOBILO: And Nic, we've already heard some fighting talks from President Biden since he touched down in the United Kingdom about Russia. What can we learn from what he said about how the president views the threats that Russia is, and how are the words likely to go down in Moscow?


ROBERTSON: Not going to go down very well in Moscow. Not to be, you know, a surprise to Moscow either, because they've been very heavily trail, you know, President Biden telling troops when he arrived -- U.S. troops -- when he arrived at RAF Mildenhall yesterday to the 100th Air Refueling crew there, the United States only a refueling capacity in Europe -- telling them there he is going to tell Biden what he wants to tell him -- tell Putin, rather, what he wants to tell him.

But President Biden has really and his national security adviser, as well, have both spelled out that there will be a very tough message for President Putin. This is how President Biden put it.


BIDEN: We're not seeking conflict with Russia. We want a stable protectible -- predictable relationship. Our two nations share incredible responsibilities. And among them, ensuring strategic stability. And upholding arms control agreements. I take that responsibility seriously. But I have been clear, the United States will respond in a robust and meaningful way, when the Russian government engages in harmful activities.


ROBERTSON (on camera): Harmful activity read -- read that meddling in U.S. elections, hosting Ransomware cyber attackers within Russia. So, these are some very important national security issues for President Biden, so he has to be clear and strong on that.

But the other national security issues are the arms control agreement, and there is a lot of work that President Biden hopes could be done with Russia but the atmosphere at the moment really doesn't seem conducive. And you know, there is every indication from President Putin he feels comfortable at home in Moscow. He is popular, and he is in no mood to be dictated to, by the U.S. president.

NOBILO: Nic Robertson, thank you. Nic there for us surrounded by a blanket of cloud in Carbis Bay. Now back to you, Kim, in Atlanta.

BRUNHUBER: All right. Thanks so much. New developments out of Myanmar, the country's military government has charged Aung San Suu Kyi under Myanmar's anti-corruption law, the lawyer tells CNN that the charges of bribery and corruption are absurd and groundless.

Now earlier, Suu Kyi was charged with breaking the Official Secrets Act but her supporters say those charges are politically motivated. Her government was overthrown of course by a military coup in February.

Ahead of the G7, some experts believe Russia is sending a message to the western leaders with a power play against its opposition. On Wednesday, a court in Moscow declared two organizations led by Alexei Navalny extremist groups. The decision means the groups will have to shut down and their members can't run in legislative elections in September.

The U.S. and Britain blasted the ruling but Russian prosecutors, of course, they are pleased.


ALEXEI ZHAFYAROV, SPOKESPERSON, MOSCOW PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE (through translator): After listening to our explanations the court agreed with the arguments of the prosecution and decided to ban these organizations. We consider the judgment legal and justified and satisfying.


BRUNHUBER (on camera): CNN's Matthew Chance joins us now from Moscow. Matthew, so what does it mean for this opposition movement in Russia and what are the implications for the upcoming Biden-Putin summit?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's a huge blow obviously for the opposition. It's needs the world the support Alexei Navalny very much. Because it means that the political organizations that he was in topple (Ph) under hit runs across the country has essentially been (Inaudible) and designated these extremist groups which means that anybody who belongs to them and organizes rally, so (Inaudible), for instance, can go to prison for a sentence of up to six ears.

And it means that anybody who supports them, will not be able to stand for the forthcoming parliamentary elections which is only three months from now in September. That was probably one of the biggest motivating factors behind this. Because the country's ruling party, which is overseen by Vladimir Putin, has been sleeping in popularity over recent months because of, you know, the fact that he's been in power for so long because of the economy because of the COVID crisis and the fact as those that pandemic dying away here in Russia.

And the governing party is sort of increasingly paranoid that it's going to be losing support. So, it's moved, you know, concertedly to try and make sure that opposition figures cannot stand against him in the September polls. So that's one way of looking at this.

The other way, which is what you referred to is that, of course, all of this comes as we wait, it's more than six days, wasn't it, until Vladimir Putin meets the U.S. president, Joe Biden, in Geneva.


And of course, the United States under Joe Biden is saying it's going to confront autocracy wherever he sees it. And as he speaks those words, as he arrives in Britain, and makes a speech to that effect, Vladimir Putin here in Moscow is essentially doubling down on the (Inaudible).

BRUNHUBER: All right. Thank you so much, Matthew. I apologize his audio was less than ideal here.

Well, all eyes are on the U.K. today as the U.S. president and U.K. prime minister set to meet. We'll explain why Brexit threatens to overshadow the talks. Next.

And a U.S. meat supplier now says it paid Ransomware $11 million. We'll look at the accelerating increase of cyberattacks and what experts say is the best way to deal with them. Stay with us.


NOBILO (on camera): And here we are in the G7. I am in Cornwall at the beautiful harbor port behind me.

We've been speaking to experts about the key themes ahead of the summit including climate change, China and of course, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. But it is not just those issues. The specter of Brexit still looms large over Europe and the USA. Because President Joe Biden has an interest in preserving peace in the Island of Ireland.

Earlier today, I spoke with an expert on those matters. Let's hear what she had to say.


JANA PUGLIERIN, HEAD OF THE BERLIN OFFICE, EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: During the pandemic the confidence in E.U. institutions has dropped significantly all over Europe, most Europeans are increasingly skeptical that the E.U. institution can manage the crisis. We have seen the most significant drop of confidence in Germany, but also in other European countries. And while Europeans are still committed to further cooperation on the European level and see the need, they are deeply frustrated with the current leadership.

NOBILO: And Jana, when we think about areas of potential convergence, an area of departure between the USA and Europe, if we think about threat specifically, is there an alignment between Europe and the USA on what the primary threat is to them? For the USA of course it seems like it's more likely to be China or Russia. But for Europe there are countries like Turkey which present a threat.

PUGLIERIN: That was a surprise for us when we looked at the results of our survey that Turkey was so much seen as a threat by Europeans. But also, the numbers for Russia and China show that there is an awareness in Europe that those pose a severe threat.

What is I think are most striking is how many Europeans want to see the E.U. as a beacon of democracy, and an advocate for human rights also globally, and I think that sits very nicely with President Biden's agenda to align the democracies of this world and of the fight between democracies and authoritarian regimes.


NOBILO: And given what is on the agenda, and how high the stakes are, trying to achieve what you just outlined, the fact that it's the first time that these leaders in meeting since the pandemic began, how much of a specter is Brexit over all of this, is it going to put a spanner in the works of making progress on key areas between the European leaders and USA?

PUGLIERIN: I don't think so, I think everybody is really willing to overcome this and to work together on a global stage. Although, of course, between the E.U. and the U.K., yes, some -- some problems that remain. But still, I think there is a huge commitment to work together and not to let Brexit come into the way.

NOBILO: And based on the research that you've been looking at, what do you think the Europeans would most like to see come out of this summit? What tangible things would they like to see agreed in the communique at the end?

PUGLIERIN: I think some further steps to fight climate change together, this is of huge importance to the Europeans, all our polls show this. But also, some tangible measures in the fight against the pandemic to enhance the level of global vaccinations. And also, from a European perspective, I think Europeans would like to see maybe some progress when it comes to global trade, the decision to have a taxation on companies, a minimum taxation has been received very positively here in Europe.


NOBILO: So, plenty at stake when the first face-to-face meeting with all the G7 leaders since the pandemic began takes place here in Cornwall. Back to you, Kim.

BRUNHUBER: All right. Thanks so much, Bianca.

The U.S. is responding to the political crackdown in Nicaragua with sanctions. Senior members of President Daniel Ortega's regime including his daughter are the targets, the sanctions come after Nicaraguan police arrested seven high-profile opposition leaders accusing them of acting against the sovereignty of the country. The arrest will leave Ortega almost unopposed for the fourth term in the November election. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the arrest during the past week a wave of repression.

U.S. President Joe Biden has revoked several Trump era executive orders aimed at banning TikTok, WeChat and other Chinese apps, instead he is replacing them with an order that calls for security risk views of apps linked to foreign adversaries including China.

CNN's Steven Jiang joins me now live from Beijing. Steven, some Republicans say this is a step backward. Predictably, Democrats saying it's actually a step forward, and China likely to say this is a step too far?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: I think you're absolutely right. The Chinese government has not officially responded to this latest executive order, but if and when they do I think that we're going to hear things along that line in terms of accusing the U.S. for holding on to the co-called Cold War mentality and abusing the concept of national security to crack down on Chinese companies and also promising some unspecified countermeasures.

Now, this is really another example, another, you know, way of the Chinese officials being reinforced in this notion that there is this continuation in terms of Washington's China policy from Trump to Biden even though the two presidents don't see eye to eye on almost anything else.

But they do agree on these threats, or potential from Beijing. They want to address them head on. Now obviously, their approach is different as you mentioned Biden decided not to focus or target individual Chinese companies, because frankly, Trump's executive orders had not been able to take effect due to a series of lawsuits in the U.S.

That's why Biden is now taking this broader approach and also some would say take a step further because in this memo by the U.S. Commerce Department obtained by CNN, it shows that Biden officials are now interpreting this latest order as a way of showing Biden's commitment to not only, a secure and open internet, but also the protection of human rights both online and off line.

Because Biden simply finds it unacceptable that countries like China that do not share the U.S. democratic values able to leverage not only technologies, but also Americans sensitive data to harm the U.S. national security but also advance their authoritarian agendas around the world.

Now this kind of approach obviously is not going to be received well here in Beijing. Actually, I was talking to a Chinese official recently and he said, they really see little changes in terms of Washington's approach to China from Trump to Biden. And they are very disappointed that Biden has not corrected any of Trump's wrong China policies, and this latest example is certainly going to reinforce that notion and making them more pessimistic about the future policies to Russia and China from Washington. Kim?


BRUNHUBER: All right. Thank you so much, Steven Jiang in Beijing.

Meat supplier JBS USA is revealing it paid an $11 million ransom after a cyberattack shut down its entire beef processing operation. The company's CEO says it was a difficult situation but it paid the ransom in order to protect customers. the hack affected the company's systems in the U.S. and Australia.

U.S. officials are attributing the attack to a criminal gang believed to be based in eastern Europe. The JBS hack is the latest in a wave of Ransomware attacks on businesses and government agencies across the world.

So, for more let's bring in CNN international security editor Nick Paton Walsh. Nick, this ransom attack seemed to be more frequent and more sophisticated, what more can you tell us? NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR: Well, it

is. I think it's fair to say quite likely that this will not only come up in conversations in Cornwall between G7 members but also likely between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Because a lot of these Ransomware attacks, although not state sponsored or necessarily even condoned seem to operate from inside Russia's border of that of its former Soviet Union neighbors. It feels to many people Ransomware, it's like something that happens to somebody else, DarkSide and other particular groups responsible particularly for the Colonial Pipeline attack in the United States that froze gas supply.

But it's increasingly prevalent outside of the United States as well, and causing increasingly large sums of damage as we found.


WALSH (voice over): They feel almost daily now, cyberattacks, as we moved online in the pandemic crime moved with us. In the European Union last year new figures obtained by CNN showed significant cyberattacks doubled with hospitals horrifyingly hit harder than before, often with Ransomware targeting private data.

APOSTOLOS MALATRAS, TEAM LEADER, E.U. AGENCY FOR CYBERSECURITY: Because of the pandemic a lot of services were provided online and that happened in kind of fast, so security was (Inaudible). At the same time, (Inaudible) endorsed for a lot of time and it simply took a lot of opportunities to explore, vulnerabilities and to exploit seeing their system could kill infrastructure.

WALSH: The average cost of an attack doubled, just so far this year to now $1.8 million, say security experts so far, the highest ransom now astronomical.

JOHN SHIER, SENIOR SECURITY ADVISER, SOPHOS: I believe 50 million, five-zero was the sum that I heard.

WALSH: The latest of so-called triple extortions that don't just encrypt the data on your computer until you pay up or just threaten to release it online. Instead, they use that data to attack your systems again, and even to blackmail your customers.

SHIER: They are trying to be more purposeful. They try to penetrate as fully as possible so that they can then extract as much money as possible. If you are a customer of tis company whose data has been stolen, they'll threaten to believe your information or the loss of call other companies that are your partners.

WALSH: And there is new Ransomware known as far less attacks that don't even require the human error of clicking on a suspicious link. They seep into the operating system of your computer, and never show up as a foul on the hard drive hard to know if it's even happened.

The solutions, say experts? Like with kidnappings, don't pay. But that's tough when privacy is key to a business' survival. This leaves police following the money, usually the bitcoin. Ransomware criminals Darkside were behind the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attacks that froze up U.S. gas stations.

The FBI quickly recovered half the $4 million paid out as this graphic bitcoin short route shows the FBI trace its part relatively easily with the help of cybersecurity experts Elliptic. Others scams like one on Twitter last year are a lot more complex with hundreds of crypto transfers over months. It's in the real world, though, they get caught.

TOM ROBINSON, CHIEF SCIENTIST, ELLIPTIC: The moment criminals want to cash out dollars or euros or whatever, and so in the vast majority of cases we do see the fund center in exchange effect. Exchange is regulated, then you should be able to identify their customers and reporting any suspicious activity.

WALSH: Still, it gets harder with tricks like mixes that enable uses cryptocurrencies to get mixed together, like shuffling used dollar bills disguising their ownership.

ROBINSON: These bills are identifying who the perpetrators are, but also ensuring that it's very difficult for these criminals to cash out. And that means there's less of an incentive to commit this kind of crime in the first place.

WALSH: In short, don't pay the money. But if you already have, follow it.


WALSH (on camera): Now it is possible it may be in the months ahead of maybe already that the United States as has been hinted by the Biden administration will think about offensive operations against criminal network like this causing, as you heard here, millions of dollars in damage to critical U.S. infrastructure and private companies as well.


In fact, here in the United Kingdom, GCHQ responsible for British signals intelligence and information security have in fact recently acknowledge their existence that's been called the national cyber force, which is there to disrupt hostile state actors but also criminal networks from targeting U.K. security infrastructures.

Their governments are increasingly feeling that they have to get involved, you saw there the possibility of tracing money as well, that vitally cuts off frankly the motivation for much of this ransomware in the first place.

But sadly, as law enforcement catch up with these criminal networks, they of course develop new tricks of their own, you heard there about far less attacks, too. This increasingly part of daily life a challenge not only for the guys in the I.T. department where you work, but also for you, frankly using your computer now where so much more online frankly than we were 18 months ago, a startling new challenge.

One, that the U.S. Department of Justice felt it needed similar protocols that it uses to handle terrorism. That's the scale of the threat we face. Kim?

BRUNHUBER: Fascinating and terrifying. Nick Paton Walsh in London, thank you so much.

Millions of plastic pellets have been released into the sea following the devastating fire on a ship in Sri Lanka. The vessel is still submerged off the coast of Colombo. Environmental group tells CNN that the plastic pellets have been the biggest pollutants so far causing 150 kilometers of contamination along the scenic beach.

Now the arduous cleanup is underway, you can see the huge number of bags piled on the beach there. Thankfully there are still no signs of an oil spill from the submerged ship.

Well Joe Biden makes his first foreign trip as U.S. president arriving in England for the G7 summit with a very long to do list, and none of it will be easy. We'll take a closer look just ahead.


UNKNOWN: They sleep on mattresses that are on a dirt floor in a house made out of makeshift supplies.


BRUNHUBER (on camera): The desperate conditions that pushed people to migrate. We'll have a report from Honduras ahead. Stay with us.


NOBILO (on camera): Returning to our top story.

U.S. President Joe Biden has embarked on his first trip overseas, arriving in England for the G7 summit. In the coming hours he is expected to meet with G7 host, Boris Johnson. The president and prime minister have a lot to discuss including Russia, China and COVID-19, of course.


He'll also reaffirm the historic ties between the U.S. and the U.K. with a renewed Atlantic charter. Here's what the president said soon after he arrived in England.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The U.S. And the U.K. are both founding members of NATO, the strongest military in political alliance in the history of the world and that is not a hyperbole. Our troops have stood shoulder to shoulder around the world including serving bravely in the months in Afghanistan for the past 20 years. Our NATO allies have had our backs when it mattered just like we had theirs when it mattered.


NOBILO (on camera): As you just heard, Joe Biden chose to get his first overseas speech as U.S. president to American service members station in England.

CNN's Kaitlan Collins has the details.


BIDEN: The United States is back and democracies of the world are standing --

KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice over): On his first trip abroad, President Biden is hoping to restore America's standing while reassuring the allies that his predecessors spent four years torching.

BIDEN: I'm heading to the G7, then to the NATO, (inaudible) and then, to meet with Mr. Putin to let him know what I want him to know.

COLLINS: His weeklong trip begins with a stop on the (inaudible) coast of England for the G7 summit before a trip to Windsor Castle to meet with the queen. Next, Biden will head to Brussels to sit down with weary NATO allies, still reeling from the Trump era. He finishes his trip with a face-to-face sit down with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva. As a former senator and Vice President, Biden is bringing decades of foreign policy experience with him.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: He's been getting ready for 50 years.

COLLINS: But he'll also have to grapple with new challenges. As a (inaudible) and surge in countries where vaccines are in short supply, there are major questions about U.S. plans for vaccine sharing.

BIDEN: We have to end COVID-19 not just at home which we are doing, but everywhere.

COLLINS: Sources say President Biden plans to announce the U.S. has purchased and will donate 500 millions doses of Pfizer's vaccine worldwide by 2022.

BIDEN: There's no wall high enough to keep us safe from this pandemic.

COLLINS: On the diplomatic front, Biden is saving the most high stakes meeting for last.

BIDEN: I'll travel to Geneva to sit down with the man that I've spent time with before, President Vladimir Putin.

COLLINS: It will be the first meeting between the U.S. President and the Russian leader since Donald Trump publicly embraced Putin in Helsinki. DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I

will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be.

COLLINS: Among the tense topics will be the rise in Russian-based ransomware attacks on critical U.S. infrastructure.

BIDEN: I've been clear. The United States will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the Russian government engages in harmful activities.

COLLINS: The White House still unsure if Putin will take questions alongside Biden, like he did with Trump.

BIDEN: I'm going to communicate that there are consequences for violating the sovereignty of democracies in the United States, and Europe, and elsewhere.

COLLINS: While visiting U.S. troops after arriving in the U.K., Biden driving home this message on democracy.

BIDEN: We have to discredit those who believe that the age of democracies is over as some of our fellow nations believe. We have to expose this false, the narrative the decrease of dictators can match the speed and scale of the 21st challenges.


NOBILO (on camera): With us now is Leslie Vinjamuri. She is the head of U.S. and Americas Programme at Chatham House in London. Thank you so much for joining us this morning, Leslie. Great to have you.


NOBILO: President Biden's mantra for this trip seems to be that the USA is back. How is he going to demonstrate that, and then how can he measure his success?

VINJAMURI: Excellent question, I think so much of this is about a president from the United States turning up. Remember out a point where America is really turning the corner on a pandemic and can demonstrate leadership from a president who takes the G7 seriously, who takes internationalism seriously. And I think the contrast, of course to President Trump, is marked.

And I think that President Biden will be looking first to just really affirm his commitment to diplomacy to multilateralism, to Europe in particular and to those core values. I think having it goes smoothly will be absolutely critical, but the rest of the world, and also Joe Biden will be looking for some very clear commitments, not least to helping the rest of the world come out of COVID by distributing those vaccines and really getting Europe and the U.S. on the same page, on the mechanism for doing that. There has been a disagreement previously about the right way to do that.

[03:35:00] And then also coming out with some clear commitments when it comes to

things like cooperating on technology, and all the big kind of global, public good issues, climate, all of these things I think are tremendously important. But really at the end of the day this is so much about demonstrating unity amongst the G7, and also South Africa, India, Australia, and South Korea have turned up. And I think that's really important, there is a sense that this is meant to be more inclusive and looking to really affirm globalism as well as unity amongst the west.

NOBILO: And just before we get to talking about threats, like perceived threats, like China or in Russia, you mentioned Europe and the channeled of communication between the president and Europe. Now, we know that there are still fraction discussions being had between the E.U. and the U.K. over the Northern Ireland protocol, this is something the President Biden is heavily invested in, the (inaudible) peace process, how much of a thorn in the U.K. side is Brexit going into this summit, when they're trying to have as positive a discussion as possible with President Biden?

VINJAMURI: I think it is a very significant one, not at least because this question of the Northern Ireland protocol of making sure that the Good Friday agreement is affirmed and that there is no trouble. The timing is very difficult for Britain, and remember that for Boris Johnson being seen as independent, being seen to be global, being seen to really be the leading partner alongside, but not secondary, to President Biden is very important.

It's difficult to do that when you have the American president almost shaming you over something that is so contentious domestically for you. But is as you said, and as we all know, so many and dear to President Biden. It's not just about President Biden, the America cares very much about Ireland or Taz. Really took those peace agreements very seriously. And so I think, that does certainly hang over Prime Minister Johnson, not at least, because of course, he would like to see a U.S.-U.K. free trade deal struck at some point. It's not a top priority for America right now, but it is very important in the medium turn. So keeping it smooth is significant.

NOBILO: And if we turn to China and Russia and how the U.S. President plans to deal with those threats to the USA and to the way that they perceive the international world order, do you think Biden is going to be able to unite Europe and Japan facing those threats? Because obviously, there are some differences of opinion, particularly I think of Germany, which is less hawkish when it comes to both China and Russia, because of the economic ties.

VINJAMURI: Yes. And of course, as you know, there are not really the same. I think the United States certainly sees Russia as a very significant disruptor, as something that needs to be deterred. And that these threats coming from cyber is very critical -- that summit between President Biden and Putin will be very interesting to watch.

But I think China is really what's driving much of America's policy and its desire to unite very clearly and very concertedly with Europe, with Japan with that broader group of democracies that include Asia's largest democracies. It is difficult, right. Europe has moved on this. I think the direction of travel since Joe Biden's inauguration has continued to be one towards more unity and art of course, because Europe's back down on that investment agreement that was moving forward on individually with China.

But I think there is still some concern that, perhaps, Europe isn't as aligned within itself as it might be on the question of China and that it's moving closer to America. But not as quickly perhaps as United States would like it. So much of this G7 will be about sending a positive signal that you know, competition with China is going to be about driving forward a positive agenda from the G7 and also those additional countries to make them competitive, to shore up democracy.

It is so much about values. But there is concern. You know, for Europe, this is not a national security issue in quite the same way, so much about economic competition and China very luring in China's market is very alluring. And China of course is very strategic but I think that the U.S. stands very firm on this, and unites most Americans which is, as we know, a very unusual in the current domestic context within the United States.

NOBILO: Indeed, and you make a good point. And obviously there's potential for a cooperative aspects of the relationship in China, not just adversarial which is the term it's often spoken about.


Leslie Vinjamuri from Chatham House, thank you so much for joining us, tonight -- today. And great to hear from you.

And we'll be right back with much more here on CNN Newsroom. I'm Bianca Nobilo, stay with us.


KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): We are getting a look at the terrifying moment of five-storey building collapse on to a bus in South Korea. The bus is stop along a busy road Wednesday when debris started falling, authorities say nine people were killed and eight others were seriously injured. Investigators say the building was in the process of being demolished, but they don't know what caused it to collapse at that moment. Nearly 200 firefighters and police responded to sift through the ruble part of the search and rescue.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has emphasized her trip to Central America was designed to focus on the root causes of migration. But she faced criticism for telling migrants in Guatemala not to come to the U.S. regardless of any countries immigration policy, migrants have other reasons for wanting to start a new life.

Matt Rivers reports gang violence, pandemic fueled poverty, and the aftermath of natural disasters are sending people away from Honduras.


MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Twin 17 year olds Heraldo (ph) and Saline were born and raised in Choloma, Honduras in gang run neighborhood in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. They lived in abject poverty. But for the boys, its home and they will miss it because they're about to leave for the United States.

At the bedroom they share, they show us their new prized possessions. The brand-new shoes they will use to make the minimum 1500 mile journey to the U.S. mostly on foot.

They're plan on leaving on the 17th or the 20th of this month with these clothes here that they're going to bring with them.

Heraldo says it feels terrible because we are going to leave my mother but we have no future here.

They will join the tens of thousands of other Honduran's who'd stream to the U.S. this year, leaving behind one of the poorest countries on earth. Northward migration is not new, but the conditions forcing people to flee arguably have never been worse.

Starting with twin category four hurricanes that made landfall late last year just two weeks apart, utterly decimating this region. People lost everything. And half a year later, hardly anything is back to normal.

We meet a family who built a makeshift shelter on top of their old home after it was subsumed by mud during the hurricane flooding. We lost everything, says this man, I want to leave because I can't find a job. There's no support from the government.

And just up the street, we meet another family, another home wiped out during the storm.



RIVERS: Water leaks right through the walls of their shelter made of old doors and tarps. They sleep on mattresses that are on a dirt floor in a house made out of makeshift supplies.

We are desperate, he tells us, we don't have a choice. Saying he will soon be forced to migrate north too.

It's hard to believe that more than six months after this hurricane authorities have done so little here to try and help people clean up. I mean, look at this, what used to be a house, it got completely filled up with mud during a hurricane. And now, obviously, the family that lived here can't come back.

In response, the government told CNN they have been making repairs giving us this video of some of their work. They said repairs like this take time and back to back hurricanes would be difficult for any country to deal with. Critics though from citizens to NGOs say their efforts haven't been nearly enough and making their recovery worse, all these damage came during a different kind of storm, the pandemic. A government mandated shutdown and COVID-19 restrictions meant

unemployment soared and around half of Hondurans now live below the poverty line, says the World Bank. All of those are some of the so- called root causes of migration. Vice President Kamala Harris is focusing on during her trip this week to Central America.

Across the region, people leave for all kinds of reasons. Government corruption everywhere, there's a food shortage in Guatemala, chronic violence in El Salvador, and government oppression in Nicaragua, just to name a few. And in Honduras, it is often a lack of opportunity.

If they had more opportunities people would not have to leave this country, says this local priest. And that's just this, so many people we spoke to, like the twin brothers, don't want to leave. But with no work and just a sixth grade education, they say they don't have any other choice. Their mom though, doesn't want them to go.

Crying, she says, what can you do? It hurts that your children leave, you don't know if they will return or not, but there's no other option. For now, they will take the time they have with each other. Because in a few days, the boys will likely end up here. A bus station where every night a bus leaves for the Guatemala border. From there, many make a reluctant walk north.

This family of four plans to do just that. We can't take it anymore this dad says, saying there's no jobs or good education for his kids. We have got no other option but to leave.

And so if there is one thing we have learned on this trip, all politics aside, if you want less migrants to come to the U.S., there has to be reasons for them to stay. Matt Rivers, CNN, San Pedro Sula, Honduras.


BRUNHUBER (on camera): Still ahead, what's in a name? A lot, if you're part of the British royal family. Find out why the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are defending the name of their newborn daughter, next.


BRUNHUBER (on camera): More drama in the British royal family just days after Prince Harry and wife Meghan announced the birth of their second child.


The couple is now denying a BBC report that they didn't consult the queen about naming their daughter Lilibet, the monarch's childhood nickname. A spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex tells CNN that Harry spoke with the queen ahead of the announcement and she was supportive of the decision. Buckingham palace says it will not be making a statement on the matter.

There is no doubt it has been a trying year for Britain's royal family from a very public rift to the loss of their beloved patriarch who would've turned 100 years old today.

CNN's Max Foster sat down with the Earl of Wessex to talk about his father's legacy and how the monarchy is coping with the latest challenges.


MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Euro highness, thank you very much for speaking to us, it is a very poignant time of course, but I know you want to focus on celebrating your father's life at this point.

PRINCE EDWARD, EARL OF WESSEX (on camera): Indeed. I mean, absolutely and not just such a broad life, but a life that was involved in so many different interest, and he traveled so much of the world and saw so much. And not only that, but he was the sort of person that you once met and never forgotten.

FOSTER: It would have been your father's 100th birthday, how do you think he would look back on his public work?

PRINCE EDWARD: He was always incredibly self-effacing, it wasn't about him it was about other people. You just gave them the nudge of encouragement and off they go. And tragically, it wasn't until he passed away that everybody went, wow, that is what he did? And of course it is too late, he never found out.

But then, I suspect that if he had made it to his 100th birthday that a lot of that would've come out and it would've been a lovely for him to have heard it himself, but then again, because he was just so self- facing he just would not have won the fuss and the bother. And I don't think he ever really necessarily wanted to reach his -- because he just can't thought that it would've been too much fuss, and that wasn't him. That was just not him at all.

FOSTER: You're very focus on the two commemorative awards scheme, which many people may think of an out bound scheme, but actually its more than that isn't it? It's almost a motivational self-confidence exercise.

PRINCE EDWARD: Well, it is a framework. It is a framework of activities, it was to encourage young people and adults to get involved in non-formal activities, (inaudible) classroom learning and of course it empowered both adults and young people to take control of their destinies. And it doesn't matter where in the world that young person, or that adult is. It is the same.

And that's the reason why I think it has spread to 130 countries. And it is doing particularly well in the states, it was a bit of a late start for that, but it is brilliant. And what is really exciting about what's going on the state is that nearly 50 percent of the young people involved are from what recall out risk or marginalized young people and disadvantage young people, which is brilliant because those young people can really benefit from this.

FOSTER: We should also talk about his other role, which a bigger role, arguably, his role as consul and probably the biggest influence on arguably one of greatest reins of British history away from the queen. Can I ask how is she coping without him?

PRINCE EDWARD: Well, thank you for asking. And I think actually we're doing remarkably well, but then I think, yes, it was a fantastic partnership. But over the last couple of weeks, life has got considerably busier. Things are beginning to open up. Well, there are more activities. So, weirdly that sort of fills any particular void.

I think there are going to be other times for (inaudible) where I think that it will become a bit more poignant and a bit harder, but at the moment, thank you very much indeed for asking, but I think everybody is in pretty good shape, really.

FOSTER: I don't know prime too much on private matters but this is a private matter which is also very public, as you are aware of, that must have been the family rift. It's undeniably there and that must have been very difficult for her to. How is she coping with that, can I ask?

PRINCE EDWARD: Well, it all depends on what -- are you euphemistically referring to Harry and Meghan, are you?

FOSTER: Yeah. Yes.


I mean, yes, the divide between the Sussex and the rest of the family, currently.

PRINCE EDWARD: Yes. I mean, it is very sad. And listen, we have all been there before. We've all had an excessive intrusions and attention in our lives. And we've all dealt with it in different ways. Listen. We wish them the very best of luck. It is a really hard decision. Fantastic news about the baby. That is great. I hope they will be very happy with that and, you know, families are families, aren't they really?

FOSTER: They are. I think you're right. They do happen in all families, it's just a very public matter. I was just wondering how difficult it had been for her?


PRINCE EDWARD: Listen. It's difficult for everyone. It's difficult for everyone. But that is families for you.

FOSTER: We talked about how she just carries on in this remarkable way, in a very inspiring way. The president of the United States currently in the United Kingdom, and the queen is the longest serving head of state in the world. She has met so many presidents, as I've said, 70 heads of states around the world. I mean, I wonder what -- it must be an opportunity also for those heads of states to speak to someone who has been there, done that and had that experience as well.

PRINCE EDWARD: When you meet somebody who has had that level of personal experience, and knowledge, it is, some people -- overall I think some people, you know, and I think most people can wishing that they have live a bit longer. That is usually the response. God, I would've loved to have a bit longer, because that was fascinating.

FOSTER: They always stay private these conversations. It's almost like a very high level of counseling, in many ways. Prime Ministers, have spoken about that.

PRINCE EDWARD: And it is very important. The fact that they all stay private is something that is a bit strange in this world. You expect a communicator appear almost instantly or a press conference. But the fact that none of that happens, does means that actually people really do respect the fact that this is a genuinely private, off the record, conversation. So they really can talk about things. And get to the heart of things in a very genuine fashion. Because they know it's not going to come out.

FOSTER: Did she let anything slip out to you in any way?

PRINCE EDWARD: Of course not. Of course not.

FOSTER: You didn't hear anything about the meeting with President Biden?

PRINCE EDWARD: Well, even if I did, I forgot about it the next day.


FOSTER: Thank you very much for speaking to me.

PRINCE EDWARD: Pleasure. Thank you for your interest.


BRUNHUBER (on camera): That wraps this hour of CNN Newsroom, I'm Kim Brunhuber. I will be back in just a moment with more news, please do stay with us.