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Connect the World

Debate Over Airport Security; At the Epicenter of the Indonesian Earthquake; Jay Leno's Cars; : Mexican Border Town Abandoned Due to Drug Violence. Tape, Supposedly From Bin Laden, Warns France Could Be Top Target. US Shows Off New Detention Center at Parwan, Hoping to End Rumors of "Black Prisons." Canadian Detainee at Guantanamo Pleads Guilty. Famed Bond Car on Auction Block. Christie's Auctioning Darth Vader Costume. Michael Caine Discusses His New Memoir, "The Elephant to Hollywood." Parting Shots of New Species Discovered in Amazon.

Aired October 27, 2010 - 16:00   ET


MAX FOSTER, HOST: The chairman of British Airways says U.S. demands for airline passenger screening are excessive and redundant. But the U.S. group that makes the rules says they're necessary to keep us safe. Tonight, calling for change -- a man who represents 85 airlines tells us the world wants a less invasive system.

Going beyond borders on the day's biggest stories, on CNN, this is the hour we connect the world.

Airline security has been a scared topic since the September 11th attacks. Well, it seems B.A.'s chairman has broken that unspoken rule. We're looking at whether it's time for a revamp,

I'm Max Foster in London with the story from both sides of the Atlantic.

Also tonight, thousands have fled their homes to avoid the wrath of nature in Indonesia. We'll have the latest and a look at the dangers of the ring of fire.

A new message attributed to Osama bin Laden. This time, he's warning France.

And later, a star Connector of the Day...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I -- I was a movie star for many years and then eventually I got too old to play the romantic leads, and so I had to make a decision.


FOSTER: Find out what that decision was. Sir Michael Caine is answering your questions.

That is CNN in the next 60 minutes. As always, connect with us on our Web site,

In a strongly worded speech, BA's chairman said it was time for Britain to, quote, "stop kowtowing to American demands over airport security."

Martin Broughton also criticized the United States for failing to play by its own rules, claiming "America does not do internally a lot of the things they demand that we do. We shouldn't stand for that. We should say we'll only do things which we consider to be essential and that you Americans also consider essential."

So that's the view of BA's chairman.

But is that view shared by the rest of the industry?

Well, Mike Carrivick represents more than 80 major airlines around the world.

And earlier, I asked him whether it was time for a shakeup in the entire security system.


MIKE CARRIVICK, BOARD OF AIRLINE REPRESENTATIVES, U.K.: Yes, the broad picture that Martin Broughton, the BA chairman, was making yesterday is that there is a huge amount of inconsistency. But more importantly, there's also a huge layering of process upon process. Let's step back, see what we're trying to achieve with aviation security, which is obviously required; bring in the processes that where needed, but ditch all the redundant ones that really don't do much in this day and age.

FOSTER: Let's talk about laptop scanning and shoe scanning.

Are they necessary with the other scanners that we've already got within airports?

CARRIVICK: Well, I think that's the key question. It depends on what equipment the airports have. Places like Manchester Airport are trialing super scanners and all the rest of it. With a bit of luck -- more than a bit of luck, they will take away a lot of the stress that's required on this ad hoc shoe business and laptops, etc.

FOSTER: A huge amount of debate about airport security today because of what Mr. Broughton said. But I'm sure none of this is news to you. You represent more than 80 airlines around the world.

So is this a common view?

CARRIVICK: Yes, it is a common view. And it's resulting, I'm very pleased to say, in a consultation that the U.K. Department for Transport will be announcing to the industry next month, November. That will probably run for about three months. And out of that will come a result that says this is what you have to produce. How you get there may actually be by -- be by two or three different routes.

That, in itself, may lead to inconsistencies, but I think it will be of a far lesser nature and a far easier process at the end of the day.

FOSTER: Why would you say they are responding so much to American concerns?

I mean I'm not going to say kowtowing. They're Mr. Brought -- Broughton's words.

But why are they responding to America when they aren't responding to other countries in the same manner?

CARRIVICK: The point that Martin Broughton was making yesterday -- I was in the audience when he made it -- is the standards that apply for flights to the USA do not a fly -- apply to flights within the USA. And that's certainly a conversation, I think, and a debate that our government has to have, along with European governments, with the U.S. security agencies.

FOSTER: But is the airline industry recommending to governments in Europe and around the world to simply not respond to those requests from America?

CARRIVICK: No, that particular response was with Martin Broughton. But there is a general concern that the U.S. authorities are, in fact, layering on additional security, without which you're not allowed to operate to the USA. And that's obviously a very important point. It is a government to government debate, at the end of the day, that will decide these things. And the industry will feed into that debate.

FOSTER: So is there some criticism here with the British government for not speaking up for itself enough in these debates?

CARRIVICK: I wouldn't say that. I think the U.S. government can be extremely hard at times and very definitive in what they're saying. And if the compliance is not made, then you won't operate. That's a pretty hard policy and I'm sure they'll have their own justifications for it. But that doesn't mean to say that we shouldn't continue to argue the case.


FOSTER: So, the airline industry believes that it's time to change. But does the U.K. government?

Well, speaking to CNN, minister of state transport, Theresa Villiers, denied that any of the current security measures were redundant.


THERESA VILLIERS, BRITISH TRANSPORT MINISTER: There are no measures that we've got in place at U.K. airports which -- which we don't feel are necessary to deal with the degree of security risk associated with flying. There is undoubtedly a security risk in relation to flying. There is -- experience shows us that that is the case and the security information to which I am party as minister demonstrates that that's the case.


FOSTER: Well, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration says it is constantly reviewing and evolving its security measures, but defended the screening of shoes, claiming shoes remain a security concern because items may be hidden within the shoe and, therefore, they must continue to be thoroughly screened.

Screening shoes by x-ray is an effective method of identifying any type of anomaly, including explosives.

So how did we get to the current situation?

Well, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, security was tightened across the globe and new rules were put in place to limit the amount of items and liquids brought on board.

In December of the same year, British citizen, Richard Reid, attempted to detonate explosives hidden in his shoes during a flight to the United States. His actions prompted authorities to begin checking the foot wear of passengers passing through security.

And on Christmas Day last year, a Detroit bound Nigerian man was accused of trying to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear.

In January, the U.S. responded by introducing new screening rules for 14 countries and increased checks on hang luggage at major airports across the world.

While the need for security measures is clear, the implementation from country to country often results in confusion.

One man who knows all about that is our very own jetsetter, Richard Quest.

And earlier, I asked him about his recent experiences.


RICHARD QUEST, HOST, QUEST MEANS BUSINESS: The sort of position that exists is familiar to every traveler or frequent flier around the world -- one rule in one place, another rule somewhere else.

Let me show you my last few weeks of travel. Over the last few weeks, I've been through Heathrow, Stansford (ph) and Luton -- pretty uniform, except Luton Airport will only let me take one bag through security. But in those cases, sometimes it's shoes on, depending on your shoes. Liquids and gels and computers always out of the bag.

Over in Los Angeles, in California, always, as with all U.S., shoes off, computers out, liquids and gels separate bags.

Down in Brazil, whether it's in Sao Paolo and Curitiba, where I was, in those cases, computers didn't come out of the bag at all, stayed in except in Curitiba and then Cora -- where, of course, liquids and gels had to come out.

No uniformity, no rules or regulations.

Last night on Pisa, I have no idea what the rules were because everybody seemed to have everything in, out and all around and again, shoes on or off.

So around the world, we now have this piecemeal, this hodgepodge series of regulations that don't really make a lot of sense.

FOSTER: And you're going to illustrate the latest problem, which is that new technology isn't recognized.

QUEST: OK, what is this?

FOSTER: Well, it's an iPad.


FOSTER: You're going to ask me, is it a computer or not a computer, perhaps?

QUEST: Is it a computer or is it not a computer?

Because if you go through security, I've done it on that map -- sometimes it came out...


QUEST: And other times it stayed in my hand luggage. And nobody seemed to know and nobody seemed to care.

FOSTER: So the laptop rule is silly and irrelevant.

QUEST: They'll -- there are machines these days in the U.K. that lap -- that will allow laptops to stay in the bag. But the British government won't let them be introduced or they won't let them stay there.

The United States is, by far, at the moment, the strictest. They have rules for rules' sake -- shoes off, bags out and liquids and gels in separate bags.

But can you put your coat on top of your computer in the bag -- in the tray?

In Britain, you can. In America, you can't.

In Asia, who knows?

FOSTER: And the concern is expressed by our viewers. And they say even within one airport, it's a problem. One viewer writes: "I don't mind taking off my shoes or unpacking my laptop, but whenever I return from overseas, I have to go through security three times -- once when you enter the secured area of the European airport, a second time when you enter the gate area of the US-bound flight and the third time upon clearing customs in the U.S.

So are these departments not trusting each other?

QUEST: No, that's different. That you're -- you're talking about different areas. The first is when you go -- you enter an airport wherever you've gone. But if you're transferring from an international to a domestic flight, you have to go through security again.

A good question as to why the whole thing's secure, why bother?

The last one is more of a -- an im -- is more of an agriculture rather than a security. Arrival scanning is for agriculture rather than security.

FOSTER: "Whatevva" says -- that's a good name, I think you'll agree - - "I understand the need for such security. However, it's become increasingly painful to go through security. We have to be at the airport at least one-and-a-half hours before the flight leaves.


FOSTER: And considering how commonplace air travel has become, it's a huge waste of time.

QUEST: It's not a waste of time. What annoys people because -- it is the way, when you talk to the security officials, they say, ah, safety is paramount, security must not be comp...

FOSTER: Which it should be.

QUEST: Absolutely. Absolutely. And no one disputes that. But they use that as a bat to beat the passenger over the head. The phrase I like to use is officious versus efficient. It's people shouting at you. Let me -- let me just show you.

All right, let's take a look at I'm wearing at the moment, all right?

My cuff links will probably set off the -- certainly my brass collar stays will set off something. I was -- I once had to remove these because I was told it was a threat to the aircraft security...

FOSTER: Well, they can't be recognized I guess.

QUEST: Oh, it's a collar stay. It's nothing. It's a collar stay.

Secondly, these -- my braces or suspenders. This will set off the (INAUDIBLE).

What am I going to do?


FOSTER: Now, Richard equipped to set off alarms at airports around the world.

You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD.

After the break, from a wall of water to a mountain of fire, we're looking at the aid efforts underway across parts of Indonesia after a succession of natural disaster hit the archipelago.

And we bring you the garage of dreams with a green twist -- from the classics to the electrics, U.S. talk show host Jay Leno shows us his prized possessions and how he's reconciling his love of cars with his passion for the environment.

Find out more after this.


FOSTER: Three natural disasters in one country all in the space of just 24 hours. First, Indonesia was struck by a magnitude 7.7 earthquake off Sumatra, near the Mentawai Islands. That's south of the earthquake that caused the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

This new earthquake sparked a significant tsunami of its own, with reports of up to six meters waves smashing into several islands. The death toll stands at 311, with hundreds still missing.

Then came the fire -- one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, Mount Merapi, on the island of Java, erupted three times, killing 29 people and forcing the evacuation of more than 42,000.

From entire ghost villages covered in ash to those which have vanished into the sea, rescue workers are now facing a mammoth task in trying to get aid to those who need it.

Our Paula Hancocks has more from Padang, near the epicenter of the earthquake.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: (voice-over): The death toll is continuing to rise as rescuers reach the more remote islands of the Mentawai. Now this is an area just off Sumatra Island here in Indonesia and it was the worst hit area from Monday's massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake and the following devastating tsunami.

Now hundreds, we understand, are also still missing. The rescuers still trying to get to certain areas, a very remote area and a very difficult area for these aide workers to actually access.

Now we are getting pictures from the area. We see widespread devastation. We're hearing from government authorities that at least 200 buildings have been destroyed. But they have said that that will go up. These are just the buildings that they can now count.

They also say at least 150 people have been severely injured. And this was another issue. We're having reports from the area that the hospitals are struggling to cope. They're being inundated with people that have been injured in the tsunami itself.

The first survivors from the disaster are starting to arrive here in Padang. A group of surfers has arrived -- eight Australian and one New Zealander arrived at the port and talked about what happened when they were on their boat and saw a very high wave, according to the assistant boat captain. He says it was as high as three to four meters. The other boat hit their boat and it caught fire. They then had to jump into the water.

Now, there are some ships that are leaving Padang here. They're leaving the port and heading toward that area. Just a few hours ago, one large ship with 100 tons of food, water, medicine and tents on board left.

But the fact is, it will take a long time to reach those that desperately need that aid. Fourteen hours, it will take, to get to Sikikap, which is one of the largest ports, a northern area that was badly hit. And it will then take hours again to offload that aid and get it to the people who really need it.

So even though it was Monday night that this disaster happened, people are still struggling to -- to come to terms with it and vessels are still struggling to try and help those that really need it.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Padang, Indonesia.


FOSTER: Well, Indonesia is one of the most seismically active regions on the planet, so it's prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity. It's no surprise it's happening there.

Let's head to the CNN Weather Center now, where Guillermo has been keeping across this -- and, Guillermo, it's -- it's not surprising, perhaps, that the earthquakes are actually still going on there.

GUILLERMO ARDUINO, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. And there will be -- they will continue to go on for weeks, actually. Those are core -- are called aftershocks. And you see here we have all of them that we have seen lately. Of course we have the significant one, the first one. And then 20 or more greater of 4.0. So that's what we see constantly and especially because of what you said. The ring of fire, but at the same time, we are right here in between two plates, the Inter Australia and the Eurasian Plate. So it's a subduction zone and we see a lot of action there -- Max.

FOSTER: Yes, the ring of fire, just take us through that again, because it takes in this vast area and makes the whole region vulnerable.

ARDUINO: Yes, look, anywhere from here into Japan; also New Zealand and all the way to Chile, Peru -- many, many countries. And all these are 2010 earthquakes that were five or more in terms of its intensity. So you see how many there are and all these countries that are affected by -- by this. And I'll give you numbers now so you have an idea. The average per year and the magnitude, 7 and 7.9. we have 15 or so. But 130,000 per year in between 3 and 3.9. So we can anticipate weeks of movements associated with the big one that happened in Indonesia at 7.7 -- Max.

FOSTER: OK, we're getting a better understanding.

Guillermo, thank you very much, indeed, for that.

ARDUINO: Thank you.

FOSTER: Well, up next, they are fast, they are stylish -- they're also clean. And I'm not talking about polished clean. Stay with us for a sneak peek inside Jay Leno's well stocked garage. We'll tell you which ones are his favorites and why.

And he's got an acting career that spans more than 40 years. We bring this star of the silver screen as your Connector of the Day.


FOSTER: From consumption to conservation, all this week, we are working through the burning issues on the future of clean energy. It's more expensive to generate than traditional forms, but can the latest cutting edge technology help make going green more affordable?

Well, we've been looking at ways to harness people power.

In Kobe, Japan, scientists are using some enthusiastic football fans to generate electricity and rechargeable batteries.

You may have caught our special guest last night, actor and conservationist Harrison Ford. He told us about the importance of preservation in our biodiversity hot spots.

Now, tonight, our Green Week continues with another U.S. celebrity who's just as devoted to the environmental cause, especially if it's on four wheels.


JAY LENO, TELEVISION HOST: Driving a slow car fast is more fun than driving a fast car slow.

FOSTER: (voice-over): Jay Leno is one of America's top talk show hosts. He's also a man who loves cars.

LENO: Well, I think the thing people like cars is the freedom. It's the ability to go wherever you want to go when you want to go there. When I buy old cars, a lot of times I buy the story as much as I buy the car. What I have is pretty eclectic. There's no rhyme or reason for -- for how we do any of this.

FOSTER: In fact, Jay loves cars so much that he's collected 240 of them and houses them in a 17,000 square foot garage in Los Angeles. But Jay has a problem -- he's also an environmentalist. Now the challenge is to reconcile his love of metal machines with the need for clean air.

LENO: The idea is to try and live the way you've always wanted to live, just do it more efficiently. I mean I have friends that live in Vermont. They have a 40 watt bulb and they pedal a bike to run the TV and their house is kept at 48 degrees and well, that's OK. You can do that if you want to.

But most people don't want to do that. So you try to find a balance.

FOSTER: It's a difficult balance to strike -- the fastest, coolest looking cars are often the worst polluters.

LENO: Here's the EcoJet right here.

FOSTER: So in 2006, he collaborated with General Motors to design and build a car that was fast and stylish, but also clean.

LENO: So this runs on a biofuel. That's why it's called the EcoJet. Not particularly fuel efficient, because it's a jet, so it -- it sucks a lot of fuel. But we just built it to show that we could do it. We did the whole car here in the garage. We just wanted to show that you could build something that was fast and interesting, that could go 200 miles an hour without using traditional diesel or -- or, you know, fuels from the Middle East.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The light, compact, reliable, easy to maintain, economical to operate, Chrysler automotive gas turbine engine.


FOSTER: Many of the best ideas for the future were created by the visionaries of the past.

LENO: This is the Chrysler Turbine car. They built 50 of these in the early '60s. It will run on any type of fuel except leaded gasoline. But see, when this car came out in the early '60s, nobody really cared about alternative fuels, because gas was 26 cents a gallon. When they drove it to Mexico, it ran on tequila. When they took it throughout France, they burned Chanel No. 5. Any -- any liquid that will burn with oxygen you could run in this car.

FOSTER: Vintage cars require upkeep and at Jay's green garage, even the maintenance is emission-free.

LENO: See, these oils have microbes in it. You put it in a part. You clean the part with this. And what it is, is as you -- as you're cleaning, the microbes eat the oil in the grease and the -- and it turns black. Then you shut it off, you come back the next morning, it's clean again because little microbes eat all the grease and dirt.

The fact that you have cars now that far exceed the performance of any of these cars and still get reasonable mileage and get very good environmental qualifications, that's impressive.

Can we do better?

Yes, we can always do better.

In you go.

FOSTER: It's a tough battle, but one worth winning. One thing is certain, if there were cars that loved the world as much as Jay Leno loves cars, we'd all breathe a little easier.

This is Max Foster for CNN's Earth's Frontiers.


FOSTER: And tomorrow, we'll be looking at what's powering the electric car industry, from the lithium mines of Bolivia to the production lines of Detroit, find out why this mineral, used in electric and hybrid cars, could revolutionize the auto industry. That's this time tomorrow on CONNECT THE WORLD.

And join us this weekend for Earth's Frontiers. That's Saturday at 21:30 in London, 21:30 in Central Europe tonight.

We'll be right back, though, with the world headlines.


FOSTER: You're back with CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Max Foster in London. Coming up, could France be a top target for al Qaeda? A new tape, supposedly from Osama bin Laden, has a warning.

How much would you pay for this? It does come with revolving number plates and pop-up machine guns. We'll look at the famed Bond car, which is on the auction block.

And our Connector of the Day. Hollywood star and not to mention British icon, Michael Caine, answers your questions. All those stories ahead in the show for you but, first, let's check the headlines this hour.

The death toll is rising each hour in Indonesia after Monday's powerful earthquake and tsunami. At least 311 people have been killed, more than 400 others are missing. Rescuers and aid workers are scrambling to reach hard-hit areas, but rough seas and debris are hampering efforts.

The US Justice Department has arrested a man who allegedly sought to bomb the Metro transit system in the Washington, DC area. Farooque Ahmed appeared in court earlier on Wednesday. The statement says the FBI was aware of his alleged activities and the public was never in danger.

Plans are -- flags are at half mast in Argentina after former president Nestor Kirchner died of a heart attack. He was the husband of current Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and was expected to run for the office again next year when his wife's turn was up.

Mexican officials are reporting the third mass slaying in several days. They say armed men killed 15 people at a car wash in the western city of Tepic. We're bringing you special reports all this week on Mexico's relentless violence, and here's today's offering from Rafael Romo.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SENIOR LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR (voice-over): The town hall is completely empty. No employees, no visitors, no business. This is the town of Los Ramones, about 100 miles from the US border in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, where the only thing you can hear is the wind blowing.

The nearby police station is also abandoned. Not a single police officer has shown up for work since it was damaged by a hail of bullets. Armed men came down and fired more than 1,000 rounds at the building and several police cars around it. Congressman Pablo Escudero says something has to be done.

PABLO ESCUDERO, NUEVO LEON LEGISLATOR (through translator): We can't go on like this, giving speeches, doing surveys, and coming up with statistics, because people are fed up. Our state will be full of ghost towns.

ROMO (voice-over): After two massacres that left 27 people dead in two border cities, opposition leaders are saying enough is enough.

ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO, OPPOSITION LEGISLATOR (through translator): If this is not a picture of failure, I don't know what is.

ROMO (voice-over): President Felipe Calderon, participating at a regional security meeting in Colombia, acknowledged drug violence has become a regional problem.

FELIPE CALDERON, PRESIDENT OF MEXICO (through translator): Our biggest obstacle is now organized crime, which knows no boundaries, poisons our youth, and terrorizes our people with extortion, kidnapping, and deadly violence.

ROMO (on camera): Early this month, President Calderon introduced a proposal to centralize police departments throughout Mexico at the state level in an effort to reduce corruption. But its passage seems unlikely. Opposition leaders say they're against it because it gives too much power to governors. Some suggest it's time to end the government's war on drug cartels. Rafael Romo, CNN, Atlanta.


FOSTER: Al Qaeda is making new demands on France, warning of deadly consequences if it fails to comply. An audiotape attributed to Osama bin Laden aired today on Al Jazeera. It calls on France to scrap plans to ban the burqa in public places and to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

The tape warns the recent kidnapping of French nationals in northern Africa could be just the beginning of attacks on French interests unless the government changes its ways. Here's part of the message, then an expert's take on its significance.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): If you want to tyrannize and think that it's your right to ban the free women from wearing the burqa, isn't it our right to expel your occupying forces, your men from our lands, by striking them by the neck.

Yes, the formula is simple and clear. As you kill us, you will be killed. As you imprison us, you will be imprisoned. And as you threaten our security, we will threaten your security. And the initiator of the injustice is the true aggressor.

The only way to safeguard your nation and maintain your security is to lift all your injustice and its extensions off our people and, most importantly, to withdraw your forces from Bush's despicable war in Afghanistan.

PAUL CRUICKSHANK, TERRORISM ANALYST: It's believed that there's a whole system at play out there, that they hand it to a series of couriers. One courier doesn't know who the next courier is. And eventually, it gets to somebody who can then distribute it either online or to an international television station.

So, they have a system in place to get these messages out. And it's through these messages, Errol, that bin Laden continues to exert strategic direction over the whole al Qaeda organization. And we've seen in the past when bin Laden has warned of attacks, threatened attacks, we've seen these attacks take place. We saw that in Madrid in March 2004, just a few months before, bin Laden made a specific reference to Spain.


FOSTER: France is, indeed, taking the threat seriously. But from the streets to the halls of power, there is no panic and no sense that people have any intention of conceding to al Qaeda demands. Jim Bittermann reports, now, from Paris.


JIM BITTERMANN, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): The message on the tape was the voice purportedly that of Osama bin Laden is being taken very seriously by French authorities, although they point out that, in fact, the terrorism alert level here has never been higher.

The last couple of months here, there's been a lot of nervousness among officials. We've seen the Eiffel Tower evacuated twice, and this is just the latest in a series of threats, although vague threats, that has got a lot of people anxious, maybe a little nervous.

Out on the streets, though, when we talk to tourists around the Eiffel Tower, they didn't seem to be that concerned about the idea that France was under this increased threat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're always vigilant anyway, but we just have to carry on as normal.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: What can they do if another attack happens like they had in New York? So, we just let it go.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm from California, I'm here visiting him. I think if I'd canceled my trip plans, that would be letting terrorists win.

BITTERMANN (on camera): Terrorism experts here say, from the content of the message, it could very well be the voice of Osama bin Laden on the tape, but they say, "What else can we do? We're already on heightened alert now."

The state of alert that they're at is second highest from the top. It won't go any higher unless there are what they call "operational details," which is to say very specific information about a target and a plan of operation, and it hasn't reached that stage yet. Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.


FOSTER: The United States, meanwhile, is trying to improve its image in Afghanistan to counter years of criticism about the way it treats terror suspects. The detention facility at Bagram Air Base was once called "Guantanamo's evil twin." Former inmates have described abusive treatment there, and two inmates died after interrogations in 2002.

Now, however, the US military is running a new facility a couple of kilometers away. Our Barbara Starr got a tour.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is the US military's only detention facility in Afghanistan. Here at Parwan in this noisy communal area, hundreds live in what are, essentially, large cages. Guards watch everything. We are not allowed to film detainee faces.

There are more than 1200 men here. The military is now showing off Parwan in part to counter reports there are so-called "black prisons" where detainees are mistreated.

Inside the wire, Brigadier General Mandi Murray says she personally gets involved to make sure this facility does not become another Abu Ghraib, the former US-run prison in Iraq.

MANDI MURRAY, BRIGADIER GENERAL, US ARMY: Myself and my command sergeant major, who's the senior enlisted man of the task force, walk through the facility unannounced at any given time.

This is the first place that they see the rules of the facility.

STARR (voice-over): Murray shows us where detainees are first brought in for processing and showers, and even where family members can come for visits.

But there is a grim reality. We are walking through a section where they keep prisoners with disciplinary problems.

STARR (on camera): Right now, as you and I are walking down here, we do hear detainees yelling, screaming.

MURRAY: They're communicating back and forth with each other, yes.

STARR (voice-over): A central job in this prison is to find out the latest intelligence on Taliban and insurgent activities.

STARR (on camera): The area that we've now walked into in this building is?

MURRAY: The joint interrogation debriefing center. This is where detainees are questioned.

STARR (voice-over): And it's here that the information is assembled that is used to either keep men locked up or decide to let them go. Each case is reviewed every six months.

RACHEL REID, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: These hearings still fall way short of what should be an internationally recognized trial proceeding, primarily because the witness -- the detainees, sorry, don't get to call lawyers, don't get to have their own lawyers, and also because they don't really get to see the evidence that's against them. Because most of this remains classified.

STARR (voice-over): Abu Khalik (ph) is finally being released today after nine months here. He's heard the rumors. "My cellmates told me about black jails," he says. "They said they were tortured there."

We asked the US commander of all detention operations whether, indeed, there are secret detention sites.

ROBERT HARWARD, VICE ADMIRAL, US NAVY: There are no black prisons.

STARR (voice-over): In the coming months, the Afghan government will take over this facility. The US says the Afghans will be able to run things. Barbara Starr, CNN, Parwan, Afghanistan.


FOSTER: From halfway around the world at the United States' most well-known detention facility, sentencing is underway for Omar Khadr. The last western detainee at Guantanamo pleaded guilty this week to all charges against him. As Paul Workman reports, Canada's cooperation was a crucial part of the deal that spared Khadr a life behind bars.


PAUL WORKMAN, CTV CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Omar Khadr you see in this interrogation video has given up his legal battle. With his plea agreement, he becomes a convicted war criminal. He wore a suit to court, answered "yes" to every charge. Murder, al Qaeda terrorist, spy. In the end, the United States got its conviction without a long and controversial trial.

JOHN MURPHY, CHIEF PROSECUTOR: What you saw puts a lie to the long- standing argument by some that Omar Khadr is a victim. He's not. He's a murderer. And he's convicted by the strength of his own words.

WORKMAN (voice-over): Khadr as a boy, who would become a boy solider in Afghanistan, seen here making bombs. Brought to Guantanamo Bay when he was only 15, charged with battlefield murder, and held here for the last eight years.

The decision to plead guilty was hellish for Khadr, said his lawyer. In a system he described as "tainted and unfair."

DENNIS EDNEY, KHADR'S CANADIAN ATTORNEY: The nature of the charges, which he plead guilty to, of course, are very serious. But in our view, it's all a fiction. In our view, Mr. Khadr is innocent.

WORKMAN (voice-over): Khadr will serve one year of his sentence in Guantanamo. The US will then support his application to serve the rest of his prison time in Canada. Behind the plea, a diplomatic deal.

EDNEY: Canada's language is sufficiently satisfactory to uphold Canada to its position that it will take Omar Khadr back after one year.

WORKMAN (on camera): Canada's cooperation was essential for this plea-bargaining deal to go through. Omar Khadr will now serve a limited sentence, perhaps another eight years, most of it in Canada, and avoid what could have been a life sentence if he had gone to trial here. Paul Workman, CTV News, Guantanamo Bay.


FOSTER: I'm Max Foster, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. And coming up next, a piece of Hollywood history going under the hammer. We'll explore the big business of movie memorabilia and tell you how much this secret agent super car might fetch at tonight's auction.


FOSTER: The souped-up super car made famous in the James Bond film "Goldfinger" is up for auction tonight. That isn't the only bit of Hollywood history under the hammer, though. In a moment, I'll take you to Christie's Auction House, which announced it's auctioning a full Darth Vader costume. But first, CNN's Ayesha Durgahee on the iconic car set to leave other legends in the dust.


AYESHA DURGAHEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sophisticated. Stylish. Even in a high-speed car chase. The Aston Martin DB5 in the James Bond movie "Goldfinger" became an icon in its own right. Not just for the women it could attract, but for the gadgets.

And now, this car takes a different stage, to go under the hammer at RM Auction House in London, specialists in classic cars.

DURGAHEE (on camera): All the gadgets that appeared in the film still work, from the machine guns at the front and the revolving number plates. At the back, the bullet shields and the headlamps that open up to spray oil and nails. The one thing that doesn't work, though, is the ejector seat.

DURGAHEE (voice-over): And this is the proud owner, Jerry Lee, from Philadelphia in the United States.

DURGAHEE (on camera): So what was so special about the DB5 that you just had to have it?

JERRY LEE, OWNER OF DB5 BOND CAR: Very simple. It had all the gadgets that no car ever had before in a movie that was operational. That's a big deal. Up until the time of the James Bond "Goldfinger" car, everything was faked. This is the first car used in the movie where literally everything worked. I'm an extremist, OK? This is as good as it gets.

DURGAHEE (voice-over): Now 74, Jerry Lee wants to sell the Aston Martin, where all proceeds will go to his crime prevention foundation. He hopes he'll get more than the $12,000 he paid back in 1969.

LEE: It's just pure beauty. I mean, it's just gorgeous. It's a work of art, believe it or not. So I don't look at it as a car. I look at it as a work of art.

DURGAHEE (voice-over): The Aston Martin DB5 is expected to go for $5 million. And for whoever buys this DB5, they'll be bidding with a gold finger. Ayesha Durgahee, CNN, London.



FOSTER: Welcome to Christie's Auction House in London, where there's an unforgettable image for sale. It is Darth Vader, the outfit at least. It's estimate is $250,000 in the auction next month. With me is Neil Roberts, he's the head of popular culture here. You've put the price on this piece of iconic film memorabilia. Why that price? It seems very high, even if it is Darth Vader.

NEIL ROBERTS, HEAD OF POPULAR CULTURE, CHRISTIE'S: It really is just one of the rarest, most iconic images known in film history. And see, this is production-made, considered the production-made pieces from the -- what some critics class as the best sequel to a film. And it is, as I say, the most evil character in film history.

FOSTER: It's an amazing design, isn't it? And the top bit, at least, was used in the film. The rest of it was made by license of the studios, is that right?

ROBERTS: It was -- there are items which Lucasfilms licensed to be made for promotional purposes, but obviously the most important pieces are these production-made, namely the helmet, the mask, and the shoulder blade.

FOSTER: And any Star Wars fan would love to have this. But how would they know that this is the original?

ROBERTS: After consideration of the paperwork and the problems we have, we can trace it back to how it left Lucasfilms' production site in Elstree Studios at the time of the film's production.

FOSTER: And also, there's a telltale sign, isn't there, on the mask? You were telling me about earlier?

ROBERTS: There's certain elements of the design and how it was made at the time. For example, these villet (ph) points screw out, so we know this is how it was originally designed and made.

FOSTER: And a fake would just have that without anything coming out.

ROBERTS: Yes, you would anticipate that someone who was copying this wouldn't know that came off and, therefore, just make this as one, solid unit.

FOSTER: So, that's how you know it's real. And I just want to understand, really, about film memorabilia. It's becoming more and more popular. Is that because the film's getting older and we're learning which are the classics, and we want to know which bits of memorabilia are most valuable?

ROBERTS: There's definitely element where the longevity of a film is what proves to be of interest. A lot of films do get lost in time. But the ones which stay the course and become classics are the ones that people want to see costumes from.

FOSTER: And what's the ultimate item that you would love to sell here?

ROBERTS: I'm quite happy with this one.

FOSTER: Are you? This is it?

ROBERTS: Absolutely.


FOSTER: Very right, he's a happy man. And this just in. The Aston Martin we were seeing there in Ayesha's report actually went for 2.6 million pounds, that is $4 million, so it was a bargain, because it was under the $5 million estimate the Ayesha mentioned.

Now, if the Darth Vader costume really sells for $300,000, it will set a new record for Star Wars memorabilia, interestingly. As it stands now, it is a Darth Vader helmet that holds the top spot. It was used during the fight scenes in "The Empire Strikes Back" and it sold at auction for more than $100,000.

One of the pairs of ruby slippers worn by Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" went for more than $600,000 ten years ago. And an original script for the film "Citizen Kane," the classic, complete with notes form Orson Welles written in blue crayon sold for nearly $100,000 in 2007. It's a growing business.

Now, I'm sure our next guest would own some pretty valuable movie memorabilia himself. After all, he is -- or he's been in the business for decades now. Stay with us for our Connector of the Day. He is the actor Sir Michael Caine, and he's answering your questions.


FOSTER: This week, we are taking some of Hollywood's hottest stars and getting them to answer your questions. Today's Connector of the Day is no stranger to the screen, and his name is Michael Caine.


FOSTER (voice-over): For the last 40 years, Michael Caine has dazzled audiences with his versatility. In the 60s, he was stealing women's hearts as the dapper Alfie. In the 80s, he played a dirty, rotten scoundrel.

(BEGIN FILM CLIP - "Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels")

LAWRENCE JAMIESON: If you lose, you not only leave town graciously, you promise never to come back.


FOSTER (voice-over): Ten years later, he won praise for his role as doctor in "Cider House Rules."

(BEGIN FILM CLIP - "Cider House Rules")

DR. LARCH: There's no taking care of anybody.


FOSTER (voice-over): And more recently, he's been Batman's oldest ally, Alfred.

(BEGIN FILM CLIP - "The Dark Knight")

BRUCE WAYNE: Batman has no limits.

ALFRED: Well, you do, sir.


FOSTER (voice-over): But whatever role he's taking on, Caine makes it convincing. Today, the Hollywood heavyweight is telling the world about his years in the business. In a new memoir, "Elephant to Hollywood," he recounts his rise to fame, starting with his humble childhood in Elephant and Castle in London.

The book is full of interesting anecdotes, from his first meeting with John Wayne and a glimpse into Buckingham Palace where Caine was knighted in 2000. He outlined to me his reasons for writing this new book.

MICHAEL CAINE, ACTOR: Being an actor, what I've found is that I'd done a show, which -- and I thought it was a one-act show, and it was fabulous. And then, suddenly I found there was a second act, and it was even better than the first. And so, I wrote a book about it.

What happened was, literally, I was a movie star for many years. And then, eventually, I got too old to play the romantic leads, and so I had to make a decision. It's either stop or become a character actor. And I decided to stop.

And I was in Miami, and I wasn't making movies, and I had a friend there, Jack Nicholson, and we'd never worked together, but he came along with a film called "Blood and Wine." And I so enjoyed making "Blood and Wine" with Bob Rafelson, the director, and Jack Nicholson, that I started up my whole career again. And 20 years later, I suddenly found that it was another fantastic career I'd had.

FOSTER: What was your favorite part of writing that book? Was there a moment you sat there thinking, "I'm really enjoying this" or at least it's therapeutic?

CAINE: It was great for me, because I'm a big homebody. I don't have to leave home. I don't have to get up early. I don't have to talk to a lot of people, and I don't have to look my best. I don't even have to shave. I'm growing a beard for the next film, but I'm normally clean- shaven.

It's just -- you're the master of your universe, without having to talk to anyone else. And I've enjoyed the process. I've written two parts of my autobiography, and I've enjoyed the process so much that when I finish the movies I've got to do, I'm going to try writing a thriller. I've always wanted to write a thriller.

FOSTER: Why the title?

CAINE: Because, it's called "The Elephant to Hollywood," and I come from the Elephant and Castle, which is named after a pub, but the district is called the Elephant. And it's my journey from the Elephant to Hollywood.

The reason I wrote it was very funny, because I was finishing the book, and at the same time, I was working on "Harry Brown," back exactly where I came from on the Heygate Estate. I came from near there at the Elephant and Castle. And that's when I thought of the title. I could have called it "Full Circle." I've come from the Elephant to Hollywood and back again.

FOSTER: Neil asks what your procedure is for getting in character. You've given two examples there, and I guess the procedure's completely different, depending on the character.

CAINE: Well, my procedure for getting into character is, I live it. I don't do any acting. I just become it. If you can do that on a take, it's -- for me, it's why, I think, one of the reasons I keep working. It's rather like a drug.

To do a take where you can say to a director, "If you want it any better than that, you'll have to get someone else. Because I can't do it any better than that." And that is how -- and I think you've got to become the person.

FOSTER: You've talked about getting older, and Keira's got a question. She says that it's often said that it's harder to get older as a woman in Hollywood. But as a man, have you felt that at all?

CAINE: What happened to me was I don't get the girl, now. I get the part. I get much better parts, now. Because if you're the romantic lead in a movie, you get the girl, you lose the girl, and then you get her back. That's the basic principle.

Now, I'm playing all sorts of characters that I never thought I ever would, you know? It's fantastic.

FOSTER: Chris from Budapest has got a completely different question. He says, "You endorsed David Cameron and the conservatives in the 2009 UK elections. How do you think they're doing?"

CAINE: I think they're doing very well. And I particularly like the coalition idea. I never thought of that. But if you think about it, it's quite good for us, because none of them can do anything extreme or silly. You know what I'm saying? You don't get -- I don't like extremist politics. And the coalition -- the coalition suits me very well at the moment. I've been watching it very closely. But I think David's doing a great job.

FOSTER: Steve Mancour asks, "How do you think that your success has changed you for the better and the worse over your career?"

CAINE: The worst part of my career made me strong enough. The hardest part of my career made me strong enough to handle the best part. In as much as I'm not a 17-year-old, I was broke until I was 29.

For instance, I'm not a 17-year-old rock and roll boy who's suddenly worth $20 million and goes absolutely ape and screws themselves up on drugs and God knows what. By the time I made any money, I was responsible, and I knew exactly who I was, and no one was around to tell me any different.

You have to remember, my mother was a cleaner. And office cleaner. One of the examples of that is, when I'm in a hotel, I'm always giving the woman who cleans the room loads of money, because it reminds me of mum. I think, "I'd better give her some money." Because I always know they're a bit short, otherwise they wouldn't be cleaning hotel rooms.

The hard part made me strong, and the successful part has made me generous and kind.


FOSTER: The legendary Michael Caine, your Connector of the Day. Now, we've had some of the most incredible A-Listers on the program this week, and it's not over yet. Tomorrow, we've got the Bourne trilogy star and proud new father, Matt Damon in the hot seat to answer your questions.

As always, we want you to participate. Do send in anything you'd like to ask him. Just head to and that's this time tomorrow right here on CONNECT THE WORLD. We'll be right back.


FOSTER: Just enough time for our Parting Shots. The WWF has just released some amazing new pictures of more than 1200 new animals and plants found in the Amazon region over the last ten years.

First up, an anaconda that can grow up to four meters in length. Researchers say it is the first new anaconda species discovered since 1936. Just be glad it wasn't discovered in your garden.

And there's this colorful bald-headed parrot found in Brazil. How a bird this colorful escaped the notice of the world for so long is still a mystery.

And this may look like something from outer space, but it is, actually, a Hypsiboas frog, one of more than 200 new amphibian species discovered in the Amazon.

For those of you who are afraid of spiders, then you best look away at this point. This species of tarantula has a bright blue fangs and it eats birds.

And last but not least is the Bolivian River dolphin. Researchers once thought it was simply an Amazon River dolphin swimming in Bolivia, but the new study has revealed distinct characteristics that make it a species all on its own.

Amazing images, amazing creatures. I'm Max Foster, that is your world connected today. "BackStory" is next. We're going to check the headlines first.