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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Charged With Using Weapon of Mass Destruction; Mass Grave Discovered In Southern Damascus Suburb

Aired April 22, 2013 - 16:08   ET



BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: And I'm Becky Anderson in London breaking away from our coverage from our U.S. colleagues. Two big breaking stories today, that out of Ottawa that Paula Newton was just reporting. Canadians arresting two on terror charges. We've just had those reports in the last hour in what was a passenger train plot.

And also in the past hour or so, sedated and on a ventilator, the Boston bombings suspect is charged with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction. Legal expert Alan Dershowitz is going to help us explain today his charges out of the U.S. and what comes next in that case and CNN's Chris Lawrence has more on the second suspect as Tsarnaev's brother who was killed by police.

Alan, though, let's kick off with you. What is your initial reaction to these charges?

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL: Great surprise. Everybody thought that the indictment would be under the federal terrorism statute, which requires the government to prove that the intention was to intimidate, coerce, the United States government, instead they charged him under a very rarely used statute involving explosion of weapons of mass destruction that result in the death of an individual. That requires far less of a level of intention, or intent of state of mind. And so I think a lot of people were surprised at what statute was selected by the government.

I think there may be a political reason for this.

Under the terrorism statute, you would have to in effect charge a jihadist or extreme Islamic motivation. Here you don't have to show any motivation at all, it could be some guy who just didn't like his mother-in- law and planted a bomb that could kill a lot of people in his mother-in- law's house that resulted in the death of somebody and that person could be guilty of a crime.

So the government has made a decision not to charge this as a politically motivated crime.

ANDERSON: Is the charge of a weapon of mass destruction always a capital offense?

DERSHOWITZ: If it produces the death of an individual. And in this case, each bomb produced the death of more than -- of one individuals at least and that's what the affidavit, I've read the affidavit of the FBI agent. And it specifies that each bomb caused the death of one or more persons. We know that three people were killed altogether. I'm not sure I know at this point whether bomb A killed two people and bomb B killed one person or vice versa, but all that has to be proved is that one death resulted from the use of a weapon of mass destruction. And that is enough.

So it's a very interesting, perhaps one might say clever use of a statute.

It also explain why they didn't Mirandize him, because Miranda is something that's excludes...

ANDERSON: Hang on, I'm going to remind us -- remind us what Miranda - - what Miranda Rights are.

DERSHOWITZ: Well, Miranda requires that a person be warned before he's questioned of his right to counsel, his right to remain silent. But the only sanction for that is you keep the evidence out. And in -- what people were worried about, I was worried about, is that he might confess to a jihadist intention, which would be necessary under the terrorism statute to get the death penalty. But under this statute, his intention and state of mind is far less necessary, so they haven't given up that much by not Mirandizing him, although I think by this time they better have Mirandized him, because he has his -- he has the magistrate has come before him and the magistrate, I'm sure, has told him that he has a right to counsel.

ANDERSON: It is reported that there was a public defender in the room. And this is hospital room, let's remind people, when he was arraigned. Does that suggest that he now been read his rights and is now represented?

DERSHOWITZ: Yes. And I can't imagine that a magistrate would ever appear in front of somebody in a hospital room without a lawyer being there to represent the defendant. The defendant may very well not even be competent to make choices or decisions about his life and welfare. And so he needs a lawyer. And I suspect the magistrate first made sure that the federal public defender brought a lawyer along so it really now doesn't matter whether he was given his Miranda warnings, because his lawyer can tell him what his rights are. And actually it's better coming from his lawyer than coming from the government.

ANDERSON: Let's just clear up one other point, that of the narrative that we've heard a lot thrown around today, whether he was going to be charged as an enemy combatant or as a criminal defendant. U.S. officials have charged him in what they have described as a federal court, even though it was his hospital room, of course, which makes him a criminal defendant and not an enemy combatant.

I want you just to explain to our viewers what the difference is and the significance of that. Firstly, though, let me just get our viewers this sound from Republican senator Lindsey Graham who is one of the lawmakers who, and I quote, strongly disagrees with the decision to try Tsarnaev in civilian court. Have a listen to this.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: I'm asking this administration to leave on the table the option if the evidence warrants to designate this individual as an enemy combatant. What do we know? We know that these two individuals embrace radical Islamic thought, that there's ample evidence that this was an attack inspired by radical ideology. They were not trying to rob a bank in Boston. They slaughtered innocent people, because they view us, the United States, as a colonial power, a Christian nation infidels.


ANDERSON: You've heard what Graham had to say there. Alan, your thoughts?

DERSHOWITZ: Well, I like Senator Graham. And I think he certainly has a good background. He was himself a military lawyer, but he's just dead wrong about this. You can't charge an American citizen, who has allegedly murdered Americans on American soil in Boston as an enemy combatant. It just won't work. He has to be given his right to trial by jury, his right to counsel, all of these rights. And I think it's a good thing that he's going to be tried in federal court.

By the way, he's going to be tried in federal court only for the Boston Marathon bombing. He'll be tried, or at least accused in state court in Massachusetts for the killing of the MIT police officer and the attempted killing of the transit authority of policemen.

Now having said that, I don't think there's going to be a real trial in this case. I think he will either try to make a deal, try to exchange information he may have about his brother or his brother's contacts for his own life, that's if he wants to live, or he may to die, he may want to be a martyr. And he may say, look, I want to brag about what I did, I want to boast about it, I want to claim it was justified, I want to demand the death penalty so I can join my brother in paradise.

But I think the least likely alternative is that we'll see a conventional trial with traditional defenses and attempts to try to disprove the governments. Evidence, physical evidence, I don't think we're going to see that.

ANDERSON: Alan, always a pleasure. Thank you for that.

Still lots of questions, but at least at this point of the day a few more answers as U.S. authorities search for justice. Let's not forget about the victims of these crimes. Boston came to a standstill today observing a minute of silence to one of the lives lost and forever altered. Two bombs ripping through the city's annual marathon exactly a week ago.

I want to get you a sense of exactly what happened in Boston, about an hour-and-a-half ago, but before we do that I want to get Chris Lawrence who has been -- who has been looking into the details, and what we know, about the wife of the suspect who was killed in that firefight at the end of last week, the brother of -- Dzhokhar who is in hospital today. Chris, what are the details. What have we got?

CHRIS LAWRENCE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Becky, her name is Catherine Russel. And she is the woman that a lot of people want to know about, especially federal investigators, they have been back and forth to this house where she has been living with her parents. There have been federal agents posted up and down the street and they have been escorting her from the home from time to time.

We spoke with her attorney earlier this morning basically to answer the question that federal investigators are wondering what, if anything, does she know about what her husband was doing in the days and weeks leading up to this bombing and who else he may have been affiliated with besides his younger brother.

The attorney told us that she didn't know anything about this. She found out what happened to her husband through the news reports that she was watching. He says the family is distraught. But, he also says she understands why federal investigators are so keen to speak with her.

Take a look at this quote, this is from the attorney earlier this morning. She understands the need for doing it. This is the way the government looks at it. And she understands this. It's a threat to national security and she gets that. If she's a really good person, very sympathetic to that. Katy (ph) is just trying to bring up her daughter.

And again he's referring to the daughter, the young toddler that she had with Tamerlan Tsarnaev and that they were raising together -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Chris Lawrence on that part of the story for us. We're going to have much more on this, this hour, including Nick Paton Walsh live in Dagestan, searching for clues to any motive behind these bombings. He also spoke to an aunt of the suspects. She tells us how one of the brothers suddenly became devout in 2012.

And still to come this hour, allegations as you've heard of another terror plot. Canadian authorities say they've thwarted plans for a major attack on transportation. Details are ahead on that.

The alleged rape of a five-year-old girl in India reignites fury on the streets of New Delhi. We're going to bring you the latest developments in that case.

And controversy over Liverpool star striker Luis Suarez. We'll discuss what might happen to him later in the show.

Do stay with us. You're watching CNN. This is Connect the World.


ANDERSON: Very warm welcome back. 20 past 9:00 in London. You're watching CNN Connect the World with me Becky Anderson.

Now, Canadian authorities say that they have foiled a planned terror attack targeting a passenger train. A short time ago, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told the media that they have arrested two people. Officials say there was no imminent threat to the public and that the investigation was carried out in collaboration with the FBI.

Paula Newton is following the story from Ottawa and she joins us now on the phone.

What do we know of the details of this plot -- Paula?

PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We know two people arrested, one in Toronto, one Montreal. And what's interesting here is that they're executing search warrants as we speak, Becky. What we'll need to know is what they will find in those residences or anywhere else they choose to look. Canadian police describe this as, not an imminent threat, but a real one, a real threat they say to kill people, hurt people, and to cause damage to the economy.

It had to do with basically derailing trains on one of Canada's busiest train routes. And they say that they do have evidence that there was, you know, basically some surveillance train so that they can figure out exactly how to do it and when to do it.

Having said that, the other real intriguing bit here, Becky, is that they said that it was al Qaeda supported and that they had guidance from al Qaeda. And they said specifically al Qaeda in Iran, which is something we have not heard connected to these plots before.

Still waiting to find out more, Becky, as police continue their investigation, both suspects apparently should be able to appear in court tomorrow morning -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Paula Newton with the very latest as we know it here on CNN. Do stay with us for more as get it. Paula, thank you for that.

Police in India say they've made a second arrest in connection with a shocking rape of a five year old girl in New Delhi. The alleged sexual assault has rekindled outrage over violence against women in the country. Sumnima Udas has more.


SUMNIMA UDAS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The gruesome rape of a five-year-old girl in the Indian capital is once again prompting daily protests in New Delhi. This time, we're not seeing the spontaneous large- scale protests that we saw back in December after the student was gang raped on a moving bus, this time the protests are being organized by many opposition parties. They even stalled both houses of parliament today.

But still, many people here are shocked by the number of rape cases being reported in the media every single day, and the gruesome nature of many of these cases.

The Delhi police commissioner is facing the brunt of criticism as there are accusations that the police did not act quickly enough and that two police officers allegedly bribed the family of the five-year-old girl to not report the case.

This allegation is still being investigated. Many protesters here are asking for the police commissioner's resignation, but he says he is not the problem.

NEERAJ KUMAR, DELHI POLICE COMMISSIONER: If my resigning will prevent such depraved actions of the society then I am prepared to resign a thousand times. But that is not going to address the problem.

UDAS: The police commissioner went on to say that 97 percent of these rapes actually take place inside homes in India, not in public spaces. So the police and authorities should not be held accountable for not being able to prevent many of these crimes.

In fact, the alleged rapist was the five-year-old girl's neighbor. He has been arrested and still has his accomplice. Meanwhile, the five-year- old girl is recovering inside the hospital. Doctors say she is in stable condition now.

Sumnima Udas, CNN, New Delhi.


ANDERSON: Well, Taliban insurgents seize 10 people after their private helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing in Eastern Afghanistan. Local authorities blamed a mechanical problem for the landing in Logar Province (ph). Among the hostages are seven Turkish engineers, two Russians, and an Afghan pilot.

Well, the European Union has eased some sanctions against Syria in a move intended to help the country's opposition. That's as reports emerge that hundreds of people may have been killed after fighting south of the capital.

CNN's Mohammed Jamjoom is monitoring that story. And a warning, his report does contain some disturbing images.


MOHAMMED JAMJOOM, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: New reports of a massacre emerging from Syrian opposition activists who say that a massacre was carried out by Syrian regime forces in the Damascus countryside. Now the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says that at least 100 people were killed in what they're calling a massacre in Jdeydat al-Fadl (ph) and Jdeydat Altouz. That area is south of Damascus in the countryside. Many opposition activists we spoke with say that the town is now controlled by Syrian regime forces, surrounded by Syrian regime forces. They are not able to go in and get a clear idea of exactly what happened. They expect the death toll will rise dramatically in the coming days.

Now, the Syrian National Coalition, the opposition national coalition also said they expect the death toll to rise. They think that it's in the hundreds. They issued a statement in which they said the deafening silence of the international community of these crimes against humanity is shameful and has become routine for the victims and their families. The demands for international human rights organizations to intervene have been a lost cause.

Now amateur videos purporting to show the aftermath of this massacre, some of which have released on YouTube are extremely graphic. But we'll show you a couple of them right here. We've had to blur most of what's in these images, because they are so graphic. But one of the videos purporting to show the aftermath, bodies that are found outside wrapped, some of them wrapped in blankets, some of them wrapped in carpets as those carpets or blankets are pulled away you see what appears to be victims whose faces have been bashed in. Some of them appear to have been shot at close range through the head.

Another video, also very graphic, purporting to show bodies that were found in a room. These bodies here in body bags again extremely gruesome and graphic. Opposition activists telling us this is evidence of the extreme brutality faced by men, women, and children in this area south of Damascus.

Now, Syrian -- the Syrian regime, Syrian state media has said that the area has been cleared of terrorists. Opposition activists say that there had been intense clashes between Syrian rebel forces and regime soldiers over the course of the past five days. That that's when the massacre took place at the hands of the regime.

Both sides right now agreeing, saying that the town has now been taken over by Syrian regime forces, that it is the Syrian regime that has seized control of that town, has wrested it away from the Syrian rebel forces.

Mohammed Jamjoom, CNN, Beirut.


ANDERSON: Well, fierce fighting between Nigeria's military and Islamist militants has reportedly killed dozens of people. Authorities say clashes erupted late last week in the town of Baga on the shores of Lake Chad.

Now some reports have put the death toll as high as 180 people, but Nigerian officials say that they are skeptical of that.

Well, the government is fighting the Islamic militant group Boko Haram, which is blamed for the killings of hundreds of civilians.

Human Rights Watch accusing Myanmar's government of waging a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Rahingya Muslims. In the report released today the group says officials organized or encouraged coordinated attacks on Muslim villages in one state. It state that more than 125,000 people were terrorized and forced from their homes.

Now the report comes as the EU prepares to meet on lifting remaining sanctions on the country. A Myanmar presidential spokesman calls the report one-sided.

Latest world news headlines as you would expect here on CNN are just ahead.

Plus, Nick Paton Walsh on the hunt for clues to a motive behind the Boston Bombings. He is in Dagestan where he's been talking to the suspects. The very latest from there.

And we have CNN security analyst Peter Bergen. How people who grew up in the West could become radicalized.

And would you take a one-way ticket to Mars. Well, it's set to become a reality. And applications for astronauts are being taken now. That story still to come here on CNN.


ANDERSON: This is CONNECT THE WORLD. The top stories this hour. US federal authorities have filed charges against the Boston bombing suspect, including using a weapon of mass destruction. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev made an initial appearance before a judge from his hospital bed. He'll be tried as a civilian, not as an enemy combatant.

One week from the deadly bombings of Boston and this. Boston and much of America pausing to remember the victims. A minute of silence was held nearly two hours ago to mark the moment last Monday when the Boston marathon was rocked by two explosions.

And we are getting details of allegations of another terror plot, this one in Canada. Canadian authorities say two men have been arrested. They're accused of plotting to attack a passenger train, and police say they were receiving support from al Qaeda elements in Iran. Authorities say there's no connection to the Boston bombings.

England's football association has charged Liverpool's Luis Suarez with violent conduct after he bit an opposing player during a match on Sunday. His punishment will likely be decided on Wednesday. Liverpool has already fined the player over the incident.

And a desperate search for survivors is still underway in southwest China, where a powerful earthquake struck Sichuan province on Saturday. Continuous aftershocks are hampering rescue efforts there. According to state media, at least 188 people have been killed and authorities are warning that survivors are in desperate need of aid. David McKenzie has more.


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): At the epicenter of this earthquake, it's still dangerous. A soldier, badly injured by debris. Waves more move into this remote corner of Sichuan province to help, where the quake threatened homes and hopes.

MCKENZIE (on camera): This two-story house was completely destroyed. This quake happened early in the morning, people were going to work or to their fields, caught completely unawares.

Now, houses like this, this two-story structure, you see these cracks down the side, so people are too afraid to sleep in them, so they're staying outside. Some people left so quickly that they left their animals tied up outside.

MCKENZIE (voice-over): "I was cooking breakfast," says Xiao Qiong. "My son, Gau Yun (ph) was playing over there when it struck. All of a sudden, the house started swaying back and forth," she says. "Swaying back and forth." All she could do was grab her son and run. But her uncle was crushed to death next-door.

"We need everything. We haven't had a proper meal or drank good water since the quake," says 49-year-old Luo Hongying. She was leaving the house when it started to shake. "I was just so frightened," she says. "I couldn't think straight. I just wanted to save my family inside." But her father-in-law didn't make it.

ZHAO BAIJE, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHINA RED CROSS: This moment, the people, they need water. They need very quick food, because even for some noodles, there's still a lack of. And I think they need a tent that immediately that people can live in. So we can see people here. I think that we need to very quickly make action.

MCKENZIE: Action is needed for the thousands of injured, treated in makeshift clinics, and for the homeless, just finding a place to eat and to sleep is their new reality.

David McKenzie, CNN, Sichuan, China.


ANDERSON: Well tonight, Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev faces federal counts of using a weapon of mass destruction in the twin marathon attacks. Now, if he is convicted, the 19-year-old could face the death penalty. He was charged in his hospital bed. Earlier, the White House said he would not be treated as an enemy combatant.

Well, the bombing suspect's family roots go back to the Russian republic of Dagestan. Now, that is where Nick Paton Walsh has been searching for clues to any motive. He joins us live, now, on the phone from Dagestan's capital. What is the very latest that you've learned, Nick?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): Well, we spoke to the aunt this morning, and it's clear from her that she noticed a marked change in Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the accused, now deceased Boston bombers, when he returned from the United States where he'd lived for five years after growing up around the region of Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan.

He returned here, and she said he'd returned a devout Muslim, picked up the Islamic faith inside America. She jokes, in fact, they'd worried they'd gone off and got into drink and drugs but, in fact, no, he discovered the Muslim faith, considered central to his life.

Didn't even look women he wasn't related to in the eye, really, anymore, and talked constantly about that. Said it gave him some kind of glow and warmth inside, talked about it as a very positive element, but certainly, that's something that surprised her, Becky.

ANDERSON: Is it, though, clear from her or from anybody else that you've spoke to that there are links between the journey that the older brother made to the region in 2012 and the Boston bombings?

WALSH: Nothing has been absolutely clear at this point. What we do know is that that Tamerlan Tsarnaev linked on his YouTube channel page two videos of an extremist in Dagestan, here, who was killed in a violent confrontation with the Russian special forces back in December.

We don't know if they met and we don't know if Tamerlan was influenced by this man or just simply interested in him enough to link to him on his YouTube channel, a link that was subsequently removed, I should also say.

We're beginning to paint a picture here of a man who spent a lot of time traveling around the world, back and forth, a ton of which his aunt elucidated in our conversation this morning.


WALSH (voice-over): She knew the alleged elder Boston bomber as a child and saw Tamerlan Tsarnaev grow up, then leave for America. But strangest to aunt Patiemat Suliemana was his return to here, last year, a devout Muslim.

PATIEMAT SULIEMANA, SUSPECT'S AUNT (through translator): They hadn't prayed before. They went to America. Nobody taught him. He learned everything himself. At the same time, we were happy about it, because he didn't start doing drugs or alcohol. I mean, he doesn't speak to other women.

WALSH: She saw him for four of the six months he was here, and he went to Chechnya twice.

SULIEMANA (through translator): Yes, he went to Chechnya for a couple of days. I don't know where those relatives lived. I mean, the relatives form his father's side.

WALSH: As pictures of Boston played out around the world, she reveals the mother, Zubeidat, rang the boys to check they were well, but later that week, they rang her again, allegedly when they were on the run, just he day before Tamerlan died.

"The day before, Zubeidat said, they spoke, and it was like always. 'Mommy, everything's fine with us. Mommy, we're totally fine.' 'Mommy,' that's what they call her."

SULIEMANA (through translator): We miss your warmth and your caress. Tamerlan said, "Mommy, I love you." And Dzhokhar's voice came from a distance. "I love you, too, Mommy."

WALSH: She watched the boys' father, filmed here earlier in the week, see them on the news for the first time.

SULIEMANA (through translator): And then, for some reason, he tells me, "Patiemat, this is Dzhokhar and Tamerlan," and points at the screen and says, "Here's Tamerlan in the blue jacket and Dzhokhar in the white jacket."

And I say, "Anzor, these are the guys with the backpack." And these photos were shown. "It can't be that."

"I don't know, Patiemat, these are my children."

And then, Zubeidat dragged the TV screen and started screaming. "It can't be! It can't be happening! I don't believe it!" Children are dead. I would have shouted myself.


ANDERSON: The aunt of the bombing suspects there. Well, despite some progress in this investigation, many key questions remain unanswered. CNN security analyst Peter Bergen is with me now from our New York newsroom.

Peter, while it's unclear at this point whether prosecutors will establish a connection between the older brother's trip to Russia last year and the Boston bombings, they will be trying extremely hard to work out with Russian authorities, one assumes, his background, why he was there, who he saw, and what he learned, right?

PETER BERGEN, CNN SECURITY ANALYST: Yes, Becky, and I think it's highly improbable that two guys with no training were able to blow up two bombs simultaneously that worked in Boston. Even people with training sometimes get this wrong.

You may recall, Becky, the Times Square bombing here not far from the studios here on May 1st, 2010. That was set off by a guy called Faisal Shahzad. He had training from the Pakistani Taliban and still the bomb failed. So, even with training, this thing -- these things don't go right.

So, clearly, the older brother received training in Russia or Chechnya. Were there practice runs in the United States, will be two big questions that authorities will be asking.

ANDERSON: I know that you've published a fascinating article with a number of unanswered questions today, Peter, not least the question of how you square -- and this is your words, not mine -- the multiple descriptions of the brothers as good guys with the fact that they plotted and committed murder. There is precedent for this, though, isn't there?

BERGEN: Yes. Not far from where you're sitting, of course, in London on 7/7/2005, Mohammad Sidique Khan led three other suicide bombers and killed 52 commuters in the London transportation system, which was the worst terrorist attack in British history.

Mohammad Sidique Khan was universally described by people who knew him as a great guy, he was somebody with a baby daughter and another baby on the way when he committed this crime. He was a primary school teacher, he got a lot of recognition in the community.

So, the fact that people have described as good guys before this -- after this kind of thing doesn't necessarily mean that they are or that they have hidden -- that they're able to hide some other part of their personality.

ANDERSON: Is it fair to suggest that the US is now experiencing what the UK has experienced since 9/11, which is a homegrown problem?

BERGEN: Yes, beside being multiple cases in the United States, a lot of them don't go anywhere. They -- there was a -- somebody called Najibullah Zazi in 2009 who was actually recruited by al Qaeda, tried to blow up bombs in the Manhattan subway. He was arrested before he could carry out the plot.

So, certainly -- I mean, if you go back several years in the United States, we in the United States felt that this problem would not come to America's shores because of the American dream and the better integration of the Muslim-American population, and by and large, I think that's still true.

But clearly, there is a problem, and sometimes the problem manifests itself in actual actions. We just saw in Canada today a plot that was averted.

So, most of these plots don't go anywhere, they're interrupted by the police or there's an undercover or -- undercover officer inside the plot and, thankfully, we've been both lucky and good in terms of making sure most of these don't go as far as they did in Boston.

ANDERSON: Peter, thank you. Peter Bergen for you, there, CNN's security analyst. Just recapping our top story for you, the end of a tough seven days for Boston as it honored the victims of last Monday's double bombing with a minute of silence.

The only surviving suspect has now been charged and could face the death penalty. And as CNN's team of reporters and guests have been telling us, the search for clues to a possible motive goes on.

Live from London, this is CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Becky Anderson for you. Coming up, Luis Suarez faces punishment. We're going to have the very latest fallout from what was the controversial action by the Liverpool striker.

And a manned mission to Mars is now accepting applications. Just don't expect a return trip. Details of a life on the red planet, coming up next.


ANDERSON: Liverpool's Luis Suarez is being charged for biting the arm of a Chelsea defender during a Premier League match in England on Sunday. Don Riddell joins me now from the CNN Center with the latest controversy surrounding the Uruguayan. And I say the latest controversy, which is absolutely outrageous, I'm sure you're going to agree. This isn't the first time he's done it.

DON RIDDELL, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely not. He was known as the Cannibal of Ajax for biting another player in the Dutch League a couple of years ago. Ajax then banned him for seven games, Becky, but he never served that suspension because he was sold to Liverpool. So, this is not the first time he's done this.

It's also not the first time he's been involved in some pretty controversial and rather unpleasant behavior. This was just incredible to see this happening on football's biggest stage, in the Premier League.

And what was so infuriating for Chelsea was that not only did he bite their defender Branislav Ivanovic, but the referee didn't send him off, which meant he was still on the pitch, deep in established time, to score an equalizer for Liverpool, which could prove very costly for Chelsea in their pursuit of a Champions League place.

Becky, as you say, he has been charged with violent conduct by the football association. He has until 6:00 PM to respond to that charge on Tuesday afternoon at London time, but he does look to be in very serious trouble.


IAN AYRE, LIVERPOOL MANAGING DIRECTOR: It affects his future in the sense that we have to work with him on his discipline, but Luis's a very important player to the club. He's a very popular player with is teammates.

As we keep saying, he signed a new four-year contract last summer, and we'd all love to see him through here throughout that contract. He's a fantastic player, top scorer, everything we'd want in a striker. So, no change there.

I think this is more about getting him back on the right track. And as I say, that's largely down to Brendan, now, to work with him on that side of his character.


RIDDELL: Becky, that's Liverpool's managing director, Ian Ayre, basically saying we're going to keep this player. There's going to be an awful lot of pressure on Liverpool to do something about Suarez and all his misdemeanors. The problem they've got is, he's their best player. He's one of the best players in the world.


RIDDELL: He scored 30 goals for them this season. They really want to hang onto him, but he's making life very difficult for himself and Liverpool right now.

ANDERSON: Yes, he was up for player of the season. I'm sure he's not going to win that anymore. I wonder what Alex Ferguson would make of all of this, and whether he'd want to keep this player. His team, of course, are playing tonight, 20 seconds until the final whistle.

In fact, I'm told the final whistle has been. Three-nil Man United beat Aston Villa tonight in what was a very important game in the Premier League tonight.

RIDDELL: Well, it's the coronation of their 20th league title. They have absolutely strolled the season this year, Becky, and they were just on fire against Aston Villa. Not just them, but in particular, Robin van Persie, who scored after 90 seconds, and then bagged a hat trick within just 32 minutes of the start of that game. Manchester United's number 20 helping them to their 20th league title.

I have to say, Manchester City, who of course won the title last season, were very disappointing in their defense of that title. And also, I suspect Arsenal will be kicking themselves, because in a way, they've handed the title to United as well, by allowing United to buy their star striker, Robin van Persie. He's been great for them this year.

ANDERSON: He has been absolutely fantastic. Although, he's had a bit of a dry patch, but three goals tonight to win them the league, effectively, because he was so good at the beginning, wasn't he? It's got a -- it's going to be a great night, not just for him, but all Man United fans, not just in the UK, but around the world, and there are millions of those.

Mr. Riddell, always a pleasure. Thank you very much, indeed. Don with you in about -- what? -- about 40 minutes' time with "World Sport," of course. Coming up here after this short break on CONNECT THE WORLD, a chance to build a new world. A Dutch company is offering a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity. The catch is, it's a one-way trip.


ANDERSON: Well, it's dangerous, it's risky, and it has never been done before. Starting today, the Dutch company Mars One is offering budding astronauts the chance to go to Mars and build a human colony. You heard me right. But if you want to go and come back with some cool stories for your friends, well, think again. As Zain Verjee tells us, that is not part of the plan.


ZAIN VERJEE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A one-way ticket to Mars. It sounds like science fiction, but it just became reality. Starting today, Mars One is accepting applications for interplanetary pioneers.

You must be willing to go further than any human has ever been, to live on another world. The criteria: you need to be adaptable, resilient, resourceful, and a team player. You would be the new Christopher Columbus or Magellan.

But there are downsides. No oceans, no trees, no morning cup of coffee. Instead, dust storms, barren deserts, volcanoes. And the biggest downside of all: you can never return.

But "Marsanauts" won't be taking off anytime soon. First, they'll undergo eight years of intensive training, isolated from the rest of the world, learning to live in close spaces. They'll take off on their mission in 2022. No human has ever stepped foot on the red planet. It could be you.


ANDERSON: Establishing life on Mars has long been a dream of the project's co-founder, Bas Lansdorp. He's in New York announcing the start of the application process, and he joins us now from our bureau there. Is this really a possibility?

BAS LANSDORP, CO-FOUNDER, MARS ONE: Yes. What Mars One has done is create a mission that's possible with current technology, and the one-way mission aspect is really what makes it possible. It's the return mission that's currently not possible. But we have the technology to put man on Mars and keep him alive there.

ANDERSON: Why can't you bring him back, then? Out of interest.

LANSDORP: It's because the rockets that we currently have are not big enough to send the rockets for the return mission to Mars.


LANSDORP: It would be putting a rocket inside a rocket. So, you can imagine you would need a really big one.

ANDERSON: Don't challenge me. I find all of this stuff very hard- going on. Don't challenge me on too many of the --


ANDERSON: -- of the scientific facts. How many applicants are you expecting?

LANSDORP: Well, we just started our application process today, but before we started the process, we already received more than 10,000 e-mails of people telling that they want to go. But now that we've launched it, we're expecting between half a million and one million applications from all over the world.

ANDERSON: You are joking! What does the CV -- what does a winning CV need to say, then?

LANSDORP: Well, it might seem like something that's very unattractive to you, but don't forget that there are people who've been dreaming about this all their life, and these people cannot imagine that there are people on this planet that would not like to go to Mars.

ANDERSON: I'm not suggesting that the million people won't apply. OK, let me put it -- what would I need to do to gain a place on the mission?

LANSDORP: Well, first of all, you would have to go to our website and apply. Then our experts will review your profile, they will review your candidacy. You could pass to round number two if they think that you're good enough.

Then, in round number two, you will meet the selection committee. Then you go to round number three, the national series, where we will really see who are the right people from each country to go.

And finally, there's an international series, where we will make groups of people -- because we'll be sending groups to Mars. That's the most important thing. They need to be groups that can cooperate very well together.

ANDERSON: Will you need any reporters? Because that, I guess, would be the top of my CV.

LANSDORP: No. Actually, I think that's a really good question. There will be the reporters. There will be the reporters of their adventures on Mars to mankind, and this is one of the greatest stories that will ever have been told. So, I think that one of the skills that they will have to learn is to be a reporter, to tell people on Earth what it's like to be on Mars.

ANDERSON: Right, OK. What you're basically saying to me is don't bother applying.


ANDERSON: Bas, I don't think you really think I'm up for it, do you? Are you going?

LANSDORP: I really started this project because I wanted to go, but for two reasons, I'm no longer considering going. First of all, I have a really nice girlfriend. She's not coming with me.

But more importantly, we're going to do a worldwide search. Everybody in the world can apply to become one of our astronauts, and we're going to do this in a worldwide search where we look for the best people to go.


LANSDORP: And I don't have the arrogance to assume that I'm one of those best people

ANDERSON: Bas, I think your girlfriend's told you that you're not applying if you're not coming back. Good for you. Thank you, sir. Fabulous stuff.

I'm Becky Anderson, that was CONNECT THE WORLD. You're watching CNN. Thank you for watching.