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Turkey Warns Russia "An Attack On Turkey Is An Attack On NATO," ISIS Claims Responsibility for Yemen Hotel Attack; Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Reached; One Square Meter: Accra, Ghana. Aired 11:00a-12:00p ET

Aired October 06, 2015 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:16] BECKY ANDERSON: In the air and on the ground, well U.S. officials say that Russia is ramping up its ground activity in Syria.

Moscow denies that.

I'm going to break down the latest moves in the conflict for you up next.

Also ahead, deadly attack: ISIS claims responsibility for an assault on a hotel in Yemen, an update on the situation in the city of Aden is just



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): We sat in chairs. One man picked me. He was old, ugly, and fat. I was scared.


ANDERSON: These Yazidi girls escaped ISIS sex slavery. They tell their painful story to CNN hoping it will expose the horrific truth about

the group.

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Abu Dhabi, this is Connect the World with Becky Anderson.

ANDERSON: It's a minute past 7:00 here in the UAE. A very warm welcome.

First, to a war we have covered for nearly five years, one that is developing in new directions by the day.

Last week, Russia began airstrikes in a further escalation of this protracted and complex fight that has drawn major work powers on to one

battlefield and that is, of course, a devastated Syria.

Well, Turkey, the latest party to react furiously to Moscow's actions, the NATO member has accused Russian jets of violating its airspace this

weekend, though Moscow says this was an accident.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had this warning for Russia earlier.


RECEPT TAYYIP ERDOGAN, PRESIDENT OF TURKEY (through translator): An attack against Turkey is an attack against NATO. I want people to know

that. We know our relationship with Russia, but if Russia wants to lose Turkey as a friend with whom it has a great cooperation, then Russian will

lose a lot of things. Russia needs to know that.


ANDERSON: Well, meanwhile a U.S. official says Russia is, quote, "stepping up its ground activity in Syria. Moscow denies any plans for a

land operation. Here to sort through the conflicting claims are CNN's Matthew Chance in Moscow and Arwa Damon in Istanbul.

And Matt, let me start with you. If you told me two weeks ago that we'd be discussing reports of a buildup of Russian ground troops in Syria,

I'd have been very surprised, and I'm sure so would our viewers.

Let's be clear, what do you understand to be Russian action on the ground?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORREPSONDENT: Well, officially Russia's action is limited to essentially airstrikes. I mean, this is what

the Russian parliament gave approval for. Just over a week ago, this is what Russia has been carrying out on a daily basis now, a couple of dozen

targets being struck almost every day, some of them ISIS, some of them belonging to opposition groups that are opposed to the regime of Bashar al-


The Kremlin doesn't seem to be drawing much distinction, I think it's fair, between the various enemies of its Syrian ally.

There are Russian forces on the ground. We know that to be the case. The Kremlin isn't disputing it. They're at the air base at Laakia, they're

providing air crew support, there are pilots of course. There are technical staff helping the Syrian army work out, or train them how to use

the equipment that the Russian military, or the Russian government has sold to Syrian military as well. So, there is a sizable contingent of Russian

forces already on the ground.

What the Kremlin is denying, though, is that it is engaged in any kind of large-scale ground operation, or that it intends to be involved in that.

Now there are other ground forces, of course. There's the Syrian army, there's Hezbollah, there are elements of the Iranian military as

well. But Russia's role in all of this, if it has a role, it is to provide the sort of air support, the air force, of that loose coalition

And that's what Russia is essentially saying. And really, despite what the U.S. officials have been saying at the Pentagon, we haven't seen

much evidence to contradict that.

ANDERSON: All right.

Arwa, let me bring you in at this point. Today, President Erdogan called an attack on Turkey an attack on NATO talking, one assumes to the


He's described Russia's actions in Syria. Of course, across the border from Turkey as a grave mistake.

What, if anything, is Turkey likely to do at this point to counter Russia's actions across its border?

ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Very likely that it's going to do anything except for make those types of statements like the

ones that we did just hear from the country's president.

Turkey is in a very tenuous situation to say the least, one that it has, in fact, been in for quite some time now. Remember, Turkey is

launching its own war on terrorism, be it strikes against ISIS or against the Kurdish PKK that it deems to be a terrorist organization as well. It

is embroiled very deeply within a war that also exists within this country's own borders.

So, it's highly unlikely also, especially given the ties that do exist between Russia and Turkey on a different level, of course. And those are

economic ties, ties to do with various sorts of energy deals. It's very unlikely that Turkey at this stage is going to do much more than issue

those types of warnings. Its hands are very tied.

Russia also unlikely to really try to escalate this situation, because Russia is in a very solid position. If we look at what happened over the

last two weeks, Becky, with the alliance that Russia created with itself, Iran, Iraq, Syria and then the strikes against these various targets in

Syria, it has effectively, arguably to a certain degree taken over the war in Iraq and Syria and sidelined the U.S.-led coalition and Turkey. And if

the status quo continues as we heard from the Syrian foreign minister today. He put it very blatantly. He said without a doubt, Russia will win

this race.

So, what we are going to have to be watching very closely right now is what is this U.S.-led coalition going to do, what sort of cards is Turkey

willing to play at this stage given what a difficult position it is in, and of course what a difficult position the U.S. and its regional allies are in

at this stage in what is a very critical and ugly game.

[11:06:50] ANDERSON: Yeah, and a very complicated one as well.

OK, Arwa, Matt, thank you very much indeed.

I'm going to do more on this as the hour continues. I want, though, at this point to move on to another conflict in the Middle East with

similar regional players involved.

In Yemen, ISIS says it carried out four suicide bombings on a hotel in Aden killing 15 people.

Now the hotel was home to several government officials, including the prime minister who reportedly escaped unhurt.

Now among the dead there were four soldiers from the United Arab Emirates which is part of a Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran-backed Houthi

rebels across the country.

The coalition backs the government of the ousted president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi who returned for a time to Aden from exile last month, but the

capital Sanaa remains under Houthi control.

Well, this isn't the first time that the UAE has suffered losses in Yemen. And with more troops on the ground than any other coalition member,

it's continuing to pay a heavy price.

Last month, an attack in (inaudible) that killed 55 Emirati soldiers, an unprecedented amount, in what is this small Gulf country. Minister of

State Reem al Hashimy says it's had a lasting impact.


REEM AL-HASHIMY, UAE MINISTER OF STATE: It's been a difficult time for us, but it's been a necessary time in the sense that we've grown to get

closer together, to understand more vividly and more visibly the threat in place. We've -- in Arabic we call it telahem (ph), which means the society

has bonded in immeasurable ways, something that you can't really -- that only a tragedy, if you will, can actually bring you together. It's made us

stronger. It's made us more committed. It's made us more determined.

We're not going to take this lifestyle for granted. We're not going to take where we are in this difficult region for granted. It's not easy

to be who we are in this neighborhood. And you have to stand up for what you believe in. You have to stand up for your values and for your



ANDERSON: Reem al-Hashimy speaking to me earlier in the week.

The head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan says a Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital, bombed in Kunduz, was hit by mistake. The airstrike on Saturday

killed 22 people testifying a U.S. Senate committee earlier General John Campbell said the U.S. acted on a request for support from Afghan forces.


GEN. JOHN CAMPBELL, U.S. ARMY: To be clear, the decision to provide aerial fires was a U.S. decision made within the U.S. chain of command. A

hospital was mistakenly struck. We would never intentionally target a protected medical facility.

I must allow the investigation to take its course. And therefore I'm not at liberty to discuss further specifics at this time. However, I

assure you that the investigation will be thorough, objective and transparent.


ANDERSON: Well, CNN's Nic Robertson is in the Afghan capital Kabul for us. Nic, can the U.S. military be trusted to carry out an objective

and transparent investigation?

[11:10:05] NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Doctors Without Borders say no. The ministry of health here says no. The

ministry of health says that all medical professionals across the whole country now are worried for their safety and they rely a lot on

organizations like Doctors Without Borders.

They say this really has to be independent, international, thorough, and transparent, Becky.

ANDERSON: Was this an accident?

ROBERTSON: What we're hearing from Doctors Without Borders, they say no, it's not. They put forward today some very striking evidence that's

likely going to be part of the investigation, part of something that -- you know, complete a picture that we'll hear later.

They say their staff in the compound that night heard the plane, now known to be U.S. plane, circling in the air above. It came over and it

struck one building. The only building it hit as it passed over was the building in the compound that had the ICU, the intensive care unit, and the

trauma surgery area -- also there was a physiotherapy rehab ward there as well. No other buildings were hit.

So, the plane they say passes over once, hits that building. Goes back around, flies around again, flies around, comes back, hits that same

building again. Flies around, flies around, flies around, comes back, hits only that building again.

What Doctors Without Borders says no other significant damage to the other buildings inside their compound from that strike. They say that

building, therefore, was being specifically targeted. They say it was not an accident, Becky.

ANDERSON: UN -- sorry, the UN says that all aid agencies, including the MSF, have now pulled out of Kunduz. The fight there still going on?

ROBERTSON: It is. This is what we're hearing. I was talking to people today who just fled Kunduz. I was talking to a member of parliament

who represents Kunduz. She's fled her home as well. Fighting is still going on in some sections of the town. We're hearing even the investigation

team that wants to get to the hospital, the U.S. investigation team that wants to get there to piece together on the ground what happened, they're

not able to get access, because that fighting is going on.

The people in that town now are the people that have remained and can't leave, because of course the Taliban has the whole town surrounded,

all the roads leading in and out are controlled by the Taliban. The people remaining there are -- because of the reduction in medical staff, because

of the reduction in support from NGOs are now going to be exposed to potentially more life threatening injuries, potentially a shortage of food

supplies, other humanitarian goods, Becky.

ANDERSON: Nic Robertson is in Kabul for you this evening. Nic, thank you.

Still to come this hour, the view from Moscow on what is its controversial bombing campaign in Syria. That is ahead in a few moments.

Plus, Israel destroys the homes of Palestinian militants as it vows to crush terror, quote, with an iron fist. I'm going to give you a live

update from Jerusalem.

Taking a very short break at this point. 19 minutes past 7:00 here in the UAE. Back after this.


[11:16:30] ANDERSON: Russia infuriates some allies and rivals alike with its Syria sorties. And now U.S. defense officials say it's even

increasing its presence on the ground there. Claims and counter claims in our top story for you this hour.

Well, Moscow denies having any plans for a ground operation to match its aerial campaign, and is defending its actions vigorously, but western

states and powers here in the Gulf are not convinced -- and as we heard earlier even cordial ties with countries like Turkey are very much


Well, for the view from Moscow this hour, I'm joined by Dmitry Babich, a political analyst with the state-run radio Sputnik in the Russian


Sir, I get the policy. ISIS is a threat, not least because it has a significant number of Chechen fighters amongst its ranks who are no friends

of Russia, how long, though, has this strategy to get involved in the air, if not on the ground, been on President Putin's agenda?

DMITRY BABICH, POLITICAL ANALYST, SPUTNIK RADIO MOSCOW: Well, I think that it appeared several months ago, because it became absolutely apparent

that the American and the British airstrikes against the ISIL were not effective. The ISIL kept growing. The so-called volunteers continued

streaming to join the ISIL from many countries, including Russia. And the Syrian government army, the only organized armed force to challenge, really

challenge ISIL on the ground was obviously in a great threat.

So, ultimately Putin decided that it is wiser to engage the ISIL and other Islamist groups in Syria right now, instead of waiting...

ANDERSON: That's the big question, sir, isn't it?

BABICH: ...state in the Middle East to finance the insurgent movements inside Russia.

ANDERSON: Right, OK. That is, though, the big question, who is it that the Russians are targeting. Who do they see as foe, not friend, on

the ground in Syria. Is it clear from your end?

BABICH: The western media immediately started saying that Russia was targeting so-called moderate opposition in Syria. Well, in Russia there is

great skepticism about the moderate opposition in Syria, because there were lots of reports how the so-called moderates fled from the ISIL and from the

Syrian government forces.

We all remember how Mrs. Clinton first declared the Syrian National Council the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people, then she

said forget about the Syrian National Council it's the Syrian National Coalition, you know, there were several people who were heading this

coalition at various periods.

So, it's quite clear that the so-called moderate opposition is in disarray. And there are dangerous islamist groups, not just the ISIL, but

also Jubhat al-Nusra, which kidnapped several foreign journalists that Assad's government, bad as it is, never kidnapped foreign journalists. And

there is...

ANDERSON: And we've reported -- sorry, sir, with respect. We've reported extensively on who is on the ground. And we also reported

extensively on the western-backed rebels who are there. But it seems, at least, according to the Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are not being


Well, that certainly what the Russians say.

Listen, besides fighting ISIS in Syria, Russia also wants to bolster what it sees is the legitimate government, and that is President Assad's

regime. When pressed by CNN about whether that support will extend long- term, even after the war ends.

The political insider and analyst Vyachyeslav Nikonov had this to say. Have a listen.


VYACHESLAV NIKONOV, RUSSIAN POLITICAL ANALYST: It's not for Moscow, for Washington to decide. It's up to the Syrian people to choose their

leadership. If they choose Assad, let that be it. If they are going to choose someone else, OK.

If you have some better plan, please provide us with a plan, or give us some names with whom we can talk even from the Syrian opposition. We

are really interested in getting information about those people, because we have tried to contact them for many months and we couldn't reach them,

because we just don't know who those people are.


ANDERSON: All right, this is a constant refrain from Moscow. You've also been talking to it tonight. But it's not totally accurate, is it?

The western-backed opposition, as we all know, have been around since 2011. Mr. Lavrov himself even hosted a delegation in Moscow in August.

So, why is it that Russia is so unwilling -- hang on, sir -- why is it that Russia is so unwilling to recognize the opposition has got some very

legitimate demands?

BABICH: Well, Russia always recognized that opposition has legitimate demands and that the regime in Syria should change. Let me remind you that

Lavrov met representatives of the moderate Syrian opposition in Moscow not one time, but many times.

Just, you know, this summer there were talks about -- between the government representatives in Moscow, you know, the Syrian government

representatives, and the representatives of the moderate opposition.

These folks are not (inaudible) in the west, unfortunately, but they took place. The problem is that this moderate opposition is very weak.

And the messages that we get from Washington confirm it. You know, just recently Josh Earnest, you know, the spokesman for the White House said

that these $500 million program of preparing the fighters failed.

So, even the United States acknowledges that (inaudible).

ANDERSON: Right, that doesn't mean that longer-term, though, there couldn't be support for an opposition that might be a transition period

from the regime to what Syrian people want from its leadership.

So, I put it to you again, is the support from Russia, do you believe, for the Syrian regime under Bashar al-Assad a long-term strategy?

BABICH: No, I don't think it's a long-term strategy. And I would point your attention that President Putin, when he speaks about Syria, he

never speaks about his support for us, that he always says the Syrian government, or the Syrian, you know, state. So basically Russia made it

very clear that we want political reforms in Syria, but the immediate aim is to defeat the ISIL and other Islamist terrorists.

When you have this so-called Islamist State occupying a huge chunk of territory and basically threatening Damascus and other cities, it is very

difficult to talk about democratic reforms.

You know, in Europe when Great Britain and the Soviet Union were fighting the Nazis, it was extremely difficult to talk about any democratic

reforms in countries like Poland, Italy and other ones, because the immediate aim was to defeat Hitler.

In the same way, until we defeat the ISIL, it is premature to talk about democratic reform in Syria.

ANDERSON: How concerned are the average man and woman on the street in Russia about Moscow's involvement in Syria today?

BABICH: Well, people are concerned because for the first time since the Chechen war they see the images on television, the images of fighter

jets, you know, the bombers preparing for sorties against, you know, the enemy which may be dangerous and may take its revenge against us even here

in Moscow. But people also remember, you know, the western media often mentions Afghanistan.

Yes, we remember Afghanistan, but we also remember the Chechen war. You know, the Islamists, the Islamist terrorists in Chechnya were very

strong until they got support from the Middle East.

When Russia (inaudible) to strike a deal with Saudi Arabia that financing for the, you know, insurgents in Chechnya would stop, immediately

there was an improvement. And in 2003, when the United States attacked Iraq, you know, the Islamists shifted their focus to Iraq and Chechnya

became Russian again.

[11:25:13] ANDERSON: OK.

All right, sir. And with that, sir, we're going to leave it there. We do very much appreciate your thoughts and your analysis this evening.

Here on Connect the World with me Becky Anderson taking a very short break. Back after this.



JOHN DEFTERIOS, EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: Because of its location, ease of doing business and political stability, many see Ghana as a

gateway to West Africa. This has attracted businesses and investors to the country's capital city Accra in recent years. This is evident by the

amount of new property development happening, especially around the area called airport city.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the last five years, we've seen many, many buildings coming up, so this is actually where everything is happening in

the next 10 years in Accra.

DEFTERIOS: Harlo Matta (ph) is a developer of one of the more eye- catching buildings in Airport City, is the 20,000 square meter structure called One Airport Square.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the architect came up with this idea of the very strong facade statement. If you observe a palm trees, the trunk is

exactly the same pattern.

DEFTERIOS: But the architecture of the recently completed building is not just for looks. Ghana's first green certified commercial structure is

designed to save energy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So this is the central atrium, which has two very important functions. For one, it brings down the natural lighting,

allowing tenants to enjoy natural lighting and therefore reducing the energy bill. And secondly, it sucks the hot air up that get exhausted

through a system of levers on the roof. Our energy model said that this building on average consumes 30 percent less energy than its peers in


DEFTERIOS: The Ghanaian government sees great value in setting such a standard, has granted the $62 million project tax exemption for production


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Having that green certification means that we can demonstrate to both the domestic and the international business

community the level of sophistication that is now going into development of real estate in Ghana.

DEFTERIOS: According to Lorris Development Partners (ph) land values in the area rose sharply since the project started, going from about $432

per square meter in 2010 to about $927 per square meter last year.

But Ghana has seen a slowdown in economic growth over the last two years. Property management firm Bro Ghana says it's having an impact on

leasing rates in Airport City.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They anticipated that they would achieve $40 per square meter, because of the slowdown of the economy. Supply would

outweigh demand. And so the achievement of $40 per square meter was not quite there.

DEFTERIOS: Matta (ph) says one Airport Square is currently leasing at between $36 to $40 a square meter per month.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you look around now you see many quality buildings with very good tenants. And that brings life. And life brings

more tenants. And more tenants brings life. And this is how this area here now is becoming the highest sought after area for offices in the city.

DEFTERIOS: Like many developers in Accra, Matta believes Ghana's economy will turn around causing the gateway to West Africa to open even


John Defterios, One Square Meter, CNN.



[11:34:12] ANDERSON: You're watching Connect the World with me Becky Anderson. The top stories for you this hour, 734 in the UAE.

And the Secretary General of NATO is condemning Russia's violation of Turkish airspace near the Syrian border. Jens Stoltenberg said the

incursion was unacceptable. He also said the alliance has seen a substantial buildup of Russian forces in Syria, including ground troops.

In Yemen, ISIS says it carried out four suicide bombings on a hotel in Aden killing 15 people. Four soldiers from the UAE and one from Saudi

Arabia are among the dead. The hotel was home to several government officials, including the prime minister who reportedly escaped unhurt.

The head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan says he'll be adjusting troop level recommendations because of what's happening on the ground. General

John Campbell told congress as well that a U.S. airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz on Saturday, which killed 22 people, was a mistake.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says he does not want an escalation of violence with Israel as days of unrest threatened to spiral

out of control.

Now Palestinian protesters clashed again with Israeli security forces in the West Bank today. Israel is vowing to crack down on a, quote, wave

of terror after four Israelis were killed in two separate attacks.

Soldiers have killed two Palestinian teenagers in recent clashes. Mr. Abbas says his government is trying to diffuse the situation.


MAHMOUD ABBAS, PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PRESIDENT (through translator): We do not want this and we will keep saying we do not want this. All our

orders to all the directorates of government to our organizations to our youth and to our audience is we do not want an escalation.


ANDERSON: Well, Erin McLaughlin is following developments from Jerusalem.

And I want to start with what's been the impact of the security measures announced overnight, and indeed the demolition by Israelis of a

number of homes of Palestinians deemed to be militants?


Well, I think the impact still remains to be seen as to whether or not the measures will escalate or de-escalate the situation. Those measures

you were just talking about there include overnight the demolition of two Palestinian homes as well as the ceiling off of a room and a third homes

that belonged to Palestinians that Israelis say carried out deadly attacks in Jerusalem last year.

And the timing is significant. The demolitions come as the Israeli government announces a series of measures designed to respond to the

spiraling violence in east Jerusalem as well as the West Bank. Some of the measures are extreme. Israeli government announcing that it would

introduce administrative detentions for people who were rioting.

Administrative detention is a controversial practice that involves detaining suspects without trial or charge. They also announced that the

Israeli government will be considering whether or not to fine parents whose kids are caught stone throwing.

The measures, the Israeli government officials say, is designed in their words to defeat terrorism, but they have been met by outrage by

Palestinian officials saying they amount to collective punishment and war crimes -- Becky.

ANDERSON: I know that you've just returned to the bureau from the funeral of the a 13-year-old Palestinian boy. Can you describe the

atmosphere, if you will?

MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, well, the atmosphere in the West Bank is tense. There's clashes throughout the West Bank today. The Red Crescent putting

the number of 90 Palestinians wounded in various clashes throughout the funeral that you were referring to there was followed by clashes. I was

there for those. A funeral of a 13-year-old boy who was killed by Israeli forces. Palestinian residents, the eyewitnesses say that he was shot while

he was trying to hide from clashes. They say he was targeted. Israeli military saying that they were responding to a riot that they were aiming

at the main instigators of that riot. They say that that incident is being investigating.

But it is the type of incident that certainly is fueling the unrest in the West Bank. We heard from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas today a

call for things to de-escalate, but at least from the clashes that I saw on the ground in the West Bank, it didn't seem like the Palestinians there in

Bethlehem were listening.

ANDERSON: Erin McLaughlin is in Jerusalem for you this evening.

Well, years of intense negotiations have finally resulted in an agreement aimed at creating one of the world's largest free trade zones.

The United States and 11 other nations say they have wrapped up talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP, as you may hear it called. For

those wondering what it is and why it matters, here's a breakdown for you.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The United States, Japan and 10 other countries have finally reached an agreement on a trade deal known as the Trans-

Pacific Partnership, or TPP. So what exactly is the TPP?

It's a free trade pact that's meant to encourage more business between the 12 countries. Tariffs and import quotas for things like beef, rice,

butter and many other products would be lifted.

Why are these countries banding together? The hope is the TPP will lessen some of the power that China, the world's second largest economy,

has in the global marketplace. China is not part of the TPP.

President Obama has been a champion of the TPP. And he's even had the U.S. Chamber of Commerce backing him, those two haven't often see eye-to-

eye on issues about big business.

Obama and other proponents have argued that the TPP will be good for American workers. Nike has said it would create 10,000 jobs in the U.S. if

congress passes the deal, but many labor unions worry that the TPP will encourage more U.S. companies to ship jobs overseas, and other critics of

the deal aren't happy that most of the negotiations have been done in secret.


[11:40:24] ANDERSON: Well, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or the TPP, is not a done deal yet. It still has to be approved by the legislatures of

the countries involved. For a closer look at this agreement and what it means I want to bring in my colleague Maggie Lake. She's in New York for

you this evening.

So after 68 months, 42 get together in 28 cities across 13 countries, trade negotiators -- I'm exhausted already -- from the 12 countries

involved, have achieved, Maggie, exactly what? What chance that this will see the light of day?

MAGGIE LAKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT; I think that there's a pretty good chance, Becky.

I mean, listen, there's a lot of reasons to be cynical and skeptical about this. You heard Paul just touch on many of them, which include you

know are workers really protected? Do corporations benefit more? Is it going to be able to deliver on raising so many of these standards, lifting

people out of poverty? I mean, if you listen to the governments celebrating this, this is a cure all for many of the problems of the global


Nobody thinks it's going to do all that. And it's certainly not perfect. But one of the things that people are pointing out is that, you

know, there are many times when this almost broke down. And it is important, it is a way on the policy side to try to boost global growth and

raise standards in some places, bring them up more to sort of a developed world. And it is that important counterbalance to China. And even people

were not often fans of the Obama administration say that it is important for Japan and for the U.S. to craft something like this.

So, they do think that it is going to get an awful lot of support. And you're going to hear a lot of noise and especially as it goes to the

U.S. congress, but it's not the only place about from worker groups, from people upset about the drug patents being protected by U.S.


But they do think that there is going to be bipartisan support.

I will tell you one thing, Becky, someone raised this very interesting point to me, you are facing a U.S. congress that does not have Republican

leadership at the moment. That may prove to be a problem. That may take it longer to get through. But at the end of the day, the Obama

administration is confident.

And they think that you'll see that mirrored through many of the countries as they go through the bureaucratic process of passing it.

ANDERSON: Maggie -- Maggie, pop quiz to you, one of our esteemed colleagues in another organization who may have had little else to do

earlier on today worked this out. Guess how many air miles have been used, or racked up, across what was -- let me remind our viewers -- 68 months, 42

get togethers, 28 cities, 13 countries, 12 delegations. Guess?

LAKE: I'm going to have the right answer and say far too many. But that is politics at work.

You tell me the exact number? How many?

ANDERSON: 250,000.

LAKE: That's incredible.

Listen, I want to bring up another point, though, for all those air miles people do say that bilateral agreements, that spaghetti soup, as Rana

Ferrar (ph) called it to me of agreements benefit no one. They have very little protections for anyone. It's a race to the bottom.

Regional are better, global the best of all. So we're moving in the right direction if you listen to economists.

ANDERSON: Good stuff.

Thank you, Maggie. Always a pleasure.

Live from Abu Dhabi, this is Connect the World with me, Becky Anderson. Coming up, the horrific use of rape and slavery as a weapon of

war -- I'm going to speak with some Yazidi girls who endured unimaginable trauma at the hands of ISIS. This is an exclusive CNN Freedom Project

report and it is coming up after this.


[11:47:11] ANDERSON: All this week, CNN's Freedom Project is bringing you special reports that highlight an ongoing atrocity, the scourge of

modern day slavery. And we are looking this week at the plight of the Yazidi community in Iraq and Syria, exposing what is the inhumane treatment

of women and girls in particular.

Now today's film focuses on the barbaric use of rape as a weapon of war. And I have to warn you, the material is very disturbing and may not

be suitable for young viewers. It is so important.

Atika Shubert giving a voice to former captives of ISIS.



ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The refugee camps are filled with stories like this, women and girls bought and sold, sometimes

for money, given as gifts, bartered for weapons.

One of them was Noor (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): We sat in chairs.

One man picked me. He was old, ugly, fat. I was scared. There were some of the ISIS fighters so I begged quickly to one of them, please take

me anywhere and marry me if you want, but take me away from this one. So he did.

SHUBERT: Noor (ph) is not her real name. She and two others spoke to CNN. We are not identifying them for their safety.

Noor (ph) says she was not raped that day. Two days later, the fighter returned from the front line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): He showed me a letter. It said any captured women will become Muslim if 10 ISIS fighters rape her.

SHUBERT: Then, Noor (ph) says, he raped her. After that, he gave her to his friend. She says each one raped her.

(on camera): How many men did he pass you to?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): I was passed to 11 others.

SHUBERT: That's very difficult for anyone to hear, man or woman.

(voice-over): Manira (ph) fidgets next to Noor (ph). She still remembers her father wearing her name on the arm, a home-made tattoo. She

used a sewing needle and pen while waiting to be sold.

(voice-over): Do you know if they paid for you as well?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): I was given as a prize to another ISIS fighter. And the second time, I was traded for another girl.

SHUBERT: Bushra (ph) says ISIS was so intent on using rape and slavery as a weapon of war, that they brought their own doctors, gynecologists, to

determine which women were virgins and which were pregnant. Bushra (ph) says she witnessed two doctors invasively examine the girls.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): One of my friends was pregnant. Her child was about 3 months in the womb. They took her into

another room. There were two doctors and they did the abortion. Afterward, they brought her back. I asked her what happened and how they did it. She

said the doctors told her not to speak.

[11:50:14] SHUBERT (on camera): Was she bleeding a lot?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): Yes.

SHUBERT: Was she in a lot of pain?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): Yes, she could not talk or walk.

SHUBERT: How many women did this happen to?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): She was the first. After that, they took the pregnant women and put them in the separate house.

SHUBERT (voice-over): Days later, Bushra found a bottle of pills and swallowed them all, hoping to end her life rather than become a victim of

rape. But she survived.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): One day, there were 14 girls with me. They tried to kill themselves by drinking rat poison. But

they took them to the hospital and cleaned their stomach. They told us, we'll not let you die so easy.

SHUBERT: As difficult as the stories are to hear, these are the lucky ones. They managed to escape. There are hundreds that still remain enslaved

by ISIS. Noor (ph), Manira (ph) and Bushra (ph) told us they want their stories to reveal the truth about ISIS to help those left behind.

Atika Shubert, CNN, Dokuk, in the Kurdish region of Iraq.


ANDERSON: Well, some Yazidi women are fighting back against ISIS, forming a volunteer force led by a singer turned soldier. Here is a

preview of Wednesday's Freedom Project report.


SHUBERT: The Sun Brigade is made of women, Yazidi women, a special unit of Peshmerga, Kurdish forces.

Most have never even held a gun, but there is no shortage of volunteers.


ANDERSON: Remember, all this week we're covering the Yazidis remarkable courage and resistance right here on Connect the World and our

website all week as well. Head to to find exclusive reports from the CNN Freedom Project as it raises awareness of the plight of Yazidi

women. We'll be right back.


[11:55:33] ANDERSON: Well, tonight's Parting Shots are going to take you to Alaska and something you don't see very -- every day on the streets

of suburbia at least. A moose fight captured on camera.

Jeanne Moos has the story and the video.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A fight over a female in mating season spilled onto the streets of suburban Anchorage, Alaska, recorded by a

father and son hiding behind a car.


MOOS: When the moose brawl got too close for comfort, the driver of the car fled and Bill and Josh Tyra (ph) had to head for higher ground.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I filmed a lot of that video from about right here.

MOOS: Where they had front row seats.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One was just like carrying the other one all the way across the street.

MOOS: And that's pretty much how it ended with the alpha moose giving the evil eye as his rival high tailed it away. They left behind scattered

moose hair.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I collected this.

MOOS: The two did manage to bang into the Subaru parked in the driveway leaving a dent or two.

Have no fear, insurance agents assure us that as long as the motorist has comprehensive coverage moose damage will be covered. But when the top

moose went to claim his prize after all that work what did the female do? She vamoosed.

Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


ANDERSON: That's it from us. I'm Becky. Goodbye.