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U.K. Announces Measures Against Russia, Expels Diplomats; Students and Teachers Across the U.S. Walk Out in Protest; Stephen Hawking, Renowned Scientist Dies at 76; Students Around the World Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery. Aired 11-12p ET

Aired March 14, 2018 - 11:00   ET


[16:00:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The United Kingdom will now expel 23 Russian diplomats who have been identified as undeclared intelligence



BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST Retaliating against Russia, Theresa May kicks Russian diplomats out of the U.K. in the wake of the Salisbury spy

poisoning mix-up. We are live outside Parliament for you. Also, this hour.


UNIDENTIFIED STUDENT: It's crazy that it took something like a school shooting for all of this to happen, but it's now or never.


ANDERSON: Agents of change. School shooting survivors are not backing down in their fight for tighter gun control measures, and now they have

left their classrooms in protest. Plus --


STEPHEN HAWKING, VISIONARY PHYSICIST: I see great dangers for the human race. There have been a number of times in the past when the survival has

been a question of touching go.


ANDERSON: The world has lost a brilliant mind, as Stephen Hawking is dead at 76. More from my interview with the visionary physicist later this


It's 7:00 in Abu Dhabi. Hello and welcome. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you.

You are not welcome here. Those strong words from the Prime Minister, Theresa May, highlight just how bad relations are right now between the

U.K. and Russia. Now in a defined and angry speech to Parliament just a short time ago. The Prime Minister announced a series of measures to

punish Russia for the apparent poisoning of a former Russian spy that was living in Salisbury in England. Her first order of business, getting

Russian agents out of Britain.


MAY: The United Kingdom will now expel 23 Russian diplomats who have been identified as undeclared intelligence officers. They have just one week to

leave. This will be the single biggest expulsion for over 30 years, and it reflects the fact that this is not the first time that the Russian state

has acted against our country.

Mr. Speaker, it was right to offer Russia the opportunity to provide an explanation. But their response has demonstrated complete disdain for the

gravity of these events. They have provided no credible explanation that could suggest they lost control of their nerve agent. No explanation as to

how this agent came to be used in the United Kingdom, no explanation as to why Russia has an undeclared chemical weapons program in contravention of

international law. Instead, they have treated the use of a military grade nerve agent in Europe with sarcasm, content and defiance.


ANDERSON: Strong words. May said additional actions would be taken against Russia. Calling for a UN Security Council meeting on these spy

poisoning and saying that U.K. would curtail purchases of Russian natural gas. Russia continues to deny any involvement in the incident. The

Russian Embassy in London called May's actions unjustified and short sighted. More on both side of the story. CNN's Frederick Pleitgen is in

Moscow. First, let's get you to Nick Paton Walsh who is outside the Houses of Parliament. This was a key test for the British Prime Minister. She

was under an awful lot of pressure domestically to react. She promised a response and, boy, did we get one with more to come -- Nick.

NICK PAYTON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Possibly. Although, I think let's be careful to exactly how long lasting and painful

this really is for Moscow.

[11:05:00] Yes, up front 23 Russian diplomats are being expelled within a week, of undeclared espionage activity, supposedly something they're

involved in. That could be just short of about half of the entirety by one count of their London presence here.

And then, yes, the World Cup in Russia will not have British officials or members of the Royal Family attending it later on this year. And there

will be a secession for now of U.K./Russian bilateral contacts. Something you, frankly, what you thought would be fairly likely given the severity of

the accusations against them. Sergey Lavrov won't be doing a reciprocal trip to the U.K. later on this year.

And then there are the details which are important. About exactly how the law was amended to enhance sanctions for those considered to have violated

human rights. Exactly what kind of powers are used as she suggested to move towards Russian state assets here that are considered potentially be

able to inflict harm upon the U.K. citizens. A lot of that is kind of TBD. It's announce their rhetorically. She was quite clear that the principles

of the U.K. law would always be allowed to stand. So, and she also referred about some things being done out of public view.

But it's in those weeks and months ahead that I think Moscow will have to assess exactly how hard today's measures bite. They'll probably kick out

23 diplomats in the next week or so. So, you'll see reciprocal measures that basically mean the embassies are smaller and Britain and Russia aren't

talking as much as they used to.

The question really moving forward is can this get their European allies to also say they won't buy Russian gas, for example or be equally tough toward

diplomacy or Russian state assets that may be considered to be nefarious in purpose within their own sovereignty. So, a lot of issues I think now

involve what kind of solidarity is being pledged by certain EU states and even by the White House. Both former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and

even Donald Trump with some comments said they would stand by the U.K. in all of this.

But in terms of that speech behind me, it delivered I think a degree of immediate impact that she knew she needed to give to a British public. Who

are frankly, wondering how on earth it came to be that military grade nerve agents are poisoning people on park benches on lazy Sunday rainy

afternoons. But in terms of is Vladimir Putin thinking to himself, well, that was a terrible mistake. I wish I had been involved in that. If

indeed the Kremlin were involved, I think that's very much still in question.

ANDERSON: Let's find out from Moscow. Nick's outside the Houses of Parliament in the U.K. Fred is in Moscow. Unjustified and short sighted

says the embassy in the U.K. So, what is Moscow going to do about this? And how are they reacting? Do they see this as a slap or more at this


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, well, Nick already outlined some of the things in detail that they might be thinking

about doing. One of the things that the Russians have been saying over the past couple of days, ever since all of this really boiled up and after you

that speech in British parliament initially, by the Prime Minister, by Theresa May, is that they said they will take tit for tat action. Now, on

the face of it that could mean that they might expel 23 diplomats here from Moscow themselves. They might mean they might cancel some bilateral

meetings that might've happened. They might cancel some other contacts as well.

The Russians, however, have come out in the form of a least one senior lawmaker who said it could indeed be more than that. He said it could be

more than 23 diplomats that might be expelled. As of this writing right now, Becky, we don't know what the Russians are going to do. They have not

come out and said that they are going to take any sort of specific measures just yet. So, we are waiting for that. We kind of expect that they might

announce something later throughout the day. But yes, they have been quite angry. There have been some pretty angry responses by the Russians. They

said that this is irresponsible. Sergei Kislyak, the former Russian ambassador to the U.S., who of course got notoriety last year in the run-up

to the U.S. election in 2016 as well. He said that the Brits would regret what they've done.

The main issue, Becky, that the Russians have -- that they keep saying that they have -- is they say under the treaty or the OPCW, they have the right

to test these samples that were taken themselves. Because they are under suspicion, they say, the U.K. needs to send them these samples, they want

to test them for themselves and then they will give a response. They say that the Brits have not been doing that. And that's why the Russians are

saying basically anything that happens now, any deterioration of the relations between these two countries is full on the Brits -- Becky.

ANDERSON: All right. Well, you've heard the assessment in Moscow and in London. We are covering all angles of what is, this then, growing rift

between Britain and Russia. Before he became Russia's president, Vladimir Putin was a spy himself. In just a few minutes, I 'm going to get you back

to Moscow for more on the point of view there.

A show of force at schools across U.S. now demanding action on gun control. Students and teachers are staging a national walkout scheduled for 10 a.m.

in every time zone. It's just after 11:10 on the East Coast now and is expected to last for 17 minutes, one minute for each life lost in the

Parkland, Florida school shooting one month ago.

[11:10:14] CNN's Brynn Gingras is In Brooklyn, New York, where several schools have walked out in solidarity with Parkland, Florida. Joining us

now. Just describe the scene in the atmosphere if you will.

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I mean it's incredible. It's been a thousand or so students from nine different schools in the downtown area

of Brooklyn here in New York City. Joining together for a demonstration that included not only the time in silence for the 17 victims in the

Parkland shootings but also just a moment to reflect on why they're here. And they've all said they're here to make a change. One of the students

who spoke at the podium -- this is remember a student-led demonstration. One of the students said this isn't a day off, this is a civics lesson in

how to make a change. And that's why they're all out here today.

This demonstration actually lasting about two hours. They had a lot of students speaking out. One of the students actually told me, you know,

he's 18 years old and he wants to be able to inspire even younger kids, the middle schoolers that when they become 18, take the time to vote. He said

he's going to be voting in the mid-term elections this fall. So, we have students here from 14 all the way up just making some incredible change,

trying to unify with the rest of the country in this stance against gun violence -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, this movement really feels like it has some momentum. Students around the world, of course, joining the movement as well. Do you

sense that this is only the beginning for this -- for these students that you are listening to and witnessing there in New York?

GINGRAS: You know, I think it's the beginning of this movement, yes, but the real beginning was when that shooting happened in Parkland. One of the

students said that that was the difference. Of course, we had the shooting in Columbine here in the United States several years ago. The difference

between then and now they said is the students there in Parkland, Florida that took a stance immediately. And so, that's what they're trying to

echo. That's the momentum that students here and I'm sure all across the country are trying to build. So, yes, it's a beginning but it's a little

bit further along then maybe all of us anticipated.

ANDERSON: Thank you for that. That's the story in New York. As I say, this is a movement that is gaining some traction all over the world. A

senior at Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel organized a walkout with two of his classmates. The international school

in trillion organized classmates. He tells CNN he wanted to stage the event because not enough is being done to stop gun violence in the United


160 students, teachers and administrators at a secondary school in Tanzania also joining the national walkout. They posted these pictures on Twitter

with the #EnoughIsEnough.

We turn now to a man whose ideas will forever live in classrooms. Confined to a wheelchair for most of his life, his mind never stopped roaming the

cosmos. Stephen Hawking a genius who unpacked the elusive secrets of our universe for us all, died at home this morning. He was 76 years old. He

lived so long by defying what doctors thought possible. Hawking was diagnosed with ALS, a fatal nerve disease, in his early 20s. So, he was

told he only had at the time a few years to live. Well that disease of body never once stopped him from thinking in 11 dimensions. For a man who

brought the world a brief history of time, Matthew Chance now gives us a brief history of his remarkable life.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): By any measure Stephen Hawking's life was incredible, even more so because in

the 1960s he was diagnosed with ALS, or motor neuron disease, and given just a few years to live. This rare form of motor neuron disease left him

virtually paralyzed, unable to express his profound vision of humanity and science without a voice synthesizer.

STEPHEN HAWKING: At one point I thought I would see the end of physics as we knew it, but now I think the wonder of discovery will continue long

after I am gone.

CHANCE: But this was never a man bound by his own physical limitations. He reveled in a zero-gravity flight, freeing him, he said, from the

confines of his wheelchair. He also wrote a series of children's book about space with his daughter Lucy. He had two other children and three


[11:15:05] For more than three decades, he was a professor at Cambridge University's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

specializing in the study of black holes and revered as a member of the academic elite. But Professor Hawking also did much to popularize science,

playing himself in "Star Trek" and "The Simpsons."

In 2014 his life and romance with wife Jane Wilde was depicted on big screen in the film "The Theory of Everything."

EDDIE REDMAYNE, ACTOR, "THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING": The universe getting smaller and smaller, getting denser and denser, hotter and hotter.


REDMAYNE: Exactly, wind back the clock.

CHANCE: Hawking consulted on the bio drama which earned five Academy award nominations in the best actor win for Eddie Redmayne for his portrayal of

the physicist. Hawking's most famous work, "A Brief History of Time" remains one of the best science works ever written. He was deeply

concerned with humanity's survival.

HAWKING: I see great danger for the human race. There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a lesson of touch and go.

The frequency of such occasions is likely to increase in the future. We shall need great care, judgment to negotiate them all successfully. But

I'm an optimist. If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be safe as we spread into space.

CHANCE: He was, as ever, looking firmly to the future.


ANDERSON: We are taking a very short break but still ahead, we're going to look back at my conversation with Stephen Hawking almost a decade ago.


HAWKING: If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be safe as we spread into space.




UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Freedom to me is happiness.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Freedom means do whatever I want.

[11:20:00] UNIDENTIFIED BOY: Freedom means to me making my own decisions.

UNIDENTIFIED BOY: Freedom to me means going anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Freedom to me is the opportunity to do what you want.


ANDERSON: Those students at the Bangalore National School in India telling us what freedom means to them.

Because CNN is partnering with young people around the world for what is this student-led day of action against modern day slavery? We're shedding

a light on the plight of millions, yes millions, of victims of exploitation everywhere. This is Freedom Day. It's a day to tell what freedom means to

you. Share your story using the #MyFreedomDay.

Human trafficking can come in many forms from sexual exploitation to forced labor. And in this region, we are seeing progress in fighting that. For

example, this this year in the UAE special public prosecution and judicial departments were established to deal specifically with crimes committed

against domestic workers. Convicted traffickers face at least five years in prison. But in a reason where low skilled migrant workers are the most

vulnerable to trafficking and sexual exploitation, I'm afraid vulnerability is common across the board. There is much, much more to be done. I met up

with students at the American Community School, ACS, in Abu Dhabi who want to put an end to modern day slavery. These are some of their efforts.


ANDERSON (voice-over): In a hurry to help. These aren't just kids, though. This isn't just a classroom. The day before My Freedom Day, these

are young activists preparing to fight for change on the global stage with CNN at their backs helping and modern-day slavery.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL, ACS STUDENT: Some of our questions are like why --

ANDERSON: Using games, debates, plays and on the day, I asked what freedom means to these students.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL, ACS STUDENT: To me freedom is being who you want to be, wherever you are and whenever you can.

ANDERSON (on camera): I'm going to go down here because I've got a really good example of something that Daniela has created in order to explain to

you and the rest of the world what freedom means to her. Just explain this piece of artwork. It is fantastic.

DANIELA, ACS STUDENT: So, I made this piece of artwork because I 've always been really passionate about visual arts. And it's called "Chained

Hands." And these chains they represent how so many people are in slavery. How they're exploited. How so many people are suffering today now more

than ever. And I made it to represent all those people.

ANDERSON: Just have a look at this. Get in closer. Just have a look at this. Talk to me about these chains.

DANIELA: These chains, I really wanted them to like represent the people and I really wanted to show how like there's people being sold around the

world. Humans are being trafficked everywhere and I think it's just so important. I even have the ring on this hand to show how it can be


ANDERSON: Lock at that. Absolutely fantastic. I know you've been involved in some awareness raising efforts. And we know that that is

incredibly important. As activists, you guys are at forefront of raising awareness. Tell me what you've been doing.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL, ACS STUDENT: I've been raise awareness and raising funds to help children in Ukraine and to help them because they are

potential children who could be victims of trafficking. And our efforts are to keep them in school and keep them happy and safe.

ANDERSON: You spoke to me earlier and said you know it's just a small effort on your part, but you hope it will create some sort of momentum for

others to do the same sort of thing. Correct?

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL, ACS STUDENT: Indeed, I that if everyone does their little bit, we can all make the world a better place.

ANDERSON: Let's not let the students embarrass us all. They are really thinking about what freedom means to them. Allie is at the board. This is

a board that your mates have been filling in today. Just walk me through some of what we've got here.

ALLIE, ACS STUDENT: Some people think that freedom means to them to innovate and participate, to not worry about their safety in of the country

they live in. The #NeverAgain campaign, something about gun violence could be about freedom. And then one of the things that I think is really

important which is to be able to express yourself without fear of judgment.

ANDERSON: I can be who I want to be to be able to have free speech. Don't let others judge you, said one of the students here at ACS.

The message from Abu Dhabi is clear, enough is enough. You want to hear it from them? 3, 2, 1 --

ALL STUDENTS: #MyFreedomDay.

ANDERSON: 3, 2, 1, you can do better than that.

ALL STUDENTS: #MyFreedomDay.


ANDERSON: Ensuring they understand the scourge that is modern day slavery and it is a scourge. They are raising public awareness. We are seeing

this all over as students are trying to make a difference.

[11:25:00] CNN's Anna Stewart, joining is now as we turn our focus to DLD College in London. Where, Anna, the kids I believe have been in full song.


ANNA STEWART, CNN PRODUCER: They will be in full song just for you, Becky. But first let me tell you a bit about what they've been up to so far today.

DLD College is a really international school. There are some 52 different nationalities here. And that means they're bringing lots of different

ideas to the table when it comes to what freedom means what happened we can do to stop modern day slavery.

Now, let me take you over here, because they've got a wall. They've been writing on bricks what freedom means to them. And let me just show you a

few of them. We have, freedom is when you do whatever you want and be whatever you want. Freedom is going outside without being scared of what

others think. And one down here, freedom is the art of expressing your true self and your values. Now Becky, we've got some students here who

have been really involved in the projects. Now, we have TK from Thailand. What did you find most surprising about this project? What have you


TIWKHAO THITWONG, STUDENT: The thing that surprise, not just surprise but shocked me, is how human can do such brutal thing to human and how close

it's happening to us.

STEWART: It happening here in the U.K.?

THITWONG: It's happening everywhere.

STEWART: Yes, and her we have Matt from Iran. Now Matt, what do you think we can do to stop modern day slavery?

MATT ROSTAMI, STUDENT: I think the most important thing is we should make everyone aware of the slavery because not everyone knows if it exists.

STEWART: So, raising awareness with days like this.

Now, Becky, as I said, we do have something very special for you here. We have the DLD College band to play you out. Here we go.

JACK REYNOLDS, STUDENT: I'm Jack Reynolds, student.

There's a place you know And where I chime this tale And where our love is pure

We have your room with love Listen to a higher love, Just wherever she goes.

The truth is simple to see just spotted then cure it faster


ANDERSON: Our big story this hour, the growing rift between the U.K. and Russia over that former double agent who was poisoned in rural England.

The rift torn wide open a couple hours ago when Prime Minister Theresa May announced the U.K. will expel 23 Russian diplomats to punish Moscow, which

it blames for the attack. Now the UN Security Council has called an emergency meeting in just a few hours to discuss the situation. Meanwhile,

Russia -- which of course it's on that -- continues to deny any role. And one official hinted Moscow's response will be tough and harsh. Tough and

harsh, what does that mean?

Let's bring in Jill Dougherty, live in Moscow for some answers. She's a CNN contributor and former Moscow bureau chief. Forgotten more about

Russia than most of us will ever know. How bothered is Moscow at this point, Jill?

JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, I would say 150 percent probably, Becky. I mean, this is -- I think what's amazing about this is the very

loose, the anger, the emotion about this. In addition to the very serious steps that have been taken. I mean, kicking out diplomats, that's a lot,

but that does happen. The thing that gets to let's say the Russians who live in the U.K., the people who visit, the officials, deliberately

disinviting the foreign minister to come. Some of these things, increasing checks on flights coming in, more emphasis on transparent laws about owning

property. Things like this.

Remember, there are hundreds of thousands of Russians living in London. It's kind of like the living room of Moscow. And so, it has special

resonance. It's a different country for Russians. It's very close, again, all those Russians and all of those Russians' money. So, the tone I think

has been extraordinarily -- the only word is vituperative at this point.

ANDERSON: Well, that's a good choice of words. It's fascinating. You delineate a number of possibilities at this point, the details of which

still are unclear, which I guess begs the question what is Moscow going to do in response?

DOUGHERTY: Well, you know, if you look at the way the Russians handled the sanctions and the expulsions that the United States carried out after the

election, et cetera, I think that you'd have to say that their favorite word at that point was tit for tat. That might be the template, we don't

know. But it could be tit for tat. And since you have, you know, a very serious attempt by the Brits to give a message on this, I think you'd have

to say certainly they'd want to expel the diplomats.

This thing about suspending high-level contacts is very serious. That means a lot of isolation and perhaps dangerous isolation, senior diplomats

and others not talking to each other. That makes it even worse. But I think you could say tit for tat and then may be something else. Remember

the indication is that they might, the British may try to close out or kick out R.T. television from Britain. And the Russians have made it very

clear they'd do the same thing to any of the British broadcasts here in Moscow.

ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating. All right, well time will tell. The uproar over this spy poisoning comes as Russia, of course, prepares for

presidential elections this weekend. Vladimir Putin expected to win in a landslide in Sunday's vote. It is worth noting that the election will

occur on the four-year anniversary -- the four-year anniversary of Russia's and annexation of Crimea.

[11:35:01] An event that angered the West. But of course, President Putin's popularity to soar at home. Jill, do any of these new

controversies surrounding Russia's role on the world stage in any way. And I'm talking about the U.S., and I'm talking about what's going on with the

U.K. at present. How does that impact Mr. Putin's popularity, if at all, at home?

DOUGHERTY: You know, my impression here is that it actually creates a kind of rally around the flag mentality. Which is the word is Russo phobia that

the Russians use, fear of Russia. And so, many Russians think that a lot of this is Russo phobia. Even these criticisms or the attacks on Russia

for supposedly poising of Mr. Skripal. They say that, you know, it could have been done to embarrass Vladimir Putin.

So, I think domestically it actually might help him. People will think he's being tough to the West and he is paying the price for doing that.

But we are to remain, you know, strongly supportive. And Crimea, still having an ex-Crimea in 2014, it is still a very potent thing with many

Russians. They feel that it is theirs and should have come back to Russia and they're happy that President Putin did it. So, that's another factor.

That date that you mentioned very significant, obviously.

ANDERSON: Jill Dougherty is in Moscow. For you always a pleasure. Jill, thank you.

It's a nail biter and it not over yet but as the very last ballots are counted in a U.S. special election seen as a referendum on president Donald

Trump. The Democratic candidate is now claiming victory. If Conor Lamb indeed pulls it off, it will be quite a feat as this solidly Republican

district in Pennsylvania went heavily for Donald Trump in 2016.

The question then becomes could this signal even more trouble ahead for Republicans with what are critical elections, are fast approaching in the

autumn, or fall, as the Americans want to call. Let's get the latest from Jason Carroll, he is live in Canonsburg in Pennsylvania. Is it clear at

this point, what the result is or when we might find out?

JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's definitely clear to Conor Lamb's campaign. At this point Conor Lamb up by 627 votes. You know, you

hear the expression every vote counts. Well, in this race clearly it did. Once again, up by 627 votes. All the precincts are in at this point and

Conor Lamb's folks say look, at this point the math is simply not in challenger Rick Saccone's favor. Last night Conor Lamb coming out and

declaring victory.

But Rick Saccone for his part, the Republican, not conceding at this point. He's going to be meeting with his advisers today, Becky, to see if there's

any sort of recourse that they have going forward. But you know, I spoke to Lamb's folks this morning. They're feeling good about the campaign that

they ran. They say it was a grass roots campaign, really reaching out to the labor community. They feel as though that's what helped put them over

the top. But there's also this question about President Trump and whether or not a backlash against President Trump basically helped put the

candidate over the top. He was asked about that this morning. Here's what he had to say.


CONOR LAMB, DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE, PENNSYLVANIA: Not really, other than to say, that there are plenty of people here who are still

pretty supportive of him from what I can tell. I think that his visits, he came here twice. I think they probably did contribute to the turn but that

we saw. And look, I was at a lot of polling places yesterday with cars parked outside of them that had President Trump's bumper sticker on them.

So, he's a popular person here.

But I think that what happens when you campaign in real life as much as possible is that those divisions go away. Everyone gave me a fair shake

and I know that there are people that voted for the president who also voted for me. And, you know, I thank them for hearing me out and I'm

looking forward to fulfilling my promise of actually representing them.


CARROLL: So, Becky, still some outstanding absentee ballots in the more rural parts of the district. But once again, the Lamb folks say that the

math simply just does not add up for their opponent. At this point though, Saccone not giving up. Lamb for his part also saying that he feels as

though Democrats have found their voice. Waiting to see what that could mean later on for mid-term elections here in the United States -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, and that's the important point, isn't it? I mean, what's going on today has significance locally but domestically across the board.

And for those of us who are watching from afar, it's what happens at the back end of this year, 2018, in these midterms that really matters. You

say it's unclear what we can sort of infer from this.

[11:40:04] Just explain why at this point it is unclear, if you will.

CARROLL: Well, because look, what you're witnessing right now is a little bit of political spin that you're getting from both sides. Look, I've been

out here in this district for weeks, frankly, speaking to people often on. And I can tell you from the folks that we spoke to, Democrats definitely

were -- some were energized by Donald Trump to come out and vote against the man, Donald Trump. Especially after that speech he gave over the

weekend. So, that definitely energized some Democrats. But on the flip side of that, it also may have energized Republicans to come out as well.

I've been saying all along with this race, what it would basically come down to here in the 18th district was which side was more energized, the

Republicans or the Democrats. And in this case, it looks as if the Democrats were more energized to come out. The reason why? Backlash

against the president.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. All right, well, thank you for that. That's the story -- goodness it looks cold there as well. That's the story out of

Pennsylvania for you tonight. We are live from Abu Dhabi where I can tell you the weather is a lot better. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I endured five different forms of human trafficking punishable by Mexican law. And therefore, I know very

well the traffickers modus operandi.


ANDERSON: Save from this stage and shining a spotlight on human trafficking. We'll have more on My Freedom Day, up next.

And also, will look back at my 2008 interview with the late Stephen Hawking. Stay with us.



JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNNMONEY EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: America sunshine state, Florida. Its biggest city is the second most visited across North and

South America by international tourists. But it's not just the sunny beaches and glitzy night life drawing crowds to Miami. It's also real

estate. One study finds 80 percent of all high-end properties are snapped up by foreigners. And a new skyscraper on sunny Isle Beach is vying to

grabbing their attention.

Tailored for the super-rich with a passion for supercars, Porsche Design Tower is a $560 million development. At 60 stories high, it was completed

in 2017 with 132 luxury units. The man behind it, developer and car enthusiast, Gil Dezer.

GIL DEZER, PRESIDENT, DEZER DEVELOPMENT: There is people who collect art and there's people who love new automobiles as art. And this is a way to

have your artistic automobile displayed in your living room.

[11:45:00] Designed by a subsidiary of the German car giant, Porsche. Elevators whisk you and your car up to any apartment in 75 seconds. Where

they are showcased like pieces of art. And for the penthouse, a garage big enough for the most extravagant car collection. After selling his business

in Argentina, Juan Pablo Verdiquio, moved to Miami three years ago, relocating here last year. Bringing along his Maserati, Ferrari and

Porsche. It's not just about living in a car enthusiast dream but the location as well.

JUAN PABLO VERDIQUIO, RESIDENT, PORSCHE DESIGN TOWER: For us as a family, I have a wife and two kids, you want the idea of having the closest thing

to a house on the beach.

DEFTERIOS: Properties go for $6 to over $32 million. That's 15,000 to 25,000 per square meter. And adding to the air of exclusively and luxury,

a restaurant, racing simulator, movie theater and with a tap on the phone, the elevator is called to pick up you and your car and take you higher.

The high-end Miami property market saw a drop in foreign investment last year due in part to the strong dollar. However, developers like Dezer are

confident that as long as there are multimillionaire car aficionados this building will be a special place for them to park in. John Defterios, one

square meter, CNN.




UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Freedom to me is you're able to say whatever you want and do whatever you want without anyone telling you no.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Freedom to me is to marry and love whoever you want, no matter their gender, race, et cetera.


ANDERSON: Students at the International School of Phnom Penh in Cambodia on what freedom means to them, in honor of My Freedom Day. Tell the world

what freedom means to you. You too can share your story using the #MyFreedomDay.

All day we 've been bringing you student voices from right around the world. You heard from students right here in Abu Dhabi earlier this hour.

We're talking to young people in Hong Kong, in Nairobi and Rome and tonight for you out of Mexico City. Where CNN's very own Rafael Romo is standing

by for us with some college students who are helping fight human trafficking with a very innovative idea. And you are with students at the

Ibero-American University, who aren't just talking the talk. They are walking the walk. Concrete action to help make a difference, Rafael. What

is it?

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's a great way to put it, Becky. Let me show you what we're doing here. This is an amazing group of college

students, here at the Ibero-American University, one of the most prestigious colleges in Mexico. They have collected donated clothes and

what they're doing is very interesting.

[11:50:00] They are attaching tags to these clothes -- let me show you really quick, with an 800 number. That's a help line for victims of human

trafficking. And what they want to do with that is they're going to attach the labels to the clothes. Next week they're going to go donate the

clothes in some high-risk areas here around Mexico City. So, that people have a way to not only report but also find help. Now, they also collected

some school supplies. And they're going to do the same thing. They have, for example, attached already the label with the 800 number. This is a

national line by the way, where people an all to find help. And this is not something that they came up with for today. They've been doing this

for some time and it's an organization called Centrada (ph), roughly translated as without human trafficking.

And let me talk to Amina, one of the students who participates in this project and by the way, she's sewing some of the tags right now. Amina,

tell me, how did you guys come up with this idea of sewing clothes and distributing the helpline to people?

AMINA ACHAIBOU, STUDENT: Thank you. We wanted to give it to these kids so if they feel like in danger or if they see a case of human trafficking in

their areas, well, they can just look at the clothes and have an easy way to call this number and get help.

ROMO: When are you going to these community to hand out the cloths?

ACHAIBOU: Next week. Yes, like next week or in the weeks that are coming.

ROMO: How many pieces of clothing do you have so far?

ACHAIBOU: I think we have like maybe two -- how man?

ROMO: Two dozen?

ACHAIBOU: Yes, maybe two dozen or more clothes with these labels.

ROMO: We'll let you work because they're very busy right now as you can see, Becky. Let me just add something else before I go back to you. They

also go to different schools around Mexico City and give talks to students. Telling them how to spot human trafficking and how not to become a victim

of modern day slavery. Becky, back to you.

ANDERSON: Yes, this is fantastic. Good stuff. Thank you, Rafael.

Well, tonight's parting shots for you, Stephen Hawking, the renowned British scientist who died today at the age of 76. His greatest legacy,

career achievements aside, was perhaps the countless lives he touched. People all over the world, in fact, who were inspired by what was his

incredible perseverance in the face of adversity. Well, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Hawking almost a decade ago. This was our



ANDERSON (voice-over): Professor Stephen Hawking is an unlikely celebrity. He achieved international fame with the publication of the scientific best

seller "A Brief History of Time." He's disabled by a condition that has left him almost completely paralyzed.

(on camera): I've just arrived here at Cambridge University at the Center for Mathematical Sciences to interview Professor Stephen Hawking. The crew

is already there. So, let's see if we can find the door.

(voice-over): I started by asking whether his theories and beliefs have changed much in the last 20 years?

STEPHEN HAWKING: Over the last 20 years, observations had to a large extent confirmed the picture I painted in "The Brief History of Time." The

one major development that was not anticipated was the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating now rather than slowing down.

However, it fits in very well. I now understand why the universe is the way it is. We live in the most probable of all possible worlds.

ANDERSON (on camera): Why is your outlook for humanity so pessimistic? And what are your solutions?

HAWKING: I see great danger for the human race. There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.

The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963 was one of these. The frequency of such occasions is likely to increase in the future. We shall need great care

and judgment to negotiate them all successfully, but I'm an optimist. If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be

safe as we spread into space.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go ahead, Charlie.

ANDERSON (voice-over): I asked him whether the human race had a moral obligation to find out more about space.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, DISCOVERY: We'd like to go ahead and go to filter state.

HAWKING: I don't think the human race has a moral obligation to learn about space, but it would be foolish and short sighted not to do so. It

may hold the key to our survival.

ANDERSON (on camera): What expectations, professor Hawking, do you have of the space flight that you hope to go on next year?

HAWKING: The zero-G line I did last year was wonderful. After 40 years in a wheelchair, it was so good to be floating free, but that flight was just

a warmup for space. The real thing should be much better and last much longer. The sky will be black, and the stars will shine brightly. I am a

bit worried about the hygiene forces on the way up and down, but I coped with them OK on zero-G flight.

ANDERSON: And with that, we thank you very much indeed for your time.

HAWKING: Thank you.


ANDERSON: My conversation with Stephen Hawking, who has passed away at the age of 76. I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD and the team

working with me here in Abu Dhabi, and those working with us around the world. It was a very good evening, thank you for watching. CNN, of

course, continues after this.