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Connect the World

Biden Admin to Roll Out New Sanctions Against Russia; Gaza Residents Desperate Amid Hunger, Rising Malnutrition; Sheriff: 11-Year-Old Girl Found Dead in River after Search; UAW and Ford Reach a Deal that Ends Potential Strike at Automaker's Largest Plant; Thomas Tuchel to leave Bayern Munich at end of Season. Aired 9-9:45a ET

Aired February 21, 2024 - 09:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: The Kremlin releases new pictures of its army chief on the front lines says Russia looks to advance

further in Eastern Ukraine. It's 4 pm in Kyiv, its 5 pm in Moscow, 6 pm here in Abu Dhabi. I'm Becky Anderson. This is "Connect the World" also

happening this hour.

Washington will roll out more sanctions on Russia, following the death of Alexei Navalny, an ex FBI informant openly admits to peddling Russian

misinformation against Joe Biden and his son Hunter. And the World Food Program is forced to halt aid deliveries to Northern Gaza.

Well, the markets in New York will open in about 30 minutes from now investors looking to see if chipmaker NVIDIA will deliver another

blockbuster earnings report that set to be released at the end of the trading day in New York. Currently, the futures sit indicating a lower

start to Wednesday's session.

Well times are very tough for Ukraine. We are just shy of two years since Vladimir Putin illegally invaded the east of the country, or Russia now

pushing ahead after the fall of the frontline city Avdiivka. And unlike Ukraine, the Kremlin says it's got the hardware to do it, with the Defense

Minister pointing to what he describes as thousands of drones being produced each day.

And it's not just hardware. Russia has a manpower advantage too. You're looking at Kremlin video of Russia's army chief awarding honors to soldiers

who took part in that Avdiivka assault. CNN's, Fred Pleitgen, standing by for you in Berlin. Alex Marquardt is live in Washington.

Let's start there, Alex, the U.S. rolling out new sanctions ahead of what is this two year anniversary of the war in Ukraine that as the country

struggles to pass the much needed aid package in Congress, what can we expect at this point?

ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, immediately following the death of Alexei Navalny, when it was announced on

Friday, President Biden noted the sanctions that the U.S. had already put on Russia and said that they were looking at what more could be done on

that front.

Now the Biden administration announcing that there will be a new round of sanctions that are going to be implemented against Russia. This was a

package that was already being planned. We're told by sources to be timed with this second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine this week.

Now, in the wake of Navalny's death, that package is being supplemented. We don't have specifics just yet. This package is going to be rolled out on

Friday, when we hope to learn more, but we are getting a few more details.

According to Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, these sanctions are going to target Russia's defense industrial complex, to try

to cut off revenue for what Sullivan is calling Russia's war machine. Here's a little bit more of what Sullivan had said yesterday.


JAKE SULLIVAN, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: This is another turn of the crank, another turn of the wheel. And it is a

range of targets, a significant range of targets that we have worked persistently and diligently to identify, to continue to impose costs for

what Russia has done for what it's done to Navalny, for what it's done to Ukraine, and for the threat that it represents to international peace and



MARQUARDT: So not just about the war in Ukraine, but about Navalny as well now the U.S. likes to sync up their sanctions with key allies. We know that

Biden has a call with G7 leaders on Friday.

We've seen this week the EU announced their 13th package of sanctions against Russia, targeting the production of drone, some 200 individuals and

companies, the U.K. also announcing that they are implementing sanctions against leaders of that Arctic penal colony where Navalny was being held.

But Becky, the administration also making clear here domestically in Washington, that one of the best ways they believe, would be to confront

Russia would be to send more aid to Ukraine, of course, that $60 billion being held up by Republicans in the House of Representatives with no sign

that, that bill is going to be passed anytime soon, Becky.

ANDERSON: And as that gets held up in Congress, let's be quite clear. Thank you, Alex.


Russia, making gains and taking advantage of those recent gains with this show of force, Fred, what is happening on the battlefield and what are we

hearing from Ukrainian officials at this point?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Becky, I think on several fronts right now, in the south and in the east of the

country. The Russians certainly are putting pressure on the Ukrainians. And I think you're absolutely right to say that the fact that the in Avdiivka

they've pushed the Ukrainians out of that area.

That certainly is something that the Russians appear to be building on or trying to build on at the very least, they've said today that they managed

to get least infiltrate some villages around that area and south of Avdiivka moving towards another frontline town, which is called Marinka,

which has been on the front lines, and have been under heavy pressure for an extremely long time by the Russians.

So that's certainly something that they are trying to build on. It was quite interesting to see the Defense Minister make those comments also, to

have Vladimir Putin's top general near the front lines, they say they're handing out awards to the soldiers who were part of that Avdiivka


The Ukrainians, for their part are saying that they have several major issues. But probably the two biggest ones among them are manpower issues

where they said they simply don't have enough troops on the front lines to fill up the ranks and confront the Russians the way that they could.

They do say that they could stop a lot of these assaults from the Russians if they had more manpower. But the other big thing and it's something that

Alex was alluding to, as well, is of course, firepower. And that's where that military aid from the U.S. being caught up in U.S. Congress by the

Republicans in the House of Representatives really is painful for the Ukrainians.

In fact, Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, he spoke about that with our own Christiane Amanpour, I wanted to listen to what he had to say.


DMYTRO KULEBA, UKRAINIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: They are making miracles, and they must be credited for that. But the reason they have to sacrifice

themselves and die is because someone is still debating a decision.


PLEITGEN: Someone is still debating a decision, possibly referring to the fact that aid for Ukraine is still caught up in U.S. Congress. But of

course, the Ukrainians also saying that some of the other Western allies have promised a lot of ammunition have not really followed up on those

promises the way that the Ukrainians had hoped the Ukrainians of course, saying ammo, a big problem for them right now, Becky.

ANDERSON: Fred Pleitgen on the story for you, Fred. Thank you. And next hour, folks, we'll get you on the ground in Ukraine where my colleague

Christiane Amanpour reports on just how slow this recruitment is at present and how that is hampering the country's war effort is a preview of her



CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: He is exhausting not only physically, but also for morale. Soldiers need to have normal

rotations. Pavlo (ph) tells me, so that they can rest from all of that and start working with renewed vigor.


ANDERSON: Well, Ukraine needs more soldiers but expanding the draft there is controversial. That is next hour on "Connect the World". Well to new

allegations now in what is an explosive U.S. court filing suggesting that Russia is once again tampering with the U.S. politics.

In the filing a Former FBI informant charged with falsely accusing U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter of taking massive bribes from a

Ukrainian energy company. He says he's made up intelligence came from Russian intelligence officials. CNN's Katelyn Polantz joins us now from

Washington. Just walk us through what is in this filing, if you will?

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: It's a lot, we knew already because of the arrest of Alexander Smirnov last week that he was

lying to the FBI, he had been an informant of theirs for 10 years talking to his handlers almost daily.

And he had lied in multiple years about the connection between Joe Biden his son Hunter and Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company, he was trying to

tell the FBI falsely that there was a stronger connection between these men and Burisma, including a quite a bit of money that had exchanged hands when

Joe Biden was Vice President.

That wasn't true. So now the Justice Department is coloring in the lines of this a little bit more and saying when he was sharing information with the

FBI in 2020 that was damaging to Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and even recently, when he was sharing information, it was coming from Russian

intelligence officials.

He was talking to people including a family member of high ranking Russian government -- of someone in the Russian government and also someone who was

controlling assassination efforts. And so Smirnov was telling the FBI he had these high ranking Russian contacts and that they were trying to get

him to tell the FBI to look into Hunter Biden.


Now all of this, Becky, comes at a time when House Republicans have wanted to try and impeach Joe Biden because of his foreign connections and his

financial connections. They haven't been able to find evidence of that. Partly because Alexander Smirnov one of the people that they thought was a

credible source on this was lying to the FBI and to other authorities in the U.S. about this.

And so now, we are watching to see what happens to that house impeachment effort around Joe Biden. But this is quite a significant case it really

miss recast our understanding not just of what we have heard in the political ecosystem about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and their foreign

connections, which weren't as strong as what Smirnov had been telling U.S. authorities.

It also reshapes our understanding of Russian disinformation coming in to American politics even now during this election cycle.

ANDERSON: Yeah, this is fascinating. Katelyn, good to have you, thank you very much indeed. Well, this hour, we are expecting an update from the

World Health Organization on the situation in Gaza that comes two days after the United Nations released a staggering report that says one in six

children under the age of 2 in the enclave faces acute malnutrition.

Conditions were already particularly alarming in Northern Gaza. And now this week, the U.N.'s Food Agency announced that it is pausing deliveries

to the north because it simply isn't safe enough. Well CNN's Nic Robertson has the details and a warning his report contains graphic video, which you

may find disturbing.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Causes food problem writ large hunger trumping fear of Israeli bullets. News of a

coming a convoy carrying flour into the north of Gaza, converging crowds to plunder it. We came here and the Israelis started opening fire on us and we

hid between the buildings Hamzana (ph) says when the fire stops, we come out again and wait for the flower.

The IDF say they will look into this incident. But say they can't rule out Hamas shooting desperation leading to looting a growing problem in Northern


HAMISH YOUNG, SENIOR EMERGENCY COORDINATOR AT UNICEF: We're talking tens and tens of thousands for you know 510 trucks. It's the food that he's

getting through is it's just a drop in the ocean. It's not nearly enough.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Theft so bad. The principal U.N. food supplier the WFP declaring Tuesday it will stop deliveries to the north. Compounding the

already dire conditions 15 percent of children fewer than two have malnutrition.

YOUNG: It's now at an emergency level. According to international standards, once you're over 15 percent for acute malnutrition, that's a

nutritional crisis and an emergency and we are there.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): The most common thing that comes into hospital is malnutrition. Dr. Abu Safeer (ph) says it creates complications sometimes

even death, even before the World Food Program canceled food deliveries, children venting fears shared by adults, abandonment by the world.

The whole family is dead on Abraham Welsh. Is he the last one alive gesturing towards her grandson? As bad as hunger is Israel's armaments

remain more deadly -- Abraham's home in the Surat, Central Gaza. One granddaughter dug out of the rubble killed in the massive airstrike.

Another clings to life as rescuers give her CPR. In Southern Gaza, where food supplies are slightly better, this plastic surgeon just out of the

besieged on Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis close to tears.

DR. AHMAD MOGHRABI, HEAD OF PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY AT NASSER HOSPITAL: I couldn't offer anything to my children we used to eat only you

know only bring my shipping the word some sweets. I couldn't provide some sweets for my children by little here, three years old. She used to ask me

many things but I couldn't provide --



ANDERSON: Nic Robertson reporting there from Tel Aviv. Well legal ruling in one U.S. state that has surprised many people around the world the decision

on embryos and what that could mean for the future of fertility treatments. That is coming up.


ANDERSON: -- is an unprecedented ruling in the United States. Alabama's Supreme Court has issued the decision that frozen embryos are children.

That means in the state of Alabama, anyone who destroys embryos can now be held liable for wrongful death. While the courts Chief Justice wrote and I

quote here God made every person in his image.

Each person therefore has a value that far exceeds the ability of human beings to calculate and human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without

incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of his image as an affront to Himself. CNN's Isabel Rosales is standing by she is

following this for us from Atlanta.

This ruling now puts the question of when life begins well into the national spotlight front and center in the United States. Can you just

explain how we got to this point and what reproductive rights activists worry could happen next?

ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Alabama is now the first state in the nation to say that frozen embryos or children, and that people could be

sued for destroying them. So this really brings up the question of the future of IVF. And not only Alabama, but other states that this could

potentially be opening the door for.

We could see this happening out in other states. Now in terms of impacts, we are just getting this into the newsroom that at least 1 out of the 5

fertility clinics in the state of Alabama has been instructed by their affiliate hospital to pause, IVF treatments. This is according to Sean

Tipton, a Spokesman with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

So let me take a step back here to how we got to this point. This case they got to the state's highest court. Stems from a wrongful death lawsuits

filed by the parents of "embryonic children", embryos that they got through IVF. And what happened was that their embryos were in a cryogenic nursery

awaiting implantation while the patient got access to that nursery, and then accidentally dropped those embryos on the floor destroying them.

So this brought up the legal question about whether a frozen embryo was a human or a child and whether there could be liability associated with that



Obviously now the Supreme Court of Alabama agrees and has sided with the parents said liability could be a factor here. But according to

Reproductive Rights advocates could have huge implications for IVF going forward, making it less accessible, making it more costly to patients that

it could skyrocket liability costs, and also force patients to consider lifelong storage fees.

And then Becky, there's also the question of who gets to decide what happens with unwanted or unneeded embryos? Listen.



that you have the greatest number of attempts at pregnancy. Those embryos are the rights of the people who created them. They may decide to donate

them to someone else.

They may decide to donate them to medical science, they may keep them frozen, but they are their choice to do now, we simply don't know who has

the rights here.


ROSALES: And Becky, we're already seeing one religious group using this Alabama ruling as precedent and a Florida abortion rights case. So we're

really going to see the impacts just starting to roll in.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, good to have you on the story. Thank you very much. Well, I want to turn now to a tragic story out of Livingston, Texas, a

young girl vanished on Thursday after her family thought she had left home to catch her school bus while the Sheriff says they have found the body of

11 year old Audrii Cunningham in a river.

Well, authorities are expected to charge a family friend Dawn Stephen McDougal in the case in some social media comments McDougal contends he's

not guilty and says he even helped search for her. CNN's Rosa Flores has the latest.


SHERIFF BYRON LYONS, POLK COUNTY AT TEXAS: As earlier announced that Audrii's body was located at the Trinity River on the U.S. Highway 59.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Six days of searching, praying, hoping ends with a grim discovery. Authority says cell phone

analysis as well as video and social media helped them to pinpoint her location. The spot was also one of several given to authorities by Dawn

Steven McDougal.

SHELLY SITTON, DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF POLK COUNTY AT TEXAS: Based on all of the evidence that law enforcement has collected, they are in the process of

preparing the appropriate arrest warrants for Dawn Steven McDougal. At this time we believe the appropriate arrest warrant is going to be for capital

murder in the death of Audrii Cunningham. He is currently still in jail under an unrelated felony charge.

FLORES (voice-over): Audrii was last seen in this Livingston, Texas neighborhood about 70 miles northeast of Houston at about 7 am Thursday

state police say. But she never got on the bus and never made it to school that day. McDougal lives on the Cunningham family's property.

The Polk County Sheriff said they believe McDougal was the last person to see her and says he admits to leaving the house with her Thursday morning

around 7 am.

LYONS: And they would have made it to the bus stop, which is relatively just a little under a mile in the same community, real close.

FLORES: Did anyone see her at that bus stop?


FLORES: No other witnesses saw her at the bus stop.

FLORES (voice-over): Sheriff Lyons says when Audrii was reported missing and the community started searching McDougal joined in appearing to help.

LYONS: He just happened in a search.

FLORES: What does that tell you?

LYONS: Well, I mean, to me, he simply tells me is that he's trying to give you the appearances that he has no play or he's not at fault in her

disappearance and that I am part of the concern parties who will trying to locate her.

FLORES: Do you believe that?

LYONS: No, I don't.

FLORES (voice-over): Sheriff Lyons took CNN to the area where authorities recovered a key clue when Audrii's disappearance. He says authorities

located the girl's bright red Hello Kitty backpack near this dam Friday.

LYONS: Just a little west of us here.

FLORES: -- is in the water?

LYONS: No, it was along the riverbank. There was enough in it to lead us to believe strongly that it is Andres backpack.

FLORES: That it was hers. What about signs of struggle or blood or any other DNA?

LYONS: No, ma'am. There were no signs of struggle there.

FLORES (voice-over): The 11 year old Audrii has touched the hearts of many, including law enforcement in this community.

FLORES: Did you cry over this?

LYONS: Several nights, several days. Yeah. So I have kids of my own. I feel that pain, the feeling.


ANDERSON: Rosa Flores is joining us now from Livingston, Texas. I mean I think we can all feel the pain. Rosa, what more did we learn from those

court documents?


FLORES (on camera): You know, as you mentioned the details that we're learning are just disturbing to every parent. According to authorities, the

suspect in this case was a family friend. And so this individual went from being a family friend, who was trusted with taking Audrii to the bus stop

in the mornings, to being a person of interest in her disappearance and now to being the suspect in her killing. And authorities say that they have

enough evidence to charge this man with capital murder.

Now, if you look around me, this is the area of the crime scene. This is the area where authorities say that they recovered her body. If you look

behind me, there's a river. That's the Trinity River here in the area close to Livingston, Texas. And according to the sheriff, they had to lower the

water levels of this river in order for them to recover the body.

Now, authorities will not go into the details of the conditions of the body, Becky and they also say that at this point, they do not know cause of

and manner of death. Becky?

ANDERSON: What do they know about Mr. McDougal at this point and was he on the radar ahead of this?

FLORES: You know McDougal has a long criminal history. And so he has had a lot of interaction with police and also with prosecutors not just in this

county in Polk County, but in other counties in this area. Now from scouring through a lot of those court records, some of his criminal record

includes things like aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, enticing a child.

Now when you hear that particular charge, Becky, you think, was this man registered as a sex offender? The sheriff was asked about that. And the

sheriff said he didn't know the details about that charge because that charge was in a separate county, not in this county. But he said that it

wasn't enough, that charge wasn't enough to force him to register as a sex offender, Becky.


ANDERSON: Right, the markets in New York just about to open on the podium for that bell. Today the National Museum of African American culture, its

director, Kevin Young is ringing in the trading day.


And we off to the races out of the gates welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. You're watching "Connect the World". Investors waiting on the

NVIDIA earnings report later today. Goldman Sachs calls this the most important stock on earth. Now the NVIDIA stocks waiting in equity indexes

could seriously shake up the market depending on what it does today.

That is what the futures are suggesting to keep one eye on that, the markets out of the gate and this is the story. Here's our NVIDIA's shares

then are performing at the start of trading. We saw that the company's CEO, Jensen Huang was in Dubai last week at the World Government Summit. And he

explained just why the company is so important to the wider tech ecosystem and why investors are so excited.


JENSEN HUANG, CEO, NVIDIA: We put accelerated computing or high performance computing in the hands of every single researcher in the world. And so,

when we accelerate the rate of innovation, we're democratizing the technology. The cost of building purchasing a supercomputer today, it's

really negligible. And the reason for that is because we're making it faster and faster and faster. Whatever performance you need, costs a lot

less today than it used to.


ANDERSON: NVIDIA's CEO Jensen Huang keeping an eye out on those markets and on that stock price ahead of the results today. America's beer industry is

dealing with one strike and bracing for another in a dispute over wages. Right now more than 400 Teamsters union workers are on strike at the Molson

Coors Brewery in Texas. And 5000 more could go on the strike on March the first at the Anheuser-Busch brewery, the largest U.S. brewery.

The Molson Coors strikers come as that company reports strong sales and profits. Vanessa Yurkevich joins me from New York. It is all about the beer

and chips today. Let's start with a beer, what's the union saying about negotiation?

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, so today you either have workers on strike or workers threatening to go on strike at

North America's two biggest beer brewers. First let's start with Molson Coors. You got about 400 people on the picket lines at one brewery in Fort

Worth, Texas. And essentially the union there is saying that the company offered them a $1 an hour pay increase in terms of the contract that they

put on the table.

They the union call that offer insulting and they point particularly to the earnings to the profits. We know that last year Molson Coors before taxes

reported earnings of $1.5 billion, that's a 39 percent increase from the year before. And a similar story is playing out with Anheuser-Busch. We

could see a week from this Friday 5000 union workers headed to the picket lines if a deal is not reached by February 29th at 11.59 p.m.

The Teamsters rejected the offer that Anheuser-Busch put on the table and said, no guys, we want to see your best and final offer. The union says

they are still waiting for that offer to come through. They also point to the profits that Anheuser-Busch has posted over the last year about a 5

percent increase in the third quarter of last year.

And Becky, this is really a story that we've seen over the last couple years, different industries, auto workers, Hollywood, all pointing to

record profits companies are making and the workers feeling Becky like they're not getting their fair share of this deal.

ANDERSON: Talking about workers and other labor story developing this hour, UAW and Ford as I understand it have reached a deal. Tell us what that deal

is and what it means?

YURKEVICH: Yeah, just moments ago, we heard that Ford and the UAW union locally in Kentucky have reached a deal. It's important to remind viewers

that a national agreement was reached last year. However there are a lot of local deals that need to be wrapped up. And Kentucky Truck Plant in

Kentucky is Ford's biggest facility and there are 9000 workers that work there.

And the union there was threatening to go on strike this Friday if the local details were not wrapped up that had to do with health and safety in

the workplace, also the appropriate number of implant nursing staff to care for workers.


But just today, just this morning about a few minutes ago getting word that they have reached that deal that they have averted another strike, this

would have been a hard hit for Ford. Last year we saw this plan in particular go on strike during the UAW strikes against the big three; it

would have been a big impact for Ford, but clearly the two sides coming together on this agreement at the last minute.

ANDERSON: You're up-to-date in your business news, Vanessa, thank you for that. Well, protesters gathered outside the UK's High Court in London this

hour. Inside lawyers for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange are making a final legal bid to head off his extradition to the United States. Today is

the final day of the hearing.

And if the court denies him a fresh appeal, Assange must leave the UK in the next 28 days. Well, Assange is wanted by U.S. authorities for multiple

counts of espionage. If convicted, he could face life in prison. We're following developments at the court closely and we will have a lot more for

you in the following hour next hour.

This hour, though, ahead in sports Bayern Munich's manager is going to step down a year before his contract expires. We'll talk about the disappointing

results that have led to this man's early exit.


ANDERSON: On to showcase for you now. Two remarkable individuals recognized as laureates for this year's Rolex Awards for Enterprise. The award is on

an innovative ventures protecting the environment and improving human wellbeing. Among the five laureates are -- a social entrepreneur, and

Constantino Aucca Chuta who is a biologist. We delve deeper into their impactful projects with this.


UNDENTIFIED FEMALE: I always thought that close to do something that appears in stores. You buy it, you wear it. You throw it out when you no

longer want to, often without a second thought. And that's really the mission of Sukkha Citta is really to reconnect people from all over the

world with the people who are making their clothes, but at the same time, also the planet.

Behind a simple choice like what you were, there all these women who are invisible, who don't have any access to actually lift themselves from

poverty. We're basically providing them with access to education equipping them with skills in order to be able to determine how much they should be

getting from their work.


But the thing that is also connecting them directly to market. The fact that we're working with villages, not factories, it means that we're

leveraging what's literally already there. Try our use of natural dyes; we've prevented almost 4 million liters of toxic dyes from our rivers. And

most importantly, by changing how our materials are being grown, we've regenerated 43 hectares of degraded soil.

CONSTANTINO AUCCA CHUTA, CO-FOUNDER OF ACCION ADINA: I come from the -- I have a big commitment; I have to fight for my heritage, my family and this

Mother Earth. Accion Adina is not yes, a planting program. Our mission is to engage local communities, recovering unseen practices to do a massive

restoration program on all down this.

Also we provide them some tools like a leadership plus sustainable program to secure bad action and the next looking for. We are going to plant

millions of trees. We need a lot of people of course, and the communities - -.


ANDERSON: Well, Bayern Munich's manager is paying the price for his Club's poor run of form. Thomas Tuchel will leave the German giants at the end of

the season. Let's bring in Amanda Davies who has "World Sport" up after this break. And Bayern basically dropped three straight matches for the

first time in nine years. So if Thomas Tuchel didn't see this coming, I think we'd be surprised, Amanda, correct?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yeah, I mean, we were talking about it on Monday the question very much being when not. If that old favorite phrase

that by mutual agreement has been used in the statement from Bayern Munich that they've released today. They're not getting rid of their man

immediately; they have given him till the end of the season. But the wording is very much between now and the end of the season.

We expect the best and better from the team not only in the Bundesliga, they're currently eight points so off the lead looking to not claim the

title for the first time in 12 seasons. There a goal down in their Champions League, a round of 16 after the first leg against Lazio. But it's

fascinating as to what happens next for them.

And of course so many clubs like Liverpool, we've got Xavi Hernandez leaving Barcelona, a proper merry go round you suspect will ensue shortly.

ANDERSON: What a best swipe at the players, I think that statement to be honest, I mean, it's like pull your finger out guys. Let's get to the end

of the season and not be halfway down the table at this point which is so I mean, it's almost unheard of anybody's been watching European football for

as long as you and I have. Thank you. That is coming up in "World Sport" back after this.

