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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Deliberate Crash in the Alps: Motive for Murder; Yemen in Chaos; U.S. Airstrikes Pound ISIS Targets in Tikrit. Aired 4-4:30a ET

Aired March 27, 2015 - 04:00   ET


[04:00:17] CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Motive for murder. Investigators trying to figure out why the co- pilot of Germanwings 9525 deliberately, deliberately crashed the plane, killing himself and everyone else onboard. The disturbing reality deepening the mystery and grief this morning.

Live team coverage starts right now.

Good morning. Welcome to EARLY START, everyone. I'm Christine Romans.

It is Friday, March 27th. It's 4:00 a.m. in the East. John Berman all this week has been in Washington, D.C.

We answer new questions. We have new answers this morning in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, and many more questions as well.

A French prosecutor says the co- pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit and deliberately flew the plane -- deliberately flew the plane into the mountain side killing 148 people and himself. That co-pilot has been identified as 27-year-old German national Andreas Lubitz. But the central question, the central mystery here, why?

German police searching his two homes for clues. The FBI announcing it will help French authorities in the investigation.

For the latest on all of this, I want to bring in CNN's Rosie Tomkins live at Lubitz's home in Montabaur, Germany.

Good morning, Rosie.


Yes, I'm here in Montabaur, which is where the family home is of Lubitz, where we believe he grew up with his parents, and we believe a brother. We were told us that his grandparents lived nearby here. This is a community that he and his family have been part of.

And the family had been described as engaged in the community, a good family, an upright family. So, really nothing shedding light on why this young man would have done this. But he does stand accused of deliberately crashing this plane. As you say, 27 years old, a few years flying the Germanwings, a junior pilot with 630 hours of flying, an impeccable record so far. And gradually, more details are emerging about him.

We've spoken to people at the local flying club who knew him. They said he was passionate about flying when he was a teenager and following was that dream. Those that knew him there said he was a normal young man, polite, excited about flying, and really just cannot believe that this is something he could have done.

And we are hearing the same words we have been hearing all week. People are speechless. It's conceivable to them that he could have done this.

In the community here, there's the shock that this family could have been involved, but also sympathy for the parents. You know, these parents must be in shock and grieving for the loss of their son. And now, of course, they are dealing with the news that he stands accused of deliberately crashing the plane and killing all these people. So, an incredibly shocking piece of news for the community and, of course, Lubitz's family who live as I said in this home behind me, Christine.

ROMANS: Rosie, when we look at these pictures that we've been showing, we see him sitting in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, we see him running in what looks like running a 5k or some sort of race. This looks like a typical young man, seeing the world, with a great job and everything in front of him.

Any clues yet -- are you hearing any clues about what went wrong here?

TOMKINS: No, Christine. I mean, exactly that's what's such a mystery about this, is he just appears to be a normal young man. As you say, fit, physically fit, running. He loved to run. You know, the CEO of Lufthansa spoke exclusively to Fred Pleitgen of CNN yesterday on Thursday, and he reiterated there were no indications he was mentally unstable. They have a system in place where crew members can inform in confidentiality if they wish, if they have any concern about any colleague not being fit to fly and there was nothing internally to indicate that there was any issue there.

So, it really does remain a mystery were he would have done this. But as you say, the police desperately searching for clues here at the family home and in Dusseldorf. They have confirmed to us that they have taken some things from the apartment in Dusseldorf. They have been seen living the family home with bags and computer. So, they will be looking for anything they can to answer questions to the authorities and, of course, families desperate for answers -- Christine.

ROMANS: All right. Rosie Tomkins, thank you for that so much, Rosie, at his family, at the co- pilot's family home in Germany.

Meantime, crews in the French Alps facing this very grim tough this morning, recovering scattered remains under daunting conditions. The crash scene is five acres across, accessible only by helicopters. Rescuers must be lowered on cables because there's no place for the choppers to land. Victims family members, more than 250 of them, arriving in buses at the nearby village of Le Vernet for a memorial service. International Erin McLaughlin at the recovery base camp near there for

us this morning with the very latest.

Good morning, Erin.


Well, just a short while ago, we saw the first choppers of the day leave the staging area you see behind me for the crash site, much work there still to be done. They're still looking for the flight data recorder, which could give them more information about how the plane was flying. They are also looking for human remains. Now, we understand that those remains are having to be air-lifted out of the site.

Experts say that DNA analysis could take weeks and that the bodies will not be returned to the families until that DNA analysis is complete. So, a heartbreaking wait for the families ahead. They were here in the area yesterday. They attended a memorial service in a village near the crash site. They were overlooking the mountain behind which the wreckage lies. And then they attended another prayer service last night.

Many of the families thought to have gone home in the evening, all waking up this morning to the grim reality of the recovery effort continues and that their loved ones have yet to be identified -- Christine.

ROMANS: All right. Erin McLaughlin, such a sad grim task ahead of them. We wish them the best and no more -- no more injuries or loss of life as they try to find the pieces of that plane and find the rest of those bodies. Thank you so much.

Six minutes after the hour.

The ability of co-pilot Andreas Lubitz to lock the pilot out of the cockpit is raising questions this morning about the in-flight policies of Lufthansa, the company which owns Germanwings.

Senior international correspondent Frederik Pleitgen spoke exclusively with Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr and asked him about the airlines policy allowing a pilot to be alone in a cockpit.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In the United States, for instance, if one of the crew members lives the cockpit, there always has to be someone who goes in, a flight attendant or something. Why was the co-pilot allowed to be in the cockpit alone?

CARSTEIN SPOHR, CEO, LUFTHANSA AIRLINES: Also in the United States, to my knowledge, that's only true for very few airlines. Most airlines around follow the same procedures as Lufthansa that in flight phases with low workload, the pilot can leave the cockpit, especially for physical need, and then he returns to the cockpit as fast as he can. That's a global thing, most accepted procedure, which we have used at Lufthansa for many, many years.


ROMANS: Regulators and airlines now are reviewing their cockpit rules. The U.K. Civil Aviation Authority urging airlines to require two people, two people to be present in the cockpit at all times. That is already required in the United States.

So far, Germanwings parent Lufthansa says its rules allowing the pilot or co- pilot to be alone in the cockpit for a short time, Lufthansa hasn't changed those rules yet. But Air Berlin, easyJet, and Norwegian Air Shuttle decided to change their policies. Emirates Airlines is also changing its rules. Canadian regulators implementing that change country-wide.

So, what do these rules mean? If a pilot or co- pilot has to step out, another crew member will stand on the flight deck so no pilot is left alone.

Many people are wondering today why the Germanwings pilot was not able to bash his way into the cockpit. We're going to give you an up-close look at the door, just like the one on that downed airliner to show you just how impenetrable it is. That's coming up in 15 minutes.

The conflict in Yemen threatening to erupt into a full scale Middle East war. Saudi Arabia leading another round of airstrikes on Iranian-backed Houthi rebels overnight. The U.S. not participating in the attacks that the Pentagon did provide the intelligence needed to launch them. And now, the Saudis, along with the Egyptians, are threatening to send ground troops into Yemen if necessary.

CNN's Ian Lee is monitoring developments live from Cairo.

And this is a situation that just keeps growing in terms of the involvement and the concerns about what it means for engulfing the region.

IAN LEE, CNN REPORTER: That's right, Christine.

And last night, we saw second wave of air strikes hitting 15 targets conducted by coalition forces, hitting weapon depots. We are also hearing reports that targets near the presidential palace were also hit. And in the port city of Aden, we are hearing there is chaos on the streets as pro and anti-Houthi militias square off.

Well, in the Sharm el-Shaikh, in the Red Sea city here in Egypt, the Arab League is meeting. They're going to hold a summit to discuss this.

But what we're already seeing is an unprecedented Arab coalition. We haven't seen this sort of air-backed coalition in decades. They are conducting this operation in Yemen. Egypt has mobilized a large force in support. We are seeing their air force involved, their warships, and land forces have been offered if that is necessary. We know there is a blockade around Yemen as well, so no weapons or no

supplies can go to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.

[04:10:06] From the ambassador, he detailed really what the final objectives are. Take a listen.


AMBASSADOR ADEL AL-JUBEIR, THE SAUDI AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES: We are preparing for all eventualities inside the kingdom, as well as outside the kingdom. We are determined to defend Yemen, defend the legitimate government of Yemen, degrade and destroy the capabilities of the Houthis.


LEE: And this will be very difficult to do -- to destroy and degrade the capabilities of the Houthis without some sort of ground invasion. But I can tell you, Egyptian generals are watching this very closely. In the '60s, Egypt was involved in the civil war in Yemen, which turned into their Vietnam. They launched many troops in that battle. They don't want this to happen again.

But, ultimately, when you look at Yemen, it is a proxy war. On one side, you have President Hadi as well as Sunni tribesmen. On the other side, the Iranian-backed Houthi fighters. And so, with that, you are seeing really these two large scale -- large countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran, square off there -- Christine.

ROMANS: So, Ian, if there were a ground invasion, how effective could a ground invasion actually be in Yemen?

LEE: I have been to Yemen. I've been to the mountains surrounding it. And they are perilous. They are a lot of areas where fighters can hide out, do guerrilla style tactics that's very similar in part to Afghanistan.

And these Houthi fighters have been in this area for centuries. They know this terrain very well. So, it will be difficult for any sort of ground force. When you look at Arab armies, these are not well- trained with guerilla tactics. These are very conventional military forces.

So, we do have generals very worried about what a land operation would like if it were to take place. Right now, they are hoping these air strikes can -- be sufficient enough, but any land scale operation will incur heavy casualties. And that is something different Arab capitals have to be ready to explain to their people why their forces are there.

ROMANS: All right. Ian Lee for us this morning in Cairo -- thank you, Ian.

Turning to Iraq now, where a U.S.-led coalition staged 17 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Tikrit overnight. Until now, Iranian-backed Shiite militias were leading the offensive with Iraqi forces. But now that the U.S. has entered the flight, those militias are boycotting the battle.

"New York Times" reporting that they are even threatening to attack Americans.

Let's bring in CNN's Jomana Karadsheh live from Baghdad.

Complicated, Jomana.

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is a very complicated situation, Christine. If you look at what has been going in Tikrit over the past month, we saw Iraqi forces making advances around that city. These forces are predominately made up of Shia militias. These are militias that are backed by Iran, about 20,000 of them, and about 4,000 Iraqi security forces.

What happened was they did make great advances. They got to the outskirts of Tikrit. They surrounded the city, but they could not push forward.

And officials here as described the situation around Tikrit, that battle for the city over the past couple weeks as a tactical pause. They say they have not been able to advance because of the heavy resistance they have been met with by ISIS, whether it's snipers, improvised explosive devices, booby traps that really stopped them from pushing forward.

So, the Iraqi government, because the United States, the coalition cannot carry out air strikes without the permission of the Iraqi government. The government tells us that they requested assistance from the coalition because of the difficulty of going after these ISIS targets inside the city. They say they need the air power capabilities that the United States and coalition have. Precision airstrikes, powerful airstrikes that the Iraqi air force does not possess to go after these targets to allow them to advance.

But here's the problem, Christine, is that the forces that have been doing most of the fighting, these Iranian-backed Shia militias, and the volunteers that are fighting along their side are not reacting well. They consider the United States as an enemy, most of them do. And they say that now, some of these groups are saying, they're going to boycott the fight. They are not going to push forward.

Others are saying that they are going to stay in their positions, but not advance into the city. So, a very difficult situation to see how the Iraqi forces are going to do this on their own. We heard yesterday from the General Lloyd Austin, the commander of CentCom, saying that pre-conditioned for the U.S. involvement here in Tikrit, in the operation there, was that these militias would pull back and will not be taking part in the clearing operations.

Very interesting situation to see how Iraqi forces would be able to do it without these Iranian-backed Shia militias, who at this point are saying the United States is joining the fight to get the credit basically and steal their victory as they describe it, Christine.

[04:15:12] ROMANS: All right. Jomana Karadsheh, thank you for that this morning, for us in Baghdad.

A huge explosion in New York City. More than a dozen injured when a building suddenly erupts in fire. It collapses. What we are learning this morning, next.


ROMANS: New York City's mayor says the huge explosion and fire that destroyed two buildings in Manhattan's East Village appears to be gas related. Officials say two other buildings were damaged. One is in danger of collapsing. At least 19 people were injured in the blast, four in them in critical condition.

Witnesses say the explosion rocked the neighborhood.


RUHEN MIAH, MANAGES NEARBY RESTAURANT: I was inside. I was inside in the back. And we heard a big noise and then we come out. I thought it was a car accident. Then I saw, like, smoke outside. It started a fire.


ROMANS: City officials say gas utility inspectors were at the building just over an hour before the explosion.

Federal prosecutors say the FBI foiled an alleged attempt by an Illinois army national guardsman and his cousin to attack a U.S. military base and skill scores of soldiers in the name of ISIS. Hasan Edmonds and his cousin Jonas are charged with conspiring to provide material support to a terrorist organization. Authorities arrested Hasan at Chicago's Midway Airport, trying to travel to Libya to fight with ISIS.

Prosecutors in the trial of accused Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev expected to rest their case on Monday. In court Thursday, jurors were shown six replica bombs built by the FBI. They viewed autopsy photos that had jurors in tears. Tsarnaev is accused in the marathon attack that killed three people, injured more than 250. If convicted, he could get the death penalty.

[04:20:00] Locked out and powerless to stop his co-pilot from killing everyone onboard. Next, we're taking you inside the cockpit to show you how the captain of the Germanwings 9525 was kept out, how he never had a fighting chance to stop the deadly disaster.


ROMANS: Since the revelation of the pilot of Germanwings flight 9525 can be heard banging hard on the door, people have been asking why he and the flight crew couldn't find a way to smash their way into the cockpit. The answer, since 9/11, cockpit doors and lock have been drastically reinforced.

For demonstration, we sent Stephanie Elam to the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Christine, we're inside of a cockpit similar to the A320 to give you an idea of what it looks like from the pilot's vantage point. As you see, we've got the cockpit door here. It's a slim door. But don't let that fool you. We've got the peep hole, you can see -- a pilot could see outside.

But there's more security to this door. I want to take you outside and introduce you to Captain Ross Aimer.

Captain Aimer, if you take a look at this door, it is really thick. I could actually feel it's heavy. What would it take to break down this door?

CAPT. ROSS AIMER, RETIRED UNITED AIRLINES CAPTAIN: Probably more than a grenade, because it has been tested with a grenade against it and it did not open it.

ELAM: Wow. So, it's really a fortified door.

AIMER: It's a fortress door. That's what we call it.

ELAM: But beyond that, there are other ways that a pilot can make sure that no one else can get in here, like this lock up top. Tell me about this lock.

[04:25:01] AIMER: All right. This is a deadbolt as you can see. If that deadbolt is engaged, again, this door is completely locked.

ELAM: No matter what?

AIMER: No matter what.

ELAM: How would you get in there?

AIMER: You can't.

ELAM: Period, no one?

AIMER: Period, no one.

ELAM: So, if that is engaged, no one is getting in here at all?

AIMER: This, of course, there is a key back here if you like to show that. However, flight crews are no longer issued that key.

ELAM: That key. So, no one --

AIMER: Initially, we have the key, but TSA decided no key.

ELAM: No more keys. All right.

There is also, when you look at the door from the outside, besides that key, there is the fact there is no real way to break in here. There is a keypad.

AIMER: Correct.

ELAM: Tell me about that.

AIMER: That keypad is a code as you can see that flight crews are given that code. It changes periodically. I can't tell you how often or what. But you put the code in and you have 30 seconds to enter when that code -- if something happens and you don't get in within 30 seconds, that locks itself back out again. Now, it's finished.

ELAM: It's finished. So, you can't get back in. And besides that, the pilot on the inside, if he wanted, or she wanted to, they could make it so that you can't get in with a code no matter what.

AIMER: Correct. You saw that deadbolt lock. And there's two other buttons that would deny access. It basically does the same thing as that deadbolt. It renders the door inoperative.

ELAM: So, the question is, based on what we know so far about this Germanwings crash, do you believe the door operated the way it was supposed to?

AIMER: It operated exactly the way it was designed to. Unfortunately, this time, it kept the good guy out.

ELAM: That is very sobering.

Christine, back to you.


ROMANS: I know the whole system is designed to keep somebody out. Not to prevent someone inside the cockpit from having complete access and control of the aircraft.

Twenty-six minutes past the hour.

Happening now: investigators try to figure out why the co-pilot of that flight deliberately crashed the plane. Some questions, a few new answers. Live team coverage, next.