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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Clinton's Course Correction; Carson Gun Controversy; Russia Not Letting Up in Syria;' Wild! National League Wild Card. Aired 5-5:30a ET

Aired October 08, 2015 - 05:00   ET


ALISON KOSIK, CNN MONEY CORRESPONDENT: But the use of a pin instead of signature, that would be more secure.

[05:00:04] The problem is, John, it is not required yet to put in the pin.

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, CNN ANCHOR: Europe has been doing it for years and for years. It just seems like, why are we weirdly behind on this thing?

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: I had such high hopes.

KOSINSKI: We'll just jump way ahead, next.

BERMAN: EARLY START continues right now.


Hillary Clinton reverses course. The Democratic frontrunner splits with the White House on a trade deal that she once supported. How does this affect the 2016 presidential race? We'll explain.

KOSIK: And Ben Carson says he would fight back against a would-be mass shooter. But when faced with a man with a gun, what did he do?

BERMAN: And Russia launching attacks from the sea, into Syria, as the Syrian military claims a huge new ground assault just launched this morning. We are live with the latest details on that escalating conflict.

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to EARLY START. I'm John Berman.

KOSINSKI: And I'm Michelle Kosinski, in for Christine Romans.

It's Thursday, October 8th, it is 5:00 a.m. in the East.

Well, Hillary Clinton is splitting with the White House this morning over a trade deal she once pushed for and voiced support for dozens and dozens of times as secretary of state. She has come out against the Trans Pacific Partnership, a huge 12-nation deal known as TPP for short. President Obama has been aggressively promoting the deal. Clinton did much the same as secretary of state, but that was before it had actually been negotiated. Now that the agreement has been finalized, Clinton tells PBS's Judy Woodruff that it doesn't meet the high bar she had sought -- that would be creating American jobs, lifting wages and advancing national security.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We've learned about trade agreements in the past for years. Sometimes they look great on paper. I know when President Obama came into office, he inherited a trade agreement with South Korea. I, along with other members of the cabinet, pushed hard to get a better agreement. We think we made improvements.

Now, looking back on it, it doesn't have the results we thought it would have in terms of access to the markets, more exports, et cetera.

JUDY WOODRUFF, PBS: So, are you saying that, as of today, this is not something you could support?

CLINTON: What I know about it as of today, I am not in favor of what I have learned about it.


KOSINSKI: The White House, of course, says exactly the opposite. Clinton is in Washington for a Hispanic caucus event. President Obama is speaking at the same awards dinner, creating the possibility of an awkward moment if he and Clinton cross path.

BERMAN: Hey, thanks, Hillary.

Clinton joins most Democrats in Congress and most of the Democratic rivals for president in opposing this trade deal. Bernie Sanders welcomed her change of heart, calling the TPP quote, "a continuation of disastrous trade policies that have led to the loss of millions of decent-paying jobs." That's what he said.

What a prelude to the CNN debate. How will Clinton and how will Sanders handle this when they face off head-to-head for the very first time Tuesday night right here on CNN?

You know, this is a crucial moment for sanders. He is leading in New Hampshire, nipping at Hillary Clinton's heels in Iowa, but nationally, maybe not as well known. So, what will he do in this debate?

Let's get the plan from CNN's Sunlen Serfaty in Washington.


SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Michelle and John.

Well, there is a lot riding on Tuesday's debate for Bernie Sanders. He's been out raising money, attracting big crowds and doing well in the polls. But this will be the first time that voters will see in facing off with Hillary Clinton. The campaign is calling this a very important moment for Sanders. They understand that, and certainly how he approaches handling Clinton and drawing policy distinctions with her up on stage will be key. I asked Bernie Sanders how he is approaching that as he preps for this debate.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You are looking at a candidate who has run in many elections, who has never run a negative political ad in my life and I hope to never have to run one. You are looking at a candidate who does not go about attacking people personally. I just don't do that.

But what I think democracy is about and what I think debates are about is in fact differentiating the differences of opinions that we have. That's full democracy. That's a good thing. And I look forward to a vigorous debate on the most important issues facing this country.

SERFATY: Now, that said, Bernie Sanders said he is very ready for the whole handful of topics to draw those policy distinctions with Clinton over TPP, over the Keystone Pipeline, over Wall Street. So, that certainly will be something that he intends to bring to the debate stage.

Now, tomorrow, Sanders will rule out his first congressional endorsement from Representative Grijalva of Arizona. He will also have three big campaign rallies over the weekend in Arizona, in Boulder, Colorado, and in Las Vegas.

[05:05:05] The campaign very eager, Michelle and John, to send him in with a lot of momentum to Tuesday's debate.


BERMAN: All right. Sunlen Serfaty, thank you so much.

Again, the Democratic presidential debate. This is the first face-off in the contest. It is right here on CNN. There's really a lot at stake for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and others on the stage. Tuesday night, the official debate kicks off at 8:30 p.m.

But you know what? You should have CNN on the whole time every now and then.

KOSINSKI: You need to be the announcer for this. That job.

BERMAN: I'm in there. I'm going out there Saturday. I'll be there. I'll broadcast starting Sunday.

KOSINSKI: You are pumped up.

BERMAN: I've been doing my stretching exercises.

KOSINSKI: Well, don't forget, on the Republican side, there's now controversy swirling around Ben Carson this morning.

Conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted out -- tweet -- touting Carson as a prospective, quote, "real black president." That was after pointing to a story of discontent with President Obama among African-Americans.

Carson himself taking heat over the statements of the Oregon victims should have attacked the gunman. This time, it's the so-called "lucky one" who survives who's blasting Carson. Matthew Downing tells CNN via Facebook, "I'm fairly upset he said that. No one can truly understand what actions they would take in a situation like that unless they lived it."

We are learning that Carson did live through a similar situation and did not fight back. He told Sirius XM he was held at gun point at a Popeye's fried chicken restaurant in Baltimore.


BEN CARSON (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The guy comes in and puts the gun at my ribs. I just said, I believe you want the guy behind the counter --

HOST: In a calm way?

CARSON: In a calm way.


CARSON: He said, oh, OK.


BERMAN: Donald Trump fresh off the fresh round of pretty good polls for him in key swing states. He is in Iowa right now. He says he is a great politician. Better than many candidates in 2012 that rose to the top of the polls to ultimately fade away. He says he is the outsider who will hang in.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: For three months, I have been a politician. For three months, we have been number one.

You know, they used to say, well, Michele Bachmann, nice woman. Herman Cain, good guy. But they were there for week. We have been there for now three months, more than three months. So, it's good.


BERMAN: All right. Rand Paul, he is trying to shake things up a little bit. He is having fun with the fun that Hillary Clinton had. Hillary Clinton sent signed copies of her book to the Republican candidates as way to teach them of her accomplishments were as secretary of state.

So, what did Rand Paul do with that book? Well, he took that signed copy, signed it himself, and then posted it on eBay saying, "Get your own signed copy of a great fiction book." Right now you can see the price is going for right, the current bid $1,325. Pretty good money.

KOSINSKI: Yes, not bad.

The race to replace House Speaker John Boehner just got more complicated. Republicans vote for speaker behind closed doors today. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is still the frontrunner with Utah's Jason Chaffetz challenging him. Now, a group of hard line conservatives is rejecting McCarthy and throwing its support behind a little known Florida Congressman Daniel Webster. The House Freedom Caucus has 40 members. That is enough clout to deny McCarthy, the speaker's chair when the whole House, Republicans and Democrats, vote on October 29th.

Meanwhile, the outgoing speaker is stirring clear of the fray, but he's appearing on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" tonight.

BERMAN: That's should be fun.

All right. Developing this morning, the Syrian military said it is launching a full-scale air strikes in Syria. The Russian defense ministry claimed overnight it is hitting ISIS infrastructure targets in Syria. The Pentagon claims that two U.S. military aircraft have been diverted from the missions in Syria over the past few days. Why? To keep a safe distance from the Russian jets flying in Syria.

Let's go to senior international correspondent Arwa Damon watching this latest developments live in Istanbul this morning.

And, Arwa, the situation on the ground in Syria most interesting. If this wide scale new ground assault has begun, that could change things and rather permanently for the regime there.

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It really could, John. That is exactly what rebel leaders and opposition activists are concerned about. They do see these very divisive strikes carried out by Russia. They, Turkey, NATO, the United States, all disputing that these strikes are, in fact, simply targeting ISIS, which they say, according to the Turks at least, only 10 percent of them, in fact, are targeting ISIS.

[05:10:09] The Russians are not only launching these strikes by air, which is going to eventually force a certain level of if not cooperation, then coordination with the United States to avoid situations like we did see taking place twice where U.S. fighters jets had to divert their missions because of safety concerns, coming too close to the Russians. But the Russians are also bombing from the Caspian Sea. That is a dissent of about a thousand miles away, most recently hitting targets in Raqqa, which is, yes, an ISIS stronghold, but also in Idlib and Aleppo.

And in doing all of this, they are really proving and showing decisively as I was saying, how far they are willing to go to defend the Assad regime. It puts the U.S. in an interesting position. The Americans are not doing enough to support the anti-Assad groups.

And, of course, in all of this, one has to mention what it is doing to the civilian population. Already more than half of the Syrian population has been displaced or forced to flee the country. This recent bout of bombing is forcing more to flee.

According to the Syrian civil defense group, a group of people coming together helping out the white helmets as they are known in one area alone, in Homs, at least 45 civilians were killed -- John.

BERMAN: Taking a toll on the people of that country.

Arwa Damon for us -- thank you so much.

KOSINSKI: President Obama has now apologized to the head of Doctors Without Borders. The president promised full White House cooperation in a phone call with the group's president, Joanne Liu. This following Saturday's deadly U.S. airstrikes that killed 22 people at a Doctors Without Borders medical facility in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Despite receiving an apology, though, the president of Doctors Without Borders is demanding an independent investigation into the air strike.

BERMAN: Time now for an early start on your money. Alison Kosik joins us now.

ALISON KOSIK, CNN MONEY CORRESPONDENT: And good morning to both of you.

Looking at stocks around the world. Asian shares fell this morning. Stocks in China, they were the exception. Shanghai's benchmark index climbing 3 percent after being closed for a week-long holiday. European shares and U.S. stock futures are down.

Yesterday, the Dow had a triple digit rally closing up 122 points and you look at how stocks have been trading over the past four days. Stocks up 600 points for the Dow. But earnings season around the corner and profits overall are expected to fall. Plus, you have the concern about China and Fed rate hike weighing on sentiment.

Fiat Chrysler has averted a strike. The United Auto Workers union says it reached a revised deal with the automaker that secures significant gains for its members. So, that stops a strike today. That would have affected thousands of workers. Union members still have to vote to finalize the deal. That vote coming on Friday.

But you saw the workers asking for a sweeter deal because the auto industry right now is a bright spot in the economy. Profits are coming in. They are saying give a little here.

BERMAN: That's right. They gave back when times are tough when there was all the bailout issues back then. Now, when things are good, they want some of that.


BERMAN: All right, Alison.

Devastating blow for families of crew members on the ship that sank during hurricane Joaquin. The search for survivors have been called off with the focus on finding the ship itself. We have new information next.


[05:16:50] KOSINSKI: The Coast Guard has suspended its search for the 33-member crew of the doomed cargo ship El Faro. The vessel sank last week near the Bahamas during Hurricane Joaquin. The search for the wreckage is still continuing with a navy ship being called in to locate al Faro in the depths of the Atlantic.

We get more now from CNN's Martin Savidge.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, John and Michelle.

For the first time in nearly a week, the U.S. Coast Guard, its vessels and its aircraft will not be going out on search and rescue efforts to find crew members of the El Faro. That's because as of sunset last evening, the event came to an end. It was a painful realization to be met by the families. The Coast Guard met with the families first to tell them.

CLAUDIA SCHULTZ, HUSBAND ON MISSING EL FARO CARGO SHIP: What a great man he was, how proud of them he was. How much we loved him.

I just want him back, even if it is just his body. I want him back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We all do. Come here.

SAVIDGE: This effort now will go from searching from survivors to searching for answers. Now will come the U.S. Navy and NTSB. The Navy is going to be brought in at the end of the week to try to locate the wreckage of the vessel under what could be 15,000 feet of water. They will use submersibles.

They are specifically going to be looking for the voyage data recorder, black box, if you will, of the ship. To do that, it is like an airplane. It supposedly has a pinger. And that pinger should give off some kind of signal that will help them locate the wreckage.

So, first, they've got to listen, then send a submersible down to look and after that, hopefully retrieve that data recorder, because there is so much information to help them figure out why this tragedy happened and why these lives were lost -- John and Michelle.


KOSIK: So many questions why it went into the path of that storm, too.

BERMAN: Yes, they do want some answers. Hopefully, those families will get that.

All right. The Chicago Cubs, they win. They will move on in the National League playoffs. Do they have a chance to do something that hasn't been done in like 7,000 years? A Cubs World Series. Coy Wire with details in the bleacher report, next.


[05:22:49] BERMAN: All right. You asked for it. So, we made it happen. The Cubs win.

KOSINSKI: Coy Wire has more on last night's thrilling National League wild card game in this morning's bleacher report.

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Good morning to both of you. Top of the morning.

The Cubs and the Pirates have the second and third most wins of any time in the league, going in the last night's do or die one game playoff. One of their seasons would have to end.

The Cubs got on the board early as Kyle Schwarber hits with the no doubter. That's out of here. Over the right field wall, a two-run shot, giving the Chicago Cubs the 3-1 lead. Cubs pitcher Jake Arrieta dueling all night long.

Trouble in the sixth though, base is loaded, but it (INAUDIBLE) inning ending double play to get out of the jam.

Then, top of the seventh, Arriata's at last. Then benches clear. Sean Rodriguez worked up more than anyone else, though. For so reason, the water cooler is talking trash. Rodriguez says, I'm taking none of that, the one-two punch, keep your cool around Rodriguez water cooler. End of game, lines out and Arrieta goes the distance. Cubs win 4-zip, they're going to face their archrival, the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS.

Now the two largest daily fantasy sports sites, Fan Duel and Draft Kings, will permanently ban employees from playing the fantasy games for money. That announcement made yesterday. The news stems from last week's revelation that a Draft King's employee won $350,000 in a single week playing on Fan Duel sites. That raised questions about the industry's lack of regulations. Both companies have also hired high profile attorneys to conduct internal review.

Embattled FIFA president Sepp Blatter is reportedly facing a 90-day suspension following an internal ethics investigation. A final decision could be announced today. The 79-year-old is being investigated for selling world cup TV rights to a FIFA colleague at reduced prices. Blatter denies any wrongdoing and his lawyer say he has not been notified of any action.

While the Cubs are looking for the first World Series title in 107 years, Chicago's hockey team, the Blackhawks, raised the third Stanley Cup banner last night's open in the NHL season.

[05:25:08] That's their third in the last six years. They beat the defending champs 3-2. Now, I don't condone violence, but my favorite moment is the Canucks, two second into the game, two seconds, Michael Ferland and Derek Dorsett drop the gloves and says it's on. This stems from an altercation from the playoffs last season.

There's no beating around the bush. They like to get right into it. No doubt about what they had on their minds before this game started. What a way to start the NHL season, guys.

BERMAN: Two seconds? I'm glad they gave it time to work out the differences. We'll give you two seconds to see if we can you know, make better, but no.

KOSINSKI: Ridiculous.

BERMAN: Something happened among the reporters at the White House among the reporters there? You don't go after like the MSNBC people --

KOSINSKI: We don't talk about it. Off camera only. Come on. That's how you do it.

BERMAN: All right, Coy. Thanks so much.

KOSINSKI: Thanks, Coy.

WIRE: You're welcome.

KOSINSKI: We have a triple espresso shot of political headlines for you this morning. Hillary Clinton with a major policy shift, new controversial comments from, and about Ben Carson, the CNN Democratic debate rapidly.

We get into all of that and more, next.


KOSINSKI: A major shift for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic frontrunner going against the White House, coming out against the trade deal that she herself has pushed for dozens of times before. The impact on the 2016 race, ahead.

BERMAN: Ben Carson says he would charge a mass shooter. He would try for a counter attack there. But what did he actually do when faced with a criminal with a gun?