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Early Start with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin

Ghosn and Nissan Indicted on Allegations of Financial Misconduct; GOP Anxiety Climbs with Trump Presidency Under Threat; Trump Looks to Replace White House Chief of Staff Kelly By Year's End; Leading Replacement Candidate for Chief of Staff Kelly Nick Ayers Drops Out of Running; Mueller: Manafort Lied About Contacts with Russian Operative; Comey Lashes Out at Trump, Calls on Voters to "Use Every Breath" to Stop Him; Jerome Corsi Sues Mueller; NYT: Kushner Gave Mohammad Bin Salman Advice After Khashoggi Murder; EU Court Decides the U.K. Can Cancel Brexit; A Transcript Shows Saw- Dismembering of Khashoggi's Body; President Macron Finally Decides to Meet with French Leaders Over Mass Protests; Miami Dolphins Win on a Last Minute Heroics Lead to Patriots Loss; Pittsburgh Misses Late Field Goal Against Raiders to Drop Third Straight Game; Cowboys Beat Division Rival the Eagles on Walk-Off Touchdown in Over Time; Bears Defense Shuts Down High-Powered Rams. Aired 5-5:30a ET

Aired December 10, 2018 - 05:00   ET


[05:00:00] ALISON KOSIK, CO-HOST, EARLY START: Patience, but I'll tell you what? These allegations, they are really piling up.

DAVE BRIGGS, CO-HOST, EARLY START: Yes, not looking good for them --

KOSIK: Yes --

BRIGGS: EARLY START continues right now.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D), CALIFORNIA: He may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.


KOSIK: President Donald Trump dipping into his playbook of distraction and denial as the Mueller investigation ramps up.

BRIGGS: The president looking for a new chief of staff to replace John Kelly. Why his top pick passed on the job.

KOSIK: "I can't breathe". The final words of Jamal Khashoggi. What else transcripts reveal about his murder.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Touchdown! A home champion Drake, a miracle!

(END VIDEO CLIP) BRIGGS: An incredible play by the Miami Dolphins. How they pulled

off a win with no time left on the clock. It's the Miami miracle on a Monday or if you're waking up in Boston this morning and reading the "Boston Globe", it's immaculate dejection with turds.

Good morning everyone, welcome to EARLY START, I'm Dave Briggs.

KOSIK: Good morning, I'm Alison Kosik, it's Monday, December 10th, it's 5:00 a.m. in the East. And the White House operating under entirely new circumstances this week. Now that the Justice Department has clearly implicated President Trump in a crime.

Prosecutors in New York saying the president directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to break campaign finance laws, making illegal hush payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with Mr. Trump. The special counsel's team revealed new contacts between Trump associates in Russia including a Russian national offering a government level political synergy.

Mueller's team also explained they dropped their plea agreement with former campaign Chairman Paul Manafort because he lied about contacts with a Russian Intelligence official.

BRIGGS: In this environment, Democrats are no longer quite as cautious about using the word "impeachment".


REP. JERROLD NADLER (D), NEW YORK: They would be impeachable offenses. Whether they are important enough to justify an impeachment is a different question, but certainly there'll be impeachable offenses --

SEN. CHRIS MURPHY (D), CONNECTICUT: The president has now stepped into the same territory that ultimately led to President Nixon resigning the office. President Nixon was an unindicted co- conspirator.


BRIGGS: The "Washington Post" reporting anxiety is spiking among Republicans. They worry the White House has no real plan to deal with the accelerating Mueller probe. Here's Cnn's Sarah Westwood from the White House.

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Dave and Alison, the president spent this weekend going after the Paris Climate Accord, railing against his former FBI director, calling for an end to the Russia investigation.

Basically talking about anything other than prosecutors claiming in court filings submitted Friday that the president directed his former Attorney Michael Cohen to make a pair of illegal payments during the presidential race. Now, Trump has attempted to tout these latest documents as vindication because they didn't contain evidence of Russian collusion, but they did link the president directly to payments that he had initially denied knowledge of. That's those payments to two women who tried to come forward during the presidential election with allegations of affairs.

Now, all of this comes against the backdrop of a major staff shake up. The president announced Saturday that John Kelly; his White House Chief of Staff would be leaving the administration by the end of the year. And his first choice for that job Nick Ayers, the current chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence will also be leaving the administration after nearly accepting the role as Kelly's replacement.

Our colleague Kaitlan Collins reports that Ayers and Trump had discussed the prospect of Pence's chief of staff replacing Kelly, but Ayers wanted to do it on a temporary basis, and the president wanted a two-year commitment from Ayers.

Now, Cnn has told that the president is considering four names to replace Kelly. One of them may be Republican Congressman Mark Meadows; he's a close ally of the president on Capitol Hill. And Cnn has also told that the president aims to make this decision by the end of the year. Dave and Alison?

KOSIK: OK, Sarah Westwood, thanks very much. According to the special counsel Robert Mueller, Paul Manafort lied about five major issues after agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors including his interactions with a man named Konstantin Kilimnik.

Mueller says Kilimnik has ties to the Russian Intelligence unit that hacked the Democrats during the 2016 campaign. Cnn's Fred Pleitgen is live for us from Moscow. Good morning to you, what can -- what more can you tell us about Kilimnik?

FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Alison, he was a very important figure to Paul Manafort. He worked for Manafort for a very long time in Eastern Europe. Specifically, they did business in Ukraine with the then pro-Russian-Ukrainian government, and then also with a Russian oligarch who has -- reportedly has ties to Vladimir Putin.

Now, all of this becomes interesting for the Manafort -- for the investigation, for the Mueller investigation because Manafort allegedly lied about meeting with Kilimnik in 2016 when he was the head of the Trump campaign.

[05:05:00] Now, keep in mind the Mueller investigation says this man Kilimnik has ties to Russian Intelligence at a time when Russian Intelligence was actively meddling in the U.S. election process. So that of course is a big problem, and also apparently, Kilimnik also tried to tamper with witnesses after Manafort got arrested.

And just a couple of minutes ago, Alison, I promised we would get reaction for you from the Kremlin, that's now come true. We just spoke to Dmitry Peskov who was the spokesman for Vladimir Putin about this, he said -- a little bit unnerve. "We are quite tired of following these 'jaw dropping' investigations and secondly, we don't even know these persons mentioned in the investigation. These new names, so I have nothing to say to this."

So as you can see, the Kremlin not really too happy about having to comment on this. We've seen that in the pattern with a lot of Russian politicians who really seem to be quite frustrated about this investigation, the way it's moving forward, and they also believe that it's also stopping an improvement in U.S.-Russia relations as well.

KOSIK: You know, it seems like every day, we learn a new name, it's almost like this spider-web of names, I can imagine what the flow chart in Mueller's office looks like. Fred Pleitgen, thanks so much.

BRIGGS: All right, James Comey calling outright for President Trump's defeat in 2020. The former FBI director interviewed on stage last night at New York City's famed 92nd Street Y, and he practically begged Democrats to set aside their differences and nominate a candidate who is best equipped to beat Trump.


JAMES COMEY, FORMER FBI DIRECTOR: All of us should use every breath we have to make sure that the lying stops on January 20th, 2021.



BRIGGS: Those comments coming after the president tweeted without evidence that Comey lied to the House Judiciary Committee 245 times last week. The former FBI director spent six hours behind closed doors, Friday, answering questions mostly about Hillary Clinton's e- mails.

KOSIK: According to the transcripts of the session, Comey was asked by Democrat Jerry Nadler whether he is best friends with Robert Mueller as President Trump claims. Comey responds "I am not. I admire the heck out of the man, but I don't know his phone number. I've never been to his house. I don't know his children's names.

I think I had a meal once alone with him in a restaurant." Nadler replies, referring to a Trump claim, "I will not ask whether you've ever hugged and kissed him." Comey responds "a relief to my wife."

BRIGGS: Yes, indeed. Breaking overnight. Jerome Corsi has filed suit against Robert Mueller and federal court. A conspiracy theorist and Roger Stone associate has already testified before the special counsel's grand jury and is refusing to sign a plea deal. In his lawsuit, he claims Mueller threatened to indict him and put him in federal prison effectively for the rest of his life unless he provided the false testimony he says Mueller is demanding.

Of course, he alleges Mueller still wanted the testimony even after he was informed it would be false. He also alleges federal authorities unconstitutionally searched his electronic records and phone. Of course, his lawsuit seeks $350 million in damages.

KOSIK: The "New York Times" reports President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner offered Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman advice on how to quote, "weather the storm" after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

White House counsel -- White House protocol rather requires that National Security Council staff be present on all phone calls with foreign leaders. But the "Times" reports Kushner and Bin Salman continued chatting informally, following the "Washington Post" columnist's death.

In a statement, the White House spokesman told the "Times", quote, "Jared has always meticulously followed protocols and guidelines regarding the relationship with MBS, and all of the other foreign officials with whom he interacts."

BRIGGS: All right, ahead, French President Emmanuel Macron meeting right now with political and business leaders and unions after a fourth weekend of violent protests. Live in Paris next.


KOSIK: Breaking news. The European Court of Justice ruling the U.K. can cancel Brexit without the permission of the other 27 EU members. It comes one day before members of parliament are due to vote on British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal.

The proposal is widely expected to be rejected. The "Bbc" has reported the ruling make staying in the EU a real viable option and that it might sway some to vote that way. But May entered government, they are firmly behind Brexit.

BRIGGS: "I can't breathe". The final words of Jamal Khashoggi. A transcript of the audio recording of the murder journalist's death seen by a Cnn source also includes the sound of Khashoggi's body being dismembered by a bone saw. Cnn's Nic Robertson live in London this morning with his exclusive reporting. Nic, good morning.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, good morning, Dave. What happened, as soon as Khashoggi walked into that Saudi Consulate in Istanbul at the beginning of October, he recognizes somebody in there, a former diplomat, an Intelligence official who works for the Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.

And he says what are you doing here? And that official, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb says you're coming back, and Khashoggi says, well, I can't do that, there are people waiting for me outside. And immediately, he's jumped upon by a group of people.

He can be heard saying, "I can't breathe", "I can't breathe", which completely exposes what Saudi officials had said before was Khashoggi's accidental unfortunate killing, that somehow he was choked to death. Very clearly is heard saying, "I can't breathe", "I can't breathe". [05:15:00] Never given an opportunity to speak at all. But what becomes even more chilling is what happens next. He can be heard to scream, he can be heard to gasping at the same time noises are recorded on the transcript like saw and cutting.

What we hear is from another identified person in that room, the Saudi forensic expert who says to the other people in the room, if you don't like what you're hearing, do put your earplugs in or listen to music like me. Transcript also indicates that the former diplomat, the one working for the Crown Prince makes a phone call, several phone calls, it is believed, to somebody that Turkish sources have identified as being in the Royal Saudi court.

Saying the job is done, it's done. Now, Saudi officials have said that they've seen the transcript and listened to the recording, and they say there's no evidence of a phone call and a source, a Saudi source close to Saudi investigation says both of those identified Saudi officials say they did not make a phone call. A lot more to come on there.

BRIGGS: Yes, Marco Rubio telling Jake Tapper yesterday, we don't need direct evidence, we have it in a sense. Nic Robertson live for us this morning in London. Thanks.

KOSIK: Embattled French President Emmanuel Macron meeting right now with political and business leaders, local officials and unions. Later today, he will address the nation, calling for a national unity. Macron's speech following a fourth weekend of sometimes violent protests that drew 136,000 demonstrators on Saturday alone.

For the latest on the crisis engulfing French society, let's turn to senior European correspondent Jim Bittermann, he's live for us in Paris. Good morning to you, so these protesters originally were out there for higher gas prices, now it's sort of encompassing an overall cost of -- that the cost of living is too high. What actually can Macron do in short order to remedy this?

JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's a good question, Alison. One of the things that the commentator said this morning, you can't expect to pay less in taxes and get more out of the government, it just doesn't work that way. So one of the things that they're talking about is to further tax the internet giants like Google, Amazon and Facebook which the Finance Ministry here says those companies have used European rules to pay 14 percent less tax than the medium and small business owners here.

So that's one of the things they're going to do, is go out and look for other sources of tax revenue in 2019. At the same time, the people out on the street, to get them off the street are going to be expecting from the speech tonight some concrete measures and some of the things that are being talked about is an abolishment that's already been talked about to some extent of property taxes and a bonus of 1,000 euro or more to people for assistance in buying -- aiding or buying power.

So just an outright gift of essentially a 1,000 euros to every French person. So it's those kind of things, but they're very costly in terms of the government budget-making process. Alison?

KOSIK: We will -- we will see what Emmanuel Macron speaks if he's able to calm some of that anger we are seeing on the streets. Jim Bittermann, thanks so much.

BRIGGS: All right, ahead, they're calling it the "Miami Miracle", but not of New England.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Touchdown! Kenyan Drake! A miracle --


BRIGGS: Andy Scholes has the incredible ending next in the "BLEACHER REPORT".


BRIGGS: Miami Dolphins beating the Patriots on the final play of the game yesterday in what's been called the "Miami Miracle" everywhere but New England. Andy Scholes here with the "BLEACHER REPORT", good morning buddy.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS REPORTER: Yes, good morning, Dave. You know, this is by far the most exciting --

BRIGGS: Yes --

SCHOLES: Sunday of the NFL season, there were just so --

BRIGGS: True --

SCHOLES: Many games, they came down to the final moments, and Dolphins and Patriots fans, they're going to remember this for a very long time. Miami down five, seven seconds left, they go with the all hook and ladder play, and they eventually give it to running back Kenyan Drake.

He makes a couple of moves and then he's going to be able to get to the outside. Only man left to beat was Gronk who was on the field for a potential hail Mary, why? I'm not sure because Ryan Tannehill wouldn't go throw that ball 75 yards. Dolphins shock the Patriots 34- 33 in a Miami miracle keeping the team's playoff hopes alive.


ROB GRONKOWSKI, TIGHT END, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS: The way it ended, I mean, it sucked. I mean, never really been part of anything like that. I feel like it's going to test our character big time.


SCHOLES: All right, Steelers and Raiders also playing a thriller, Pittsburgh also using a hook and ladder play to get into field goal position with just seconds left on the clock. But then check out what happened? Kicker Chris Boswell when lining up to kick it is going to slip, the 40-yard field goal no good. Raiders shocked the Steelers 24-21, Pittsburgh now lost three in a row and they've got to play the Patriots next week.

All right, Cowboys and Eagles battle for the NFC East coming down to overtime. In the extra period, Dak Prescott to Amari Cooper's tipped, but Cooper able to still grab it, take it in to win the game. Cooper, 217 yards receiving three touchdowns. Jerry Jones now looking like a genius for trading him from -- pick for Cooper. Cowboys get their fifth win in a row, 29 to 23.

[05:25:00] And finally, the Bears vaunted defense just getting after it last night against the first place Rams. Chicago picking off Jared Goff four times in this game. The lone touchdown in this one caught by an offensive lineman.

Mitch Trubisky to Bradley Sowell, and check out the big man and those dance moves really. Bears win 15-6. And Dave, Sowell, seven-year veteran first touchdown touch, first catch of his career. I was wondering how long he's had that dance ready to celebrate looking at that.

BRIGGS: I'm not sure, it wasn't pretty. But hey, Chicago could win the Super Bowl, man, if you can hold the Rams without a touchdown, it's going to be a fascinating race.

SCHOLES: It will make the defense -- yes --

BRIGGS: All right, Andy Scholes, thank you my friend --

SCHOLES: All right --

BRIGGS: Alison, over to you.

KOSIK: All right, thanks. Federal prosecutors implicating President Trump in a crime. How Democrats are responding?