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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Pleads Not Guilty to 37 Federal Charges; Federal Reserve Expected to Hold Rates Steady; Ukraine: Forces Advancing along Southern Front; State Funeral for Former Prime Minister; Two Dead in Attack at Military Training Facility; State Funeral for Italy's Former Prime Minister. Aired 9-10a ET

Aired June 14, 2023 - 09:00   ET




JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: You're watching "First Move" great to be with you this Wednesday and plenty coming up for you within the next

hour including Trump -- the Former U.S. President calling his arrest on 37 federal criminal charges, a "Heinous abuse of power" the frontrunner for

the Republican presidential nomination now facing his most serious political and legal test yet, the very latest on Trump's Mar-a-Lago moment

just ahead.

Plus, a Melanie's Memorial; a national day of mourning in Italy, as thousands pay their last respects to the Former Prime Minister Silvio

Berlusconi, the leader who fundamentally transformed modern day messaging in politics we'll take you live to Milan's Cathedral in just a moment's


But what you are seeing at this moment is live pictures of his casket being carried into the Duomo Cathedral in Milan. The pallbearers there as you can

see, officers are military salute the crowds actually clapping and chanting only one President as he entered the cathedral. We'll take you there, once

again in just a few moments.

And in the meantime, a pause with a clause the U.S. Federal Reserve announcing its rate decision in five hours' time no hike expected from

Powell and co despite data suggesting they probably should, policymakers set to keep us on our toes this summer with that forecast too, we'll


And on global markets the June stock boom still in flume amid Fed policy optimism. U.S. Futures at this moment little change the DOW tilting to the

downside, but the S&P and the NASDAQ begin today's sessions at fresh one year highs.

Europe also on the rise the German DAX in fact hitting all-time records, bullish action over in Asia too, a scorching day for Japan's NIKKEI which

finished up almost 1.5 percent. It has gained almost 30 percent so far this year.

And Asian investors too on Chinese stimulus watch, the central bank expects to cut another key interest rate tomorrow to try and jumpstart growth a

sharp contrast to interest rate trajectories across the western world. Lots to get to as always, but we do begin with a humanitarian tragedy unfolding

off the coast of Greece.

At least 78 people are known to have lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea after a boat carrying migrants capsized in international waters. A

search and rescue operation is underway for hundreds more people believed to have been on board. Barbie Nadeau is in Rome covering this story for as.

Barbie so far how many people have been rescued? And I've seen reports that up to 750 people could have been on that vessel? What more do we know?

BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we know 104 people were taking a live out of the water so far. And you know we don't know how many people

are on that boat. We probably will never find out how many people were on that boat?

Smugglers do not keep dedicated manifestos of passengers and things like that. So we won't know. We'll know if they choose to bring the boat up how

many people may have been locked into the lower levels of the boat. That is the standard way that some of these large migrant boats come across.

This boat we understand came from Libya and it was on its way to Italy somehow ended up in the waters probably due to currents and winds and a

lack of motor and things like that. But so often we -- these tragedies become a forgotten marker in this struggle to stop this irregular migration

into Europe.

We know right now the European Union is working very, very hard with Tunisia and Libya to try to make some investments to stop the boats from

coming. That doesn't stop the tragedy at all. But you know, will as they try to pull bodies out of this boat if they're able to reach it and things

like that. We'll know more.

But the tragedy is one of many, you know, this has been a banner year for migration across the Mediterranean Sea. And it's also been a very deadly

year. We've heard -- we've had so many of these horrific shipwrecks so far this year. And traditionally, the boats start coming around this time. And

so we've had a very busy year so far, following these Migration Stories there's going to be more news on this and it's not going to be good Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, heartbreaking. Barbie, thank you for that! Barbie Nadeau there in Rome! And President Trump back in his golf club in New Jersey on

his 77th birthday this after an unprecedented court appearance in Miami on Tuesday. The Former U.S. President pleaded not guilty to all 37 federal

charges in the classified documents case. Sara Murray has the details.


DONALD TRUMP, 45TH U.S. PRESIDENT: -- it is called election interference and yet another attempt to rig and steal a presidential election. More

importantly, it's a political persecution like something straight out of a fascist or communist nation.

SARA MURRAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Former President Donald Trump maintaining his innocence in the face of 37 federal charges related to his

alleged mishandling of classified documents.


TRUMP: I hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes. It's a long tedious job takes a long time, which I was prepared to do, but I have a

very busy life.

MURRAY (voice over): Trump speaking before a crowd of supporters at his Bedminster Golf Club, capping a historic day that included the first

federal arraignment of a former president.

REP. DON BACON (R-NE): We can't just deny what President Trump did was wrong. I mean, it's clear as day wrong.

SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK): And I don't care whether you are a Trump supporter or a Trump oppose you have to take this seriously.

MURRAY (voice over): Trump surrendered at a federal courthouse in Miami Tuesday afternoon. His attorney telling the court on Trump's behalf we most

certainly enter a plea of not guilty. In the courtroom Trump sat with his arms crossed at a table flanked by his two lawyers.

Trump did not address the court also seated at that table, his aide and co- defendant Walt Nada. Nada could not enter a plea because he did not have a Florida lawyer present. Of the 37 counts Trump faces some are for

obstruction, but most are for the willful retention of National Defense Information.

TRUMP: Threatening me with 400 years in prison for possessing my own presidential papers, which just about every other president has done is one

of the most outrageous and vicious legal theories ever put forward in an American court of law.

MURRAY (voice over): The judge presiding over the arraignment did not impose any travel restrictions, but told Trump he could not speak to any of

the potential witnesses in the case. Trump's attorney objected, insisting many of the witnesses in this case are people employed by the Former


The judge clarified that Trump could not speak about the facts of the case with any of the witnesses including Nauta, and asked prosecutors to provide

a list of the witnesses in the case. Also present in the courtroom Special Counsel Jack Smith, though he did not speak during the hearing.

Trump was greeted by a crowd as his motorcade left the courthouse. He made an unannounced stop at the famous Cuban Restaurant Versailles in Miami's

Little Havana, where he was met by dozens of supporters. He entered the restaurant with Nauta by his side and spoke to religious leaders.

After the indictment Trump's Former Vice President Mike Pence spoke about the charges after previously urging the Justice Department not to indict

the Former President.

MIKE PENCE, FORMER U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: And I have had the opportunity to read the indictment that was filed. I can't defend what's alleged. These

are serious allegations in the handling of classified materials, as I learned in my years as Vice President and my years on the Foreign Affairs

Committee is a very serious matter that bears upon the national security of the United States.


CHATTERLEY: And a pivotal decision for the Federal Reserve today too, the U.S. Central Bank expected to take a beat and hold rates steady after 10

straight interest rate hikes. The latest Producer Price Index also showing that inflation is cooling. And perhaps also reinforces the view of some

that it's time to pause their aggressive rate hike campaign.

Christine Romans joins us now it's a moot point really, because they've signaled this so clearly that they've got no choice other than to be on

hold today. The question is what do they say about what next?

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Exactly. And you know, and today's Producer Price Index report, I mean, gives them the ammunition to do

nothing today. I mean, when you look, these are pre pandemic levels for factory floor inflation.

I mean, I think that really is notable here. And you're back to December 2020, before this inflation nightmare really rubbed up. So this is

important progress on the inflation front, we don't know how durable it is, and we don't know some of these core factors and consumer inflation, if

those are going to still be a problem.

And that's what we want to hear what the Fed Chief has to say about what they're going to do next year. I mean, I guess, Julia, if you think that if

you take the lag at, say, 12 months, there's a lot more tightening that's still going to hit the economy in the days and months ahead.

So what does the feds say about the necessity to continue its rate hike campaign? Or to maybe extend this pause? There's a lot of debate about it

this morning, to be honest. I mean, I've been listening to economists and strategists frankly, really debate what the Fed does in July, if it now has

ammunition to pause in July, or if it is cognizant of some of these core factors that are still a problem.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I mean, you mentioned exactly what I would agree with it the twelvemonth pause, we're sort of guessing what the time lag is between

hiking interest rates in such close succession, and then the impact on the real economy.

The other challenge is what does one month buy you really in terms of information, it doesn't buy you much so it's all a bit finger in the wind

at this stage. Offset that we're still too high inflation, a strong jobs market and stock markets that seem to defy gravity -- tech stocks.

ROMANS: And a housing market that's showing signs of recovering believe it or not.


I mean, the housing market had been the only place for months that we had seen, really, the real effects of the tightening. And now you're seeing a

housing market that showing signs of resilience. So you're right, there's this question is the stock or the market signaling that the Fed hasn't done

its job well enough yet.

And that does need to do more tightening. So that's where this debate is, you know, it's just been such a, I wrote a piece recently called "From

broken to bizarre" how to read the U.S. economy today. And you know, that's what -- that's basically I mean, in a nutshell, what the Fed has to decide

here after being broken from the COVID, and a war in Ukraine.

And now recovering with all of this, all of this massive tightening in the system and a banking sector by the way that they have to watch as well I

mean, they're -- they've two goals here that are cross purposes to slow the economy and slow inflation, but not tighten so much that you throw a wrench

into the banking system. So this is just a balancing act on like I've ever seen, I think.

CHATTERLEY: A delicate dance, but to be fair, we have been calling this economy bizarre for about three years now maybe pushing for painful.

Christine, great to have you thank you! Christine Romans there!

OK to Ukraine now, more civilian casualties report following a Russian missile attacks overnight, at least three lives lost in Southern City of

Odessa, and another three killed in the Eastern Donetsk region. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military is claiming further territorial gains in

Zaporizhzhia. And that's where we find our Fred Pleitgen. Fred, I believe you've been spending time with some of the troops on the front line. How

are they doing and how's morale?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi there Julia. Well, it certainly is going for the for the Ukrainians, they are saying

that they are making territorial gains on some places in the front line, specifically, the area where we were where they said that they've managed

to take back a couple of villages there.

But they also said that going is extremely tough. They're able to move forward but the Russians are putting up massive and very stiff resistance

using artillery, and using combat jets as well. Here is what we witnessed.


PLEITGEN (voice over): Ukrainian forces firing at Russian troops holed up in -- in South Ukraine. This video the brigade says shows the Russians

making a final stand here, much of the area near the frontlines deeply scarred by combat.

PLEITGEN (on camera): This is the area of Ukraine where the heaviest fighting is currently taking place. And you can see what it's done to a lot

of the buildings in the cities and villages around this area. And that fighting is set to get even worse.

PLEITGEN (voice over): We're with the 68 Jager Brigades, which has been making important, gains here, the soldiers confident and grateful for U.S.

supply gear. A lot of the times it saved my life he says it saves our life from shrapnel, shelling and bullets. But some of the vehicles have already

been lost and the Russians continue to fire back constant artillery shelling and even air strikes too close for comfort as our crew had to duck

for cover.

Still, the Deputy Brigade Commander says his soldiers are just getting started. Our counter attack will definitely be successful he says we

believe in victory. We are moving forward towards our goal we are advancing. On this part of the front line the Ukrainians believe they have

the gear, the manpower and the determination to advance far into Russian held territory.


PLEITGEN: So as you can see Julia some pretty tough battles that are going on there on that southern front end in Southeastern Ukraine. And of course,

we were only on one small part of that front. It really is several 100 miles long.

And there are areas of course, where the going is even tougher for the Ukrainians where late last week, the Russians claimed to have shot down a

lot of western supplied armor, they're also putting out some videos. So the going is definitely tough for the Ukrainians.

But what really stood out to us, Julia was the fact that morale was very high among those Ukrainian soldiers, especially after they've been able to

make those initial gains. And those gains are very important. They go pretty deep into the territory that has been held by the Russians.

But I think that the Ukrainians also very much understand that the going is only going to get tougher from here on. The Russians have very strong

layered defenses in the hinterland those go on for a very large part, or for very long distance. And the Ukrainians know that the Russians have some

pretty tough soldiers down there on the ground as well.

So nobody expecting that this offensive is going to be quick that it's going to be short or that it's going to be easy. In fact, the Ukrainian say

they understand if anything, things are going to be long and things are going to get even tougher than they already are Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, they're prepared. Fred, good to have you thank you! Fred Pleitgen there! And you're looking at live pictures for the Milan Cathedral

where to the state funeral of Silvio Berlusconi is underway.


The Former Prime Minister passed away on Monday, aged 86 and thousands of people are watching from big screens in the city's main square as we showed

you earlier. It certainly marks the end of an era in both business and politics for the nation.

Silvio Berlusconi's multibillion dollar empire included TV networks, department stores and football clubs before he turned to politics in 1994.

Outside his villa north of Milan mourners have been leaving flags, flowers and other tributes.

And Ben Wedeman is in Rome, and joins us now. Ben, it is a day of mourning in Italy for this state funeral. We were listening earlier to people

clapping as the casket arrived at that cathedral and people shouting only one president. He certainly left his mark on Italy.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, he certainly did. And what we're seeing now in the Duomo or the Main Cathedral in Milan is

that it is four there are about 2000 people inside there among the guests is Giorgio Maloney the Prime Minister Sergio Mattarella, the President of


You also have as guests from abroad; you have Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, as well as the Amir of Qatar and the Prime Minister of

Iraq. Missing however, people like Tony Blair, who was Prime Minister, when, at the same time as Berlusconi, and George Bush, who is President

when Berlusconi was in power.

Berlusconi was a major supporter of the American led invasion of Iraq. But both Bush and Blair, who were proponents of that invasion, have not shown

up. Now it is a national day of mourning, which is unprecedented in Italy, it's not a day off. It's not a holiday, but not everybody is happy about


Many Italians feel that for a Prime Minister who was convicted in 2013 of tax evasion, perhaps a day of mourning is a bit excessive. Also, there are

some who don't want to, for instance, lower the national flag to half mask.

The University of Siena University for foreigners has refused to lower their Italian flags, because they say it is -- it would make the university

lose moral credibility. But nonetheless, Milan is where Berlusconi is from, and it's not surprising that people have turned out to mark his passing.

The Piazza Del Duomo outside of the Cathedral isn't quite as full as one might expect under the circumstances. However, it's the middle of the

working day in the middle of the work week. So perhaps that explains why not so many people are out there, Julia?

CHATTERLEY: Yes. To your point, certainly a controversial figure whether that was business, politics, legally too Ben as well, I believe as well

that parliament and parliamentary votes are also on hold for a week now. Berlusconi's Party Forza Italia of course key in the current government and

had a huge role, I think in in promoting the current Prime Minister. What's been the reception to that too?

WEDEMAN: Well, the worry is that the coalition that Forza Italia Berlusconi's Party was part of and led by Georgia Maloney the Prime

Minister and Fratelli D'Italia Party could fall apart. And therefore there's a certain amount of uncertainty.

Italy, of course, does have a history of political instability with governments falling at a frequent rate at a regular rate. And this could be

the beginning of yet another period of political uncertainty if that coalition follows up -- Berlusconi is perhaps the passing of this current


CHATTERLEY: Yes, I think that's one of the questions too and where will he be laid to rest Ben?

WEDEMAN: We believe he's going to be cremated and put on his property the Villa Sammartino, outside of Milan, because according to Italian law, you

cannot be buried your body on private property. You have to be cremated in your ashes in turn to there. So we understand that that is where his final

resting place will be Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Ben, thank you for that. Ben Wedeman there in Rome! And later in the show we'll hear from the Editor of Italy's Domani Newspaper to talk

more about Prime Minister well Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's legacy. We're back after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move", U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken were traveled to Beijing this weekend as the Biden Administration

continues to navigate its tense relationship with China. Secretary Blinken, if you remember was supposed to make the trip back in early February, but

it was rescheduled due to this surveillance balloon incident.

Alex Marquardt joins us now. Alex, the good news is actually they've re- established this trip and the team and hopefully we'll meet. What more do we know about what Secretary Blinken is going to do while there?

ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, Julia. The administration has been emphasizing for quite some time now the need to

continue communicating of course during a period of increased tension between the U.S. and China. We did see that meeting between Secretary of

State Blinken and his counterparts back in February canceled because of that Chinese spy balloon that entered the United States from Canadian

airspace and then swept across the country.

At the time, the State Department said that meetings would not be productive and the tension continued to grow from there. Remember that

meeting back in February was meant to follow on what had been described by both countries as productive meetings by the Presidents of the United

States and China last November.

There have been continuing conversations in the meantime, between the Director of the CIA Bill Burns and his counterparts last month. We also saw

the National Security Adviser to Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan, traveled to Vienna for conversations with Chinese officials.

But very notably, Julia, we saw the military relationship hit a very icy patch when the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, attempted to meet with

his Chinese counterpart recently at a summit in Singapore that meeting was rejected. And that of course, was against the backdrop of some very

aggressive maneuvers by the Chinese navy and air force around Taiwan.

We saw a Chinese jet fly in front of a U.S. surveillance plane causing severe turbulence. We saw a Chinese naval destroyer cross in front of U.S.

and Canadian warships and the Taiwan Strait.


Of course Taiwan an extraordinarily sensitive issue for China in the conversation yesterday between Secretary Blinken and his Chinese

counterpart, the Chinese readout from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the U.S. should stop interfering in China's internal affairs.

But then this morning, Julia, we get the news that the Secretary Blinken does, indeed plan to travel to Beijing this weekend. This there were

indications that this was going to be put back on the schedule. Some top officials from the State Department and the White House had recently

traveled to Beijing earlier this month.

So there was a sense that this trip was coming. But it is now coming in the next few days. And it is certainly continuation of the administration's

desires to keep these channels of communication open at what continues to be a very tense time, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I was about to say it's welcome news in non-diplomatic terms, their relationship seems to be a complete mess. Alex, the other

thing that we can throw onto the list and we've not mentioned it is perhaps hopes that China can play some kind of strategic, more important role in

negotiations with regards Russia and Ukraine whether those hopes are small ones also going to be on the agenda, I'm sure I'm assuming too.

MARQUARDT: It certainly will be. Washington has watched with quite some concern, the visits to Moscow by Chinese officials, the support that China

has shown to Russia in this conflict in Ukraine. We at CNN and others have reported that there has been some material support for Russian forces in


But it is very worth noting that support has stopped well short of lethal aid. That is something that according to the CIA Director as of a few

months ago, China was actively considering that they were mulling it at the high levels of the China's National Security Apparatus.

But as far as we know, for now, China has not crossed that line. And that is certainly something that that the U.S. officials do not want to see

China do, and when the possibility of a tactical nuclear weapon being used in Ukraine is often raised. One of the reasons that many think that it will

not happen is because it would certainly upset the Chinese.

And so to some extent, the Chinese are also seen as a calibrating factor, having a moderating effect on the Russians when it comes to their war in

Ukraine, but that is certainly something that is going to be discussed. We discussed when Secretary Blinken travels to Beijing, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, certain lines are clear, but perhaps not enough. Alex, good to have you with us thank you, Alex Marquardt, there. Now the Japanese

Military says it's launched an investigation after a cadet at a training center turned his gun on instructors during an exercise earlier today. Two

soldiers were killed and another injured in the attack. Paula Hancocks has more.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Gun crime is rare in Japan and it is even rarer when it comes to the military. This incident, though, happened

at 9 o'clock this morning, Wednesday morning, and it was during a live fire training exercise at a unit in Gifu Prefecture in central Japan.

Their officials say that one cadet fire towards other members of his unit during this exercise we understand two have lost their lives both

servicemen, a 25 year old and a 52 year old who are part of the Moriyama Garrison, another 25 year old has also been injured.

Now we're being told that the individual is in custody at this point, but they have not offered a motive at least not publicly as to why this has

happened, official saying that the suspected shooter is a cadet who joined the Ground Self Defense Force in April. Now we have heard from the Chief of

Staff of the SDF Yasunori Morishita.

He has said that an investigation has been launched to find out why this happened to make sure it can never happen again. And he said, "This kind of

incident should never happen in an organization that handles weapons". Now, gun crime, as I say as a whole is very uncommon in Japan, but we have seen

some incidents over recent months.

Last month, for example, there was a shooting where a man killed four people, including two police officers last year, the high profile

assassination of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, but to put it into context, last year, there were just nine firearms incidents for the entire


So it has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world. But of course, this incident is different. It is within the military where they are able

to have access to guns which the majority of the population does not. And that is why the Chief of Staff says there needs to be an investigation to

make sure this never happens again. Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


CHATTERLEY: I think we're in desperate need is some good news now and the father of the children who survived a plane crash and more than a month

spent in the Colombian jungle calls their rescue a miracle. Awful are still recovering in hospital. But Stefano Pozzebon has the latest.


STEFANO POZZEBON, JOURNALIST (voice over): On Tuesday, the father of the indigenous children that were rescued last week in the Colombian Amazon

rainforest after spending 40 days alone in the jungle sat down with CNN to recount how that encounter was after that experience. And especially the

flight on the military helicopter that took them out of the jungle last Friday.

MANUEL RANOQUE, FATHER OF RESCUED CHILDREN: The moment we found the kids, we started to see thunder and lightning bolts. We left at the right moment

10 minutes later, and the helicopter could not have taken us.

POZZEBON (voice over): Mr. Ranoque is the biological father of the two youngest children and the stepfather of the oldest too. His late wife and

Magdalena Mucutuy died in that fatal airplane crash on May the 1st. The children remain in medical observation in the Colombian Central Military

Hospital here in Bogota.

And they are receiving both psychological and physical support as they recover from that harrowing experience. Meanwhile, the Colombian Military

forces have said that 70 commandos remaining the jungle to try to search and rescue Wilson, a K-9 unit that was lost in the search after making

contact with a four children last week. For CNN, this is Stefano Pozzebon, Bogota.


CHATTERLEY: Lots of heroes there. OK, coming up after the break, we returned to Milan and the state funeral of the Former Prime Minister Silvio




CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" and it's a wait and see Wednesday on Wall Street Stocks little changed in early traders today's fed interest

rate decision looms large. Investors looking for a Powell punt, aka no retake, but a hawkish pause might still rattle investors i.e. he signals

that they may have to take further action ahead.

More encouraging though inflation news for the Federal Reserve policymaker's pre market with prices at the factory gate falling, by a

greater than expected three tenths of a percent month over month in May down is good. And stocks in the news to today include Google the EU filing

new anti-trust charges against the company because of "inherent conflicts of interest in digital advertising" that officials say threatened


The EU now looking at seems to target Google's ad business. Also, AMD shares moving higher the company unveiling a new line of chips for the

artificial intelligence market, a shot across the bow potentially the industry leader in video. OK, let's return now to Milan Cathedral and the

state funeral for Silvio Berlusconi proceedings began around 35 minutes ago.

And big screens have been installed in the city's main square as thousands of people pay their respects. I want to bring in Mattia Ferraresi; he's the

Managing Editor of the newspaper Domani launched in 2020. Domani was promoted as being a progressive, independent voice for the nation.

And of course, today's events dominate the front cover, Mattia, great to have you with us on the show. Can you just start by describing what you see

as Silvio Berlusconi's legacy, his impact on the culture of Italy?

MATTIA FERRARESI, MANAGING EDITOR OF DOMANI: Hi, Julia, it's great to be here. I think it is safe to define Berlusconi as a transformative leader.

And when I'm interested when I say transformative, I mean really somebody who changed completely the game both in terms of politics, and but also in

terms of language and culture.

And the Italian imagination has been deeply shaped. And Italian politics has deeply shaped as well by his model, which was based on celebrity and

based on is being a tycoon, a successful man and bringing that flavor into politics. And with that being an extremely polarizing figure, as I'm sure

we all know.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I spent quite a lot of time myself reporting in Italy through various elections. And you wrote an op-ed for the New York Times.

And I think you said it brilliantly that he seemed to radiate optimism. He was a larger than life character.

But he also had this knack for tapping into the passions of the populace and distilling his message into just a few bullet points. He was a very

powerful communicator, whatever that communication was.

FERRARESI: Yes, absolutely. He was a powerful communicator, you're, I think you're totally right. And he's sort of legacy is a testament to that. At

the same time, as you suggested, there was an element of populism in the sense of like being able to capture to intersect the passions of the demos.

But at the same time, I think it can be a little bit reductive, to call him a populist in the sense we mostly use this word today to describe like far

right leaders or like authoritarian types. It was kind of different. I think he was a sun of the 80s. It was more in the vein of Ronald Reagan and

Margaret Thatcher, in terms of his approach to life.

It was really a kind of like sunshine in my pocket type of person, and exuding optimism, even the Head of the State Sergio Mattarella another fan

politically of Silvio Berlusconi in his communique, to acknowledge and to celebrate these and to remember is that mentioned that as a very last word

is like optimism, which is not the quality. I think we normally associate with, you know, a right wing populist of this particular age, and of

course, Trump, come to mind.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I mean, you wrote the op-ed, pointing out the similarities between Former President Donald Trump and what we saw in Silvio Berlusconi,

exorbitant egos, openly admired strong men obsessed with TV, using lewd jokes. But you also made that point that actually the optimism that you got

from Silvio Berlusconi was very, in stark contrast with Former President Donald Trump. You said actually Silvio Berlusconi hated the comparison

between them.

FERRARESI: Oh, it did absolutely. Is that something you like?


For sure part of it was the fact that the obviously acknowledge the clear similarities between the two the tycoon pass the obsession with me there

what you just said, clearly, but the parallel I think made him like very uncomfortable. My belief is that also part of it was that taught difference

that he perceived in terms of like really personality and flavor and approach to life.

Berlusconi was like the broad, and almost paradoxical, and conical smile is definitely the type of like face that defines better Berlusconi's

personality, whereas Trump is like is grim is my view, what defines them? And what defines his personality? So I think for Berlusconi, that part of

the fact that he didn't like that parallel was tied to this difference in personality that I think made sense. I think were true, would there?

CHATTERLEY: Yes. And he deeply condemned the January 6 attacks in the United States as well but certainly my sort of memory of him on the

international stage as well as other world leaders laughing at some of his antics, rather than perhaps what we saw from the Former President of the

United States. How do you think Silvio Berlusconi would want to be remembered, Mattia?

FERRARESI: I think he wants to be remembered as really somebody who transformed the political game in Italy. I think that's what you want,

probably this is what every political leader aspired too, not just being like a good President or a good head of state, being somebody was rewriting

the rules of the game.

I think ultimately, that's all you wanted, like, explore uncharted territories launch new initiatives make the game change. Think about the

fact, that Berlusconi is run in politics overlaps and defined like a different era, in Italian politics. So it's a different system, a new

Republic would call it started, when Berlusconi came in.

And it was right in the middle of the night is, Berlin Wall fell just few years before the Cold War ended. There was that sense that everything was

possible, and Berlusconi was the person who could make that possible. I think that was what is defining the most what he wanted to be the defining

feature of his own life.

CHATTERLEY: I think the debate will be on whether for better or worse, but he was certainly transformative. I think Mattia we agree. Great to have you

with us, Mattia Ferraresi, there Managing Editor of Domani newspaper, thank you. And that's it for the show. "Marketplace Asia" is up next and I'll

leave you with some images of that memorial and funeral service for Silvio Berlusconi.




KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Four decades it's been the stuff of science fiction, but is the future of flying

cars now. On this show, we meet the Chinese companies striving to make these futuristic vehicles a reality. Plus, we speak with the President of

Tesla rival Xpeng to find out what the future holds for the global EV race.

BRIAN GU, PRESIDENT OF XPENG: I think the next big wave is what we call the smartification not just the electrification.

STOUT (on camera): This month, where in Macau for that BEYOND Expo, it's billed as one of Asia's biggest technology and innovation conferences. I'm

Kristie Lu Stout and this is "Marketplace Asia".

STOUT (voice over): The future of transportation, education and even pets all on display here at the 2023 BEYOND Expo.

STOUT (on camera): I'm going to try a fiscal year ago. I found it oh, you're so great.

STOUT (voice over): Held in May 2023, the expo provides a global stage for Asia's tech giants and startups to showcase their latest innovations here

in their own backyard.

STOUT (on camera): Hundreds of exhibitors from across the tech sector traveled here to Macau for this event.

STOUT (voice over): From mobility to healthcare, the BEYOND Expo offers a glimpse into Asia's booming tech sector. Organizers say over three days

more than 15,000 people visited the Macau conference, the highest attendance since its launch in 2021. Organizers are looking to the Las

Vegas based Consumer Electronics Show for inspiration.

The Asia edition of CES was cancelled indefinitely due to the pandemic and the BEYOND expos hoping to fill that void.

GANG LU, CO-FOUNDER OF BEYOND EXPO: You could make out the U.S. Veterans with returns to Las Vegas. I think you'll be surprised. There are so many

extra come from Asia. From our point of view, there's no such thing similar to see yes happening in Asia. I think our vision is to kind of help the

world to see what's really happening in Asia.

STOUT (voice over): This year's show was heavily dominated by consumer tech from Mainland, China from robots that pack a punch.

STOUT (on camera): Going this way like this.

STOUT (voice over): Electric cars that can fly. It's what's called an eVTOL and electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle. Manufacturers believe

they will be the brainer, quieter and cheaper answer to helicopters, and one day maybe use like a taxi in the sky. EHang, a global leader in the

development of flying vehicles showcased its latest prototype at the BEYOND Expo.

XIN FANG, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF EHANG: The VT 30 is designed for intercity transportation. It is capable of flying for 100 minutes with a

flight range of 300 kilometers. It's an autonomous vehicle that does not need a runway.

STOUT (on camera): What do you think will be the greatest challenges facing your company as you launch this new flying EV.

FANG: Our Company wants to be able to expand transportation. At present helicopters and planes are part of business needs, but they have not fully

entered people's daily lives. So we want to change that with this electric aircraft.

STOUT (voice over): In 2021, Deloitte estimated that more than 200 companies worldwide were developing eVTOL aircraft for low altitude urban

use. While the industry is still in its infancy, Morgan Stanley forecasts that the urban air mobility sector could soar to 1 trillion U.S. dollars

globally by 2040. Observers say however, we won't be seeing passengers flying commercially anytime soon.


years, 10 years, exactly how far they get as in what kind of payloads they will be taking. Will they be taking busloads of people? I suspect that

might be a few decades down the road.


The main challenges for eVTOLs there's a regulatory category, because we've got to make sure that they're safe, and I suspect that technology will look

after itself. The big one though, is battery. If we can get battery technology to be just 10 times better, 10 times would be the Holy Grail.

STOUT (voice over): But Aerofugia, a subsidiary of China carmaker Geely is more optimistic. Believing regulatory approval may only be a few short

years away.

GUO LIANG, CEO OF AEROFUGIA: I think that the next two years are very important for the global eVTOL industry. And the first round of type

certificates are given out we will try to commercialize it, we believe that the public will be able to gradually enjoy the service in 2025 and 2026.

STOUT (voice over): Until then, the tech companies are continuing to test for safety, laying the groundwork to ensure a smooth takeoff when the time

comes. Up next, more on the future of flying cars, but first, let's catch up on the business calendar across the region in your marketplace minute.

In May, world leaders descended on Hiroshima, Japan for the Group of Seven summit. On the agenda, the war in Ukraine, nuclear disarmament and the

global economy. Leaders agree to take concrete steps to coordinate their approach on economic resilience and security.

In late May, global government and industry leaders gathered in Busan, South Korea for the world climate industry Expo exploring the role of

technology in addressing the climate crisis. Looking ahead, Singapore will play host to the finals of the first Olympic Esports series from June the

22nd -- games across nine Esports.

And finally, on June 26, the Malaysian Capital will set the stage for the Energy Asia Conference, bringing together industry leaders to chart ways

forward for a net zero future.




STOUT (on camera): Welcome back to CNN "Marketplace Asia" and this one is all about China's booming technology sector including this solar powered


STOUT (voice over): Here at the BEYOND Expo in Macau, next generation mobility is on full display. Outside the tech halls crowds are given a

glimpse of what the future of flying cars could look like. This is the X2, a battery powered aircraft known as an eVTOL, which can take off and land

vertically equipped with autonomous flying capabilities.

It's designed to carry two passengers for up to 25 minutes on a single charge. It was produced by XPENG AEROHT, an affiliate of Tesla rival Xpeng.

They're one of a handful of Chinese companies leading the way in the development of low altitude eVTOLs.

STOUT (on camera): I caught up with Brian Gu the President the Chinese EV maker Xpeng to find out how his company plans to soar ahead in the flying

car space.

GU: Well, we're different compared to a lot of the other eVTOL players that we think ultimately there's a big demand for consumers to own something

that they can drive and fly at the same time. Obviously, right now, you know, flying in low altitude is still not very large market yet, but we

think China has huge potential as well as globally to use low altitude flying.

STOUT (on camera): So you need to get the government buy in for this to literally fly. You need to get consumer buy in as well and as a potential

consumer myself I have to ask, Is this safe?


GU: For this to be successful, there are three factors have to be aligned. One, technology has to be there do you have to develop the device that can

be flown safely, you know, economically. Two, is government regulation needs to be, you know, structure to allow and support such business not

just in China globally too.

And I think the legal and regulatory form has to be in place. And third piece is the consumer acceptance when this becomes reality. I don't think

it's just far though I think it's probably you know we will see it in the next 5 to 10 years.

STOUT (on camera): Now, Brian, you're in the business of EVs I can fly and EVs that are on the road. And recently you said that only about 10

automakers will be able to survive the global EV battle. Why is it so brutal? What does it take to survive?

GU: The future smart EV market will take a lot of technological, industrial consumer and managerial capability to make it successful. It's a much

taller ask for a company to compete. And that's why we believe in the next 5 to 10 years. This industry what we call smart EV industry will be a lot

more concentrated than what we see today in the automotive industry to be in the top 10 club. I think the minimum ticket is 3 million deliveries per


STOUT (voice over): Xpeng delivered more than 120,000 cars in 2022, the cheapest of which retails for around 21,000 U.S. dollars. China is home to

the world's largest market for electric cars, accounting for about 60 percent of global EV sales in 2022. It's also one of the most competitive

and experts say to stay on top companies need to be nimble.

TU LE, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF SINO AUTO INSIGHTS: In order for the Chinese EV makers to survive, thrive through this price war and come out on top. They

need to have deep pocketed investors, products that resonate with the market, products that competitively priced products and the ability to move

quickly and to evolve with the consumer's needs.

STOUT (voice over): Xpeng is betting on smart EV features to stand out from the competition.

GU: I think the next big wave is what we call smartification not just electrification. The vehicles can become smarter on the road. The driver's

interaction with a car is going to be different. The ability to take smart driving technology to be more used on roads will be more adapted and more


And that will lead to another wave of changes and expand. You know we really think we want to be at the forefront of smart EV wave.

STOUT (on camera): Now that is it for this month's show. But for more on these stories and others, check out our website just go to Asia. I'm Kristie Lu Stout here in Macau playing with the tech toys. I'll see you next time hit it.


