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The Big Winners; Lights Off in Venezuela; Abdeslam to Face Trial; Brazil Prepares for Olympics; Trump to Address Global Trade, National Security; Prince's Estate in Flux. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired April 27, 2016 - 10:00   ET




ROBYN CURNOW, CNN HOST (voice-over): Ahead at the INTERNATIONAL DESK: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton rack up more wins.

And a key Paris attack suspect is extradited to France.

Also, Venezuela goes to a two-day work week.


CURNOW: Hello and welcome. I'm Robyn Curnow.

We start with the U.S. presidential front-runners, who are basking in big primary wins Tuesday night and now pivoting to the general election in


Hillary Clinton topped rival Bernie Sanders in four of five states, clearing her path for the Democratic nomination.

Donald Trump won all five states convincingly and improved his delegate math ahead of next week's key contest in Indiana.

We have two reports now. Jeff Zeleny is covering the Democrats but first here's Jim Acosta and Donald Trump's big night.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I consider myself the presumptive nominee, absolutely.

JIM ACOSTA, CNN SR. WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Donald Trump declared his bid for the Republican nomination a done deal.

TRUMP: It's over. As far as I'm concerned, it's over.

ACOSTA (voice-over): Urging his rivals to throw in the towel after sweeping all five Northeast primaries by margins that can only be described

as huge.

TRUMP: I think they're hurting the party because, again, they have no path, zero path to victory. And we're going to win on the first ballot.

ACOSTA (voice-over): The GOP front-runner blatantly rejected calls to tone down his rhetoric and act more presidential.

TRUMP: Why would I change?

If you have a football team and you're winning and then you get to the Super Bowl, you don't change your quarterback, right?

So I'm not changing.

ACOSTA (voice-over): And he previewed the types of attacks he has in store for Hillary Clinton in a general election.

TRUMP: I call her Crooked Hillary. She's crooked. She will not be a good president. She doesn't have the strength.

If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she's got going is the woman's card. And the

beautiful thing is, women don't like her.

ACOSTA (voice-over): Trump's use of the phrase "the woman card" provoked this talked-about reaction from Chris Christie's wife.

Despite that confidence on display, the real estate tycoon still has a few key battles ahead.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: The question is, can the state of Indiana stop the media's chosen Republican candidate?

ACOSTA (voice-over): Ted Cruz is insisting the race is not over.

CRUZ: I've got good news for you. Tonight, this campaign moves back to more favorable terrain.

ACOSTA (voice-over): Cruz also ramped up his attacks, dedicating his entire speech to linking Trump to Clinton.

CRUZ: Every one of us is fed up with politicians who betray us, who make promises and then don't do it. Donald is telling us he is lying to us.




JEFF ZELENY, CNN SR. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hillary Clinton winning four big states. Pushing her even closer to becoming the

Democratic nominee, extending her hand to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, who she'll need in the fight ahead.

CLINTON: And I applaud Senator Sanders and his millions of supporters for challenging us to get unaccountable money out of our politics and giving --


CLINTON: -- greater emphasis to closing the gap of inequality. And I know together we will get that done.

ZELENY (voice-over): But Sanders pledging to stay in the race and run an issue-oriented campaign until the last vote is cast.

In a statement overnight he says, "This campaign is going to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with as many delegates as possible to

fight for a progressive party platform."

CLINTON: Whether you support Senator Sanders or you support me, there's much more that unites us than divides us.

ZELENY (voice-over): But the Clinton campaign is already looking forward to the battle with Donald Trump or whoever the GOP nominee may be.

CLINTON: We will unify our party to win this election and build an America where we can all rise together, an America where we lift each other up

instead of tearing each other down.

ZELENY (voice-over): Sanders addressing the crowd in West Virginia before the final results, taking on a different tone, steering clear of harsh

attacks against Clinton.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I), VT., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Almost every national poll and every state poll has us defeating Trump in that margin

for us is significantly larger than that of Secretary Clinton.


CURNOW: Those reports from Jim Acosta and Jeff Zeleny.

CNN Politics senior correspondent, Chris Moody, joins me now from Washington.

Hi, there, Chris. Reading the newspapers here in the U.S. today --


CURNOW: -- the words "crushing," "sweeping," "inevitability" are being thrown around for both Trump and Clinton.

CHRIS MOODY, CNN POLITICS SENIOR DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right. We're seeing a lot of that after Trump certainly swept all of the contests

in the Northeast last night.

The inevitability is absolutely -- well, I shouldn't say that -- but is mostly true for Hillary Clinton. You can see her looking forward ahead to

the general nomination.

Donald Trump, however, has been talking about how it's over and the party needs to rally around him. But his campaign is not acting like that. They

know that they have contests ahead that they still need to do well in, in order for his opposition not to take away or not to keep him from reaching

that 1,237 delegate threshold he will need to really clinch this thing.

He might be looking ahead but the people working behind the scenes are heading to Indiana right now in order to stop John Kasich and Ted Cruz from

holding him back from clinching this thing.

CURNOW: OK. They're looking ahead to Indiana but also Donald Trump has, again, managed to potentially alienate America's voting women, saying Ms.

Clinton has pulled the woman's card.

I mean let's just discuss that.

What does that mean?

Does it really matter to his core audience?

That said, even a supporter, Chris Christie's wife, is rolling her eyes as he's saying it behind him.

MOODY: Last night we got a preview of the kinds of attacks that Donald Trump will be taking on against Hillary Clinton. And it's clear that

Clinton has prepared for those attacks.

When he says, "she's playing the woman card," what he probably means is that she's saying you should vote for me because I'm a woman.

Now it's clear that Donald Trump is going to be going down that path; whether or not that is wise is yet to be seen. Other candidates have

attempted it in the past but it's not clear if it has really worked for them.

Of course, Donald Trump is his own candidate and he plays by different rules. I think what's is going to be interesting is, going into the

general election, if it is Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, is Clinton often runs a traditional campaign and Donald Trump's opponents, on the

Republican side, also ran traditional campaigns.

But Donald Trump is kind of a guerrilla fighter here. He's doing things like no other campaign has ever done before. And the political world

hasn't necessarily been able to respond to it in very effective ways. And it's going to be interesting to see if he changes in the general election

or he keeps up the path he's been going down from his comments last night, it seems like Donald Trump is still going to continue to be Donald Trump.

CURNOW: Yes. OK. So you say he's going to use these guerrilla tactics no matter what. There's a big speech coming up -- it's scripted, which says a

lot, so clearly it is going to be focused.

This is what he told CNN this morning about what he's going to say.


TRUMP: It will be a speech just on foreign policy, some of my ideas on foreign policy, it'll have to do with some of the economics of foreign

policy because we're getting killed on economics. You know, I'm an economic person and it's one of my strengths.


CURNOW: OK. So it is pretty vague. So no doubt a lot of world leaders or many of our audience are going to be looking perhaps for details.

But does that matter?

Because he's still very much talking to his core audience again. This issue about the economics of foreign policy because we're getting killed on

economics, this is what they want to hear.

MOODY: Well, it is for the group that supports him. But as he heads possibly into the general election, Donald Trump is going to have to really

start to appealing to a broader group of people. He has done in-depth interviews with newspapers across the United States and they ask him really

deep questions about foreign policy.

And in those situations, he honestly has struggled. He has not done very well to fill in the gaps of the questions; sometimes he seems like he's

coming up with the answer as he's going along. It's telling that he's using a teleprompter or at least will have a scripted speech going into

this thing. He has made fun of every other candidate for using a teleprompter.

But his campaign is shifting in a way. He's hired a number of operatives that are campaign veterans, that have been in this game a long time, while

his -- the first people that worked for him, many of them were novices to politics.

So we're seeing, I think we're seeing a mix. We're seeing a Donald Trump focusing on filling in some of those gaps about what he believes about

foreign policy and other issues but you still are not going to be able to take Donald Trump from being himself.

And I think we're going to see an interesting mix going into the general election between those types of personalities.

CURNOW: OK. Thanks so much, Chris Moody, thanks for your perspective.

And of course, we'll bring that speech to you all live.

For more on the race for the White House, Jonathan Mann has a show every week that covers the candidates and the conversations. "POLITICAL MANN" is

on Saturdays at 7:00 pm in London. Be sure to watch every week for the entire campaign season.

Coming up: trouble in the ISIS ranks. New details show that the terror group is facing a major cash flow problem.

And Venezuela --


CURNOW: -- going dark. The blackouts are only the latest crisis. Coming up, we'll tell you why the government is forcing state workers to stay at





CURNOW: Terror suspect Salah Abdeslam is now one step closer to facing trial for his alleged role in the Paris attacks. An elite French military

team extradited him from Belgium to France a little bit earlier today. CNN's Erin McLaughlin is live in Brussels.

Hi, there, Erin.

What do we know happened?

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Robyn. He was transported via helicopter from Belgium to France and landed at a military base not far

from Paris. He is expected to appear in courtroom today. It's not clear exactly when.

French media reporting that he has already arrived at the courthouse, his lawyers speaking out, saying that he intends to tell the magistrates or to

tell authorities, not clear at what point, but he intends to explain his role in all of this.

He also intends to explain how he was radicalized. His lawyers urging that he receive a fair trial.

Now he is, of course, accused of playing an instrumental role in the Paris attacks, which claimed 130 innocent lives. And authorities are taking no

chances when it comes to his security.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): He will be placed under solitary confinement; a dedicated surveillance team of skilled agents trained for

detention of dangerous individuals will be in charge of him. There are, of course, a number of measures set up to secure his environment.


MCLAUGHLIN: Now attorneys representing victims' families also speaking out and they're saying that this could be a prolonged process, that terror

cases last a very long time and it could be years before any sort of trial begins -- Robyn.

CURNOW: And has there been any reaction from families, Erin?

MCLAUGHLIN: There has. This is an incredibly emotional process for them. Keep in mind that, in the wake of the Paris attacks, many families as well

as survivors feared that they might never know the truth, quite simply because all the other alleged attackers had blown themselves up.

So they are really seeing this as their opportunity to learn the truth. So they are -- have expressed doubts that Salah Abdeslam will give the

complete truth. They see this as their opportunity for justice.

I was speaking to one woman, who lost her cousin in the attacks, and she was telling me that this is incredibly important. She said it's a relief

that he's back on French soil and she said that this is --


MCLAUGHLIN: -- an important part of her grieving process as well.

CURNOW: Erin McLaughlin, thank you so much.

Meanwhile, new evidence shows that ISIS is hemorrhaging manpower and cash. One anti-ISIS coalition official says airstrikes have destroyed up to $800

million worth of cash. CNN's Barbara Starr is live at the Pentagon to tell us more about that.

So what is the Pentagon saying about how much cash they've destroyed and how they've destroyed it?

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Robyn, it's probably important to emphasize this is, at best, an estimate. This coming in a

press briefing just yesterday from a top official in the coalition.

They have done a number of strikes across Iraq and Syria, going after what they believe is ISIS' cash depots, ISIS essentially a cash business. In

the latest one, they struck a house near Mosul where they thought there was large sums of money. The general said could be up to $800 million.

But did emphasize it's an estimate. It could be as low as $300 million. They're really not entirely sure. But the result, they believe, is that

ISIS is hemorrhaging cash and it's having an impact on its operations and the morale of its fighters -- Robyn.

CURNOW: So in a way, that is a positive spin from the Pentagon . We are also hearing some reports, though, that ISIS is sort of trying to hide from

drone operations from the eye in the sky by erecting canopies over some buildings.

What do we know about that?

STARR: There have been some photos that have emerged online -- we're unable to verify the veracity of those photos -- but one official I talked

to earlier said they have seen some of these shading, canvas-type, cloth- type devices go up.

Not entirely clear at this point how the U.S. gets around them but there isn't really a sense that it impacts military operations all that much.

They do use a lot of drones to try and keep an eye on ISIS and, eventually, what they find, I think, is that ISIS fighters do tend to move.

And when they move is when those drones and those aircraft can get to them -- Robyn.

CURNOW: That's their vulnerability. The U.S. also, we understand, has adopted a unique Israeli battlefield tactic in its fight against ISIS.

How effective and why is the U.S. doing this?

STARR: These tactics are very similar to what the Israelis used in Gaza. It was called "the knock on the roof." Essentially what they do -- and

this is what the U.S. did in this recent attack in Mosul -- is they explode a Hellfire missile above the roof and they call it the knock on the roof.

And it's a signal to the people inside, supposedly, that they need to get out because this will be followed by a second missile that will destroy the


Now it should be said that the United Nations was very critical of this Israeli tactic back during the Gaza War, because it found that the people

in Gaza did not always know that this initial blast was a warning to them. They didn't know what was coming. And, in some cases, civilians were


And it was not in the view of the United Nations very effective. In this one instance that the U.S. has now adopted the same tactic in Mosul, they

did see civilians leave the house; they did report also, though, that one woman at the last minute after the weapon was released did run back into

the house. So this is a tactic that has some very mixed results.

CURNOW: Yes, indeed. Barbara Starr at the Pentagon, thank you so much.

North Korea has built a replica of South Korea's Blue House, the presidential residence in Seoul. South Korea's military believes the

replica will be used for military assault exercises.

The intention could be to create unity among North Koreans and stir up fear in South Korea, ahead of a rare congress next week of North Korea's ruling

party worker -- ruling Workers Party. It's the first meeting in nearly 40 years.

And Venezuela's government is ordering its workers to stay at home. They will work only two days a week because there's simply not enough

electricity to go around. It's only the latest crisis to hit the country.

We're joined now by Rafael Romo, he's our senior Latin American affairs editor.

So state workers have been told to stay at home except for, you know, for much of the week.

How does that help conserve electricity?

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SR. LATIN AFFAIRS EDITOR: The president says that the problem is the main dam in the country that provides 75 percent of

electricity is at record low levels.

And he says, when workers stay home, we're going to be able to keep the energy levels an acceptable level and wait for rain to come into Venezuela

so that the situation changes.

In the meantime we wanted to take a look at how this is affecting the average Venezuelan and this what is we found out.



ROMO (voice-over): About only thing that can be counted on around the clock at Dia's (ph) home these days is the gas stove. But the food in the

fridge is spoiling. And the microwave oven sits unused. The TV set is dark and the stereo system silent.

"We've had rolling blackouts since last month," Gustavo Dia (ph) says.

"We used to lose power two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon but now it's four hours straight."

When CNN visited the home in the Caricuao (ph) district outside Caracas, the Venezuelan capital, temperature was 34 degrees Celsius or 93 degrees


With no power, turning the air on is not an option. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decreed nationwide rolling blackouts, starting this week and

for at least the next 40 days. The country, the president says, is in the middle of a power crisis because water levels at the dam that provide 75

percent of Venezuela's electricity are at record lows due to a severe drought.

ROMO: The capital district in Caracas and some adjacent municipalities are exempt from the rolling blackouts because that's where the federal

government headquarters are located. Two states that heavily depend on tourism will not be affected, either.

ROMO (voice-over): Back at the Caricuao (ph) district outside Caracas, just about every business displays the same sign.

"No hay luz," it says. "There's no power."

At this paint store, owner Riz Marcano (ph) wipes the sweat off his forehead. He says that in addition to the blackouts, his business has been

hit by an economic crisis that has kept customers away, a crisis that has also kept some of his shelves completely empty.


ROMO: And that's what people are saying. They not only have to deal with this situation but also, when they go to the supermarkets, there's no food

that they can buy and they're not getting the social services they need.

CURNOW: No. I mean I think there are questions about the survival of the state here.

ROMO: That's right.

CURNOW: In terms of institutions collapsing, this is really not a good sign.

So how long, the question then is, can Venezuelans keep this up?

ROMO: Yes. That's an excellent point.

And when the president announced this, and he said it's going to last for 40 days, the question is, then what?

What happens after 40 days?

Is there a viable alternative for Venezuela to provide electricity?

And the reality is no. They -- they're just depending on Mother Nature right now.

CURNOW: OK. Thanks so much for keeping an eye on that story, Rafael Romo, appreciate it.

ROMO: Thank you.

CURNOW: We're now 100 days away from the start of the Olympic Games and the big question is, will Brazil be ready to host?

The country has been plagued with problems from political turmoil to Zika. Our Shasta Darlington joins us now from Rio with this report.


SHASTA DARLINGTON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): First warnings of water venues so clogged with debris and raw sewage that

athletes risked getting sick.

Then came Zika, a devastating virus that's spreading like wildfire and causing birth defects.

Now this -- a political crisis that could see President Dilma Rousseff step down as early as May to face an impeachment trial, no doubt accompanied by

massive demonstrations like these.

Political and social turmoil with the world watching.

So what will happen to the Summer Olympics?

According to the president herself, they'll be the best the world has ever seen.

"I hope to win not only on the courts and in the stadiums and in all of the sporting venues," she said, "but also to win outside of them, because we

carried out a series of constructions that transformed Rio de Janeiro."


DARLINGTON (voice-over): The glossy promo videos do show preparations are actually looking pretty good; 98 percent of the venues complete and this

without going over budget.

And organizers still expect half a million international tourists to descend on Rio.

DARLINGTON: The hotel association says there haven't been any cancellations, despite this spate of bad publicity; in fact, just the

opposite. They say with the cheaper currency, the hotels are almost 100 percent booked already.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): A big challenge still to be overcome: with just over half the tickets sold, can they fill these stands?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Brazilians are late buyers. And at this point they have more things to worry about.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): But now that torch has been lit and is on its way to Brazil, organizers are confident Brazilians will catch Olympic fever and

tickets will sell out.

Of course, we still don't know who will be in charge of the country when the torch stops at Maracana Stadium for the launch of the summer games.


CURNOW: Shasta Darlington joins me now.

As you've just laid out, there's a lot of uncertainty but often with these big games, no matter about the questions that lead up to it, the excitement

and the event and the bigness of it all just kind of takes precedence.


DARLINGTON: Yes, Robyn. We really expect it to at least begin to take off. Right now I'm at one of dozens of test events that have been going on

across the city in brand new venues. A lot of them have already been delivered.

Now with the torch coming, which will be arriving next week here in Brazil, going through hundreds of cities and towns, according to organizers up to

90 percent of the population will have access to the torch and all of the spectacle.

The hope is that Brazilians will at least put their economic and political problems to the side long enough to enjoy the games and really this

historic moment they will have on the global stage -- Robyn.

CURNOW: Shasta Darlington, thanks so much for bringing us that report. Appreciate it.

Well, a day after an emotional end to the Hillsborough Stadium inquest, the results are still reverberating throughout the U.K. The jury found that 96

football fans who died in a crush 27 years ago were unlawfully killed and that police, not the crowd, caused it.

It was a welcome relief for the families of the victims and Prime Minister David Cameron addressed the findings in Parliament just a short time ago.

Take a listen.


DAVID CAMERON, PRIME MINISTER, GREAT BRITAIN: Yesterday marked a momentous day for the family and friends of the 96 victims of the Hillsborough

disaster. Over the last 27 years, their search for justice has been met with obfuscation and hostility instead of sympathy and answers.

As I said to the house in 2012 about the Hillsborough independent panel's report it's wrong that the families had to wait for so long and fight so

hard just to get to the truth.

I know the whole house will want to join me in praising their courage, their patience and their resolve. They've never faltered in the pursuit of

the truth and we all owe them a great debt of gratitude.


CURNOW: Criminal investigations into the Hillsborough disaster are ongoing and they are expected to continue until the end of the year.

It was a tragedy that really changed the face of football. CNN's Don Riddell takes us on an emotional journey with the families of the

Hillsborough victims following their decades'-long fight for justice. CNN "WORLD SPORT" presents "Hillsborough: They'll Never Walk Alone." That

debuts Wednesday at 8:00 pm in London, 9:00 pm Central European time, only here on CNN.

Stay with us. My colleague, Christiane Amanpour, joins me live to discuss the foreign policy speech Donald Trump will deliver later today.





CURNOW: Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Robyn Curnow. Here's a check of the headlines.


CURNOW: Trump is set to deliver a foreign policy speech in Washington about 90 minutes from now. I want to talk about that with our chief

international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, who joins me from Brasilia in Brazil.

Christiane, you have interviewed a lot of world leaders.

What will the international community want from this speech?

What are they looking for?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know what, it's a mystery, even here in Brazil. I've been speaking to officials

around the president. We're about to sit down with the president for a very rare interview around her impeachment crisis.

But when it comes to the next President of the United States, they are incredibly concerned. Most people, most leaders, most citizens around the

world simply do not know what to expect if it was to be a Donald Trump presidency.

He has spoken off the cuff in various interviews and during debates and other interventions on camera about what he might do here, there and

everywhere around the world.

None of it has yet made up a coherent foreign policy and he's not even apparently claiming to be putting forth a Trump doctrine. But he has said

things that make people around the world very, very nervous, whether it is the first early iterations when he said we're going to ban all Muslims for

a period of time, when he's talking about making Mexico pay for a wall and deport 11 million-plus Mexicans from the United States.

When he's talking about, you know, bombing -- including families of ISIS members. When he talks about the Far East and says that he's going to --

and he would support nuclearizing the non-nuclear states of Japan and South Korea.

When he's talked about slapping trade tariffs and other protectionism measures on nations such as China. Most observers find all of this very,

very worrying. And including an overall isolationist track when it comes to his vision of foreign policy.

So we will wait to see what he outlines. But he as yet has not had a sort of coherent foreign policy doctrine, apart from, you know, the other day he

even said NATO was obsolete. So there's a lot of patchwork that's been going on and people will wait to see whether that can be melded into a

rational American foreign policy doctrine -- Robyn.

CURNOW: It does seem like the one bit of support he is getting is from Vladimir Putin, which, in itself, is pretty telling.

AMANPOUR: Well, you know, many have characterized those who have supported Donald Trump as being adversarial to the United States, particularly when

it comes to foreign policy.

Certainly many of the United States' allies in the rest of the world are very concerned about Vladimir Putin and what he says about Donald Trump.

Vladimir Putin is considered, particularly by NATO and European countries right now, including the United States, as one of the most deliberately

adversarial foreign powers around.

Even the Syrian War, the refugee crisis, the constant provoking of NATO, whether it was recently buzzing a U.S. warship, barrel rolling around a

U.S. plane, all of these sorts of attack mode actions towards U.S. and other allied countries, they're very concerned that Vladimir Putin would

like to weaken European and our allied institutions.

And so they're very concerned that a President Donald Trump, if that were to be the case, would make an alliance with Putin that would rather

encourage that kind of behavior rather than discourage it.

So yes, that is very concerning. People have talked about that kind of worrying nature of a potential Trump presidency, particularly an

isolationist policy, of pulling back of the United States --


AMANPOUR: -- in a crucial moment such as the world faces right now.

And here, in Latin America, obviously we don't know what he thinks beyond the wall in Mexico. But Brazil, for instance, is the most powerful,

economically strongest, militarily strongest country in Latin America. And that, for the United States, hemispheric relationships are very important -

- Robyn.

CURNOW: Yes. Indeed, when I spoke to the former Mexican president, he said Mr. Trump doesn't understand history, economy or how the world works.

I think it's the inconsistency, it's the uncertainty that has many people watching with interest, which is why we will be broadcasting that speech

live in about 90 minutes.

But let's talk also while you're there, Christiane, you're in Brazil to do this rare, exclusive interview with Dilma Rousseff.

What do you want to hear from her?

AMANPOUR: Well, first and foremost she has not sat down and talked one-on- one with anybody for months, even before this impeachment crisis reached a crescendo where we are right now.

So it's really important to be able to get her outside the sort of press conferences and group gatherings that she's addressed. So she will, no

doubt, continue what she's trying to portray this impeachment crisis as, to a global audience in saying that this is a political coup, this is an

opposition who wants me out. And they're using an unconstitutional method to do so.

However, this is constitutionally accepted within the Brazilian constitution. It is, according to most analysts, based on very flimsy

legal means but, nonetheless, it is, according to Brazil's institutions.

She has not been accused of corruption, unlike the majority of those arrayed against her, who have either been charged with corruption, tried

and convicted on corruption charges or charged and accused of a whole range of other crimes, including bribes, money laundering and human rights

violations, to be frank.

She is not being accused of corruption. However, what they've got her on, they think, is what they're calling creative accounting over the last

several years, a couple years ago, to fill and mask a budget deficit in order to make her chances of winning the 2014 election better.

And she's saying that, you know, she's claiming not to be guilty of that and, anyway, saying this is not a constitutional impeachable crime. So

that's where they stand.

But the fact of the matter is this is a crisis for Brazil. Brazil is right in the middle of the worst economic recession that it's had in practically

a century. The commodities market has tanked. Brazil's economic miracle was based on the high price of commodities. And that has started to tank

and really reached the very bottom over the last couple of years.

Plus, there is pervasive and institutional corruption throughout the private and public sector and it's touched congress in a major way and it

touches government in a major way.

So there are very, very systemic and infrastructure issues that have to be addressed. But many people believe here that, at this time, she is likely

to see herself being impeached and that process carrying on in the senate, having been overwhelmingly referred to the senate by the congress about 10

days ago -- Robyn.

OK. Thanks so much, Christiane Amanpour. You've got a lot to ask her.

Of course, Christiane's interview airs on her program, that will be on Thursday. It airs Thursday at 3:00 pm in Rio, 7:00 pm in London. That's

only on CNN. Much more news coming up.





CURNOW: Sales of Prince albums are skyrocketing since his death last week.

But the question is, who gets his cash?

Prince's sister says in a court document she thinks the singer had no will.

Well, Danielle Mayoras is an estate attorney and co-author of the book, "Trial and Heirs." She joins us by Skype from Michigan.

Thanks for joining us. Of course, we don't know a lot of details of Prince's estate but his sister said he didn't have a will. It's now up to

the courts to decide whether this claim is legitimate.

DANIELLE MAYORAS, ESTATE ATTORNEY AND AUTHOR: Well, it may be. We'll have to see if someone comes forward with either a will or possibly a trust

because just because she says he has no will doesn't mean there's not some estate planning out there. And it may surface in the days or weeks to


CURNOW: OK. And many people say Prince was such a good businessman, that it is unusual, perhaps, it would be strange if he hadn't left plans. But,

either way, with any celebrity estates, most celebrity estates, with or without a will, it can get messy.

MAYORAS: It can absolutely get messy and when you don't have a will or a trust, it gets even more confusing because the question is, who did he want

to leave his money to and who's controlling his likeness and his image?

And we're talking about an estate up to about $500 million or more. So there is quite a bit to fight over. And there may be other family members

who -- or potential family members who are claiming they're entitled to as piece of the estate.

And who knows if that's what Prince wanted or not?

CURNOW: When it comes also to the court process and as this proceeds, it's public, isn't it?

So dirty laundry can be aired. And we've seen this in many other cases, Michael Jackson, for example.

MAYORAS: Michael Jackson is a perfect example. It is a place in probate court, whenever you're in the court, it's open to the public and, in this

case, it would be very surprising if Prince didn't do anything because, we know during his lifetime he was a very private person.

And to think that whoever is in control of his estate, which has yet to be determined if there was no estate planning, that person would control all

of his unreleased music as well, which he's kept very, very safe in a vault for years.

So it will be interesting to see. And it will be very sad if this does become a public forum.

CURNOW: Well, let's talk about unreleased music. I think there was one estimate that it was like 100 albums; he could release an album for the

next 100 years, there's that much music that hasn't been released. So that's future sales.

We talk about downloads. The Prince estate is already getting richer since he died. But then, of course, there's everything he had already.

How do the people who inherit this manage this kind of responsibility, this awesome wealth?

MAYORAS: It doesn't always work out well and we've seen that in the past. There will probably not just be a family member in control of this estate

if there's no will. There will probably be some sort of professional that the court appoints.

And at this point in time, his sister has come forward and asked that the special administrator be appointed, she's asking that a bank, a trust

company, from a bank that Prince had a relationship with, be appointed at least to oversee things in the interim.

But when we're talking about this substantial type of wealth, we've seen it time and time again in celebrity cases where family members have difficulty

managing this and also all the negotiation that needs to take place with respect to the record companies and anything else that may need to be done.

CURNOW: Danielle, thanks so much for your perspective. Appreciate it.

MAYORAS: Thank you.

CURNOW: I'm Robyn Curnow. You're watching the INTERNATIONAL DESK. More news here on CNN continues.