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Isa Soares Tonight

Benjamin Netanyahu Threatens That No Force In The World Will Stop The IDF From Entering Rafah; Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Law Banning Nearly All Abortions; International Court Rules Switzerland Violated Human Rights; Judge Imposes 10-15 Year Sentence On Parents Of School Shooter; Historic Flooding In Russia; Record Floods Claimed At Least Three Lives; Ireland's Youngest Prime Minister, Simon Harris, Takes Office. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired April 09, 2024 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, HOST, ISA SOARES TONIGHT: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu threatens

that no force in the world will stop his troops entering Rafah, where over a million civilians are sheltering.

We'll speak to UNICEF's chief spokesperson who's just returned from the area. Then Arizona Supreme Court reinstates a century-old law banning

almost all abortions in the state. What this means for Arizona's women just ahead on the show.

And then later this hour, a landmark ruling finds that Switzerland has broken the law for failing to adequately tackle the climate crisis. We'll

speak to one of the 2,000 women who brought the case. But first this evening, Gaza is not Gaza anymore.

The words of one woman who returned home with neighbors to take the ruin to the ruins of Khan Yunis to discover really apocalyptic scenes. We are now

seeing the extent as you can see there, of the destruction after months of fierce fighting as residents trickle back into the city.

Entire blocks as you can see, just a wasteland. Israeli forces withdrew on Sunday from what they called Hamas stronghold. And we are seeing similar

scenes around Al-Shifa Hospital. That's in Gaza city. Gaza civil defense says nearly 400 bodies have been recovered so far after a two-week siege.

Experts from the World Health Organization are on-site trying to help identify the decomposing remains. The IDF says its troops are now

regrouping for other missions, including in Rafah, where more than a million Palestinian civilians are sheltering. Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu says a date has been set to enter Rafah, but won't disclose it, insisting, quote, "no force in the world", he says, "will stop his troops

from finishing the job against Hamas." The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says Israel isn't sharing specifics. Have a listen.


ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE, UNITED STATES: No, we do not have a date for any Rafah operation, at least one that's been communicated to us

by the Israelis on the contrary, what we have is an ongoing conversation with Israel about any Rafah operation.

The President has been very clear about our concerns, our deep concerns about Israel's ability to move civilians out of harm's way, to care for

them once they're out of harm's way, and to have any kind of major military operation that doesn't do real harm to civilians, to children, to women, to



SOARES: Well, let's bring in our international diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson joins us tonight from Jerusalem. So, Nic, no word yet on the

exact date of this offensive or how imminent it may be. But what is clear from what we've heard today is that Prime Minister Netanyahu is facing

increasing pressure, Nic, from the right wing of his party, in particular here from Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. Just talk to that political, that

domestic political pressure first of all.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, it was just a couple of days ago over the weekend and Itamar Ben-Gvir; National Security

Minister said that if the Prime Minister didn't go into Rafah to chase down the last leadership of Hamas, then he would no longer have a mandate to be

prime minister.

And subsequent to hearing that, the Prime Minister has really doubled-down on saying, there is a date set to go into Rafah. We will go into Rafah, and

when he was at that military recruitment center today, he made it very clear that no force in the world will stop Israel going in to do it.

They see it as a military imperative. The only way that they can take out Hamas leadership, the evidence on the ground -- you were talking about Khan

Yunis, but the evidence on the ground of the past six months, the fight is typically Hamas is able to withstand very heavy and long presence of IDF

forces on the ground, and still be able to come back fighting, not as strongly as before, and still be able to launch rockets.

And the top leadership of Hamas is still not -- still not been captured or killed so far. So, the Prime Minister's words tried to ameliorate if you

will, or keep the hardliners in his -- in his governing coalition. We understand that this evening that the war cabinet and security cabinet are

also meeting to discuss the hostage negotiations.


And it is that right wing of his cabinet, the Prime Minister's cabinet, that is keeping him, it appears and his own intent as well on track in

these operations. But I think what we heard from Secretary of State Antony Blinken today was a little bit of clarity on when that date might be.

As you heard him say, they don't -- the United States doesn't know a date. But it also said we're meeting with Israeli officials next week. We expect

to continue our conversations. We'll not expect any action before that, not expecting it all that soon.

And I think if you try to read the battlefield here and the troops being pulled out for recuperation and preparation, you know, the IDF is not

laying down a timeline for that, but one would think coming off a four- month operation in Khan Yunis, they might be given a little bit of time before being put into that sort of zone and environment again.

SOARES: Yes, I mean, no timeline as you say. But what is clear is that the international calls, not just from the U.S., of course, who is Israel's

staunchest ally, who has also said important to point out as opposed to any sort of assault on Rafah. He actually called it a mistake.

Clearly, here, Nic, falling on deaf ears. What are you hearing then from your sources as to how this -- when this happens, if it happens, how may

this happen? I mean, how will they move, Nic, the more than a million Palestinians sheltering in the city? Sheltering there because they were

told to go there in the first place.

ROBERTSON: Yes, it's absolutely not clear. In one of the national newspapers here has a report that we have not stood up, that says the army

is searching for tens of thousands of tents that could be used in such -- in such a scenario that's not clear. The IDF reported some time ago to the

government, how it would -- how it would remove the citizens, move them somewhere safe.

It's certainly not something that's been communicated with the United States, that's what U.S. officials are saying very clearly. This -- at

least that they're concern. How it will be affected on the ground, look, the situation may change a little bit on the ground.

There were sort of 420,000 residents in Khan Yunis, many of those did move to Rafah. They may try to go back, but apparently, as I'm also finding

their homes are utterly destroyed.

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: So, they have nowhere to go back to there. But the fact is, there will be well over a million Palestinians in and around Rafah for the

foreseeable future, and we're not getting a clear indication of how they can be kept safe.

SOARES: Yes, and I know you'll be pushing for answers on this front, Nic, appreciate it, thank you very much. And while there's been no ground

invasion of Rafah, Israel has repeatedly attacked the city from -- yes, as you know, UNICEF spokesman visited Rafah to show the world the impact of

the war on children. Have a look at this.


JAMES ELDER, SPOKESPERSON, UNICEF: Despite another night, another day, relentless bombardments here. Children still playing. This is Rafah. This

is a city of children. This is my children and families were told to come. And this is where they were told they'd be safe.

Safety, this word doesn't really exist in Gaza, but loss does.


SOARES: James Elder, a friend of the show joins us now live, he is in Geneva tonight. And James, we played that little clip from your social

media account when you were inside Gaza. You've said on this show, right from the beginning that, you know, time and time again, that this is a

city of children.

You've warned repeatedly, James, of an incursion into Rafah. What is your reaction then when you hear Prime Minister Netanyahu said that no force in

the world will stop it from happening.

ELDER: Isa, it's terrifying. I feel like we've been terrified for months - -

SOARES: Yes --

ELDER: And when we hear those news reports, of you know, getting tents and so forth together, it speaks -- as the children perennially have been a

secondary consideration in this entire war that there is no real backup plan for them. We know this as the United Nations.

We are asked to find a place for a million people to go. My Palestinian friends point to the beach and say, you can put a few hundred thousand

people there, and they know they are going there to die. So, there is nowhere for them to go. Hospitals have tens of thousands of people seeking

refuge beyond the many hundreds who can't be moved because they've got critical illnesses from this war.

You've got the elderly -- Isa, I work for UNICEF, but I'm constantly struck in Gaza -- in Rafah, when I see elderly people walking around, you know, as

an elderly person would, they cannot move, they won't move again.


They've -- their entire system -- their entire system of well-being has been shattered. So, the idea that it's -- this is becoming a more and more

certain event --

SOARES: Yes --

ELDER: I mean, it should be terrifying for the world.

SOARES: Indeed, and James, I do wonder in terms of the conversation, I mean, has UNICEF or any other NGO heard anything as to how this may be

happening. Are conversations happening behind closed doors. How will people be moved? Where will they be moved to? What support will there be? Will

NGOs get a heads up?

ELDER: It's a great -- it's a great question, and no. And yet, there is a theory that were already in the operational phase that this will happen.

And there will be some decision made that, you know, aid agencies of the United Nations can keep these people safe. Well, there's two problems with


One, legally, Israel has the occupying power, has the responsibility not just to facilitate aid, and that's not being facilitated. People are shot

as they are accessing --

SOARES: Yes --

ELDER: Aid convoys.

SOARES: Yes --

ELDER: We have most of the restrictions go into the north. That's why there's imminent famine. But there's also that responsibility to therefore,

you know, ensure there are toilets and showers in Rafah, as we've said on your program, Isa, Rafah has around one shower for every three-and-a-half

thousand people, that would probably turn to 10,000 people if they move somewhere else.

So, no, there's no provisions in these. And why is there no provisions? Because civilians and children have throughout this conflict been second-

class citizens at best. If there was a genuine attempt only to target militants and not to have a situation where 1 percent of Gaza's child

population has been killed in a historic new low.

If there was a real intent to protect children from the militants, then there would of course be tents and showers and bathrooms and hospitals. The

first hospital that we will see go in Rafah is the largest standing hospital, and that's directly in the line of fire.

Is there a provision being made for other healthcare at a time where children need healthcare more than ever? No. Know this, no, and that speaks

to the intent and the complete disregard for children.

SOARES: And we've seen -- we've heard, I should say, in terms of aging, as the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said there's some 408 trucks were

cleared to enter Gaza. That was on Monday, that according to Secretary Blinken, the highest number since October the 7th.

But I mean, is this getting to where it needs to go in a sustained way? And I suppose the question -- I suppose it begs the question, and I wonder

whether you're thinking this too, is why was something that was seen as impossible now possible?

ELDER: Well, quite exactly. There's a couple of things. Again, 400 trucks is a good start. They're not getting to the north where there's even

famine. There is many restrictions occurring in-between that. So, that's a major problem that could be fixed by opening a crossing in the north.

We're told there will now be a cross into -- a crossing opened in the north. We were told that on the 21st of February, that hasn't happened.

We're told areas will open in the north, Isa. My great fear, UNICEF, the U.N.'s great fear is that, that crossing will open because an offensive in

Rafah will absolutely devastate any opportunity to get aid through there.

So, we are at a game of counting trucks. The reality is people in the north are at a level of imminent famine. We've seen children fall into

catastrophic hunger at a number that we haven't seen anywhere before. And again, it speaks to intent. We don't have intentionally good effort to get

as much aid as we can to those in need.

We have the -- we have smoke and mirrors in numbers, and then on the ground, every possible obstruction, speaking to whether UNRWA as the

largest U.N. agency in supplying 50 percent of food to the north, hasn't got supplies in to the north since January, or UNICEF supporting only

children every time we load a convoy with life-saving medicines or nutritional food, we have to unload that and reload it four times before it

gets to those children we serve.

SOARES: James Elder, always appreciate you taking the time to speak to us here on the show. Thanks, James, great to see you.

ELDER: Thanks, Isa.

SOARES: Now to some breaking news out of Arizona. The state's Supreme Court has ruled that a century-old law banning nearly all abortions is

enforceable. The measure which prohibits abortion, except in cases where it's necessary to save the mother's life carries a prison sentence of two

to five years for abortion providers.

The court ruled that the law now replaces Arizona's 15 week ban, but it won't take effect just yet. The court put its ruling on hold for two weeks

and sent the case back to a lower court to hear additional arguments. Our Natasha Chen with us now with the details from Los Angeles.

Natasha, I mean, this is a major ruling, upholding like we said, a 19th century ban. Talk us through the court's opinion here, just break it down

for our viewers.

NATASHA CHEN, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right, this is a 47-page decision and very complicated because they were asked to provide clarity on

the two laws that Arizona has seemingly had on the books.


There's 15-week ban that was put into place, passed by the state right before Roe versus Wade was overturned two years ago, and this other law,

the old one dating back to the civil war era, which bans nearly all abortions except in the case of saving the life of the mother, it carries a

prison sentence of between two and five years in prison for abortion providers.

Now, the judges today ruled that, that needs to be upheld, that older law. It's very confusing, of course, and that is why there are strong emotions

and reactions from so many people, including Planned Parenthood, who came out today to say that they will continue to provide services according to

the 15-week ban until this ruling goes -- has that 14-calendar day stay.

So, this is going to be a lot for people to figure out. To be clear, no one who provided abortions prior to this ruling will be subject to the penalty.

Here's what Governor Katie Hobbs had to say.


GOV. KATIE HOBBS (D-AZ): Let me be clear, Arizona's 2022 abortion ban is extreme and hurts women. And the near-total civil war era ban that

continues to hang over our heads only serves to create more chaos for women and doctors in our state.


CHEN: And already, the state's Attorney General is saying that this is unconscionable and a front to freedom. Let's take a look at more of the

statement posted on X, saying, "today's decision to re-impose a law from a time when Arizona wasn't a state, the civil war was raging and women

couldn't even vote, will go down in history as a stain on our state.

This is far from the end of the debate on reproductive freedom, and I look forward to the people of Arizona having their say in the matter. And let me

be completely clear, as long as I am attorney general, no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this draconian law in this state."

So, you see there that there is a statement that there won't be enforcement, at least from the Attorney General's office. At the same time,

you have a citizen ballot initiative where people are collecting signatures in hopes to put this to voters to try to enshrine abortion rights in

Arizona state law.

So, there's a lot more to come on this winding path, a lot more for people to figure out, of course, very confusing and probably very emotional for

women hoping to seek an abortion in the state of Arizona.

SOARES: Indeed, Natasha Chen, thank you very much Natasha.

CHEN: Thanks.

SOARES: And still to come tonight, a top EU court rules that Switzerland's climate failure has breached human rights. I'll speak to one of the women

who brought forward that case. That is next.



SOARES: It's a landmark ruling that could have a ripple effect across the globe. An international court in France has ruled that Switzerland's

failure to adequately tackle the climate crisis was in violation of human rights. It is the first time the court has ever ruled on climate


The case was brought about by more than 2,000 Swiss women, most of whom are in their 70s. They argued that climate change fueled heat waves, undermined

their health as well as their quality of life. One of those women is Elisabeth Stern now in her mid 6 -- 70s, I should say. She says, quote, "we

don't want to die prematurely just because we as a society, including politicians and companies, haven't managed to come up with a sensible

climate policy, or at least, not one that is good enough."

And Elisabeth joins me now live from Strasbourg in France. Elisabeth, great to see you and congratulations, you and your association of Swiss climate

seniors must be absolutely thrilled with the ruling. Just your reaction, first of all, Elisabeth.

ELISABETH STERN, CLIMATE ACTIVIST & PLAINTIFF: Well, you put it rightly. We are absolutely thrilled. I mean, it's like, do we really believe it that

we won, not just won a little bit, we won. But for me personally, it took me a while to realize I was sitting in a court case -- courtroom, and the

president was reading that point by point by point.

And then I saw, what's actually happening here? Do I understand everything correctly? Is it really so great? And in my case, depending throughout,

just right afterwards when it was over. And then when I realized that I got a tummy ache and I felt just sorry for those young Portuguese last time.

SOARES: Yes, that one, they lost. But you know, you won, you all won. And your association from what I understand Elisabeth, launched the case

somewhat nine years ago --

STERN: That's right --

SOARES: And you had to -- and you had to submit evidence, right? Kind of outlining the effects of climate change when you all and why it makes you

more vulnerable. Just for our viewers right around the world, Elisabeth, talk to that, give us a sense of the personal impact, how it's affected

your life.

STERN: It has impacted my life, yes, very clearly over the last two years, not before and now 76 years old. And in my case, it started about two years

ago that I realized I really take the heat badly. I want to stay inside when we have those longer heat waves.

And I remember one Summer, several Summers ago, one of those heat waves lasted actually three weeks. And that is tough when you just can't stay

inside your apartment and not go out because everybody just doesn't handle the heat. Then it had happened to me being on public transport and it was

very hot and had the feeling I'm never going to survive to the end of this.

And now, I know I have to be careful so I don't get cold somewhere out in the heat, and it really sort of like reduces your everyday life. You have

to plan differently, go shopping in the morning. I mean, that in itself is not so terrible, right?

SOARES: Yes --

STERN: But if the number of elderly women who died during heat waves is just higher than they normally would die. So, that not -- that effect and

that evidence has increased over the last eight years.

SOARES: And I wonder Elisabeth, I mean, did the court impose -- following its ruling, any kind of enforcement and enforcement sort of action on the

Swiss government? I mean, what changes would you like to see?

STERN: Well, what we would like to see is that Switzerland really does now its homework on a fast track by figuring out what is the climate policy

that is in line with scientific evidence? That we should really keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.

Switzerland has also signed the Paris Agreement, which stipulates that -- and the way we are going together with other countries is on a track of 3

degrees global warming.


And on the average, we have 1.2 already now, and we see the damages all around.

SOARES: Yes --

STERN: So, we're the only ones the government first to all, and that is, has also been stated now by the court, we want the government to work out a

clear budget on Co2 emissions reduction. The contribution, this little country as some people say, has to do. But we have to contribute that part.

And that is what we want to see happening, a clear improvement of our top climate policy in line with what we have signed, in line with scientific


SOARES: And of course, we're all hoping that this is just beginning of course, grateful, of course, for the younger generations from all of us, we

are very grateful. Thank you very much, Elisabeth, and congratulations.

STERN: Well, thank you with your interest and good night.

SOARES: Thank you, Elisabeth. And last month was the hottest March on record, marking ten straight months of record. Global temperatures there

according to the European Union's climate monitoring system, Copernicus, March was 1.68 degrees Celsius warmer before -- than the average before


The heat is driven by long-term human cause, global warming and boosted by the El Nino climate pattern. And those record temperatures that we were

just talking about there are part of the reason why water will begin to be rationed in Bogota, in Colombia, starting this Thursday.

The city's mayor says reservoirs are at a historically low levels which have been worsened by El Nino. The measures will affect Bogota and dozens

of nearby towns. Let's get more now from journalist Stefano Pozzebon, he joins us now from Bogota in Colombia.

And Stefano, just put this into context for us, because we -- there have been -- temperatures have been scorching, but also there have been

wildfires. So, talk us through the intense or the intensity of the heat that Colombia has been suffering from.

STEFANO POZZEBON, JOURNALIST: Yes, Isa, let me tell you one thing. This city, Bogota, is infamous across the continent for its weather. You might

think of Colombia for Caribbean sunshine there, leaving a good life on the beach. Well, Bogota is none of that. Normally, in the five years that I've

been living here, you would think that Bogota is more akin on an event to November day in Glasgow than to the Caribbean.

Well, that is not true today, because you can see that the sun is shining on Bogota, even though, between March and April is the high of the rainy

season. And that is exactly like you said, in part due to the El Nino effect.

That's why they have both the government and the mayor of Bogota have announced that a coordinated plan that calls for a state of emergency when

it comes to water, water will be rational -- rationed across the different municipalities that make up the Colombian capital.

In my house, for example, here we're going to be without water, running water for 24 hours, starting the day after tomorrow on Thursday at 8:00

a.m. until Friday at 8:00 a.m. So, a considerable amount of time without water running through the building. And they hope, the authorities hoping

that these measure will be -- will make sure that both the reservoir will start to -- growing a little bit in their levels ahead of new rains

hopefully coming at the end of April.

But right now, El Nino is hitting hard, and it's interesting that the government has even come up with a hashtag on social media, calling it El

Nino is not a game. Just to say -- to warn citizens not to underestimate these effect. One last thing that is really crucial for the supply of the

Colombian capital where about 11 million people live every day, is that the majority of power here, electricity comes from hydroelectric power dam up

in the mountains just behind my back.

So, the fact that the reservoir are at a historic low means that further down in the year, it could be that we are also getting some rationing when

it comes to power, because of low electricity level in the network. The authorities have so far warned that, that is not coming in the upcoming

days, but that may be in the -- in the -- coming in the future.

And once again, it's a tail that they don't divide its own tail in a way, Isa, because, well, if you don't have enough power coming from the

hydroelectric dams, you're going to burn more fossil fuels in power plants to keep --

SOARES: Yes --

POZZEBON: The engine going here in the city.

SOARES: Stefano Pozzebon for us there in Bogota, thanks Stefano. And still to come tonight, emotions running high in a Michigan courtroom as a parent

of a school shooter face the victims' families at a sentencing. That story next.



SOARES: Welcome back, everyone.

In an unprecedented move, a judge sentences the parents of a school shooter to 10 to 15 years in prison. A short time ago, James and Jennifer Crumbley

were sentenced for their roles in the deadly school shooting carried out by their son. In a powerful, heartbreaking scene, they came face to face with

the families of the victims who gave emotional impact statements before the sentencing. Have a listen.


NICOLE BEAUSOLEIL, MOTHER OF MADISYN BALDWIN: While your son was hearing voices and asking for help, I was helping Madisyn pick out her senior

classes. While you were perching -- seeing a gun for your son and leaving it unlocked, I was helping her finish her college essays. While you dropped

him off at school, upset that he was failing class. I texted Madisyn, drive safe. It's slick outside. Have a good day.

When you got a call to meet at the school about your son and how it interfered with your day, I was rearranging my schedule so I could take

Madisyn to get her oil changed for the first time. When you left without hesitation and not taking him home. I was worried if she'd be OK driving in

the first snowfall of the season and if she brought a coat.


When you walked out of the office with a steady pace after hearing an active shooter, I ran from my home and started driving, trying not to break

the law. When you were on the phone for 10 minutes with each other, trying to figure out where the gun was, I was on the phone with her father and

family trying to figure out where she was.

When you left the Myers without knowing where your son was, I was desperately trying to get there as soon as possible. When you knew the gun

was missing, you called the police knowing it was your son who took it. I was having family call every hospital describing what she looked like. When

you texted Ethan, don't do it. I was texting Madisyn, I love you. Please call mom.


SOARES: Just incredibly moving there. Well later, Jennifer Crumbley addressed the court.


JENNIFER CRUMBLEY, MOTH OF SCHOOL SHOOTER: If I even thought my son could be capable of crimes like these, things would have absolutely been

different. Even worse, when I learned during the police investigation that he had been planning a school shooting before November 30th.


SOARES: Well, the Crumbleys were both found guilty of involuntary manslaughter earlier this year in the death of four Oxford High School

students, you can see them there, gunned down by Ethan Crumbley.

Following the story is CNN's Jean Casarez has been in the case from the very beginning and she joins us now. And Jean, I mean that -- the victim

impact statements, we heard a little piece of it there. We're -- just incredibly moving and powerful. Just bring us up to date with what we heard

in court and how what impact that had on the decision.

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No, it has such a big impact because the victim impact statements, they, by law, are allowed to give them. These are

the parents of those four high school students gunned down by Ethan Crumbley, the son of James and Jennifer.

But the judge must take them into consideration, and she definitely did. They were all different. You saw Nicole Beausoleil right there, who is the

mother of Madisyn Baldwin. She was doing a timeline that, while I was doing this, you were doing that. You were trying to find a gun. I was trying to

find my daughter.

Other parents had a more broadened message that, your children, take care of them. They are your priority. They are your focus. They are what you

need to look at and be concerned about directly to the parents of James and Jennifer.

You know, very rarely have I ever seen -- actually first time, a parent talking to a parent. And it's up to the judge in these victim impact

statements and begging for mercy before the court, as the defendants did, if they can talk directly to the parents. But they were able to address the

parents. So, you had parent to parent right there talking. James Crumbley turned his body around to say, I have never been able to speak before to

you, but I am so sorry what you have gone through. Now that was met on deaf ears by many, but it was his first time to really express something to

those parents.

But the 10 to 15 years is the maximum. This is all the judge could give them, but it is substantial. And the judge said that the advisory guideline

of four to seven just was not appropriate in these circumstances. It dictated much, much more.

SOARES: And we just heard in the last few minutes, the lead prosecutor in the trials of James and Jennifer Crumbley, said it was disappointing, their

words here, Jean, that the parents didn't express remorse. And the sentencing was, of course, televised across the United States. Parents

would have been listening to this intently. Just talk to the precedents of this case, because never before have parents been tried and convicted for

the alleged involvement in a mass school shooting.

CASAREZ: It is so true what you say, because here in the United States, not only was it the first time for parents to ever be charged with their

conduct of their minor child at a school shooting because it was their child that took that gun and pulled the trigger independently, but the

parents were charged with homicide.

They were convicted of homicide, four counts. Saying, you parents, you caused the death of those four students at Oxford High School because you

should have known that your child was having mental issues. You purchased a gun for them four days before the shooting, and then he, somehow, got it in

his hands, and took it to school and committed the shooting.

Now, the sentencing has taken place. Once again, a precedent setting, sentencing for this country. Because now parents have been sentenced as

convicted of homicide themselves in a school shooting. 10 to 15 years.

SOARES: Jean Casarez, really appreciate you breaking it all down for us. Thank you.

CASAREZ: Thank you.


SOARES: And still to come tonight, historic floods hit the Orenburg region of Russia. We'll tell you why so many of those affected are angry with

officials there, that is next.


SOARES: Well, residents in the Russian town of Orsk are angry over what they say is a lack of action to devastating floods. A state of emergency

has been declared after the worst flooding ever recorded in the Orenburg region. More than 10,000 residential buildings have been evacuated and

President Vladimir Putin has no plans to visit the area. Here's a further look at the situation.


SOARES (voice-over): Catastrophic flooding and thousands of lives appended across several regions in Russia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking in a foreign language).

SOARES (voice-over): Forcing many to evacuate with just their pets and a handful of belongings. At least three people are reported to have died so

far. Authorities declared a state of emergency in the Orenburg region near Kazakhstan.

After the Ural, Europe's third longest river, swirled several meters and burst through a dam embankment in Orsk, a city of more than 200,000


CROWD: (Speaking in a foreign language).

SOARES (voice-over): The anger there was palpable on Monday, with protesters chanting, shame on you, at local officials, and Putin help over

the government's response.

No one is helping us here, a man in this crowd shouts. The state is doing nothing, he says.

The city mayor said the flood has now peaked, according to Russian state news agency TASS. And the Kremlin spokesperson described the deluge in

these regions as inevitable due to an abnormal increase in water levels. Dmitry Peskov also said that President Vladimir Putin is currently not

planning on visiting the affected areas.

Across the border in Kazakhstan, the country's president said the floods were his country's worst natural disaster in decades. In Russia, the

country's emergency situations minister flew over some of the flooded zones on Tuesday to inspect the damage. And over in the Kurgan region, melting

ice and torrential rains caused another river to overflow.


This is not a joke, the regional governor says bluntly. Leave. Take your papers, valuables, children, elderly relatives with limited mobility. You

need to do this now, he says.

Flood waters in Kurgan are expected to rise even higher over the next 48 hours. Putting thousands more lives at risk and wreaking even more havoc.


SOARES: Now an historic new era in Ireland. Simon Harris was sworn in earlier as the country's youngest ever prime minister. His confirmation

follows Leo Varadkar's shock resignation, if you remember last month. The 37-year-old Harris was first appointed to the cabinet in 2016 before rising

through the government. He told lawmakers that he wants to bring new ideas, new energy and a new empathy to public life.

And still to come tonight, just a few minutes to kick off in the Champions League semifinals, if you are into football or soccer. But terror threats

have cities on high alert. We'll have more on what authorities are saying. That is next.


SOARES: Well, minutes from now, two major matches in European football are about to kick off. Manchester City are in Spain to take on Real Madrid. And

here in London, Premier League leaders Arsenal are hosting Bayern Munich. But overshadowing the Champions League quarterfinals are alleged terror


European football's governing body, UEFA, say despite the threats, these matches will still go ahead with security measures, of course, in place.

London's Metropolitan Police say, the U.K. terrorism threat level remains at substantial, that basically means that an attack in the country is

considered likely.

Our Senior Sports Analyst Darren Lewis joins me now in the studio. And Darren, I know you were -- I saw you earlier at the outside the Emirates

Stadium, right, in North London.


SOARES: Just talk us through what you saw, what measures have been put in place.

LEWIS: Well, we were there very early this morning, Isa, in preparation for our world sport show at 12:30 with their roundabout 10:45, U.K. time.

And you couldn't help but notice the increased police presence on foot, in cars, in vans, doing laps of the stadium. Reassuring the public, almost,

that they were all over this.

Now, that was even before UEFA, you mentioned them a second ago, the European Football governing body, they released a statement to CNN at

around about 12:40 U.K. time.


And it was very unusual, the statement they released, because they use language that they don't normally use. Normally very bland but they said

that they were aware of the alleged terror threat.

Now, that was followed by the interior minister in France, Gerald Darmanin, who said that there would be a considerably reinforced presence ahead of

the PSG game against Barcelona in Paris tomorrow night. And then the Spain sports minister, Pilar Alegria, he talked about 2,000 police and civil

guards, officers that would be protecting the city of Madrid.

Real Madrid, the Spanish champions, they play against the English champions, Manchester City tonight. And there are 76,000 fans expected at

the Bernabeu Stadium. 4,100 of whom will be coming from England. So, you can understand the scale off the operation, both in Spain, in England, and

tomorrow in France.

SOARES: I mean, is that -- and from those -- from anyone you've spoken to, is that putting anyone off from going? Are people still turning up, you


LEWIS: No, it's not. They are still going to the match, but there is a wave of apprehension now.

SOARES: Yes, understandably.

LEWIS: An unjustified concern.


LEWIS: I must tell you, I was in touch with the English FA this afternoon, they declined to comment, but they did direct me to the Metropolitan Police

who said that there was a robust policing plan, their word -- their words, in place.

And going to Arsenal, as I have done in the past, I know that they are very, very good in terms of security. That will be heightened. At the pre-

match press conference yesterday, there were helicopters above the stadium. And they are very assiduous, Arsenal, at the Emirates Stadium in terms of

taking care of supporters.

SOARES: I mean, add some context here for our viewers around the world in terms of what will this mean going forward for sporting event? I'm thinking

of Paris Olympics, in terms of the security measures needed going ahead, going forward.

LEWIS: Yes, really good question because I remember post 2015, the bloodshed at the Bataclan.


LEWIS: We all remember that. And the attack on the Stade de France where the national team in France had been playing. And after that, what happened

was every stadium you went to, there were stringent security checks. So, your bags were searched, there were stiffer dogs at the entrance to the

stadium. Fans were not allowed to bring rucksacks into the stadium. All those things will be back.

Now, some clubs, they did relax them. Arsenal, to be fair to them, never have. And I think that what we will see is an increase on that tonight, but

also it is going to be a way of life. Because after 2015, we saw some of the most stringent measures sport has ever seen. I think now, with the way

things are around the world, and certainly around Europe, that will be back.

SOARES: Darren, appreciate it. Thank you very much.

LEWIS: Thanks.

SOARES: Now, a rare total solar eclipse swept across North America on Monday, plunging parts of Mexico, the U.S., and even Canada into darkness

just in the middle of the day. Millions of people were treated to spectacular views as the moon blocked the sun, but it wasn't just humans

who were affected, animals could be seen behaving in unusual ways as well. Our Ed Lavandera has all the details for you.


ED LAVANDERA, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was like momentarily walking into the classic comedy "Night at the Museum". A

glimpse into the secret lives of animals at the Dallas Zoo when humans aren't around to watch.

LAVANDERA: Zebra started chasing him, and then the ostriches got into the mix as well.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): Just as the zoo slipped into total darkness, a jolt of -- well, animal energy seemed to shoot through the grounds. The

moment mesmerized Lisa Van Slett, a curator of mammals at the Dallas Zoo.

LAVANDERA: So, did the total eclipse today meets your expectations

LISA VAN SLETT, ASSOCIATE CURATOR, DALLAS ZOO: It exceeded my expectations today. There was a lot more activity than I expected to see out of the


LAVANDERA (voice-over): Just before total darkness and ostrich laid an egg and hovered over it for a time, protecting it. Zoo officials say, it's not

clear if the moment was caused by the eclipse, but that the timing was certainly curious, they said. Guineafowls suddenly crowed wildly.

VAN SLETT: You can hear the -- I hear the birds are starting.

LAVANDERA: The birds are getting louder.


LAVANDERA (voice-over): Just before the moon covered the sun for almost four minutes, a young giraffe and its mother galloped around the enclosure.

The zebras joined in the chase as well. Here and around the country, elephants grouped together and appeared to head back to the area where they

sleep. Flamingos packed together in the middle of a pond in their habitat. Primates apparently also thought it was bedtime. Animal experts say the

sudden darkness triggered a natural reaction among many of the animals.

VAN SLETT: At night time, predators go out a lot more, and so they have to kind of huddle together to be safety in numbers. And in case something's

coming, so they went into that instinct pretty quickly.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): At this doggy daycare in the Dallas area, this group of dogs seem to stop, confused by the sudden darkness. When the sun

returned, the dog started playing around again. Another video captured a cat wanting to come inside its home when darkness struck. At the Toledo

Zoo, a polar bear didn't seem to care about all the fuss. Nonchalantly dove into the water before the sun disappeared.


Texas Parks and Wildlife officials teamed up with NASA to set up these acoustic recording devices to monitor the sounds of animals in the wild,

but not all animals were flustered or impressed by the total eclipse. Tobogo, the giraffe, mostly walked around unfazed, ready to start chewing

on the lettuce the humans feed him when the sun came back.

LAVANDERA: Because a total eclipse is so rare, there's very little documentation, very few studies that have been done on animal behavior

during a total eclipse. Because of that, zoo officials say, they plan on sharing their observations and the data they gather, not just with other

zoos that were in the path of this eclipse, but as well as with other zoos across the country.

Ed Lavandera, CNN, Dallas.


SOARES: Well, and sticking -- staying with the animals, of course, in the Australian Outback, rangers were delighted to spot this incredibly rare

creature. It is a northern marsupial mole, as you can see there, the species are completely blind and absolutely tiny, as you can see, measuring

around 10 centimeters. They are typically only spotted five to 10 times in a decade, so you can understand, of course, the excitement of getting a

chance to see them up closely as we will. Very exciting in this room,

Now, to an update to read to a story we brought you earlier. More than 100 Palestinians were killed and hundreds injured when an aid delivery turned

deadly, if you remember, in Gaza in late February. The Israeli military claimed back then its tanks fired warning shots to disperse the crowd after

seeing people were being trampled.

But a CNN analysis of videos, interviews, and as well as eyewitness testimonies cast doubt on Israel's version of events. Our Katie Polglase

has a story for you.


KATIE POLGLASE, CNN INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCHER (voice-over): It's early morning on February 29th on Al-Rashid Road in northern Gaza, thousands of

starving people have gathered here to receive food. But as the aid trucks arrive, this happens.

The night would become known as the, "Flour Massacre,"

By morning, over 100 would be dead. In one of the single biggest mass casualty events of this conflict, CNN investigated this incident, obtaining

never seen before videos of that night, collecting evidence from 22 eyewitnesses, and tracing the aid itself all the way to a Muslim charity in

the U.K.

It was the IDF that was then responsible for safely delivering these vital supplies. But we found they opened fire on unarmed starving Palestinians at

close range as the aid arrived. Their explanation for the tragedy, using this drone video, was a stampede that caused soldiers to fire warning shots

in the air. They later admitted to firing some shots directly at so-called suspects who approached them.

But the IDF footage is incomplete. It cuts between crowds surrounding the trucks and bodies lying on the ground. Even this reveals they were firing

in a densely packed area, likely to cause severe bloodshed. CNN requested the full footage from the IDF, but it was denied.

Jihad Abu Watfa was amongst the starving Palestinians and started filming as the trucks crossed into Northern Gaza.

JIHAD ABU WATFA, PALESTINIAN WHO GATHERED FOR AID DELIVERY ON FEBRUARY 29 (through translator): We decided to face the danger, to risk our lives to

obtain any piece of bread for our families.

POLGLASE (voice-over): Videos from Jihad and another key eyewitness, Bilal (ph), indicate the gunfire started earlier than the IDF claimed. The IDF

published this timeline, saying the trucks arrived at the checkpoint at 4:00 a.m. They then crossed at 4:29 and only after that did the IDF fire

shots at the crowd.

But in Bilal's (ph) video filmed seven minutes earlier at 4:22 a.m. Gunshots ring out. He warns there was a tank. The IDF claim the convoy was

still stationary at the checkpoint at this time. Next, Jihad begins filming. It's now 4:28 a.m. and there's a barrage of gunfire and the shots

are close.

Analysis by weapons experts of the bursts indicate it is heavy automatic gunfire at 600 rounds per minute. Jihad keeps filming.

A tank is beside me. We're now under siege, he says.

Moments later, you see a truck driving along the road. We spotted traces from the gunfire here. One can be seen ricocheting up here, according to

weapons experts.

WATFA (through translator): The feeling was totally indescribable, fear, confusion. You fear, God forbid, going back to your family as a martyr.


POLGLASE (voice-over): As day broke, the number of dead and injured that emerged are staggering. Interviews with survivors at hospitals afterwards

found some people had been shot in the upper body.