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Interview With Kris Jenner; Interview with Matthew Broderick

Aired November 04, 2011 - 22:00   ET


ANNOUNCER: Coming up on the "Joy Behar Show," Kim Kardashian`s mother Kris Jenner opens up about Kim`s failed marriage.


KRIS JENNER, KIM KARDASHIAN`S MOTHER: She has a lot of guilt because she feels like she disappointed a lot of people.


ANNOUNCER: Then, does Justin Bieber have an illegitimate child? He says no but a 20-year-old woman claims the teen idol is the father of her newborn. Joy will have the details.

Plus, Matthew Broderick is here and he`ll tell Joy what it`s like being in a celebrity marriage that actually works. That and more starting right now.

JOY BEHAR, HOST: As the matriarch of the Kardashian clan, Kris Jenner is mom and manager to Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie and Rob -- what, they ran out of "K" names? She also is the executive producer and star of the hit E-show "Keeping up with the Kardashians."

Let`s take a look at that.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My mom is like all business all the time when we`re hanging out with her, and that`s not how it should be and it didn`t used to be like that.



JENNER: Let me take this back to him and see what he thinks.


JENNER: That was a business call.

I`m working hard right now so that I can set everybody up for the rest of their lives. My job is to take care of their future.

OK, ladies. Ladies, focus.



BEHAR: Her new book, "Kris Jenner and All Things Kardashians" details how she went from running a household to running an empire. With me now is the lovely Miss Kris Jenner. I should say Mrs.

JENNER: Yes, I`m a Mrs.

BEHAR: But there was a rumor that you`re going to become Kris Kardashian. We asked your daughters about it and they were like, oh, yes, she`d love that.

JENNER: Yes. Well, I thought about that for a minute. Khloe said, you know, you`re such a famed whore. And I said, you`re right, I`ll keep Jenner.

BEHAR: I love Khloe. Isn`t she great?

JENNER: She loves you.

BEHAR: Yes. We`re like spirits.

JENNER: The two of you. I had fun with you this morning, by the way, or yesterday morning.

BEHAR: Yesterday morning. Wasn`t that fun?

JENNER: Yes. I want to clear something up with you.

BEHAR: Sure.

JENNER: And apologize. Where is my gift for Miss Joy?

BEHAR: Oh, the blender?

JENNER: You mentioned that you needed your blender back and I promised you I would double it. So here are your two blenders.

BEHAR: Well, thank you very much.

JENNER: I want you to have a blast with these, OK?

BEHAR: Well, you know, you send a wedding gift 72 days later. It`s over. You want the blender back.

JENNER: That`s right. So, here you go. And I upped you one, OK?

BEHAR: I know. I know. I`ll re-gift this one.

JENNER: Perfect. Perfect.

BEHAR: Can you take this, please?

JENNER: Yes. Perfect.

BEHAR: Thank you very much, Kris. That`s so thoughtful of you.

JENNER: Oh, no worries. Just wanted you to be happy, Joy. That`s all I care about.

BEHAR: I am. Listen, you know -- Khloe -- what`s her name - Kim. I get them all mixed up.

JENNER: I know. Me, too. How do you think I feel?

BEHAR: But the girls have been having a terrible week. The whole family is. But it a way, it`s not a terrible week. Look at all the publicity you`re getting.

JENNER: You know what? What`s important to me is that Kim is OK and she is happy and that she is going to get through this. And as I told her I said to you the other day. You know, she is not the first person to go through a divorce. She`s not going to be the last.

Yes, this is a horrible time but she had a very difficult decision to make and it`s for me to stand by her.

Who am I to judge her or tell her what she should and shouldn`t do?

BEHAR: Right.

JENNER: That is what she felt was necessary right now and I just want her to be OK, you know.

BEHAR: But when she was dating the guy, like they dated only a few months, right? Did you say to her, you know, listen, Kim, you need more than four months or whatever before you get to know somebody and marry him? Did you say anything like that to her?

JENNER: Well, I would have if I hadn`t met and married Bruce Jenner in five months.

BEHAR: Oh, so the apple doesn`t fall far from the tree.

JENNER: Exactly. I mean, I am here to tell you that was 21 years ago. You know, 20 1/2 years ago. And I`ve been married for 20 years and I have an amazing relationship and marriage and I think Bruce and I found a way to make marriage work.

I wasn`t as lucky the first time. I wasn`t as mature. I didn`t understand myself. I would, you know, I made stupid decisions. But Khloe met Lamar and 30 days later they were married. She got married in nine days. She gave me to plan a wedding. And, you know, I waited for one of the girls to get married for a long time and then one of them says, OK, you get nine days. And I`m like, thanks a lot.

BEHAR: So it`s like it is a tradition in the family.

JENNER: It must run in the family. Who would -- you know, it never dawned on me that if she felt the way she felt and she was telling me this was the guy, it wasn`t for me to second guess her because I had done the same thing.

BEHAR: But, you know, 72 days. Did Kim give it a shot? Did she try to save it? Did she do anything to try to keep it going?

JENNER: I don`t know about that. She`s in Australia. This has happened so fast. She`ll be home in a couple of days and we can get into that.

BEHAR: She is coming back?

JENNER: Yes. It`s shocking that she is but she is a very brave girl.

BEHAR: Because I thought, you know, not that I would be so cynical, but I thought, you know, get out of town before, you know, while this is all going on. It seems a little bit convenient that she`s in Australia right now.

JENNER: I know. Doesn`t it? Honestly, and honest to God, she had these things planned and obligations months and months and probably six, eight months ago. You know, this was all planned. It`s part of her line of stuff and she didn`t want to disappoint anybody else.

She has a lot of guilt because she feels like she disappointed a lot of people and she didn`t want to keep going on. She just wants to make, you know, everybody happy. And that`s part of Kim`s problem is she`s got such a big heart.

BEHAR: Yes. Well, you know, Kris, I could see people chatting about this.

JENNER: Oh, yes.

BEHAR: They`re suspicious. They think it`s a big scam. They don`t buy it. They don`t believe it. It`s a reality show. Da da da da da. Everybody`s buzzing about it.

What I don`t really get is how people are taking it so personally. It`s just so -- it`s like they`re betrayed. I don`t get that exactly because it`s -- why -- it`s not like you know these people personally.

JENNER: Well, you know, Kim has a very special relationship with her fans. She is on Twitter and her blog and she really is passionate about them. And they have invested a great deal of time and energy. They have started -- they signed up for this on this train with us from day one.

BEHAR: Right.

JENNER: And they have gone all the way through these relationships and the kids growing up. Kendall and Kylie grew up on the show.

BEHAR: So they take it very personally?

JENNER: Yes, yes. And we have shown them the birth of my grand baby and we have shown them -- you know, the things that have happened in our lives and weddings and whatnot. And, you know, they believed in Kim and this love that she had. She`s a hopeless romantic. She wears her heart on her sleeve and suddenly this -- none of us really saw it coming, you know.


JENNER: And so, she feels like she owes them not only an apology for, you know, but she wants to be honest.

BEHAR: Do you as a mother feel, you know, is it hard for you to hear negative things about your daughter? Does it break your heart?

JENNER: Well, of course, it breaks your heart. You know, it depends on what you`re hearing, but, you know, it`s very devastating, first of all, to see your child go through something like this. This isn`t easy for Kim. It is not like she just woke up and said, oh, guess what, you know, this is going to happen today.

This was very difficult. And she knew she was going to create some turmoil and some unhappiness and a lot of people were going to be disappointed.

BEHAR: So -- am I to understand that she had no clue that this marriage was going to end very quickly?

JENNER: That is for -- that`s a.

BEHAR: You don`t know?

JENNER: I don`t know. I have to be honest. I don`t know everything that`s inside Kim`s head.

BEHAR: If you haven`t had a clue to that, if you even have a glimmer of an idea that I`m not sure, then why go through this big, big extravaganza, expensive wedding? Everybody`s watching. Everybody`s invested in it. I mean.

JENNER: Yes, I know. I know.

BEHAR: The gays are mad. The gay community is angry.

JENNER: She loves the gay community.

BEHAR: Well, they`re not angry with Kim exactly but they`re angry with the idea that here`s a heterosexual marriage that went for swoopy in 72 days or whatever the word is.

JENNER: Right.

BEHAR: You know. And they can`t get married in most states in this country.

JENNER: And that`s wrong. But Kim, you know, she supports that whole, you know, that marriage and she loves -- she wants everybody to be happy and everybody to have equal rights and everybody to get married if they want to. You know, she wants to be married and have babies and raise a family and have the ideal, you know, all American dream life. That`s what she wants.


JENNER: So the fact it didn`t work out, I`m sure, is devastating for her.

BEHAR: She thought this would be it with this guy?

JENNER: Yes. She married for love. That`s what she said in her statement, you know, and I`m going also by what she said and what she released.


JENNER: And she feels like she doesn`t want to be in this position at all. But I give her a lot of credit for -- it`s a very brave thing to do when you know there are going to be people that don`t understand your decision.

BEHAR: Well, do you feel now that, you know, since this whole thing came down that maybe you don`t want to keep putting your lives on TV as much?

JENNER: I don`t feel that way at all, actually.


JENNER: No, actually. I feel like this is something that`s clearly an isolated incident. I don`t think that this happens to everybody. I feel like we`ve been given a gift and what we do and the jobs that we have, the shows that we do, I feel like I`m so blessed.


JENNER: And I`m very grateful for everything that we`ve been given and the way that our show has been received in 150 different countries around the world. We are so happy working together as a family. I get to get up every single day and work with all of my kids.

BEHAR: Yes, that`s nice. That`s nice.

JENNER: And it doesn`t get any better than that for me.

BEHAR: If you get along with them especially.

JENNER: Yes, yes. Some of them.

BEHAR: Let me clear up something. When we come back, I want to clear up something, OK. We`ll have much more with Kris Jenner. Don`t go anywhere.

Thank you for those blenders.

ANNOUNCER: Still to come, what`s it like to live a marriage in the public eye? Joy talks with Matthew Broderick who`s been married to Sarah Jessica Parker for 14 years and counting.


BEHAR: I`m back with the head of the Kardashian empire, Kris Jenner.

You know, one more question about the wedding and then I`ll move on to something else. But there`s been a lot of talk about how much money this wedding cost. And you said on "The View" yesterday that you guys didn`t make any money on it.

JENNER: Well, she didn`t profit.

BEHAR: She didn`t profit.

JENNER: From the wedding.

BEHAR: Why then would you do it? Why do it? You`re a businesswoman.

JENNER: No. She is going to get married.


JENNER: We shared it with -- you know, we wanted our network who are very generous to us, by the way, and helped us do that.

BEHAR: Right.

JENNER: You know, we were asked, will you, you know, put it on the show? And of course. So she was going to get married anyway. She is going to -- you know, they`re going to spend money on a wedding one way or another, it doesn`t matter if it`s televised or not. But the point was that she did receive some moneys for certain things and that money was put towards the cost of a wedding. And then she then added more money in to that.

So she didn`t walk away with anything in her pocketbook, you know, per se. And I think that because all of those reports were out there from day one, you know, people were like pulling numbers out of the air. I don`t know where some of those figures came from. And the bottom line is they didn`t profit from it and that, you know, was on the front page of a New York newspaper recently.


JENNER: And that`s just really unfair to print things when people, the general public, thinks if it`s in a magazine or it`s in the cover of something, it`s absolutely the truth. And that`s just not -- you know, accurate.

BEHAR: Don`t believe everything you read.

JENNER: Exactly.

BEHAR: President Obama recently said that he didn`t want his daughters to watch "The Kardashian" show. Does that feel bad when you hear that?

JENNER: Well, I think what it was Michelle and the girls were watching the show in the White House and he said, you know, it`s not sure that`s his favorite programming that they should be watching.

My take on it is they`re watching "The Kardashians" in the White House so that was kind of a compliment. You know? I thought, wow, go girls. You know?

BEHAR: That`s great. It`s all the way you frame things.

JENNER: Well, you know, and actually my son was on "Jay Leno" recently and he reiterated the same thing. And Jay asked them, are the girls watching, you know, the show in the White House? And he said, yes, you know, they are. And he said, have you seen it? And President Obama said, no, I haven`t. And Jay said, would you recommend it? And Jay said, yes, it`s a good show. I would recommend it.


JENNER: It was really interesting how --

BEHAR: Everybody wins.

JENNER: Yes. Why not? The girls are watching the show so --

BEHAR: OK now, in the book, you also talk about your experience with O.J. Simpson and Nicole Simpson.


BEHAR: It`s really interesting. You were very close to Nicole over the years when you were married to Robert Kardashian.

JENNER: I was. Very close family friends.


JENNER: The day I met Robert, I basically met O.J. because that was his best friend and they were all buddies.

BEHAR: They were buddies, but just to cut to the chase of what happened that day, that horrible day, when Nicole was killed. She called you that day.

JENNER: She called me the day -- well, we talked every day, you know, especially that week because we had a friend who was in rehab that we were checking in on, you know, constantly.

And she called me and said, you know, I want to talk to you. Can you meet me and I couldn`t so we scheduled it for the next day which is unfortunately the day she died.

BEHAR: What do you think that -- what do you think -- she said she wanted to show you something? What did she want to show you? Pictures of --

JENNER: I think she wanted to show me what was in her safety deposit box. So you will read about that in the book because I go into detail about what she intended on selling and talking about because I got that from, you know, somebody else who told me what she wanted to talk about. And I just, you know, I think anybody in that -- in Nicole`s world at that time and who was friends with Nicole really felt responsible, you know, that -- you know, you feel like, well, wow, I could have done something to prevent this.

BEHAR: Do you think you could have done something?

JENNER: I feel like had she told me what was going on, maybe I could have helped her or -- you know, I`m a mom and I`m a caretaker and I feel like I can heal the world.

BEHAR: Yes. You didn`t -- no clues they are like -- did she say he was hitting her or abusing her in any way?

JENNER: Not to me.

BEHAR: Did you see any signs of it, any, you know, bruises or anything like that.

JENNER: There were some times that you will read about, different occasions that now, you know, in hindsight had made perfect sense. Like I -- I was so confused about certain issues and then it all was crystal clear when I figured out what was going on.

BEHAR: Hindsight, of course.

JENNER: Yes. And so that does make you, you know, have a sense of sadness and guilt, because you didn`t see things that you should have seen.

BEHAR: Of course, Ron Goldman was an innocent bystander who just went over there to drop some sunglasses of and he got in the middle of it.

JENNER: So tragic.

BEHAR: It`s tragic. It could have happened to you if you had gone over there.

JENNER: Anybody, yes.

BEHAR: Do you think O.J. killed her?

JENNER: That`s a complicated -- it`s not a yes or a no for me. So that`s --

BEHAR: Why not?

JENNER: Because it`s just -- you have to get in to it and really read exactly what was going on and what I felt. But I think I am very clear in the end about how I come to that conclusion, but for me, it is not just a yes or a no.

BEHAR: Well, I remember when he was like looking for the real killers -- oh please.

JENNER: Yes. It seems, you know, so -- so distant yet so yesterday for me sometimes. And, you know, I think that all of us feel like we in hindsight could have, you know, you see it so clearly when something`s already happened and when you look back on it, it was a lot of closure for me to write the book.

BEHAR: Well, I guess it was hard for people to say something because he was a big, big star.


BEHAR: And probably they must have argued with each other a lot so it seemed like what they call a (INAUDIBLE) you know?


BEHAR: And maybe you didn`t know. I don`t know. I mean, it`s a hard one to call.

JENNER: Yes. Well, I think what it says to me is --

BEHAR: But your husband Robert --

JENNER: You know, pay attention to your girlfriends, and you know, keep an open eye. If somebody is having problems, maybe there`s a reason for that.

BEHAR: But Robert Kardashian defended him.


BEHAR: You know, did that -- when he got a not guilty verdict, did you freak out?

JENNER: I think everybody was stunned. You know? Considering the evidence that they had.

BEHAR: Hello.

JENNER: We all saw it unfold in front of our very eyes.

BEHAR: That`s right.

JENNER: And all of us, I mean, to this day, you`re like what happened? I think that Robert did what he did as a friend. I actually share a letter in my book that Robert wrote me and my children the night before the trial and brought it over. And it was the eve of the trial and he addressed it to me and my kids, and it was a very interesting explanation for why he was doing what he was doing.

BEHAR: Robert?


BEHAR: Yes. I mean, did you notice you were hanging with them as a young couple that he was -- that he was, like, raging, for instance? Any anger moments.


BEHAR: You didn`t notice?


BEHAR: So he kept it under wraps?

JENNER: He was charismatic and amazing and funny. You always wanted to be around him. He`s one of those magnetic personality.

BEHAR: It could be like, what do you call, Jekyll and Hyde thing.

OK. We`re going to have even more with Kris Jenner in just a minute.


BEHAR: I`m back with my new best friend, Kris Jenner.

JENNER: Oh, yes, baby.

BEHAR: So, Kris


BEHAR: First of all, Lindsay Lohan, I have to ask your opinion on this. Because she`s headed back to jail again. Do you have any advice for her? They call her the momager. Is that how you call her? Her mother is her manager like you are with your girls.

JENNER: Yes, she is.

BEHAR: Do you have any advice for her? In the momager.

JENNER: Well, I think you know, Dina`s in a very difficult position. You know, sometimes we have these adult children, and you can`t always control everything that`s going on. And so, therefore, I think she gets blamed for some things that maybe she doesn`t have any control over. And I think that for me, I don`t want to sit in judgment of somebody else, because I`m not walking in her shoes.

But I definitely know on some level of when crazy things start to happen, you know. You feel horrible for your children. And I know that Dina feels horrible for any one of her kids that are going through a really hard time.

So you just have to love your kids and make sure that they`re given all the support that you can possibly give, you know.

BEHAR: She just posed for "Playboy" just like Kim did before, right. Didn`t Kim pose for "Playboy".

JENNER: Kim did pose for "Playboy".

BEHAR: And it helped her career. So maybe it will help Lindsay.

JENNER: I think it was -- for me, I wanted Kim to do it because it was iconic, and Marilyn Monroe had done it and all these famous actresses who did it very tastefully and gorgeous. So I`m excited to see Lindsay`s photos.

Lindsay, I watched the movie she did, "The Parent Trap" the other day, and I laughed until I cried and then I cried. She`s just a delicious little actress.

BEHAR: She is.

OK. Let`s talk about your neck lift.


BEHAR: How`s that for a transition?

JENNER: OK. That was pretty good. That was amazing. That`s why they pay you the big bucks.

BEHAR: Yes. Because you`re one of the only people that will talk about plastic surgery.

JENNER: Why not? I mean it`s not like it`s not obvious.

BEHAR: But I do Botox and stuff, and I always say it. I don`t --


BEHAR: All the comedians (INAUDIBLE) will tell you. And Joan Rivers will talk about it, but regular actresses do not.

So your neck is flawless.

JENNER: Thank you.

BEHAR: What is it that they do.

JENNER: What they do -- it`s still healing. So I`ve still got this little line but what they do is they do -- they cut a little muscle here which I didn`t even know they were going to do. My doctor is Garth Fisher who`s an amazing surgeon --

BEHAR: Garth Fisher, write that down.

JENNER: Garth Fisher in Beverly Hills. And they pull the neck up and kind of attach it back in here, so that you have this suddenly, a little bit more youthful appearance. Kim used to walk around and call me a turkey gobble-gobble. And it wasn`t Thanksgiving. You know what I`m saying?

BEHAR: Yes. But it`s better than a facelift because if you pull it up like this, you tend to look like the "Joker".

JENNER: Well, yes. No, he pulled it up, he`s a genius. He took his time. It was like a 10-hour surgery.

BEHAR: I hope so. He could slit your throat.

JENNER: Yes. Hello. Literally.

BEHAR: What I said was don`t touch my eyes. Don`t touch my nose. Don`t touch my mouth. My skin is my skin. I`ve been taking care of it really well my entire life. So when you do -- I wanted to pick one thing, you know.

And I think by talking about it for people, and I do write about it in my book, that it helps women understand that we all have flaws. We all want to make ourselves look and feel better. It`s OK to do something. And by the way, share it with somebody else so they can go to this fabulous doctor or they can do something that you`ve done.

BEHAR: Have you had anything else done?

JENNER: Well, in 1988 I had my boobs done. Does that count? That was a long time ago.

BEHAR: Implants or lifted?

JENNER: Oh, honey, they had to use a crane. I had four kids. And they just pulled those suckers up.

BEHAR: Oh, that`s so.

JENNER: Yes, that`s what I`ve done.

BEHAR: And that`s it?

JENNER: That`s it.

BEHAR: Well, you look great.

JENNER: Thank you. I know you`re going to be wanting that doctor`s number. I`ll give it to you after the break.

BEHAR: My assistant wrote it down. Did you not? She wrote it down. Good. OK.

Thank you Kris for doing this.

JENNER: Thank you.

BEHAR: And good luck for whatever.

JENNER: I appreciate it. Thank you. My girls love you.

BEHAR: They`re coming on, I think -- they`re coming on my show, the whole batch of them.

JENNER: They`ll probably come on once a week and be the co-host.

BEHAR: They should come on more -- just come on all the time.

OK. Her book is called "Kris Jenner and all Things Kardashian". It`s out now.

We`ll be right back.


BEHAR: In some shocking pop news, Justin Bieber is being sued by a woman who says he is the father of her love child. I`m not one to judge but I don`t think his voice has changed yet.

Here to discuss this and more are Rob Shuter, the naughty and nice columnist for the "Huffington Post"; comedian Caroline Rhea, host of "Don`t Tell the Bride" on the OWN Network; and Mike Golic, one-half of ESPN`s "Mike & Mike in the Morning".

Ok you guys, first of all let me show you, we have a picture of the baby. I`d like you to see it. There he is. Does he look like him or not? All right, so -- so that`s a joke. Ok.

So what do you think? A 20-year-old woman said she meet Bieber last year and had his baby. He was, I believe, how old is he now?

ROB SHUTER, THE HUFFINGTON POST: He`s 17. I think he`s -- 16 yes.

BEHAR: So he was only 16.


BEHAR: Can we say statutory rape if it`s true.

MIKE GOLIC, ESPN`S "MIKE AND MIKE IN THE MORNING": Well, that`s what they`re going to say to her.

BEHAR: No, to him -- to her, right.

GOLIC: And to her yes.

CAROLINE RHEA, COMEDIENNE: In California, it`s 15.

BEHAR: Is it really?

RHEA: No, no it`s yes.

SHUTER: How do you know?

RHEA: I don`t know what I know. It`s so creepy the whole story. I don`t even want to think he`s having sex ever.

BEHAR: The details in the lawsuit say, that Justin told her he was a virgin and their encounter was brief -- TMI. So what do you say? What do you say?

SHUTER: They -- I don`t know about this story. The story is on the cover of "Star" magazine. They clearly had to vet this through their lawyers before they could publish it. So maybe these magazines might exaggerate a little bit, but to outright tell a lie is something that I don`t believe they can do. There must be something to this.

BEHAR: What do you think?

RHEA: People lie in Hollywood? That`s insane.


BEHAR: Caroline what do you think? Do you think it`s true?

RHEA: I don`t even want to think about him having sex with anybody, it`s just the creepiest thing to me. He`s just -- like, first of all why do we have to know it was 30 seconds. Why is that detail important? 30 seconds?


BEHAR: The interesting thing is you can get pregnant in 30 seconds. Attention teenagers. You need to know this.

GOLIC: I don`t always say it won`t happen to them. Listen we`re going to find out with a cheek swab. I guess real quick about what`s going to go on here.


GOLIC: But think about it, 16 years old, it was brief and supposedly in a bathroom. Now, if you`re a 16-year-old boy, do you care where -- I mean seriously, when he you`re 16 at that age, you`re just happy to be around, I guess.

BEHAR: She says that she asked him to use a condom and he wouldn`t.

RHEA: Really?

SHUTER: She went into a lot of details. This girl sat down, took photographs, really told her side of the story here. So unless she`s completely delusional, this isn`t sources, this is her on the record. So this woman is either telling the truth or really, really nuts.

BEHAR: Ok his side, anyway, is calling it a malicious and defamatory lawsuit and that it has no bearing on the truth whatsoever.

RHEA: What if she said it was the best sex of her life and it took hours? You know what I mean?

GOLIC: Oh listen, everybody would be trying to interview him even more about that.

BEHAR: But in the music world, this could help his street cred to kids, you know what I`m saying.

GOLIC: Not that quick like that, no.

BEHAR: Just remember 30 seconds ok.

This one -- story is a little confusing folks. Try to follow along with me. OK number one, there is an American model I`ve never heard of named Vanessa Hessler (ph). Have you ever heard of her?

SHUTER: I`ve never heard of her talked about.

BEHAR: OK, number two she lost her job on German TV because she told an Italian magazine about her 4-year-long affair Moammar Gadhafi`s son Mutassim, OK. Now, they fired her OK, for saying that she thought that the Gadhafi`s were a normal family, kind of like the Mansons.

GOLIC: If there was ever a time for no comment, this was it. You know listen it`s great for shows like this but for your career, obviously, it`s zip it, shut-up and no comment.

I mean, you`re right. I mean, it`s like making a comment about the Manson, saying, yes, outside of them being just a little off, I think they`re a pretty cool family. I mean seriously.

BEHAR: Yes, yes, yes.

SHUTER: The reason this lady -- the young lady is so successful, is because we don`t know who she is. She`s gone back to the old days of modeling before the Naomi Campbell when there were just generic beautiful faces, and they could sell your clothes and your advertising, your products, but their faces without having that baggage of their personalities. So what she`s --

BEHAR: What personalities, what baggage?

SHUTER: There isn`t much. But what she has done is given herself a very definable identity.


SHUTER: And unfortunately she allied herself with the Gadhafi`s and not the Clooneys.

BEHAR: Exactly.

RHEA: She`s also -- she`s that`s adorable, who was her last boyfriend? Idi Amin? His great grandfather. That`s outside normal?

BEHAR: OK, but still another story, Scarlett Johansson made news recently when her nude Twitter pictures were hacked and released to the public. In "Vanity Fair" article she admitted taking the pictures and she joked -- she joked, "I know my best angles". I do, I know mine also; that`s why I like them to go to Cleveland when shooting me. So what about that?

Mike, what`s your best angle?

GOLIC: My best angle?


GOLIC: Is the camera being off. I can`t even fathom taking a nude picture of myself on a cell phone. Who does that? Who the -- and then tries to say, oh I only sent it to my husband. It doesn`t work that way in the world today. Those pictures will be everywhere. And unless there is some trick photography involved or some -- some photo shopping, it isn`t happening for me.

BEHAR: Well, Caroline, have you ever posed nude for anybody? Have you ever --

RHEA: Joy, first of all, in a horror film. Second of all, Twitter and the W is silent. I have a phone when I press "call waiting" I take a picture of myself by mistake. It`s like I have 700 pictures of me like this.

The idea -- but I used to have a trainer in Los Angeles, and she would come in, and was like oh my God, do you want to see my boyfriend`s -- what`s the --

GOLIC: Junk would be the --

RHEA: Junk, right. And I was like, no, no I don`t.

And she once said, she goes, because you got to see it. And I`m telling you it was so enormous she had to scroll.

BEHAR: Oh, my God.

RHEA: I said you need (EXPLETIVE DELETED) waiting. You really do.

BEHAR: But the -- the thing that fascinates me, Rob --

RHEA: (INAUDIBLE). Is he hilarious? It`s just like the big smile and the meanest face.

BEHAR: He`s a married man now.

RHEA: OK, all right, good.

BEHAR: Kim Kardashian announced she was getting divorced after 72 days of marriage. Quite frankly, I don`t know what took her so long. But here`s my question to you Mike, because you`re in the sports business. There are rumors that Kim and her family will have Kris Humphries blacklisted from scoring big endorsements, is that true?

GOLIC: Well, let me put it this way. If they stayed married, and whatever that marriage was, he probably would have gotten some endorsements. But he`s not -- he wasn`t a well-known basketball player to begin with. It`s not like he had endorsement offers knocking on his door anyway.


GOLIC: And now that he`s out of the Kardashian clan, I don`t see that was going to be happening anyway. So I don`t think he was ever going to be a real threat, anyway, even if they want to try and black ball him.

BEHAR: But Rob, as the divorced spouse of Kim, that sort of gives him more cache, doesn`t it?

SHUTER: It gives him a little bit of time. It`s not going to get him a five-year career or the sort of career Kim`s going to have here. But if he`s going to make any money from this, he should do it now, and probably the best way to make money is not through an endorsement but sit down and get paid to tell his side of the story.

GOLIC: Come out with the dirt. Isn`t that what everybody does? Isn`t that what you do?


SHUTER: That`s how you`re going to make some money.

BEHAR: That`s so evil.

Caroline, do you think that she could return the gifts?

RHEA: I would be so impressed if I could be married for seven days. I`m not going to judge her on that. I couldn`t do it for seven hours. Go take everything back. I think she should totally give back the gifts. She gave back the groom, why doesn`t she give back the gifts?

BEHAR: You know, they claim -- Kris Jenner, I will be interviewing her when she was on "The View". They said that they did not -- she said they didn`t make any real money, no profit on the wedding.

SHUTER: That`s hard to believe.


SHUTER: What I do believe here is I don`t think it was a scam. And let me tell you why. This family is so smart that if this was a business arrangement, they would still be married and they`d say to him, you live here, she`ll live there; in a year`s time we will get a divorce.

BEHAR: That`s an interesting point of view.

SHUTER: They didn`t do that. And that`s what tells me this was real. This is a terrible decision for Kim to make business-wise, the backlash is very strong.


SHUTER: So I actually think she`s being real --

GOLIC: But I think what will happen, you look at the publicity, most people say this is a private matter. We would appreciate everybody giving us our space and leave us alone. I think they`re going to say, this is a private matter and we hope to hold as many press conferences as we can to talk about it and use it to their advantage.


RHEA: You all watched her on television.

GOLIC: Exactly right. They don`t want anything private.

BEHAR: They live on TV and they`re fine with that, the Kardashians. I admire their business acumen. Those people know what they`re doing.

GOLIC: Someone`s paying them.

BEHAR: But when Kim made a sex tape, her numbers went up. So maybe this is going to help her. There`s no such thing as bad publicity, right?

SHUTER: I think that`s right. I think --

RHEA: We made a sex tape?


SHUTER: I think we forgive celebrities for divorces, for sex tapes, for different bad behavior, what we don`t forgive is if they dupe us. What we find very hard to forgive if there`s some sort of joke and we`re not in on the joke.

BEHAR: That`s what it looks like.

SHUTER: And that`s what`s going to really hurt Kim here.

BEHAR: It`s interesting what you said that if it really was a scam, she would have stuck it out.

SHUTER: Yes. She would have lived somewhere else and would have walked down the red carpet every six weeks together like may some couples in Hollywood do.

BEHAR: Like who? Name one.

SHUTER: Caroline, I have no idea what I`m talking about.

BEHAR: Name one.

RHEA: I do.



RHEA: I have no idea. I watch "Dora the Explorer" all the time.


RHEA: -- with Diego -- that`s all I know.

BEHAR: OK. Thank you very much.

You can catch Caroline this weekend at Zany`s Comedy Club in Nashville, Tennessee. We`ll be right back.


BEHAR: In the film, "The Producers," Matthew Broderick played a guy who helps perpetuate a financial scam. In his new movie "Tower Heist" he plays the victim of a scam. That`s what I call range. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was on the job a few days ago when my homey got shot in the face.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s kidding, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you get shot in the head, it`s over.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You get shot in the head, it`s over. If you get shot in your face, the bullet will go in your cheek and then come out the other side. Then what are you going to do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Die. I`m going to die. I saw a television show once about a guy who got shot in the head with a nail gun. He couldn`t even remember how to chew any more. They had to put everything in a blender.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He couldn`t figure out how to chew, but he could operate a cuisinart?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t think he operated it himself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, can we just focus, please? It`s 16 degrees.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s right, let`s focus.


BEHAR: Matthew Broderick is with me now. Ladies and gentlemen. OK. So Matthew.


BEHAR: You`re very funny. You`re such a funny actor. And in this movie you play a character that is sort of like a -- sort of a nebbishy. Do you enjoy that type of role?

BRODERICK: I would rather be heroic and very sexy.

BEHAR: Last time I saw you in person, I think it was in the summer, on Labor Day or something.


BEHAR: We did something called celebrity autobiography. For those of you out there who don`t know what that is, we read from celebrity`s autobiographies, verbatim, what they actually have written, and they`re so ridiculous, some of them that they`re funny just to read. You did Tommy Lee.

BRODERICK: Yeah, I was Tommy Lee.

BEHAR: You were Tommy Lee and Nathan Lane was Sylvester Stallone. It was like a duo. It was filthy.

BRODERICK: It was disgusting. I know.

BEHAR: And because you just said these filthy words straight, you were hilarious.

BRODERICK: I know. I don`t know if I was hilarious.

BEHAR: You were.

BRODERICK: It`s funny, those things, I don`t know why they come out so funny. The more seriously you take it, the funnier it comes out for some reason.

BEHAR: Yeah, I know, some of them -- I did Madonna. Who shares in one of her books that she had sex with a young boy. And I relate that story.

BRODERICK: Yes, it was very good, and I remember the stunning ending. Do you recall how it ended?

BEHAR: The stunning ending where he gives her a certain disease?


BEHAR: Oh, yeah. I mean, these books are just beyond the pale, you don`t have to write it, it`s right there.

BRODERICK: I know. I`m not sure the celebrity in question did write it, though. You know what I mean? I`m always a little concerned --

BEHAR: Well, one of them who shall be nameless just tells you what he eats. The whole book is about it. And then for breakfast I had this. And then at night I often have this.

BRODERICK: Egg whites. Yogurt. He describes what`s in his fridge. Gogurt, yogurt, another yogurt, eggs.

BEHAR: And when I want Chinese food-

BRODERICK: I order from-

BEHAR: It`s the book. For serious. But this movie is very funny, and it`s a star-studded cast. You have Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Alan Alda. Any divas in the pack?

BRODERICK: Everybody was behaving pretty well.

BEHAR: They did? Even Eddie Murphy?

BRODERICK: Even Eddie Murphy. He was very -- he was great. He seemed to be happy.

BEHAR: He seemed happy?

BRODERICK: Yeah. I wouldn`t get too close. But he seemed very happy.

BEHAR: You`re a little scared of him?

BRODERICK: A little scared, you know.

BEHAR: A little scared, yes.

BRODERICK: Only because he`s so great, and I grew up watching him. So - but I got used to being --

BEHAR: Do you ever tell him that and make him feel old?

BRODERICK: No, because we`re both the same age. And we used to discuss how incredibly old we both are, or were. You think you would like me saying that?

BEHAR: No, I`m just kidding. I grew up watching you.

BRODERICK: I know, I don`t mean it quite like that. I mean, I grew up at the same time. We aged together.

BEHAR: Yes. That`s true. But you come from -- your father was a famous actor, we were talking about that before. James Broderick, who was in the great show, "Family," which I loved.

BRODERICK: Thank you. Yes, with Christie McNichol (ph).

BEHAR: I wonder if people can still get that somewhere?

BRODERICK: I think you can get a DVD of it, you can get a set. You could probably also download it or something, I don`t know.

BEHAR: Remember there was one where he had an adulterous affair and almost broke up the marriage.

BRODERICK: With Linda Lavin (ph) maybe.

BEHAR: He had the affair with Linda Lavin.

BRODERICK: I think so.

BEHAR: That was a really good show.

BRODERICK: It was good. It was kind of a slightly serious soap opera, I guess. At nighttime, one of the first of those, you know. And Sadie Thompson (ph), wonderful actress, and it was very good.

BEHAR: Didn`t you name your son after your father?

BRODERICK: Yes. James.

BEHAR: Your father`s name is James, right?

BRODERICK: That`s right.

BEHAR: What about the twins, how old are they now?

BRODERICK: They`re 2.5.

BEHAR: How cute.

BRODERICK: They`re extremely cute. They talk.

BEHAR: They talk?

BRODERICK: Yeah, I guess that`s a good thing at 2.5.

BEHAR: I read somewhere Einstein didn`t speak until he was three.

BRODERICK: Well, they`re no Einsteins. I don`t think they`d mind me telling you that. I don`t think they`d understand me telling you that.

BEHAR: Not right now, no, but they`ll watch this tape years from now and turn on you. The movie reflects what`s going on in the country. That`s what`s good about this movie. Alan Alda plays a kind of a Bernie Madoff guy who rips off all these people.


BEHAR: Are you aware of what`s going on down on Wall Street?

BRODERICK: I heard something about it.

BEHAR: Yeah, it`s really kind of --

BRODERICK: I know, I know. I don`t know if I understand it all that well, but it sure is. I think, you know, obviously, there`s a growing inequality that people are mad about.

BEHAR: The 1 percenters are against the 99 percenters. You and I are in the 1 percent.

BRODERICK: So are they going to take our stuff? That`s my main concern.

BEHAR: No, they`re not going to take your stuff.

BRODERICK: Then it`s OK.

BEHAR: But all the people that I know who are in the 1 percent, and believe me there`s the 1 percent and then there`s the 1 percent.

BRODERICK: Right. We`re not in that either.

BEHAR: Yes. Those people like Barry Diller and all those very rich, David Geffen, I see them in the Hamptons. They all say raise my taxes.

BRODERICK: Yes, that`s right. And nobody wants -- will do it.

BEHAR: No. They don`t want to do it. It`s like take it, and no, we don`t want it.

BRODERICK: I know. And even most of the 99 percent say, no, don`t take his money, take the government`s money. Or something--

BEHAR: Not quite. They want to take everybody`s money. Because they have to balance the budget.

BRODERICK: I know. I heard that`s how it works. They`ve got to balance the budget. It must be very hard.

BEHAR: It`s very hard to do.

BRODERICK: You have to bring in pretty much the same amount you spend, as I understand it.

BEHAR: Exactly. That`s exactly right. You should run for Timothy Geithner`s job.

BRODERICK: That`s complicated, that job.

BEHAR: Very complicated. We`ll have more with Matthew Broderick in just a moment. Stay there.



BEN STEIN: Joy, I hear my old pal Matthew Broderick is going to be here tomorrow. Can I give him a shoutout? Hi, Matthew. Matthew, I haven`t seen you since we did "Ferris Bueller." I have no idea what you`ve been up to, but I work all the time. Joy is very well wired. Maybe she can find you a gig.

BEHAR: I`ll try. I`ll try.

STEIN: And if you`re having problems with your mortgage, you know how to reach me.


BEHAR: That was Ben Stein, who was here yesterday with a shoutout to his friend Matthew Broderick.

BRODERICK: That`s nice. That`s great.

BEHAR: He was in "Ferris Bueller" with you.

BRODERICK: Yes, I know. He`s -- I run into him from time to time. He`s so nice.

BEHAR: Yes, he`s very nice.

BRODERICK: I like him.

BEHAR: He`s very conservative.

BRODERICK: I know, but he`s nice.

BEHAR: But he`s nice. I know.

BRODERICK: That sounds worse than I meant it. Am I going to lose conservative fans?

BEHAR: It doesn`t matter.


BEHAR: Now, your lovely wife Sarah Jessica Parker said something about you to "Parade" magazine about you recently. I`d like to read it for you.

BRODERICK: About me?

BEHAR: About you. She said -- well, it`s sort of about you. I hope it`s about you. I like having some mystery in our relationship, she said. I like not knowing everything about my husband. I think it`s good to have some privacy and some secrets in our lives. What kind of secrets? Is it like Herman Cain secrets, or what kind of secrets do you two have?

BRODERICK: I don`t know. I don`t know.

BEHAR: You don`t know what she`s talking about?

BRODERICK: No. Should I be concerned?

BEHAR: I can`t tell if the two of you have secrets together, or she has separate secrets from you.

BRODERICK: It might be the latter. I think she just means to keep it romantic and not just all open book. You know, I guess maybe it`s more we could look at it that way.

BEHAR: Well, you know, the Kardashians have this big wedding and now they got a divorce.

BRODERICK: I heard that.

BEHAR: In 72 days.

BRODERICK: They were married how long?

BEHAR: 72 days.

BRODERICK: 72 days, gee.

BEHAR: But I mean, they had a big splash. Did you have a big splash when you got married?

BRODERICK: We had not a huge splash, but a fairly big --

BEHAR: Really?


BEHAR: How many people?

BRODERICK: 100, 200, or 1,000 maybe. I don`t remember. 181.


BRODERICK: I always have an answer. But don`t check it, because it might not be right.

BEHAR: All right. We have fact checkers here. OK, Matthew, don`t screw around?

BRODERICK: I`m sure you do. I`m being very careful.

BEHAR: I only have 30 seconds left? We flew. Before we go, just -- can you do this for me? Just do the Brando impression. Can you do it?

BRODERICK: Which part of it? I don`t remember how.

BEHAR: Just I`ll ask you a question. How did you get to be such a big star?

BRODERICK: What is a big star? What do you mean? Do you mean a flaming orb of gaseous material? Floating in space? Or a popular show business personality?

BEHAR: And you can catch Matthew Broderick in "Tower Heist" in theaters Friday. Thank you for watching. Good night, everybody. Thank you.