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Cain Controversy Deepens; Ellen Barkin`s Happy Day; Interview With Larry King

Aired November 14, 2011 - 22:00   ET


ANNOUNCER: Coming up on THE JOY BEHAR SHOW, a new witness comes out in the Herman Cain harassment scandal. Meanwhile Cain`s wife finally speaks out in support of her embattled husband. But Joy wants to know if the public is biased against political wives who stand by their man.

Then the legendary and legendarily outspoken Ellen Barkin gives her take on the Cain scandal and the Wall Street protests and dishes to Joy about her risque tweets.

Plus Larry King tells Joy what it`s been like going from iconic broadcaster to touring performer.

That and more starting right now.

JOY BEHAR, HLN HOST: Two developments in the Herman Cain controversy tonight -- interesting -- a new witness has come out to support the claims of Sharon Bialek, one of four women accusing Cain of sexual harassment. And now, Cain`s wife, Gloria, who is rarely seen on the campaign trail is breaking her silence and defending her husband in an interview with Fox News. Watch this.


GLORIA CAIN, WIFE OF HERMAN CAIN: To hear such graphic allegations and know that that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman and I know that`s not the person he is. He totally respects women.

BEHAR: Joining me now to talk about the latest developments in the scandal are Margaret Carlson, columnist of Bloomberg and Washington editor of the week; Amy Feldman, attorney and author "So Sue Me, Jackass"; Kellyanne Conway, president of The Polling Company/Woman Trend.


BEHAR: Welcome ladies to the show.

Margaret, Mrs. Cain went on to say if the claims were true, Cain would have to have a split personality. Isn`t the wife the last to know in all these situations or at least the one who`s going to stand by the guy?

MARGARET CARLSON, COLUMNIST, BLOOMBERG: She`s the last to know and she does not want it to break out into the public and hurt her institution, which is the family. A husband is not going to show this side of his personality to his wife, of all people. And the behavior he has said to have exhibited with Sharon Bialek, she would not see that behavior. Of course not. It would be hidden.

BEHAR: Right. Of course not.

CARLSON: It would be done in the car after dinner. He lived, in many ways, for those number of years when he was with the National Restaurant Association, a separate life from Mrs. Cain, with an unlimited expense account in which he could have dinner with all these women.

BEHAR: And always the excuse a business trip, Kellyanne and what have you. Do you think it was smart to play the wife card at this point?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, PRESIDENT, THE POLLING COMPANY/WOMAN TREND: I think it was great for Gloria Cain to actually introduce herself. I couldn`t pick her out of a line up before last night. She`s not a presence on the campaign trail.

I found her to be a very good corroborator of her husband`s account of what happened. And we should take her seriously because she`s hardly Silva Spitzer or some of these Republican wives who have stood by a clearly cheating spouse some of which have produced adulterous love children, for God`s sake. And these women sit there -- stand there and bite their lip.

I`ve always told my husband, honey I would do the opposite. If that were you, I would support you in private but I`d never be at the podium. But I think her being on her own and being interviewed and not just sort of biting her lip with that sobby look was important.

And these are allegations. Sexual harassment is as difficult to prove as it is to disprove. What really caught my eye was that "Newsweek" poll that showed said 85 percent of Americans said that those claims usually are not true when somebody claims sexual harassment. That`s a really high number.

BEHAR: Ok. Amy, it took a long time for her to come forward. Does that make her less credible?

AMY FELDMAN, ATTORNEY: Well, I think that if this had blown over then she would never have had to come out. The more that she has to talk means the more that it continues to be an issue. I don`t know that the timing is the thing. Had she never come out I think that would have spoken volumes to many people. Now they thought -- I assume that the campaign thought they had to hear from her in order for anybody to think that.

BEHAR: Right.

FELDMAN: Anything other than she wouldn`t -- you know, she`s standing by him.


BEHAR: Go ahead, Margaret.

CARLSON: I feel the opposite of Kelly. I would support my family against public incoming fire and deal with it privately differently. So I see why Mrs. Cain is doing what she`s doing but it doesn`t make her the most reliable character witness.


Kellyanne, why is it that female politicians are never caught in these sexual scandals?

CONWAY: My God, Joy, if they have an extra hour, they`re not going to spend it doing anything like this. They`re going to get -- will take a nap for God`s sake.

BEHAR: That`s funny.

CONWAY: For women, sleep is the new sex. I wrote this book a couple years ago with Celinda Lake, a great Democratic pollster and the most astonishing gender gap in the entire book was very simple. It wasn`t Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservatives. We asked men and women would you rather a little bit more sex or a little bit more sleep? It wasn`t even close. I mean talk about a gender (INAUDIBLE) that`s right.

BEHAR: That`s true.

CONWAY: Men wanted more sex and women wanted more sleep. I think women --


CONWAY: You know women -- that`s right -- that`s another show -- women subscribe to what all of our grandmothers told us, which is don`t do anything that would embarrass you and embarrass your family and in politics you wouldn`t want to see on the front page of the news. So women do subscribe to them.

BEHAR: Ok. Sharon Bialek`s ex-boyfriend a pediatrician held a press conference today to support her claims. Let`s watch it.


DR. VICTOR ZUCKERMAN, SHARON BIALEK`S EX-BOYFRIEND: I can confirm when she returned she was upset. She said something had happened and that Mr. Cain had touched her in an inappropriate manner. She said she handled it and didn`t want to talk about it any further.


BEHAR: Amy did this just go from a "he said, she said" to a "he said, they said"; and does that make it`s easier to believe?

FELDMAN: You know, the problem with all of these -- actually, as to the last question about whether or not it happens to politicians, it`s just that it happens to politicians in public. These cases are filed so often. And I think a lot of it has to do with a person in power.

When you have somebody who thinks that he or now, she, can take what he or she wants when they want it, you see these cases. But I will say to your question, every case is he said, she said, unless there are witnesses or other corroborating people around who say things like, he didn`t act -- I didn`t see the touching but I certainly heard him telling the jokes, I heard him talking about it, those types of things.

Now that the boyfriend is coming out and saying she did say something at the time, it becomes more credible. But what`s even more credible than that are the number of people who are coming forward who actually worked with him who have something to say about his character -- not at home, where his wife would see -- but at the workplace, that`s the issue.

BEHAR: Right. Well, that`s when it occurs.

Ok. Margaret, a new "Newsweek" poll shows a majority of Americans don`t much believe in sexual harassment. Is it because it`s a subjective thing that you have to be there like we`re talking about. What is it? Why don`t people believe it?

CARLSON: When corporations tried to put what sexual harassment is into language some of it sounded ridiculous and it made it sound like people who didn`t want to be sexually harassed were just a bunch of prudes, who didn`t want to have any fun. A hostile work environment, you know what it is, you know how this happens. It`s not that women have tender sensibilities. If this were happening to men, they would say it`s undignified.

CONWAY: It`s about power. Washington is built on power. I spent 21 years there, my business is headquartered there. In New York, the currency is money. You have money and you get anonymity. In Washington, power more than money. I mean some of the most powerful people don`t have two nickels to rub together but everybody knows them or the senators know them. Although it shouldn`t be, men behaving badly is sort of an occupational hazard for those working in Washington.

BEHAR: Yes. But if you work in an office and the guy who`s at the Xerox machine says hey, those are nice boobs. You can report him and get him fired. If your boss says it, you can`t. And I think that that is at the crux to me what sexual harassment --


CONWAY: Let me just say something. This is key in the Cain situation. The worst thing that can happen to Cain in all this is political liability. There are no civil or criminal charges to file. It`s too long ago. There were no iPhones, there`s no videos.

BEHAR: Well, let her disagree with me. Don`t turn the music on. Let me hear this.

FELDMAN: I disagree with this. Because although the law itself has not been written specifically, the fact of the matter is, the court has been very specific in deciding what is and what is not sexual harassment. So the fact that, you know, 85 percent of the country doesn`t even think that sexual harassment is a thing just indicates that they don`t know what the standard is. There is a very real standard.

BEHAR: Ok, ladies. Thank you very much. We`ll be right back. Got to go.


BEHAR: Ellen Barkin is an Emmy and Tony winning actress and now she`s added the role of producer to her impressive credits with her latest film, "Another Happy Day" and she`s with me now. So please welcome Ellen Barkin to my show. Everyone loves you here. You have a huge fan base right in this room.

ELLEN BARKIN, ACTRESS: I like it. I`m going to stay here.

BEHAR: I mean, they like you because you`re a wonderful actress but also because you`re so political and you say what`s on your mind.


BEHAR: Yes. I mean, your tweets alone set the whole Internet on fire.

BARKIN: You know I realize that I really think I`m only talking to like one person intimately.

BEHAR: Yes, right.

BARKIN: It`s true.


BARKIN: I have no sense that it`s a public forum. So when I say something and then like people, like certain news station stations maybe might not be happy with something I tweet.


BARKIN: And then, I think, how did they know?

BEHAR: Well because.

BARKIN: Like that was a personal thing. I tweeted to like Legion of Barry, who`s -- that`s the name of one of my friends, and I -- so I`m still trying to figure it out.

BEHAR: Yes well you know Ashton Kutcher got in trouble and other people. Gilbert Gottfried got in trouble.


BARKIN: Did he get in trouble?

BEHAR: Who Gilbert?

BARKIN: Oh he gets in trouble just for getting dressed in the morning.

BEHAR: Well he -- he did a tweet right after -- the Japanese tsunami. That was so inappropriate, he got in trouble. But you know comedians backed him up, he was trying to get a laugh.

BARKIN: But I -- I -- you know, political correctness now has taken on a thing where if you`re a comic -- I don`t know what your act would be.

BEHAR: It`s true it`s hard.

BARKIN: Because you can`t say anything.

BEHAR: Right.

BARKIN: And wasn`t that the whole point of comedy? That we make fun of ourselves, you make fun of --

BEHAR: Well, you can`t do anything live anymore because it`s picked up. So if I do my stand-up now, everyone knows -- if I say something that`s "wrong", then I get in trouble because someone`s tweeting it or someone is taping it or something.

BARKIN: What could you ever say that`s wrong? You, such a nice --

BEHAR: Well, I say plenty. I mean, I -- sometimes I get in trouble. Do you?


BEHAR: Tell me -- I mean do you get in trouble for you general outspokenness throughout your life or just lately?

BARKIN: Throughout my life, yes "a big mouth" it was called in the neighborhood, "You`ve got a big mouth."

BEHAR: Teachers?

BARKIN: Yes. Yes, teachers. And now, I think you get -- and I think it`s the Internet. Like you just express an opinion and by the way, I find it very offensive that this whole idea that because I`m quote-unquote a "celebrity" and I should be so lucky to be that famous.


BARKIN: I`m not allowed to express my opinion or to fight for people who are struggling --


BEHAR: Right.

BARKIN: -- because I`m not a part of that struggle. That`s just bull.

BEHAR: It is.

BARKIN: Like where would the civil rights movement be? And where would -- we still wouldn`t be voting if it weren`t men who signed that women`s voting rights bill into the -- I mean, it`s just bull. It`s bull.


BARKIN: But yes, I know -- I`m not part of the 99 percent, but -- and it`s just what the right uses to further --


BEHAR: Oh, yes.

BARKIN: -- alienate the base.

BEHAR: Right.

BARKIN: Don`t listen to them.

BEHAR: I mean the Occupy Wall Street, they had Crosby and Stills or Nash or something down there and you know they are multi millionaires they sold gazillions of records. So as if that disqualifies them from having empathy for people who are not in their category.

BARKIN: Right.

BEHAR: It does not.

BARKIN: And -- and aren`t those the people you want to stand up for you? Like all I get called on Twitter -- and I have a very good -- there`s a thing called a twitterizer (ph).

BEHAR: Oh what`s that? Does it hurt?


BEHAR: What does it do? What does it do?

BARKIN: Not that I know. It analyzes your tweets. So I have an extremely low negative to positive tweet ratio. So I hardly get bad comments. But when I do, I get "another dumb washed-up, rich, has-been" -- you know it`s like, how much worse can I get? You know. And -- and I answer back --

BEHAR: Yes. Don`t.

BARKIN: Oh no, I can`t help myself.

BEHAR: See, that`s the mistake you`re making, you`re making a huge error.

BARKIN: I know. I know.

BEHAR: Have you been down to Wall Street by the way?

BARKIN: Uh-uh.

BEHAR: You have not? What do you think about it?

BARKIN: I think it`s great. I mean, I have -- you know look, I don`t -- I -- I have children still. And to be honest, it`s so violent and scary to me, that I don`t want to get hurt.

BEHAR: Right.

BARKIN: But I have enormous respect for the people going down there and are saying this is worth getting hurt for.

BEHAR: Yes, it`s very dangerous, in Oakland, the cops fired on some people with rubber bullets.

BARKIN: Yes, I mean, did you see that footage?

BEHAR: Yes it`s not pretty.

BARKIN: Do you see what they did to that woman in Oakland?

BEHAR: No, I didn`t see that.

BARKIN: It was astonishing.


BEHAR: Well listen, we remember Kent State.


BEHAR: It could happen again.

BARKIN: That`s the first job I ever had was Kent State the movie.

BEHAR: Oh really.

BARKIN: And the Columbia riots. I mean, I went around to the other high schools that weren`t as politically active and we broke windows. And I mean and that wasn`t necessarily a peaceful protest.

BEHAR: You broke windows, in a movie or really?

BARKIN: No in real.

BEHAR: Oh no kidding.


BEHAR: Wow. That`s pretty interesting.

BARKIN: Because we wanted them out of the classroom and onto the street.

BEHAR: Let me ask you something, you`re not a fan of Fox TV, are you? Fox News.

BARKIN: No. I got in trouble for that.

BEHAR: You got in trouble for saying that?

BARKIN: Oh dear.


BARKIN: I don`t know. But I`m very flattered that I`m now on Bill O`Reilly`s radar.

BEHAR: Oh he called you a pinhead?

BARKIN: Did he?

BEHAR: Oh probably.

BARKIN: I thought he called me a washed-up has-been, d-list celebrity, bitch, rich, whatever, you know dumb.

BEHAR: Yes and so it`s always the same, right.

BARKIN: It`s always the same.

BEHAR: But I mean, what did you say about Fox that got you in trouble?

BARKIN: I said that I found it appalling that something that now that calls itself a news show can just look in the camera and lie.

BEHAR: Basically.

BARKIN: And it`s ok. It`s fine. And then I said, now, can you imagine Walter Cronkite just looking in the camera and lying? And nobody says anything? It`s the constant shift. Now, if they called it like ET, like an entertainment show, or an opinion show, then it`s fine, express your opinion. I don`t agree with you but go ahead.

But don`t tell me you`re news.

BEHAR: Yes, it`s like -- I think what they would say is Bill O`Reilly is an opinion show. Sean Hannity is an opinion show but they do have a fair and balanced news on that network, that`s what they say.

BARKIN: I haven`t found that.

BEHAR: You haven`t found it?


BEHAR: Keep looking.

BARKIN: What, like Greta Van Susteren, that`s a fair and balance news?

BEHAR: No, she would be an opinion show, too.

BARKIN: To you?

BEHAR: Yes, they have mostly opinion shows. MSNBC does the same thing, they have opinions politically to the left.

BARKIN: They have a little -- a much lower lying-in-your-face ratio. It`s really the thing -- because they`re so wrong right now, I think the right, that it`s hard for them to find any real facts.


BARKIN: They just created this environment of lying is fine, so let`s just lie it out.

BEHAR: When we get back, I want to hear some more about this and maybe tell me what you think of Ann Coulter and Herman Cain.

We`ll be right back.


BEHAR: I`m back with Ellen Barkin. I cannot say the tweets on the air because even on this show, where we could beep it, I really can`t get through it. About Ann and about Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Of all the Republican candidates, who do you think is the dumbest one?

BARKIN: The dumbest one -- oh, that`s tough. I was going to say Rick Perry really quickly but then I think about Herman Cain. I might have to give it to Herman.

BEHAR: Herman.

BARKIN: I might.

BEHAR: What about Michele Bachmann?

BARKIN: She doesn`t even -- she`s not even on my radar.

BEHAR: She`s not on your radar.

BARKIN: She`s not a candidate.

BEHAR: Yes. Do you like -- I see Huntsman I think is not that sort of bright.

BARKIN: I have a name for him. It`s hard to say on CNN.

BEHAR: Don`t say it. Don`t say it. I know where you`re going.

BARKIN: It`s hard. Come on. You just set us all up.

BEHAR: What about this sexual harassment thing about Herman Cain? His wife is on probably tonight somewhere talking, standing by her man. I think the wives have lost a certain amount of credibility because we have seen this movie, where they stand by their man and the guy is guilty.


BEHAR: So how would it -- how do you think it`s going to work?

BARKIN: Well, I actually said that I thought that if Michele Bachmann just admitted to the fact that she was one of the dozen women that Herman Cain assaulted it might help her campaign financing a little bit. These guys, it`s like a hubris, where they just think they can get away with anything.

And we`ve seen it before. Herman Cain isn`t the first one. We`ve seen it on both sides. But I think they just think they`re not going to get caught and it goes back to the lying thing. If I just scream in your face loud enough, some idiot will believe me.

BEHAR: Yes. Now, this could be a dumb question to ask you? Have you ever been sexually harassed? For some reason I feel you might have been a few times.

BARKIN: I would say once.

BEHAR: Just once?


BEHAR: Was it a famous person?

BARKIN: No. But it was someone in the movie business.

BEHAR: Oh, yes. What did it look like? Can you tell me?

BARKIN: I didn`t understand it at the beginning. That`s hard for me. I mean, I was young in my career, I was probably -- I was definitely under 30. But I was no stranger to like the world of like sex and drugs and the movie business, but this person kept asking me if I wanted to go to the bathroom. I said, no. And it was all through dinner. I said, why do you care whether or not I have to pee? Then I realized that was a drug-related question, to see did I want to go to the bathroom-

BEHAR: To do cocaine.

BARKIN: Exactly. Which I did not. I said, no, I`m fine with my cocktail, thank you. But then it went on through the night until it became kind of physical.

BEHAR: I see.

BARKIN: And I was like on some divan or lounge and I said, ok, you`re like really old and creepy and I have to go and get off of me.

BEHAR: It`s always an old and creepy guy. It`s never George Clooney.

BARKIN: Well, if you`re young -- well, they don`t have to sexually harass you, they`re George Clooney.

BEHAR: Yes. But generally, it`s always an ugly guy. They`re out there -- you know -- no.

BARKIN: And it`s always some gorgeous young girl.

BEHAR: Yes, always, as if she would do it with him.

BARKIN: Exactly.

BEHAR: Ok. We`re going to take another break, a short one and then we`re going to come back. We`ll talk about Ellen`s new film, "Another Happy Day" which is a terrific movie.

We`ll be right back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Still ahead, Joy talks with television legend, Larry King.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your mom never skin-popped a little D back in the `70s?

ELLEN BARKIN, ACTRESS: You know what, do me a favor. Just go ahead, go, go get high, go OD, ruin your [ EXPLETIVE DELETED] life because I`m giving up. I`m just giving up.


BEHAR: That was Ellen Barkin in her new movie which she produces and stars in. It`s called "Another Happy Day," which I saw, Ellen, and liked it very much. It`s an independent kind of movie. It`s got heart, it`s got aggravation, it`s got you. I mean, you are the driving force of the movie. Just great.

BARKIN: It`s an extraordinary part, thank you. And a great story. And that young writer/director, Sam Levinson, who was 22 when he wrote this script.

BEHAR: Wasn`t that your boyfriend?


BEHAR: Isn`t he your boyfriend?

BARKIN: I never tell a lie.

BEHAR: So then, is he or isn`t he your boyfriend?

BARKIN: Joy, don`t make me say it.

BEHAR: OK, everybody can Google it. It`s out there somewhere, is where I found it.

BARKIN: What was I saying?


BEHAR: My co-director--

BARKIN: Just that he was able to capture the voices from like George Kennedy, who is 87 years old, to a 13-year-old.

BEHAR: He did. He did a fantastic job. No wonder you liked him.

BARKIN: No wonder we`re friendly.


BEHAR: Listen, we`re in awe of it. You go around spilling your years, your age, and then you have this young --

BARKIN: What choice do I have? IMDB. You can`t lie.

BEHAR: I know, you can`t lie anymore.

BARKIN: You can`t lie.

BEHAR: But there are some people who wouldn`t go to IMDB or Wikipedia.

BARKIN: I never lied because when -- I wish I had lied. But when I was young, like when I was just starting out, 25, 26, I looked so young, I always told my real age so I could stop playing teenagers. And then at around 45, I thought, oh, I played this whole thing wrong, because --

BEHAR: They would have found out anyway, they go to the DMV to find out. They`re despicable.

BARKIN: They do. But there are people who have had their passports adjusted.

BEHAR: Oh, really, you can do that?

BARKIN: Certain ac -- actors I know. And I think maybe also like, you know, had their entire high school graduating class taken out or something.

BEHAR: You have to do that.

You`re very -- you`re a producer of the movie also. Do they give you that, you know, she`s a bitch on the set, that whole thing with women?

BARKIN: No. No, because I was the boss. So there was no one above me, really, except the writer-director. And my job was to get his movie made and protect him. So that did not happen at all. Everybody loved me.

BEHAR: I know. You`re adorable. But did you like being the boss?

BARKIN: I did. Oh, I love to be the boss.

BEHAR: Me, too.

BARKIN: I also always think I`m right, which is perfect for the job of a producer.

BEHAR: Maybe you are right. Did you ever think of that?

BARKIN: Well, that`s what my family says about me. Even when you`re wrong, you think you`re right. And I say, that`s because I`m right.

BEHAR: You have a couple of kids with Gabriel Byrne, right?


BEHAR: That was a marriage that went nicely for a while.

BARKIN: It was very successful.

BEHAR: I remember running into you at the David Letterman show with him backstage, and you were so madly in love with him.

BARKIN: I know.

BEHAR: Well, he is a gorgeous man.

BARKIN: What`s not to like?

BEHAR: I know. I see him -- I watch him on "In Treatment," and he`s hot.

BARKIN: Spectacular.

BEHAR: Hot, hot. Yes.

BARKIN: He`s very good -- very good-looking kids too, they look just like him.

BEHAR: Do they?


BEHAR: And the next husband -- you only got married once, though, right?

BARKIN: Yes. Just once. The other thing I`m like amnesia.

BEHAR: The other one was you can`t talk about, you`re under some kind of contractual obligation to keep your bazoo shut even though it`s strangling you. I know all about that.

BARKIN: I am going to come back from the grave and tell that story.

BEHAR: Someday, or maybe when he dies. When he`s dead -- aren`t all bets off if he dies? I`m serious.

BARKIN: You know, some people think they are not going to die.

BEHAR: And he`s one of them.

BARKIN: I think there are people in the world--


BARKIN: Just some people. I`m not mentioning names, but you are. But I think there are people who think they can buy their way out of that one, too.

BEHAR: Yes, they do, but they can`t. Sorry. That`s one of the good things about death, that even the bad guys die.

BARKIN: Everybody dies. And if you`re -- well, no, I can`t, I`m going to be in jail.

BEHAR: Well, you know what, I just read that Brad Pitt said he was going to quit acting in three years. What do you think of that?

BARKIN: He did?

BEHAR: He`s on a roll with "Moneyball." Everybody thinks he`s brilliant all of a sudden, and he says he`s quitting. We read that.

BARKIN: Yes, but did he say it? I read a lot of things.


BARKIN: Do you believe everything you read, Joy?

BEHAR: No, but I`m wondering if it`s true, because he said some crazy things about Jennifer Aniston for a while. Remember that?

BARKIN: I do. But I don`t know that I believe anything crazy that anyone says. I know Brad Pitt, he`s too sweet a guy.

BEHAR: Yeah. And so he wouldn`t be quitting, would he?

BARKIN: I would be upset. He`s so hitting his stride right now as an actor. He`s amazing. Amazing. It would be really sad.

BEHAR: Now, what about Demi in this movie?

BARKIN: Spectacular.

BEHAR: You had a fistfight with her, basically. Great scene.

BARKIN: I did.

BEHAR: And she could probably take you, because she was in the movie, the Navy SEALs.

BARKIN: G.I. Jane. Well, that was part of the reason why Sam Levinson wanted her so badly. He said, you know, even though you`re not playing that type of character, people expect you to be a tough girl. So I need someone that the audience thinks, oh, she could take her down. I said, OK, who would that be? He said, Demi. That fight could go the distance.

BEHAR: She was terrific in the movie.

BARKIN: Terrific.

BEHAR: Really. The movie is so good. And I just like the way you were able to straddle, pardon the expression.

BARKIN: I will.

BEHAR: Victim, victim of your mother and basically somebody with testicularity, also. I thought that was brilliant.

BARKIN: Did you make that word up?

BEHAR: I don`t think so. Probably -- Google it.


BARKIN: Or as I say, the other day, I said, goggle it.

BEHAR: Goggle it?

BARKIN: It`s like I don`t--

BEHAR: What is this I read that you will not have any plastic surgery or you haven`t had any? Nothing? No botox? Nothing?

BARKIN: We had this conversation. First of all, I never said I wouldn`t have plastic surgery.

BEHAR: You said you wouldn`t think it would work.

BARKIN: Botox is not for me.

BEHAR: Oh, botox is not for you.


BEHAR: So a lift you would do?

BARKIN: Oh, yes.

BEHAR: Yeah.

BARKIN: In fact, I got to go. I sit all day in front of my mirror. I go like this, what`s better, this or this? This or this?

BEHAR: You know, when you do that, just that thing over here, you could look like the Joker.

BARKIN: You could, but you could also not.

BEHAR: I`ve seen a lot of actresses who look like the Joker when they do that.

BARKIN: Yeah, but what if they just did a little bit?

BEHAR: It`s never a little bit.

BARKIN: Oh, come on. Look, this or this?

I just -- botox`s problem, if I weren`t an actress, I would like the botox needle. But I think the thing about -- then you always need a line if you -- like you can never just make that face.

BEHAR: Yes, you can, you just don`t do a lot. You just do a little bit of botox.

BARKIN: And you could still go like that?

BEHAR: Yes, you can. See, you don`t want these lines over here right in the middle of your forehead. It makes you look like--


BARKIN: But I like these.

BEHAR: You could keep those.

BARKIN: This makes you look angry? I thought it made you look sexy, like, oh.

BEHAR: No, it doesn`t.

BARKIN: Really? I don`t have those. Mine kind of goes to some crazy sideways (ph).

BEHAR: You don`t need it. And you never gain weight, you skinny bitch, never.

BARKIN: No. I have the opposite problem. I could use a few. You know, as you get older, a little fullness. The hanging skin is not a good look.

BEHAR: You mean to tell me you can`t gain weight?

BARKIN: Not a pound.

BEHAR: Oh my God, I thought I would never meet anybody --

BARKIN: Especially a Jew.

BEHAR: -- who would tell me that. A Jewish girl. There`s plenty of Jewish anorexic out there, please.

BARKIN: I said I wanted them to invent a reverse lipo so I could get some fat put in my own ass.


BEHAR: Well, you know what, maybe we can have Ann Coulter do it for you. We have to go. It`s so lovely to have you here. I really love you.

BARKIN: Thank you.

BEHAR: You can see Ellen in "Another Happy Day" in select theaters in New York and L.A. starting Friday. We`ll be right back. Don`t miss this movie. It`s good.


BEHAR: I remember the first time I sat in this chair at CNN. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and was happy with the job I did, but let`s face it, there`s only one Larry King and only man can say, hello Tuscaloosa, are you there? Here is the legend himself, Larry King. Yes! So how are you?

LARRY KING, CNN: I`m so happy that I made your career.

BEHAR: Well, you didn`t quite, but you helped it along.

KING: Well, we tried. I thought you were terrific. I said, this girl has a future. But start her in the mornings. Already you`re in prime-time. I mean, you`re a star.

BEHAR: Thank you, Larry.

KING: Or, as we say, "stah."

BEHAR: Star. But do you miss -- I would think you would miss being in the middle of all of this going on now. The debates are going on.

KING: I tell you, want to know what it`s like? It`s like when a big story happens, like Osama bin Laden`s killed, or Mubarak or an earthquake, you want to run in, grab hold of the camera and do it. But the Kardashians -- I could do without. So on the days it`s tabloid stuff, I don`t miss tabloid stuff at all. So it`s mixed emotions. It`s like your mother-in- law going over the cliff in your new Bentley.

BEHAR: I got it.

KING: It`s the best way to describe it.

BEHAR: What about the Republican candidates? Have you been thinking about -- what do you think? Do you like any of them?

KING: I know most of them. I never met Mr. Cain. I know the rest. Jon Huntsman, a secret revealed here tonight, was betrothed to my wife.


KING: They were born-

BEHAR: What? Oh, the Mormon thing.

KING: They were born about a month apart. They were children together, toddlers together. When he was governor once, she was calling Utah or something, and she said, let me talk to Johnny. Let me talk to Johnny. So they`re very close friends. Close friends -- and he`s a great guy, Jon Huntsman is a great guy. He apparently has no chance.

BEHAR: I think he`s very bright.

KING: Very bright.

BEHAR: No, he`s too bright for the thing.

KING: Looks like Mitt is going to win it. A lot of times -- there`s too many debates. Every night there`s another debate.

BEHAR: There`s 14 more coming. It`s the greatest reality TV on television. Are you kidding me? You are going to be on at the Friars Club tonight.

KING: And you were supposed to be one of the honoree presenters.

BEHAR: I know, I know, well, I just can`t do it tonight.

KING: Why can`t you?

BEHAR: I`m working too much.

KING: What do you mean you are working?

BEHAR: Let`s not belabor it.

KING: Joy, no, wait a minute, I think you owe me.

BEHAR: I owe you, what?

KING: So it`s all right. You don`t come. You don`t have to come.


KING: As my mother would say, listen, you don`t--

BEHAR: The Jewish guilt is--


BEHAR: The only thing is I`m Catholic. It doesn`t quite work on me.

KING: Catholics don`t have guilt?

BEHAR: They do, but not when it comes from a Jew. It has to come from another Catholic.

KING: A Jew can`t give a Catholic guilt?


KING: I can`t give you--


KING: I can`t tell you about all the times I let you do my show? One little night we ask you, one night? Listen--

BEHAR: I am married to two Jewish guys already, and neither one can make me guilty. How do you like that?

KING: What makes you guilty? Who can make you guilty?

BEHAR: My daughter. Children can make me feel guilty. I wasn`t good enough at this or that. She doesn`t say it but I feel it.

KING: OK. Maybe she will call and ask you to come on. Anyway--


KING: They are honoring me tonight and I`m very proud of it.

BEHAR: But you know, Kathy Griffin and Joan Rivers are going to be. So when you say they`re honoring you, brace yourself.

KING: Wait a minute. Hold it, hold it, hold it and hold it. They told me it was a -- four weeks ago, I had a lifetime achievement award from the Emmys, a great honor. And now the Friars Club said we want to give you the same thing, a lifetime achievement award. Brian, the great people at the Emmys, there was no cursing at the Emmys.

BEHAR: That`s true. But this is not being televised. So who cares? They could say the f word if they want, no one cares?

KING: They`re not going to do that.

BEHAR: Well, I`m just saying, Joan Rivers does not control herself.

KING: The last one they did was 10 years ago. It was John Travolta. I was the emcee.

BEHAR: And they were nice?

KING: I don`t remember-- they slammed him a little bit but no cursing.

BEHAR: OK, let`s talk about -- ABC wants to replace Regis Philbin now. They want a new, somebody to step in there. Do you think anybody can really fill his shoes?

KING: No. Regis is an irreplaceable person.

BEHAR: I think so too.

KING: Regis is Regis. There`s just no one like him, no one louder. He`s loud. He`s a terrific personality. He`s ageless, I`m sure he will be doing something big.

BEHAR: But who are they going to put in there? Who would you like to see?

KING: I know Ryan Seacrest turned it down.

BEHAR: You and Ryan Seacrest. You`re always touting him. I love Ryan Seacrest for my job. You never said that about me. Why don`t you say Joy Behar would be good for my job? You never said that. Now I`ll give you a little guilt. Hey, that worked so easily. That worked so easily, because you`re Jewish, you see? Coming from a Catholic to Jew, it works. The other way, it doesn`t.

KING: Because we have a fear you will call somebody named Rocco and beat us up. That living fear. I -- Anderson Cooper -- would be great, but--

BEHAR: He`s under contract, he can`t do it.

KING: Ryan Seacrest would be great. He turned it down, he doesn`t want to leave the West Coast, he has got too many things.

BEHAR: Right. Who else?

KING: So you know who would be great? The guy who I shouldn`t forget his name, the guy who does the Ford commercials and he does the commercials --

BEHAR: Mike Rowe (ph)?

KING: Mike Rowe.

BEHAR: Mike Rowe would be good?

KING: Mike Rowe is a terrific person.

BEHAR: OK, you heard it here.

KING: The other guy who is getting his own new show who also sat in for me a few times, who hosts "Survivor." Jeff Probst.

BEHAR: Jeff Probst. Wasn`t he in jail? No, that was another one. Sorry. Richard Hatch was in jail, not Jeff Probst. I get them mixed up.

KING: Jeff Probst, they would be good choices. You have got to find the right person who`s humorous. And remember, you`re sharing it with someone else who is already now established in the job. It`s tough -- not easy.

BEHAR: I think it`s hard to replace him. The other thing that`s interesting going on in televisionland, is on CBS, the morning show every morning, the "Early Show."

KING: Yeah, Charlie Rose is in there.

BEHAR: Charlie Rose they`re putting in there with Gayle King, and they are going to do a kind of like a "Morning Joe" format. Do you think that will work?

KING: CBS has always amazed me. I mean, Les Moonves is a good friend and we discussed this over the years. It`s a great network. Right? It can`t make it in the morning.

BEHAR: Why not?

KING: They tried everything. I don`t know what it is.

BEHAR: People aren`t used to it.

KING: It used to be that the morning was affected by what you turned your set off at night. Well, NBC wins the night. Jay Leno wins the night. Why aren`t they tuning in--

BEHAR: To the "Today Show?"

KING: To the "Today Show," right?

BEHAR: Yes, so that`s right.

KING: But Letterman does well, why doesn`t CBS do well?

BEHAR: I don`t know. That is a mystery.

KING: Is it stigma? They used to do just the news show years ago that I really loved.

BEHAR: How do you think Charlie Rose will do?

KING: He`s fine. I like Charlie. He`s been doing it a long time. I don`t know if he`s a morning sparkling person.

BEHAR: He`s sort of a night-time guy, isn`t he?

KING: Yes, and he tends to ask longer questions, which isn`t going to work in the morning. In the morning it`s, get it now.

BEHAR: One of the things you can do, Larry, because I know you want to get your two cents into all of this business of the world, is do some stand-up. Are you doing it?

KING: Yes. I`m doing standup.

BEHAR: Yeah. I mean, that`s where you get your politics in.

KING: I love it. You get everything in. Because I love -- there`s nothing like making people laugh, right? The No. 1 thing in the world. It`s orgasmic.

BEHAR: Really? Well, not exactly.

KING: No, no, no. That moment when you`re standing on the stage, that moment -- there`s a moment -- when you`re about to deliver the line you know is funny, you know it`s coming, you built up the story, that`s bigger than anything. There`s nothing bigger than that moment.

BEHAR: Really? Bigger than sex?

KING: I think so.

BEHAR: Wow. You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen. That is really amazing.

KING: You can tell what kind of depressed life I have.

BEHAR: Maybe you just don`t remember.

KING: That`s two.

BEHAR: OK. See, you don`t want me there tonight, because I`ll roast you. We`ll have more with Larry King in a minute.

KING: Maybe.

BEHAR: We`ll kiss.


BEHAR: I`m back with my old pal, Larry King. You know, Larry, you were talking about how pop culture, you didn`t want to cover tabloidy stuff. The Kim Kardashian wedding was interesting.

KING: I loved it. I was so thrilled.

BEHAR: 72 days.

KING: I was so touched. And when they announced they were breaking up --

BEHAR: I know. It`s heartbreaking.

KING: It`s just, it killed me. And do I return the gifts? I sent them.

BEHAR: You sent her something?

KING: A soap dish, I think.

BEHAR: Oh, really?

KING: Why was that a story?

BEHAR: Her publicist now, her former publicist came out today and was saying that it was all a fix-up, that there never was a -- it was all done for publicity. I`m shocked at that. Next they`ll tell me that wrestling is rigged.

KING: You`re kidding, wrestling is rigged?

BEHAR: These people, do you think that these reality shows are for real is my question, I think?

KING: I would question them. I mean, they`re supposed to be for -- what can be real when the camera`s in the house? What can be really -- I couldn`t be real. It would never really be real.

BEHAR: No, you`d be covering (ph) up. Well, they say that after a while you get immune to the camera and you start to be yourself.

KING: When you have no control over the finished product?

BEHAR: That`s right. That`s right.

KING: I would never do a reality show. Would you do a reality show?

BEHAR: No. I would -- me, no, I`m not like that at all. I don`t like anybody to know my business.

KING: Right, what are they inviting strange people, the wedding was false?

BEHAR: I know, you can`t get over it. It`s so upsetting, isn`t it?

KING: This was my big night. My Friars night, and you ruined it.

BEHAR: I`m sorry, Larry. What is your next gig, by the way?

KING: We do four specials a year for CNN, your sister network.


KING: Which is in this same building.

BEHAR: Am I in any of them?



KING: We are -- I was going to have you in, but I was too busy.


KING: I was a little too busy. Anyway--

BEHAR: You haven`t done them yet, so how busy would you be?

KING: Next special is December 4th. It`s called "Dinner at the Kings."

BEHAR: I`m busy that night.

KING: We taped it. We taped it.

BEHAR: Yeah, go ahead.

KING: And we have eight disparate people. We have Conan O`Brien, we have Shaquille O`Neal, we have the inventor of Twitter. It`s a great show. I don`t know how they`re going to edit it. And then in February, we`re doing a big heart special in connection with the Larry King Cardiac Foundation. And the star guests on that show are, get this pair, Dick Cheney and Barbra Streisand.

BEHAR: Together?




BEHAR: Wouldn`t you like to see that? The two of them in a room together.

KING: Doing a little heart dance.

BEHAR: That would be a smackdown. Wow. Well, we interviewed Cheney on "The View." He has not calmed down one bit since the heart surgery.

KING: No, but did you see that apparatus?

BEHAR: Yeah, I know. Who needs to see that? TMI. I don`t need to see his apparatus.

KING: Hold it. The apparatus is functioning for his heart.

BEHAR: So why do I have to see that? All right. Larry, I have got to go.

KING: Maybe that`s a phony, too, maybe his heart works.

BEHAR: You believe all that?


BEHAR: Please, he was in the bunker. Who knows what happened down there. "Dinner with the Kings" airs on December 4th on CNN. Thank you for watching. Good night, everybody.

KING: Good night.

BEHAR: Say good night, Gracie.

KING: Say good night, Gracie.