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New Day

Report: Venezuelan Offers Snowden Asylum; Firebombs and Gunfire in Egypt; Moms Take Zimmerman Trial Spotlight; FBI: Man Tried to Extort Paul Deen; "The Lone Ranger's" Tough Week

Aired July 06, 2013 - 07:00   ET



VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Just three days after a coup in Egypt, violence erupts. The death toll is climbing.

SYBRINA FULTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S MOTHER: My youngest son is Trayvon Benjamin Martin.


PAMELA BROWN, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): It was the testimony of two mothers that electrified the Zimmerman court on Friday. Who will the jury believe?

BLACKWELL: When you consider how the State Department spends your money, do you think Facebook? Why the government agency spent more than half a million dollars on a social network.


BROWN: Well, good morning, everyone. So great to have you along us with on this Saturday morning. I'm Pamela Brown.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Seven o'clock here at CNN world headquarters. This is NEW DAY SATURDAY.

And we're starting this new day with a possible final destination for Edward Snowden.

BROWN: Not one, but two countries could offer the American fugitive asylum.

Snowden leaked details of the NSA surveillance program. The two countries that are willing to take him in have shown they aren't worried about the consequences, even as the White House demands his surrender. Right now, he remains in the airport in Russia waiting to book a ticket out of town.

CNN's Frederik Pleitgen joins me now from Moscow.

Frederik, what do we know about these two offers so far?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, good morning, guys. Well, this could certainly be a new break in the whole Snowden saga that's been going on. He's been holed up in the transit area of Moscow's airport for 14 days, two weeks now. Normally, you can only spend 24 hours in that place. So, the two countries that we have in play now are Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Venezuela, of course, has a government that's very hostile to the United States. Their new president, Nicolas Maduro, is saying that he wants to take Snowden in humanitarian grounds. He says that he feels that Edward Snowden is a great personality and needs to be given refuge in the country of Simon Bolivar and Chavez. One thing where it seems Venezuelans have already made a decision and they say they are going to take him in.

On the other hand, you have Nicaragua that says that it's willing to take him in if everything surrounding that is OK. So, it certainly seems to have to be some sort of legal process beforehand to see whether or not Nicaragua is actually going to do that. So, it seems as though Venezuela seems his best bet at this point in time. And I can tell you, from being on the ground here, the Russians at this point in time are pretty keen to have him out of their country.

The head of Russia's parliament tweeted earlier today, saying he's thrilled about the new development with Venezuela, also saying that Snowden cannot stay at that airport forever, Pam.

BLACKWELL: I got a follow up here for you, Frederik. No one has seen this man. I mean, how is he going to get wherever he is held up at the airport onto this plane. We saw the trouble that the president of Bolivia had trying to get back to his country with so many countries closing their air space?

PLEITGEN: Yes, Victor. That certainly will be the big question. I mean, first of all, the big question, is he even in that transit lounge or have they brought him somewhere else? Because literally, no one has seen him in the past two weeks, and I can tell you, we have crews on the ground that looked through every inch of that transit lounge.

At this point of time, no one has seen him there. The big question, as you say, is how on Earth is he going to get on a plane without anyone seeing him and then how was he going to travel there? There are no direct flights to Venezuela or to Nicaragua from Russia.

So, certainly, it seems as though he would probably have to travel through Cuba, and then you have all those difficulties that Evo Morales had when several European countries just said, well, we're not going to let your plane go through our air space because we think had you Snowden on board. So, there are still a lot of things that are uncertain.

And the big hope that Venezuela probably has is that they hope the Russians will make something happen, guys.

BROWN: That's still a mystery and as you said, Russia wants nothing more than to get rid of Snowden at this point. BLACKWELL: Time is up.


BROWN: Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much.

And, of course, Venezuela, Nicaragua, harsh critics of U.S. policy. So, no surprise here.

BLACKWELL: Yes. There are more fears this morning -- as we go to Egypt now, more fears of violence exploding in Cairo and other parts of the country, Alexandria and others.

BROWN: Running battles in the street have killed at least 30 people, and more than 1,000 others are injured.

BLACKWELL: CNN's Reza Sayah is in Cairo.

Reza, a violent night, violent few days. Is it quieter today?

REZA SAYAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): It's quiet, but the day is young and many supporters of the former president, Mohamed Morsy, are still angry. And they're still out in areas where they protested yesterday. Not in big numbers right now. But more plan to be back later today to follow up on demonstrations that turned violent and deadly.

BROWN: So, you mentioned we could see more protests today. Is the violence seen as backlash after the military removed Mohamed Morsy from power last week?

SAYAH: There's no question about it.

Remember, many of these demonstrators say we followed the democratic process and they feel betrayed. They say this is a president who was freely, fairly, elected. Now, he's ousted because of the armed forces, because of an uprising, and they say they're going to stay out until he is back because they believe he is their legitimate president.

BLACKWELL: Now is this when we say pro-Morsy and anti-Morsy protesters. Are all of these pro-Morsy protesters really in support of his policies or do they believe that they were just a coup and that the anti-Morsy forces should have just waited for the upcoming election?

SAYAH: Well, here's what's fascinating in Egypt identity. This is a fight for Egypt's identity. Ever since the 2011 revolution, there was a power vacuum.

So, you have all these political factions fighting for power and what's fascinating about Egypt is that diversity of people. You have liberals, moderates, who love their bikinis and beers and dance clubs on the weekend. And then you have the conservatives who live by the strict principles of Islam. And all these factions want to set the path for the future of Egypt. The Islamists took over, their president, Mohamed Morsy, the moderates and the liberals didn't like it. They launched a campaign to push him out. Incredibly, they were successful. Now, it's the Islamists who are upset and the conflict goes on and on and on.

BROWN: And on that, quickly, we're taken a live look here at pro-Morsy protests there in Cairo. Reza, I want to ask you on that note. Is there concern that what happened here is going to set a precedent for the future? That no matter who is elected in the democratic process, that once again, we're going to see these types of protests, because they're just not going to like who is elected, depending on what side you're on.

SAYAH: That's one of the concerns. Remember, for decades, the Islamists were oppressed, sidelined, and jail. So, they went underground. And many became radicalized.

After the revolution, many followed the democratic process. Their president got fairly elected they say. But now, they say they've been stifled again.

So, many -- there is fear that they're going to go back underground and use a strategy, and many fear that's the possible path back to radicalization again.

BLACKWELL: All right. CNN's Reza Sayah in Cairo, thank you so much.

BROWN: Stay safe there, Reza.

And amid all the unrest unfolding across Egypt, former President Hosni Mubarak is back in court. He is being retried on ordering the deaths of protesters during the Arab spring uprising in 2011. That forced him from power. You may remember that.

He was found guilty and sentenced to life last year before being granted a new trial.

BLACKWELL: The FBI says it's broken up a blackmail attempt against Paula Deen. Authorities say this man -- this man here -- is behind the attempt. Sixty-two-year-old Thomas Paculis.

Now, he is -- this is a mugshot from an old case, a different case. He's demanded a quarter million not to release that he called "true and damning", according to authorities.

In an email to Paula Deen's lawyer, Paculis said that he would go public with the information about her using the N-word at her restaurant. And the reported extortion attempt came after -- about five days after a leaked deposition set off the collapse of Deen's empire. Of course, we followed that step by step.

BROWN: The saga just won't end for Paula Deen.


BROWN: And new this morning, evacuations are underway after a train derailment sparked a huge explosion and fire in Canada's Quebec province. Take a look at these flames. They are unbelievable video. This video was posted online.

There were 80 tanker cars on the train, which was bound for Maine. They were carrying crude oil. Some of that may have spilled into a nearby river. Local firefighters have asked for reinforcements from nearby towns. Flames can reportedly be seen from miles away.

So far, no information at this time about casualties.

All right. Let's turn to Florida now where the trial of George Zimmerman in recess for the weekend. Prosecution rested yesterday after nine days, 38 witnesses, almost 200 exhibits introduced into evidence.

BLACKWELL: Also on Friday, the mothers of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both took the stand. Each testified about who she thought was screaming on a 911 tape recorded the night Zimmerman shot and killed Martin.

Let's bring in CNN legal correspondent Jean Casarez.

Jean, both mothers said it is my son you hear screaming for help. Is there one mother who helped the case more?

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN LEGAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, it's amazing that they both testified on the same day as the mothers, right?

You know, here is the thing: what allowed this to happen was the judge, in a ruling, said there could be lay testimony, and the senior audio engineer from the FBI, Nakasone, said that those familiar with the voice are the best ones to testify, if they have heard the voice screaming or doing something in that capacity, that that will give the credibility. Neither mother testified that she heard her son in the past, screaming, yelling.

You know, I thought there would be, maybe description of an incident of what happened in the years before Trayvon died, or before George got charged with mother. But there wasn't.

So, it was really I think the emotional aspect to it. The mother saying I know my child better than anyone else. I know it's their voice. So, in the end, it's probably going to be the witnesses, the scream itself and what George Zimmerman said as to whether the jury believed its Trayvon or George Zimmerman.

BROWN: And the prosecution rested its case, as we talked about earlier. Do you think that the prosecution proved its case against George Zimmerman?

CASAREZ: You know, here's the interesting thing. Yesterday was a medical examiner, critically important witness. And I think he made a big point for the prosecution, and that would have been the trajectory of the shot because he testified, Dr. Bao, that the shot was straight on, into the heart of Trayvon Martin. And so, I think the prosecution will argue if there is a struggle going on and the head is being into the concrete and George Zimmerman imminently believes he is going to die, how could he do such as the straight, perfect shot?

On the other hand, yesterday, Dr. Bao, I've never seen anything like it, with all of the case I've covered, because every other sentence was I don't remember anything about the autopsy. I don't remember anything about the autopsy.

And normally there's that pinnacle moment, the cause of death. What is the cause of death? Well, it's gunshot wound to the chest, but I didn't hear that pinnacle moment. And manner of death -- homicide. I didn't hear that.

I think what you're left with: I don't remember anything about the autopsy.

BLACKWELL: There was also muddy as it went on hour after hour with the notes and the jury in and the jury out. We'll continue to have this conversation.

Jean Casarez, thank you so much.

BROWN: Thank you.

CASAREZ: Thanks.

BROWN: And new lead in a 6-year-old cold case coming up on NEW DAY.

BLACKWELL: Madeleine McCann, she vanished while on vacation with her parents. Do you remember this face? We'll tell you why police now say she could still be alive.


BLACKWELL: Sixteen minutes after the hour now.

New leads in a 6-year-old cold case.

BROWN: British police now say they think a little girl right here, Madeleine McCann, right here, remember her? Well, they think she may still be alive. She was just three when she disappeared at her family's holiday home in Portugal.

CNN's Nick Valencia joins us now with the very latest. He's been following the story.

You know, Nick, we've heard so many other promising leads in the past. This seems to be a little different. What new evidence do we have? Do we know?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is different. And I spoke to the metropolitan police department in the U.K. this morning. They said this new lead, this new evidence, is the result of combing over more than 30,000 documents related to the case. If you remember, Pamela, back in 2008, the Portugal investigation, it hit a dead end. They closed the investigation. That led the parents, of course, to appeal to the U.K. government to ask them for money to open up a British investigation. That happened.

And as a result, the U.K. government, U.K. police I should say have identified 38 suspects. People they believe are persons of interest in this investigation, people that were in Portugal at the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance. But, of course, the big headline from them all is that police believe that she may still be alive.

BLACKWELL: And we've seen so many times and I think this image of Madeleine, those blue eyes and the blonde hair, it's kind of pushing out of her face, that's the one that people remember. But there is a new photograph of what she might look like now. That could be helpful.

VALENCIA: That's right. They progressed the age. She would be 10 years old now. She would have just her tenth birthday in May.

And this photo, police hope will help them get new leads in this investigation. But, of course, this has been extremely difficult on the family as they have been tirelessly working of the last six years to get evidence that would lead them to find Madeleine McCann. They spoke last year, and they touched on just how difficult it's been for them.


KATE MCCANN, MADELEINE MCCANN'S MOTHER: I don't really want them to have the burden of this, of having to keep looking and looking and looking and not being able to stop, you know? So we need to find her now.


VALENCIA: They have also been criticized for leaving the children alone. They went to dinner, left the sliding glass door open. They believe someone was able to slip in into the resort apartment during the time that they were gone at dinner.

But also, in all of this, Portuguese authorities, they have been criticized for bungling the investigation. At first, they didn't treat this as a criminal investigation that halted resources. They're hoping now, the parents anyway, hope now that this new U.K. investigation will lead to some developments -- Pamela, Victor.

BROWN: We're certainly all hoping that. Nick Valencia, thank you so much.

VALENCIA: You bet.

BLACKWELL: Thank you, Nick.

A sideline interview is -- oh, this one. This is turning into a viral video, viral head line. Amy Campbell was covering a high school recruiting event when she got bowled over during a play, watch this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's out there with a kid like Cameron Robinson and watch --


BROWN: Ouch!

She didn't have any protection.

BLACKWELL: She went right down. Did the coach try to help? He tried, he tried.

BROWN: He went down, too.

BLACKWELL: Campbell says -- she says a knee was bruised when wide receiver Ermon Lane slammed into her. Watch it again. He didn't mean too.

Well, afterward, Campbell tweeted, "Ermon Lane taught me yesterday that maybe I do need insurance."

BROWN: Maybe wear a helmet next she's --

BLACKWELL: And stand a little more of the sidelines.

BROWN: That was probably be a good idea. But you never know, maybe this could help her career as a sports reporter.

BLACKWELL: Maybe as a medical correspondent.

BROWN: There you go. That, too.

All right. Patriot fans looking to unload their Aaron Hernandez jerseys have plenty of options in turns out. You can trade it in for free, but might get a bigger payoff if you keep.

BLACKWELL: Yes. And Barbie's bikini body maybe not like you remember it. It's a modern take on the American icon. You want to see this one.

BROWN: Love this story.


BROWN: All right.

BLACKWELL: OK. He just walked right in the middle of the shot. It's cool, though. A lot going on. There is a lot going on.

BROWN: There is a lot going on.

BLACKWELL: There is a live television, furniture has to be moved.

BROWN: And there is a lot of news going on as well. And let's do some business news. BLACKWELL: Aaron Hernandez, of course, we know his name. We don't think he's in the business segment often. But he is.

Listen -- arrested, charged with measure. New England Patriots cut him from the team about an hour after he was arrested.

BROWN: Hernandez wore jerseys with numbers 81 and 85. Fans can actually exchange for a new one. But some, you could say, I guess, business savvy fans are trying to sell the jerseys on eBay.

BLACKWELL: I don't know if they're necessarily business savvy or people just pay --

BROWN: They're trying to make a quick buck.

BLACKWELL: This could be worth more than the $49.95. I pay for it. Listen, this on eBay is getting bids up to $1,000 -- $1,000 on that.

BROWN: But here's what's interesting about this.

Some people are going on eBay, buying the jersey, but not paying up. They're trying to make a statement, saying why are you trying to make a buck off this? ]


So, it's like making a play until the check comes in.

BROWN: Exactly, exactly. It's just a statement. One of the seller said he was getting angry e-mails from the buyers, saying, why are you selling this jersey, why are you trying to make money off this?

BLACKWELL: Yes, there will be people trying to make money on everything.

We talked about the golden potty over in London.

BROWN: That's right in London, how can we forget that?

BLACKWELL: Yes, we try but we can.

State Department spending your money on Facebook. Yes, the inspector general's report found that the State Department spent $630,000 to do what? Increase Facebook likes for its page. Who knew that the State Department had low self-esteem?

BROWN: Who knew?

BLACKWELL: Six hundred thirty thousand dollars for likes? Really?

BROWN: The department actually paid for the ads to keep its content visible. The report found that only about 2 percent liked the page. And since the report came out, state department has greatly reduced spending on Facebook advertising, probably a good idea.

BLACKWELL: Please go like the State Department Facebook's page. BLACKWELL: Six hundred thirty thousand, people, I wonder if there is a professional photographer for selfies, I mean, the idea that that money is spent for that is I think a bit warmer, to a lot of people.

BROWN: I'm sure a lot of people are upset about that, but as we've said, they tamed their spending on it.

I love this story.


BROWN: I really loved this story this is probably no big surprise, but it's kind of a relief that Barbie is not exactly anatomically correct.


BROWN: Take a look here. If Barbie was a real life sized woman, she wouldn't be able to function. Take a look at this breakdown from Barbie's neck, twice as long and six inches thinner than the average woman, and she wouldn't be able to hold her head up.

BLACKWELL: OK, 16-inch waist. Sixteen-inch waist, 16 inches. She has room for a half liver and just a few inches of intestine. Now, she's got 6-inch ankles. A child-sized foot. It's about a size three. Barbie would have to walk around at all force, oh, Barbie.

BROWN: All right. So, the big question, what would she look like if she was, quote-quote, "normal". A little more like the one you see here, right next to her. Artist Nicolai Lamb (ph) of used measurements from the CDC of a typical 19-year-old woman. And this is what he came up with. Doesn't look so bad.


BROWN: Barbara.


BROWN: All right. We asked him about why he did this and you know what he said? He said, "I created normal Barbie because I want to show that average is beautiful.

BLACKWELL: Can we get that shot up again, the profile shot? Barbara, the shorter one, she's a little thick.

BROWN: Barbara, you named her. I would not say she's thick.

BLACKWELL: Look at the -- Barbara. I'm just saying.

BROWN: I'm not even comment on that one because I disagree with you. I think she looks great.

BLACKWELL: I'm not saying thick as in bad, I'm just saying well, you know? It's --

BROWN: Compared to Barbie, who wouldn't look thick. BLACKWELL: That's not what I'm saying. My Twitter is going on fire. I'm saying it's a good thing. It's a good thing. People know what I'm saying.


BLACKWELL: No, no, I think you know what I'm saying.

OK, moving on now: local school board debate gets ugly and spills into the parking lot. Man, I can't go wait to go see my Twitter. We'll tell you what set this off.

And week two of the George Zimmerman trial. Two key witnesses, take a stand. Their emotional testimony, and who it might that helps.


BROWN: Mortgage rates inched up again this week. Have a look.



BROWN: Bottom of the hour. It is a NEW DAY, isn't it, Victor?

BLACKWELL: Yes, it is.

BROWN: Welcome back, everyone.

BLACKWELL: NEW DAY, new segment.

I'm Victor Blackwell. Now to five things you need to know this morning.

BROWN: Number one, intelligence leaker, Edward Snowden, may have a couple choices for asylum. Both Venezuela and Nicaragua may be ready to welcome the NSA analyst turned fugitive.

No one has seen him since he fled to an airport in Moscow. But the U.S. is still pursuing his extradition.

BLACKWELL: Number two now, the battle of who will lead Egypt could spill into the streets again. Violent clashes have killed at least 30 people and injured more than 1,000. Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi clash with his opponents, the armed security forces. The military removed Morsi from power Wednesday.

BROWN: And number three, the FBI says it has broken up a blackmail attempt targeting Paula Deen.

Sixty-two-year-old Thomas Paculis allegedly threatened to release true and damming information about the celebrity chef unless he was paid a quarter of a million dollars.

The reported extortion attempt came five days after Deen's name was thrust into the headlines, after a leak's deposition suggest it raises behavior in the past.

VICTOR: Four, Whole Foods is recalling cheese sold under its own brand name after a listeria outbreak.

Now, "The Associated Press" reports bacteria in Crave Brothers Les Freres product has already killed at least one person. Now, the manufacturer, which sells cheese to retailers, restaurants by mail, also has recalled several brands. Any of these cheeses made before July 2nd should be thrown away.

BROWN: And last but not least, for only the second time in 45 years, two player who's have never won a grand slam title will meet in the final at Wimbledon. Germany's Sabine Lisicki upset defending champ Serena Williams on the way to today's match. She'll face Marion Bartoli of France. The two have met four times before. Bartoli has won just one of those matches.

BLACKWELL: All right. Let's talk about the George Zimmerman trial.

The state rested yesterday after calling Trayvon Martin's mother to the stand. The defense started their case with George Zimmerman's mother testifying. And both were asked the same question about that critical 911 tape.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ma'am, that screaming or yelling, do you recognize that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who do you recognize that to be, ma'am?

FULTON: Trayvon Benjamin Martin's.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And do you know whose voice that was screaming in the background?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And whose voice was that?

ZIMMERMAN: My son, George.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And are you certain of that?

ZIMMERMAN: Because he's my son.


BLACKWELL: And with us now, criminal defense attorney Danny Cevallos, and Tanya Miller, defense attorney and former prosecutor.

Both, thank you for being with us. Danny, I'm going to start with you. Who seems more credible? If there is a way to measure that, who will the jury believe?

DANNY CEVALLOS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, it's hard to say. I mean, the jurors look for credibility and they also look for relatability. Can I relate to this person?

But I think they're also going to be aware that these are both mothers with a vested interest in the voice on that tape being each of their individual sons. And that was developed by Mark O'Mara in cross- examination, which I thought was a very difficult path for him to take. But I thought he did very well with it. He developed what is the truth that for each of these mothers, they need for that voice to be their son and they vested their interest in that and they have bias in that they needed it to be their son because it supports their theory of the case.

BLACKWELL: Tanya, do you think one mother gave an advantage to one side or the other?

TANYA MILLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It's really hard to say. Look, I think at the end of the day on this issue, as with most issues in criminal trials and in this case in particular, it's going to be a question of common sense. I mean, the jury is going to bring that common sense with them into the deliberation room, and the question is going to be, why does the guy with the loaded gun need any more help than that?

I also think there's going to be an issue with when the gun goes off, the screams go silent. I think those are two sort of objective common sense issues that the jury is going to be able to consider and it's going to help them decide this issue.

BLACKWELL: You know, Danny, there was so much in the anticipation of Sybrina Fulton getting on the stand. So much talk about this being an emotional moment, an emotional apex of the state's case.

But when she was there, she was very elegant. She was very clear and direct. And I didn't at least see all of the emotion. Is that because she was over-prepared? I mean, I'll defer to you. Did they do too much or was it just right?

CEVALLOS: No. I don't think they did too much. I mean, she has, obviously, been preparing for some time, he's worked hand in hand with the prosecutors, and they've gone over the testimony many times. You can see that in a measured way she responds to questions. She expects them, because I'm certain they've done plenty of mock testimonies with this witness, just as they do with most of their important witnesses, so I think that a lot of the emotion because of that. A lot of the emotion dissipated.

However, it's still as a mother, testifying about her dead son, and I think the jury, who is mostly mothers, got that point.

BLACKWELL: Tanya, I watched the trial every day. I watch the analysis every day. What really stayed with me at the end of every day was that there were so many witnesses who gave the defense a little nugget and helped out Mark O'Mara and Don West.

Do you think that the state has enough? Have they done the job to say, yes, this man should be convicted of second degree murder?

MILLER: Well, I think they have. I mean, look, cases like this where you don't necessarily have that independent witness who can tell you what happened, you don't have the videotape, you don't have that smoking gun, often come down to how well the state can argue their case in closing arguments. Pull all these small details together, hone in on inconsistencies that exist in George Zimmerman's statement, the implausibilities that he has in his statements and also some of the lies.

If they can do that in an effective way, I certainly think there is enough there for them to convict George Zimmerman.

BLACKWELL: All right. Tanya Miller, Danny Cevallos, thank you so much.

MILLER: Thank you, Victor.

CEVALLOS: Thank you.

BROWN: Have you heard about this? What started out as a school board meeting ended in a profanity-laced shouting match.

And guess what? The embarrassing altercation has gone viral. It all happened in Spring Valley, New York. A mother and frequent school board critic was talking about her special needs child when a private lawyer for the board apparently smirking. Well, that quickly turned into a screaming match continued into the parking lot. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are still smirking at me. Please.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, would you please shut up?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You really need to get out. You need to get out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who are you hiding behind, your paycheck?






BROWN: A lot of bleeps there.

Well, the board plans to discuss the incident in a meeting next week. Let's hope calmer heads will prevail at that meeting. BLACKWELL: I can't tell you how many school board meetings I covered, every Wednesday night, and they never turned out like that. I mean, of course, we don't want them to turn out like that. Usually it's 40 minutes, they vote on --

BROWN: Pretty straight forward. Exactly.

BLACKWELL: They need to behave.


BLACKWELL: Be a good example.

All right. Box office dud. See it over the weekend? It came out Thursday, "The Lone Ranger" rode into theaters with high hopes.

But this ultra-expensive Disney western is on pace to lose more than $100 million. We're going to talk about just what went wrong with this one, coming up next.


BROWN: Welcome back, everyone.

This is the fun block, we're on E-Block. E for entertainment news. >

We're going to start with this weekend's big, box office bomb.

BLACKWELL: It's sad.

BROWN: It's what we're all talking about. It is sad.

"The Lone Ranger" remake starring Johnny Depp, which as of last night, grossed less than $10 million opening day. If you look at how much they spent on the movie, how much it's raked in so far.

BLACKWELL: Ten million dollars. If you gave to anyone of us, it would be a great day.

However, it's not good. Here is why: this western cost Disney $225 million to produce. And that put -- let's put it in perspective. Universal's "Despicable Me 2" cost just $72 million to make, pulled in $34 million on its opening. Wow.

BROWN: Rough weekend for Disney.


Joining us now, V-103 Radio personality, Kendra G., and co-host of the Ricky Smiley morning show, Ebony Steele.

Good to have both of you here.


(CROSSTALK) BLACKWELL: So let's talk about this. What is wrong with Disney? What's going on with this movie?

KENDRA G, V-103 RADIO: Well, you know, I think, now days, critics are so important. I read a review about this movie that said, is a movie for the family to avoid. We've got also movies that spent like your whole college tuition in a weekend.

So, the reviews to me are very important and these didn't get good reviews.

BLACKWELL: Yes, last year, John Carter. I mean, John Carter was a big $200 million, $300 million project. Is Disney doing something wrong?

EBONY STEELE, CO-HOST, RICKEY SMILEY MORNING SHOW: I think for to us see this in a section year, almost repeating itself is almost showing our obsession with doing things, repeating them over again. I even saw a critic said, "Are writers getting lazy?"

We've seen "Lone Ranger" before. We know the movie, and they are doing all of these remakes, hey, let's try to hold on to what the trend is. Is this working? Maybe not.


BROWN: Maybe this is a sign of that. The hope is that international will do well, but usually western movies don't do well. Even with Johnny Depp.

STEELE: He is great internationally, by the way.


BROWN: A lot of great movies coming to the U.S. So, not looking too good for the Lone Ranger.

BLACKWELL: All right. Let's talk about this -- I don't like this. Every year, it's up. It is the hot dog eating competition. I can't -- every time I see it, I think of the smell of hot dog water. Ever smelled that?

BROWN: One of those you don't want to watch, but you do watch.

Tiny people, especially the women, how to they do it?

KENDRA G: Let me tell you, is this a job? Do you get paid for this? I want to get my family members into it. (INAUDIBLE) because they hotdogs and they are eating for free.

You know what, I'm not a big fan of this. It's not that healthy, but a lot of joy to the winner and the people there. This is the area that was hit by Sandy Hook. It brought joy to them, but, Lord, I need to put my feeling numbers up there.

STEELE: What's interesting to me is how do you figure out you can too this? You do just like, run out to the grocery store and buy 20 packs of hot dogs? How do you know you can do this?


STEELE: The women, talk about them, 36.

BROWN: Look at them, they're right here, and they are all tiny.

STEELE: And the one that lost, lost by 3/4 hot dog from what I understand.

BROWN: Such a slim margin.

KENDRA G: They're probably tiny because they're probably not eating until this competition, they probably started for a little while.

BLACKWELL: You know, what gets me every year this is airs on ESPN. Is this a sport?

STEELE: Everybody has a talent.


BLACKWELL: OK. There you go. Every time you tell me.


BLACKWELL: OK. So here is a bizarre one. People sell a lot of things at auctions online. Some anonymous person and really rich person spent $6,000 for a chunk of Mick Jagger's hair.

STEELE: And it's not even new hair.

BLACKWELL: Wait a minute, Ebony, would it be better if it was new hair?

STEELE: I was trying to think about, all right. OK, this -- $6,000 at auction. What will this lead to? Are people going to start -- I mean, guys start selling women's eyelashes?

KENDRA G: I would have bought Mick Jagger's hair.

BROWN: I was going to say, whose would you buy?

KENDRA G: I would buy one of Michael Jackson's old wig.



BLACKWELL: That probably would be worth something.

Here's the other thing -- Keith Richards tried to sell some of his hair, $1,300.

KENDRA G: Let's see what the barber has for you next time.

BLACKWELL: Listen, I hold on to the little bit I have left. I have to hold onto it.


STEELE: And you have to walk before you run.

BROWN: That's right.

BLACKWELL: That's right. Kendra G, Ebony Steele, thank you so much. I listen to you in the mornings every weekday. Thank you, both.

KENDRA G: Thank you.

STEELE: Thanks, Victor.

BLACKWELL: Next on NEW DAY, struggle and determination. A teen with cerebral palsy overcomes the odds to fulfill his lifelong dream with his father, finishing a race with his own feet.

First, here is Dr. Sanjay Gupta with a look at what's coming up today on "THE NEXT LIST."



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There you go. Straight down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's looking good. Good.

BRIAN RUSSELL: We're going to be putting this device on Sanjay. So, we measure the heart rate and respiration rate, what we call the physiology.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta this weekend on "THE NEXT LIST": How wireless health care could change your life.

DR. LESLIE SAXON, USC KOCK SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: It's a very much more sophisticated way to assess somebody's fitness real time and allow them to create a plan around their fitness.

NICK SWISHER, CLEVELAND INDIANS: Everything is getting more and more precise which can help you to elongate your career or make it the best it can be.

SAXON: I'm interested and fascinated by how much athletes, patients, everybody wants their own data.

GUPTA: Meet Dr. Leslie Saxon. Join me this Saturday 2:30 Eastern on "THE NEXT LIST."



BLACKWELL: Yes, time for "The Good Stuff," stories about some of the good news out there.

BROWN: This is the kind of story we're about to tell you about that just gives you chills. So inspiring.

It's not how you start. It's how you finish. Nineteen-year-old Johnny Agar is an avid racer, a self-proclaimed sports nut, and he also happens to have cerebral palsy. Well, that doesn't hold him back at all.

Over the past 19 years Johnny and his dad, Jeff, have competed in countless marathons and races over thousands of miles each time, Jeff pushing Johnny, but not this time.


JOHNNY AGAR, AVID RACER: Dad's been doing so much for me, I thought I should give him a break.


BLACKWELL: During a recent race, halfway through a 5K, Johnny ditched his wheelchair and he started walking under his own power towards the finish line for the first time. That's a mile and a half.

And I want you to look at his face because you can see the struggle. It's painful. Each step, there is pain, and you can see it on his face.

Johnny told his mother that he had a bigger reason than just himself for wanting to finish this race. And he got closer to the finish line, and the crowd grew, and they grew behind him, and they waited there for him. And the reason became clear.


BECKI AGAR, JOHNNY'S MOTHER: Before he ran the race, he said, you know, mom, I just want to do this so I can inspire at least one person. And to see all those people behind him was really, really amazing.

J. AGAR: Yes, it was really quite touching for me, too, to see everybody behind me. The whole crowd was behind me. It was awesome.


BLACKWELL: Yes, he inspired more than one person. Johnny made it, changing his life and a lot of lives along the way. You can't help but feel that. You can't help but feel it.

BROWN: I have chills right now. He definitely inspired us, that's for sure.

BLACKWELL: The idea that he said you know what? I want to get out of this chair and take it step by step myself. And he knew before he got out of the chair that it was going to hurt.

BROWN: It's going to be a struggle, but he fought through it and he made it to the end. Unbelievable.

BLACKWELL: Congratulations and thank you so Johnny.

BROWN: Thank you.

Well, huge crowds are gathering again in Egypt's capital. Overnight dozens of people died in violent protests and street battles. The latest on the volatile situation next right here on CNN NEW DAY.

And is Edward Snowden on the move? Find out who may be opening their country to the fugitive NSA leaker. We'll be right back.