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New Day

Egypt on the Edge; Venezuela Extends Asylum Offer to Snowden; Mothers of Both George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Testify at Trial; Testimony Focuses on Martin Autopsy; Texas Lawmakers to Redo Abortion Vote; Lisicki, Bartoli Meet in Wimbledon Final; Egypt on Edge

Aired July 06, 2013 - 08:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my notes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd rather you do not see. This is my notes. Nobody saw that report.

PAMELA BROWN, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): The final prosecution witness in the Zimmerman trial caused chaos in the courtroom. What secrets were revealed in the mysterious notes of Dr. Bao?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been here nine years. I ain't never seen it like this.

BLACKWELL (voice-over): Soggy and scorching. That's the forecast in the east this weekend. From Florida to Boston, we are in for some extreme weather.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tell him to kiss my butt.

BROWN: If you think that's outrageous coming from a state governor, it's nothing compared to his colorful metaphors. We've got the greatest hits from Maine's main man.


BROWN: Good morning, everyone. Rise and shine. Great to have you with us on this Saturday morning. I'm Pamela Brown.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. It is 8:00 here at CNN world headquarters. Thanks for starting your morning with us. First up on this "New Day," Egypt, it's on edge this morning.

BROWN: A huge crowd of protesters are gathering in the capital. They are furious that the military removed President Mohamed Morsy from power. The violence exploded overnight there.

BLACKWELL: We've got live pictures here for you. At least 30 people have been killed. More than 1,000 others have been hurt. Now, our Reza Sayah is in Cairo and he filed this report just a little bit ago. Reza? REZA SAYAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Some of the most intense clashes have taken place where we are. That is the front entrance to the social club to the Presidential Guard. Of course, over the past few days, state media reporting that's where the former president, Mohamed Morsy, has been held in custody.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (yelling in Arabic)

SAYAH: So many emotions here, people are angry. They're enraged. They're furious. But then you see people who are somber, who are sitting down with posters of Mohamed Morsy, and they're praying.

(on camera): What do you plan to do now? What do you plan to do now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're planning to stay here and ...


SAYAH: What do you want?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We (inaudible) we're getting Mohamed Morsy from ...

SAYAH: You want to die or ...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get in (inaudible) Mohamed Morsy.

SAYAH (voice over): One of the demonstrators in tears is calling us to come over here. And he's saying, "This is the blood. This is the blood of someone who passed away." Over the past hour, one after another, we've seen Apache helicopters go up above. Here's another one. Here's another one. Every time, every time these choppers go up above, they get a reaction from the crowd. This is as close as we've gotten to the frontline here. Some of the demonstrators sitting down. And there you see some soldiers from the military. And interestingly enough, you see police, police officers who appear to be absent during the past few days. When Mohamed Morsy needed them, when the Muslim Brotherhood needed them to protect the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters and they weren't there, they are out in force right now with the military, protecting this barricade, the entrance to the social club of the Presidential Guard.


BLACKWELL: And Reza Sayah joins us now from Cairo. Reza, do we know where the former president is right now? Where is Morsy?

SAYAH: Yeah, but first off, Victor, we should point out that the report you just saw was actually yesterday evening. And President Morsy, according to reports, is at that location. According to state media, he's inside the headquarters of the Presidential Guard. He's been kept in custody there, according to state media, now being investigated on charges and accusations that he made some insightful statements, and that's why the demonstrators and his supporters made their way over there, thousands of them. Today things are quiet right now, but the day is young and the anger has not subsided. Many of his supporters are planning to demonstrate there again as well as another location. And the question is, how much longer can they come out and protest? How much longer will they be able to demonstrate? And also, the question is how will this conflict be resolved? How will the interim president get these two sides together? How will the armed forces who's playing a critical role, how will they be able to get these two sides together? Victor?

BROWN: You raised a really good point there, Reza. You know, my question is, could this set a president of Egypt protest, the removal of an unpopular leader, is this kind of the new normal there with this democratic process?

SAYAH: Well, that's the concern that a lot of people have. And this was a president who was democratically elected, even though a lot of people didn't like him. Now after a year in office, he has been ousted, thanks to a very large uprising and the help of the armed forces. And the question many have, the next president who comes in, what if the Islamists don't like him? What if there is an uprising against him? Do we start this cycle over again? And that's why a lot of people now are concerned. That there is a precedent being set. Not just here in Egypt, but other countries in this region who are going through the Arab Spring and trying to get this democratic process right.

BLACKWELL: Reza Sayah for us in Cairo this morning, thank you.

So, here's a question. What's the best way to annoy the White House?

BROWN: What do you think?

BLACKWELL: Well, I'm just going to read ...


BLACKWELL: ... what has - been written because there could be a lot of answers for that. Offer Edward Snowden a place to live.

BROWN: Where he can leak more damaging information about American spying.


BROWN: Snowden, of course, as we likely know by now, a fugitive who leaked details of the NSA surveillance program and has been on the run ever since. His home for the past two weeks has been an airport terminal in Moscow, but maybe not for much longer. CNN's Frederik Pleitgen joins me now from Moscow. Thanks for being here with us, Frederick. Who is willing to give asylum to Snowden?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, there's two countries that are in particular saying that they want to give Snowden asylum. One of them is Venezuela where the president Nicolas Maduro came out and said that yes, he would be willing to give Snowden asylum. He said so in a speech at a police academy last night. And this is really, really the biggest that we've ever heard from anyone. This is the first time we've ever heard a leader say yes, we are going to give this man asylum. On the other hand, you have Nicaragua where the president there said yeah, we'd be willing to think about giving him asylum if all the outside circumstances are correct. So that seems to show that there has to be some sort of process in place. But certainly the Venezuelans seem to have the most real offer on the table for Edward Snowden. That's certainly something that's making the Russians quite happy. They have become increasingly annoyed at his presence here. There have been several Russian officials including the Russian president saying this cannot go on for very much longer. We want Edward Snowden to find some sort of country to go to as fast as possible. On the other side, the Russians have always said they are not going to extradite him to the United States. They keep arguing that he's outside their jurisdiction because he's still in the transit lounge. Certainly there would be ways for them to get to Snowden if they really wanted to. But it would really be difficult for them internally also if they gave Snowden back to the U.S., Pam.

BROWN: All right. We'll see what happens. We'll see how Snowden gets from point A to point B. Here, Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much, reporting from Moscow.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, it will not be easy. Now, let's talk more about the White House. Probably is not surprised by this asylum offer.

BROWN: Yeah, but it's probably not happy either, especially after days of pressuring countries to turn down Snowden. And to help the U.S. bring him to justice. CNN's Rene Marsh is chasing that angle with the story. And Renee, any comment from the Obama administration?

RENE MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Pam and Victor, so far I can tell you, all is quiet here in Washington. No comment coming from the White House and no comment coming from the State Department on both Venezuela and Nicaragua's offer of asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Now, the president is spending the holiday weekend at Camp David, but it is likely, it is a working vacation and he is likely following these latest developments. Pam? Victor?

BLACKWELL: U.S. officials, they really can't be shocked by this, although there is, in name, new leadership in Venezuela. Venezuela has always been an adversary to the U.S., right?

MARSH: Well, as Fred mentioned here, you know, does this mean that he's scot-free? Will he make his way to Venezuela? This is what we could tell you. It's his best option at this point, but whether it's Venezuela or Nicaragua, it becomes -- that becomes Snowden's safe haven, the United States has had a rocky, rocky relationship with both countries because both Latin American countries of their relationship with Iran. So, we know that either way you slice it, the United States will have very little sway as far as where he ends up, whether it be Venezuela or not. Victor?

BROWN: It seems like those countries just love to annoy the U.S.

BLACKWELL: Yes. You know, I just - is the last option or the last chance for the U.S. to get him somehow in the transit from this lounge to the plane or through -- I mean, once he lands in Caracas, is that it for him?

BROWN: Is that it? You know what? The short answer is we don't know. He's believed to still be at that airport in Moscow. He still needs to get from Moscow to Venezuela, and it's not a direct flight. He may go through Havana. And the president has said in the past that he's not going to use jets to bring down a plane. But the truth of the matter is this. We don't know what strategy the United States is planning to take. It still remains a mystery. But what remains clear is that Edward Snowden has been a problem for the administration that just will not go away. He recently allegedly leaked information the United States snooped on allies like Germany and France and bugged European Union offices. Of course, this revelation coming right before the U.S. meets with the E.U. for a major trade agreement. Negotiations. Back to you guys.

BLACKWELL: Rene Marsh in Washington for us. Thank you, Rene.

MARSH: Sure.

BROWN: some unbelievable pictures this morning. Take a look. A train carrying crude oil headed for Maine has derailed and exploded in Canada's Quebec province. Look at this explosion in this video posted online. An affiliate reports that some of the fuel on that train has spilled into a nearby river. Flames can reportedly be seen for miles away. That fire sent locals scrambling for safety, and authorities evacuated neighborhoods near that crash. Still no information at this time about casualties. Of course, we'll keep you updated on this story.

BLACKWELL: You know, it's been a wet and rainy holiday break for a lot of the U.S., but the good thing is sparklers are pretty resilient ...

BROWN: That's true.

BLACKWELL: And they stay lit in the rain.

BROWN: Do they?

BLACKWELL: They do, actually.

BROWN: All right. Did you try that out on the Fourth of July?

BLACKWELL: Many years ago. But yes, I learned they do stay lit in the rain.

BROWN: Well, unfortunately the weather is not getting much better as we head into the weekend. Here, Karen Maginnis is here with all the headlines. And let's get the bad stuff out the way, Karen. Where is the rain?

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, we've got plenty of it, Pamela. And thanks for joining us in the studio for today. And Victor, good morning to everyone. And yes, plenty of wet weather being found all the way being pumped all across Florida and into Kentucky. I just saw a report coming out of Russellville, Kentucky. They saw just over five inches of rain, and they were saying they had to do some evacuations there. Well, here is the rain train. That ridge of high pressure just kind of tapping that return flow coming up from the south. And as a result, days and days and days of rainfall across Florida, extending on into the Tennessee River Valley. Well, this is going to be a little bit of a shift. We'll start to see that high pressure ridge shift a bit so those temperatures exceptionally hot into the northeast of New England.

It's still hot across the southwest, but they're starting to see that monsoonal moisture kick in. Well, in the last 72 hours, Inlet Beach, Florida, just under 20 inches of rain. And if you are headed to New England, New York, 90s, but we'll start to see 80s by Monday. That goes to Philadelphia and Boston. A lot of those northeastern cities going to start to cool down a little bit. Back to you.

BROWN: Just under 20 inches of rain? Did I hear that correctly?

BLACKWELL: Yes. A lot of water. Karen, thank you.

MAGINNIS: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: And Trayvon Martin's mother takes the stand in the trial of her son's killer. But she was not the only mother to give testimony Friday. Next, the other mom who was in front and center in the court.


BLACKWELL: 15 minutes after the hour now. The murder trial of George Zimmerman is in recess for the weekend. Prosecutors rested Friday after nine days, 38 witnesses and more than 200 exhibits introduced into evidence. Now, also Friday, the mothers of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, they both took the stand. You see them there on your screen. Each testified it was her son screaming on a 911 tape-recorded the night Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. Let's bring in CNN legal correspondent, Jean Casarez. Jean, was there one mother who gave a net advantage to one team or the other?

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN LEGAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, it's interesting. When you look at their testimony, neither one of them cited a specific instant in the life of their child when they heard that scream, and so when they heard it again, they knew it was their son. We didn't hear that, but with Trayvon Martin's mother -- and the defense actually brought this out -- that she was in a room filled with people. It was at the mayor's office when that tape was played. That's not good, according to the experts. You're not supposed to put everybody together to try to determine whose voice it is. It needs to be done individually. But in this filled room that Sybrina Fulton was in, the tape was played, and she was the first person to just sort of say, "That's my son." That leads to some credibility with what she is saying because the FBI sat through testimony, the best way to determine somebody who's screaming is somebody who is familiar with the voice. On the converse, the uncle of George Zimmerman who is an Orange County sheriff's deputy said that he was in his house. He was working at his desk, not facing the television. He heard the call, heard the scream. He turned to his wife, and he said, "That's Georgie." And he's been familiar with his voice since he was born. So I think both sides lent some credibility to that. BLACKWELL: So, let's talk about the defense's case. They started with a couple of witnesses on Friday. They'll continue to call them next week. What do they need to do? Of course, the burden of proof is on the state, but what do they have to do to keep this from going to a conviction?

CASAREZ: They have to show that there is self-defense, and then it will go back to the state to show beyond a reasonable doubt it was not self-defense. We do know from their opening statements, some of the witnesses they're going to put on. The first is Vincent Dimaio. Don't know when he'll take the stand, but he is a foremost forensic pathologist in this country out of San Antonio, Texas.

BLACKWELL: All right, Jean Casarez, thank you very much. We'll check back in on this trial later this morning.

More trouble for Paula Deen.

BROWN: Yeah, but this time the heat's turned on someone else. We're going to have this story right after the break.


BLACKWELL: 21 minutes after the hour. And more trouble for Paula Deen. The FBI now has a man in custody who they say tried to blackmail Deen.

BROWN: It just seems like it won't end for Paula Deen. The saga continues. The man threatened to release information about Deen unless he was paid a quarter of a million dollars. Our Jason Carroll is following this story. Jason, good morning to you. What do we know about the threat?

JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's all spelled out in this criminal complaint. And it really makes for some very interesting reading. Apparently, this all started and happened on Friday. That's when FBI agents arrested Thomas Paculis and charged him in this extortion scheme. I want you to take a picture - take a look at the picture of the 62-year-old. There he is. Investigators say five days after Deen's now infamous deposition became public, that's the one where she admitted to using the "n" word, Paculis sent an e-mail to Deen's lawyer demanding money. He allegedly threatened to divulge information about Deen using the "n" word at her restaurant in Georgia. He sent an e-mail to the attorney that says the statements are true and damning enough that the case will be won on its merit alone.

As always, there is a price for such information. You can contact me here if you feel it is necessary, or I can go public and we will see what happens then. The criminal complaint says Deen's lawyer and Paculis exchanged more emails and telephone calls. An amount of $250,000 was eventually agreed upon. Paculis then allegedly sent another email to a different attorney saying the burning question is, do you want in? I still have the chance to bring this together, but time is slowly running out. I have them hooked, but reeling this sucker in is going to be hard without help. Give me a call." Investigators showed Deen pictures of Paculis. She told them she did not recognize him or his name. Before these allegations actually came to light, Deen's son - as both of you know, both of her sons came to their mother's defense on CNN.


BOBBY DEEN, SON OF PAULA DEEN: Our mother is not the picture that's being painted. It's not fit - look, life's not fair. It's inaccurate what people are saying about her. It's inaccurate. And the people that know us know that this is untruthful, and I think in the end, it's going to work itself out.


CARROLL: Well, Paculis used to live in Georgia, but now he lives in upstate New York. He appeared before a federal judge on Friday and was released on bond. His next court date is scheduled for July 16th. I should also point out that we did attempt to reach Paculis by email, also by phone, and he did not return our e-mails or our phone calls. We'll have to see what happens with this. It's a story that just seems to keep on giving.

BROWN: Yep. Never ends. All right, Jason Carroll, thank you so much for that report.

CARROLL: You bet.

BLACKWELL: All right. So this is our "Politicians Say What?!?!" segment. Yes, there are several aides because you to have pronounce it what?!?!

BROWN: You did a good job with that.

BLACKWELL: Thank you very much. We often highlight a few politicians, let's take a look at some of the outlandish things they say.

BROWN: Yeah, not today, not a few. We have just one politician who will take up the entire segment. You're about to see why that is. Governor Paul LePage, ever heard of him? Well, here he is. Bring it in. He runs the great state of Maine, population 1.3 million. And he's running into some problems because of his mouth. For example, this comment he recently made about a state senator in Maine. Take a listen to this.


GOV. PAUL LEPAGE (R ), MAINE: Senator Jackson claims to be for the people, but he's the first one to give it to the people without providing Vaseline.


BLACKWELL: Yeah, you didn't hear that. He said "without providing Vaseline." That's what he said. But -- oh, but -- he tried to dial that back.

BROWN: Of course. BLACKWELL: Yeah. So he came back with this gem.


LEPAGE: That comment is not politically correct, but we've got to understand who this man is. This man is a bad person. He doesn't only have no brains, he has a black heart.


BLACKWELL: Listen, at least he realized ...


BLACKWELL: that that - that's politically incorrect. Let me go back and try to clean it up.

BROWN: Yeah.

BLACKWELL: All right, so to be fair, at least, the governor has made comments before, controversial remarks even before he was governor. I want you to listen to what he said about President Obama when he - when LePage was still campaigning.


LEPAGE: And as your governor, you're going to be seeing a lot of me on the front page saying, Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.



BROWN: Well, it turns out he doesn't just have it out for the federal government. It seems even the NAACP made his list. Back in 2011, the Tea Party backed up when he announced that he was not going to attend an event to honor Martin Luther King Jr. The NAACP questioned his decision not to go. And well - brace yourself. Here's the full statement of what he said.


LEPAGE: They invited me to go to the state prison to meet black prisoners. I told them I would go. I'd be more than happy to go, but I would meet all prisoners. And they didn't - that wasn't acceptable to them. So tough luck.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And what's your response to them saying this is more than just one instance but rather a pattern?

LEPAGE: Tell them to kiss my butt.


BROWN: And if that's not enough for you, how about this one? The governor lifted a ban on BPA, a chemical used to make plastics. He was quick to downplay what some say is a dangerous chemical, and somehow it morphed into this.


LEPAGE: The only thing that I've heard is if you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and just heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. And, so, I mean, the worst case is some woman might have little beards, but we don't want to do that.


BLACKWELL: That's the worst case.

BROWN: The worst case.

BLACKWELL: ... is a beard.

BROWN: Yeah. The worst case.

BLACKWELL: The governor has announced his plans to run for re- election.

BROWN: It seems like he knows what he says is politically incorrect.

BLACKWELL: And to some people that's appealing. I mean how often do we talk about Chris Christie ...

BROWN: Right.

BLACKWELL: And he just says it like it is or says it the way it needs to be said.

BROWN: That's right.

BLACKWELL: That is appealing to a lot of people.

BROWN: So it wouldn't be a surprise if he was re-elected, then?

BLACKWELL: I don't know if the Vaseline comment really works in that same vein.

BROWN: We'll see.


BROWN: Turning to some serious news, in Egypt, protesters are fighting to be heard. They've taken to the streets, armed and dangerous as both sides clash over new direction of the country. We'll have the very latest right after this break. Stay with us.


BROWN: And bottom of the hour now. Welcome back, everyone. It is a NEW DAY.


BROWN: I'm Pamela Brown.

BLACKWELL: Bottom of the hour. I'm Victor Blackwell. Here are five things you need to know this morning.

BROWN: First up, more chaos across Egypt. The country is on edge this morning after another rash of deadly violence. 30 are dead and more than 1,000 injured in the latest fighting there. SUPPORTERS and opponents of Mohammed Morsy clashed in deadly battles that spilled into the streets. Egyptian security forces shot at least three Morsy supporters who tried to reach the barracks where the deposed president is being held by the military.

BLACKWELL: Number two, Venezuela may be ready to grant asylum to intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. The state media reports that the President made the offer to the NSA analyst turned fugitive. Now Nicaragua's President says he could make the same offer, quote, "If the circumstances permit."

Now Snowden is believed to be holed up somewhere in Moscow's airport.

BROWN: And is Madeleine McCann alive after missing for six years? British police now say they think this little girl right here may be alive and they have 38 persons of interest they are now looking for. Investigators note they don't expect to make any arrests any time soon and need to collect more evidence on this case.

Story for now the Yarnell, Arizona, wildfire now 90 percent contained just six days after 19 firefighters died fighting that fire. Although they seem ahead of schedule, authorities expect to have the blaze fully controlled by July 12th.

PAMELA: And at number five, the remains of a firefighter killed in the September 11th terror attacks have been identified. 37-year-old Lieutenant Jeffrey Waltz was identified after authorities retested remains that were recovered after the attack. He was last seen in the north tower of the World Trade Center. More than 1,100 9/11 victims haven't had their remains identified.

BLACKWELL: All right week two of the George Zimmerman trial, it's now history. The prosecution rested Friday. That's after calling the medical examiner responsible for Trayvon Martin's autopsy.

BROWN: Dr. Bao testified that Martin may have clung to life for as long as ten minutes after he was shot in the chest. But Bao also admitted that he couldn't quite remember Martin's case. And he caught defense attorney Don West off guard with typed notes that he took to the stand.


DON WEST, GEORGE ZIMMERMAN'S DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Are you reading from something now?


WEST: May I see what you're referring to, please? May I approach the witness?

BAO: Because I'm puzzled by that I could not remember the thing and other people can.

WEST: Your honor, may the witness not answer until I've gotten a chance?


WEST: Show me what you're looking at.

BAO: Before this testimony, I told you, I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours. I typed down potential answers to your potential questions. These are my notes.

WEST: May I see them?

BAO: I'd rather you do not see this is my notes. Nobody saw that before.

NELSON: Ok Dr. Bao, if you're going to be reading from your notes, both attorneys are entitled to see what you're reading from.

BAO: Ok. There is no problem.

NELSON: So please allow them to do so, so you may approach the witness.

WEST: Perhaps it would be convenient if we made a copy for counsel, I can continue with some questioning, and then we can look at them at our leisure.

NELSON: We've got people here behind you. You can make the copy if you wish.

BAO: So they can make a copy? It's my -- it's my notes. I typed myself. Nobody read them before.


BLACKWELL: Yes, he was not happy about having to share the notes.


BLACKWELL: Bao also quibbled with the judge as he tried to explain why he could remember the Trayvon Martin case.


NELSON: And I've said this before, we have to allow the court reporter to take one person speaking down at a time. So if you will please, after your question, allow Dr. Bao to answer. Dr. Bao, after you have answered, wait for the next question.

BAO: Ok.

NELSON: Thank you.

BAO: No problem.

NELSON: Why -- why again, stop.

WEST: May I ask the questions, your honor?

BAO: Yes I didn't answer your first question.

NELSON: Ok. Dr. Bao, please wait. There is another question. If he has not finished answering the first question, he will be allowed to do so. So please wait for your question until he finishes his answer.

BAO: Ok. I tried.

WEST: Could we -- could we read the question back? Because I think it was a yes or no question.

BAO: I need to explain to the jury why this happened. Why --

WEST: Your honor, may the witness please --

BAO: -- why I cannot remember anything on the date of autopsy and other people can remember. So I did an intensive study, and I tried many times myself, two days -- a few days before your deposition, which is nine months after my autopsy. I came to my office.

WEST: Your honor, I'm sorry, he is not responsive to the question.

BAO: Yes, I explained why I did not remember. I put everything in front of me. The autopsy report --

WEST: Your honor, would you please ask the witness to respond to the question?

BAO: That's why it's very hard I cannot remember.

NELSON: Ok once more, we cannot interrupt each other. Dr. Bao, are you finished with your -- with your answer?

BAO: I need to explain to the jury.

NELSON: On but you have. So we're ready for the next question.


BROWN: Getting pretty heated there.

BLACKWELL: Yes, I can't imagine that the -- the state is happy with that being the final witness.

BROWN: No. And of course the question is, will this hurt the state? We're going to talk about that coming up at 10:00 this morning.

BLACKWELL: Yes. BROWN: Also the Zimmerman trial resumes Monday morning. The defense is set to call its next witness at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time that will be carried on.

BLACKWELL: Now for a lot of people on this long holiday weekend.


BLACKWELL: Four days if you're lucky enough to have it off.

BROWN: Not us.

BLACKWELL: No. We haven't exactly had the weather to cooperate with our outdoor plans.

BROWN: Yes, from a record heat out West to a soggy South, this has hardly been a usual summer. So let's get over to Centennial Park here in Atlanta and that's where we find our Karen Maginnis braving the heat and humidity.

BLACKWELL: You're back outside Karen? I thought they let you back in.

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: I was briefly back in. But no we've got the misty weather conditions. It is the mildew factor has been running pretty high in Atlanta where we've seen double the normal amount of precipitation.

But between the devastating tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, back in May that killed dozens of people, injured hundreds all the way to the searing heat in the desert southwest, it has been a summer of extremes.


MAGINNIS (voice over): The Saturday swelter is on along the East Coast. New York City, Boston, Philadelphia all sizzling making it feel like they're in triple-digit conditions thanks to the high humidity. Emergency officials in the Big Apple have now opened the city's many cooling stations with heat advisories now extending through the weekend.

The big-time heat didn't keep the crowds from flocking to the spectacular light shows this extended holiday weekend. But the blistering temps were just too much for some -- 120 people received medical attention at Boston's Esplanade.

It's a very different picture across other parts of the nation. Heavy rains and floods continue across much of the South. Parts of the Florida Panhandle received as much as 18 inches of rain.

There is also the high threat of rip currents with thousands heading to the beach this weekend. One North Carolina man drowned off Holden Beach, the fourth drowning in the area this week. And in the West, golf ball-sized hail pummeling parts of Northern California and New Mexico -- a summer surprise for an area that normally sees temperatures in the 90s. No doubt this season has seen its share of extreme weather from deadly tornadoes to massive wildfires, widespread heat and floods, and especially severe summer impacting us all.


MAGINNIS: Well, it does seem as if into the northeast and New England, those temperatures that are running into the mid to upper 90s, a good 10 degrees above where they should be, boy you'll be back down to near normal as we go into the start of the work weekend. It looks like that could stick around a little bit.

But Pamela and Victor, the one thing that will change things as we're stuck in this weather pattern, that would be a tropical system, and that's a whole different ball game. Back to you.

BLACKWELL: Yes and not looking forward to a tropical system. All right, Karen Maginnis, hopefully you can come back in soon.


BLACKWELL: Thank you Karen.

MAGINNIS: They will, they'll let me.

BROWN: Well Texas Senator Wendy Davis's marathon filibuster threw her state's fight over abortion into the national spotlight. But it's not just Texas I'm going to talk with advocates on both sides of the abortion debate about why Republicans across the country are putting the issue front and center.

But first, a review this holiday week has seen a government takeover in Egypt, extreme weather across the U.S. and the ultimate sacrifice of 19 firefighters. Here's a look back at the week in pictures.


BROWN: A new battlefront emerged this week in the fight over abortion rights. In North Carolina, the Republican-controlled state Senate approved new limits on abortion clinics. It got tacked on to a bill designed to ban Islamic Sharia Law and were approved less than 24 hours after they were introduced. The controversial move came on the heels of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis's 11-hour filibuster that killed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.

But rather than accept defeat here, Republican Governor Rick Perry called another special session to give the bill another go. And just yesterday Wisconsin became the latest state to approve tougher abortion restrictions.

So now I want to bring in Ilyse Hogue, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America; and Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List a non-profit that wants to end abortion in America. Great to have you both here with us thank you so much.


BROWN: Marjorie I want to start with you, let's start with North Carolina here. Even though the Republican governor there is questioning the way these limits on abortion clinics were passed, my question to you is, was it fair or was it sneaky to put these measures into a bill that had nothing to do with abortion?

DANNENFELSER: Well, it's -- the least of the matter is how they -- is the last 24 hours because I'm from North Carolina. I was in the legislature not that long ago talking to legislators there. It is not new that these measures are on the table, and it's certainly not new that they're on the table given the overall context of what's going on in abortion clinics across the country.

North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and Maryland, West Virginia on and on where women are being exploited, and unborn children are treated as worse than trash. I mean it's going to the extent of even using their body parts as trophies in some places. I mean it is really horrendous.

And just to question the motives of -- of how it's getting to the Governor's desk at this point really is beside the point.

BROWN: So you don't think it's sneaky, that the way they were put in?

DANNENFELSER: It's not sneaky. No, it's not sneaky. It would it be sneaky if you were throwing yourself in front of a train to save another person's life? Well, it might be sneaky because it would be at the last minute. But it's also helping save people's lives and really honestly, the people who are opposed to this are more interested in the institution of abortion than they are about the individual lives that are affected by it.

BROWN: All right. Ilyse, I know you have strong opinions about this but I want to ask you. Texas is in the middle of a second special legislative session to take up what's effectively a 20-week abortion ban. This process is legal, so why is there so much hand wringing over this second special session, Ilyse?

ILYSE HOGUE, PRESIDENT, NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA: I think that what we're seeing is a frustration because when you've got an extreme agenda like the one that Marjorie purports. You know, Marjorie, with all due respect, her views are way out of step with the American people. Marjorie once said that having sex out of the context of giving birth is not -- you know, it breaks a connection.

That's not the way most American women live their lives. And these legislative sessions are being driven by those extreme politics. Now, the politicians know they don't have the people on their side, which is why they're resorting to these kinds of sneaky, dirty tricks. They're cheating the process in order to win. And that really riles people up.

When I was down in Texas, I saw a lot of people who really are opposed to this bill on the substance. I mean, in order to actually save women's lives, we've got to have accessible medical care. And this bill would shut down 37 of the 42 clinics in the state. However, lots of people are also extremely concerned that the elected officials that are supposed to uphold the law of the land are now changing the rules at the last minute to drive an extreme ideological agenda that is so out of step with where women and men across the country are.

DANNENFELSER: That is amazing. Show some respect for the will of the women in Texas and women in this country, Ilyse. Women in Texas support this measure 2-1. Young people and women support a 20-week ban by a majority. So I don't know --

HOGUE: 70 percent of Americans --

DANNENFELSER: -- talking about -- between you and me, talking about who's out of step.

HOGUE: Roe is the law of the land, and it should be.


HOGUE: When people like Marjorie outlaw abortion, you get people like Kermit Gosnell who are hurting women and hurting babies, as Marjorie said. The existence of Kermit Gosnell, if we want to be sure there is a butcher like that in every city and every town around the country --

BROWN: Let me jump in here really quickly because we're showing here a full screen of this latest polling. And it does put things in perspective here. This is from late June. It shows that less than half of Americans would support such a ban -- nearly all abortions after 20 weeks. But this is what's interesting here. We break it down by gender. Exactly half of the women support such a ban. So, Marjorie --

HOGUE: I think it's really important to understand that --

DANNENFELSER: No, I believe that Ilyse was --

BROWN: Let me jump in here, Ilyse. Marjorie, your group is lobbying Marco Rubio of Florida to sponsor a 20-week ban in the U.S. Senate. You told CNN Rubio wants to do it, but these latest polls show support is split. How do you think this is going to happen? Plus Democrats control the senate.

DANNENFELSER: Well, if you've got the majority of American people on siding on anything on the abortion issue, I say run with it. And it goes past extremes. It goes past Ilyse's position which is you cannot restrict at any point along the way. It goes past the lack of outrage that her organization and others have treated us all with when there are -- there is exploitation of women going on in every clinic, almost every single clinic in the country, at least in every state in this country. And there's not a word, not a peep.

How about the American workers who just left Delaware saying those nurses who said these are meat market assembly line style of abortions and I can't possibly work in this place anymore? Where is your outrage?


BROWN: All right. Ilyse, let me ask you this. In light of the surge on the state level, you know, do you have concern here about Roe versus Wade? What's your take on all this?

HOGUE: No. I mean, these 20-week bans are not only unconstitutional, but they also are less than two percent of abortions in the nation. And they are the most desperate women who are facing unimaginable medical conditions. And most Americans understand that this is a tiny percentage of abortion. And they don't want extreme advocates like Marjorie and the politicians on her side deciding for them.

This is a decision that women face with their families and their doctors. They're heartbreaking decisions.

DANNENFELSER: This is 15,000 children a year.

HOGUE: And I think that politicians deciding is very, very dangerous. And most people understand that. That's why 70 percent of Americans support Roe. It is the law of the land. And the state politicians who are legislating it out of existence are going to face a political pressure at the ballot box.


BROWN: Ok. Ilyse Hogue, Marjorie Dannenfelser, thank you for that spirited debate. This conversation, no doubt, will continue.

Thank you so much.

HOGUE: Thank you.


BROWN: Victor.

BLACKWELL: Spirited indeed. Hey, we're going to have a first-time women's champion at Wimbledon today. Will it be Bartoli or Lisicki. Now Lisicki shocked the tennis world with her upset of defending champion Serena Williams. She'll take on France's Marion Bartoli. CNN's Amanda Davies will have a live report.

But first, a NASCAR champion impacts the world of wounded veterans with his inspiration off the track.


BRAD KESELOWSKI, NASCAR CHAMPION: Hi, I'm NASCAR driver brad Keselowski. And I believe that we can make an impact on the lives of our veterans.

The Checkered Flag Foundation was created to help out those who make sacrifices for us as Americans.

We will be going very, very fast. The key program is the Race to Recovery. It's a chance for several service men and women who have gone through traumatic events to come to the racetrack and experience a race weekend. And then on the third day, we come back and take them for rides in the race cars at full speed.

My goal with our veterans when we get done with the experience, leave the program and feel like they can stand a little straighter, walk a little prouder and help them to reintegrate into society here back stateside.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You freakin' rocked. Good time.

KESELOWSKI: I think they need somebody to put an arm around their shoulder and show them the way.

Join the movement. Impact your world --


BROWN: We are just minutes away from the women's final at Wimbledon. Germany's Sabine Lisicki and Marion Bartoli of France will both be looking for their first ever grand slam victory.

BLACKWELL: Amanda Davies is live with us from Wimbledon. Amanda good to have you; there's a contrast in style here because you've got Lisicki who is all about power and then Bartoli has this unconventional style, right?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: yes, that's very true. Welcome to southwest London. The sun is shining. The bands have been playing. The champagne is flowing. Everything you'd expect, really, for a ladies' final day here at Wimbledon. What you probably wouldn't have expected is these two players here in the ladies final -- Sabine Lisicki and Marion Bartoli. Bartoli as you said, fairly unconventional; she has a double-handed forehand and backhand like her heroine, Monica Seles, widely regarded as one of the best returns of serve in the women's game.

And she's up against Lisicki who has one of the best serves in the game, very big-hitting player who's very popular with the crowds here. She's also got a great forehand on her as well. Bartoli is the higher seed, but Lisicki, many people's favorite to take the title today because of her route to the final, she's seen off some big names. The fourth seed Agnieszka Radwanska and, of course, she knocked out the five-time champion, Serena Williams, as well.

Promises to be a great match there -- the last time they met was actually here on the grass at Wimbledon two years ago. It was Lisicki who won that encounter, but it was a tight three-set match. And the same very much expected today. The players are due out on court in about five minutes' time.

BROWN: All right. Amanda Davies from Wimbledon, thank you so much. It doesn't seem like there's any less excitement out there that Serena Williams isn't in the final. BLACKWELL: People are excited. They paid for the tickets they're going to be there.

BROWN: She said the champagne is flowing.

BLACKWELL: And they will enjoy it. Hey we've got a lot more coming up. We're going to go back to Egypt. Our Reza Sayah is there as the pro- Morsy and the anti-Morsy protests continue. More live coverage from Cairo and across Egypt coming up.