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New Day

Deep Freeze; U.S. Military Plans for Sochi Terror; Richard Sherman's Apology and Reaction to His Interview in Social Media; An Unmanned Space Probe Rosetta Back to His Mission

Aired January 21, 2014 - 06:30   ET



CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Live look right now for you. This is Indianapolis where the snow is falling. This front is mean and it is moving.

Let's bring in Indra Petersons.

What can we expect?

INDRA PETERSONS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: You know, when you look at that right there, that's a baby system. It hasn't even entered the ocean just yet. And that's where it's really strengthened and developed.

Let's talk about even blizzard warnings out toward Boston. Look at these totals. We're talking about even as much of a foot of snow right there off the cape, anywhere from four to eight inches out towards like just out of south of it, in Boston itself, six to 10 inches, New York City, Philly, even D.C. looking for these heavy amounts of snow.

Keep in mind it is a dry snow. So, very cold air, blowing around very quickly, and temperatures are going to be cold. You have that winds, it also means that wind-chill, you'll feel like the single digits. And keep in mind, this snow will stick around for a while. It's going to be cold all week long.

So, a lot headed our way. The storm hasn't really developed yet. So, a lot coming our way.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: All right. We'll keep an eye on that. Yes, we will bundle up. Thanks so much, Indra.

Let's take a look at other headlines right now.

Happening now: energy emergencies in more than a dozen states after last week's bitter blast of cold. Officials say propane gas and heating oil are now in short supply. In Ohio, the governor has now extended the hours that trucks carrying fuel can legally drive on state highways. Residents are being urged to turn down their thermostats in order to conserve fuel. Controversies swirling around Chris Christie, who is set to be sworn in today for a second term as New Jersey governor. The George Washington Bridge scandal and accusations of playing politics with Sandy relief will be hovering over the ceremonies. But it is unclear how or even if they'll be addressed. Christie's lieutenant governor is denying the charges. They would only award Sandy funding if a big project went ahead.

Dramatic pictures to show you now of a woman being rescued from an icy lake in Indianapolis. She plunged into that frigid white water, white river waters from a bridge around 10:00 a.m. Monday morning.

She landed about 40 feet from shore clinging to a slab of ice. The woman reportedly told rescuers that she jumped off the bridge, but she did not explain why. Fire crews made several attempts to reach her before diving in to save her and bring her back to shore. She's now being treated for hypothermia.

Right now in South Florida, wildlife officials keeping a very close eye on pilot whales swimming along the shoreline. Two of the whales have died. Two were euthanized after they beached themselves. They were among a group of about four dozen whales that swam into shallow waters Sunday. Necropsies will be done to determine a cause of death.

A Kentucky family now has cherished keepsake back, nearly two years after it was taken away by a tornado. These photos were found in Virginia, more than a hundred miles from their home. Jim Best (ph), the man who found it, said he noticed the last name on the belt of the man in the picture. That's where he started a search, eventually finding someone at an auction who knew the Hilton family. It enabled him to track them down and returned the photo to them.

Isn't that incredible? Hundred miles away.


CUOMO: -- was Kevin Bacon?

PEREIRA: That was a random connection.

CUOMO: It felt right, though.

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: All right. Let's go back in Washington where American officials are making disaster plans this morning for a possible terror attack at the Sochi Olympics, just 17 days away now.

New incredible threats have the military on high alert. And CNN has learned warships are now heading to the region.

CNN's Barbara Starr is live at the Pentagon with much more on this.

So, what more are you learning about these disaster plans, Barbara?


What we know is that the Russians are in charge of Olympic security, but the United States is taking no chances.


STARR (voice-over): With the opening ceremony less than three weeks away, the U.S. is making plans in case there's a major terrorist attack at the Winter Olympic Games. The U.S. military will move two warships into the Black Sea as part of the plan. They should be in place within the next several days.

In a crisis, helicopters from those ships could quickly fly into Sochi to begin evacuation of Americans. And C-17 aircraft are being put on standby in Germany. They could be on scene in about two hours for additional evacuations if needed.

TOM FUENTES, FORMER FBI ASST. DIRECTOR: You would hope that the U.S. wouldn't be sitting around waiting for a telegram from Russia going, hey, come and get your people. So, that's just -- to me, that's a common sense approach and the military should have a very robust plan to come in and do that.

STARR: The State Department would take the lead in organizing any mission to move thousands of American officials and athletes out of harm's way.

FUENTES: If an attack occurs, you're going to have chaos. You're going to have a large problem to get ships and to get helicopter. So, merely getting your forces in to get people out will be quite an event just by itself.

STARR: The U.S. must first get Russian approval to move in, which may not be easy given Russian President Vladimir Putin's insistence that his government can secure the games.


STARR: Now, the FBI says law enforcement and U.S. security personnel are already on the ground inside Russia. But a major problem continues to be U.S. officials say they need more transparency from the Russians about the terrorist threat intelligence that they are collecting -- Chris, Kate.

BOLDUAN: Barbara, thanks. Thanks for that update. Thank you.

CUOMO: All right. Let's take a little break here on NEW DAY. When we come back, he says he's no villain and that's not all. Seahawk's corner back Richard Sherman is explaining his on-field rant and going after critics. We're going to tell you the new comments he's making about his trash talk. He's a smart-talking trash talker, this guy.

BOLDUAN: Plus, also ahead, it was just two words that had scientists hearing. And new science probe wakes up, says, hello, world, and is now on schedule to chase a comet in a billion dollar mission that could open new windows into our galaxy and beyond.


BOLDUAN: Welcome back to NEW DAY.

Let's go around the world now, starting in Mexico where officials are pleading with the state of Texas to spare a Mexican national scheduled for execution tomorrow.

CNN's Nick Parker has the details.


NICK PARKER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A last ditch appeal here in Mexico, to the planned execution of Edgar Tamayo Arias set for this Wednesday in Texas. Mexico's foreign minister says that when Tamayo was arrested in 1994 in Houston, he was never offered consular assistance and that, they say, is a clear violation of an international treaty. Forty-six-year-old Tamayo was later convicted of shooting dead of a policeman.

John Kerry has also appealed for a stay of execution. But Texas prosecutors say the case has already been reviewed by a series of courts -- Kate.


BOLDUAN: Nick, thank you for that.

Passengers rescued from a research ship stranded for two weeks in Antarctica will soon be back on solid ground. The Australian ice breaker that picked them is set to dock in Tasmania.

Here's CNN's Monita Rajpal with more.


MONITA RAJPAL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it was an icy ordeal for a group of Antarctica adventurers. But that is finally coming to an end. Fifty-two passengers rescued from a ship trapped in Antarctic ice will arrive Wednesday in the Australian city of Hobart.

The researchers were onboard a Russian vessel when it got stuck in thick ice on Christmas Eve. They were eventually airlifted to an Australian ice breaker after ringing in the New Year stranded in frozen seas. Their exploits went viral thanks to regular posts from the researchers. Meanwhile, the Russian ship made its way to New Zealand.

Kate, back to you.


BOLDUAN: Quite a story they have to tell now. Thanks so much, Monita.

And after trekking to the South Pole for charity, Prince Harry is sharing his experiences in London this morning. But that's not all he's expected to talk about.

CNN's Erin McLaughlin has the details.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the focus of today's press conference is supposed to be on that trek to the South Pole and the charity walking with the wounding which helps injured veterans in need. But all eyes will be on Prince Harry. Last week, he announced that he'll no longer be an Apache pilot, that he's taking up a desk job in London for the British military, organizing special projects and commemorative event.

This is a big change for Harry. After all, he did spend months in Afghanistan as an Apache pilot. This new role will allow him to spend for time on his royal duties, as well as spend some more time with his girlfriend, Cressida Bonas.

Back to you, Kate.


BOLDUAN: Thank you, Erin.

CUOMO: All right. So, it was the post game rant heard round the world. Here's a back story, after tipping a pass destined for 49ers receiver Michael Crabtree -- remember that name, he's relevant -- a play that put the Seahawks in the Super Bowl, corner back Richard Sherman unleashed the trash talk smack of the season. Take a listen.


RICHARD SHERMAN, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS: Well, I'm the best corner in the game. When you supply me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that's the results you're going to get. Don't you ever talk about me.

REPORTER: Who was talking about you?

SHERMAN: Crabtree. Don't you open your mouth one bit. Or I'm going to shut it for you real quick.


CUOMO: All right. So, there it was. And now, you're seeing Sherman after the game when he was all cleaned up. And he start apologizing, but more explaining, OK? He had a blog post where he writes, "To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field, don't judge a person's character by what they do between the lines." Interesting point. "Judge a man by what he does off the field, what he does for his community, what he does for his family."

He adds, "It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am. I don't want to be a villain because I'm not a villainous person."

An unusual outburst followed by an even more unusually eloquent explanation, I would say. but it makes us ask, should he have to explain at all? Isn't this what part of the game is, you know, the trash talk?

Afterwards, when I first heard it, I thought it was completely inconsequential. As a D back, to make a play like that is huge. He had beef with Crabtree.

BOLDUAN: Before, right.

JOHN BERMAN, "EARLY START" ANCHOR: Here's the case -- honesty is a valid defense here. He happens to be arguably the best defensive back in football. He arguably made the play of the game that sent them to Super Bowl, and they didn't throw at him the entire game. They were scared of the entire game, and he was revved up at the end of playing a full football game. Full of, I think, honest, genuine thoughts.

BOLDUAN: It's one thing to have adrenaline pumping, because you know that definitely was an element that was at play there. But also I think what people are getting excited about in the aftermath is that isn't there a sportsman like conduct, being a good sportsman just after you have clenched a ticket to the Super Bowl?

BERMAN: Absolutely. And he went over that line when he went up to Crabtree just after the play. You know, he was putting the choke symbol on to Colin Kaepernick after that. He acknowledged that he should not have done that. He apologized for that.

That, I think, a lot of people agree was over the lines. But words, you know, a lot of people wouldn't have said them, but he didn't swear.

BOLDUAN: That's the only think I take issue with. It's just like more -- the time and place, where he said it. It should be, even though, yes, it's the game and they're grown men, if I think they're all going to be best friends, then I'm watching the wrong sport.

But I think you can still --


BERMAN: The most thoughtful and introspective person about this whole situation is Richard Sherman. In his apology --


PEREIRA: It's so interesting. You have to read it.

BERMAN: Really, really interesting. You know, he apologizes for it. He says taking the focus off of his team, he feels badly for that. And I think that is a problem right there. He feels badly for the physical actions also.

CUOMO: It's not about being silly.

BOLDUAN: No, I mean do you think --

CUOMO: I don't apply sensitivity to football. I don't.

BOLDUAN: What I'm saying I'm being like a feminine ...

CUOMO: I know. I know. Neither am I. I'm just saying, I don't apply. It is the most violent, the most dangerous, the most scary game to participate in. The idea that he's this amped-up afterwards, didn't shock me at all.

PEREIRA: Well, you know what's interesting - I don't watch football. So, I was reading some of it - I know. I know.

BOLDUAN: That's the whole ...

CUOMO: No, that's disgusting.

PEREIRA: I was reading one of my favorite sportswriters Bill Pashi (ph) of the "Daily Times", a really good sportswriter. He was talking about the fact that it's surprising that people have come with this kind of, oh my god, how dare he, when you expect that on the field. And what it takes to play that game on the field. Yet you suddenly want these guys to be complete gentleman.


CUOMO: And I want to talk about it. What bothered me was the word "thug." You know.

PEREIRA: Yeah. That just smacks ...

CUOMO: Why are they calling him the word, thug? You know, it's been - Is it the dreads, is it the color of his skin. Is it his - this guy is a Stanford grad. He's an A student.

PEREIRA: Come on now.

CUOMO: And he's smart as hell. And here's the proof. This isn't the first time he's engaged in kind of this. Listen to this clip of him with Skip Bayless, a known agitator on sports talk. Listen to how he goes at Skip Bayless. And you'll get a feel for just how intelligent Sherman is. And that he knows what he is doing. Take a listen.


RICHARD SHERMAN, NFL PLAYER: Skip, whenever you refer to me, whenever you speak to me, whenever you address me, address as all pro Stanford graduate. Because those are some accomplishments you will never - you can aspire to. You will never accomplish. You've never accomplished anything. My 24 years of life, I'm better at life than you.

SKIL BAYLESS, SPORTS JOURNALIST: OK. All right. That's fair. All right.


BAYLESS: Let's not get personal here.

SHERMAN: It's not personal.

BAYLESS: Do you think you're better than Darrelle Revis is right now?

SHERMAN: I'm better than you.



PEREIRA: I'm better at life.

BOLDUAN: How can you use that come back now?

CUOMO: He is playing the game. He's a smart guy. He's playing with the controversy. I love it. Look, I love it.

BOLDUAN: That's where I like it. Just not right after the game.

PEREIRA: Do you think it upset people because it was Erin Andrews? That it was a woman that was conducting the interview, and that's why they were like - felt like ...

CUOMO: He wasn't even addressing her. He was looking right at the camera.

PEREIRA: I know. But do you think that some people mistakenly thought that? I wonder ...


BERMAN: It's not overreaction as Chris brought it up, the world "thug." There was a lot of this - the reaction that has been outright racist and vial. And Sherman noted this. He said there are a lot of tweets, which just say some awful, awful things about him.

CUOMO: He's an A student Stanford grad. And to be a great D-back, you've got to be a heck of an intelligent person. I thought if anything was weird about the interview ...

PEREIRA: You were D-back warrior.

CUOMO: I wasn't.

PEREIRA: I knew that.

CUOMO: But that Erin didn't seem to know what the basis for this was. He - he had no D for a long time. Anyway, interesting to diagnose. Everybody has a take, right?

PEREIRA: Good to have you here.

BERMAN: I'm better than you at life.

BOLDUAN: No, not at this...

CUOMO: Are you better than Darrelle Revis -- I am better than you. Which is also interesting. It's nice to see ...

BOLDUAN: Christine Romans tells me that all the time.

CUOMO: Good segue. It is money time. Christine Romans is in our money center asking if investors are ready to get back in the game after Monday's holiday. What do you think, Christine?

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It looks that way. And the global stocks are stronger across the board this morning. Dow futures up about 63 points. You know, we'll need to rise about 119 points for the Dow to beat it - that closing high except on New Year's Eve. So, you know, a couple of good days here inside of that.

Ford needs more women in top jobs. That's what Ford's chief operating officer Mark Field says. He made this comment in a speech yesterday before the Detroit women's group. Field said that Ford is stepping up its recruitment efforts for women. Just last month, in an historic announcement, GM made Mary Barra its CEO. It's the first time ever a woman is heading one of Detroit's big three car makers. We've been hearing a lot about income inequality lately. It's really kind of the economic theme for the year.

And a new report from Oxfam says almost half the world's wealth is owned by just one percent of the world's population. That works out to the 85 richest people of the world on owning the same amount as the bottom 3.5 billion people. That's with the B. The study comes just ahead of the start of the World Economic Forum this week in Davos, Switzerland. Leaders there have identified income inequality as one of the greatest risks facing the world in 2014, guys.

BOLDUAN: All right, Christine, thanks.

CUOMO: Coming up on "NEW DAY," hello world, those were a new space probe's first words.

BOLDUAN: Look at these guys.

CUOMO: They could be the beginning of new discoveries about the origins of our planet. We'll break down the science for you, coming up. They're happy because it didn't cost a billion dollars. They thought it was lost.


MUSIC: Is there anybody in there?

PEREIRA: Well, the answer to that song is yes. Welcome back to "NEW DAY." It was a simple message, hello world. It's signaled a groundbreaking moment in space exploration. The unmanned probe Rosetta launched in 2004 hibernated for over two years called home from millions of miles away breaking its silence embarking on a mission that could unlock some of the deepest secrets of our galaxy. Indra is here with details.

INDRA PETERSONS, CNN ANCHOR: I like how you say that. If you want to find out anything in space, it takes a lot of patience and a lot of money. This was a ten-year mission that cost a billion of dollars by the European Space Agency to land on the comet for the first time. Like you said, the hardest part, they had to turn it off for two and a half years when it was too far away from the Sun to recharge its own batteries. Yesterday, they got to turn this guy back on for the first time.


PETERSONS: Cheers ring out in mission control as European spacecraft Rosetta signals from 500 million miles away that it's awake after its two and a half year hibernation. The reason for the deep sleep, just like humans, the spacecraft needed to recharge its batteries.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now we got it back. Now it's up to us to drive it to the comet.

PETERSONS: For nearly ten years, Rosetta has been chasing a comet through space, hoping to one day land on its surface for scientific research and capturing some incredible images along the way, like this one of the surface of Mars and this showing the Moon rising over the Pacific Ocean.


PETERSONS: Scientists beamed a wake-up call to Rosetta early Monday then waited and waited for word that the intergalactic Rip Van Winkle was again up and running.

Finally, a tweet from space, simply, "Hello, World."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it's been the longest hour of my life.

PETERSONS: The stage is now set for what promises to be a historic space flight event.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is just the beginning. You know, without today, without the wake-up, we wouldn't have a mission at all.

PETERSONS: Rosetta will now scout the comet for the perfect place to land before sending a probe to touchdown on the comet's surface in November. The probe, a type of portable laboratory, will map, drill, and analyze samples as it travels with the comet on a trip around the Sun, beaming its results back to earth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We know that that's going to be a great adventure ride for everybody and return some fantastic science about the origins of our own solar system, and potentially, the origins of life on this planet.


PETERSONS: Yeah, so what's the next right now? It hasn't gotten there yet. In August, they just turned this guy on. It's supposed to land on the comet. That's very difficult. It's got (inaudible) its composition. And they're hoping, yes, to figure out the evolution of the Solar System and life on earth because if the ocean composition matches, with out there, on this comet, which is like a big dirty snowball, it says a lot. BOLDUAN: Valuable information. How about that?

CUOMO: It really is. I'm always shocked at how we seem to have fallen out of love with space.

PEREIRA: We haven't. We haven't.

Speak for yourself.

CUOMO: No, but you noticed - like it doesn't seem to get the wattage it used to get anymore when there is - we don't know a damn thing about how ...


BOLDUAN: It sounded like an impossible mission even before I knew the details. Now it sounds even harder.

PETERSONS: There's a lot that can still go wrong, but we're crossing fingers, right?

BOLDUAN: Absolutely.

PETERSONS: Very cool.

CUOMO: Very cool.

PETERSONS: Thank you.

CUOMO: Absolutely. Coming up on "NEW DAY," it is inauguration day for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, getting sworn in for his second term. However, what is getting all in is not so great - new allegations of political retribution. We'll talk with a key Republican who defends the governor who's going to put these charges to the test. Coming up.


CUOMO: Breaking overnight, the federal government shut down this morning because of a massive snowstorm dumping a foot of snow in major cities. Making matters worse, it will be followed by a deep freeze. Where will it be worst? Ahead.