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New Day

Arrest Warrant for Captain; Live from Under the Sea; Chef Feeds California's Hungry Kids; Chelsea Clinton Announces Pregnancy; Paying it Forward

Aired April 18, 2014 - 08:30   ET


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: I would - you kind of think you'd want to go up first, but that's not where you want to go?

CADE COURTLEY, PRESIDENT, SEAL SURVIVAL, LLC: Well, that's the crazy thing. For the people that are inside, it's very counterintuitive. Yes, you're going to want to get to the surface --

BOLDUAN: Right, but there's nowhere to go.

COURTLEY: But you're going to get to the hull of the ship. So to escape, if you're a passenger, or for these divers to get people out, They're going to have to go down, out and then up to the surface, unless they can access, you know, some of those areas right there.

So - and talking about the diver's job, they are literally working through this place, walking along the walls with their hands.

BOLDUAN: There's no fast - there's no fast way to do this.

COURTLEY: No. Yes, and they have to -- in addition to that, they're rigging up lines so other divers can come right in on the lines and start where they leave off because, again, they only have so much air and then they have to come back.

BOLDUAN: How long does each diver - what's the capacity - like, what's the dive capacity here?

COURTLEY: It -- well, it depends. And the problem with this sinking even deeper is, the deeper divers go -


COURTLEY: The less time they have to work under water.

BOLDUAN: That's absolutely right.

COURTLEY: So it's such a ticking clock right now. Not to mention the fact that hypothermia, lack of oxygen, you know, carbon dioxide buildup. You know, we're entering sort of what I would consider 12 more hours.

BOLDUAN: Twelve more hours. COURTLEY: Yes.

BOLDUAN: I want to get to the layout of the ship in one second, but capacity is always a question in this. The max capacity of this ferry was some 921 passengers.

COURTLEY: Correct.

BOLDUAN: They were almost - they were about half that in this ship.


BOLDUAN: So would you say that isn't playing a role here?

COURTLEY: Before I heard anything about this, the first thing I said is, it's either weather or overcapacity. Neither one of those was the case as far as we know. The problem being with this was, once -- if you're a passenger and you feel a hit, an explosion, something like that, you need to basically be proactive and say, this isn't right and I'm going to put myself in a position where I can survive this. And it's not staying put. It's getting up on the top deck so you have the ability, or the option, to get into the water.

BOLDUAN: You have at least more options.

And let's look at kind of the layout of how these levels are. This makes me wonder, because air pockets is the big question and the big hope that there are people in air pockets still.


BOLDUAN: Where would the most like -- is there a most likely place that people would congregate if they're still in the ship where the air pocket would most likely be?

COURTLEY: Well, when you think early on, I mean you're dealing with right here which is the cafeteria, OK.


COURTLEY: Other than that, it's going to be the separate state rooms along there in both sides. The larger the area, the bigger the air pocket. But if more people are in it, more people are consuming the oxygen in that air pocket. So you see how that works.

BOLDUAN: And staying calm is so important in that situation -


BOLDUAN: And that's the last thing they're going to be able to do.

COURTLEY: Yes, absolutely. You know, it's really unfortunate. Once a ship this large starts to list to the side -

BOLDUAN: Yes. COURTLEY: There becomes the point of no return because vehicles and stuff like that will start sliding. So then it goes from something like that to automatically, boom, we've lost it. We've capsized. And --

BOLDUAN: So, when you're looking at this, you're hoping for air pockets.


BOLDUAN: We know that they're pumping air into the ship. How does that work? Is that an effective method?

COURTLEY: It can be. If you go back to the last slide here, essentially with this ship being upside down, the best way to do it is air going in like that because naturally air is going to come up.

BOLDUAN: If we haven't seen the ferry rise closer to the surface, does that mean it's not working?

COURTLEY: It's not working as fast as it's taking on water. It's becoming less and less buoyant. That's why it's sinking. So hopefully, you know, they have cranes in the area. They're not going to be able to lift the ship up, they're not going to be able to roll it, but they might keep it from sinking any further, thus allowing those divers to spend more time searching in that area.

BOLDUAN: How are the cranes going to work? This is massive.


BOLDUAN: I mean this -- you don't even want to call it a ferry -


BOLDUAN: Because that almost doesn't do it justice. You - let's -- you say you have a boat here, you bring out a crane -


BOLDUAN: Let's pretend that's a crane. What - what -- how many cranes do you need? What are you going to do?

COURTLEY: One crane trying to do anything with this boat would be the same as me trying to lift a car that's submerged in a lake. It's not going to happen. But a couple of cranes might keep it from sinking any lower, giving us a little bit more time to try and access some of these, you know, hopefully air pockets. But again, it's such a ticking clock.


COURTLEY: This is a classic example of, this was a 14-hour -- supposed to be a 14-hour cruise. If you're a passenger, spent 10 to 15 minutes looking for exits, life boats, it's just 15 minutes at the beginning of this thing, so when the worst thing happens, you're like, OK, I already know what to do here. I'm heading that way and I'm getting on that lifeboat.

BOLDUAN: Because now you said it's -- the race against the clock can't be -


BOLDUAN: Cannot be overstated.

COURTLEY: Absolutely.

BOLDUAN: You think it's 12 hours left. Let's hope, hope, hope that they get better conditions and they can get those divers - those rescue divers in there.

COURTLEY: Absolutely.

BOLDUAN: Cade, thank you so much.

COURTLEY: It's my pleasure. Thanks.

BOLDUAN: It's great to see you. Thank you.


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: All right, Kate, thanks so much.

Time for the five things you need to know for your new day.

At number one, as we just mentioned with Kate, an arrest warrant has been issued now for the captain and two crew members in the ferry disaster in South Korea. Divers looking for the 268 people missing had to turn back because of rough conditions.

Malaysians are looking to put more equipment in the water in the search for Flight 370. An unmanned sub is already scanning the Indian Ocean for the fifth time, its fifth mission, but is has nothing yet to show.

The self-proclaimed separatist leader rejecting a deal to ease tensions in Ukraine, says he will not back down until Kiev's government does. Pentagon Spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby telling NEW DAY Russia must work to deescalate the tension.

At least 12 people are dead on Mount Everest after an avalanche struck a group of Sherpa guides working 20,000 feet up the mountain. It is the single deadliest accident in Mount Everest history.

Today is one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar, Good Friday. Today, Pope Francis will lead mass and walk the Stations of the Cross at Rome's coliseum.

We always update those five things to know, so be sure to go to for the very latest.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: All right, thank you, Mich.

We'll take a quick break here on NEW DAY. When we come back, we're going to go back under water with Martin Savidge, 50 feet in the murky deep. He's in a sub showing us how researchers might recover Flight 370's black box. There are some incredible tools and gadgets you're going to want to see.

BOLDUAN: And, one of the world's most famous political families getting ready to expand by one small little perfect little baby. Chelsea Clinton is expecting. More on her big announcement coming up.


PEREIRA: Welcome back.

Right now, an unmanned, under water sub, the Bluefin-21, is searching once again in the Indian Ocean for any sign of Flight 370. We know this is an immense challenge, pushing deep sea technology to its very limits. Here to walk us through what it is like is our correspondent, Martin Savidge. He is live from inside a submarine some 50 feet under water in British Columbia Canada. He's with salvage expert Phil Nuytten from Nuytco. We should note, this is just an illustration. The equipment they're used here is not being used in the search for Flight 370.

First of all, we went from seeing you in the simulator into this. I'm not sure who you spoke wrongly to, Martin. But in all seriousness, tell us about where you are. You are under water here, about 50 feet down?

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. Yes. It's a bit of the -- I felt it's been like getting out of the frying pan and then jumping into the fire when it came to the experience. But, yes, we're inside of what's known as the Aquarius, which is essentially -- would normally be a three-person kind of submersible, but is used for under water, up to about 1,000 feet and primarily looking at what pipelines and maintenance --

PHIL NUYTTEN, NUYTCO: Oh, (INAUDIBLE), maintenance, dams, bridges, docks, that sort of thing. A lot of scientific work also.

SAVIDGE: Yes. So it's - you know, it's - it is a carefully made and very specific piece of equipment. For our little experiment that we wanted to show for you today, you know, we've been talking about the black boxes, retrieving very important equipment that once the wreckage of the aircraft is found. But cutting is sometimes what you're going to have to do.


SAVIDGE: And clearing wires, cables, all that debris, one that can be hazardous not only for the crews as they try to work deeper into the wreck, but you need to move it out of the way anyway -


SAVIDGE: Just to get to say where the black box is. So, tell us the scenario we've sort of got here. We've got a cable out here.

NUYTTEN: OK. That cable is -- the manipulator has picked the cable up off the bottom and placed it into the guillotine cutter. And so what we'll going to demonstrate now is the guillotine cutter is going to cut the cable and then they --

SAVIDGE: And the guillotine cutter is the one that you can see that I guess is - if you look at this photo would be off to the right-hand side.

NUYTTEN: That's it (ph). And the manipulator on the left, of course.

SAVIDGE: OK. So - and for this we also need the expert help of our pilot, who is going to begin to manipulate and start pumping, which actually causes that guillotine, what, to close, right?

NUYTTEN: Yes, the guillotine cutter closes, just as you'd imagine a guillotine does. And then I'll just operate the manipulator to move the cable out of the way.

SAVIDGE: All right, Jeff, that's your cue, if you haven't started already. He's --



NUYTTEN: The HPU (ph) is on. The HPU is up.

JEFF: HPU is up (ph).


SAVIDGE: So that noise you hear is the cutter action, the hydraulics being driven to the cutter. Everything is done slowly and carefully. This is why when people say it's going to take a long time to do work under water at great depth, it's part of the reason why. Nothing is done in a hurry for reasons of both safety and just because of the depths and the way you're operating.

Now, you may not see this, but there is that - that guillotine should be closing, squeezing tighter and tighter against that cable.

PEREIRA: Yes. And, Martin -

SAVIDGE: And then once we get to what we -

PEREIRA: And I suppose there is no margin of error either is there because - if you -- one wrong step, one wrong slip, you can't really move something back quite easily and redo it.

SAVIDGE: Yes. And, you know, this really came up -- we were actually talking about this before you came to us about, if for any reason this -- what you cut or something else with wreckage suddenly fell on any part of this submersible, you'd be trapped. I mean you could be held down below. And that would be pretty serious stuff, wouldn't it, Phil? NUYTTEN: Sure would. Absolutely. And so you'd have rescue assets standing by, ROVs, that sort of stuff, that are manned. Or in the case of an ROV, a second ROV used to free the first one.

SAVIDGE: How are we doing, Jeff?

JEFF: Yes, we're getting there.

NUYTTEN: This is - now normally we're just -

SAVIDGE: (INAUDIBLE) manually done this.

NUYTTEN: That's (INAUDIBLE). We're doing this manually.

SAVIDGE: Yes, normally you'd have a pneumatic pump that would be doing it, right?

NUYTTEN: A hydraulic pump, yes.


PEREIRA: Martin, give us an - give us an idea, also, how long --

NUYTTEN: So we're just doing it to demonstrate using a hand hydraulic pump.

SAVIDGE: Go ahead, Michaela.


PEREIRA: How long would you stay down there in an operation like this?

SAVIDGE: Well, you know, crews could operate down at this depth for about 15 hours I suppose?

NUYTTEN: Well, with the time to get down and the time to get back, yes, it could be a total of anything from 10 to 15 hours. But it only would be probably something on the order of six -- five or six hours of actual bottom time, working time. The rest is transport.

SAVIDGE: Do you think we can give it a try?


SAVIDGE: See if we can force this to separate.

NUYTTEN: No, not done yet.

SAVIDGE: And it's still -

PEREIRA: How about that.

SAVIDGE: Yes. This is one of the reasons -

PEREIRA: Shows you how delicate it is. SAVIDGE: Yes, you pull - well, you can. And the difficulty here, Michaela, is that you've got one mechanical arm that's obviously going to try and rip it away. You've got another that's cutting. If you damage either one in the process, then you're shut down -

PEREIRA: Exactly.

SAVIDGE: And there's nothing you can do. It's, go back to the surface. So, you know, we're going to have to -- I know you've got a time limit on this, so we're going to - we're going to keep working on this. But again -

PEREIRA: Well, we'll ask you to keep working on it.

SAVIDGE: It just demonstrates - it just demonstrates that anything down here at depth is very, very slow as they try, you know, to make this work. And this is exactly the kind of work they're going to be up against here.

PEREIRA: And they're doing it in the tiniest cramped circumstances and environment you could imagine.

A big thanks to you there, Martin. Thank you to the team inside that submersible.

Kate and Chris, this is just extraordinary. It reminds me a little bit of, you know, when you see the folks working in outer space, how slowly and meticulously they have to work. These guys are deep down in the ocean.

BOLDUAN: This is how tedious the work is. But they gave you good reason why it has to be. Anything can go wrong down there and they could get trapped. And that's why it's so important.

Great job, Michaela. Thank you so much.

Let's turn now to this week's CNN Hero. They're called "motel kids", children one step away from homelessness. Their parents can't provide decent meals, but for nearly ten years, California Chef Bruno Serato has made it his mission to feed them free of charge. Anderson Cooper has his story.



ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: When Bruno Serato was honored as a CNN Hero in 2011 he was serving pasta to nearly 200 low income children a day in Anaheim California.

BRUNO SERATO, CNN HERO: The pasta is ready.

COOPER: Since being awarded, Bruno's program has grown significantly.

SERATO: Who likes more pasta? Now we are 1,000 kids a day, every single day, Monday through Friday. COOPER: Reaching kids in three more cities in Orange County.

SERATO: Each time I prepare a meal, I know I give security to a little kid and he has a full stomach before he goes to bed.

You like my pasta?


SERATO: Bravissimo.

COOPER: Bruno's group has also gone beyond food. He's helped move 55 homeless families out of motels and into their own apartments.

SERATO: You save their life completely. Change their life completely.

COOPER: With no plans to slow down, Bruno's meal program will be in its fifth city this summer.

SERATO: My goal is to be all over the nation. How can I stop? The day the children are not starving, I will stop.



BOLDUAN: Adorable.

PEREIRA: He is something else.

BOLDUAN: He sure is. You can nominate a hero yourself And you should.

CUOMO: Coming up on NEW DAY. We finally know something definitive about Hillary Clinton. She's going to be a grandmama. When asked what the baby should call her she said, "Madam President, of course." Just kidding.

The real story ahead.


BOLDUAN: A big announcement from one of the country's biggest political families. Chelsea Clinton is expecting her first child later this year. A secret revealed alongside her mother at a Clinton event here in New York. It could have big implications or not for the former Secretary of State.

Senior political correspondent Brianna Keilar has more.


Well, you know in October, Chelsea told "Glamour" magazine that she and her husband Marc Mezvinsky had decided 2014 was the year of the baby. While this wasn't completely unexpected, it sure caught a lot of folks by surprise.


KEILAR: Chelsea Clinton dropping a bombshell at a Clinton Foundation event in New York.

CHELSEA CLINTON, CLINTON FOUNDATION: Marc and I are very excited that we have our first child arriving later this year.

KEILAR: And so are Chelsea's parents. "My most exciting title yet, grandmother-to-be," tweeted Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton said "Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio, grandfather-to-be." But perhaps they should have said it's about time. After all they've been dropping hints for years now, just months after Chelsea and Marc Mezvinsky's 2010 wedding.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'd like to be a grandfather. I have nothing to do with that achievement but I would like --

KEILAR: This in January.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I really can't wait to be honest.

KEILAR: And just last month?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think you and the president will have another child, any more children?

H. CLINTON: No, but I wouldn't mind one of those grandchildren that I hear so much about.

KEILAR: As Chelsea gets ready for motherhood, political circles are buzzing about how this might affect a potential Hillary Clinton run for president in 2016. In September, CBS News' Charlie Rose asked the former president this.

CHARLIE ROSE, CBS ANCHOR: Do you think she'd rather be today, if she can do both, president or grandmother?

B. CLINTON: If you ask her, I think she'd say grandmother.

KEILAR: But many close to Hillary Clinton says it's not an either/or. And that having a grandchild just might make a legacy as the first female president that much more alluring.

H. CLINTON: One day I hope to take my grandchildren to visit Israel to see this country that I care so much about.

KEILAR: A trip that would be even more special if she's in the White House. But first things first, planning for baby's arrival this fall.

C. CLINTON: I just hope that I will be as good a mom to my child and hopefully children as my mom was to me.


KEILAR: The baby is expected this fall. No word on exactly when or if it's a boy or a girl. But either way, no more not-so-subtle hints from grandma and grandpa Clinton.

PEREIRA: Huge awe factor. Thank you Brianna.

BOLDUAN: One thing is certain, despite any political aspirations, having a kid around -- having a new baby around makes it all so much sweeter. My mother, soon-to-be grandmother.

CUOMO: You will know -- you will know soon little mama.

BOLDUAN: Soon enough.

PEREIRA: Soon enough.

CUOMO: Coming up on NEW DAY, we told you about how many kids there are who are getting their lunches denied for payment issues. Well, one man is answering the call of need, paying off not one account or a few accounts, but the entire school. We're going to show you how he did it. He earned "The Good Stuff".


CUOMO: Time for "The Good Stuff". Ryan Cox -- he's from Indianapolis already an example of "The Good Stuff". You know everyday he goes to Starbucks and pays for the person behind him. Good man. Now it gets better.


RYAN COX, PAYING OFF STUDENT LUNCH ACCOUNTS: Could I get a venti hot chocolate. And I'm going ahead and pay for the person behind me.

Another pay it forward done.


CUOMO: Isn't that nice but it's not enough, not for Ryan. He heard that many families at his local elementary school were having trouble keeping their kids' lunch accounts current. We told you about this.

So he goes to the school and asked to pay off account. But he also asked how much would it cost to take out the whole school? 1,200 bucks he's told. What makes this a double stuff? Ryan didn't cover it all by himself. He spread the word on social media. Within five days, random strangers had given $1,000. By the time they were through, the entire school covered.


LATIOUSHA SMITH, CAFETERIA SUPERVISOR: It means a lot to the children, and they have no idea that they're being blessed like this. Can I hug you?


PEREIRA: I love it.

CUOMO: The hug is free.

PEREIRA: Absolutely.

CUOMO: The lunch is $1,200. He didn't just spread the wealth. He spread the love. That's why, Ryan, you are "The Good Stuff". Thank you for doing that, my brother. And happy Easter to you.

A lot of news for you this morning. So we leave you in the capable hands of Miss Carol Costello and the "NEWSROOM". Happy Easter to you as well.

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. Happy Good Friday, Happy Easter. And I'll do my best. Have a great weekend.

"NEWSROOM" starts now.

Happening now in the "NEWSROOM", ferry disaster --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Divers in South Korea have finally made their way into the ship's hull.