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New Day

Elizabeth Warren in West Virginia; Holder, GOP Dismiss Impeachment; Rand Paul: Perry "Dead Wrong"; Movie Theater Shooting Suspect Free on Bail; Could Smell Test Detect Alzheimer's?

Aired July 14, 2014 - 07:30   ET


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: OK. Here you go. Check out this viral picture. The most disastrous wedding picture is being called -- this the Tyler Foster. Yes, seen jumping at a wedding in Jamaica. And, yes, he kicked the bridesmaid in the head. Yes, he also ripped his pants.


PEREIRA: He posted the photo on Reddit, where more than 6 million people and counting have viewed his act of grace. The Canadian judge gives him a nine.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Well, you have to give him something for just being able to jump like that.

BOLDUAN: The Russian judge gives him one. Bad form.

CUOMO: Strength and flexibility, straight tens.

PEREIRA: He had the whole beach. Kicked her in the head.


BOLDUAN: I mean, it is pretty unbelievable.

CUOMO: I'm still going with the jump. She looks fine. Is she OK? What do we know?

BOLDUAN: You do wonder if it was pre or post ceremony.

PEREIRA: I don't know that.

BOLDUAN: You just don't know.

PEREIRA: You mean, pre or post cocktails, is that what you're asking?

BOLDUAN: Definitely. When you do a ceremony and you want a beach, you have to do a lot of the pictures beforehand because you're dealing with sunset issues. I'm just saying.

PEREIRA: Hopefully she didn't have a black eye for the pictures. CUOMO: She looks like she was getting a hands up.

BOLDUAN: Well, she got an extra glass of champagne.

CUOMO: The ripping the pants, I blame fashion. Men's pants are getting tighter and tighter. A man needs room. A man needs space. Put a man in tight pants and suspenders, what do you think is going to happen? What is he, a circus clown?

Let's get to "Inside Politics" on NEW DAY with John King, a man who knows how pants should fit.

JOHN KING, CNN HOST, "INSIDE POLITICS": I was just thinking about the art of the segue way. Here is what you do, you pretend you heard none of that and say it's a very busy Monday and let's get inside politics. With me this morning to share their reporting and their insights, Margaret Talev of "Bloomberg News" and Todd Zwillich of WNYC's "The Take Away."

Let's start with this question I have, why Elizabeth Warren? Why does she have such fancy standing in the Democratic Party when she's from Massachusetts? You can argue she's more liberal than Barack Obama who is unpopular out in the campaign trail out there. Yet she was in Kentucky the other day campaigning for Alison Grimes.

Today, she will be in West Virginia. Michael Dukakis won actually West Virginia way back in the day, but John Kerry lost it, Al Gore lost it, Barack Obama lost it twice. Margaret, why does Elizabeth Warren have appeal to Democrats in red states?

MARGARET TALEV, "BLOOMBERG NEWS": You're saying why does she wear the pants.

KING: Ba-doop-boom.

TALEV: You know, this is in many ways a matter of fundraising and energizing the base. And I think as we get closer to November, she may not always be the person who you see turning out for the candidate. Right now she's a respected figure inside the Democratic Party. It is energizing to the base and it is sort of a test run for her, someone with fresh new ideas and you know, what can she do, how far can she go?

KING: Is it a test run for the Democratic Party post-Obama? Hillary Clinton is the heir apparent at the moment, but somebody will challenge her. Elizabeth Warren says it won't be here. Even Elizabeth Warren has said in the past said Hillary Clinton is a little too Wall Street, too establishment.

TODD ZWILLICH, "THE TAKEAWAY" WNYC: What Elizabeth Warren has is enormous populist appeal in the Democratic Party. She's stood up against the banks, a big proponent of refinancing student loans, in addition she is a woman candidate like Hillary. She can go into West Virginia against Mitch McConnell.

She's got enormous credibility and in states that aren't doing so well economically, that populist anti-Wall Street appeal cuts against a lot of Democrats including Hillary and someone like Elizabeth Warren has tons of credibility on the issue, gin up the base, but also fundraising is the most important.

KING: It's fascinating to watch. As we said last week when she was in Kentucky, she seems to like this. That's the part I'm learning about Elizabeth Warren. Will she continue to say no to 2016? I assume so.

ZWILLICH: Crowds go nuts for her. It's hard to turn down, you know.

KING: West Virginia, tough state for the Democrats this year. We'll watch this one play out. Let's move on to the question of impeachment. Some Republicans called for the president's impeachment, most recently during the border crisis. Among them formal vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who says the president should be impeached because of his mishandling of the border crisis.

Listen to Eric Holder, the highest ranking law enforcement official of the United States, he doesn't seem to think much of Sarah Palin's legal views.


ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.


KING: What makes this delicious from a political standpoint is the president's attorney general thinks the president should not be impeached, he's a Democrat and doesn't think much of Sarah Palin. What it forces when Sarah Palin comes out like this, now you have the conservative, Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee forced on national television to agree with Eric Holder.


REP. BOB GOODLATTE (R), VIRGINIA: We are not working on or drawing up articles of impeachment. The constitution is very clear as to what constitutes grounds for impeachment on the part of the president of the United States. He has not committed the kind of criminal acts that call for that.


KING: Most Republicans who still hold office, they understand Sarah Palin's role. She can be important to the base, but they don't like when she says impeach the president.

ZWILLICH: No, they don't. But the fundraisers on the Democratic side love it. John Boehner says this isn't about impeachment. He has a lawsuit brewing against Barack Obama, which in this context you can look at as a steam valve, hoping that will let off a lot of the steam for Republicans on the right.

Sarah Palin has made it clear her steam has not let off. Other leaders on the right, Erick Erickson over at "Red State" has called it a sham, but Democrats love the impeachment talk. It fits right into their characterization of Republicans as captive of the extreme right of their party.

That they have a stranglehold on John Boehner and Bob Goodlatte and Mitch McConnell. Impeachment is going nowhere. The House isn't going to do it. The Senate would never approve it. We know it's not going anywhere, but lots and lots of people want to believe this is the best you can do when you have Barack Obama --

KING: And so the Democrats raise money off of it and they think it helps them. They don't mind this debate either, the Democrats, because it continues to fissure the Republican Party. That part of the base might be small, Margaret, but it's loud.

TALEV: This is a freebie for the Democrats and also not what the sort of core of the Republican power structure in Congress wants because they don't want President Obama to be seen as someone who is being scapegoated or victimized. They want him to be the bad guy, the one who is messing up foreign policy and letting children across the border or whatever. This takes them off message for that narrative. It's not what they want.

KING: But you mention, foreign policy, one of the fascinating debates and divides in the Republican Party right now as we move through the 2014 midterms and toward the 2016 presidential campaign is the foreign policy debate within the party. A guy who gets hit a lot by the establishment is Rand Paul, the freshman senator from Kentucky, son of Ron Paul.

Rand Paul says I'm not my dad. He gets a little mad when people criticize him including a very personal op-ed piece in "Politico" this morning. Rand Paul firing back at Rick Perry, the Texas governor. He starts with a reference to Perry's new glasses. He says they haven't altered his perception of the world or allowed him to see it anymore clearly.

Then he goes on and says Rick Perry is mischaracterizing him when he says he doesn't care about Iraq. Rand Paul says I support continuing our assistance to the government of Iraq, which includes armaments and intelligence. I support using advanced technology to prevent ISIS from becoming a threat. I also want to stop sending U.S. aid and arms to Islamic rebels in Syria who are allied with ISIS something Perry doesn't even.

I would argue that if anything, my ideas for this crisis are both stronger and not rooted simply in bluster. Rand Paul doesn't mind getting back here, but his argument is that his foreign policy is a lot more nuanced than his dads and Republicans are essentially trying to push him in that corner.

TALEV: He's saying don't call me an isolationist. Rick Perry is really doing Rand Paul a favor by very early in this stage forcing him to figure out how to frame or reframe the way he's perceived in the party. Of course, John McCain is going to criticize Rand Paul as isolationist. What Perry is doing is forcing Paul to rebrand himself.

KING: It's interesting as it plays out. Rand Paul is rebranding himself. This is the one question Rand Paul has had private meetings with Republican establishment members. This is what dominates those discussions. Where are you on foreign policy?

But Rick Perry back in 2012 said it was a mistake to take troops out of Iraq. Listen to him now, he's changed, too, in part because I think he realizes Rand Paul may be more in tuned on the question of troops with the American people.


GOVERNOR RICK PERRY (R), TEXAS: The idea that I'm for opening up the gates and sending multiple numbers of American troops back into harm's way is a bit of a stretch.


KING: Bit of a shift there, too, from Governor Perry. He criticizes Rand Paul for not being muscular enough, my term, it seems he's backing away from the idea that you actually put more boots on the ground.

ZWILLICH: For Republicans, I think the shadow of the neocons looms over this entire debate. Rand Paul doesn't suffer from being underneath that shadow because he's got a totally different ideological attack when it comes to foreign policy. He's trying to assure Republicans and Republican-based voters that he's not isolationist Republican.

But at the same time, with Dick Cheney and his daughter going out on television to criticize the president, sort of bringing back in the public consciousness, what it was like under neocon foreign policy, extraordinary unpopular, the Iraq war extraordinarily unpopular. Rick Perry, John McCain and other Republicans sort of live under that shadow in the public's mind.

It's much easier for Rand Paul to articulate his policy. When Rick Perry talks about Iraq, he sort of has this shadow behind him. Rand Paul doesn't have.

KING: Fascinating debate. We'll watch it play out. This will take us right into the 2016 primaries as well. Todd and Margaret, thanks for coming in on a Monday. Back to you guys. The Cuomo in the middle there with the two interventionists surrounding him.

PEREIRA: Astute.

CUOMO: That is dead-on accurate is what that is.

BOLDUAN: I'd love to debate you. Agreed.

CUOMO: Truth hurts. KING: TV interventionists. It's not a foreign policy statement.

CUOMO: True as the need for comfortable pants. I brought it right back. Thought we got away.

BOLDUAN: Tight pants, thanks, John.

KING: I'm going for a swim.

CUOMO: A good segue to nothing!

BOLDUAN: Coming up next on NEW DAY, new developments in a fatal movie theatre shooting in Florida. The man accused of shooting and killing another man over text messaging is now free on bail. Find out how the victim's family is reacting to his release.


CUOMO: Welcome back. We have an update now to a story we've been following since January. The man charged with murdering a fellow movie goer just because he was texting is now out on bail. Curtis Reeves, he is the man accused of shooting Chad Oulson. Oulson's widow was there when it happened. She was shot through the hand by the same bullet that killed her husband. We'll hear from her attorney in a moment. We want you to take a look back and remember the story.


CUOMO (voice-over): This morning shooting suspect, Curtis Reeves Jr., is out of jail, back at his Florida home on bail. The 71-year-old faces a second degree murder charge.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And these charges are with firearms.

CUOMO: After shooting and killing 43-year-old Chad Oulson in January at this Wesley Chapel movie theater, a now notorious fight over texting. Witnesses say Reeves, a retired Tampa police captain, was irritated that Oulson was texting the babysitter watching his then 2- year-old daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The voices start going up and then, bang, he was shot.

CUOMO: The father and son say they watched in horror as Reeves allegedly killed Oulson with a 38-caliber handgun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said, man, I can't believe I got shot. Blood started coming out of his mouth. I just held him.

CUOMO: Part of the fight caught on surveillance camera. It was played at Reeves' February hearing and appears to show Reeves on the right in a fight with Oulson who is off camera. Oulson throws popcorn at Reeves. Then Reeves draws a gun. The judge initially denied bail in February. On Friday evening he reversed his position, adopting the appeals court ruling saying in part the record suggests no special circumstances that would justify a decision to deny pretrial release. With his client out on $150,000 bond, Reeves' defense attorney maintains his client acted in self-defense.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At the end of a long journey we're here, he's free. He is where he should be.


CUOMO: The merits of the case are going to take second to humanity especially today. Let's bring in T.J. Grimaldi, the attorney for Nicole Oulson, of course, the widow of the victim, Chad Oulson. As I said, the law fairly clear. We'll get to that in a second. First, what does this mean to your client, that the man who killed her husband -- the bullet went through her hand as well, he's now free? How is she taking it?

T.J. GRIMALDI, ATTORNEY FOR NICOLE OULSON, WIDOW OF SHOOTING VICTIM, CHAD OULSON: She's absolutely devastated, Chris. It's beyond explanation, to be honest with you. She went from having to deal with this, realizing she's a single mother, having to do everything that the husband helped out with, the loving father helped out with, put her daughter to bed. It would have been one thing if it happened all at once, meaning went from the charges to letting out. Because she's had the relief of knowing that he's behind bars, it's been more than difficult.

CUOMO: Now, difficult task for you in explaining this to your client is, can you really be surprised by this ruling? We're all aware, the criteria for denying bail is pretty limited. It was actually a little surprising, other than continuing threat, that they held this man in the first place. No?

GRIMALDI: I completely agree with what you said. It's -- legally it's one thing. It's not completely surprising he could get out, the burden to keep someone behind bars without bail is high, especially given the fact that he's older. He's been in the community for so long.

But from a personal standpoint, knowing her family was ripped apart and that her daughter cannot see her husband anymore for absolutely nothing that he did or nothing that he could have done in the sense that this man escalated it for no reason is why it's so difficult to understand and comprehend, especially for her at this point.

CUOMO: Maybe as counsel, you give some solace by suggesting that you don't want this man to experience anything unfair in the process because it may prejudice the rest of the proceedings going forward. Obviously you want it to be the straightest prosecution you can get. What do you make as a lawyer of the defense theory here that there was self-defense involved?

GRIMALDI: Well, that dreaded word or those dreaded phrase of stand your ground is always looming in the background.

CUOMO: They said no at the hearing that they weren't going to bring it. It could be a ploy. What do you think? Stand your ground?

GRIMALDI: I think they're trying to stay away from the phrase but at the same time I think they have nothing else. They keep suggesting defense, self-defense, self-defense, without saying the three dreaded words. I think that's what it is. Other than him being in fear of supposedly popcorn, I can't imagine what they could possibly be suggesting otherwise to get him off of this charge.

CUOMO: Even the video we've seen clips of, obviously they'll have more when they try to produce at trial, after the popcorn is thrown, is there anything that transpires that I don't know about that suggests a continued force by the victim?

GRIMALDI: No. You've seen the video. Everyone has seen the video. In fact, there is a delay in time between when the popcorn hits him and when Reeves decides to shoot him. In my opinion, that says he thought about it and then he decided to pull the gun. If you want to talk about facts, it's come out during witness testimony that his wife specifically said -- I'm going to paraphrase the quote -- there was no reason to shoot that man. That came out of his own wife's mouth.

CUOMO: The 71 years old, police captain, SWAT team official. These are high qualifications for someone who should know when to use a firearm. How do you think it plays into the defense?

GRIMALDI: I think it hurts the defense tremendously. If there's anyone out there that should be able to understand when a situation needs to be escalated, versus when a situation needs to be deescalated, it's an individual with his training. He was SWAT team as you indicated, also in charge of an entire security I can't begin to understand how that's going to help him out.

CUOMO: I'm going to let you go, T.J, thank you very much for the perspective. Another development, the transcripts from jail, the suspect being very clear, he believes he'll be acquitted, just as clear, your client says no plea deal is acceptable here. You want to see justice carried out. We'll continue covering this story accordingly. Please send sympathies home. Thank you for joining us.

GRIMALDI: Will do, thanks for having me.

CUOMO: All right, Kate.

BOLDUAN: Coming up next on NEW DAY, a medical breakthrough, how well you smell, the key detection of Alzheimer's. Very interesting. We'll break down the research for you ahead.


PEREIRA: Back with us on NEW DAY. A new test for Alzheimer disease could be on the horizon. New studies suggest one day doctors could detect Alzheimer's early using a smell test or eye exam. Senior medical correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, is here with more. Good morning. We know that memories and smells can trigger memories, how is it being used, smell that, rather, how is it being used to test for Alzheimers?

ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Michaela. This is really fascinating. It turns out smell and memory are controlled from the same area of the brain. So researchers said, gee, I wonder if maybe smell problems show up first. So they took healthy volunteers, and they tested their sense of smell and the folks who had trouble distinguishing different smells, well, they were much more likely to get Alzheimer's later in life. So the smell or lack thereof, the lack of the ability to smell really did a great job at predicting who would get Alzheimer's.

PEREIRA: Interesting indicator. How about the eye test? What can the eye testing show us?

COHEN: It's interesting. With Alzheimer's in the brain, you get plaques and tangles, you can see them when you do an autopsy on someone. When they looked in the eye, they saw some of the same plaques and tangles. So, again, able to predict not 100 percent, but with a great deal of accuracy who would get Alzheimer's based on what their eyes looked like.

PEREIRA: We know the tests exist. What is the possibility of them being incorporated into testing when we go into a doctor's office? How soon will it be?

COHEN: I think it is going to be years, but I do think that it is very possible that one of these tests will be available from your doctor, also a blood test for Alzheimer's that they're doing research on. It is -- the big question will be do you want it? I think the technology is there. It will happen. Do you want to know when you're, let's say, 45, that you're -- you have a high risk of getting Alzheimer's when you're --

PEREIRA: Another moral dilemma for us to think about. Maybe in my 70s I might want to know. Not in my 40s. Elizabeth Cohen, really interesting developments for us. Thank you for joining us -- Chris.

CUOMO: One more reason that you don't want to get old. Right?

BOLDUAN: That's true.

CUOMO: This is the world you're coming into, little one.

BOLDUAN: Coming up on NEW DAY, imagine waking up to the sound of a rocket blast. That's the reality of people in Gaza. Where can they go? Wolf Blitzer is in the battle zone. He'll be joining us.

BOLDUAN: Plus how low will temperatures go. What you need to know if the summer chill is headed your way.