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New Day

Authorities Unable to Connect Recovered Flaperon to MH370; Outsiders Trump, Carson Leading Iowa Polls; Scott Walker Wants Two Walls; Sanders on Gun Control; EU Leaders to Meet on Migrant Crisis; Controversy at the VMAs. Aired 7:30-8a ET

Aired August 31, 2015 - 07:30   ET


[07:30:00] MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Here is what we are being told. Sources indicate that for whatever reason, that number is not there, either it wasn't there to begin with or somehow fell off or the piece was torn off. Then, they found inside there were other parts, parts that were made by a subcontractor for Boeing. They hoped those numbers could be traced. They went to the French authorities.

Part of the problem was August is a big holiday month. A lot of people with that information were on vacation. Now we are told bay source last week, an engineer from that company got back to French investigators. The news, Alisyn, the records are not good. They are able to trace it back to MH370.

In other words, the parts inside and the flaperon, they have not been able to make a solid connection. The French believe it came from MH370 but they are not 100 percent. They are not there yet and may never be, John.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Wow, that is interesting at this stage. Martin Savidge, in Paris for us, thank you so much.

Shifting gears, here Vladimir Putin wants to pump you up. I didn't really nail that, did I? Russia's news agency, they released video and still images showing the president and prime minister working out together while on holiday in Sochi because that's what they do, Russian leaders. They are lifting weights and sitting down for that lovely breakfast. The two men sharing what looks like -- I don't know, Jell-O. Putin as you know, spent a long time with his strong man image. He's often shirtless.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: That's tight sweat pants on men. Must be a cultural difference.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Notice how the show takes a different flavor when he's here? Continuing in that vein, I want to get to John King to make sense with Inside Politics. There's rhetoric from Mr. Berman, but what is the business between the border of the U.S. and Canada? Please help me understand this?

JOHN KING, CNN HOST, "INSIDE POLITICS": I will get to it in a moment, but Scott Walker wants and expects the Canadians to pay for it. We are going to move from the humor to substance as we go Inside Politics this morning.

With me to share the reporting and their insights, Jackie Kucinich of the Daily Beast, Matt Viser from the Boston Globe. Let's start with the horse race numbers in Iowa. In the spring, the conversation was Trump is a vehicle for discontent, it won't last, it will fizzle out. Let's think again.

The Iowa poll, Donald Trump, 23 percent, Dr. Ben Carson, 18 percent, Scott Walker 8 percent, Ted Cruz at eight, Bush at six, ouch, Rubio at six. Trump is for real. He's going to school with us. He's going to be here in the next year when people start to vote. Here is the biggest turn around.

He says things that many say look, that's going to hurt him. He's insulting Mexican immigrants, he is insulting John McCain, he is insulting Asians he is insulting just about, anybody who doesn't say he's great. His favoribility rating 61 percent of Caucus goers view him as favoribility. 27 percent in May. The more he is out there, the more they like.

JACKI KUCINICH, THE DAILY BEAST: He is tapping into that anti- Washington anti-establishment, people who don't like political correctness. That's something he likes to say. It's real. When I was at the Iowa state fair last month or earlier this month, there were droves of people following him. Don't know if it was celebrity or real. These look like first time Caucus goers are giving him a serious look.

KING: A lot of these people would be first time Caucus goers. Is he going to do the nuts and bolts, get the phone numbers and e-mails to get them to show up?

MATT VISER, THE BOSTON GLOBE: He's starting to. He's gotten Rick Perry's guy out there. There is evidence that he's starting to build that. The favoribility number, I thought, was hugely interesting because of the shift. We saw him at the top of the polls. People didn't like it. It was favorable. Now, people are getting to know him and starting to like him.

KING: It will be an interesting test. It will be presidential campaign eight for me. Never has a leading Republican, in this case, the leading Republican for president say a central tent of my economic plan will be raising taxes. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I want the hedge fund guys to pay more taxes. I know them. They are supporting Jeb Bush and Hillary. I want them to pay. They make a lot of money and a lot of it is luck. They pick a stock and all of a sudden, they make money. I want them to pay more taxes.


[07:35:00] KING: In 17 seconds, he said he wants the hedge fund guys to pay more taxes three times. That is to raise taxes. However, for a guy courting down scale voters, tea party voters who think the banks and rich guys get all the breaks, smart?

KUCINICH: We can add this to the list of things Donald Trump promised that he wouldn't be able to deliver on. You can't put into legislation just the hedge fund guys. There needs to be more substance there. Substance doesn't matter right now. For all intents and purposes, this is going to attract people.

KING: If you are for the chamber of commerce or the groups that say you have to sign a pledge, don't raise taxes, do they take their torpedoes? Can you take out Trump with a political ad?

VISER: This is like immigration, spinning everything on its head in terms of traditional political orthodoxy. It puts shutters through the club for growth and the establishment republican party.

KING: The Trump effect, we see everywhere. He baited Jeb Bush into anchor babies. Scott Walker, the guy who lost the most in Iowa, Bush was never huge in Iowa. Walker was. When you ask candidates about immigration, Chris Christie says bring in the FedEx people. When Donald Trump talks of building a wall against the southern border, Walker says what about the northern border.


GOV. SCOTT WALKER (R-WI), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: They raise concerns including law enforcement folks that brought it up. It is a legitimate issue to look at.


KUCINICH: I mean Trump is going to build a wall, I'm going to build two. It's trying to one-up Trump. It's a longer border. Take it how it sounds. It's silly. Fiscally, that is a tough call. This shows that, again, Walker's grass root policy is not it.

VISER: It shows the Trump effect on this whole thing. It's 5,500 miles to build that border. Trump's rhetoric hardened the discussion. You have to propose stuff like that to get attention.

KING: Going to build two walls. I got it. Move on to the democrats. A fascinating race there. We have seen the polling that Sanders is in the lead or competitive in New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton had Iowa. She's been leading. Look at this one, she's leading. She's under 50 for the first time in the Iowa poll. Hillary Clinton at 37 percent and Sanders at 30 percent. It's 2008 all over again. I don't know if it's fair or unfair again if you read that. Yikes.

KUCINICH: Yes. You have to be. You have to be worried about this. I think they -- I wouldn't be surprised if you see them go after Bernie Sanders, trying to deflate that. He's gaining on her there in New Hampshire and other places. This is a bad dream for them. They don't want to see this.

KING: Does she need to attack him? You heard Paul on the air saying she needs to out debate him. He tapped the cord different. Like Trump, people need something different. They don't want politics as usual. He talked about the middle class issues, free college. Is he winning on the policy or something else?

VISER: I think it's the energy, the unscriptedness that people are attracted to Trump and Sanders for that. Clinton has a huge challenge to overcome that. It's not in her nature. You need to excite the base on issues and the substance of what she's talking about.

KING: An interesting issue on Sanders. On most issues he is to the left. He's from Vermont, a rural state. Tough respect people in rural communities. Listen to him here. Yesterday on "STATE OF THE UNION" saying, you know, people want to criticize me, but they should look nor closely.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I do not accept the fact that I have been weak on this issue. In fact, I have been strong on this issue. In fact, coming from a rural state, which has almost no gun control, I think I can get beyond the noise and all of these arguments of people shouting at each other and come up with real, constructive gun control legislation, which most significantly gets guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.


KING: Does he have a point? As a supporter of gun rights, does he have more credibility to start this conversation than someone who is far left or far right on the issue in.

KUCINICH: This is where Hillary is to the left of Sanders and opens up an attack.

KING: We'll see how that plays out as well. Alisyn, interesting races on both sides. I think the thing we watch is Carson, Bush and Walker sliding. We are 17 days away from the great debate.

[07:40:00] CAMEROTA: That's right. Glad we are bringing that up. A great one. September 16th. Set your dials now. Thanks John, see you tomorrow.

There's panic in European country this morning as they respond. Hungary is putting up a fence to keep migrants out. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will be here on that and the Iran deal.


CAMEROTA: This morning, European officials holding an emergency summit to discuss their response to hundreds of thousands of migrants pouring into European countries. Let's go to CNN International Correspondent Arwa Damon live from Budapest. Arwa?

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Alisyn. Europe has not seen these kinds of numbers flocking the borders since World War II. Many of them finding themselves living in sheer grime and desperation as they try to make the treacherous journey. [07:45:00] Europe's migrant and refugee crisis spiraling dangerously

out of control. Tens of thousands of the most desperate trying to escape war, persecution and death in their own countries. Caught in the cross hairs. Germany, France and Britain calling for a meeting to grapple with the escalating crisis of quote, unprecedented proportions. The goal to establish welcome centers in Greece and Italy to house and screen thousands fleeing war ravages countries like Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.

A record number of over 100,000 migrants from Africa flooding the EUs borders. Deaths mount. Nearly 200 drowning and dozens of others missing off the coast of Libya after two boats capsize while attempting to make the journey across the Mediterranean to Europe's shores. The same day, a grisly discovery. 71 dead migrants and refugees found inside an abandoned truck on a highway in Austria. Those inside, including three young children died of suffocation.

The flood of humanity making the treacherous journey to Europe in pursuit of a better life once they managed to cross the border. Gut wrenching scenes like this one from inside a Hungary train station where hundreds are stuck in a state of limbo in Budapest. Hoping that the road ahead will be better than the one they left behind.

Michaela, those who can prove they are from Iraq or Syria are finally, today, being allowed to board trains on ward to Austria and Germany. Something they are scrambling to do at this stage, afraid that the opportunity will go away if they take too long. That is providing little respite for other nationalities who continue to be stuck here in these wretched conditions.

PEREIRA: All right, Arwa. Terrible situation there. We are watching the plight of those people. Video music a feud and even a flash, all part of the video music awards last night. We are going to discuss the highlights ahead.


PEREIRA: Miley Cyrus fulfilling her promise of a raw show shocking audience and host on last night's VMA. Public feuds playing out in front of the cameras. In case you want to miss it, you want to relive the drama with us. We have the media correspondent, Brian Stelter here with the highlights. We knew it wouldn't be one of the things you could turn away from. MTV knew what they were getting into.

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: That's right. It was like fashion week with the different outfits. Chaos is what they want to bring to the VMA. Miley Cyrus did that. At one point even flashing the chaos.

CAMEROTA: You mean that? That was accidental they had to know.

STELTER: Is it fake or real in everything you see at the VMA was it staged for the audience or is it not? It's not getting outrage from Janet Jackson from 10 years ago because it's on cable and because Miley Cyrus seems to want to shock the audience.

PEREIRA: Right. Except for the fact this happened. Take a listen to the feud that played out.


NICKI MINAJ, RAPPER/MUSICIAN: That had a lot to say about me the other day in the press. Miley, what's good?

MILEY CYRUS, SINGER: We're all in the industry, we do interviews, and we know how they manipulate (inaudible). Nicki, congratulations.


PEREIRA: Nicki Minaj nailed the shade category. What is that about? It's a feud they had from, stemming from what?

STELTER: It seems like an New York Times interview she was talking about Nicki Minaj saying if you have a problem with the nominations you should take it up in a private way not a public way. It seemed like a new beef, to use the "In" term now. Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj ended their debate. They were ending one fight and starting another one.

PEREIRA: Lots to talk about. Keeps things bubbling in the world of pop culture. Did I say pop cultural and controversy, oh wait. Kanye West. Apparently putting his name in for 20 presidential bid?

STELTER: Absolutely. Getting the biggest award of the night. Giving a rambling speech. Even wondering why we have award shows and announcing Kanye West running 20. I have a feeling some people will take this a little too seriously, I bet some company will poll to see if anyone will vote for Kanye West. is started.

PEREIRA: Does he have your vote? Go to twitter and give us your take. Post your comments on Facebook, also.

CAMEROTA: So much fun to feel that craziness.

A different kind of craziness might. Iowa might be feeling the Bern. Bernie Sanders closing in on Hillary Clinton. What is going on in the republican side? We have it coming up for you.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The a dramatic reversal in Donald Trump's favorability numbers.

TRUMP: I'm leading in every poll by a lot. We're leading in every state by a lot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bernie Sanders cutting Hillary Clinton's once demanding lead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hillary Clinton lost a third of her support.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's struggling. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can't waltz in and win a democratic primary.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Unprovoked execution-style killing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been in law enforcement 45 years. I don't recall another incident this cold-blooded and cowardly.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Black lives matter, I put them on the same line of the Klux Klan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Spiraling dangerously out of control. The flood of humanity making the treacherous journey hoping the road ahead will be better than the one they left behind.


ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota and Michaela Pereira.

PEREIRA: Good morning to you and welcome back to your "New Day." It is Monday, the final day of August. Who can believe. 8:00 in the east. Chris Cuomo is off. John Berman joins us today.

A critical new voting state a new Iowa poll shows anti-establishment passion intensifying on the republican side. Dr. Ben Carson gaining on frontrunner Donald Trump.

CAMEROTA: Wait, there's more. Dramatic reversal on Donald Trump's favorability numbers. And Bernie Sanders now within striking distant of Hillary Clinton. So let's begin our coverage with CNN's Athena Jones live in Washington on let's start with the GOP field, Athena.