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New Day

CNN Money Now; Trump Not Leaving Race; TBS Nationals League Postseason Preview. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired October 06, 2015 - 08:30   ET


[08:30:00] MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: What is up with is beef with Rubio? We're going to bring in our experts ahead.


PEREIRA: All right, here we go with the five things to know for your new day.

At number one, the focus of the search now for the missing containership El Faro shifting to find survivors. We're showing you some video of the Coast Guard taking off for the search this morning. The NTSB is now investigating what exactly went wrong. The ship's owners say El Faro suffered mechanical failure as it tried to avoid Hurricane Joaquim.

At least nine dams have breeches in South Carolina, several more are being monitored. The historic flooding has taken 13 lives.

U.S. officials say Russian ground troops and heavy weapons are on the move in Syria. It's believed they're being positioned to support a land offensive against rebels opposed to Syrian President Assad. This amid reports that Russian air strikes hit ISIS targets near the ancient city of Palmyra.

New details emerging now in the deadly Doctors Without Borders hospital bombing in Kunduz, Afghanistan. The commander of U.S. forces there now says Afghan forces called for Americans to carry out the strike because they were under Taliban fire.

[08:35:00] President Obama will head to Oregon Friday to meet with survivors and families of victims from the deadly college massacre. Nine people were killed, nine others injured in last week's shooting.

You can always get more on the five things by visiting



Donald J. Trump made it very clear to us here on NEW DAY, he is going nowhere. Forget anything else that he's said about when he might get out or why. It's not going to happen. What he said in our interview and what it means for you as the voter, ahead.


I just got a little easier to navigate through the complicated mortgage process. New rules are now in effect to reduce how much paperwork is involved. Now lenders have to give homebuyers just two forms that clearly detail the terms of their loan amount, interest rate and closing costs, and that's going to make it easier to compare what offers that you get.

And it's official, all day breakfast starts today at McDonald's. It's part of an effort to boost sagging sales and profits. This happening at a time when franchises say the menu is already too full and will lead to longer wait times.

Don't go anywhere. We'll be back in a minute.


[08:40:07] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (voice-over): There's no weakness. I'm not going anywhere. I'm leading every poll and I'm going to - I'm going to win and I'm going to make our country great again. That's what I'm all - I'm not in this to have self-glorification. I've had plenty of that.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Well, that was Donald Trump talking to Chris and debunking any rumors of an exit from the 2016 race. So let's get reaction from our CNN political commentator Ana Navarro. Ana is a good friend of Marco Rubio and a Jeb Bush supporter. Also CNN political commentator and former White House political director for Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Lord. He is a Trump supporter.

Welcome to both of you.

So, Ana, the -


CAMEROTA: Good morning, Jeffrey. Great to see you.

So, rumors of Trump's demise are greatly exaggerated. He says he's not going anywhere. He's not just in this for fun.

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Oh, I don't think he's going anywhere for any time soon until his numbers start going down, if and when that happens. There's no reason for him to do that. He's been hiring state directors in some of the early states, including Florida. So I think he's even going to make a play for Florida, which some of the other candidates are saying, we're going to leave that to Jeb and Marco Rubio. You know, I think you're going to see Trump make a play there. So I think he's enjoying this. He has a great time with it. His

numbers are up. It's good for his brand. And I don't think there is enough self-glorification when it comes to Donald Trump. I don't think he's reached his limit yet.


LORD: He's enjoying this so much that he -

CUOMO: So, Jeffrey -

LORD: Alisyn, that he tweeted to Chris almost within microseconds of going off the air a Q poll that showed him at 25 percent.


LORD: So, you know, I think he really is enjoying this and he is definitely not going anywhere.

CAMEROTA: Jeff - Jeffrey, I'm glad -

CUOMO: I don't think he's enjoying that question though because he is crushing me on Twitter right now.

CAMEROTA: May I do some dramatic reading, please. He has gone off about the interview with Chris. He says - well, he's retweeting this one. "Trump shuts down Cuomo. I am not getting out. I am going to win. Cuomo tries sleazy tricks."

CUOMO: And that's from my mother.

CAMEROTA: "Epic fail. Unprofessional."

LORD: You know - you know, we -

NAVARRO: And that was from Andrew.

CUOMO: I know.

LORD: So now there is one thing that I think is really fascinating here, and that is how he has been able to use Twitter to great effect here throughout this campaign. I mean I really do think, you know, this is the future here for a lot of candidates, for all the candidates, but he really has become the pioneer over this and he's really good at it.

CUOMO: But, Jeffrey, here what I don't get, what happened? I asked him something that's based off what he said. I said it was unusual for a front runner to be questioned this way. He said, I'm not getting out. We talked about the contraction in the polls, which is fact, as you well know. For him to give an analysis of why it is -

LORD: Well, it was a little bit, but I mean it's nothing drastic.

CUOMO: Why - why does that make me unprofessional and terrible?

LORD: It's not down to Rand Paul levels, you know.

CUOMO: But why does that make me unprofessional and terrible?

LORD: Well, you know, I think he's - he likes to do his thing and I think he likes to yank your chain a little bit there, Chris. You yank his. I mean this is sort of the way this goes in presidential politics. There's nothing unusual about this. The only - as I say, the one new factor here is the Twitter feed, which he uses to great effect. But Ana is absolutely right, he is hiring all these people in these different states. He's doing well. Steve Base (ph), whom I know a bit, a colleague at Conservative Review and very big in radio there in Iowa said just yesterday, sort of a review -

NAVARRO: So the reason it makes-

LORD: That he's really got a ground operation in Iowa.


NAVARRO: The reason it makes you unprofessional -

LORD: So - so he's definitely not going anywhere.

CAMEROTA: OK, go ahead.

NAVARRO: The reason it makes you unprofessional and terrible, it's not you, it's him. It works for his narrative. Feeding this Donald Trump persona that we've all come to know from the show. Donald Trump, the billionaire jerk who says what he wants is what keeps him alive.


NAVARRO: This is a guy who's not spending any money on earned - on paid media. He's got to fabricate it through controversy.

CUOMO: He said in an interview that he doesn't like that he gets so much attention from the media, by the way.

NAVARRO: Well, you know - oh, I don't think that's true because he - you know, he - he's on it constantly. But if he says, you know, look, Chris Cuomo's a guy with great blue eyes and really big biceps, nobody's going to re-tweet that.

CAMEROTA: Yes, that's not what he's saying.


CAMEROTA: Here's what he's saying.

CUOMO: He's taking a different tact.

CAMEROTA: He's re-tweeting this. "Seriously, Cuomo hates Donald Trump. He was a pathetic interviewer, as usual."

CUOMO: "As usual," in caps.

CAMEROTA: Exclamation point.

CUOMO: Don't enjoy it so much, by the way.

LORD: (INAUDIBLE) guys, I've got to ask, you know, is he tweeting it or is he re-tweeting what someone else said. There is a difference.

CAMEROTA: He's re-tweeting it.

CUOMO: Well, what's the difference, Jeffrey. That's my point. No, it's not a difference. If I re-tweet something, you own what you're retweeting.

LORD: Oh, Chris.

CUOMO: I know people say retweet is not endorsement. Unless you undermine the premise of what you retreat, you're just owning it and putting it in someone else's month.

LORD: Oh, no, Chris.

CUOMO: Come on, you know what he's doing.

LORD: Wait a second, this is like - this is like -

NAVARRO: Well, here's the good news, he hates me as much as he hates you.

LORD: This is - this is like being on CNN or any other network and being responsible for absolutely everything the network airs. I mean that's just not so.

CAMEROTA: All right.

CUOMO: No, I don't think so. I think that if something happens on Don Lemon's show, I can say, go talk to crazy Don. Don't worry about crazy Cuomo. But if you -

[08:45:00] LORD: Well, yes, exactly. I mean why are you (INAUDIBLE) -

CUOMO: If I retweet something, I'm kind of giving some ownership of it.

LORD: I mean that's - that's the point.

CAMEROTA: All right. Are you ready to move on from this? I'm enjoying it a lot.

LORD: A lot.

CUOMO: This is going to last for days.

CAMEROTA: But are you ready to move on because we do have another story to cover.

NAVARRO: I really think we should get you to read the mean tweets -


NAVARRO: -- with a soundtrack and some rhythm and, you know, maybe in Italian.

CAMEROTA: Great idea.

LORD: Let's shake it up.

CAMEROTA: Great idea. Let's do that. Can we talk about --

CUOMO: I'm glad you are all enjoying this.

CAMEROTA: We're enjoying this a lot, but we do need to talk about what's going on with Joe Biden. There is a story this morning in Politico that suggests that it was Joe Biden himself who leaked the information about what his son Beau Biden wanted on his deathbed that his father wanted him - that he wanted his father to run for president. What do you make of this story, Ana?

NAVARRO: First, I'm not surprised because I know Joe Biden and when I read that story, I thought to myself, boy, this sounds like Joe Biden. This reads like Joe Biden. This is Joe Biden

CAMEROTA: So if he leaked it, that means that he wants to run, doesn't it? Can I extrapolate?

CUOMO: Or he thought that was poignant and something that was important for people to know.

NAVARRO: But you know, I also think that he leaked it, not only as a politician, which he is, but he also leaked it as a father in mourning. And I think in some ways it must have been cathartic for Joe who is a guy who emotes, who shares, who talks about his feelings and his pains to talk about those last conversations with Beau and what was on his mind. But absolutely, he's thinking about it and I think we're going hear very, very soon from him.

CUOMO: Final word, Jeffrey?

LORD: Well, you know, that's well said. I mean Joe Biden is a fabulous politician. But he's a normal guy. He suffered a serious tragedy here and I think these things may merge a bit and this is his way of getting things out in the open. This is what his son wanted him to do so he's saying it and I don't think there's anything undeliberate about it, or should there be.

NAVARRO: And I'm going on record and saying, run Joe run. I think he'd be a great candidate and I think he'd make it interesting.

CAMEROTA: Right. All right. Ana, Jeffrey, thanks so much. I've got to get back to reading a all the mean tweets.


CAMEROTA: Thanks so much.


CUOMO: Ha ha ha. They all love it.

PEREIRA: You're savoring it too much, Alisyn.

All right we're going talk baseball playoffs right after the break with two baseball greats: Cal Ripken Jr. and Ron Darling. What a treat. Stay with us.


[08:50:41] PEREIRA: The baseball playoffs are about to begin. This is such a treat. Here to give us a peek into the national league postseason are "MLB on TBS" analysts, the one and only Cal Ripken Jr. and Ron Darling. Cal, of course, plays 21 seasons for the Baltimore Orioles. Ron Darling pitched for the New York Mets.

I'm in like legendary status sitting beside the two of you. How are you doing?


PEREIRA: (INAUDIBLE) had to think about it.

RIPKEN: I'd much rather be playing than talking about it.

PEREIRA: I guess there is that, right? It's the greatest job on earth but you wish you were playing. I'm sure you feel the same way.

RON DARLING, MLB ON TBS ANALYST: Well you do. I mean, being broad broadcasters probably, if you're not a coach or a manager, the closest way you can get next to the game you love. You grew up loving it and now you get to watch it.

PEREIRA: We know the postseason is about to get underway. We should start talking about the playoffs and all of that. Not a lot is locked in but one thing we know for sure, the Cards. The Cards have had a great season. Your thoughts right there.

RIPKEN: The Cardinals are just an example of a great organization. No matter what seems to happen, when they have injuries they seem to fill that void with somebody from their system and we learn of a new player coming in. Mike Matheny is a relatively new manager, gaining experience all the time, but a very good one. Never had experience outside managing anywhere and all of sudden he's managing the Cardinals and doing a fantastic job. So they have to be considered the frontrunners. Best record in baseball.

PEREIRA: We know there's lots of speculation and prediction about who will get that wild card spot in the postseason between the Pirates and the Cubs. You have any thoughts on that?

RIPKEN: I think it's pretty much determined that they will both make the playoffs. The only thing that hasn't been determined is which one will host the game. So it's kind of interesting is those two teams have the best record in the national league and you would think that they would have an opportunity besides just a one-game sudden death playoff. But that is the way the wild card system is and I like it.

PEREIRA: The Cubs have a new pitcher, don't they? Jon Lester. What are your thoughts on this guy? Can you take him all the way to the --

DARLING: Well, what's ironic about the Cubs is they spend a lot of money on a left-hander, John Lester, who's been really good this year. But Jake Arrieta has been even better. They have a lot of pitching. The Cubs probably signed maybe the most important free agent last year, Joe Maddon, the manager, who has turned this Cubby franchise, which were -- I don't know -- they were in a state of flux of are we ever going to win this thing? Are we ever getting in the post season? And they are this year.

PEREIRA: All right. Ron, you are New York Mets royalty. What do you think it's going to take for your team to make it big this year?

DARLING: Well I think that they are going to have to get their pitching in line. They have - they are as deep (ph) with young pitching as any organization in all of baseball. They're going to have to decide if they are going to push those guys in October during the postseason. So they have a lot of parts that could produce a long run.

I mean, we were talking about the Kansas City Royals last year where, boy, I don't know if they have enough to make a run and they were in seventh game of the World Series. The Mets could be that team this year.

PEREIRA: I'm from out west. You have to indulge me. I have to ask about the Dodgers. They have got a fierce pitching duo in Clayton Kershaw and Zack Greinke. Do you think they have got what it takes this year?

DARLING: You know, it's interesting for the Dodgers, if Kershaw and Greinke are what Kershaw and Greinke have been all season long, it is going to be very hard to beat them in the national league. The problem is is that every time the Dodgers have gone against the Cardinals, Clayton Kershaw has struggled against the Cardinals. Give them credit. But if Kershaw and Greinke are Kershaw and Greinke during the playoffs, I think they make it through.

PEREIRA: I can't let this moment pass without talking about the passing, the recent passing of a legend on the field and off. Your thoughts on the great, the legend, Yogi Berra. The character he was.

RIPKEN: Yeah, when I think of Yogi, I just smile. That is the feeling that you get first. It is sad that we've lost him. But in many ways, you just feel all happy and you remember the times that you were with him and you remember the happiness that he brought to so many other people. He was a special man.

PEREIRA: He really was.

RIPKEN: Outside of being a really great baseball player, he was a special man.

PEREIRA: A special man who made a lifetime's work of baseball.

DARLING: He's a slice of Americana. That's what he is, which very few ball players reach that status. This guy might be like that too.

PEREIRA: I think I'm in the presence of some greatness. You guys, this has been kind of a treat for me to sit here and talk baseball with two of the game's best. Thanks so much for indulging just little ole me.

Be sure to start - catch the start of the national league playoffs Wednesday, October 7th right here - right here on TBS. I almost changed channels here. The exclusive TV home of the 2015 national league postseason.

[08:55:11] Chris, over to you.

CUOMO: All right, Mick. That was good stuff. And now we have some more coming up. Stick with us for "The Good Stuff."


CUOMO: "Good stuff" out of bad stuff. Happens all of the time. There was a water emergency in Flint, Michigan. Cash-strapped Flint recently changed the way that it gets its water in a bid to safe money. Well since then, led levels in the water and in the kids drinking have skyrocketed.


CUOMO: So Anthony Scales (ph) decided to do something about it. He and his friend, Officer Raymond Carr (ph), are collecting as much bottled water as they can and driving it themselves the 56 miles from Detroit to Flint several times a week.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't want any pat on the backs. I'm not doing anything special. I'm just doing what everyone should do in a case like this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We just can't sit back and wait on the government or any type bureaucracy to do something for us. We have do it for ourselves.


CUOMO: True. The men say If you'd like to help they don't just -- they don't need money. They just need more water.