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Trump vs. Clinton: Preview of General Election? Aired 8:30a ET

Aired April 29, 2016 - 08:30   ET



[08:30:20] MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: All right, here we go with one more lap around the five things to know.

In fighting in the GOP. Ted Cruz hitting back at former House Speaker John Boehner for being a self-proclaimed texting buddy with Donald Trump. That's after Boehner called Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh." Hillary Clinton returns to the trail with her focus now on the general election. Bernie Sanders' wife Jane says don't count him out. She predicts an epic comeback.

Sixteen service members are set to be formally disciplined for that deadly air strike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan. It's expected to cost one top general his job. Forty-two people were killed.

We are learning there's no evidence that Prince had a valid prescription for the painkillers found on him, and in his home after his death. Investigators are waiting for those toxicology results to shed more light on just how he died.

Well, the annual White House Correspondent's Dinner is tomorrow night. And you can see it right here on CNN. Of course, it will be President Obama's last laugh. Guess who's hosting? Comedy Central's Larry Willmore is the host.

For more on the five things, well, you know where it is,

Wow. OK, quick, can I do something?

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: I don't know. You're so happy. You're so elated.

PEREIRA: No, I'm not. I have parting gifts for the two of you. Open it, Chris, go. Show the people what it is.

And, Alisyn, this is yours gift.


PEREIRA: Open that.

CAMEROTA: She gave me a Cuomo survival kit.

PEREIRA: Open it up.

CAMEROTA: Look, everything that I need in here to be with Chris on my own.

PEREIRA: Why would I get you that? Huh? Why? Why did I get you a panda?


PEREIRA: Don't throw the panda.

CAMEROTA: Look at this.

PEREIRA: What is it for?

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: It's a Cuomo swatter (ph).

CAMEROTA: To swat at him? It's a - oh my gosh.

CUOMO: Let me tell you, that's a lot more gentle than when she hits me.

CAMEROTA: This is so fantastic.

PEREIRA: And this is yours.

CAMEROTA: A face shield.

PEREIRA: You're going to need these after I leave because there's not a lot - no, you know why, when he drinks that kombutcha (ph).


CUOMO: Free hugs.

PEREIRA: You're going to need them, brother.

CAMEROTA: Open in case of emergency.

CUOMO: What does it say?

CAMEROTA: Straight tequila.

CUOMO: Oh, that is the Cuomo pacifier.

CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh. Michaela earplugs.


CAMEROTA: She said, enough said.

CUOMO: Really?


CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh. PEREIRA: Yes. And look at the book.

CUOMO: Really?

CAMEROTA: Ah, Cuomo-isms of the dictionary.

PEREIRA: Strong.

CUOMO: Strong. Science.

CAMEROTA: What's the over under? What's the plus minus?


CUOMO: All right. Listen, this is not going to be a one way journey, I'll tell you that right now. Michaela is leaving, and for a really good, good reason. That's what everybody thinks, but me. When we come back, we're going to tell you exactly why, and on the topic of heroes, we've got a CNN Hero for you and introduce you to before we go to break. Soon after he was released from prison, now Sheldon Smith wants to turn his troubled past into a life lesson for all young dads in Chicago. Here's a little bit of his story.


SHELDON SMITH, CNN HERO: I grew up broke and I was hurt, but I was able to overcome all of those things.

What I want for these young men is for them to be involved and engaged in their children's life, to give their children what I've messed as a boy, which was a great father, someone who would be there for me and give me the advice that I need to be a successful young man today.



[08:37:27] CAMEROTA: The two party frontrunners, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, closing in on their party nominations. And Clinton taking on the GOP frontrunner, Trump, in a new ad.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Everything I said I'm going to do, folks, I do, OK, I do.

ON SCREEN TEXT: And here's what he's said he'll do as president.

TRUMP: I will build a great, great wall.

ON SCREEN TEXT: Establish "a deportation force."

TRUMP: We are going to have a deportation force.

ON SCREEN TEXT: Ban Muslims from entering the country.

TRUMP: A total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.

ON SCREEN TEXT: Kill the spouses and children of our enemies.

TRUMP: When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families.

ON SCREEN TEXT: Restore waterboarding, and "go further."

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR, "THE SITUATION ROOM": You say you would even go further than waterboarding? Is that right?

TRUMP: Absolutely.

ON SCREEN TEXT: These are his promises.

This would be his presidency.

Stand together to stop Donald Trump.


CAMEROTA: All right, joining us now to discuss this and so much more, former Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham. He's a member of the Hillary for Florida Leadership Council.

Senator Graham, thanks so much for being here.

BOB GRAHAM, (D), FORMER U.S. SENATOR: Good morning. Thank you, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: Let's talk about that new ad. She seems to be taking a different approach. A more humorous approach. There are sort of comical circus music underneath that. What do you think of that tact?

GRAHAM: Well, what she's doing strategically is starting to now focus on November, not on the next primary in May. I think it's a very effective ad, and I believe it is a - the forerunner of what will likely be a series of ads on the statements that Mr. Trump has made, which seem to be so far away from American values.

CAMEROTA: Donald Trump has also telegraphed his plans to go after Hillary Clinton on a number of things. Let me tell you some of the attacks that he's already made on her. He will go after her for Benghazi, for the Egyptian revolution and the aftermath of that, her handling of the Syrian crisis and getting rid of Gadhafi and the subsequent Libyan crisis, her State Department e-mails, her personal server. We didn't even include on this list the woman card, as well as he's mentioned that he will bring up - or not be afraid to bring up Bill Clinton's sexual history. How is Hillary Clinton going to tackle all of that?

GRAHAM: Well, she has tackled most of those things. You remember the 11 hours that she spent before a congressional committee explaining Benghazi. And when it was over, everybody seemed to feel as if all the facts that could be brought out had been. What discourages me is that at a time when America's got some very serious decisions to make about its future and its position in the world, that the political campaign could be spent in a mud bath of personal criticisms. That's not going to serve the American people, our democracy and the ability of a good decision to be made as to who will lead the free world.

[08:40:19] CAMEROTA: Senator Graham, I want to ask you about this op- ed that you've written for the "Tallahassee Democrat" about these mysterious missing 28 pages from the congressional 9/11 report. What do you want to see happen with these pages?

GRAHAM: What I want to see happen is the release of the 28 pages, but also the release of thousands of other documents that relate to 9/11, and particularly the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11. As an example, not far from where I'm sitting, there are 80,000 documents that the FBI has made available to a federal judge on the activities in the Sarasota, Florida, area. Initially, the FBI said they could not respond to a Freedom of Information Act request because they had no documents. It was only when the judge pressed them hard that they sheepishly brought forward 80,000, and those documents have still been unavailable to the general public.

CAMEROTA: So, senator, what do you think is so incendiary in these 28 pages that they've never, for the past 15 years, been able to be seen by the public?

GRAHAM: Well, that's going to be in the eyes of the beholder, but I think they will begin to indicate the relationship that existed between Saudi Arabia and at least some of the hijackers. And the fact that but for that relationship, 9/11 would not have happened.

CAMEROTA: And, you know, the people who don't want these pages released say that they could have unintended consequences, making our allies angry, you know, doing - just setting off a firestorm basically. What do you say to them?

GRAHAM: Well, one of - yes. Well, one of the groups that has asked for the papers to be released is Saudi Arabia itself. It says that it's been put under an unfair microscope, and they want to have all the materials out so there can be an open public discussion, which is exactly what all of the people who believe that the American government should be fair and honest with its own people by telling them, what has our government done in your name?

CAMEROTA: Yes. Senator Bob Graham, thanks so much for all of the information. Nice to talk to you.

GRAHAM: Great. Thanks, Alisyn.

CUOMO: All right, can't put it off any more.

CAMEROTA: Happy crying.

CUOMO: Enough politics. Let's talk about what matters now. Mic is leaving and we have a special good-bye to someone who is special by any definition. I promise you, you're going to want to see what's coming next. Stick around.

PEREIRA: What have you guys been up to? CAMEROTA: You'll see.

PEREIRA: You've been awfully mysterious.

CUOMO: Boy, do I take you down.

CAMEROTA: You'll see.

PEREIRA: Oh, no.


[08:46:39] CUOMO: There it is, the face you all know and love. Welcome back to our CNN viewers, and the viewers on our sister network, HLN. They're carrying this show this morning for a very special reason.

PEREIRA: They are (INAUDIBLE). Hi, family. That's cool.

CUOMO: By the way, HLN-ers, you're always welcome to come here.

PEREIRA: Absolutely.

CUOMO: But today is special. We are living a truly bittersweet moment. Michaela is heading to HLN, and back home to her family in L.A. to do her own morning show. That's such good news.

PEREIRA: Say it - say it again.

CUOMO: Mic - Mic is -

PEREIRA: That is such good news.

CUOMO: It is. It is.

CAMEROTA: For you.

CUOMO: Look, here's the complicated part. Mic is not just a colleague. And when family has a great opportunity, you want them to have it. You know that.

PEREIRA: Thank you. Thank you.

CUOMO: But when that opportunity comes at your expense, and the woman who lit the fire of compassion, hugs like no one else ever, and balanced intensity on set with unique temperance, every day you did that.

PEREIRA: Come on.

CUOMO: And that's gone. So it's not easy. Here is a look back at why Michaela Pereira matters so much to all of us.


PEREIRA: I am down here in the heart of it.

The 88th Annual Academy Awards.

We're getting a face full of wind right now. That's really what the big story is.

If you were to write an open letter to girls around the globe, what would you say to them?

CAMEROTA: Michaela, as everyone knows, has just an incredible human touch. She has - brings incredible warmth.

PEREIRA: I can't tell you what a delight it is to sit and speak with you today.

Oh, you brought us smiles for years.

Listen, I could talk to you all day.

CUOMO: She's a pro. Not everybody is. She really distinguishes herself on that level.

PEREIRA: Emotional vigils being held for the victims that were gunned down.

Counterterrorism officials zeroing in.

What kind of back room conversations are happening?

CAMEROTA: It's wonderful to have an ally. We both try to take on the behemoth in the middle of the set.

CUOMO: Road trip.

PEREIRA: OK. Not with you.

PEREIRA: Are you ready?

Turn your chair (ph).

CAMEROTA: It's just -

CUOMO: I think she's attractive. And I've asked her on several occasions -

CAMEROTA: He asks her every day.

CUOMO: She's denied it.

CAMEROTA: Every day.

CUOMO: About 700 straight days.

My royale (ph) ruby (ph) cologne. I knew it would get to you eventually.

PEREIRA: Oh, man. It does permeate.

It is - there's no seam. There's no zipper.

We'll just move you over there.

CAMEROTA: He's sad. He's sad and so am I. I mean it's a real loss. And I - we're - yes, of course, we're happy for her. It's very exciting. She gets her own show. It's going to be wonderful on Headline News, but we're going to feel the loss here.

PEREIRA: My adoption journey began when I was very young. I was three months old when I was adopted by Doug and Ainslie, mom and dad.

DOUG PEREIRA: CNN helped her do the trip to Jamaica, and looking at her roots, and that was exciting.

PEREIRA: Today, we're on the way to Cambridge. We believe that some of my ancestors come from this area of Cambridge.

D. PEREIRA: We've always encouraged all our kids to dig into their roots and to see where they came from.

PEREIRA: I remember saying that I would love to find some context for that other side of me that I don't know anything about. And this feels - if this is it, this is great.

CUOMO: She has such a unique collection of gifts because of this rich background that she has, from the assemblage of her family, the assemblage of herself. It is unique and it makes her what she is. There's only one Mic.

[08:50:04] And when people ask me about Michaela, I always tell them two things, you are a good person who does good things.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: I'm going to show off my - my limited edition t-shirt here. This is a one of a kind "At This Hour" t-shirt with Berman and Michaela, which exists only now in the vaults of the newseum. But whenever I wear this shirt, Michaela, you'll be close to my heart, or at least my torso.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Michaela, I cannot believe you will not have the office next to me anymore, but I will watch you faithfully on HLN. And I know we're going to remain tried and true friends, especially since you'll be in southern California and I would love to visit often.

CAMEROTA: Michaela, I am going to miss you terribly. You have become my soul sister on this show. I look forward to seeing you every morning. And so I just send you off with the warmest wishes for a very bright future.

CUOMO: Good-bye is only difficult when there's good reason for it to be difficult. And this is a really difficult good-bye. Me and you, Mic and Moe, that's always going to be solid. And I'll find you out there and I'll find you on HLN, and I'll always find you right here. I love you, Mic.

D. PEREIRA: This is a good career move for her. It's going to be a lot of fun. We'll enjoy watching her on her new challenge, and just know that she's going to give it her best shot. There's no question about that. So we love her lots, love her to bits, and just away she goes.


CUOMO: It's dusty in this damn set.

PEREIRA: Yes, they (INAUDIBLE). Crazy.

CUOMO: This is not about distance. This is about emotional separation. HLN's part of the family. Mic's going to still be with us.

CAMEROTA: Thank goodness you're staying part of the family.

CUOMO: That's the good news.




CUOMO: But emotionally -

CAMEROTA: That is - that is comforting.

CUOMO: You should take comfort also in the fact that you matter.

PEREIRA: Can I tell you that this was one of the hardest, biggest challenges ever in my personal life, in my professional life. I've told people, and I'll say it again, it was my Everest. And I felt at times I might be running out of oxygen, that I might be getting some altitude sickness, and it was this - this family that got me through those times because, you know, you move across the country. You embark on a new adventure. You know, this stuff is hard.

CAMEROTA: Of course. Of course.

PEREIRA: And to leave your support circle, all of those people that I know are probably up very early on the West Coast, they put me in a slingshot and slung me across the country hoping that somebody would be here to catch me when I landed.

CAMEROTA: And you did it. You accomplished it.

PEREIRA: And you caught me. you caught me.

CAMEROTA: You summited Everest. You did it. And now you move on to a really exciting new opportunity.

PEREIRA: It's going to be - it's going to be great.

CAMEROTA: And it is really comforting to know that we're all still on the same, you know, phone extensions and that we can -

PEREIRA: I know, right? And can I ask - can I say, I want to say this on air. Will you guys, on my first day on the show, will you come and say hi via satellite?


PEREIRA: Please.


PEREIRA: I know you will. He won't.


PEREIRA: He won't. He'll wear a bag on his head and protest. You'll be there.

CAMEROTA: Happily.

PEREIRA: Do you promise you'll do that?

CAMEROTA: Of course.

CUOMO: She'll take any TV time, believe me.

PEREIRA: That's so funny. The show launches at the end of June. We don't have the official launch date first (ph), but we're going to big - make a big blast about it.

CAMEROTA: I can't wait to see it.

PEREIRA: It's going to be so fun.

CUOMO: Is my name worked into the title anywhere of the new show?


CAMEROTA: Yes, sayonara, Cuomo.

PEREIRA: No. Oh, my goodness, that was so beautiful. Mommy and daddy -

CAMEROTA: Beautiful.

PEREIRA: You got mommy and daddy on - on the Facebook, from the Skype, from the FaceTime.


CUOMO: They're so proud of you.

PEREIRA: They are very proud.

CUOMO: They're so proud of you, and not because of the success on TV. What I loved in meeting her parents the first time is, I thought they were going to be like, hey, you know, this kid knows what she's doing on TV.


CUOMO: It was the least of their confidence and their pride. It wasn't about the brilliant broadcaster.

CAMEROTA: Oh, that she was (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: And you are a brilliant broadcaster.

PEREIRA: Oh, my word.

CUOMO: But it's who she is as a person. And you know what, that's why she's a brilliant broadcaster to begin with.

PEREIRA: This team, it's interesting because -

CUOMO: All right.

PEREIRA: The team's a bit of a mess and everybody's been like, what are we going to do. And I'm going to quote my man. My boyfriend always says, one monkey don't spoil no show. And it's true. Somebody else will come in here. You'll love them. Because, remember, you all didn't love me at first but you grew - you grew on me and I grew on you.

CAMEROTA: I don't believe that. But -

CUOMO: I didn't love you at first? I begged you to come on the show.

PEREIRA: That was you.

CUOMO: Oh, that's true. That's true.

PEREIRA: Thank you.

CAMEROTA: We want to thank Leslie and Matt for that great sendoff.

PEREIRA: That was beautiful, Matthew.

CUOMO: Leslie Tucker (ph), Matthew Raynard (ph), done beautifully, as always.

PEREIRA: Right, you kiddos.

CAMEROTA: OK, we do have a surprise.

CUOMO: All right, first - go ahead.

PEREIRA: What's the surprise?

CAMEROTA: We have another surprise.

I think that we should bring it in right now. Let's see what the surprise is -

PEREIRA: I'm a little afraid of this.

CAMEROTA: Because more people want to talk to you, Michaela.

CUOMO: Your contract's been canceled.

PEREIRA: Oh, see I knew that was (INAUDIBLE).

ROBIN MEADE, HLN ANCHOR: I look at it this way. Hi, I'm Robin Meade over at HLN. So you've been having Thanksgiving dinner with those cousins over there. All you're doing is changing house to come to your cousins at HLN to have Thanksgiving and every other meal here.

PEREIRA: Yes. Yes.

MEADE: So how soon can you get here?

PEREIRA: I can get there real fast. Now, am I bringing the mac and cheese or are you bring the mac and cheese. I just need to know. Oh, I love you.

[08:55:03] CAMEROTA: OK, we have another surprise for you.


CAMEROTA: OK, so that's the future.


CAMEROTA: That's ghost of the future. We have ghost of Christmas past, Thanksgiving past. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Chris and Alisyn, we know what it's like to have to say goodbye to Michaela, but she's coming home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are so exciting, Michaela, that you are coming back to L.A.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And, welcome back. It's about time. What took you so long. Come on.


PEREIRA: Hey, blondie.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michaela will be just down the street, so we will see you not only on television, but see you in person. We'll barge over there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We'll going to take you out to breakfast as soon as you get back.


PEREIRA: I know. That's right.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And, Sam, for the first time ever, says he's going to pay.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we're excited about that.




PEREIRA: I love you. That's my KTLA family. And he won't pay, by the way.

CAMEROTA: You don't think so.

PEREIRA: He'll forget his wallet at home. Yes, he will.

CAMEROTA: Luckily you have the videotape that says he will pay.

PEREIRA: I do. I do. All of America's seen it.

CAMEROTA: That is so great. Our staff is here to say good-bye. So is HLN's staff. Everybody is here to say good-bye to you.

CUOMO: And hello.

PEREIRA: Thank you.

CAMEROTA: And hello.

PEREIRA: I love you. I love you all. Oh, my goodness, this is the best thing ever. I cannot wait. Thank you for making the last three years a dream. To all of our crew and our producers, Jim Murphy, Jave (ph), you're the best. Hi, HLN. I'll see you guys on the other side.

CAMEROTA: That's so beautiful.

PEREIRA: That was beautiful, you guys. Thank you.

CAMEROTA: We'll miss you. We'll miss you.

PEREIRA: Thank you.

CAMEROTA: "NEWSROOM" with Carol Costello right after this break. Thanks for watching.