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New Day

Trump to Be Sworn in Today; Crowds Gather for Inauguration. Aired 6-6:30a ET

Aired January 20, 2017 - 06:00   ET



DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNTIED STATES: We're going to have four incredible years. It's going to be something special.

[05:58:45] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The truth is, one minute after 12, he is the president.

TRUMP: That was some big victory. I out-worked everybody. I think I out-worked anybody who ever ran for office.

GOV. MIKE PENCE (R-IN), VICE-PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: The job is to be ready on day one. The American people can be confident that we will be.

TRUMP: The cabinet members are doing really fantastic. I'm very, very proud of my picks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His inaugural address, it's going to be a very personal and sincere statement about his vision for the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The world watches this peaceful transition of power.

TRUMP: We're going to unify our country and Make America Great Again.



ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is NEW DAY. Chris and Alisyn are working their way through the very tight security to get here for you, because this is the big day.

It is January 20, 6 a.m. here in Washington. It is inauguration day in America. We are just hours away from history. Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, capping his improbable journey to the White House after an unprecedented campaign.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: so the pageantry on display today, it dates back 228 years to our nation's first president, George Washington. He was sworn in, in New York. Today it happens right behind us at that majestic Capitol, which is all lit up for us this morning. Each president since George Washington adding his own touch to the ceremonies that take place.

Today, some of the big questions facing Donald Trump are what will he say in his inaugural address? We understand he has crafted it largely on his own. And how will weather affect the ceremony?


BERMAN: There's rain in the forecast. We have it all covered for you this morning.

Want to begin with CNN's Sunlen Serfaty, behind us live on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

Good morning, Sunlen.


Yes, this is where that historic moment will happen, on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. And as you can see behind me this morning, they are still making a flurry of last-minute changes and preps to the stage where he will go on to take the oath of office.

Here, I have before me the official program and official invitation for the festivities today. As you can see, the presidential code of arms emblazoned in gold right there on the top.

When Trump is sworn in, he will have his hand placed on two Bibles. One which will be President Lincoln's Bible, also used by President Obama in 2009; and also a more personal Bible, one from his childhood, given to him when he was only 9 years old by his mother.

Then he will go on to make the most important political speech of his life, his inaugural address, one that he largely wrote himself. Aides say don't expect this to be an agenda-focused address. This is more of a personal speech. They say a sincere speech about what it means to be an American

And kicking off the festivities last night at the Lincoln Memorial Trump potentially gave a small hint on the tone he'll bring today.


TRUMP: We're going to unify our country, and our phrase -- you all know it, half of you are wearing the hat -- "Make America Great Again." But we're going to make America great for all of our people. Everybody.

He'll wake up this morning at the Blair House where he spent the night. He will then walk over to his family to St. John's Church and then will go to the White House to have tea with the Obamas before they come up here to the Capitol, certainly kicking off the festivities and the pageantry of the day -- John and Christine.

BERMAN: All right. Sunlen Serfaty for us on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

You know, we know that the president-elect is an early riser, so chances are that Donald Trump is already up and moving about this morning, this day, which will be the most significant of his entire life.

And as Sunlen noted, in just a few hours, after going to church, the president-elect will walk across the street to the White House, where the Trumps and the Obamas will have tea together. Then they get in the same car, the same Secret Service car, and travel to the U.S. Capitol together for the swearing in.

Let's go to CNN's Athena Jones, live for us right now with some of the details -- Athena.


This is what we've been talking about. This is what it's all about, the peaceful transfer of power. It's a hallmark of our democracy. That's something President Obama has frequently noted over the last several months.

Here is how his last half day as president is shaping up. As you mentioned, he'll host -- he and the first lady will host the Trumps and the Pences here at the White House for a tea reception. That takes place at around 9:30.

And then the Trumps and the Obamas head up to the Capitol together. They ride together. That's a tradition that dates back to 1837 with Martin Van Buren and Andrew Jackson.

After the inaugural ceremony, there will be a farewell event at Joint Base Andrews, and then the Obamas are jetting off to Palm Springs for that long-awaited and much-discussed vacation.

Now, in his farewell letter to the American people, the president called on Americans, regardless of party, to throw themselves into the work of citizenship. And he said, "When the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'we.' 'We the People,' 'We shall overcome.' Yes, we can."

So that's part of his final message. And I should mention that the president has done as promised, working up until the very last minute, running through the tape, as he likes to put it. Yesterday, he commuted the sentences of 330 people, many of them non-violent drug offenders. It was the most commutations ever in a single day. So some last-minute action for the outgoing president -- John, Christine.

BERMAN: You know, so interesting. President Obama will be former president by this afternoon when he's in Palm Springs. He could be on the golf course with no job within the next ten hours.

JONES: I think he'll be OK.

BERMAN: Athena Jones at the White House. Appreciate it. ROMANS: There's a lot going on before then, though, and you know, there are a lot of people from around the country who are coming here, making their way to Washington. They want to witness this moment. They want to witness this history. And many of them have been arriving, you know, in the wee hours to get a good spot for the inauguration festivities. Really, for several hours now, people have been gathering.

And we've got our Brian Todd out there live at Washington Metro Center. How are the crowds faring so far?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Very enthusiastic, Christine and John. We've talked to people from Texas, from Seattle, New Hampshire, New Jersey. You've got an elaborate horn being blown right here.

[06:05:14] These are -- this is Paula Grant and Jamie Patton from Tennessee.

Paula, you guys drove 8.5 hours from Tennessee, from southern Tennessee to get here. What drew you here for this?

PAULA GRANT, TRUMP SUPPORTER: We want to celebrate, Trump, his win and the new administration.

TODD: Jamie, what do you want to hear from the president when he speaks in about 6 hours?

JAMIE PATTON, TRUMP SUPPORTER: That we will stand be Israel.

Thanks for coming. Thanks for talking to us. Hopefully, they'll let these folks in. We're told they're going to let them in pretty soon at this hour.

And let me show you this guys. This is a big part of the security apparatus here. The restrictions on what you can and can't bring in here. Sorry, folks. We're just going to make our way through here.

Check out that sign. A lot of prohibited items. You cannot bring coolers in here. You can't bring selfie sticks in here. You can't bring placards, some umbrellas, long umbrellas. You can't come in there with long umbrellas. They will allow collapsible umbrellas, because the rain is supposed to start here in about an hour or two.

Some demonstrators have indicated that they may try to disrupt the flow of people coming in here, but so far we haven't seen any of that. We've seen just a lot of enthusiastic inaugural attendees. Look at this crowd here. I think at least a couple of hundred people have lined up here, and they've been lining up here for a couple of hours. You've got 2.5 miles of streets in Washington, D.C., closed down for this event.

But it's not stopping people here, certainly not taking away from the energy here. These people are all really happy to be here right now.

ROMANS: Do you see Chris Cuomo in there? I thought I saw Cuomo.

TODD: I heard he was close to here, but I haven't seen him.

BERMAN: Thanks so much, Brian Todd. Christine is talking about Chris and Alisyn, caught, I think, in the pre-inauguration security. They are on their way here right now. It's hard to move around. Sometimes on inauguration, the best way to get from one place to another is to walk, because the roads and the cars can't get places.

ROMANS: All right. Let's bring in our panel, our political economist Greg Valleur (ph). He's the chief strategist at Horizon Investments; CNN politics reporter Eugene Scott; CNN contributor Salena Zito, reporter for "The Washington Examiner" and "New York Post" columnist. And we're proud to have CNN presidential historian, and A former director of the Nixon presidential library.

Guys, this is about the day. It's awesome. And I mean awesome, not like a teenager awesome. This is the day -- the day that we're known for that the peaceful transition of power in this new country, when two men, one the outgoing president, the other incoming president in the same car. It's just remarkable.

TIM NAFTALI, CNN PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: Yes, it is remarkable, and it's what defines us, despite the passions of the election. We have a calm, peaceful transfer of power, and you know, we've had really difficult elections. The election between Roosevelt and Hoover was very bitter. Hoover didn't want his picture taken with Roosevelt. Hoover didn't even want to speak to Roosevelt on inauguration day. They had to have their picture taken. They had to sit together.

Truman and Eisenhower couldn't stand each other. They had to have a peaceful transition.

The system -- the Constitution matters more than anything else today. And today, as we watch one president leave and one president start, a new era begins. And Donald Trump has an opportunity to tell us what the tone will be. He has explained to us his tone before, but now he becomes President Trump. And will that matter? Will it change the way in which he communicates with us as people?

BERMAN: You know, Salena, Tim was telling us what it will it look like from the top today, from the incoming president, the outgoing president's perspective. What will it look like from the crowd? From back there, from the Washington Monument all the way to the steps of the Capitol? Who will those people be watching? What is this moment like for them?

SALENA ZITO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: This is an incredible moment for them. And as the report showed, people travel from all across the country to witness this, even people that didn't support Trump, I spoke to someone last night, they liken today like opening day. Right?

This is -- all the traditions, all the passion, all the excitement, you know, they were just soaking it up, and they didn't even vote for Trump. So I think you're just going to see a mix of the different kinds of people. And I think that you're going to see a lot of -- it's very meaningful. Especially if you voted for him. Especially if you thought this could never happen.

ROMANS: We're showing you on the screen the crowds. The view from the dais there to the crowds. Bill Clinton, George Bush, President Barack Obama. Today it might be a little cloudier, Eugene Scott. Maybe there could -- well, there won't be any umbrellas. We're told they're not allowed to bring umbrellas, because people have tickets in the seats, right?

BERMAN: Not those people sitting up surrounding the president. They don't get umbrellas. Or the people immediately below that big podium. They don't get umbrellas either. But when you get down to the Mall itself, that's where you can bring the handheld umbrellas.

ROMANS: Eugene, tell me a little bit about the moment, about the Bible, about the kind of -- the little -- well, big pieces of symbolism that will mark this day.

EUGENE SCOTT, CNN POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, there's quite a bit of symbolism expectedly for a day like today. What each president chooses to highlight is a lot about them. So we know that Donald Trump is going to use the Bible that was given to him by his mom after completing Sunday school in, I believe, 1955 at his Presbyterian Church.

And we remember in 2009, President Barack Obama was sworn in on a Bible that belonged to Martin Luther King Jr. And so that gave you some sense of where he wanted to take the presidency and the direction he wanted to move this country in but one thing that I find most interest as good that both of them will be sworn in on Lincoln's Bible. And so right now, we've obviously seen there's quite a bit of division in this country. And so I think they're hoping that, at least the Trump team is hoping, that this could show some sense of unity and where he would like to be.

ROMANS: And the vice president will use a Ronald Reagan Bible that has never been used before.

BERMAN: Ronald Reagan used it both times he was sworn in, as governor and as president but never used by anyone else. Mike Pence using that today.

Clarence Thomas will swear him in. Can we put that picture up again, that graphic that showed the three different images from the inauguration, from up there in the podium sort of as seen by the president as he delivers the inaugural address?

Because we've heard before from presidents after the inauguration what it's like. They walk out of the Capitol. It's like walking through the tunnel, like an athlete walking onto the field of the game. You walk through the tunnel, and that's what you see. That image is what you see before you. You see those people displayed on the steps of the Capitol and on the National Mall, but in a way, what you see is the enormity of the task ahead of you. And Greg Valleur (ph), at noon, Eastern Time today, Donald Trump will be president of the United States with all the responsibilities that come with that. GREG VALLEUR (ph): you know, just watching these clips and hearing

FDR, JFK, the enormity of this event so profound, also raises expectations. And that could be a blessing and a curse for Donald Trump. Expectations are probably going to be higher. So I think he has to move tonight, and I feel strongly that between the hours of 4 and 7, 4 and 8 before the balls start, he's going to kill some regulations. He's going to act on immigration. He's going to get tough on trade. I think he'll do these things almost immediately.

BERMAN: What about rhetorical expectations? You're talking about sort of governmental expectation. What he does. What about what he says? What do you think the expectations are for that?

VALLEUR (ph): He's got to bring the country together. I mean, his job approval rating has dropped in the last month. I'm not sure if it's really 7 or 38 or 40 but the direction is clear.

BERMAN: It's not 60 or 70 or 80, as they often are for presidents.

VALLEUR (ph): No, it's not. So he has to be mindful of that. And I think he has to appeal to a broad cross-section of the country, not just his very loyal base.

ROMANS: You playing all those clips, it's so interesting. You know, he says he's writing his own speech and it could be about 20 minutes. America first we think is going to be the theme, make America great again. But there's a lot of pressure to have really great lines. Like the great lines we've had here, that you've been hearing all morning.

BERMAN: We're going to talk about his priorities coming up. What will they be on this first day or days. Healthcare, ISIS, immigration, the economy. Might it be something else? Tweet us one word using hashtag "#newdayCNN." We're going to show you the results later in this show.

ROMANS: Up next President-elect Trump says he'll hit the ground running, but how many cabinet picks will actually be confirmed on day one? Our panel back to discuss.

But first a clip of President Lyndon Johnson, his 1965 inaugural address.


LYNDON B. JOHNSON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Our faith as a nation and our future as a people rest not upon one citizen but upon all citizens.



[06:17:56] BERMAN: Donald Trump just hours away now from being sworn in as president, but just two of his cabinet nominees are likely to be confirmed today. That is far short of the seven picks that Barack Obama got eight years ago. The seven picks that the Trump transition was hoping to get today.

So what do Democrats plan to do with the rest of the nominees, if they have their way? Let's bring back our panel: Greg Valleur, Eugene Scott, Salena Zito and Tim Naftali.

You know, Selena, it has been interesting to see. Chuck Schumer leading a Democratic minority in the Senate right now. In some ways, the Democrats more in the wilderness than they have been in a long, long time. And yet, they've been able to dictate a little bit more of this pace than I think people had anticipated going forward, raising more questions about some of Donald Trump's picks than perhaps we'd expected.

ZITO: Well, politically, they've really been on message. They've -- they've come out unified in their questioning and their -- and their framing of what the potential problems are with some of these picks. For someone in the minority, Chuck Schumer almost seems to be having a little bit too much fun out there. Every time he comes out for a press conference, he's kind of smiling. But he does have a job to get done. He does...

ROMANS: We have some sound. I want to play some sound, and then we can talk about that.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), MINORITY LEADER: If Republicans continue to stone wall and cover up the serious issues that many of these nominees are trying to avoid, they should be prepared to have those debates on the floor of the full Senate.


ROMANS: Having too much fun.

Yes. I mean, he keeps saying -- you know, making fun of not draining the swamp. You know, he has a little bit of a smile on his face, but he's also being serious. I mean, this is what the party that's in the wilderness sort of needs to do. They need to draw a line and say, "This is who we are. This is what we stand for. And we are going to put their feet to the fire and make sure that they do everything right." Having said that, they're probably all going to get through.

ROMANS: In these confirmation hearings here, you have seen the new guard, in some cases the old guard of the Democratic Party. You know, you've seen Elizabeth Warren. You've seen Bernie Sanders and some of these really coming out as sort of the progressive firebrand.

You know, yesterday, we had the treasury secretary. You know, people think that he did pretty well, Steve Mnuchin. But what are you seeing from these confirmation hearings? I mean, do you think that most are eventually going to get through?

SCOTT: I definitely think most are going to get through, but I think, to Salina's point, what the Democratic Party is trying to convince the American people, especially base supporters, is that they aren't dead. They lost this election, but they're looking toward 2018, even. Not just 2020.

And they're trying to determine what their mission will be. Will they embrace more progressivism? Will they rely on their establishment? But what they want to make clear is that the concerns that they had about Donald Trump administration have not ended, and they want to make it clear to the American people.


VALLEUR (ph): Lest we forget, on nominees, on tax reform and all the big issues, Trump has the votes. That's what really counts in this town, and he's got the votes.

ROMANS: Today, for the first time in ten years, you're going to have the president in both chambers of Congress will be the Republican Party.

BERMAN: And of course, we should note, Chuck Schumer will be there behind us on the steps of the Capitol. More than 50 Democrats won't. But the leadership will, and the apparatus of the U.S. government from both parties will.

This is the day, Tim, when they come together to witness this; and while are slowing down this confirmation process or, as you note, some of the way Donald Trump's transition team has selected these people or vetted these people, that's slowing it down.

Also today, it's not about that. It is about moving forward, at least for a few hours.

NAFTALI: Well, the world slows down a little bit today. Once President Trump starts, things are out of control. But for a few hours today, all eyes are on him; and he has a chance to clear his throat and lay a rhetorical path forward.

The leadership of Congress, Republican and Democrat, will be there. The Supreme Court will be there. Ambassadors will be there, and the world will be watching. And Americans are going to be watching. Not simply here but all over this great land.

This is a time for Donald Trump to set an agenda. He may not get this amount of attention and this amount of quiet for a while. Most presidencies, whether they like it or not, will have a crisis or two within the first 100 days. So this is his opportunity to set his course now.

ROMANS: And his tone and his voice, his presidential voice. We've heard the candidate. You know, we've heard the CEO. But this will be about his voice and the voice we hear from him today.

ZITO: It's a really important part of this. His tone is everything. Not only his words but how he conveys it. How -- what his body language is to the rest of us. You know, all of that is really, really important. It -- it sends a message to everyone that's there. Sends everyone a message at home and in foreign countries. BERMAN: You're talking about his tone, and Salena, you've spoken

about his body language. You know, Tim, I'm curious about everyone else who's up there. Specifically, the outgoing president -- the outgoing president will be watching President Obama and the first lady. We'll be watching former president Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton also.

NAFTALI: My God, this is the terror of the split screen. Everybody -- everybody on that platform today has to remember they're potentially on camera. Everybody. So lots of smiles. Yes, it's going to be fascinating, and it's also going to be a little sad, too. And I'm talking about the Obamas. They're leaving, and they're leaving their home. There -- it's a very wistful moment for them.

Bill Clinton, on his last day, I don't think he slept at all the night before he left office, because he just loved being president. I think for the first family that's leaving, they're grabbing every last moment before President Obama goes and plays golf.

ROMANS: There will be this tea this morning, and one wonders what the conversation is, the chitchat is around the tea, really, honestly, between these two couples. You know, one family leaving the house, one coming into the people's house.

ZITO: And there's those young people, those two girls grew up in that house. That has been their home.

You know, that's another part of, you know, America's going to look at that and say, oh, I mean, we have a little boy coming in, 10-year-old Baron. You know, there's going to be another child running through there. But the country is going to miss seeing those girls that they have watched grown up since they were 7 -- what, 7 and 10 years old.

BERMAN: And of course, we have the moving company Olympics today. The single greatest move in the history of the universe. Five hours from when they leave -- from when President Obama and the incoming president leave the White House in that car together to when Donald Trump heads back into the White House before or during the inaugural parade.

Five hours to get the Obamas' stuff out and get the Trump stuff in, Eugene. You know, it is a metaphor, really, for what's happening today.

[06:25:00] SCOTT: It certainly is. And while we do know that the Obamas are going to Palm Springs temporarily, this is one of the shortest moves we're going to see of any president leaving the White House. We know the Obamas are going to be in Washington, D.C., for a while. Because as you noted, while one of the little girls has grown up, one is still in high school...

ROMANS: That's right.

SCOTT: ... and they still want to stay around here so she can complete that. ROMANS: All right, everybody. President-elect Donald Trump making

history today in many ways, but before he takes the oath of office, he will attend church. The president-elect choosing a Latino evangelical pastor to pray for him at his inauguration. That same pastor spoke out against Trump's immigration policies during the election. So why the change of heart?

Here's CNN's Kyung Lah.


SAM RODRIGUEZ, PASTOR: I'm the first Latino evangelical ever invited and I was invited by President-elect Trump. I mean, go figure.

The moment you say, "I am a sinner, please forgive me. Change my life."

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): An historic yet astonishing position for Pastor Sam Rodriguez, one of the nation's leading religious advocates for immigrants who condemned Donald Trump's rhetoric that threatened and insulted the parishioners in his own pews.

RODRIGUEZ: I want you to give God the best shout of praise you've given him today.

LAH: He will pray for the new president at his inauguration. Why would he accept?

Days after Trump's election, the pastor led an emergency call between Hispanic religious leaders and the Trump transition team.

RODRIGUEZ: Will you deport 12 million? The answer is explicitly no. Who are you going to deport? The rapists? The murderers? The gang bangers? The traffickers? I said please.

Should the children pay for the sins of their parents? And they responded we're not going to harm those kids. And they -- subsequently, they issued that statement to the media. I went wait, what's going on?

LAH: That statement to "TIME" magazine appeared to show Trump softening on the 700,000 children brought illegally to the U.S. by their parents, the so-called DREAMers. Trump said, "They got brought here at a very young age. We're going to work something out that's going to make people happy and proud."

RODRIGUEZ: Something is happening. I'm not here to justify what Donald Trump, the president-elect, stated during the course of a campaign. I'm not here to justify that. I do know that there has been a change in tone.

LAH (on camera): What if this man, similarly, begins the deportation forces? What are you going to tell that -- that child, that you went to Washington and prayed for this man on his inauguration day, and he deported their mother or father? RODRIGUEZ: It's not going to happen.

LAH: How can you say that?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, first of all, here's the reality. Really, politically speaking this is a community that can be engaged by the Republican Party. It would be political suicide for them in any way, form, or shape to deport 12 million people.

LAH (voice-over): Rodriguez did not explicitly endorse either candidate, torn between Hillary Clinton's support for abortion rights and Trump's immigration policies.

RODRIGUEZ: The Democratic Party needs to have a strong faith outreach in order to engage the Latino community. Republicans, don't blow it. You have this chance and this chance alone.

LAH (on camera): If you are wrong, Pastor, will you bear responsibility for the extra people who may have voted for Trump?

RODRIGUEZ: No, who will be at fault is the Republicans and Democrats who have sacrificed the Latino and immigrant community on the altar of political expediency.

LAH (voice-over): So he will pray for President Trump in a leap of faith for this man of faith.

Kyung Lah, CN, Sacramental, California.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: All right. The power of prayer always a helpful thing, even on inauguration day. Alisyn Camerota, Chris Cuomo now here. A tough security day around Washington, D.C.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: We are here to tell you it works. Security checkpoints are working to get people out and get them in, in an orderly fashion.

CUOMO: Yes. We didn't seem them getting in in an orderly fashion part, but we do know they're being very careful. Better to err on the side of caution always. Our thanks to Christine Romans and John Berman, keeping you up to speed before we got here. But now we're here, and we're getting ready for a very, very big day.

CAMEROTA: It's very exciting here already on the streets of Washington, D.C. Millions of Americans will be watching, of course, the pomp and circumstance of this day. Members of Congress are prepared to hit the ground running with Mr. Trump at the helm.

Here to discuss this historic day and what will be on the early agenda is California Congressman Darrell Issa. He's a member of the Foreign Affairs and Judiciary Committees.

Congressman, great to see you this morning. REP. DARRELL ISSA (R), CALIFORNIA: Well, it's good to be here. Of

course, I was there before I got here, so it has been rather interesting, going through various jersey barriers, seeing the combination of local police, obviously, the Secret Service, federal people of all sorts. You know there's probably 12 different police organizations on the ground.

CAMEROTA: Is this different than other inaugurations?

ISSA: It's similar. One good news is it's a lot warmer. For all the difficulty, it's easier to take it when you're not freezing.

CAMEROTA: Absolutely. How are you feeling today?

ISSA: I'm feeling very good. I probably have one concern, which is that the vast majority of the cabinet has not been confirmed ==