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New Day Saturday

Deputy Killed "Execution-Style" At Gas Station; Suspect Arrested in Bangkok Bombing; Trump Attacks Clinton Aide, Wife of Anthony Weiner. Aired 7-8a ET

Aired August 29, 2015 - 07:00   ET



[07:00:13] ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.


SHERIFF RON HICKMAN, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: I have been in law enforcement 45 years. I don't recall another incident this cold blooded and cowardly.


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: The first of two breaking news stories -- the manhunt for a killer in Texas. Police looking for the shooter who executed a sheriff's deputy outside a convenience store.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will hunt this person down and do our best to bring that person to justice.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Also this morning -- Bangkok police say they have nabbed the suspect in that deadly bombing attack. This morning, an arrest in the shrine bombing that killed 20 people and left more than 100 hurt.

Always so grateful to have your company. Thank you for being with us. I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Good to be with you.

And we're starting in Texas where that sheriff's deputy has been gunned down. Investigators say deputy Darren Goforth was assassinated -- that is the word they are using -- moments after filling up his cruiser at a convenience store gas station. The sheriff calling Goforth's death unprovoked and cowardly.

Right now, there is a manhunt to find this man seen in the surveillance image. A local affiliate is reporting that the suspect has been caught. But police have not confirmed that to CNN. We are, of course, continuing to make calls.

You understand that the Greater Houston area right now must be on high alert. Emotions are running high.

Let's bring in Nick Valencia following the latest for us this morning.

Nick, give us some clarity about this person who may be in custody, is this a suspect? What do we know?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a tragic, tragic incident that happened there in Houston overnight, about 8:30 p.m. on Friday night.

You mentioned our local affiliate KTRK is reporting that a suspect was taken into custody early this morning. Another affiliate KPRC is now reporting a person of interest in this shooting has voluntarily turned themselves in.

As far as we can report right now, we believe an active manhunt under way in Houston. Those deputies in Harris County sheriff's deputies grieving over the loss of one of their own.


VALENCIA (voice-over): A manhunt is under way in Harris County, Texas, after a suspect gunned down a sheriff's deputy at a Houston area gas station. Police say it appears to be an unprovoked execution-style killing.

DEPUTY THOAMS GILLILAND, HARRIS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: A witness called 911 and let us know that one of our deputies had been shot. Multiple units arrived. EMS arrived on the scene. Unfortunately, the deputy passed.

VALENCIA: The deputy is identified as 47-year-old Darren Goforth, a ten-year veteran, who was married with two children.

SHERIFF RON HICKMAN, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: I have been in law enforcement 45 years. I don't recall another incident this cold- blooded and cowardly.

VALENCIA: Authorities say the uniformed deputy was refueling his patrol car Friday evening when this man, caught on surveillance camera, came up behind him and opened fire.

GILLILAND: The deputy then fell to the ground and the suspect then continued over to him and shot the deputy again multiple times as he lay on the ground.

VALENCIA: The suspect then fled the scene in a red or maroon colored Ford Ranger pickup truck, also caught on surveillance camera.

GILLILAND: It's a very bizarre incident. It's -- you know, understand it's tough enough being a deputy and being a law enforcement in this country right now. But for people, the way that they are right now, I have no words for what this type of person did. VALENCIA: There is no apparent motive in the case. The deputy had

investigated an accident about half an hour before the attack. Police are looking into whether there is any connection.

HICKMAN: I think it's important to ask for the prayers of our community for this deputy, his family, and our department family.


VALENCIA: And the local office of the FBI Texas Department of Public Safety, as well as the U.S. Marshal Service are all involved in this active manhunt right now. They're asking for the public's help to catch this alleged cop killer -- Victor, Christi.

BLACKWELL: All right. Nick Valencia, thank you so much.

VALENCIA: You bet, guys.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes.

The latest reporting we heard from Nick, KTRK saying a suspect taken into custody. KPRC, both CNN affiliates, saying a person of interest turned themselves in voluntarily.

We're working to make class. From this manhunt, there's a manhunt going on.

What is happening if this person has not been taken into custody?

TOM FUENTES, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, if it's not true, then, you know, the manhunt going forward is going to be looking at every kind of description that they could have, looking at social media, did somebody post something like we had in the New York City case back in December bragging about it?

[07:05:00] You know, we -- it sounds like we have pretty good witness in the first place to have the vehicle description, the person description, and the fact that the witness told the police that the individual doing the shooting didn't say anything, just gunned down the officer and then fired more bullets into him while he was on the ground, not saying a word.

So, the fact that there is a witness close enough to call the police and make those kind of statements regarding what happened would indicate that under if they do get a person into custody, that they should have a pretty good way to identify them, at least from a witness account, and then, of course, you'll have the ballistic examinations later with the bullets and the firearm, if that happens.

Also, if they caught somebody this morning, they should still have gun powder residue on the hand that fired the weapon. So if that is true that they have the suspect, a lot of things will come together very quickly if that is true.

BLACKWELL: Harris County sheriff is saying this is unprovoked, appeared to happen for no apparent reason. That sounds like what we are hearing the description from witnesses, shooting him and then standing over this deputy and shooting him several times more. That sounds like passion, like there is some reason that you are shooting this person specifically. Do you agree with that or could this, indeed, just be shooting a person who is wearing the uniform?

FUENTES: It could be either one. You're right. And that could be a passion of killing in and of itself just the mere fact he is police officer and I think that people lose track of the idea. This is the only profession there is somebody might take your life just because of your occupation, just because you're a police officer.

You know, there are many dangerous jobs, whether firefight or coal miner or sky diver, whatever, but being a police officer is one where you might get killed just for the fact that you're wearing the uniform.

BLACKWELL: What's the impact on this department this morning?

FUENTES: Well, it's a huge -- it's a huge impact and, again, you know, what they don't know until they get the person into custody is, you know, this type of killing -- now was it personal? Was it something that this individual had against this particular officer for whatever reason?

Or was it somebody just wanting to gun down an officer? Now they have to worry about copycat killers. You don't have to be pulled over and kill an officer on a traffic stop or during another crime. Just, you know, when you see somebody getting gas at a gas station or doing some other leisurely thing, you know, we did have officers gunned down, I think, in Washington state a year or so ago where they were sitting at a coffee shop.

So, you know, if you catch -- that is another fear that they have, that the second they go out the door with that uniform on, you know, it's a big bull's-eye on their back and they know it.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Let's also remember -- Tom Fuentes, thank you so much -- that Darren Goforth, 47 years old, was not just a deputy, but also a husband and a father. Tom, thanks.

PAUL: Also following breaking news out of Thailand this morning. Bangkok police say they have made an arrest in that deadly bomb attack at a popular shine. We want to show you new pictures we are getting in from earlier today. This is outside the apartment where that suspect was arrested, we should point out.

Now, police are describing this man as a Turkish national who is connected to the crime.

Saima Mohsin is following the story from Bangkok and joining us on the phone.

How confidence, Saima, are police that this is -- that the main suspect they have been looking for?

SAIMA MOHSIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): Christi, things are moving fast and changing fast. Now, of course, when we spoke in the last hour, we were told by the Thai police that this was the main suspect they were searching for -- that was a quote directly from the police spokesman.

He now tells CNN that they believe this is the man that's part of the cell that carried out this attack. They don't know what precise involvement he has with the bombing. They are saying he is not the man in that yellow T-shirt or in the sketch. That's what they think so far. Of course, that may change yet again.

And they are saying that they believe that this man had something to do with the bombings because of the property they found on his property and mainly what they told us so far, being the ball bearings that was found to be part of that bomb that was conducted at the Erawan shrine, striking people, injuring them, and killing at least 20.

Another major development that we are hearing from the police is that part of what they found with the photograph in it is fake. So they are now saying that although they believed him to be a Turkish national, he may not be.

[07:10:00] They said they found several fake passports there. They didn't tell us what nationality they had but they said they have found several passports there, whether they all belong to this man or perhaps other men, this network they said they found several fake passports there. They didn't tell us what nationality they had but they said they have found several passports there, whether they all belong to this man or perhaps other men, this network that carried out the attack, we simply don't know. A lot of changes are happening here. (INAUDIBLE)

The Thai police have come under a lot of criticism for not doing enough so far, for not tracking this main suspect down or, indeed, any of the team members that they believe that they were searching for. They said they were looking for ten men and found nobody until today, 12 days on.

And so, perhaps, they keep misspeaking because they are keen to saying they are found their guy but, so far, they are saying this is not a Turkish national or at least the passport is fake that they found on him and this man is connected to not just the Erawan shrine bombings but that second bombing when nobody was injured the second day -- Christi.

PAUL: OK. Saima Mohsin, yes, obviously, a lot of moving parts there this morning. Thank you for keeping us apprised.

Another breaking story tell you about out of Cairo, Egypt, this morning. Three al Jazeera journalists have been sentenced to three years in prison. One of them was sentenced in absentia. They were charged with aiding the Muslim Brotherhood which is now considered a terrorist organization in Egypt.

This case has been called an attack on the freedom of the press worldwide. Al Jazeera releasing this statement this morning, "The whole case has

been heavily politicized and has not been conducted in a free and fair manner."

BLACKWELL: GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is suggesting that one of Hillary Clinton's closest aides shared classified information with her husband.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Who is Huma married to? One of the great sleaze bags of our time.


BLACKWELL: Still to come, why moments like that one, beyond the ideas about policy in China and negotiating, moments like that are resonating with voters and bolstering of support.

Plus, tropical storm Erika churning toward Florida. A look at the destruction Erika left behind and when it could hit our shores.

Plus, now, ten years ago, hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans. What happened next. One of the greatest disasters of our time. Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks back at out hope faded quickly at a place called "Charity".


[07:15:43] BLACKWELL: Yes, this is a tropical storm but still causing serious damage. Erika dumped a foot of rain in less than ten hours. This is on that tiny Caribbean island of Dominica. You see the mudslides, homes washed away, roads, too. At least 20 people have been killed.

Now, Erika is headed to the United States. In response, Florida Governor Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency.

Let's go to meteorologist Allison Chinchar with us now.

Allison, what's ahead?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, Victor, we're keeping an eye on the storm, because it's starting to weaken, and that's actually a good sign in term of the winds strength but not necessarily in terms of flooding potential.

So, here you can see winds about 40 miles per hour right now. Now, as it continues its track, it is expected to continue to weaken over Cuba. But then as we start get closer to Florida, it is expected to intensify just slightly back up to tropical storm strength.

But again, the main threat for Florida is really going to be the amount of rain. So here is a look at the time line. We expect it to start to slide into the keys and up around Naples early Monday morning and gradually up towards Tampa by Tuesday morning and Panama City and possibly even Mobile, again, depending on where the track goes up around Wednesday morning.

Now, in terms of rainfall totals, let's take a look at some of these areas. Most areas, if they are in the main section of the storm, will likely get somewhere between 2 to 4 inches, but again we've got some pockets, especially along Ft. Myers, down towards Naples that could pick up as much as 6 inches of rain, possibly even higher in some of those thunderstorms embedded within the storms.

So, again, we will have to keep a close eye on the actual track but one thing is for certain, wherever the storm does end up going, it is going to dump a lot of rain and cause some flooding and even possibly mudslides in some areas over the next couple of days -- Victor.

BLACKWELL: So trouble ahead. Allison Chinchar, thank you so much.

PAUL: You know, 10 years ago, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast. You, along bus, we were all transfixed with our televisions watching some of the scenes that were coming in the area, the lives that were being destroyed, the ruined businesses, the wrecked buildings. You might think you've seen everything, but I don't know if you've seen this. One of those buildings was Charity Hospital in New Orleans.

And CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has this story of this courageous medical staff that helped save so many people.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They were deplorable conditions I'll never forget.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here, we were up on our ankles in water.

GUPTA: Doctors, nurses, patients, making the most of an unfolding disaster inside the hospital called Charity.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't have electricity. We don't have water. We can't run labs and can't take x-rays. We are basically back to primitive medicine.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have no showers or toilets at all.

GUPTA: For days after Hurricane Katrina first hit, the staff and patients at Charity waited, hoped, and prayed.

CROWD (singing): I love you I need you to survive --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I didn't realize how intimately connected tour patients we would be. Before that, I assumed I had a personal relationship to my patients but I couldn't tell you what their names were prior to Katrina.

GUPTA: Communication with the outside world was mostly impossible. Many news organizations are reported charity was safely evacuated but then a doctor called into the Situation Room from inside the hospital to tell the world -- we are stranded, please help. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Initially, we lost power in different parts of the

hospital had trouble getting the backup generators to work.

GUPTA: But, still, nothing.

So, determined to take matters in their own hands, the team at Charity paddled critically ill patients down the street to a nearby parking deck. The roof served as a make-shift helipad. Time had run out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are their only hope and we are trying as hard as we can to get them some help!

GUPTA (on camera): What's going to happen to some of these patients if you don't get them out of here?

[07:20:02] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Two of them have already died here on this ramp waiting to get out in this very spot!

GUPTA (voice-over): It was nearly a week after Katrina first made landfall that the last patient was finally evacuated.

But the hospital that had never shut its doors for nearly 300 years never survived and charity never reopened and the long-term impact of that remains to be scene.

DR. PETER DEBLIEUX, FORMER DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, CHARITY HOSPITAL: I would dare say that in the next ten years, our cancer rates will be higher, our cardiovascular death rates will be higher and stroke and heart attack will all be higher.

GUPTA: Ten years to the months, LSU did finally open its brand-new billion dollar mega hospital. It's certainly not too little but the people of New Orleans are hoping it's just not too late.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, New Orleans.


PAUL: Talk about watching heroics in action the medical team.

BLACKWELL: Ten years later watching the video it jogs your memory on the residual impacts. I mean, the children who were stranded, the people there in hospital. And we're going to have a lot more from New Orleans. We're going to go there live later this morning.

But we also want to take you to Virginia. This small town TV station trying to get back to normal. We are going to show you how that news team handled its first live shot just days after a reporter and photographer on their team were killed on live television.

Plus, some call him outrageous. Others say he is just keeping it real. A look at why Donald Trump's behavior is helping him lead the polls.



[07:25:09] LINDSEY ANDERSON, WDBJ7: I'm live in Roanoke. Lindsey Anderson, WDBJ 7.

You're welcome.


PAUL: You must imagine what it feels like for those two. Emotional embrace there between that WDBJ reporting and the cameraman after they wrapped the station's first live event since two of their colleagues were shot and killed on live television. That is the news director I believe there. The team was covering a high school football game last night.

In fact, number 7 for the station's channel number were painted on the 30 yard lines of this football field. And fans from this tight-knit community observed a moment of silence prior to that game as well. Maybe that's the news director -- I mean, lots of hugs there for that reporter that had to be so emotional to get in front of that camera after what they had witnessed throughout the week.

We are also learning new details about the condition of the one person who survived. Vicki Gardner. She was shot in the back, nearly killed, as she was speaking with reporting Alison Parker and photographer Adam Ward on live television.

CNN's Polo Sandoval is in Roanoke for us right now.

What are you hearing about Vicki's condition this morning, Polo?


I can tell you that Vicki's very quick road to recovery is providing some really hope for this community and do they need it. In fact, behind me a reminder people still continue to really come together in one large show of support, not only for the families of these two murdered journalists, but as you mentioned for Vicki Gardner, as well, who continues to recover on this morning.

She's the director of the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, who was as you mentioned there, being interviewed by these two journalists at the time of the shooting. She did suffer one gunshot wound to the back. And her family is setting up a Facebook page to try to keep the community up-to-speed with really the latest on her condition.

We are told she has already undergone two surgeries and lost her right kidney, also a portion of her colon. Despite her injuries, her husband Tim saying she has exhibited tremendous strength, as well and courage. Keep in mind, she was injured herself and had witnessed two murders and still had the strength to walk to the ambulance and call her husband Tim.

Have a listen.


TIM GARDNER: She got up and walked to the ambulance after being shot, but she didn't know the extent of her injuries at that point. But the surgeon told me that a couple of centimeters and she wouldn't be walking and she wouldn't be alive.


SANDOVAL: And this morning, Gardner is awake. She is talking and on that long road to recovery. And I can tell you, Christi, she has plenty of support this morning.

Back to you.

PAUL: No doubt. All right. Polo Sandoval, we appreciate it. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump leading in the polls and he is doing it his way, obviously, with controversial statements and a lot of bravado.

Is this the new way to win a nomination? That's next.


[07:30:09] PAUL: Maybe a good time to refinance or get that mortgage. Your rates fell on all options this week. Here's your look.



SHERIFF RON HICKMAN, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: I think it's important to ask for the prayers for our community, for this deputy, his family, and our department family.


PAUL: Really tough morning for the Harris County, Texas Sheriff's Department. A fellow deputy was shot and killed overnight. Investigators say Deputy Darren Goforth was simply pumping gas when someone came up behind him and opened fire. Then, as he fell to the ground, the gunman stood over him and shot some more.

There is an active manhunt for this man you see here in this video, as well as this red Ford Ranger that he left in. This is surveillance video obviously. A local affiliate reporting the suspect has been caught. Police have not confirmed that to CNN. We want to point out. We know that Goforth was a ten-year veteran in the department and he has a wife and two children.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump continues now to dominate the campaign trail. He heads to Tennessee today. Check out the latest Quinnipiac University poll showing Trump holding a double digit lead over his closest rival, doubling up there. This is Ben Carson number two.

All of this comes as he makes a stop in Massachusetts where he sparked new controversy. Trump is taking aim at top aide for Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Who is Huma married to? One of the great sleaze bags of our time. Anthony Weiner, did you know that? She is married to Anthony Weiner. You know the little bing, bing, bing, bong, bong. I love you very much.

So, think of it. So, Huma is getting classified secrets. She is married to Anthony Weiner, who is a perv. No, he is.


BLACKWELL: All right. We've got with us, CNN political commentator Jeffrey Lord. Also CNN politics senior reporter Stephen Collinson.

Jeffrey, I got to start with you.


BLACKWELL: What does this get him? What does he get out of attacking Huma Abedin?

JEFFREY LORD, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, actually, I do think there is a serious point here. I think she is involved in some fashion or, you know, with the e-mail situation. So, I mean, there's a serious point to this.

You know, in terms of the rest of it, I have to say Donald Trump is a New Yorker and I would be willing to bet you that somewhere along the line, he has crossed paths with Anthony Weiner who has probably come in and asked for campaign contributions.

And suffice it to say, I don't think he's impressed. And, of course, he got involved, you know, in that interesting scandal with the sexting and all of this kind of thing.

You know, he just basically married the two issues together here, but is there a serious issue with Huma Abedin, without doubt.

[07:35:07] BLACKWELL: Yes, I'm sure there will be serious questions as we continue throughout the day about the decision to attack her and talk about her husband. And just for the record, he donated $2,000 to the campaign back in 2010.

Let me come to you, Stephen Collinson.

This seems to be something the Trump supporters like. They talk a lot about his different ideas, his different approach, but they seem to like the attacks, too. Why?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN POLITICS SENIOR REPORTER: I think that is the center of Donald Trump's appeal. He says things that other genuine real politicians are afraid to say and he goes to places that they won't go. I was in a rally that he did this week and it was exactly the kind of

thing. I don't think there is often a lot of forethought about what he says. It seems to me that he says things as they come to him and that is the key to his appeal.

Now, the question is -- is can he condition doing this? Does it get to a point where he says something so outrageous and so inflammatory that it starts to harm him as a potential president in the election?

But this is exactly, what people, when you speak to people that Trump rallies and events, they say this is the exactly the kind of thing that attracts me to Donald Trump in the first place.

BLACKWELL: All right. There was a Quinnipiac poll was released this week and a word association cloud. I want to put up Trump's first and then we will talk about Hillary Clinton.

Let's start with Trump. Question 20 here was, what is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of Donald Trump? Fifty-eight people said arrogant, 38 said blow-hard, 35 said idiot. Businessman was 34, clown 34.

Also now, put up Hillary Clinton's cloud. We don't have that. But let me read it -- 178 people said liar, 123 people said dishonest, 93 said untrustworthy, 82, experience, and 59, strong.

I'm going to come to you first with this, Jeffrey. This is even before the ad wars had begun and opinions crafted of these two candidates. What does that tell us?

LORD: Well, you know, in truth, you know, people have opinions of everybody who runs for office, particularly for president. I honestly -- and in Donald Trump's case, I don't think it matters that much. If people really believe the country is in trouble and they see him as the guy to get them out of the trouble, they are going to vote for him irrespective.

Frankly, I'd apply that to Hillary Clinton. I think she's got a problem with these things as well, but, you know, if you get to November of next year, she is seen as the savior for some reason, people aren't going to pay much attention to those things either.

BLACKWELL: But that's not the direction the numbers are going now. Poll found 51 percent of respondents believe that secretary clot is not honest and trustworthy.

LORD: Right, that's right.

BLACKWELL: Worse showing in the poll yet -- 51 percent have an unfavorable opinion of her and also a record low.

Stephen, which is more difficult to gain, trust for Clinton, or what appears to be humility and credibility for Trump?

COLLINSON: That's a good question. I don't think Donald Trump is going to be trying to gain humility any time soon. I mean, his whole shtick he is out there and is his boastful bombastic character.

I think there's a real concern among Democrats when you talk to senior members of the party and they won't say this publicly in many cases, but there is a real concern about the trust and integrity issues surrounding Hillary Clinton.

At this point, it's starting to hurt her in the polls. It's not a real sort of disqualifying issue for her campaign but you saw a change of behavior on this, this week by Hillary Clinton. She started to address these issues about her e-mail in a less flippant sense, and I think that reflects perhaps some of the concern among Democratic elites that is filtering through to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

So, she has a tough job to do, but as Jeffrey said, this is a polarized election. If people -- enough people, maybe 51 percent of the people in the country believe Hillary Clinton is a savior, those trust numbers perhaps won't matter as much.

BLACKWELL: Yes, even with these challenges she is still far ahead, racing toward that Democratic nomination. Stephen Collinson, thank you both.

LORD: Thanks, Victor.


PAUL: Another controversial police shooting of an unarmed teen. Police say shots were fired during a struggle, but the autopsy results are revealing something else. And now, the family wants some answers about the death of their 18-year-old.

Also, Black Lives Matter, this is a movement focused on a lot of the shootings such as the one we just mentioned. However, there are a lot of people that question the group's direction. Well, now, they say -- listen, we have policy to support our mission.


[07:43:24] PAUL: Forty-three minutes fast the hour.

Officials in Virginia are seeking an indictment against an officer who shot and killed an unarmed teen. Also, troubling here is the fact that the officer in question was allegedly involved in a previous fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

Here is CNN's Jason Carroll.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Christi, an attorney for the teenager's family says they now feel they have taken one more step towards justice. It will now be up to a grand jury to decide if that officer should face criminal charges for William Chapman's death.

(voice-over): What happened at this Walmart parking lot in Portsmouth, Virginia, has become a point of controversy and a continued source of pain for the family of William Chapman.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's my baby. Nobody has the right to do anything like that.

CARROLL: Chapman's mother speaking out after her 18-year-old son was killed by a Portsmouth police officer. It happened on April 22nd. Chapman's family attorney says they responded to call of shop-lifting and one officer approached Chapman who says was unarmed in the parking lot and a confrontation ensues, and then the final shooting.

Authorities have not named the officer in question, but he has been identified as Stephen Rankin.

Who did the situation escalate? A construction worker says Chapman appeared to turn toward the Officer Rankin during the struggle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The guy charged at him and took two steps toward him to come fight him, so the cop opened fire.

CARROLL: The attorney representing the family says not so.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police officer had the ability to step back, step aside and there is no evidence of lunging.

[07:45:06] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like with something that should have never happened.

CARROLL: CNN could not reach Officer Rankin. His department and the police union declined to comment.

An autopsy confirms Chapman died from two gunshots, one to the head and another to the chest. Manner of death: a homicide. The coroner confirming the body showed no evidence of close-range fire.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This notion that William lunged at the police officer within the area that the police officer may feel threatened, I think, may be largely disproven by the science.

CARROLL: A forensic expert who reviewed the autopsy report for CNN agreed with the coroner's discussion that shots were not fired at close range. But a distant shot in forensic terms is not what one may seem. It's 30 inches or greater.

(on camera): Thirty inches is, what? I'm standing to you, that is still pretty close.

LAWRENCE KOBILINSKY, FORENSIC EXPERT: It is, but it's roughly 30 inches. There are many factors that will determine the absolute exact range.

CARROLL (voice-over): Also troubling for the Chapman family, Officer Rankin was involved in a previous fatal shooting of an unarmed man in 2011. Later a grand jury cleared him of wrongdoing, so too did the jury during a civil trial. As for Chapman's case, his family just wants the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Something was wrong with this picture. I am totally troubled by this situation that happened to this officer.

CARROLL (on camera): Christi, the family attorney says Chapman turned out his pockets before the shooting and nothing was found. They say he was not shoplifting and does not have a history of shoplifting or being violent.

Again, police are not commenting on the case, which will now be presented to the grand jury on September 3rd -- Christi.


BLACKWELL: After the break, Black Lives Matter activists, you know, they have taken to the streets. Now they have a policy agenda, outlining specific steps to their concerns.

Also, the hunt to catch a killer. A deputy shot multiple times and killed seemingly without any warning, any clear reason. We will continue to bring you the very latest developments happening there in Texas.



[07:50:53] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is and has always been a white problem of violence. There's not much that we can do to stop the violence against us.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And in the conversation and pushback --


CLINTON: I understand what you're saying. Respectfully, if that's your position, then I will talk to white people about how we are going to deal with the very real problems.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not what I mean. That's not what I mean.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you mean is a form of victim blaming.


BLACKWELL: So, that was the passionate exchange between Hillary Clinton and members of the Black Lives Matter movement. It was everywhere. Clinton pushed members to come up with their own policy she say lawmakers could back. But activists associated with movement said we are already doing that.

And now we are getting a look at it, it is called "Campaign Zero: Providing Policy Solutions to Police Violence in America". Among other things, it includes body cameras, police training, fair police contracts. Let's talk with Brittany Packnett with Campaign Zero.

Good to have you on the show this morning.


BLACKWELL: We have a list of ten here. We're going to put them on the screen. But I want you, because we are limited on time, if you can tell us what is the single most priority, if you can choose, of the policy prescription?

PACKNETT: Actually, I think it is really important not to choose. That's the reason Campaign Zero is comprehensive. The movement had demands for over the last year, but we wanted to at Campaign Zero make sure we were connecting the dots between community and activist voices and directly to candidates.

And we wanted to make sure we do that in a way to honor the fact that it can't be a single solution that addresses that problem of police violence. We are really a comprehensive policy.

BLACKWELL: You can't do this with body cameras alone without addressing training. I get the point. You get the support there in St. Louis. We'll put up on the screen from what we saw congressman William Lacy wrote an op-ed in the dispatch saying, quote, "the core ideas" contained in Campaign Zero begin to close this deadly divide." Kind words are nice but now we need legislation. What's the strategy to get this sponsored in bills across the country?

PACKNETT: Well, we are having a series of calls with people on the ground because we want to equip communities and activists with this tool. And we have been updating Campaign Zero as our platform, given kind of crowd-source ideas and ideas from other activist communities. But we are really looking to folks saying, what is relevant in your community and how can we support you in pushing people at the local state and quite frankly federal level to enact this kind of change.

BLACKWELL: One of the elements here, number two, fair police union contract. I think some people might be surprised to see that that's part of the proposal. Why is it?

BLACKNETT: So it's important to look really closely and read the detail. What we are actually talking about are police contracts fair to the citizen. So many police contracts that we discovered in FOIA request actually provides a lot of barriers to truth coming out to making sure that accountable and citizen protection is centered.

So issues of -- excuse me, the kinds of breaks officers are allowed to take after being involved in an officer-involved shooting, it would be the amount of time before you can interrogate them to get their side of the story. We want to make sure that there are no barriers to truth and no barriers to accountability in those contracts.

BLACKWELL: We learned after the shooting, correction, after the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, those officers involved had several days before they could be questioned much less if they could publicly speak about it, which we still haven't heard from them.

Finally, is there a national element here or is this state by state?

PACKNETT: There's absolutely a national element. If you look at the site, we have platforms and for the local state and federal level. And we've also got a 2016 presidential tracker. So currently Democratic and GOP and very soon the independent candidate will be listed on there to show how their currently stated ideas correspond with this 10 buckets.

[07:55:07] I think that tracker shows many people still need to get into the conversation, and that when people get into the conversation, we're not just looking for rhetoric. We're looking for a very clear, urgent plan to save our lives.

BLACKWELL: All right. Brittany Packnett, helping us understand, Campaign Zero -- thank you so much.

PACKNETT: Thank you.


PAUL: A, quote, "unprovoked execution-style killing" -- that's how a Texas sheriff is characterizing the murder of one of the deputies overnight. What we are learning about the suspect. That's at the top of the hour.


ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

BLACKWELL: And the breaking news this morning, a Texas deputy gunned down while pumping gas at a service station. There's a manhunt happening right now to find his killer.


SHERIFF RON HICKMAN, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: I have been in law enforcement 45 years. I don't recall another incident this cold- blooded and cowardly.


BLACKWELL: Good morning to you. I'm Victor Blackwell.

PAUL: And I'm Christi Paul. So grateful for your company.

Let's get right back to Texas here. A sheriff's deputy, as we said, shot and killed overnight. Officials this morning are calling Deputy Darren Goforth's death unprovoked and cowardly.