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New Day Saturday

Suspect In Paul Pelosi Attack Facing Several Felony Charges; Georgia Continues To Set Records For Early Voting Turnout; Obama Campaign For Warnock, Abrams In Georgia; U.S. Hospitals Struggling With An Early Surge In RSV, Flu Cases. Aired 8-9a ET

Aired October 29, 2022 - 08:00   ET



ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS: It's hard to call a game to a must win for a team guys, but I mean the Astros they really need a win here tonight because if they were to go down 0-2 with games three, four and five in Philadelphia, that would certainly be bad news considering what kind of a raucous crowd they're going to have they're in Philly.

AMARA WALKER, CNN ANCHOR: Andy, do you need some chamomile tea for your voice? What happened?

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN ANCHOR: It sounds like you've been cheering on the Astros all night, Andy. We got to be transparent about your allegiances here.

SCHOLES: I am born and raised in Houston. So, I may have been yelling a little bit last night at (INAUDIBLE) points during the game.

WALKER: Well, Andy Scholes, appreciate it. We'll get someone to bring you some tea and honey there. Thanks so much.


SCHOLES: Appreciate it.

WALKER: The next hour of "New Day" starts now.

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to your new day. I'm Amara Walker.

SANCHEZ: Good morning. I'm Boris Sanchez. We have new details this morning in the violent attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul. Hear what police first saw when they arrived at their home. Plus, we have an update on Mr. Pelosi's condition and new indications about the suspect's potential motive.

WALKER: It is the final sprint to the midterm elections and both parties bringing out their closers, their messages and last-minute concerns and some of the tight races.

SANCHEZ: And the surge of RSV patients pushing some pediatric hospitals to capacity. You'll hear from one doctor who says he has not been this busy in a decade. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Basically, lit a match. And you sit the town on fire. It's time for you, sir, to keep your word and offer your resignation.


WALKER: Parents in Uvalde are demanding the Public Safety Director hand in his badge. We're going to take you inside the emotional meeting. Next.

SANCHEZ: It is the weekend, Saturday, October 29th. We are so grateful that you are starting with us and we're happy to be alongside Amara Walker as well this morning. Good morning.

WALKER: It's always good to be with you. Love your energy.

Well, look, we've got a lot of energy, energy and we also have a lot to get to in terms of news. And we're going to begin with that violent and frightening attack on the husband of House Speaker Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi. A suspect is in custody facing multiple felony charges and sources say the suspect tried to tie up 82-year-old Paul Pelosi after breaking into the couple San Francisco home. He confronted him shouting, where is Nancy? And that is according to sources.

SANCHEZ: Pelosi underwent surgery to repair a skull fracture and other serious injuries. Fortunately, he is expected to make a full recovery. And police say that this was not random, this was a targeted attack.


WILLIAM SCOTT, CHIEF, SAN FRANCISCO POLICE: This was not a random act. This was intentional. And it's wrong. Our elected officials are here to do the business of their cities, their counties, their states and this nation. Their families don't sign up for this to be harmed. And it is wrong. And everybody should be disgusted about what happened is more.


SANCHEZ: Police have not explicitly said that this was a politically motivated attack. They're still gathering evidence to try to determine the motive and potentially link it to politics. The suspect is expected to be arraigned on Tuesday for multiple felony charges.

WALKER: We get more now on the attack and how it unfolded from CNN security correspondent Josh Campbell.


JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): 82-year-old Paul Pelosi the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi undergoing surgery today after being violently attacked with a hammer early Friday morning at the Pelosi San Francisco home. Speaker Pelosi was in Washington at the time. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Special call, special call, medic 66, location --

CAMPBELL (voice-over): Police say they found Paul Pelosi fending off an attacker after responding to a request for a priority wellbeing check at the Pelosi home.

SCOTT: They encountered an adult male and Mrs. Pelosi's husband, Paul. Our officers observed Mr. Pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it.

CAMPBELL (voice-over): The assailant was searching for the Speaker according to a source briefed on the attack. He confronted Mr. Pelosi shouting, where's Nancy? Where's Nancy?

SCOTT: Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and rendered medical aid.


CAMPBELL (voice-over): Two sources familiar with the investigation tell CNN the attacker hit Pelosi and attempted to tie him up after breaking into the back of the home around 2:30 a.m. A suspect 42-year- old David DePape is now in custody. His Facebook page now taken down had posts of memes and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the January 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol.

Not long ago, Nancy Pelosi was a target of the January 6 rioters with him hunting for and trashing her office.


CAMPBELL (voice-over): The motive for Friday's attack on her husband is not yet known.

SCOTT: Mr. DePape will be booked at the San Francisco County jail on the following charges, attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, verbally and several other additional felonies.

CAMPBELL (voice-over): The Speaker's office issued a statement saying Mr. Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery.

(on-camera): And we're now learning how police were initially dispatched here to the Pelosi residents in the first place. Sources tell CNN that Mr. Pelosi was able to call 911 at the start of the attack and kept the line open. Speaking in code it was an adept dispatcher who realized something was wrong. Sent police here of course they were able to tackle that suspect he was taken into custody and now faces multiple charges including attempted homicide and assault.

Josh Campbell, CNN, San Francisco.


WALKER: All right, thanks to Josh Campbell for that report.

SANCHEZ: The attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband is just the latest incident raising concern among lawmakers. Both Democrats and Republicans are now condemning this attack.

WALKER: It comes just over a week before the midterm elections and CNN Washington correspondent Sunlen Serfaty joining us now live with more. So, what are lawmakers on both sides saying about the attack, Sunlen?

SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Well, there has certainly been bipartisan condemnation of this attack. We've heard from Democrats and Republicans all expressing outrage over the violence of this incident. And it's certainly expressing sympathy to the Pelosi family. And it's notable that in many of the Democrats responses, and notably one Republican Adam Kinzinger, they're calling out specifically Republicans to step up and speak out and condemn this attack, really trying to put pressure on them saying, regardless of your political party, everyone should be out there speaking out against this and condemn what happened today, in no uncertain terms.

And we have heard from many Republicans, we heard from former Vice President Mike Pence, he said that he's outraged over this and that there's no tolerance, there should be no tolerance for violence like this in our country. We heard from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, he says he's horrified and disgusted by the attack. And also notable, we heard from Senator Ted Cruz, who, of course, is, you know, a friend of Nancy Pelosi. And he noted this in his statement, he said, we have our political differences. But violence is always wrong, and unacceptable.

SANCHEZ: And Sunlen, this is just the latest incident that's raised concerns about the safety of lawmakers and other officials. What more can you tell us about that?

SERFATY: Yes, this certainly is really a culmination of many of the fears of many lawmakers on Capitol Hill that has been mounting for years frankly, if you look at many of the incidents that have happened over the last few years, not the least of which is January 6, you saw many lawmakers, and in many instances, their families targeted. And this has been something that has concerned lawmakers for years. Spouses and family members of lawmakers do not have security. That is why Paul Pelosi did not have security at his house. And many are calling for that. And we have according to law enforcement sources that just in the last two years, threats to lawmakers has also ramped up extending to their family members as well.

So, we know according to sources on Capitol Hill, that that Capitol Police, they are now looking into this assessing whether they need to provide security to especially family members of those in leadership. Back to you guys.

SANCHEZ: Sunlen Serfaty, thank you so much.

WALKER: All right, joining me now to discuss this all a CNN law enforcement analyst, Jonathan Wackrow. Jonathan, appreciate you joining us. I mean, just the details of how this attack unfolded. It's terrifying. I mean, the suspect used a hammer. He was repeatedly saying, where's Nancy? Where's Nancy? And then even try to tie up, Paul Pelosi. What's your reaction to this? And are you surprised that the attacker was able to get into Nancy Pelosi his home?

JONATHAN WACKROW, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, good morning. There are a lot of things that do shock me. And there are a lot of things that don't, you know, this type of attack, you know, has been anticipated, it has been worn. We know that law enforcement, the FBI, DHS, over the last few years, have put out many warnings that political leadership is going to be targeted. Why? Because they're spend a significant rise in political violence that to me and to others really represents a critical threat to our democracy.


But I think that the most disturbing part of the rise of this violent political rhetoric that ties into political violence is actually the acceptance of it. Right. I think that, you know, in the last few years, we see things that are very episodic, we will see an incident of political violence, people condemning the act, but not the things that precipitate that act, not the causes of that act. And because of that, what we've seen is a real normalization of the violent political rhetoric and in the pathway to violence.

And I think with that as a backdrop, right, I think all of the warnings, everything that we're seeing from law enforcement, from a protection standpoint, I really want to know why the residence and the spouse of the person who's the number two in the line of presidential succession, right. So, this is a really critical political leader in the United States wasn't afforded or didn't have the appropriate level of protection, right. If I look at the person who's the first in line, the Vice President, they have 24-hour protection around the protectee, their spouse, the residents, you know, the Secret Service does a phenomenal job of protecting the Vice President, why aren't we doing it to some of our critical leaders. And also, for the rank-and-file congressional members, we need to figure out a pathway for them when necessary, based upon threat analysis, when can they get afford it or what are they afforded the --

WALKER: (INAUDIBLE) as we heard Adam Kinzinger, on our air talking about that he clearly was frustrated, because he had raised concerns about his family members being threatened as well. And the response basically, from Capitol Police was like you got to get in line. I mean, they do seem to be overwhelmed. Unfortunately, with this polarizing society that we live in right now.

I do want to get back to what happened to Paul Pelosi just quickly before we're talking about the big picture, because the authority said, I mean, this is incredible. Paul Pelosi made a phone call at the start of the attack, to 911 and kept the line open. And police say I mean, basically, that's kind of what helped save his life. Listen to what the district attorney had to say about that.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BROOKE JENKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, SAN FRANCISCO: It is really thanks to Mr. Pelosi having the ability to be able to make that call and truly the attention and the instincts of that dispatcher to realize that something was wrong in that situation, and to make the police call a priority, so that they got there within two minutes to respond to this situation.


WALKER: I mean, within two minutes, that could have been the difference between life and death, right? I mean, and the fact that he was speaking in code, so that, you know, the attacker would know that 911 was on the line.

WACKROW: Listen, you have to give a lot of credit to Mr. Pelosi in this incident, right? There are a lot of people who wouldn't have reacted this way. Let me set the stage for you. It's early in the morning, your residence, which is supposed to be your sanctuary, your protected space is now been violated. You go to investigate what's going on. There's an acute shock of that moment to find somebody not only in your house, that is potentially attacking you. To have the ability to under, you know, physiological and psychological stress to dial 911 and then be able to signal to that dispatcher, you know, that something is wrong. That is -- that's amazing.

Now, let's talk about the dispatcher for a moment. Because I think from a public safety standpoint, everything worked perfectly, that the training tactics and experience of that 911 operator, she figured out that somebody was in distress, she quickly dispatched law enforcement, quickly dispatched medical, not knowing exactly what exactly the nature of the event was. But she knew something was wrong. Everyone did their jobs there. You said a two-minute response by law enforcement, you know, those are critical seconds in protecting and saving somebody's life.

WALKER: So back to the conversation you were having about elected officials, right. So, the lawmakers themselves have a security detail. And as high as the vice presidential and presidential level. Their families are afforded that kind of 24/7 security as well. Family members aren't getting that. Do you think that will change especially in this polarizing environment where we are seeing more and more political violence against lawmakers and other officials?

WACKROW: I think it has to do right. I think we're seeing this right. This is, that we know what the consequences are. We know that Mr. Pelosi is a consequence of that decision not to provide the protection. But how do you apply that right? So, you actually have to take a threat-based approach. You have to do comprehensive threat assessments.

Listen, if I look at the Pelosi, you know, Nancy Pelosi, she represents like the number one target for the Democrats right now that people are focused on. There are hundreds and hundreds of threats against her and her family. Why wasn't there a level of protection that was elevated based upon the threat environment? We have to basically take that that threat assessment model and put it out to all politicians, and then be able to apply appropriately, either long term or just in the near horizon protective measures to protect our political leaders.


We have to do -- it's not just protecting one person. This is protecting our Democratic process. We must do that. But it's not just that act alone. We also must start suppressing the conspiracy theories.


WACKROW: The hate and everything that's driving and fueling these violent acts.

WALKER: You got to get it at its root, but -- root. But you know, the fact that the district attorney was saying that it appeared the suspect intended to kill. That is terrifying, especially for the lawmakers and the officials who are concerned for their safety.

Jonathan Wackrow, we're going to have to leave it there. Thank you so much.

WACKROW: Thanks a lot.

SANCHEZ: Just about 10-ish days away from the midterm elections and both parties are bringing out their biggest stars to get candidates across the finish line. Their closing messages as voters head to the polls.

Plus, RSV cases remain high across the country, and doctors say that surge is putting a strain on hospital staff. We're joined by one who says he hasn't seen it this bad in a decade.



WALKER: Just 10 days to go before the midterms are almost already there and preliminary election data shows that more than 17 and a half million Americans have cast their ballots via early voting so far.

SANCHEZ: And in Georgia, where there are several competitive statewide races this year, including that big rematch for governor. Voters have turned out in record numbers with more than 1.3 million ballots already in.

Let's go to Georgia now and CNN national correspondent Nadia Romero who's live for us in Atlanta outside of a polling center. Nadia, it's eight in the morning. What does it look like out there?

NADIA ROMERO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Boris and Amara, we've only been open for one hour polling stations are open from seven to seven, most of them across the state of Georgia for these early voting locations. So, it hasn't been as busy as we normally see in the afternoons or right before the polls close. That's when it seems to be the most people will show up to try to sneak in and cast their ballot in-person or drop off their absentee ballot.

So, we're here at Ponce library here in the heart of Atlanta in Fulton County. And this is one of the busiest locations we were told by a poll worker, people will come by, this is where we saw lines and the afternoon, last weekend, but again, a bit too early to have those lines, just some steady foot traffic coming in to the library and coming in to vote. I believe seen record turnout here in the state of Georgia.

Let's take a look at those national numbers though. When you look at 46 states in the union, you see more than 17 and a half million people have already cast their ballots. But when you look a bit further at that youthful, the younger folks between the ages of 22 to 29, only about 4% of them make up the ballot count. We were at about 7% this far into the 2020 election. So, we're not seeing that younger population come out. Really, it's people who are 65 and older who are driving that early vote count.

And so last night, we went to a concert that was held here in Atlanta to really encourage people, the younger community to get out and vote. And we spoke with a man who explained what he says, people are just not voting at least early voting that younger demographic. Take a listen to what he believes is the disconnect.


JULIA THOMAS, CEO, THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING: This is a genuine disconnect between the people trying to get young people to vote and young people in general, where I believe there needs to be a better synergy where the issues of young people are at the forefront, and it really being champion. Because if you want someone to vote, you got to give him something to vote for.


ROMERO: Yes, he says he needs something to vote for. And so, I asked he was only 26 years old. So, I said, OK, what are people who are in college, fresh out of college? What are they looking for? He says the big issues for them tend to be gentrification, student loans, and this pending recession they keep hearing about, will they be able to graduate college? Will they be able to find a job or those who are out of school will they be able to advance their careers and they believe that politicians just aren't speaking directly to them.

Boris, Amara.

SANCHEZ: An interesting conversation. Nadia Romero, thank you so much.

Let's talk more about those two big races in Georgia. Joining us now Washington correspondent for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Tia Mitchell. Tia, thank you so much for sharing part of your Saturday morning with us.

So last night, former President Obama was in the Atlanta area, one of several big-name Democrats going across the country to campaign for Democratic candidates. How big of a role do you think Obama specifically could play in the Peach State because Democrats in those races, they're hanging on by very thin margins?

TIA MITCHELL, WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION: I think Obama can play a big role because he remains hugely popular among Democrats, particularly black Democrats, which we know make up the base of the party here in Georgia. So, he's there. He also, you know, has a lot of credibility. So, it's not just popularity, but its credibility. People trust what he says, people believe that what he says is accurate and the truth and so they put a lot of weight under him.

And so, he was here, he was energizing the crowd, not just for those at the top of the ticket, not just for Stacey Abrams, and Raphael Warnock, but he went all the way down the Democratic ticket down to the candidate for Secretary of State in the candidate for, you know, Lieutenant Governor and those other statewide races.

SANCHEZ: See, I'm curious to get your thoughts on the Hot Mic comments made by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer when he was chatting with Joe Biden. Let's play this for our viewers.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): The state where we're going to downhill is Georgia. It's hard to believe that they will go for Herschel Walker.


SANCHEZ: Going downhill in Georgia. What do you make of those remarks?

MITHCELL: Well, I think Democrats are worried that, you know, Herschel Walker seems to have the same type of Teflon that former President Donald Trump had. So, there have been recent controversies. There was another woman who said he paid for her abortion. There have been, you know, his debate performance, although better than expected, he still had some problematic answers. And still, he has a solid support among conservatives. And it's looking like Democrats are worried that even those swing voters that they thought might turn on Herschel Walker haven't done it.

And so, you hear it from Chuck Schumer that they're worried that this is a race that Democrats could lose, it would be a seat, a crucial seat that Democrats need to hold on, control that the Senate, but that's why Republicans haven't abandoned Herschel Walker. It's not so much that they think he's a perfect candidate. Some of them don't even think he's a particularly good candidate, but he's the candidate they have. And he's the candidate they need in order to retake control of the Senate.

SANCHEZ: Tia, let's talk about the governor's race there. Brian Kemp, the incumbent Republican he won in 2018 by about 50,000 votes really, really close race. It's a rematch against Stacey Abrams. They have their second and final debate coming up in a few days. What are you expecting?

MITCHELL: Yes, that second and final debate is actually tomorrow. And we expect -- I expect two things. Number one, we at the Atlanta Journal Constitution had been reporting that Governor Kemp is actually trying to expand his base, reach even be on the traditional or even moderate voters to pull off as big of a win as he can. So, we expect him to go very populous to really focus on what he's done as governor, but those policies that have more wide-ranging appeal. So less on a limiting abortion and increasing access to guns, more on those economic and pocketbook issues, and him also touting, you know, how strong the state's economy is, which he credits to him reopening the state during the Coronavirus pandemic.

We expect Stacey Abrams to go much harder on the contrast with Brian Kemp. Her message to voters is, yes, Georgia is a great state, I can make it better. And so, she's really, really trying to drill in on those things that she says Governor Kemp has not done such as expanding Medicaid and other things for health care access, better Schools, more opportunities for jobs and affordable housing. So, we expect are really to dig in with a contrast and saying you know to Georgia voters pick me let's make a change and put Georgia in a different direction.

SANCHEZ: Tia Mitchell, always appreciate your reporting. Thanks so much.

WALKER: All right. Still ahead, as many hospitals across the country remain overwhelmed by RSV cases, it appears transmission may be slowing in some cases -- in some places, but there's no rest for the weary as flu season is picking up earlier than usual. That's next.



WALKER: Health officials are sounding the alarm about the rapid increase in respiratory viruses and the flu. Cases of RSV have spiked in the past couple of weeks. Many pediatric hospitals are already near capacity, with children suffering from the virus and the earlier than usual onset of the flu season.

Joining me now is Dr. Charles Schleien, Senior Vice President and Chair of Pediatric Services at Northwell Health in New Rochelle, New York. Doctor, appreciate your time. I know you say that your hospital is absolutely packed with children. Give us a sense of what we're seeing, especially when it comes to the emergency department.

DR. CHARLES SCHLEIEN, MD, SENIOR VP AND CHAIR, PEDIATRIC SERVICES NORTHWELL HEALTH: Yes. We are really busy. RSV disease is typically the number one cause for admission into children's hospitals really across the country. So this has been very, very early. Typically, we see it a little bit later in terms of the peak, where the emergency rooms, really across the region and across the country are running anywhere from 50 to 100 percent greater in terms of the number of encounters, a number of kids really coming into those emergency departments.

And then that's translating into, of course, many more admissions into the hospital with RSV disease, again, which is typically a common diagnosis. But this is really a lot and has been fairly overwhelming to the hospitals.

WALKER: Yes. Let's talk about how overwhelming because, you know, I saw some statistics, 75 percent of pediatric beds are being used across the country right now and a lot of the scenes that we're seeing although it's children, we're talking about it, kind of reminds me of, you know, the peak bad days of COVID, right, when the hospitals are overwhelmed. Give us context here in terms of capacity and and how worried we should be in terms of our health system being able to handle this increase in respiratory illness and children coming in to ER for that?


SCHLEIEN: Well, you know, I don't want to cause panic, I mean, we're able to handle what is coming in because, you know, it turns out that folks that work in children's hospital like ours, you know, here on Long Island is, you know, they're amazing. And we're doing things, though that are pretty unusual, you know, opening up units that typically don't take inpatients, doubling patients up where it is safe to do so, you know, cohorting patients, particularly babies with the same diagnosis in rooms that typically take one.

So our nurses, our physicians, our technicians, respiratory people, you know, are really, you know, everybody's working over time, everybody's doing what they need to do. But, you know, as is typical in our industry, but particularly with children, people are doing what they need to do.


SCHLEIEN: It is really packed.

WALKER: Well, I know, you know, many health experts and doctors that we've spoken to, I mean, they're referring to this trio of viruses, right, the flu, RSV, and COVID-19. That's really creating this perfect storm. And of course, you know, we're not fully in winter yet. So there's concern about what winter is going to look like. Why is there no RSV vaccine? There is one for flu and one for COVID-19, why not for RSV?

WALKER: That's a hard question for me. I don't develop the vaccines. But it has been a difficult road to get there. I mean, we do have medications that do make it milder in some populations, like prematures and babies who are born with severe heart disease, for example, and it does work and it does make it milder. But no, that vaccine is yet to come.

WALKER: Why are we seeing such a spike and, you know, so many children kind of flooding into the emergency rooms with RSV, and here in Atlanta. You know, I've been speaking with the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and they're saying that the shift this week has now been a majority of flu cases. Last week, it was RSV.

But I know there's been a lot of talk about the immunity gap, you know, COVID, forcing a lot of people to wear masks, a lot of children not exposed to a lot of these viruses, and hence, you know, their immune system not as strong to deal with all this. Would you say, though, that the viruses are also mutating or getting stronger? Is that why we're seeing such a spike?

SCHLEIEN: No, I don't think so. Up here in the northeast, we're still seeing a predominance of RSV. We haven't really got hit by flu at this point much. We know it's coming, there's no question. I don't think the RSV is mutating. I think what's happened, however, is as usual, it's, you know, it's really small babies that are mostly affected by our -- we all get RSV, adults get RSV disease too, but typically it's mild, it's a cold.

WALKER: Right.

SCHLEIEN: But young ones, you know, have it in a much more severe way. Their airways are affected, they're smaller, the airways are smaller, which leads to more severe disease. And I, you know, listen, I think it's speculation. I think with babies, in fact, not getting the passive immunity that they typically would have during COVID, you know, being a part mothers taking, you know, the kinds of precautions that we all took in terms of masking and distancing, et cetera. I think that this potentially this cohort of babies is just more prone and more affected --


SCHLEIEN: -- by what is a common virus.

WALKER: Yes, it's unfortunate. Well, Dr. Schleien -- Charles Schleien, appreciate you joining me this morning. Thank you so much.

SCHLEIEN: Of course. My pleasure, thank you.

SANCHEZ: Turn in your badge. The community in Uvalde, Texas unleashing on the state's public safety director, many of them still searching for answers after law enforcement botched the response to the deadly elementary school shooting there. You'll hear directly from those residents when we come back.



WALKER: Emotions were running high as you'd imagine as a Texas Department of Public Safety's top official came face to face with Uvalde's grieving community this week.

SANCHEZ: The families of the 19 children and two teachers murdered in that elementary school in May still want to know how and why law enforcement failed their loved ones. Shimon Prokupecz walks us through the details.


SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN CRIME AND JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Raw emotion erupting at a meeting where frustrated family members expected to hear some accountability about the 77 minutes it took for law enforcement to kill the shooter in Uvalde.

MANUEL RIZO, RELATED TO STUDENT KILLED IN UVALDE SHOOTING: They didn't have the courage to go in there. One shooter, 91 of your officers, why didn't they go in there?

COL. STEVEN MCCRAW, DIRECTOR, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: He should have been terminated within 10 minutes.

RIZO: Right.

MCCRAW: Period. Plain and simple.

RIZO: What were they afraid of, sir?

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): Aiming their frustration directly at the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety Steve McCraw, who was expected to deliver an update on the investigation today. First, the families of the victims spoke out.

JESSE RIZO, UNCLE OF STUDENT KILLED IN UVALDE SHOOTING: Misinformation after misinformation. When this occurs, you're actually adding insult to injury.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): Naming you Each of the victims' family members made emotional and often angry pleas.


BRETT CROSS, SON KILLED IN UVALDE SHOOTING: You see it's been five months and three days since my son, his classmates and his teachers were murdered.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): About 20 family and community members drove three hours from Uvalde for an update on the law enforcement response, some citing the lack of transparency, and the toll it's taken on the entire town.

J. RIZO: -- you basically lit a match, and you sit the town on fire. It's time for you, sir, to keep your word and offer your resignation and turning your badge. People have lost trust in law enforcement.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): McCraw gave a statement but not an update on his department's investigation.

MCCRAW: There was enough knowledge, there was enough information to do what needed to be done immediately. And so, you're exactly right, that things have been terminated within 10 minutes, period, with -- my god, right is right, and we were wrong. It's not a cop out saying that we as a profession failed.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): Brett Cross spoke directly to that failure and to McCraw during the meeting.

CROSS: Now, for Mr. McCraw's own words, and I quote verbatim, "Hey, I'll be the first to resign, OK?"

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): Quoting a pledge that McCraw gave CNN more than a month ago.

MCCRAW: I'll be the first to resign, OK? I'll be gladly resign, I'll take my resignation to the governor, OK, if I think there's any culpability in the Department of Public Safety. Period.

CROSS: Well, Steve, time is now. If you're a man of your word, you'll resign.

MCCRAW: And I did make that statement to CNN. I can tell you this, you know, if DPS is an institution -- as an institution failed, the families failed the school or failed, OK, the community of Uvalde, then absolutely, I need to go.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): But still refuse to talk about resigning.

MCCRAW: DPS as an institution is -- did not fail the community. Plain and simple.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): We spoke with Brett Cross after the meeting.

CROSS: We had 91 people sit outside for 77 minutes, I consider that a huge failure institutionally.

PROKUPECZ (on-camera): Do you find that he's not willing to take any responsibility?

CROSS: Absolutely, nobody wants to.

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): With no new answers, McCraw face more questions outside the meeting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, what happened to the director's report?

PROKUPECZ (voice-over): There was no response.


WALKER: CNN's Shimon Prokupecz always pushing for answers. Great reporting there.

Still ahead, the first of his kind, Douglas Emhoff blazing the trail as the first second gentleman in U.S. history. A preview of his exclusive sit down with CNN Dana Bash, next.



SANCHEZ: If you're going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk. That's the big takeaway from our Dana Bash's exclusive interview with Vice President Kamala Harris's husband, Douglas Emhoff.

WALKER: I thought you were like scolding me or something.

SANCHEZ: You better walk the walk, Amara.

WALKER: I'd better walk the walk. I'm listening, Boris.

Here's Dana now asking the second gentleman about blazing a new path and setting aside ego to be the Vice President's biggest supporter.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Boris and Amara, in this series, we talked to public figures about what it's like to really be them. And candidly, I have been fascinated with finding that out from Doug Emhoff for almost two years since he first became the first second gentleman in history.


BASH (on-camera): I know there was no manual to be the second gentleman because it didn't exist before, but to be the second spouse.

DOUGLAS EMHOFF, SECOND GENTLEMAN OF THE UNITED STATES: There's no manual. And Dr. Biden said as much to me, because I did ask her, well, you have this role, what can I expect? She said, first, you won't believe me if I told you and two, it's just going to be different for you because you're a man, and she's a woman, and you're the first one. And the kind of the times we're in right now. But just be yourself, be authentic and support her.

BASH (voice-over): The term second lady was first used in the 1890s. But there wasn't much of a public role until Pat Nixon started traveling independent of her husband to promote causes. There are now five living former second ladies, Marilyn Quayle, Tipper Gore, Lynne Cheney, Jill Biden and Karen Pence.

(on-camera): Who'd you talk to?

EMHOFF: Well, I talked to Mrs. Pence.

BASH (on-camera): Is she helpful?

EMHOFF: She was, she was. We had a very nice conversation.

BASH (on-camera): What was the most important advice she gave?

EMHOFF: She was very helpful because having been in the residence right before there's a lot of, you know, just -- it's non-intuitive things that happen living in this type of situation --

BASH (on-camera): Like what?

EMHOFF: -- that she was very helpful. You know, just from paying the bills, how does food get in and just you've seen a lot of the security. So just the basics of everyday life.


BASH: The second gentleman also talked extensively about the notion of being comfortable with taking a backseat to his wife, being OK with the fact that she has a very big job and right now his only job is to support her. He said he wants to be a role model for other men to show you can have a healthy ego and still be OK with being in your female partner's shadow.

We're also going to get an exclusive tour on the grounds of the Naval Observatory where the second couple lives. You don't want to miss it tonight. Amara and Boris?

SANCHEZ: Dana Bash, thank you so much. Don't forget it airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. And also this weekend join Stanley Tucci as he explores Liguria, the fabled Italian Riviera and apologies if I mispronounced that. The land is rugged. The people are inventive and the food is unique and sophisticated.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pansotti is that the real typical ravioli in Liguria.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very simple because we have only Arabs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, and pasta. And then move the ravioli.



(voice-over): In the local dialect, pansotti means belly because loaded with preboggion, they look a little portly. Meanwhile Mattia (ph) is making a walnut sauce.


TUCCI: Oh wow.


TUCCI: Walnut.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Margarin. Olive oil and the salt, rock salt.

TUCCI: And that's it.


TUCCI: Beautiful.


SANCHEZ: "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" airs tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. on CNN.

Thanks so much for joining us this morning. Amara, I'd never scold you. The only people that get scolded on this show, are you and I by the producers who yelled at us --

WALKER: That's true.

SANCHEZ: -- that we talked too much.

WALKER: We're getting scolded now. We got to go. We'll see you in one hour. Smerconish next.