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New Day Sunday

New Details about the Chattanooga Shooter; Security Stepped Up at Some Military Bases; Investigators Chase Strongest Lead Yet in Mexican Drug Lord's Prison Escape; Death Toll Rises in Deadly Iraq Attack; Donald Trump Attacks John McCain?; Donald Trump's Crossing the Line; Explosion in Iraq Takes At Least 120 Civilian Lives; Black Lives Matter Movement Protesting Against Martin O'Malley. Aired 6-7a ET

Aired July 19, 2015 - 06:00   ET


[06:00:23] VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: New this morning, insight into the mind of the gunman in the Chattanooga shooting rampage. The parents of Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez now apologizing for their son's actions saying their son suffered from depression.

CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Plus investigators revealing their biggest lead yet in the El Chapo prison escape. They could be closing in on who helped the Mexican drug lord slip out of that prison cell.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured. OK.


BLACKWELL: Is this the moment that changed the tide -- turned the tide for Donald Trump? Always been outspoken, we know. But did Donald Trump go too far in slamming former POW John McCain? And could this be the beginning of the end for the Trump candidacy?

Good morning. Happy to have you this Sunday. I'm Victor Blackwell.

PAUL: And I'm Christi Paul. Always grateful for your company.

Listen. New this morning, I want to share with you what we're learning about the gunman in the deadly shooting in Chattanooga that killed five servicemen. The family of the shooter, Mohammed Abdulazeez, of course, is revealing some things about their son, as well as offering their sympathies to the families of those who were killed.

So in this statement, reading in part, quote, "The person who committed this horrible crime was not the son we knew and loved for many years. Our son suffered from depression. It grieves us beyond belief to know that his pain found its expression in this heinous act of violence."

We are also learning, by the way, new details about the hours just before Abdulazeez's rampage. He sent a text message to a friend, which was obtained by Reuters. That message linked to an Islamic verse, part of which reads, quote, "Whosoever ever shows enmity to a friend of mine, then I have declared war against him."

And we have new insight about the guns that were used in the attack as well. A source tells CNN both of the long guns were legally acquired by Abdulazeez. The handgun was registered in his name and he did purchase at least one of those guns online.

BLACKWELL: All right. Let's talk about these latest developments. We're joined by terrorism expert Sajjan Gohel and former FBI assistant director and CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes.

Good to have you both.

And, Sajjan, I want to talk to you first and I want your response to this quote, an Islamic text. "Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of mine then I have declared war against him."

In the context of what we're learning about him, what does this say to you, this addition, this additional note here?

SAJJAN GOHEL, TERRORISM EXPERT: Well, it's an interesting comment. It still requires more in depth research by the authorities as to what that's actually a reference to. Is it possibly an issue to do the airstrikes against ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria? Is there some other subtext that we're not aware of?

Nevertheless it's likely that this individual was being groomed online by people connected to ISIS. I don't believe that he was necessarily acting entirely on his own. He may have chosen to carry out this attack but there are individuals in the virtual sphere who are definitely guiding him and provoking him.

BLACKWELL: So, Tom, we're learning this about this text message and about the reported depression at the same time. Does one or the other change for you this investigation dramatically?

TOM FUENTES, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, I think the investigators, Victor, are already, you know, finding out these facts about what he posted and who he was in communication with. And they're finding out more each day as they analyze, you know, his e- mails and Web sites that he downloaded to his computer. So I think there's more to learn on that.

But even if he was -- let's say he was radicalized by what he didn't like about U.S. policy overseas and has declared the U.S. government or the U.S. military his enemy, it still doesn't necessarily mean a direct inspiration or operational control by somebody in ISIS. It still could be that he did radicalize himself. At this point, we don't know that.

As far as his depression, I think mental health professionals would be, you know, not happy with what the parents are assessing and saying, well, he was depressed and therefore that's why he became, you know, a killer like this because people with depression do not turn necessarily into psychopathic killers as he did. BLACKWELL: Yes. And I think that's important not to malign people

who are dealing with depression.

And Sajjan, I want to come back to you. There's this report from the "Washington Post." They spoke with a friend of Abdulazeez, who said he was struggling with how to balance his faith with the demand of his work, like serving bacon to customers. Of course we know that Muslims don't consume bacon.

[06:05:02] Tell me, how does it happen that someone who is dealing with those challenges possibly get to this point? And how some radical groups get into that difficult and uncomfortable space?

GOHEL: Well, a lot of people have difficulties and challenges, as Tom had mentioned, but that doesn't result in committing this terrible act of terrorism against innocent people. The fact is, is that these individuals are sometimes looking for simple answers, looking for a mission or a purpose. They are exploited or groomed. They are turned into these vicious killers.

I think the Internet, the online grooming scenario is something that does need to be looked at a lot more because there are a lot of these examples that take place. And unfortunately they buy into the simple ISIS narrative all too easily, they don't ask questions, they don't look at the small print that is designed to stoke up tensions.

And keep in mind that one of the senior members of ISIS, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, issued a message. People then react instantly. He's the one who called to make Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, a very bloody one. You had attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait. And now you had this terrorist attack in Chattanooga.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Tom, lastly, any indicators here that this was planned for some time? Anything jump out to you that support that?

FUENTES: Well, I think just the manner of which he obtained the weapons and collected them, and ammunition, you know, that would -- that would at least tell you something was on his mind from the time he was acquiring the fire power to carry out the attack. As far as actually, you know, you could look at a phone book and see where recruiting places are and program your GPS and go from one to the other.

So that doesn't have to be well planned or very sophisticated. And you would know that during a weekday, middle of the day, somebody is going to be in those various offices conducting business on behalf of the U.S. military. So I think that just the acquisition of the fire power to me is, you know, for sure when he's starting to think about carrying out an attack. And the weapons that he's buying are not for hunting or recreation, those are weapons of war.

As we've talked about on how many shootings in this country, assault rifles are designed to be a war weapon.

BLACKWELL: Certainly an argument that we're hearing from a lot of people. Tom Fuentes, Sajjan Gohel, thank you both.

FUENTES: You're welcome.

BLACKWELL: We'll continue the conversation.

PAUL: Meanwhile, in Chattanooga today the FBI is continuing to process and comb through multiple crime scenes. And some recruiting offices are stepping up their security as well.

Sara Ganim is live in Chattanooga with the very latest.

So what is happening there this morning, Sara?

SARA GANIM, CNN INVESTIGATIONS CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Christi. As grief here turns into calls for action across the country, several states changing their rules on how National Guard recruitment centers are kept secure.


GANIM (voice-over): Another victim. Petty Officer Randall Smith's name is added to this makeshift memorial outside the Chattanooga recruiting office where a deadly shooting spree began on Thursday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just released five flags.

GANIM: He was the fifth service member to die at the hands of 24- year-old gunman Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. Investigators are still trying to find a motive. The shooter's recent trip to the Middle East raising concerns of a connection to terror groups. ISIS and other terror organizations have long called for attacks on military locations like these, according to analysts.

MICHAEL WEISS, MILITARY ANALYST: The American military is the most high valued target for ISIS. Going after, as I say, military targets in the U.S. homeland, they want nothing more than that.

GANIM: Critics like Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford who was injured in the 2009 Ft. Hood shooting say military sites like these are easy targets because service members here aren't armed.

SGT. ALONZO LUNSFORD, FT. HOOD SHOOTING SURVIVOR: We have to be allowed to fight with both our hands and not with one behind our back. So arm our military personnel. We have the training. We have the restraint to use these weapons because we use it in a theater war. It's obvious that the war is now on our home soil.

GANIM: Navy Officer Randall Smith and four Marines were shot and killed at the Naval Service Center about seven miles from this recruiting office where bullet holes riddled the doors but nobody was hurt. A veteran who often works with the recruiters in this office said he believes the deadly shooting could have been stopped right here in this parking lot.

(On camera): If somebody in there, anybody was armed, what kind of difference do you think that would have made?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They would have been able to low crawl out the backdoor and come around, and flank the parking lot and they've been able to counter the situation.

GANIM: So you think they would have been able to stop him here before he got anywhere else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Because that's what we're trained to defend.

GANIM: If you have the proper tools?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. If you have the proper tools. Yes.

GANIM (voice-over): The shooting here has prompted officials in several states to call for recruiting offices like this one to be armed.

[06:10:04] Indiana, Texas and Florida governors issued orders for more security and armed personnel at National Guard recruitment centers and military facilities. Other states, Alabama, New York and Illinois, also stepping up security.


GANIM: Now important to remember many of those executive orders apply only to National Guard recruiting offices like the one here and not to those federal service centers like the one where those five men died -- Christi.

PAUL: All right. Thank you so much, Sara Ganim.

BLACKWELL: All right. Well, Donald Trump is at it again. The outspoken presidential candidate's latest target, former POW, Senator John McCain.


TRUMP: He's not a war hero.

FRANK LUNTZ, MODERATOR: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's a war hero --

LUNTZ: Five and a half years as a POW.

TRUMP: He's a war hero because he was captured.


BLACKWELL: Could this be the turning point for the Trump candidacy? You're going to hear more of his comments and we'll talk about that in just a moment.

Plus investigators say they've got their biggest lead yet in the escape of drug lord El Chapo. But are they any closer to capturing him?

Also the pictures, just these frightening this morning. Dozens of drivers watching helplessly as wildfires rage, jumping the California interstate. And look at what we have now. An update on what's being done to contain these flames.


PAUL: Fourteen minutes past the hour. And new this morning, so much for Bill Cosby's efforts to keep his full deposition in a decade-old civil lawsuit under wraps. The "New York Times" has now obtained a copy of it apparently. And in it Cosby revealed how he has sexual relationships with at least women while trying to keep it a secret from his wife.

[06:15:03] Now keep in mind more than 25 women have accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them. And in this deposition Cosby contends that the sex and drug taking were consensual with the women that he admits to sleeping with. We're going to have a whole lot more on this story in our next hour.

BLACKWELL: New this morning, a possible break in the hunt for El Chapo. Now investigators could be a step closer to finding him. El Chapo, the world's most power drug lord, escaped from a maximum security prison in Mexico last weekend. His real name is Joaquin Guzman.

CNN's Polo Sandoval has the details from Mexico City.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Mexican investigators are following what they describe as their strongest lead yet. They are questioning the supervisor of maintenance at the Altiplano prison facility. That is where Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman escaped from. Investigators say Francisco Layseca (ph) kept a prison floor plan and may have given unauthorized access to someone at some point.

This comes as seven prison employees were arrested. They are the first to be charged in connection to this prison escape that happened about a week ago. The floor plans not enough to ensure, though, such precise and accurate path as investigators believe that Chapo Guzman had access to not only the floor plans but also possibly a GPS device. Something that he would use to transmit his exact location to a support system on the outside.

Now while this does sound fairly outlandish, it is very much a possibility for someone who has seemingly endless resources and a lot of support on the outside.

Polo Sandoval, CNN, Mexico City.


BLACKWELL: Polo, thanks. Cracking down on ISIS in Saudi Arabia. Officials there have arrested

431 people allegedly linked to ISIS and foiled several terror plots, according to the state-run Saudi Press Agency. The suspects are also accused of carrying out attacks on two mosques earlier this year. The arrests happened over the past few weeks.

PAUL: We have to talk about Iraq this morning because we have new details on a deadly ISIS attack near Baghdad. 120 people are dead, 140 others are wounded, this after a suicide bomber blew up an ice truck in a crowded market. This is just 21 miles north of the Iraqi capital.

Hundreds of people have been out shopping in this market on the eve of the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking of course the end of Ramadan.

Want to bring in CNN's Jomana Karadsheh.

Jomana, we know that officials say that the men lured people to this truck by promising cheap ice. What else have you learned?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A truly devastating attack , Christi, if you look at how this bomber managed to lure people over. As you mentioned, it was -- it was a time of celebration on Friday evening, the start of Eid al-Fitr holiday, marking the end of Ramadan. This is a time when you see markets in Iraq packed, crowded with people who are out shopping especially in the evening hours because during the day it is that scorching desert heat of Iraq where temperatures are over 120 degrees.

And it is because of that heat that this bomber managed to lure people over. He was selling ice at lower prices, we hear, from what market prices are. People are desperate for that relief from the heat especially with power cuts in that kind of heat. So hundreds of people gathered around that truck to try and buy that ice before the bomber detonated a lot of explosives that left a big crater there.

And as you mentioned, 120 people killed, more than 140 wounded. These are mostly civilians. A lot of children. As you can imagine this is a holiday time when lots families out shopping. So a really devastating attack. And while we have seen ISIS carry out so many atrocities over the past year in the country, this is really different kind of tactic, something very reminiscent of what we used to see during what used to be described as the dark days of the violence in Iraq between 2005 and 2007 carried out ISIS' predecessor Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Over the past year since ISIS expanded its presence and control of areas in Iraq. We've seen mass killings, executions, beheadings, all sorts of atrocities, but this kind of attack, described as a spectacular or high profile attack, quite rare, raising a lot of concerns about if we're going to be seeing more of this sort of attack taking place in Iraq -- Christi.

PAUL: Absolutely. Jomana Karadsheh, thank you so much.

By the way, we have military experts coming up later in the hour. He's got some things that he wants to say about this as well.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump now creating some outrage, genuine outrage here, this time for saying former POW, Senator John McCain, is no war hero. We'll tell you who's coming to his defense just ahead.

Plus, the Confederate flag still causing tension in South Carolina. Things -- look -- got heated on the steps of the state capitol as the KKK clashed with anti-flag protesters.


[06:23:22] BLACKWELL: We're learning new details about this tragedy in New York. According to reports, police say a drunk driver T-boned a pick-up truck into a limo overnight. This was in Long Island. Killing four women and critically injuring two others.

Now the limo driver is expected to survive and so is the unidentified suspect. Now the police chief calls it one of the worst accidents he's ever seen.

PAUL: Five people are facing charges after this heated exchange between the KKK and members of the New Black Panther Party. The two groups clashed outside the South Carolina state capitol yesterday. A human chain of law enforcement officers eventually escorted the clan members away. The KKK were rallying in protest of South Carolina removing the rebel flag from the state house grounds.

BLACKWELL: Crews trying to contain a raging wildfire in Southern California are facing some enemies here -- drones. Officials say operators of what they call five hobby drones hovered over the North Fire along Interstate 15 on Friday. That delayed helicopters from dumping water on the fire that torched 20 cars as panicked drivers took off on foot. Now this morning the North Fire is 45 percent contained.

PAUL: And take a look at this video. Flood waters there and they look pretty furious, don't they? Into a Phoenix area neighborhood is where they're rushing here, as the storm dumped three inches of rain.

Three inches doesn't always sound like a lot but when you're in the desert, that is a huge amount of rain. The "Arizona Republic" reports some homes and businesses were damaged. RV's and other vehicles were simply swept away. And we know that the flooding washed out part of a road. The good news is there's no reports of any injuries.

[06:25:08] BLACKWELL: Yes, so Donald Trump obviously over the last couple of weeks has created a firestorm over his comments about Mexican immigrants. But now did he go too far as well maybe a second time here in questioning Senator John McCain's war hero status, and is this a turning point for his campaign?

Plus, the other political story buzzing this morning. Did Martin O'Malley make a mistake by telling an audience that all lives matter when discussing police violence against African-Americans? And should he have apologized? Those heated conversations coming up.


BLACKWELL: Donald Trump is igniting another firestorm this morning. The 2016 presidential candidate was speaking at a summit in Iowa when he questioned whether Senator John McCain is a war hero. And now what hopefuls on both sides of the aisle are condemning those remarks. Republican National Committee has gone so far as to say that his comments, quote, "have no place in their party."

Joining us now with more on the fallout is CNN's Mark Preston.

So give us a broader picture of what the overall response was in the room when Trump made those comments and exactly what he said here.

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Well, Victor, you couldn't predict less than 24 hours ago that Donald Trump who is leading in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination is in full damage control at this point. But Donald Trump who talks off the cuff says that he likes to tell it like it is, seems to have gone too far.

Donald Trump speaking yesterday at a meeting of social conservatives here in Iowa attacked John McCain. Let's hear what he had to say.



DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you. I believe perhaps he's a war hero.


PRESTON: so there you have Donald Trump who has feuded with John McCain often in the past few months criticizing him saying he was not a war hero. Just a short time later that Donald Trump tried to correct that, fix that a little bit. However, Victor, it doesn't seem to have worked. Let's hear what Donald Trump had to say.


TRUMP: If a person is captured they're a hero as far as I'm concerned. Unless they're a traitor like Bergdahl. He was captured, he's no hero. But you have to do other things also. I don't like the job that John McCain is doing in the Senate because he's not taking care of our veterans.


BLACKWELL: Mark, he appears now ...

PRESTON: Donald Trump trying to justify his comments about John McCain. And I have to tell you right now, Victor, there's no question at this point Donald Trump's campaign at the top of the polls yesterday is in now full damage control. Victor. BLACKWELL: Yeah, it appears that he is now trying to clean that up and shift it to another issue from his service in the military to his service in the Senate. But I wonder if we're going to see something we have not seen for the next couple of weeks we listen to this debate. A Donald Trump on the defensive. You remember he doubled down, tripled down on those comments about Mexicans coming into the U.S.

And it appears that this clean-up job is not appearing to work here.

PRESTON: No. And in fact, what we've seen, not only did he come out to the cameras after he had made those remarks, to try to clean it up a little bit, he did some work on social media, they put out a statement. Even went as far as to get a fellow veteran to come out and defend Donald Trump for making those comments. But their question is right now, Donald Trump, who's not necessarily shy to the media, will he now be a little bit more reserved in the next couple of days. I think that will be very telling, Victor, about what will happen with Donald Trump's presidential campaign as we move forward.

BLACKWELL: Hey, let's listen to what other GOP candidates are saying.


RICK PERRY (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As an individual who's worn the uniform in this country I was highly offended what Donald Trump said about John McCain and his years of sacrifice in a dirty, dingy, terrible prison in North Vietnam. Donald Trump owes every American veteran and in particular John McCain an apology.

LINDSEY GRAHAM (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDDIATE: He crossed a line today that will offend most everyone that I know. And in my view, the democratic process is going to lead to him hearing what he is so fond of saying, you're fired.


BLACKWELL: And let's bring in our political anchor for news, New York One News, Errol Louis. Errol, I wonder if you believe this is the turning point? Is this the beginning of the end of this spike for Donald Trump?

ERROL LOUIS, POLITICAL ANCHOR, NEW YORK ONE NEWS: Well, it's funny, Victor. I think a lot of commentators are a little too hopeful that this is going to somehow cause the collapse of Donald Trump. As far as I can tell the people who support him, and it seemed to be a pretty big chunk of Republican voters, are not supporting him because what he says is logical or fair or kind or generous. They're coming from a very different place. And I'd be very surprised if people suddenly decided to walk away from him. We have to keep in mind, of course, that he's leading in the polls. But that's like around 18 percent of the Republican electorate at this point that are talking to pollsters. So, it's not all that much. I think it's both a floor and maybe a ceiling for him. But I don't see him - first of all, he's not going to back down. That's just not his style. And I don't think the people who are supporting him are supporting him because he's a perfect politician. It's really just the opposite. So, in some way, the gaffes are really kind of baked in, I think, among his supporters. I don't foresee the support dwindling away just because of this one remark.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about the other side - of the Democrats now. Errol and Mark. Talk about something that happened at an event with Senator Bernie Sanders and former Governor Martin O'Malley. Protesters affiliated with the black lives movement, they took over town hall where the governor, former governor there was speaking. Demonstrators started shouting, you can see the video here. And this is what Martin O'Malley said. Listen.




O'MALLEY: And that is why this issue is so important. Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter. Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.


BLACKWELL: So you heard him say there, black lives matter, white lives matter. All lives matter. Boos. And then he said it again. He later apologized for that. Errol, explain what we're seeing here and what you think about this apology for that statement.

LOUIS: Well, you know, what you see there is somebody who is a little removed from a movement that's been developing, including in his hometown of Baltimore. I mean, the reality is, when they say black lives matter, they're talking about a very particular movement with a very particular history that's arguing for better or fairer treatment of a minority in this country. So, then to suddenly flatten it out and broaden it out and say well, the rights of the minority have to be protected and the rights of the majority too. Well, that's mush. You know, politically speaking. And I think the booing you heard was them letting him know that's mush. That's not what we're talking about.

And so, Martin O'Malley has a little work to do, I think. If he wants to talk to that segment of the Democratic electorate -- it's not entirely clear that he does, to be blunt about it. Because the voters who were going to make the difference in the first few primary states up in Iowa and up in New Hampshire, it's not - it's, you know, these are overwhelmingly white states. Frankly. And so, we are not - I'm not sure where this is going to go, but Martin O'Malley has got - I think to go back to his briefing notes on what this movement is about and decide what he wants to do with it.

BLACKWELL: Well, Errol, I'll tell you this. That the people in that room, at that net roots event told CNN that they agreed with what the protesters came in and their point of view, but they don't really agree with the way, in which they did it. The protesters chanted, "If I die in police custody, burn everything down. That's the only way you m-fers like to listen." So, that's the way they came in the room, and then you saw what happened after that. Let me go to ...

LOUIS: And then they got angry.

BLACKWELL: And after that, they really told them how they felt. Mark, let me come to you. What's the lesson here for O'Malley and for other candidates?

PRESTON: Well, to be fair to Martin O'Malley, Bernie Sanders followed him on stage and as well had a tough time with that audience. And at one point it looked like that Bernie Sanders, the Independent senator from Vermont, who is starting to get a lot of support on the left, he almost walked off stage. It was a very frustrating moment I think for both of those candidates on stage. But to this point it shows how explosive this issue is. And when you have folks like that who are going to go in and interrupt an event like that, especially seeing that those are the candidates on stage who are going to be supporters of your cause, it shows you how explosive this is and quite frankly, it is going to be an issue that permeates not only through this Democratic primary, but as we head into the general election next year.

BLACKWELL: All right, Mark Preston, Errol Louis, thank you both.


BLACKWELL: And of course, we want to know what you think about Donald Trump, about this turning point possibly for his candidacy, also about what happened there with former governor Martin O'Malley. Tweet us using the hashtag, "NEW DAY CNN". Or go to our Facebook page to share your thoughts.

PAUL: It was a close call for a rescue crew say and I'm quoting here, one blade swipe away from a deadly injury. How the guy survived after falling into a meat grinder.

Plus, thousands turn out to pay tribute to member four, Bet Favre - OK, so here's the question, is the Favre really the best quarterback ever?

BLACKWELL: That is a great question. And we want to know what our viewers think. If you had to pick up, pick up team, and you had one quarterback in there - who you take in and why? Use hashtag, newday cnn. And we'll find out later in the show what you all had to say.



PAUL: In Iraq, a suicide bomber drove an ice truck into a market pretending to sell ice at a discount. And as people crowded around, blew up the truck, killing at least 120 people. 140 others were injured. What's more, Iraqi officials are calling the deadly blast ISIS's worst single bombing attack on a civilian target in the country. We first reported this story last half hour. But let's talk about it with Lieutenant Colonel Bob Maginnis. Bob, we know that Eid - Eid al-Fitr, it's a sacred time for people. But there had been warnings that they may attack, that ISIS may attack during this time, and we heard from Joumana (ph) Karachi just a while ago, that this was a different attack, appealing to a direct need. What do you make of the way ISIS seems to be able to evolutionize its attacks?

LT. COL. ROBERT (BOB) MAGINNIS, U.S. ARMY (RET.): Yes, Christi. 95 degrees yesterday on Friday. And they took advantage of vulnerable people in a marketplace. They go in there, you know, willing to sell ice at a discount. Hundreds of people understandably gathered around and then they exploded this giant bomb. Killing so many and wounding the others. ISIS, you know, is in a sectarian war. They're doing everything they can to bring bloodshed to the Shia population of Iraq. They've made it very clear of their larger goals of dominating that particular country. They've already claimed Iraq as part of the Caliphate. So I'm not surprised. We've seen this sort of behavior certainly in Syria and we're beginning to see it elsewhere. So, it's something that as General John Allen, the president's envoy in that part of the world has said, this is going to be a generational war. And unfortunately, these sorts of tragedies may reoccur.


MAGINNIS: And we just have to be persistent and hopefully the Iraqi security forces will be able to contain and defeat, as the president said, these particular animals.

PAUL: Yeah, we've heard people estimate ten to 20 years it's going to take for this war. But a year ago the U.S. and their allies said, hey, we're going to destroy ISIS. What do you make of the progress that ISIS has made and how strong do you believe them to be?

MAGINNIS: Yeah, General Votel, who is the commander of the Special Operations Command said, look, they are being successful at recruiting from all over the world. Their numbers haven't dramatically increased. It seems as if every time we kill some, they're replenishing from elsewhere. And so, their numbers may be three - perhaps, not as high as 40,000. But they're dead-enders. They're willing to die for their particular cause. And, of course, they tribute that to their claim of Caliphate, their claim of their religious calling. So, what we are going to see, and I think in the coming months is whether or not they're able to defeat Assad in Damascus. Do they take over Damascus or do they share that with al- Nousra and other terrorists groups? You know, how effective is our air campaign with our 60 allies going to continue to be? We've been fairly effective, but I think the linchpin here, Christi, is whether or not we're going to train enough Syrian rebels to get in to the fight. We just had some - entered Syria from Jordan here recently. Are the Iraqi security forces going to be able to take the fight all the way up to Mosul and recapture that country? Those are questions yet to be heard or answered.

And yet, General Dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs, made it very clear, at this point we don't see U.S. service member numbers increasing dramatically in the near future. So, it really depends upon the ground forces and those ground forces are indigenous. We will continue to provide help from the air, but this is, once again, a generational war.

PAUL: Lieutenant Colonel, Bob Maginnis, so appreciate your expertise as always. Thank you, sir.

MAGINNIS: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: New this morning, some of the Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray have filed to have their statements thrown out of court. Our legal expert weighs in on why and whether it's a good defense.



BLACKWELL: New this morning, three officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray want their statements they made to investigators tossed out.

PAUL: And "The Baltimore Sun" is reporting this morning, lawyers for the officers say their clients made statements under duress because they feared their answers could cost them their jobs.

BLACKWELL: CNN legal analyst Danny Cevallos, he's with us now. Danny, I want to start with two of the officers who say that they believed they were speaking as witnesses when questioned and not suspects. On that basis, could their statements be tossed out?

DANNY CEVALLOS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I haven't read the actual motions, Victor, but what I suspect is going on here is what has been - has come to be known as a Garrity statement. Now, typically police officers are not your usual witnesses. On one hand, as witnesses they may have information about a case. But as citizens they would not be compelled to come in and talk to the police and give a statement. But on the other hand, as police officers, as public employees, the very nature of their job is crime investigation and a big part of what they do is write down factual statements about what happened.

So what does a police officer do when those two worlds collide and he may be compelled to give a statement as part of his job that may be incriminating as a citizen. And the Supreme Court said that these Garrity statements, coming from a case called Garrity v. New Jersey, says that yes, they may be compelled under threat of losing their job to give a statement. But that statement may not later be used against them. So that balances out our society's need for police officers to willingly give statements about criminal or noncriminal events against their protections as citizens just like everybody else under the constitution.

PAUL: OK, well, let me throw this at you. A third officer says that he wasn't advised of his Miranda rights before giving a statement. So, bringing that component in, does that bolster the argument that the officer did indeed believe he was being asked for his statement as a witness? CEVALLOS: Well, for any person once an interview matures into what is

called an interrogation, once that officer believed he was a suspect and believed he would soon be charged, then he like everybody else has Fifth Amendment protections. And it's true that Miranda, and this is the language used in the Supreme Court, is not itself a constitutional rule, but rather a protection. And the Supreme Court used this word, a prophylactic to guard against the violation of someone's constitutional rights. So, if he is correct, if he gave those statements and was not mirandized, of course, the prosecution might argue that who would understand his rights more than a police officer who gives those very same Miranda warnings and read them off the back of a card. He should be aware. But I think a court would disregard that and say that all citizens, irrespective of their job, are entitled to be Mirandize.

BLACKWELL: All right. Danny Cevallos, thank you so much.

CEVALLOS: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: So, Bill Cosby has been trying to keep secret a couple of statements of his own, but now there's a new report revealing disturbing court testimony in his own words - about sex, drugs and women. We'll have a live report at the top of the hour.

PAUL: Also a popular quarterback recognized before 67,000 fans in Green Bay. You are going to see how it played out, but we're asking you, who do you think is the best quarterback of all time? We want to hear your opinion on this one.



PAUL: Well, a California man lucky to be alive after falling into an industrial meat grinder. Thankfully his screams alerted a coworker who shut off the machine moments before its blades - we are told, could crush his head or his neck. He apparently ended up in the grinder after trying to get some meat that was stuck, but it got a hold of his coat and it pulled him in. He's OK. My goodness.

BLACKWELL: So, look at this. More than 67,000 Green Bay Packers fans. They really showered Brett Favre with love. This was at the induction of Favre into the team's hall of fame last night. And you see there, quarterback shed a few tears.


BLACKWELL: After receiving the long standing ovation. He spent 16 years with the Packers, and is the franchise leader in passing yards, pass completions and passing touchdowns.

So, is he the best quarterback of all time? That's the question.

PAUL: Well, we need to ask an expert about that, somebody who may be played against him.

BLACKWELL: I think maybe we know someone.

PAUL: I think we know - Nine year NFL veteran here. CNN's Coy Wire. What do you say?

COY WIRE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Let's have a little fun this morning. I mean I can tell you just seeing him across the field there and being on the same field with him, he has that fervor and that flare.

PAUL: Were you nervous?

WIRE: Which has certainly put his name - or, absolutely - here in that bowl, in the hat. Look, he can certainly put his name and have certainly 67,000 people in Green Bay think he could be in consideration. How about Peyton Manning, though? One Super Bowl title, NFL record, five MVP trophies, a slew of passing records, including most passing touchdowns. Just - How about Tom Brady, four Super Bowl rings, three Super Bowl MVP trophies, holding almost every major - season, passing record. Don't forget about some of the old school, though. Joe Montana. Also, four Super Bowl titles. Also, three Super Bowl MVP's. You could go way back to Johnny Unitas and Broadway - a lot out there to choose from. Use the hashtag "New Day CNN." We want to know what you think, who is the greatest quarterback of all time? Love to use your comments later in the show.

BLACKWELL: Looking forward to it.

PAUL: Thank you, Coy.

And thank you so much for sharing your time with us this morning.


BLACKWELL: We've got much more ahead in the next hour of your "NEW DAY" starts right now.