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"Mexico Got A Devil Off The Streets": A Look At Zetas Cartel Leader; Elon Musk Announces Hyperloop; Cuba Says Weapons Found On North Korean Ship Obselete, In Need of Repair; Fans Hope Local Prospect Justin Rose Wins British Open; 22 Children Die In India After Eating Free School Lunch

Aired July 17, 2013 - 08:00   ET


KRISTIE LU STOUT, HOST: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. And welcome to News Stream where news and technology meet.

Now more than 20 children in India have died after eating a free school lunch.

Weapons on a North Korean ship seized at the Panama canal came from Cuba.

And Tesla's Elon Musk drops hints about his next project, but what is hyperloop?

Now, Cuba says it is behind the military hardware stashed behind bags of sugar on a North Korean ship. The country's foreign ministry says the vessel was carrying, quote, obsolete defensive weapons to North Korea to be repaired. Now Cuba says the weapons cache includes two anti-aircraft missile systems and spare parts for missiles, jet fighters and jet engines.

Now the military hardware was discovered during an anti-drug inspection as the ship tried to pass through the Panama canal. And Panama's security minister says only one of the vessels five container compartments have been searched so far.

255,000 sacks of sugar have to be removed by hand to get to the other containers.

Now we're covering this from all angles this Tuesday. Let's go to Patrick Oppmann, he joins us now live from Havana. And Patrick, what more has Cuba said about the cargo on this North Korean ship?


And Cuban officials are saying they're coming clean over the some 240 tons of military hardware, which they call obsolete weaponry, they were sending to North Korea for repairs. Among this hardware are MiG fighters, anti-aircraft batteries, and missiles.

And of course there have been several days of silence from Cuba over exactly what this cargo was, where it had come from, who it had belonged to. But late last night, Cuban officials confirming that it was what they called defensive military hardware equipment, they said is over 50 years old and that they need to defend the island.

But this is something of an embarrassment for Cuban officials. It comes the exact same time that Cuban officials have been pressing for better relations with the United States.

Today, Cuban and U.S. officials are due to meet to discuss migration accords, the first such meeting in two years, and a meeting that several U.S. lawmakers are saying should now be scraped over this incident.

LU STOUT: That's right, this is a revelation that comes at a very sensitive time.

Patrick Oppmann joining us live from Havana, Cuba. Thank you.

Now let's bring up journalist May Lee. She joins us live from Manzanillo, Panama. And Mei, what have you learned about what happened on board that ship when it was seized in Panama?

And I believe that ship is right behind you.

MAY LEE, JOURNALIST: Yeah, unfortunately, we lost our live shot so I'm on the phone with you. But yes, we are quite close to the ship. And basically it was very chaotic when Panamanian officials raided the ship a few days ago. Apparently the crew (inaudible) and the captain absolutely put up a violent fight, a near riot, according to officials here.

And so it went on for about three days. And in fact during that struggle, the captain of this North Korean vessel tried to commit suicide. And one official told us yesterday that he tried to slit his own throat.

So mass chaos on this boat. And finally they did - they were able to control things and all the crew members are under arrest. The condition of the captain is unknown. He did survive, however - Kristie.

LU STOUT: Now, and we also know that the president of Panama, he's been taking incredibly a pretty hands on role in documenting and reporting the seizure of the ship. Tell us how.

LEE: Yeah, President Martinelli has been very hands on since the very beginning. In fact, he's taken to social media to even tell everyone about what has happened. He's the one who posted that picture of that missile on board. So he's been going to the ship and watching the investigators and finding out what they're doing.

Now, this is going to take a long time to go through this huge cargo ship. You have to keep in mind that there are five cargo holds on the ship that they have to go through. They have only gone through one. And so they still have four more to go through and see what is in all of these other cargo holds.

The reason why it's taking so long is because video shows that there's been bags and bags of sugar that was hiding all of these weapons. They have been able - they have to hand carry each bag of sugar out, because there's no mechanism on the ship to be able to do it by robot. So it's definitely a laborious procedure and it's going to take some time for sure - Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, it's going to take a lot of time for that sugar to be offloaded. And we heard from Panamanian authorities that they believed that fighter jets were on board this North Korean ship. We heard from Cuba saying that it's obsolete weaponry that needed to be fixed. Have you heard anything more, any more clarity about what was exactly - what is exactly on that ship?

LEE: Well, what's interesting, Kristie, is that when officials first seized the ship, they were looking for drugs. So officials admit openly that they were absolutely caught by surprise when they found these weapons.

So, yes, we did hear from the Cuban officials yesterday stating what is on that ship. But Panamanian officials are saying, listen, we still have a lot to go through, we still need to unload all of these things that are covering up the weapons and the hardware. So they're not specifically saying what they have found yet.

And they're also asking for U.S., UN, and UK help. They want experts to come here to help them figure out what all this hardware is for - Kristie.

LU STOUT: That's right, including UN investigators.

May Lee joining us life from Manzanillo, Panama. Thank you so much for that update.

Now, it is a program designed to provide better nutrition and to boost attendance at school, but parents in India are asking why a free lunch killed at least 22 children, and another 25 are in hospital.

It happened in a village in Bihar province in the northeast, one of the poorest areas of India.

An official says that the students were fed a meal of rice and lentils that may have contained an insecticide. And the children are between the ages of eight and 12.

An investigation into what caused the poisoning is underway, but Indian media report that violent protests have broken out in Bihar.

Now Mallika Kapur is following all of the developments for us. She joins us live from Mumbai. And Mallika, first, what led to the poisoning of so many children?

MALLIKA KAPUR, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We're not really sure yet. And local officials there have ordered an investigation. But what the education minister of the state of Bihar has told CNN probably been caused by insecticide, organophosphorous, an insecticide that is very commonly used in agriculture.

So one of the reasons could be that traces of the insecticide were left on the grains, the lentils that were served to the children today, perhaps they weren't washed properly before they were cooked and fed to the children. So traces of organophosphorous could have remained on the food and that could have led to the severe food poisoning.

Also another possible reason, locals officials are saying, and local media reports are pointing to is that the quality of the cooking oil used was bad. Some people have been saying that the oil smelled really bad. So that is another one of those reasons that could have contributed to the food poisoning.

So local officials have ordered an investigation, but at the moment it seems it could be because of this insecticide, or because of poor quality oil.

LU STOUT: And Mallika, a number of children are seriously ill. Any update on their condition?

KAPUR: Not really. All we know is that 25 of them - the hope, of course, is that these children pull through. The reality, Kristie, unfortunately is that they may not, because we do know that many of them have - are suffering very badly right now and they are critically ill.

LU STOUT: And also news of the poisoning, it stirred up a lot of public anger and protest. Could you tell us more about the reaction?

KAPUR: Absolutely. Yes, there has been a lot of anger on the streets of Bihar, especially in the areas where this food poisoning took place. We've seen parents (inaudible) outraged that something like this could happen.

The protests have been very angry, very loud, very violent. We've seen protesters smashed the window of police vans, of other vehicles, even lighting a car on fire. So there's a lot of anger on the streets. People outraged that innocent children who go to school and who are lured to school by the promise of a warm meal that they should have to suffer this way.

So people are very angry and they're calling for a general strike in the region as well. But definitely very noisy, angry and violent protests in Bihar following this outbreak of this food contamination.

LU STOUT: And this is a deeply, deeply unsettling story. Mallika Kapur joining us live from Mumbai, thank you.

Now, India's school lunch program is one of the largest in the world. Its roots date back to 1925 when the city now known as Chennai introduced free midday meals for children from poor families. And the program as you know today, it began in the 1960s. A few states used it to fight malnutrition and illiteracy with food being an incentive for parents to send their children to school.

And in 2001, India's supreme court made it a law requiring all government and government assisted primary schools to serve children a prepared lunch. And today, the program feeds over 120 million children in 1.2 million schools across the country.

Now you're watching News Stream. And still to come, following the George Zimmerman trial, U.S. attorney general Eric Holder takes a stand against stand your ground laws.

And he beheaded his victims and left rivals' bodies hanging from bridges, we profile one of Mexico's most brutal cartel leaders.


LU STOUT: Welcome back. And you're watching News Stream.

And you're looking at a visual version of all the stories we've got in the show today. We've already told you about the deaths of at least 22 children in India have eating poisoned lunches at school. And later, we'll have more on the drug lord arrested in Mexico.

But now, let's turn to the United States where Attorney General Eric Holder has commented on the contentious acquittal of George Zimmerman.

Now Zimmerman shot and killed a teenager in Florida. And the case has brought attention to so-called stand your ground laws.

Now Florida passed the statute in 2005. And now, more than 30 states have some form of the stand your ground law. They are highlighted here on this map.

Now the laws say that people fearing for their lives have the right to respond with deadly force. And you do not have to retreat from conflict in a public place even if you have the opportunity to do so.

Now supporters say it is legitimate self-defense, but critics call it the shoot first law. And now the U.S. attorney general has weighed in.

Dan Lothian reoprts.


DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): As demonstrations against George Zimmerman's not guilty verdict continued across the country, Attorney General Eric Holder for the first time took aim at "Stand Your Ground" laws.

ERIC HOLDERN, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: It's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and so dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods.

LOTHIAN: Speaking to the NAACP in Orlando, this first African- American attorney general also got personal revealing his own experience with racial profiling as a young black man.

HOLDER: I was stopped by a police officer while simply running to catch a movie at night in Georgetown in Washington, D.C. I was at the time of that last incident a federal prosecutor.

LOTHIAN: Now his Justice Department is under pressure to bring criminal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. More than 1 million people signed a petition on the NAACP web site. A federal investigation was opened last year and Holder says his department will continue to review evidence from the FBI and the Florida criminal trial. Meantime, Reverend Al Sharpton is calling for vigils around the country this weekend.

REVEREND AL SHARPTON: I think the president has made a statement of consolation. We don't need consolation. We need legislation and we need some federal prosecution.

MARQUEZ: White House Spokesman Jay Carney said the president acknowledges passions are running high.

JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: He echoes the call for calm reflection that Trayvon Martin's parents made in the wake of the verdict.

LOTHIAN: Dan Lothian, CNN, Washington.


LU STOUT: And one of the jurors in the trial spoke exclusively to Anderson Cooper. In part two of that interview, juror B-37 said she believes Zimmerman was, quote, justified in shooting Trayvon Martin. And shortly after that aired, four other jurors released a statement saying the opinions of juror B-37 are her own.

And the statement went on to say, quote, "the death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts. But in the end, we did what the law required us to do."

Now, the Costa Concordia ran aground off the coast of Italy a year- and-a-half ago. 32 people were killed. And now the captain of the luxury cruise liner faces trial.

Captain Francesco Schettino faces charges of multiple manslaughter and abandoning ship. If found guilty on all charges, he could be sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Now Schettino allegedly took over an hour to issue the order to abandon ship and left the vessel before all passengers were able to leave. He has denied all charges.

Now that the leader of the Zetas drug cartel, one of the most feared men in Mexico, has been arrested, questions are being asked about what happens next. Now Brian Todd takes a look at how this man gained a reputation for brutality and what his arrest means for Mexico's second largest drug cartel.

And a warning, some of the images in this report are disturbing.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In a world of bad characters, analysts say Miguel Angel Trevino Morales held a special place.

GEORGE GRAYSON, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY: He was the most sadistic cartel leader in the Americas.

TODD: Trevino, leader of the notorious Zetas drug cartel, is now in the custody of Mexican authorities, arrested Monday just across the border from the U.S.

William & Mary professor George Grayson, an expert on the Zetas, says with the capture of Trevino, an absolute demon has been removed.

One of his alleged favorite tactics? El Giso (ph), or the stew.

GRAYSON: He delighted in putting his victims in barrels, pouring gasoline over them and then setting them on fire until they were nothing more than a crisp set of ashes.

TODD: Trevino's other signatures - beheadings and leaving the bodies of rivals, or those who would otherwise cross the cartel, hanging from bridges.

Analysts say he and the Zetas in different incidents a few years ago, killed dozens of migrants trying to get to the U.S., including these victims left in a warehouse just south of the border.

GRAYSON: He tried to recruit them as perhaps couriers or lookouts for Los Zetas and when that didn't work, he bashed their heads in with sledgehammers.

TODD: Grayson cites another recruiting tactic of Trevino's, detailed in a 2011 Houston Chronicle interview with a member of the Zetas. He told the Chronicle that on at least one occasion, the Zetas hijacked a bus, forced the young men out and gave them weapons.

GRAYSON: And he would have them fight each other until the last man was standing. And then he would say, well, you are now worthy to become a Zeta.

TODD: Analysts say Trevino relished in this kind of sadism, but also did it to instill fear in rivals and the police. It was effective. The Zetas are now Mexico's second largest cartel, controlling much of the drug flow into America. And Trevino's reach of violence also extends into the U.S.

DUNCAN WOOD, WOODROW WILSON CENTER: There have been reports that he was responsible for some executions or killings in the United States. And certainly the Zetas have if not their own cells, but they do work with gangs and organized crime units in various American cities.

TODD: With Trevino's capture, who will now take over control of the Zetas? Analysts say his younger brother Omar is a potential candidate, but they also say Omar is a much weaker person, meaning the struggle for control of this cartel will likely be very messy and violent.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


LU STOUT: Now, 10 months have passed since this attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya, but no one has been held responsible for the killing of four Americans, including the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Arwa Damon has more on his final moments in this portion of her special investigation.


ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We first came here three days after the attack. The smell of soot hung thick. And the chaotic jumble of debris, traces of a life that was.

This was the ambassador's bedroom, part of a suite that made up the safe room.

And it was here between the bed and the chair that we found his diary. Containing details about his security concerns, especially threats in Benghazi.

Smoke had quickly engulfed the room. One man shot video of Stevens unconscious, close to death, being carried out.

"I was filming the video and I thought it was an American," Fahad (ph) recalls. "But I thought it was a driver or a security guy. He had a pulse. And his eyes were moving," Fahad (ph) says. "His mouth was black from all the smoke."

But by the time Stevens arrived at the hospital just 10 minutes later, he was beyond help.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No pulse and no breathing.

DAMON: "I began resuscitation, but after 45 minutes the patient gave no signs of life."


LU STOUT: And find out more of what Arwa uncovered in the CNN special investigation. It's called Return To Benghazi. It premieres on Friday. Tune in at 11:30 pm here in Hong Kong. That's 4:30 in London and 7:30 in Abu Dhabi.

Now you're watching News Stream. And still ahead, Cuba offers an explanation of the contraband on board an impounded North Korean ship. And we'll bring you reaction from Washington.


LU STOUT: Now June 30 was a very deadly day for U.S. firefighters. 19 men died while battling a large blaze in Yarnell, Arizona. And 2008 CNN Hero Vicki Minor flew there immediately to do the work she's been doing for 14 years providing long-term support to the families of fallen firefighters.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: 19 men, 19 husbands, fathers, sons, friends, and brothers; 19 firefighters, part of an elite 2,000 member group known as hotshots.

VICKI MINOR, 2008 CNN HERO: These are not the guys in the red trucks that go out and fight fire. Wildland firefighters fight fire that turns and chases them, runs after them.

COOPER: With just over 100 crews in the United States Hotshots are part of a close-knit community of wildland firefighters. MINOR: It's hard enough to lose one, but when you lose 19 that are tight, it's a domino effect. There's a hole here.

COOPER: 2008 CNN Hero Vickie Minor flew to Prescott, Arizona, to offer her support. Since 1999 Vickie and her team have helped thousands of firefighters and their families with emergency funds, medical support, travel, and lodging.

MINOR: We help the families of the injured get to the bedsides. We do long-term recovery with them.

COOPER: Her group has provided millions of dollars are to help, but at the end of the day Vickie says money can only accomplish so much.

MINOR: The families miss the smell of smoky yellow shirts. We keep them connected back to this wildland fire family. I love these wildland firefighters. I will do anything to protect them and help them.


LU STOUT: And you can read more about Vicki, and organization, the wildland firefighter foundation at And if you know someone who deserves to be recognized as a CNN Hero, nominate them on our website.

Now Cuba has claimed the weapons found on board a North Korean ship. So how is the U.S. reacting to the revelation. Coming up next on News Stream, we'll get the latest live from Washington.

And this entrepreneur has a vision to expedite travel time, shuttling people from New York to LA in just 45 minutes. The details of his plan straight ahead.


LU STOUT: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. You're watching News Stream and these are your world headlines.

At least 20 children have died in northeastern India and 25 are in hospital. The children ate poisoned food cooked in their school kitchen. An investigation is underway

Now Russian president Vladimir Putin says his relations between the U.S. and Russia are more important than the Edward Snowden affair. Now the man who leaked information about U.S. surveillance operations has been stuck in a Moscow airport for weeks and has applied for temporary asylum in Russia. And Putin spoke about his situation in the last few hours.


VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA (through translator): Bilateral relations, in my opinion, are far more important than squabbles about the activities of the secret services.

We warned Mr. Snowden that any action by him that could cause damage to Russian-American relations is unacceptable for us.


LU STOUT: And the airline whose plane crash landed in San Francisco, killing three people, says it will not file a lawsuit against a local U.S. broadcaster. Asiana Airlines has said it would file for defamation after the station reported incorrect and racially offensive names of the pilots. Asiana said the report was humiliating, but it has accepted an apology from the broadcaster.

And authorities in Canada say the star of the TV program Glee, Cory Monteith, died as a result of drug toxicity involving heroin and alcohol. The coroner says that there was no evidence to suggest the actor's death was anything other than an accident.

The 31-year-old was found dead in a Vancouver hotel room on Saturday.

Now, back to one of our top stories now. The U.S. government says it had been tracking the North Korean ship carrying weapons for days before Panama took action. Now the State Department says it knew the vessel had a checkered past connected with drug smuggling.

Let's get more on this now and go straight to Barbara Starr and she joins us live from Washington. Barbara, what are U.S. officials saying?

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Kristie, actually the biggest news right now comes right from Panama, or my colleagues at CNN Espanol have interviewed the Panamanian security minister. He says that the crew of that North Korean ship rioted for three days trying to avoid being boarded. So far, the North Koreans aren't talking. The U.S. thinks it's getting a much better idea of what may have been going on.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): U.S. intelligence had been tracking the ship for days and knew that the Panamanians would stop it, a senior U.S. official tells CNN.

Officials now believe the cargo on board was a radar used to help Cuba SA-2 surface to air missiles hit their targets and that Cuba was possibly sending it back to North Korea for an upgrade.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's going to take some time to confirm the details of this case, but that kind of export will be a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

STARR: According to the British military publisher Jane's, on May 31st, the North Korean ship first entered the Panama from Cuba at its stated destination. It went through the canal on June 1st, and next reappeared on the northern end of the canal on July 11th.

Jane's says the ship was riding differently in the water, a strong suggestion of a new cargo load. Bags of sugar marked "Cuba" now visible in the cargo, laid on top of the weapons material.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's provocative is that it wasn't declared. It had to be discovered. It had to be uncovered. So, the North Koreans clearly were trying to get away with something.

STARR: But the discovery of the cargo wasn't the only drama. Panama's President Ricardo Martinelli said the ship's 35 crew members resisted arrest and the captain initially suffered what seemed to be a heart attack and then he even tried to commit suicide.


STARR: Now the Panamanians are still asking for a team of international weapons inspectors, including U.S. and British inspectors, to come to Panama and go through the ship top to bottom, Kristie, because the Panamanians, so far, have only been able to inspect part of it, look at part of the cargo hold. They want to take everything out and find out exactly what they have - Kristie.

LU STOUT: That's right. And this needs to be thoroughly investigated. And also, any U.S. reaction to what Cuba has been saying? I mean, if this was, indeed, a North Korean repair job, I mean, it's a bit puzzling, why not just have North Korean technicians fly to Cuba and fix them there. Is there something wrong with this story?

STARR: Yeah, you know, it's kind of - nobody can really figure it all out just yet. I mean, the Cubans released a list of equipment, including some missile parts, some MiG 21 fighter jet parts. It's a very mysterious. And, you know, this is all basically old Soviet era equipment that has been in Cuba for decades at this point.

Why didn't the Cubans just send it back to Russia to be repaired? Because they knew that, you know, North Korean ships had a good chance of being stopped. They're under such heavy UN sanctions.

So it's still a big question, was there something else on this ship that the crew was trying to protect?

LU STOUT: That's right. So many questions here. Barbara Starr joining us live from the Pengaton, thank you.

Now time now for your global weather forecast. And there's a storm brewing in the Philippines. Details now with Mari Ramos. She joins us from the world weather center - Mari.

MARI RAMOS, CNN WEATHER CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Kristie. This is a new tropical storm - the same system we were talking about for the last few days, Tropical Storm Cimarron is the name. And it has been bringing some very heavy rain across the Philippines. And unfortunately there is more to come for you.

Some of the recent rainfall totals - look at Manila. You are right at 92 millimeters of rainfall. So this is just to add on top of everything you've had already this season.

In Calayan, 125 millimeters of rain.

Remember that the threat for flooding and mudslides remains here, especially across that western side of Luzon along the mountains there, because that moisture that's coming in off the South China Sea getting pulled in by this tropical storm.

So now we're going to see the rain spreading northward, even more across parts of Taiwan. It hasn't quite started yet to be this significant rainfall, but overnight tonight and into tomorrow, that's definitely going to change for you in this area. And remember that Taiwan just, what, less than a week ago had a tropical cyclone and typhoon that moved through here that brought in some cases up to a meter of rainfall, a meter. It's hard to imagine that much rain.

It caused a lot of damage. And they're still in cleanup mode right over here. So any amount of rain that falls there could be a concern.

And then we have the forecast track, yes. This has always something to look at. Notice, moving into southern China.

You guys have had tremendously heavy rain, not just from the typhoon last week, but also just in general this time of year has been a very - it's the rainy season and it has been very rainy still. So this is going to add to those rainfall totals and to all of the rainfall woes that you have so far.

There's actually a severe thunderstorm warning right now for Hong Kong for the next 10 minutes or so. It's just another indication of how intense this rain it's been and how persistent.

And notice that moving farther to the north as well some very heavy rain expected in interior parts of China. This will be the next area we'll be looking at tomorrow for the flooding, I'm sure.

You're going to have some very heavy rain there along Beijing. It looks like you'll get some more overnight tonight. Quiet now across the Korean peninsula. And the rain is bringing you a break in temperatures in Tokyo.

Talking about temperatures, that's going to be the next thing I want to talk about. I want to take you to the U.S. and Canada and talk about the heat here. It's 8:30 in the morning right now, 8:35 in the morning in New York. And it's already 28 degrees. Same thing for Washington, D.C. Just shows you how hot temperatures are right now.

And notice that bubble of yellows and oranges kind of spread farther to the north even into Canada. We'll talk about that in just a moment as well.

Here are some of the temperatures in Canada, for example. Toronto, you have 33 degrees. Ottowa 33. If you get another day of 30 degree temperatures, you only have about five every single year, and now you're going to end up with this could be the fifth one in a row. So this is very significant, you've already had four days over 30 degrees.

Montreal, a similar situation, and also for Quebec, the temperature trend, this is across the northeastern U.S., you can see New York City again well above the average. And this is just the actual air temperature, remember that when you factor in the humidity here, it's going to make it feel even hotter. So this is a serious problem for people along these areas.

Look at these temperatures, for example, in Washington, D.C. You have 36 degrees, New York you've got 35. Boston 34. That was the daytime high for yesterday.

And then as we head back over toward Canada, again we'll be seeing temperatures well above the average for this time of year, so not a lot of relief in site across these areas.

We'll continue to monitor what happens here, of course.

As we head to Europe, you know, Kristie my cousin is visiting Madrid, she's from Houston and she said people in Madrid are saying it's so hot, but compared to Houston it's nothing, right? It's because of the humidity that you have in Texas compared to what you have in Madrid. But, yes, this is temperatures above the average for this area as well. Nothing like Houston, 26 in Brussels. And as we head to areas to the north 30 in London. Again, you hit 30 degrees. Yesterday you got up to 31. So you are having quite the heat wave across these areas as well.

29 right now in Paris, you're well on your way to about 30 degrees.

And here's a baby, it's not the royal baby that everybody is waiting for, but maybe nonetheless trying to cool off. Very important to try to stay cool this time of year in these areas. A lot of places don't have air conditioning. And thats a big concern. It's hot in the daytime. It's hot in the evening hours. And this is just taking place for so long that it is becoming a little bit of a more dangerous situation, I think, across parts of western Europe also.

Back to you.

LU STOUT: Yeah, and because it's so dangerous, you've got to find ways to keep cool.

Mari Ramos there. Thank you.

Now less than 24 hours before The Open officially begins in Gullane, Scotland and the best golfers from around the world will vie for the third major men's championship of the year.

Now British fans would love nothing more than to see one of their countrymen win on home soil, similar to Tennis player Andy Murray's victory at Wimbledon earlier this month.

And many are hoping that this man, Justin Rose, will rise to the challenge. He is considered a top contender after winning the U.S. Open earlier this year.

Now World Sport's Alex Thomas spoke to Justin about his chances of repeating that success.


JUSTIN ROSE, 2013 U.S. OPEN CHAMPION: I really enjoyed playing the week after being a major champion for the first time. And there were moments on the first tee there where they're introducing me as the United States Open Champion and it was kind of like that sort of tingly, sort of pinch yourself moment where it really hit home for me and just sort of the reaction I received out in the golf course that week was fantastic.

ALEX THOMAS, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: There must be different stages of it sinking in.

ROSE: Yeah, absolutely. You know, there's the whirlwind start where, you know, sort of did the media tour in New York which was great fun. And you know sort of living that life where you're a little bit out of your comfort zone.

THOMAS: What was that like?

ROSE: That was good. I mean, just great opportunities. It's something I've seen other lads, other friends of mine do. You know, sort of being on the Late Show with David Letterman. You know, just sort of some of those iconic shows that I've watched on TV many times. But suddenly you're on the, you know, the other side of the camera. So it was quite surreal at times.

THOMAS: What do you think has been the most interesting invitation or opportunity you've had since being crowned U.S. Open champion?

ROSE: Well, I mean, the best opportunity so far has been, I say so far probably nothing will top it, so watching Andy Murray win Wimbledon and sitting in the royal box, that was just a wonderful experience. I've been invited to the royal box a couple of times sort of in the past, but you know early on in the week and I've never been able to make it there. So to get the invitation for the final obviously I think was something very special. And then to witness what Andy Murray did made that day, I guess, just a very, very memorable day.

THOMAS: Life's been so hectic for you since your U.S. Open win. Are you ready for Britain's Open championship?

ROSE: I've got some work ahead of me to do - physically, mentally, everything. But I - you know, I will be ready for the Open come Thursday morning.

THOMAS: What do you make of Muirfield as a course, because you played pretty well when the Open was last there in 2002.

ROSE: Yeah. I think what Muirfield has done over the years it has probably one of the most impressive role of honors, you know, champion lists that any tournament could ever boast. And it's just a very fair links golf course. Some links you can hit a shot that looks good, it gets a bad bounce, ends up in the rough or a bunker, but I think Muirfield tends to really reward good play.

THOMAS: Does the Open hold a special place in your heart?

ROSE: Yeah, very much so. I think that's the one that - you know, to win your home open is the one that you dream about most as a kid. You know, this putt to win the Open championship. And you know it's so unique, that tournament, that the roar of the crowd and the - you know, the appreciation of the game. And obviously the terrain in which you're playing in the weather and the elements. It just makes it a very, very special week and unique to obviously this country or obviously the UK.

So, there would be - I've always said, you know, that would be my favorite tournament to win.


LU STOUT: That was U.S. Open winner and world number three golfer Justin Rose speaking with our Alex Thomas.

And a reminder, CNN will bring you all the latest on the Open. Play begins on Thursday.

Now, it is one of the most popular sports in the United States, but how could American football fare overseas? Jim Boulden looks into that.


JIM BOULDEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In a city already full of this kind of football, from the likes of Chelsea and Arsenal and Fulham, could this form of football become a common sight in London?

The NFL is a massively profitable league in the United States. It has played one regular season game at London's Wembley Stadium since 2007. This autumn, there will be two regular games here with the Steelers, Vikings, 49ers, and Jaguars on the fight card.

A few players from each of the four teams got a tour of Wembley. Would they like to play here full-time?

Can there be an NFL franchise in London?



BOULDEN: It didn't take long for that answer.

ALLEN: No I think it would be personally be great. I love to travel and I think, you know, being abroad will be awesome, but the logistics of getting back across the pond for eight games a season, you know, you're away from your family.

BOULDEN: Not all the players are that negative.

DONTE WHITNER, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS: I think that a football team here would be pretty cool. I would think that during the week, or if you're traveling somewhere far you'd probably have to leave and go there early in the week and stay. So it would be more so like baseball and going on a three game, four game road trip.

BOULDEN: There is a new wrinkle in this prospect, the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguar franchise, Shaheed Khan, has just sealed the deal to buy Fulham Football Club, one of London's smaller soccer sides.

He already agreed to let the Jaguars play one game each of the next four years at Wembley to the delight of one of his players.

UCHE NWANERI, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS: Mr. Combine (ph), Fulham is big for us, you know, in Jacksonville. You know, that will - that's literally given a connection, you know, for us in Jacksonville over here to London. And, you know, it's something that I think will benefit both sides.

BOULDEN: Taking into account the NFL has no immediate plans to expand, there is talk a franchise like the Jaguars could relocate to another city. And London would be high on that list.

But one big drawback beyond the travel is obvious, London-based games draw fans from around Europe. And there are jerseys backing every American team in the league. Would those fans be so quick to drop their loyalties and back a weak relocated team or an expansion team with few stars at the start?

The answer to those questions may well determine the future of any NFL expansion across the pond.

Jim Boulden, CNN, London.


LU STOUT: Now, just ahead here on News Stream, do you want to travel the length of California in under an hour? Well, this man, SpaceX and Tesla entrepreneur Elon Musk might have the answer.


LU STOUT: Welcome back.

You're watching News Stream.

And let's go back to our visual rundown now. In a few minutes, we'll show you how Google took its StreetView cameras to the Eiffel Tower. But first, let's look at what Elon Musk is working on next.

Now the man behind SpaceX and Tesla Motors is preparing to unveil a new futuristic form of transport. Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk has described his hyperloop project as, quote, "a cross between a Concord, a rail gun, and an air hockey table. And he claims it could carry passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in under an hour."

Now on Twitter, Elon Musk said he will publish his hyperloop designs by August 12, but what should we expect? Let's bring in our regular contributor and editor at the Nicholas Thompson.

Nick, what do we know about hyperloop?

NICK THOMPSON, NEWYORKER.COM: Well, we don't know a whole lot about it. There are a lot of - there's a lot of discussion on Twitter about what exactly it might be. But what it seems to be is that Elon Musk has had some kind of technological breakthrough, in his mind at least, but since it's Elon Musk we trust him, that has allowed us to sort of get past the idea and the combination of a couple of things.

One is pneumatic tubes, which are tubes in which you propel objects. In the late-19th Century there's a lot of thought that they could be used to propel people. The great thing about pushing an object through a tube is that you don't have any wind resistance. So there's that idea.

Combined with magnetic levitation, which is kind of like the high speed trains we have right now. So you have trains that sort of levitate which means that you don't have to deal with friction.

So you're somehow pushing these trains incredibly quickly in some kind of a loop system in an area where they don't have wind resistance.

They're probably, it looks like from what's being discussed, being pushed by some kind of air column. How exactly that - the force is generated, we don't know. Musk says it will be solar power.

But, that's the basics.

So it's an incredibly fast system in some kind of contained - in contained object.

LU STOUT: It's an incredible idea. Why do this? I mean, why does Elon Musk feel like he needs to do this, he needs to redefine high speed transport?

THOMPSON: Well, high speed transport - so Elon Musk says he got this idea when he was looking at the high speed rail line that's being built from San Francisco to Los Angeles. And he decided it was incredibly expensive and incredibly inefficient. It's costing billions and billions of dollars and it won't actually go that fast. And he has a much better idea.

So, humans need to get around. Humans of the future will need to get around even more. They'll move from city to city. Elon Musk probably spends a lot of his time in transit, a lot of his time sitting in airport runways or on slow moving trains thinking my god what am I doing here?

Elon Musk his whole career has also been about redefined transportation. He was the man who created the first successful new car company in this country in forever. SpaceX, he's sending rockets into space. So he's been trying to figure out mobility, it's something that's fascinated him, something that he's dreamed about and something that he's worked on and had success on.

So this actually seems - you know, if you were to say to me a month ago, there's an entrepreneur who has come up with a new way to move people around fastly, faster than anybody else. I would have said, oh, got to be Elon Musk.

LU STOUT: Yeah, and the hyperloop, it seems so farfetched, but you know, I read that there is a company in Colorado that's doing something very similar. So there is already competition.

And when you launch any new venture, and you know this very well, I mean there are challenges, there are risks, there are potential rivals out there. So what will Elon Musk be up against to do this and to make this successful?

THOMPSON: Well, so the first question is, you know, is it remotely possible that this thing will work, right? I mean, people have been trying to do this for a long time. It's very hard. They haven't even come close to succeeding. It's not like he's saying I'm going to make something 10 percent better, it's I'm going to make something from scratch.

So the physics could completely fail. He could have overreached. He could just be blowing smoke. It could be impossible. That's, you know, fairly likely.

Second step is, OK, so we're going to get people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes, we kind of need to get right aways and things like that, tha'ts what slowed down the train system before. It's what destroyed the northeast corridor, fast train - Amtrak Fast Train. You can't get the right aways to go through people's back yards or to build massive tunnels or to build elevated lines or to build whatever he needs. So there are huge bureaucratic and infrastructure challenges. And so he's going to take people from, you know, New York to Shanghai in an hour. Well that's - you know, there are going to be a lot of problems building the stuff you need to get this there.

And, you know, like the Concord, which he says was one of his prototype, I mean that had some problems. It's a pretty complicated system that then flailed out.

I do love, though, that he says it's based on the Concord, a rail gun, or an air hockey table which is kind of hilarious to have the air hockey table in there.

LU STOUT: Yeah, very hilarious. And I don't know if you've been appreciating the graphic, whoever was the artist behind this, if you could bring it up again. We actually superimposed an air hockey puck on top of a map of California just to get the idea across. Check it out, one, two, three. Yeah, isn't that nice?

Kudos to whoever did that.

THOMPSON: That's some firm graphical work there.

LU STOUT: Yeah, it is art.

And Nick Thompson,, thank you so much for joining us to talk about, there we go, hyperloop. Take care, Nick.

THOMPSON: Thank you, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Now, coming up next, you are being watched as you shop. Video surveillance, watching your every move, and detecting every item you pick up. And, technology that knows what web sites you're browsing as you walk through the aisles. Stick around.


LU STOUT: All right, coming to you live from Hong Kong. You're back watching News Stream.

Now a mystery surrounding the Tyrannasaurus Rex may have been solved. Now researchers say that a tooth found in the fossil of another dinosaur proves that the T-Rex was a predator. Now some scientists have argued that the T-Rex was too slow to hunt and it was probably just a scavenger, but these latest researchers that they felt giddy like school kids when they confirmed their suspicions that the dinosaur was, indeed, a hunter.

Now, if you have ever wanted to take in the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Now you can without a plane ticket or a passport. Google has captured 360 degree StreetView footage from all of the French tourist attraction's main floors. Now it was a painstaking process that involved wheeling around a special camera cart and carrying it up several dizzying sets of stairs. And the result, well, images just like this.

And to add an extra geek factor here, Google's cultural institute has collated the footage so you can examine it along with historical documents that tell the story of the tower.

Now, it is not the first time that the Google StreetView team has scaled great heights. Just last week, they were mapping Mount Fuji in Japan. And check this out, it is the viewing platform on level 124 of the world's tallest building. The Birj Khalifa in Dubai.

And now from great heights to great depths. The StreetView team, they did a dive in the great barrier reef off the northeast coast of Australia. And then there is this, Daigon Alley (ph) from the Harry Potter film franchise. So it's not a real street, it was part of the Warner Brothers studios just outside London, but even so, you can check out the wand maker's Alavanders (ph), and even the Weasely Brother's joke shop, Weasely Wizarding Weases (ph). You can find them all here.

So, let's say you're at the store and you politely decline the sales person's offer of assistance and you think you've been left to shop alone. Well, think again. As Pamela Brown reports, a growing number of retailers are using technology to track your every move.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hello, Mr. Yakamoto, welcome back to the Gap. How did those assorted tank tops work out for you?

PAMELA BROWN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Will this futuristic shopping experience from Minority Report soon be coming to a store near you? It's not as farfetched as you may think, retailers are turning to technology using video surveillance and tracking signals from your smartphone to figure out how to get you to spend more.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The in-store analytics makes it possible for retailers to understand things like where they go, where they stop, and ultimately how all of that translates to sales at the register. BROWN: Upscale department chain Nordstrom recently ended a test program that gathered pings from Wi-Fi signals on customer's phones as they browsed through the store. Some were outraged after learning about the in- store surveillance.

"Way over the line," one consumer wrote on Facebook.

And take a look at this video, the camera is set up on the ceiling near the entrance. As people enter, the software pinpoints them and follows them throughout the store. Retail Next, which is one of the company's providing this kind of technology says the software is so specific it can tel exactly where inside the store a person is standing and even which direction they're head is looking.

TIM CALLAN, CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER, RETAIL NEXT: They know that there is a person and they know what that person is doing, but they can't really marry it back to your personal identity.

BROWN: These heat maps are another tool. The red areas are spots where people stood looking at products for a long time.

Still, shoppers have mixed feelings about being watched by Big Brother.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When they're storing data and like figuring out exactly where you go, I'm just completely an invasion of privacy.


LU STOUT: Pamela Brown reporting there.

And finally, some people dream of getting rich quick, but one man who came across easy money found out the hard way that it doesn't always stick around. Now, this is the amount that Chris Reynolds saw when he opened his June PayPal statement. That is 92 quadrillion dollars. Reynolds, he sells autoparts on eBay and he says that the most he has ever made is around $1,000.

Now PayPal admits it made a mistake and has offered to make a donation to Reynold's charity of choice, but when he logged in he found his correct account balance, a big fat zero.

And that is News Stream, but the news continues at CNN. World Business Today is next.