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Rescue Efforts After Earthquake in Central Italy, Building Collapse in Iran; Suspicious Activity at North Korean Plutonium Facility; Woody Harrelson Prepares to Live Stream Movie. 8:00a-9:00a ET

Aired January 19, 2017 - 08:00   ET


[08:00:14] LU STOUT: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hond Kong and welcome to News Stream.

An avalanche in central Italy buries a hotel and rescuers are racing to save the people trapped inside. While in Iran's capital, 35 firefighters

are missing after this building collapsed during a fire.

And some of Donald Trump's cabinet picks face stiff opposition from Democrats as the president- elect heads to Washington for his inauguration.

In two parts of the world, frantic rescue efforts are underway right now. In Central Italy, as many as 30 people are thought to be inside a hotel

that has been buried by an avalanche. One body has already been recovered.

Now, this video was taken inside the hotel. You could see snow and debris piled all the way up to the ceiling.

In the capital of Iran, meanwhile, a high-rise commercial building has collapsed following a fire. As many as 35 firefighters were battling the

blaze when the building just came down around them.

Now, we have correspondents covering the latest for us. Let's begin in Italy now. Barbie Nadeau is on her way to the avalanche site, and she

joins us now line. And Barbie, rescue workers, they're already there. They have reached the hotel that's been buried by this avalanche. What's

the latest on the rescue operation?

BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, some of the rescue operators actually had to ski into the area. There's just absolutely no access for

any sort of heavy equipment going up into this mountain and region of central Italy. Many of the trees had fallen down blocking roads, a lot of

buildings were damaged. This, of course, is the area that was struck by devastating earthquakes in October and in August so it's not a heavily

populated area. A lot of people lost their homes then have just since found other places to stay.

But this very remote hotel, we understand, people have been text messaging and sending whatever information they can out of the hotel late into last

night, obviously that's compromised by dead batteries, lack of electricity and just really dificult communication systems that we do know from people

inside the hotel, there were at least last night some people were alive.

Their complaint -- main complaint, though, is that they were freezing to death. So, of course, in the sub-zero weather, you've got, you know, added

problems like hypothermia that people who may have survived the avalanche, the structure collapse, might actually be freezing to death right now, and

that is why it's a race again time, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, time is of the essence here, rescue workers had to race to the scene on skis, no less, because the disaster zone is so remote.

And facing really challenging conditions like the weather. How is the weather affecting the

overall rescue effort?

NADEAU: Well, this particular hotel remote location was already under some strain, because of blizzard conditions over the last couple of days. As

you know, there -- reports of up to five meters of snow drifts that high covering entire road, mountainways -- you know, that's a lot of snow for

this part of Italy. And the army had been dispatched to the area, general area, earlier this week, because of the blizzard itself. So obviously

people are already in a compromised situation, but there is help in the area.

You know, one of the big problems like we said is the weather, the other is the wind. And the

wind just blows the snow around. Even if a road is open momentarily, it can be closed immediately. They're expecting a break in the weather

tomorrow, that's on Friday, and which time they hoped that the wind will stop blowing, the snow will stop falling, but by then obviously it's going

to be very, very difficult for anyone that's been under these conditions for that length of time, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, any break in the weather just can't come soon enough. And, Barbie, the avalanche was likely triggered by those series of

earthquakes that struck Italy yesterday. So, is there a risk of more quakes, of more tremors ahead?

NADEAU: Well, yes, there have been tremors since yesterday morning when the first one struck about 10:30 local time. We felt several of them very

strongly in Rome overnight and yesterday throughout the day. The whole area, though, about every 20 minutes there's something over a magnitude 2,

sometimes up to 3 and 4 just shaking that area. And of course that compromises the situation. It also makes the structures from, which

they're trying to rescue people even more dangerous because of the heavy snow, because of the earthquakes, all of these, you know, these people just

can't get a break.

There are a lot of people still living in tents in that area that lost their homes in the earlier earthquakes. So, it's just a devastating scene

of hopelessness for a lot of people in the area, and a break in the weather would be very welcome, but that's not -- a break in the weather means it

might stop snowing and the wind might stop blowing but that doesn't mean that warmer temperatures are necessarily coming any time soon -- Kristie.

[08:05:07] LU STOUT: Wow, a desperate rescue situation underway. Barbie Nadeau, en route to the disaster site, many thanks indeed for that update.

And take care, Barbie.

Now, in just one day, Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States. He'll be sworn in Friday. That's about 28 hours from now.

Several of his nominees to fill core cabinet positions are still facing tough confirmation hearings.

Sunlen Serfaty has more. And Sunlen joins us now.


SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN CORREPSONDENT (voice-over): Top Democrats hoping to jeopardize the confirmations of Donald Trump's cabinet picks.

SCHUMER: This is a swamp cabinet full of bankers and billionaires.

SERFATY: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer trying to slow down the process as Senate Republicans push for confirmations of seven of his

nominees on his first day in office.

SCHUMER: It's no surprise Republicans are trying to rush through these hearings. They don't want people to know the true views of their nominees.

SERFATY: Democrats focusing on ethics concerns of three of Trump's picks in Wednesday's hearing.

PRICE: Everything that we have done has been above board, transparent, ethical and legal.

SERFATY: Grilling the president-elect's nominee for secretary of health and human services, Tom Price, about stock purchases that could have benefited

from legislation he proposed during his time in the House.

PRICE: I knew nothing about those purchases.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you going to have a diversified portfolio by staying clear of the six companies that were directly affected by your issue?

PRICE: I don't have any knowledge of those purchases.

SCHUMER: It's a very narrow specific company that dealt with implants, hip and knee, and the legislation specifically affects implants. He puts it in

a week after he buys the stock? That cries out for an investigation.

SERFATY: Mick Mulvaney, Trump's choice to head the Office of Management budget facing scrutiny after admitting he failed to pay more than $15,000

in payroll taxes for household employees.

And Department of Commerce nominee Wilbur Ross revealing that he unknowingly employed an undocumented immigrant. Meantime, Trump's pick to

head the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, grilled on his views on climate change.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I), VERMONT: Why is the climate changing?

SCOTT PRUITT, EPS ADMINISTRATOR NOMINEE: Senator, in response to the CO2 issue, the EPA administrator is constrained by statutes.

SANDERS: I'm asking you a personal opinion.

PRUITT: My personal opinion is immaterial.

SERFATY: The president-elect, though, has repeatedly denied climate change is real.

SANDERS: So Donald Trump is wrong.

PRUITT: I do not believe that climate change is a hoax.

SERFATY: And Nikki Haley, chosen by Trump to be the ambassador to the United Nations, also publicly splitting with her new boss's views on

foreign affairs, questioning Russia's agenda and showing support of NATO.

HALEY: That's how an administration works. You surround yourself with people who don't just say yes to what you think.


LU STOUT: All right. And Sunlen Serfaty joins us. She has more on the story now.

And, you know, it's interesting, the confirmation process is still going on. So, how many nominees can be confirmed by the time Donald Trump is

sworn in on Friday?

SERFATY: Yeah, this is an interesting side battle that's going on, Kristie, here on Capital Hill. You have Republicans and members of the

incoming Trump administration who are calling for congress to act quickly on these nominations. They want to see as many cabinet picks confirmed as

soon as possible on day one. So, what's happening here on Capital Hill, some negotiation between Republicans and Democrats what the schedule for

that might look like.

There will potentially be three nominees potentially confirmed in the hours after Trump's inauguration here tomorrow and Washington on Friday, likely

some national security picks, potentially noncontroversial picks. But Republicans have, frankly, been pushing for many more. They have said we

want at least 7 cabinet nominees confirmed tomorrow in the hours after Trump's inauguration or we will not accept any less. So, this is a side

battle that's brewing.

Likely, though, Senate Democrats have said that they will delay some of these confirmations, which they can do using some procedural tactics, slow

down these nomination, so potentially that dripping over into next week -- Kristie.

LU STOUT: All right, Sunlen Serfaty reporting for us live from Washington. Thank you, Sunlen.

Now, it is President Obama's final full day in office. And on Wednesday, he took questions from the media at the White House for one last time.

Athena Jones has more on his parting message.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: At my core, I think we're going to be OK.

JONES (voice-over): President Obama standing by his signature message of hope.

OBAMA: I believe in this country. I believe in the American people. I believe that people are more good than bad.

[08:10:03] JONES: Using his final press conference to reassure the country ahead of one of the most significant transfers of power in modern history.

OBAMA: The only thing that is the end of the world is the end of the world.

JONES: The outgoing president upbeat but sending clear signals to the president-elect, vowing to speak out if America's core values are

threatened, using one of Trump's favorite terms to stress his commitment to voting rights.

OBAMA: This whole notion of election or voting fraud, this -- this is something that has constantly been disproved. This is fake news.

JONES: Obama shedding light on the type of advice he has given his successor.

OBAMA: This is a job of such magnitude that you can't do it by yourself. If you're only hearing from people who agree with you on everything. That's

when you start making mistakes.

JONES: And cautioning the president-elect against acting hastily when he's in office.

OBAMA: The actions that we take have enormous consequences and ramifications. We're -- we're the biggest kid on the block. If you're going

to make big shifts in policy, just make sure you've thought it through.

JONES: The commander in chief also defending his controversial decision to commute the sentence of national security leaker Chelsea Manning.

OBAMA: Chelsea Manning has served a tough prison sentence. I feel very comfortable that justice has been served.

JONES: And emphasizing the importance of a free press.

OBAMA: You're not supposed to be sycophants. You're supposed to be skeptics. You're supposed to ask me tough questions. You're not supposed to

be complimentary.

JONES: An apparent jab at the man who will soon take Obama's place behind the White House podium.


LU STOUT: And that was CNN's Athena Jones reporting.

The outgoing U.S. vice president warns that Russia could soon hack elections in Europe. Joe Biden, he spoke at the World Economic Forum in

Davos, Switzerland. He says Russia is at the forefront of efforts to dissolve the community of democracies using every tool available. He warns

it would use online propaganda and cyber attacks to try to influence European elections this year.

The Russian foreign minister has again denied any involvement in the U.S. election.

Now, let's go back to one of our top stories this hour. In Tehran, a commercial high-rise building has collapsed after a massive fire. Now,

CNN's Fred Pleitgen is there. And he joins us now now live from Teheran. And, Fred, this was such a horrific event. What's the latest on efforts to

reach people who may be trapped in the rubble?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Kristie, it was a horrific event, and certainly also one that unfolded very quickly.

Apparently what happened was that at around 8:00 a.m. local time this morning this fire broke out. It's unclear exactly why that happened, and

then firefighters came to the scene, they went into the building, and they said that they had the fire under control after everybody was evacuated

from that building; however, then apparently the fire broke out once again and there were still a lot firefighters inside the building when all of a

sudden the building just completely collapsed.

And what we're hearing from Iranian authorities, and what we're also seeing on some of those pictures, because there were TV crews who were actually on

the scene while this happened, was that the building apparently just completely fell apart, completely dissolved almost, and right now there are

efforts ongoing to see whether or not people who might be alive can still be underneath the rubble.

For what we're hearing, authorities believe that there could be dozens still trapped underneath, but most of them probably firefighters who,

again, were inside the building when it came out, when that fire apparently broke out a second time. And this building sort of clothing workshops and

mall, so certainly a lot of very flammable items also inside that building making the whole situation even worse, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, there were emergency workers, firefighters who were inside that building

when it collapsed. Who else was there when it collapsed earlier today?

PLEITGEN: Well, there were a lot of people who work inside the building who are also on hand, but the latest that we're getting is that because

there was a fire that had broken out before, most people who were inside that building were apparently evacuated; however there are some who are

saying that possibly some of the shopkeepers might have still been inside the building. It really is unclear this point in time, because as you can

imagine the situation on the ground there is still quite chaotic as the crews there sift through the debris, sift through the rubble, try to

account for everybody. That's something that obviously still hasn't happened yet.

But, it would have been a building that would have been very full. It's a very iconic building here Tehran. It was one of the first high-rise

buildings inside Iran's capital, 17 stories high, built in the 1960s, and really well-known for having all of those clothing merchants in there, a

mall area in there as well.

And one building that also has a of people inside of it. So, right now the authorities here are still trying to account for who might be inside. They

say potentially dozens of people still missing. So really a horrific incident that has really shocked the folks here in Iran's capital.

[08:15:07] LU STOUT: Absolutely. And shocking right now just to see this footage of the building collapsing. It's like a horror movie. Absolutely

horrific. Fred Pleitgen joining us on the line with the latest on this disaster.

Live from Tehran, you're watching News Stream and still ahead right here on the program, setting the stage for Brexit. Theresa May is in Davos to

defend her plan to get the UK out of the EU.

And there is concern that North Korea is ready to test a long range missile. We'll have a report from Seoul.


LU STOUT: Coming to you live from Hong Kong, welcome back. You're watching News S Tream.

Now, let's go to Swiss town of Davos where Britain's prime minister has told the World Economic Forum she wants a bold and ambitious trade

agreement with the European Union.

Theresa May said the UK faces momentous change as it works its way through Brexit. But even though Britain is leaving the EU, she wants to see the

union succeed.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Our decision to leave the European Union was no rejection of our friends in Europe with whom we share common

interests and values and so much else, it was no attempt to become more distant from them or to cease the cooperation that has helped to keep our

continent secure and strong, and nor was it an attempt in the European Union itself. It remains overwhelmingly and compellingly in Britain's

national interest that the EU as an organization should succeed.


LU STOUT: The British Supreme Court is to head down it's ruling on Brexit on Tuesday, and that will look at whether the prime minister can invoke

Article 50 to start the process without parliament's approval.

North Korea maybe ready to test launch two intercontinental ballistic missiles, that's what South Korea's military officials are saying,

according to Yonhap News Agency. At the same time, the U.S.-based monitoring service called 38 North says that there has been increased

activity at a North Korean plutonium production site.

Now, let's go to Seoul. Paula Hancocks is there. And, Paula, first these reports of increased

missile activity in North Korea, what is North Korea doing here? Is it sending a message or actually preparing to launch?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORREPSONDENT: Well, Kristie, these are reports quoting unnamed sources. Officially, the joint chiefs of staff

spokesman said that they can't confirm or deny, effectively saying that it is possible because they are ready to carry out this kind of test at any time all that's waiting is Kim

Jong-un's will.

And so certainly it is a concern, though, for officials here in South Korea. They're watching the situation very closely.


[08:20:04] HANCOCKS: Is North Korea close to launching an intercontinental ballistic missile? South Korean media thinks so, though officials will not


ROH JAE-CHEON, SPOKESMAN, SOUTH KOREAN JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (through translator): There are reports that show signs of a possible North Korean

missile launch, but there's nothing we can confirm at the moment. As you all know well, judging it can

be launched at any time and anywhere once North Korean leadership decides, we are on alert to maintain our readiness.

HANCOCKS: A well-used line from South Korean officials: anything is possible if North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gives the green light.

And he has already made his intentions crystal clear saying in his New Year's address he was

close to launching an ICBM. A tweet from President-elect Donald Trump saying it won't happen will make little difference, experts say. What Kim

Jong-un says is difficult to reverse.

The timing is key. Would Pyongyang test a missile intended to reach mainland U.S. so close to the inauguration of the next U.S. president?

ANDREI LANKOV, KOOKURIN UNIVERSITY: They have a wonderful tradition of greeting every new U.S. president with a bit of fireworks. Sometimes it's

a nuclear test, sometimes it's an ICBM launch.

HANCOCKS: Satellite images studied by U.S. monitoring project 38 North also show potential new activity at North Koea's Yonbyon nuclear facility.

The lack of snow on some roofs suggesting internal heating. 38 North says they may be preparing to resume operations at the plutonium production



Now North Korea has hinted that it would be open to a different kind of relationship with the new administration, with President-elect Donald

Trump, but of course if they do launch an ICBM to welcome him to the White House, it does send a very clear message that whether they talk or not, Kim

Jong-un will not give up his nuclear missile program and this is a message that North Korea has been saying for some time -- Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, and the timing, of course, very critical here. This all comes at a crucial

point of transition. Washington, D.C., all eyes on the Trump inauguration. We're just one day away. When you talk to analysts about how to handle

North Korea do they believe that the Trump administration is ready for North Korea?

HANCOCKS: It's very difficult for anybody to give any clarity on it because Donald Trump has not outlined his North Korean policy. His policy

is not clear and this could be why we have seen such restraint from North Korea in recent months as well. They simply don't know what Donald Trump

will do when it comes to Pyongyang. During campaigning, you heard Donald Trump call Kim Jong-un a maniac, and then he said maybe I'll have a

hamburger with the guy. There were two extremes to what he is saying, and of course that Tweet just a day after the extremely important New Years

address within the North Korean calendar to say it won't happen. It's like a red rag to a bull.

So it's really very difficult for experts to have clarity on exactly what Donald Trump will do.

LU STOUT: Paula Hancocks reporting for us live from Seoul. Thank you, Paula.

Now a South Korean judge says that there is simply not enough evidence for prosecutors to arrest the heir to Samsung. And prosecutors say they'll

keep investigating Jay Y. Lee in connection with the country's corruption scandal.

Now, Lee is accused of paying millions of dollars to get government support for a controversial

merger. Alexandra Field has the latest.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Jay Y. Lee walks free, a judge inding no reason to arrest Samsung's heir apparent. Lee denies allegations

against him of bribery, embezzlement, and perjury, but prosecutors say this isn't over yet.

They'll keep investigating claims the vice chairman paid tens of millions of dollars to win government support for a corporate merger that

consolidated his power within Samsung, South Korea's largest conglomerate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Honestly, I was surprised by news of the rejection of the arrest warrant, because I thought it will not be

rejected, though I wish that the decision of the court was based on justice.

FIELD: On social media there was outrage, angry comments directed at the judge who has previously rejected requests for arrest warrants, the CEO of

other major companies, including (inaudible) and the former head of Volkswagen Korea.

For some, Lee's release rekindles long-held concerns about a pattern of leniency toward the family run conglomerates, the Chaebols that make up a

significant part of the country's economy. Samsung, the crown jewel among them.

The company's chairman, Lee's father, Lee Kun Hee, has faced corruption accusations. He

was convicted twice and he was pardoned twice. He has been away from the company in the hospital for the last two years after suffering a heart


Samsung's leadership team is now publicly standing by his son, fighting to protect the

company's image.

GEOFFREY CAIN, AUTHOR: South Koreans have a loving relationship with Samsung. If Samsung were to fail or it's family were to be ousted in some

way that the South Korean nation would suffer as a result.

But on the flip side, there's definitely a growing sentiment within Korea, especially among the younger generation, that we don't need large

conglomerates running the economy.

[08:25:17] FIELD: The younger Lee, Jay Y., joined Samsung's board of directors in October. The move seemed to signal a new era for Samsung

after last year's international public relations crisis: reports the Galaxy Note 7 bursting into flames prompted the recall and cancellation of the

flagship phone.

Just last week, the company announced their best earnings in three years, and it seemed their worst days are behind them.

Alexandra Field, CNN, Seoul.


LU STOUT: And while the U.S. undergoes a peaceful transfer of power, in the western African nation of Gambia, it is a different story. Now just

ahead, why the current president refuses to step down as a new president is due to take over.

And an unavoidable issue for the entire planet. New evidence about the threat of climate change.



LU STOUT: The UN Security Council is expected to vote on a resolution supporting African countries ready to intervene in Gambia. Now, the

country's president Yahya Jammeh refuses to step down saying last month's election had irregularities.

The newly elected president Adama Barrow is supposed to take office on Thursday. Now, troops from several West African countries were ready to

enter Gambia if Jammeh didn't step aside by midnight, but that deadline has now passed.

Now, for more on Gambia's political crisis, let's go straight to Fara Sevenzo in Nairobi. And Farai, is force going to be the only way to get

the outgoing president to finally step down?

[08:30:06] FARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kristie, basically diplomacy has been exhausted. Yayha Jammeh has been clinging on to power since he

lost the election on December 1. At first, he conceded, then he said that there were irregularities in the count. He appealed to the courts in The

Gambia for another election. But the fact of the matter is, he lost by quite a big margin.

Is force the only way to get him out? At the moment we have been watching the story all morning and it's getting quite dramatic. In 1.5 hours time,

Mr. Adama Barrow is due to be sworn in, in The Gambian embassy in Dakar, Senegal, which is Gambian territory. And who knows what Mr. Jammeh will do

then. And at the same time, his troops have been sending all kinds of signals saying

they will not support him.

LU STOUT: And how did we get here? Why is Gambia in such political turmoil?

SEVENZO: For that, Kristie, you have to go back to those who watch out to the kind of protype of dictators we have.

Jammeh has been in control for 22 years. And like Mobutu Sese Seko, who was a dictator of Zaire before him, who said quite simply is me "L'etat

c'est moi," the state is me.

And that's how we got here. The dictators rule, and after the end of the 23 years, they see no distinction between The Gambian people, the Gambian

state and themselves. He has basically been the most autocratic man this country has ever seen.

LU STOUT: And now we're in a situation where we have African troops at the border. They've getting ready to cross into Gambia and force a political

transition, and civilians are at the risk of violence. What are they being advised to do right now?

SEVENZO: It's a very good point, Kristie, about civilians, because in the last five minutes we have had a report from Save the Children who are very

worried because up to 50,000 people, the United Nations are estimating, have crossed the border from Gambia into neighboring Senegal in fear of

that violence.

I spoke to a man Ives Magisha (ph), who is the regional director for humanitarian affairs for World Vision, he says his people have been

watching many more people than usual. The movement of people is usually is quite fluid , because everybody has relatives on each side of the border.

But now, with scores of women and children are crossing over, and he tells us that, yes, his people have seen troops moving to the border of The


At the moment, as you say, the United States' security council is going to vote on this. And it may well be they will say go in, get this man out.

LU STOUT: Yeah, the concern is growing for what could happen next in the fate of civilians in Gambia in the hours and the day ahead. Farai, many

thanks indeed for your reporting. Take care.

Now, we are just one day away from the inauguration of an American president who has expressed skepticism about global warming, but the

scientist evidence continues to mount and experts now say last year was officially the planet's warmest on record. It was

the third straight year of record heating. And scientists say the burning of fossil fuels and destroying rain forests are all part of the


Now for more, let's join Chad Myers at the World Weather Center. Again, we find out that last year was the hottest year on record, a very disturbing

number here. Just walk us through the findings.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: We are now technically above 1 degree Celsius over the normal, that is the finding. 16 out of the past 17 top

tens have been since 2000, and the only one that you'll see here that rolls by that's not in the year 2000 or above is 1998. That seems close enough

to me.

So technically, 17 of the top 17 years have been since 1998.

And how did that happen? How did we get here? We have been warming the Earth, warming the planet a few degrees or even tenths or hundredths of a

degree every single year, but last year was the winner, or the loser depending on your point of view.

Here's 2015. Hot year, the hottest so far, the record for 2015. But now we are warmer than that. Here's 2016.

So what was this bubble about? Why were we so warm January, February, March and April of 2016, so warm that we couldn't get down cool enough to

even be not the top ten year or the top one year. We were in El Nino. El Nino is when we warm the Pacific Ocean off

of the West Coast of the Americas. That is a pattern that warms the entire planet technically.

For awhile we were down below that, and that's why the 2016 fall season cooled down just a little bit, but now the models are not taking us down

there anymore.

Here's what the model is talking about. For most of June, July and August of last year, the long-term model said La Nina is coming, we're going to

cool down, and we should have been down here where this is the zero line right there. We should have been down here, but now the new models have

the winter season in progress and we're not going to be down here anymore, we're going to be somewhere either neutral or possibly back toward El Nino,

something obviously the planet doesn't need.

It's also about sea ice as well. And you'll hear a lot of people say how the sea ice is growing on one side, growing on the other. I will show you

a graphic to show you what sea ice truly, truly looks like.

This is a model showing the global temperatures over the past 120 years. Now I have forecast, fast forwarded all the way to 1980, because I

technically don't know if the globe numbers were really right in 1880, because we didn't really know much about the globe. We didn't have

satellites in the air, but by 1980 we did.

So, here's your baseline. Here's 1980, and I'm going to put you ahead year by year by year to get to this year and notice all the red. This is the

average temperature globally for the year and here we are.

We are warm. It is 1 degree above Celsius warmer than we should be. This red line tells us how much Arctic Sea ice we have. We're two standard

deviations lower than we should be in the Arctic.

Now, there something is going on in the Arctic that I want you to know about, Russia has been brutally cold over the winter, so has parts of

Alaska, so that cold air that should be in the poles making ice may be making colder air in the Arctic areas, the tundras or the Siberias of the

world rather than making sea ice.

So there's something that that could possibly be going on and later in the year we get more sea ice to grow, but Antarctica now you're on the other

side. Now you're starting to warm up, so you see the sign curve going the other way.

You are also about a deviation or so below where you should have been.

So, for the top 16 of the 17 years since the year 2000, it's all here. I don't see how you refute anything here. You can make up all the excuses

you want, but certainly man is involved here somehow and probably more than 50, a lot of people think more than 80 percent, and in my opinion probably

higher than 80 percent that we are doing something to this planet that is making it warm up and warm up and warm up, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, the planet is indeed warming. Human involvement partly to blame for -- a major part of it. Overall impact is devastating. Chad

Myers, many thanks indeed for walking us through this new report. Take care.

In just a few hours from now, the actor Woody Harrelson attempts cinematic history. He'll be filming a movie about the worst day of his life, and he

only gets one shot at it.


LU S TOUT: Welcome back. Now Netflix is close to hitting a major milestone. It says a record 19 million people signed up in 2016, that

means Netflix now has almost 94 million members and is quickly closing in on that 100 million subscriber mark.

Now, a lot of the interest came from overseas programs, and Netflix says surprisingly a lot

of the attention is on U.S. favorites such as the Gilmore Girls reboot, the dark and thought provoking Black Mirror series, also a hit for Netflix.

Now, Netflix's stock jumped 8 percent to a new all time high on the back of the news.

Now, part of the charm of Netflix is getting to stay home for movie night, but if you want to catch Woody Harrelson's next movie, you'll have to watch

it in the cinema. In his first turn as director, he is shooting a movie in just one take -- no cuts, no edits and it's being live streamed to about

500 theaters late Thursday in the U.S. and early Friday in London. Neil Curry

has the details.


WOODY HARRELSON, ACTOR: Hi, I'm Woody Harrelson.

WILLIE NELSON, ACTOR: Hello, I'm Willie Nelson.

OWEN WILSON, ACTOR: And I'm Owen Wilson. And we're here in London and we're getting read do shoot a movie live with one camera, right, Woody?

This is your brain child.

NEIL CURRY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Lost in London was inspired by a night 15 years

ago, which began with Woody Harrelson leaving a night club developed into a car chase and ended with him in a police cell accused of damaging a London

taxi cab.

HARRELSON: I wouldn't say it haunts me, but I don't look at it an laugh. Oh, it was funny -- it was a dreadful, dreadful night.

CURRY: Is it cathartic, in a way, addressing this story?

HARRELSON: Yeah, it is cathartic. It feels like I needed to get this story out.

It was developed out of this desire I have always had because I really love theater and I really film and I always wanted to marry the two.

It's the most dangerous idea I ever had only because I followed through on it. I've had dangerous ideas I didn't follow through on.

We have got 30 actors, we've got 14 locations. We have got four cars, you know, so getting in and out of vehicles and, you know, it just seems --

it's monumental, this undertaking was monumental.

We have got 24 sound people on this.

This may be the most complicated sound thing ever attempted.

HARRELSON: Hi, I'm Willie Nelson.

NELSON: And I'm Woodrow.

HARRELSON: At least be myself.

WILSON: Oh, the toughest role of all.

HARRELSON: My best buddy in the story and in life is Owen Wilson, and also one of my best buddies Willie Nelson is doing it and both of those really

make me happy.

CURRY: Shooting takes place between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. on Friday in London, which means cinema audiences in the U.S. get a chance to witness

movie history on Thursday night.

HARRELSON: It's being distributed through Fathom Events, they're the ones putting it into over 500 cinemas. And the life after this, you know,

having good conversations with iTunes.

On the other hand, if you want to watch a car crash, this could be your best opportunity.

NELSON: Absolutely.

HARRELSON: But it could be great.

WILSON: So show up for woody.

NELSON: And wear your seat belt.


HARRELSON: Thank you.

CURRY: Neil Curry, CNN, London.


LU STOUT: I like the thank you at the end there.

Now, right now British intelligence is on an urgent mission of national importance. Their aim here to improve gender equality.

The government communications headquarters has launched this contest to recruit more women

and teams of teenagers will work together on a series of online challenges that include coding and cyber security.

Now, women make up less than 40 percent of staff across Britain's intelligence agencies.

And that is News Stream. I'm Kristie Lu Stout, but don't go anywhere. World Sport with Amanda Davies is next.