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One World with Zain Asher

Death Toll Rises In Libya Due To Catastrophic Floods; Kim Jong-un Gets The Red Carpet Tour Of Russia's Successful Space Program; Pennsylvania Police Ends Two -Week Manhunt For Danelo Cavalcante; White House Says Republicans Can't Even Say Exactly Why They're Pursuing Impeachment; Morocco Earthquake Kills Nearly 3000 People; Lyft Presents Women Plus Connect; Apple Presents New Versions Of The iPhone And Apple Watch. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired September 13, 2023 - 12:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A race against time to save lives. Here's what's coming up. Aid is making its way to flood ravaged Libya, but

the prime minister says that's not what's most needed. Also ahead.


UNKNOWN: Our nightmare is finally over and the good guys won.


KINKADE: It sounds like a scene from a Hollywood film, but an American fugitive captured with the help of a hero on four legs. And later, they use

daily all over the world, but France is concerned about radiation exposure from the iPhone 12, what it's doing and how Apple is responding. Hello, I'm

Lynda Kinkade live at CNN's World Headquarters in Atlanta. Welcome to One World.

Well, it is one of the deadliest floods on record in North Africa. And an emergency official says Libya is simply not prepared for a catastrophe of

this magnitude. The death toll from crippling floods in eastern Libya has soared to more than 6000. Another 10,000 people are missing, potentially

either swept out to sea or buried beneath the rubble of crumpled buildings. Derna, a northern coastal city once home to over 100,000 people is

completely devastated after torrential rain caused by storm Daniel caused two dams to collapse.

Some of the images coming from Derna are graphic. Hospitals there are no longer functioning and the morgues are full. Dead bodies are piling up on

the sidewalks outside. Aid is trickling in from Qatar, Egypt, Turkey and other nations, but aid agencies fear the political fractures in Libya could

hamper its distribution. The Prime Minister of the internationally recognized gulf men Tripoli says they need urgent help retrieving the



ABDULHAMID DBEIBEH, LIBYAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): We do not need aid, not even medication or equipment, nor doctors or ambulances.

Thanks to God, we have 400 ambulances that took off. But we have a problem in retrieving the bodies from the sea. The Libyan Navy, divers and frogmen

are putting all their efforts into retrieving the bodies.


KINKADE: CNN's Ben Wedeman is tracking this story for us and joins us live. Ben, the death toll is continuing to rise just moments before we came to

air. It was now reportedly over 6000. It's hard to fathom just the extent of the devastation. What are you learning?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, as far as the death toll goes, Lynda, at this point, nobody really knows. For instance,

we have the government in Tripoli in the West saying that as many as 6000 people were killed. The government in Benghazi in the East is saying 5300.

But in a sense, this is at best a preliminary number because we're talking about thousands of people who are unaccounted for. What is not in question,

however, is that this was a catastrophe for which this country simply was not ready.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): A wall of water rushes toward the Eastern Libyan city of Derna. Upstream, two dams have burst. Tens of thousands of people now in

mortal danger after a freak storm dumped eight months of rain in a single day. An army spokesman said entire neighborhoods in Derna were washed out

to sea. Officials fear as many people may have been killed by the floods in eastern Libya, with many more unaccounted for.

TAMER RAMADAN, IFRC: We have confirmed from our independent sources of information that the number of missing people is hitting 10,000 persons.

Dozens of bodies covered with blankets are strewn about outside Derna's morgue, now full to capacity. Communications with the city are spotty.

Storm Daniel knocked out many of the cell phone towers and rendered many roads impassable.


Libya was convulsed by the 2011 uprising against the rule of Muammar Gaddafi and ripped apart by civil war. After years of human folly,

preparing for nature's wrath may not have been anyone's top priority. Turkey has dispatched search and rescue teams and emergency supplies.

Italy is also sending in teams to assess the damage. But the level of death and destruction may be more than Libya can handle. Tuesday afternoon, a

simple message appeared on the Facebook page of the Derna municipality. The situation in the city is out of control, it said. International

intervention is needed.


WEDEMAN (on-camera): And really, it is the problem of this huge number of bodies that's posing the challenge to those medical personnel who are in

Derna. What we're seeing is video of just dozens, hundreds of bodies out in the open. It's still hot in eastern Libya. And the doctors are saying that

their real concern is with all these bodies out, unburied, waiting to be identified, that there's a real threat of the spread of disease. Lynda?

KINKADE: Yeah, that will be the new thread, no doubt. Ben Wedeman for us in Rome. Thanks so much for that update. Well, getting in touch with people on

the ground is almost impossible but our team have been able to get in contact with one high-ranking official and later this hour, I'll speak to

her about what she's hearing and seeing.

North Korea's leader has vowed to start a new era of friendship with his neighbor Russia. Kim Jong-un's message came after his five-hour meeting

with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Vostochny Cosmodrome, a space base in Russia's Far East. The two discussed military matters and Kim appeared

to endorse Russia's war on Ukraine, adding that he is certain Moscow will quote, "punish evil forces", a veiled reference to the West.

For years, Putin hinted that military cooperation with the North could happen soon. Before the summit even got underway, the U.S had warned of a

potential arms deal between the two pariah nations. One U.S. official says it shows Putin's desperation. We want to bring in CNN's Paula Hancocks who

is following the developments for us from Seoul.

Good to have you with us, Paula. So, Kim Jong-un referred to Putin's war in Ukraine as a sacred fight. Just what sort of arms deal might be in the

works and what else are you learning about the readout from this five-hour meeting?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, what we've heard from Kim Jong-un is that Putin has his full and unconditional support. What we saw

here today was really two isolated leaders in the world who were heading up to heavily sanctioned states that were pledging allegiance to each other, a

much closer alliance than we have seen in the past. And of course, the fears are that an arms deal has been done or is being done behind closed

doors. Of course, we don't have details of that but we knew that it was going to have a military focus. These talks, just by the very fact of where

they were held.


HANCOCKS (voice-over): Kim Jong-un is given the red carpet tour of Russia's successful space program. According to one reporter present, he asked,

quote, a lot of very detailed questions.

KIM JONG-UN, NORTH KOREAN LEADER (through translator): Is it eight meters in total?

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Russian President Vladimir Putin says he's happy to share the knowledge that Kim craves, a sharing of information Washington

has been warning of.

VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): The North Korean leader has shown great interest in rocket technology. They are also trying

to develop space. We have good competencies. We will show them our new facility, the new Cosmodrome.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): North Korea's last two attempts to put a spy satellite into space have failed. Putin showed Kim his presidential

limousine, manufactured by Russian luxury automaker Aurus. Reminiscent of former U.S. President Donald Trump showing off "The Beast" to Kim during

friendlier times in Singapore. Kim praised Putin for standing up against hegemonic forces, a thinly veiled swipe at the United States in the West,

even appearing to toast Russia's war in Ukraine.

KIM (through translator): I firmly believe that the Russian military and people will inherit the shining tradition of victory and demonstrate their

dignity and honor on the front line of military operation.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): U.S. and South Korean intelligence predict an arms deal, including North Korea providing Russia with much-needed ammunition to

use in Ukraine. The symmetry in their weaponry means certain ammo could be used immediately by Russia. Another possibility, the very public meeting

could be sending a message.

ANDREI LANKOV, PROFESSOR, KOOKMIN UNIVERSITY: It might be a signal to Seoul, be careful, it says. If you, South Koreans, start shipping

ammunition to Ukraine, Russia will probably do technology transfer to North Korea.


The same message is also going to Washington.


HANCOCKS (on-camera): Now, there were no press conferences, there were no statements at the end, written communiques. We certainly didn't expect

anything like that from these two leaders. So, it's really now up to the U.S., to Seoul, to Tokyo, to those who have a vested interest in what

happened here, to try and figure out exactly what kind of deal may have been done behind closed doors. But what they do know is an assumption that

whatever deal is done by these two leaders is not likely to be good news for the U.S. and its allies. Lynda.

KINKADE: And in the midst of this rare international meeting, Paula, while Kim was out of the country, North Korea launched another round of missiles,

this time short-range ballistic missiles. How unusual is this for this to happen while he's out of country?

HANCOCKS: Very unusual. I can't think of another time when it's actually happened. So, this was two short-range ballistic missiles, as you say, just

before Kim Jong-un actually met with Vladimir Putin. So, what we're hearing from experts is that it was probably to show that even if Kim Jong-un is

not in the country, the country is still able to defend itself. It's still able to launch these missiles, the delegation of command and control, if

you like.

So, certainly, what we saw in the past was Kim Jong-un was very much front and center when it came to these launches, certainly in maybe five, six

years ago. But now this is more routine to be able to carry out these launches, and the leader does not need to be there for each one.

KINKADE: Yeah, surprising. Paula Hancocks for us from Seoul, South Korea. Good to have you with us. Thank you. I want to go to the battlefield now

where a Ukrainian official says one civilian was killed in a Russian drone attack in Ukraine's southern Odessa region.


KINKADE: A total of seven people were injured in drone strikes in both Odessa and the Sumy region overnight. That's according to a regional

military official. The Ukrainian Air Force commander says dozens of Russian drones were shot down. Ukraine has carried out what appears to be its most

ambitious attack yet on the port of Sevastopol in Russian-occupied Crimea. The regional governor there says 24 people were injured. Russia's defense

minister says two of his naval vessels were damaged in an attack on a shipyard.

A two-week manhunt that has left local residents huddled in their homes in fear is finally over in Pennsylvania. Escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante

just a few hours ago -- there you can see those pictures coming into us, they were from CBS Philadelphia, an aerial reconnaissance plane spotted his

heat signature and he was later found hiding in some thick underbrush.

Cavalcante had a gun with him but no shots were fired. He was trying to get away when police dogs subdued him. He had been spotted numerous times over

the past couple of weeks and some 500 law enforcement officers were involved in that manhunt.

CNN's Brian Todd has been in rural Pennsylvania tracking this story for us and joins us now live. Brian, so this happened at 8 A.M. local time where

this tactical team went in. They followed this heat source to surround and capture this convict. Take us through it.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right, Lynda. The sequence actually happened, started to happen at a little after midnight eastern time last

night when a burglar alarm went off in a residence within the search perimeter. Law enforcement officers converged on that home. They did not

find him.

But about a quarter mile away, an hour later, at about 1 A.M. Eastern time, a DEA fixed wing aircraft with heat seeking capability, heat seeking

technology, was able to detect the heat signature on the ground. That was a little after 1 A.M. Eastern time, and again they detected that heat

signature about a quarter mile away from where that burglar alone had gone off in that house.

Unfortunately, the weather kind of converged on him at that moment. A lightning storm started. It was raining for most of the night overnight.

So, the aircraft had to leave the area, but they did get enough of the signature so that they could send tactical teams in on the ground to kind

of surround that area.

This was in a field of tall grass. Then at about a little after 8 o'clock A.M. Eastern time, about seven hours after that heat signature was detected

and that they had moved teams around that area. They can -- about 8 A.M. Eastern time, they converged on Danelo Cavalcante.


Apparently, Cavalcante, at first, was not aware that they were there but then quickly became aware that they were around him and he started to try

to get away. He crawled through the tall grass, carrying the rifle that he stole, crawling. That's when they released the K-9, the dog that actually

subdued him. The dog, we're told, was either a German Shepherd or a Belgian Malinois which subdued him.

The dog -- it's not really clear whether the dog tackled him but it could have been that because they say that the dog subdued him, that Cavalcante

got flat to the ground, the dog came on top of him. At one point, the dog bit him. We are told that Cavalcante resisted the dog, and I got some

additional detail from Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens of the Pennsylvania State Police that the entire time this was happening, while he was crawling

and trying to get away and while the dog was on top of him, while he was resisting the dog, that that rifle was within Cavalcante's reach.

So, that was a bit of a close call. At that point, of course, officers converged and they were able to arrest him. But a close call there, Lynda.

Thankfully, as dramatic as this was, thankfully no injuries to law enforcement officers, no injuries to the dog. Cavalcante had a minor

laceration. The dog did bite him but, otherwise he is -- he is in decent physical condition.

We are told that he was look depleted, kind of dehydrated. He'd been there out in the -- in the wilderness areas for about a little less than two

weeks. So, he had kind of -- he was kind of in a bad way physically as far as just his exhaustion. He is now being processed at a local law

enforcement facility and he'll be taken to a state correctional facility to serve out his life sentence.

KINKADE: And Brian, just remind our viewers of his dramatic crabwalk escape from prison two weeks ago because he was not the first prisoner to escape

from that jail using that technique.

TODD: That's right. Back in May, an inmate at the same facility, this is the Chester County prison, an inmate named Igor Boltz did the same thing.

He basically crab walked up between those two walls in a hallway that leads to the outside, that leads to the prison yard where exercise takes place.

He crab walked up and got out in May, and they captured him within about five minutes.

Since that time, they had put in some razor wire at the top of that area where he crab-walked up, and then some other razor wire elsewhere on that

the roof. That's not enough to contain Danelo Cavalcante when Cavalcante got out using the same method with the crab walk on August 31st. He was

able to get through the razor wire, get across the roof, hop another fence on top of the roof, get through more razor wire and then get off the roof


That was not, by the way, a short drop off that roof, but he got off the roof. He had an hour's head start because the guard who was supposed to be

watching him was not, and the guard did not report him missing, They didn't know he was missing until they did a head count about an hour later. That

guard was since fired. Lynda.

KINKADE: Incredible. Brian Todd for us on the story in Pennsylvania. Thank you very much. And with more on exactly how this escape prisoner was found,

I want to bring in CNN Senior Law Enforcement Analyst Charles Ramsey. He is the former Police Commissioner of Philadelphia, which is not far from where

Cavalcante was found. Good to have you with us.


KINKADE: So, this is kind of just incredible seeing this take place, this, unfold today. A huge number of resources, dogs, helicopters, 500 officers.

What was your reaction to how this unfolded?

RAMSEY: Well, first of all, I mean, they brought a lot of resources to bear, but they finally caught a break. I mean, you know, they had the

burglar alarm that went off that kind of put them in a direction of an area where a suspect could possibly be. Then the DEA fixed wing aircraft with

FLIR technology picked up that heat imaging, the thermal imaging of an individual in the woods.

So, it gave them an area to really focus on. Now, I'm in Philadelphia and we had tremendous thunderstorms last night. So, that shut down the aerial

support. So, they had to just keep that area contained the best they could. And as soon as daybreak, they began to search and they were able to locate

him in some tall grass and release the dog to take him into custody.

That dog deserves a medal. I mean, the dog did a tremendous job and probably resulted in him not being shot. So, that was a very, very good use

of all the resources that they had at their disposal.

KINKADE: And this convicted killer, of course was on the run for two weeks. He didn't -- he seemed to have a plan to escape prison, but didn't seem to

have a plan afterwards. He seemed to stay in the vicinity of that region. Talk to us about the technology that was used because thermal imaging

helped track him down in the end. I imagine that's not as effective in the middle of summer. What do you know about the use of that here?

RAMSEY: Well, we've used it before, at least my personal experience, we've used it before with our helicopters. And it's very, very useful.


You can actually distinguish between an animal or a person when you're using this particular technology, particularly at night. That is very, very

useful. If you're in an area where the terrain was really -- it went from wide open fields to heavily wooded areas, and in particular in the wooded

areas. It is very, very helpful when you're in a manhunt.

Now, they're able to feed that imagery right back to the command center. So, you can see in real time what the pilot and the co-pilot are seeing

from the air. And again, directing your people, because you've got resources on the ground. They're doing grid searches, you know, small areas

with people put in there to do a thorough search. They're able to direct their resources in a way in which they're more likely to actually apprehend

that individual because they have a fix on a location, a possible location of the individual.

KINKADE: And we know he was able to get his hands on some clothes, some food, even a gun. Do we know if anyone else helped him or whether these

items were stolen? And if he was indeed helped, will anyone else be punished?

RAMSEY: As of right now, and again, this is all preliminary investigations still taking place, there's no evidence, it's my understanding, that anyone

actually helped him during this period of time. It's not that he wasn't trying to get help. It was just that no one -- he wasn't able to reach

anyone who could provide him help. We aren't aware of him having any means of communication, cell phone or anything like that, where he could actually

reach out to have someone meet him at a given location.

He broke into one home. He stole food, he stole clothes, backpack. He broke into a garage. Well, the garage door was up and apparently the person who

owns it was in the -- in the immediate vicinity and there was a rifle leaning against the wall. He was able to grab the rifle and run, even

though the owner saw him and fired shots at him, but they apparently didn't strike him.

So, there's no evidence, he was able to get his hands on things, but there's no evidence that it was because someone helped him, even stealing a

car. It was a van that was left unlocked with the -- ignition, and that's how he had access to transportation. But there's no evidence that anyone

actually helped him during this period of time.

KINKADE: Certainly, a lot of people sleep more soundly tonight knowing that he is back in the hands of law enforcement.

RAMSEY: Absolutely.

KINKADE: Charles Ramsey, good to have you with us. Thank you.

RAMSEY: Okay, thank you.

KINKADE: Well, still to come. The Republicans who launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. What's something very specific from him? I'll tell

you what that is in just a moment.



KINKADE: Well, now we can go after the evidence. That's the message being trumpeted today from Republican leaders in the U.S. House of

Representatives after they launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden on Tuesday. The White House is squawking at the inquiry, saying

that Republicans can't even say exactly why they're pursuing impeachment. Republicans want to know if Mr. Biden profited off his son's business

deals, and they say they'll seek the bank records to prove it.


JAMES COMER, U.S. HOUSE REPUBLICAN: If the President in this administration was cooperating with our investigation, we wouldn't have to do impeachment

inquiry. Unfortunately, we do. We now have every tool we need to move forward in court successfully, and that's where we're headed.


KINKADE: For some analysis on all of this, I want to bring in CNN Politics Senior Reporter Stephen Collinson. Good to see you, Stephen.


KINKADE: So, if Joe Biden would be the fourth president in U.S. history to be impeached if the House votes to impeach him, why are there calls for

impeachment and what happens next? I think the reason it's happening now is because the Republican Party has become an arm of ex-President Donald

Trump's re-election campaign for a second non-consecutive term and also his political movement.

It's happening because the former president wants it to happen and also because House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is effectively a very weak speaker

with a small majority who cannot stand up to the more extreme members of his coalition in the House and is therefore led by them. And it may depend

on him keeping his job that he goes forward with impeachment. That's not to say there aren't questions to be answered about why Hunter Biden, the

president's son, was, you know, active in business ventures in places like Ukraine and China when his father was vice president and dealing with

foreign policy on those issues.

But no expert that's looked at this from a legal perspective believes that the Republicans have showed evidence that Joe Biden profited personally

from those ventures, and also that any of these questions yet reach the standard of impeachment, the most grave moment in the American political

system which is essentially an attempt to unseat a President and overturn a democratic vote several years earlier.

KINKADE: And as you allude to Stephen, there isn't even widespread support to go down this impeachment track even amongst Republicans. I just want to

play some sound from House Republican Ken Buck.


KEN BUCK, U.S. HOUSE REPUBLICAN: I have not seen any evidence that links President Biden to honor Biden's activities at this point. I will be

getting a briefing later in the week. I'm looking forward to understanding more of what the Oversight Committee has uncovered, but at this point I

have not seen that evidence.


KINKADE: So, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also said that impeachments should be rare. But then obviously the Republican House

Speaker changed his tune from what he's said in the past. Explain more, like, give us some more reasons as to why now and how should this process

play out, this collection of evidence?

COLLINSON: Well, I think one of the reasons -- that was an interesting comment there by Ken Buck who's a Republican Congressman from Colorado. I

would say there's probably a majority in the House Republican Party that are looking to go forward with impeachment. But the problem McCarthy has is

he only has a majority of five, so he cannot really lose any of his party in the House if it came to an eventual vote on impeachment.

He also has a problem that his majority rests on about 20 to 30 Republicans who won districts in the midterm elections last year that were won by

President Joe Biden in 2020. So, there's a real chance that this could be a damaging political issue for them. So, I think for that reason, it's

unclear exactly how fast this is going to go. I think you'll see some committee hearings from House Republican Chairman.

We don't know basically how McCarthy is going to run this. It's hard to see that having initiated an impeachment inquiry, he will be able to stop the

political momentum towards a vote to impeach President Joe Biden, especially considering ex-President Donald Trump's pressure on him and

those Republican lawmakers.

But it's going to be a very tough vote for those Republicans and potentially, it's not far-fetched to say that eventually this could cost

Republicans control of the House in next year's elections if it is seen to be a frivolous impeachment and is widely unpopular among the public.


KINKADE: And Stephen, there was an interesting editorial in "The Washington Post" today outlining all of Joe Biden's achievements but then essentially

calling on him not to run in the next election. I just want to bring up a quote from that article which said, I don't think Biden and Vice President

Harris should run for re-election. It's painful to say that given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished but if he and Harris'

campaign together in 2024 -- I think Biden risks undoing what he did, which is obviously defeating Trump, it was how that went.

KINKADE: So, if Biden were not to run in the next election, then who would it be?

COLLINSON: Well, there's no sense at the moment that Biden is going to pull out of his re-election campaign and the political incentives for anyone who

has a chance to be a future figure in the Democratic Party are not very high in challenging a sitting president. But David Ignatius, a columnist

with "The Washington Post" who's highly respected, he's an establishment columnist.

I think he's saying in that column what a lot of Democrats and voters around the country have been saying, that it hasn't really come out in the

media coverage yet, that there is concern about the age of President Joe Biden, who will be 82 when he began his second term, and about the

effectiveness of the Vice President Kamala Harris, who's going to be a target of Republican candidates in the general election. Having said that,

you know, this is not the 1950s.

Newspaper columnists aren't as influential perhaps as they were in selling the conventional wisdom as they were then. But it's not something I think

given the identity of the author of this piece that the White House can just simply, you know, push away as right-wing conspiracy theory. And it's

something that was going to cause, I think, quite a lot of conversation. Y

KINKADE: Yeah, exactly. Stephen Collinson, as always, great to hear your perspective from Washington. Thank you. Well, still to come. Experts say

the crumbling infrastructure and the political turmoil in Libya made the flood disaster much worse. We're going to talk to a United Nations

coordinator in Tripoli when we return.



KINKADE: Hello, welcome back to The One World. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Let's catch you up on the headlines this hour. The wife of Mexican drug lord

Joaquin El Chapo Guzman is set to be released from a U.S. prison sometime today. Emma Coronel Aispuro was sentenced to three years in prison in 2021

after pleading guilty to drug trafficking and money laundering charges related to her husband's narcotics empire. Prison officials are not

providing her specific release plans due to security and privacy issues.

All passengers aboard the cruise ship, the Renner Ground in Greenland, are safe and well. That's the word from the tour agency. The Ocean Explorer got

stuck in North East Greenland National Park, thanks to low tide. Another ship is on the way to help, but a high tide could help free the ship on its


A tropical storm warning has been issued for Bermuda with Hurricane Lee set to pass west of the island Thursday. The Category-3 storm is packing

sustained winds of 185 kilometers per hour. Forecasters expect it to weaken but it could remain dangerous as it churns towards the coast of New England

or Canada.

Well, these are some of the pictures coming to us from Morocco after the worst earthquake there in decades. New international aid is coming in.

South Korea is donating $2 million and sending a team of aid workers. The U.S. State Department says it still hasn't received an official request for

assistance. This comes as the death toll from the quake nears 3000.

Meanwhile desperation and frustration is growing. Entire villages in Morocco were destroyed and help has yet to reach some of the hardest hit

areas. Our Nada Bashir spoke with some of the many overwhelmed survivors.


NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): High in the Atlas Mountains, the solitary village of Tunis, seemingly abandoned and almost entirely

flattened. It is hard to imagine how anyone could have survived the destruction here. But amid the rubble, signs of life. At the gates of what

once was their home, Fatima and her 11-year-old daughter, Zina, tell me they can only thank God that their family was uninjured in the quake. But

ongoing aftershocks mean there is little peace for those who survived.

Zina says that a lot of her friends died in this earthquake. She can still see her scores up at the top of the mountains, but she is still afraid of

the potential aftershocks that could happen. Of course, the memories of her friends who have passed away is something she thinks about constantly.

Above the crumbling remnants of this now destroyed village, more than 40 victims lie buried, each grave left unmarked. The smell of death is still

heavy in the air. The overwhelming loss of life in this village, too much for anyone to bear. Zina tells me her best friend is buried here, too, but

she doesn't know which grave is hers.

Getting aid to this village has taken days and supplies are minimal. There are, of course, no homes to return to here. Instead, families take shelter

amid the sprawling olive groves. There aren't enough tents for all of the families impacted, so they're not able to have their own tents. There are

about three to four families now sharing a single tent. And as you can see, they're still trying to build new ones to deal with the sheer need here in

the village. It's too early to tell what's next for these families. It could take years for their homes to be rebuilt, if at all.


And there are so many more villages just like this one, devastated and cut off with little hope in sight. Nada Bashir, CNN, in Tunis, Morocco.



KINKADE: Welcome back. More now on the devastation in Morocco. The nation's king has made his first public statement since a powerful earthquake struck

Friday, killing nearly 3000 people. King Mohammed VI visited a hospital in Marrakesh Tuesday. He met with injured survivors and donated blood. But as

CNN's Sam Kiley reports, people in some remote villages are still desperately waiting for the government's help.


SAM KILEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Moroccan airmen scan the landscape below for earthquake survivors. The remains of villages have been

crushed back into the hillsides, are inaccessible by land. Some so remote that aid is dropped from the sky. Below the search for survivors is turning

to recovery of the dead.

MONSIF ASIF, LIEUTENANT, ROYAL MOROCCAN AREND FORCES: So, since the day that we arrived here, we found more than 200 dead bodies. and we saved 153.

KILEY: The helicopter collects more of the quake's victims, leaving homes that no longer exist. There are many areas yet to see government help in

these foothills. The further you get into the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, whether by air or on foot, the more one finds scenes like this.

Locals tell us that two people were killed when these three homes were flattened. The death toll has climbed to more than 2900 now, as the

poorest, the most isolated, are getting counted.

And as one gets into these remote villages and you look back down the hillside, you get the really strong impression of the giant steps of this

quake stamping on villages as it runs down the slopes. Climbing further, we come across a desperate search for buried savings.

All that remains when Ahmed's home collapsed. The catastrophe killed his 10-year-old niece, Hakeema. He tells me, I lost my niece. My brother lives

in the house just above us.


When the earthquake struck, the roof of the house flattened all the way to the ground. I went and pulled her out under the rubble.

KILEY: What is the future for you? He says, I want to rebuild my house but everything has been lost. I want to stay in my village. I don't want to

leave it. I'm committed to staying on my land. But with his livestock dead and Ahmed's life so shattered, the question he can't answer is how? Sam

Kiley, CNN, in Taforalt (ph).


KINKADE: Experts say a decade of turmoil has left Libya unprepared for natural disasters. and the catastrophic flooding in eastern Libya, where

officials in Tripoli say more than 6000 people are dead, over 10,000 missing. Libya's infrastructure has been neglected in the chaos following

the ouster of the longtime dictator, Mohammed Gaddafi, back in 2011.

Libya is now split between two rival governments, the internationally recognized government, which is based in Tripoli in the west, and the one

in the east that is led by Khalifa Haftar, and his Libyan national army. Haftar controls the hard-hit city of Derna. One expert says Haftar made

grievous miscalculations when responding to the crisis. And responding to the criticism, a spokesman for the Libyan National Army says in such

situations 50 percent of the responsibility falls on the citizens themselves. I'm going to take a quick break. We'll be right back.


KINKADE: Welcome back. The rideshare app Lyft says it wants women and non- binary passengers to feel safer while using its service. The company will soon let the request drivers of the same gender. It's called Women Plus

Connect. The company says the highly requested feature will be rolled out in the coming months. Lyft says not only will it help riders feel

comfortable, but it will hopefully encourage more women and non-binary drivers to sign up to work for the service. Right now, Lyft says only 23

percent of its drivers are women.

New versions of the iPhone and Apple Watch were highlights of Apple's big September event, but it's the price tag that may have some consumers

thinking twice, with phones starting at $800. Here's CNN's Karin Caifa with more.

KARIN CAIFA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Things like greater battery life and obscure camera features don't necessarily get the casual smartphone user



So, in announcing their iPhone 15 today, Apple tried to get consumers a little bit more excited as the tech giant tries to shake off a recent sales



UNKNOWN: We're excited to talk about how we're taking Apple Watch and iPhone further.

UNKNOWN: Apple's iPhone 15 unveiled Tuesday with new features and a new look, updates to the display, the camera and more. Our amazing community of

developers have made the dynamic island even more useful by expanding what it can do. Now, you can track a pizza delivery and follow the big game at

the same time. The announcement comes as Apple prepares for the annual sprint to the holidays and consumers get more particular about upgrading

their smartphones.

CNET's Bridget Carey says she's covered 13 iPhone launch event since joining the outlet. She says smaller smartphone upgrades, things not as

visible to the eye as a new color or bold display, have become a tougher sell.

BRIDGET CAREY, CNET SR. DIRECTOR: As I'm talking to people all the time, it is, well, I can still keep my phone. It's four years old. I could just

replace the battery instead of buying a whole new one.

CAIFA: Apple also announced USB-C charging for its smartphones for the first time. It's a change that could help consumers ultimately streamline

necessary charging devices across gadgets and brands, and one that may have been influenced by policy abroad.

CAREY: Apple may have had its hand forced a little bit because of regulations from the European Union, which says any mobile device is gonna

need to be using a USB-C charger so that consumers could just have one charger for everything and there could be less environmental waste.

CAIFA: Apple also introduced its Apple Watch Series 9 with a faster processing chip and a new gesture control called double tap, tapping the

thumb and index finger to answer a phone call, play or pause music or snooze an alarm. In Washington, I'm Karin Caifa.

KINKADE: Well, the French government watchdog agency has ordered a temporary withdrawal of the iPhone 12 from the marketplace. France's

national frequency agency says the phone emits levels of radiation that are too high and it's not compliant with E.U. regulations. They add Apple must

fix phones already in use or issue a recall. Apple disagrees with the order and says its iPhone 12 meets radiation rules.

Well, for more on this I want to bring in CNN Business Writer Clare Duffy who joins us from New York. Good to have you with us, Clare. So, take us

through the radiation levels that France are reporting and is the iPhone 12 the only phone they have issue with?

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Right, so this French agency said it tested 141 phones and it found as you said that the iPhone 12 surpasses

radiation exposure limits. The agency test for a measure called Specific Absorption Rate, which is essentially how much radiofrequency energy the

body absorbs from a specific device.

So, the agency said that it measured 5.74 watts per kilogram, that's the measure for this measurement, in exposure from the iPhone 12 versus the

limit of four watts per kilogram. The agency, as you said, has ordered the immediate removal of iPhone 12s from shelves in France, and it's also

calling on Apple to update any iPhone 12s that are currently in use by consumers in France, Lynda.

KINKADE: So, France is giving Apple two weeks to respond. What is Apple saying?

DUFFY: Apple has strongly pushed back on these claims from the agency. The company said that it has already given the agency multiple lab results

conducted by the company and independent third parties that show the device is compliant with France's regulations as well as global standards. The

company also says that it's working with the agency to demonstrate the iPhone 12's compliance.

And Lynda, I think it's also worth noting that the World Health Organization has also said that no adverse health effects have been linked

to exposure to wireless technology. So, we'll see where this back and forth between the agency and Apple ends up, but I think it's not something that

consumers need to be immediately alarmed about at this point.

KINKADE: Well, okay. We will stay across this story. Clare Duffy, for us from New York. Thanks so much. Well, take a listen to this.


KINKADE: That is NSYNC with "Bye Bye Bye", one of their biggest songs from the late 90s and the early 2000s. Fans were thrilled to see the boy band

together again at Tuesday's MTV Video Music Awards. The last time all five members appeared on stage was at the 2013 Music Awards show. They were

there to present the award for Best Pop to Taylor Swift for her song, "Anti Hero". And she of course was blown away by that.

Thanks so much for watching One World. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Stay with us. Amanpour is up next. You're watching CNN.

